PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOURNAL THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1939. PAGE TWO the Plattsmouth Journal PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Entered at Postoffice, PlatUmouth, Neb., as second-class mail matter MRS. R. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 A YEAR IN FIRST POSTAL ZONE Subscribers living in Second Postal Zone, 2.50 per year. Beyond 600 miles, 13.00 per year. Kate to Canada and foreign countries. 13.50 per year. All subscriptions are payable strictly in advance. Weeping Water P. II. Miner was a visitor at the home of his son, James Miller and family near Talmage last Sunday. Mrs. F. II. Gorder and Miss Helen Gorder were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Byers at Avoca. Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Dinger were in Lincoln last Sunday visiting at the home cf Mr. and Mrs. Fred Olle, an uncle and aunt. E. E. Leach and Andy Snyder, both of Plattsmouth were in Weep ing Water Tuesday looking after some business for a short time. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Pool were in Lincoln Saturday, when they met their daughter, Miss Eloise Pool, who teaches at Diller this year. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hough of Piattsmouth, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. Hough's sister, Mrs. Ross Hains at Hotel Rest Haven. The Oldham Produce company have arranged to enjoy the news and have added the Plattsmouth Journal to their list of newspapers. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Fitzpatrick and daughter Eileen, were in Ash land Sunday to spend the day with Mrs. Fitzpatrick's father, W. E. Pal jieter. E. M. Van Every of Lincoln was ipcndin Inst Sunday afternoon and evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Van Every, the gentlemen being brothers.. Camp Fire Girls held their regular P0ULTR WANTED Get Our. Prices. I Before You Sell -Your POULTRY HOME DAIRY Conveniently Located 5th and. Main Center of Business Section OVERLAND Theatre . Nebraska City Sat., Sun., Mon., Tues. L..3 ' 7" . . ... C0A17F00O STEWART Matinee Sunday, 2:33 Balcony, 20c FRIDAY AMD SATURDAY ;roret Hrc ii . Ollvin H-.-I1.H Hnml, John , P mi'l f. Ill's nt in 'Wings of the Navy' Adventure! Tlirillsl HanRor! You'll see thing" never before r'htonrapliI. Also Our (Sans: Comedy. I'opeye and Lone J?anK-r Kides Again Serial. A bis ijn'iiiii program tor our weeK-enu show. Matinee Saturday at J:30 p. in. Adults. 25c Children. . .10 SUNDAY - MONDAY M U K EV HOOM;V in 'Huckleberry Finn9 An epic of American boyhood. A great Jniman drama you 1,1 enjoy. aiho Com edy, Silly Symphony and News Iteels Sl'MD.IV MATIXKI3 AT 2:80 . KiKbt Shotn, 7 mud U Matinee, 10-25o Nights, 10-30c TUESDAY ONLY I1VHUI. 1.V SHOW Flnrrpw Hie, 1 Mrrltrl, Mary Hiinnril muf Ann Ituthr-rfurd in 'Four Girls in White' Vnu'll rheer these Co-eds of the Clinic A companion picture to 'Men in White.' Also Clime. I'oesn't l'ay and Novelty. Matinee Tues., i:30 Bargain - 1'rlceS! All Shows, 10 and 15c WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY OOl KEATI HK Humphrey llourt ami Kay Frond lu 'King of the Underworld A melodrama with a surprise ending! Autl Urncir KiHiU, Comeillau, In 'Smiiing Along' Air ti e fun you can laugh at in'her greatest sUow. Kegular low admission! iTVAYRES STONE I meting Tuesday evening at the home of Hazel Johnson, when they discuss fcu plans for their flower and garden project for the summer. Guy Buchanan and family of near i;jhawka were visiting last Sunday at the home o Mr. and Mrs. Edward Askew, Mrs. Buchanan being daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Askew. Mesdames Win. Flaischman and Clifford Pearson" of Elmwood were callers in Weeping Water Tuesday, visiting friends for the day and look ing after some business matters. Russell Van Every who is attend ing the state university, was visiting in Weeping Water over !he week end, guest at the home of his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Van Every. Th Eastern Star Kensington was entertained Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Fred Rehmeier with Mrs. Rudolph Bergman as assistant hostess. The afternoon was spent i in piecing a quilt for the Masonic Home. P. II. Miller was looking after msiness matters in Omaha Monday .vhile Pete looked after the cream station, tnit Tuesday P. H. Miller looked after the business and Pete urove to Tecumsoh to look after some business. The presidents and project lead ers, of the extension clubs of the Weeping Water district met Monday afternoon with Mrs. Neil Munkres, at her home to plan their part in the coming Achievement Day . program to be held at.Nehawka. Clifford Jones and family of Lin coln, the former son of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Jones of Weeping Water, where Mr. Jones is an employee of the Burlington in the Lincoln ticket of fice, were guests in Weeping Water for the day last Sunday at the home of his parents. ' - . Fred Kroehler of near Weeping Water was in Plattsmouth where he purchased a - new 1939 Ford V-8 which he drove home. Mr. Kroehler's birthday occurred last week and he enjoyed the occasion by giving' a sreial dance to his friends at the Murray hall Friday of last week, the date of his birthday. L - ' ftf t10 namh,0 R ' Qf thia I j place, were in town over week end. jMr. Knox has taken up television iind at present will return to Vir ginia where he is sent out to demon strate television machines. He has found the work to be extremely in teresting:. Mrs. Knox will remain with her parents, at Humboldt, for the present. Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Vo;.ott. Jim Wolcott, Miss Betty Wolcott, attended j a dinner Sunday at the Frank Cook ,home near Alvo Sunday. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wolcott, Lincoln. Mr. and -Mr3. Merton Nor ris. Omaha. Miss Margaret Davis, and ;Miss Alice Davis, Lincoln, Mr. and Airs. Oeoge IJonemcicr, Elmwood; Ilenry Dixie, Lincoln, and Mrs. Joan Carter, Weeping Water. The Gable store wiii;h has been established for some time in Weep ing Water, was disposed of the first of this wek to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Meeske, who have moved here from their former home at Wisner. This couple v. ill mako their home here and have already moved to Weeping Water to take over the business. As delegates to the Woman's club aistii t convention at Auburn Tues day of thi3 week were Mesdames J Vevia Jcnen, Ray Ncrris. Lloyd Beh rens of Weepin Water and Mrs. Scott McGrew of Louisville. Mrs. Jones is treasurer of the club at Weeping u ater. Rev. W. D. Lenker, Ivan Baker, Mrs. Thimcan and Mm rMwi vtt A. Alt Patrick were in Omaha Friday at tending; the M. e. church confer ence, and Mrs. Thimgan and Mrs. Fitzpatrick were especially, interest ed in the talk by Madam Ho, of China who talked before the Foreign Mis sionary department of the conference. Drives to South. Charles Edwards who was for merly linotype operator for the Weep ing Wator Republican while it was being published by Charles' V. Seeley, but who has been unemployed since, Thomas Walling Company Abstract! of Title 4 Ption 324 Flattflmoutn A departed last week, having told his friends he was going to South Da kota, and it was supposed that he had gone there, but it seems that his auto had some of the traits of the airplane of Wrong Way Corrigan, for when it stopped for gas and oil the auto was away down in Texas. He wrote a letter to his landlady, Mrs. Rainey, advising of his arrival in Texas. It is to be hoped he will find profitable employment there. Doanc College a Cappella Choir. Weeping Water people had the rare privilege Wednesday evening of hearing the Doane College a cappella choir and Madrigal club at the Con gregational church. This organiz ation never fails to please its aud iences. Unfortunately the weather man's prediction for snow came true. The landscape was beautiful with snow laden shrubbery and trees, but streets were sloppy and highways bad for driving. However these young people are undaunted by weather conditions, rather they seem to wel come them as obstacles to be over come by giving of their best. The college messengers sent out from the oclleges to sing their way into the hearts of the people are always a source of inspiration and pleasure. Here From New York. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Jameson and son, Robert, of Schnectady, New Vork spent the week end with Mr. Jameson's rarents, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Jameson and other relatives. From here they will go to Arcadia, Nebraska to visit with Mrs. Jame son's parents, after which Mr. Jame son will go to St. Louis to attend to business for the General Electric company. Mrs. Jameson will remain in the state for a longer visit. Fonr Birthdays Celebrated, s Four birthdays were celebrated Funday evening, with Miss Betty Wolcott as hostess. Sixteen guests were entertained at a 6:30 dinner after which the evening was spent in visiting. All reported a most de lightful evening. Those whose birth days were honored were Mrs. Har- ley Thursland; Mrs. Harlan Gibson, J. Paul Fowler and Robert Wolcott, of Lincoln. Here From Mikey, Idaho. Charles Munday who has been with the government in Idaho, where he has been serving as a-baker, ar rived in Weeping Water, late last week and has taken 'charge "of the baking at the CCC camphere. Mr. Munday comes well recommended and will make his home at the camp. P. E. 0. Holds Meeting: Chapter BT, P.E.O. held their regular meeting Friday afternoon at the C. C. Baldwin home with Miss Jessie Baldwin and Miss Maude Baldwin as hostesses. Mrs. H. A. Crozier presided. The program committee. Miss Helen Gorder and Miss Maude Bald win presented a "Dutch surprise," with five girls and one boy taking part. Four were dressed as Holland ers and one as an American. At the close of the program a little Hol lander presented each guest with a tulip. Celebrate 25th Anniversary. To celebrate their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Allen entertained thirty-two guests at a. dinner at the Hotel Rest Haven Sunday evening. The guests were served at eight small tables, ind pastel colors, and Easter decor ations were used, making the tables very attractive. After dinner the tables were used for playing bridge, when Henry Mogensen and Mrs. Har old Wiles proved to be the winners. Undergoes Serious Operation. W. E. Maxfield a trusted and long time employee of the telephone com pany, making his homo in Weeping Water has been troubled with an in ward goiter, and wishing to be free from the suffering and inconven ience of the growth, went to Lincoln where at the hospital the growth was removed. Dr. Kunkel of Weep ing Water accompanied the patient and'"; assisted in the delicate oper ation. Many Properties Change Hand3. It has been several years since so many 'houses in this town have changed . hands. -Leo Christmas has bought the Wade property, in the CASH PAID FOR DEAD AHir.lALS For Prompt Service Beverse All Calls to Market 3541 The Fort Crook Rendering Works Ft Crook, Nebr. block south of the new school house, and has moved his family into their new home. Mrs. Wiles sold her home on the hill and bought the property west of the Kunkel hospital, and is nicely located there. Ben Olive and Mrs. Ben Rich have made a deal, which has resulted in the Olives now being owners fo a large modern home located on twenty-eight acres of land on the southwest edge of town and Mi-3. Rich becomes the owner of the Olive's former home near the Men onitc church. Everyone Working. Weping Water is filled with work men. Taking a walk Monday we no ticed a large force of men at work digging for the new sewerage sys tem, just one block south of Main street. At the new auditorium every one was as busy as a swarm of bees, with the cement mixer going and cement being poured on all sides. At the new school house work is progressing rapidly, and everyone was busy. Linemen are in town also stringing new copper wjres for the power and light company. The U. S. Engineers quarry has again opened up for work, and every man in town seems to be busy. Weeping Water Garden Club. The Weeping Water Garden club met Friday evening with Mrs. L. P. Wolcott, with twenty members pres ent. Mrs. H. C. Wilkinson presided at the business meetng and the min utes of the last meeting wer read by Mrs. V. Barton, secretary, after wheh the meeting was turned over to Mrs. J. L. Ranney, chairman of the program committee, who intro duced Sigveld Jensen, florist and gardner, who talked on "The Prun ing of Plants,"- and illustrated by showing the different methods used, and also told when to prune. He also told of the different methods of propagation. Seeding, grafting, cuttings and layerings were all ilus trated by sanvples so that all were abl to understand better the sim plicity of each method. As the last meeting had been post poned a double treat was in store for those present, as Rev. G. S. Hunt and Mrs. L. P. Wolcott talked on "Rock Gardens." As both are en thusiastic rock gardeners, they presented many interesting ideas. Mr Hunt talked on the "Relation of the Lily Pool to the Rock Garden" and read "The Legend of the Water Lily." The guests were then invited to the dining room where they were served with- Sandwiches, cakes and coffee, and a social hour was enjoy ed before leaving for home. DEATH OF STEPHEN BUZZELL Stephen Buzzell, 7G, for a num ber of years a resident of Platts mouth, died Monday at his home at 5744 South street, Lincoln, after an illness of some duration. Mr. Buzzell while a resident here was manager of the Nebraska Tele phone Co., and' operating their local exchange, then located on the upper fioor of the Wescott building. While here he was married to Miss Exa Critchfield of Weeping Water, a sis ter of Mrs. George M. Porter of Lin coln. Mrs. Buzzell preceded her hus band in death. The family have lived in Lincoln ince 1914 and where Mr. Buzzell was married the second time. There Is surviving, his wife, Nellie; two sons, Dow of Hastings and Frank of Lincoln; two daugh ters, Mrs. Janet Hillier of Filley and Mrs. Exa Ramey of Lincoln; ft brother,;. Frank of Chicago; a sister, Mrs. Mary Houston of Butte, Mon tana and six 'grandchildren. Fun eral services were held at Lincoln this afternoon at Roberta chapel, Rev. J. W. HcndeiFon in charge. BETUBNS FROM HOSPITAL Mrs. Hillard Grnssman, who has been at the St. Catherino's hospital at Omaha for the past two weeks, was able to be brought home Tues day and will recuperate hero at home. Mrs. Grassman had a very severe operation and has milled In excellent shapo from the effect of the operation and will now bo able to recuperate among the members of the family circle. Subscribe for the Journal. f CL Lll-E INSURING ( FOR BABY CHICKS- Every chick, you save is dollars earned. For sturdy, thriving chicks, put LAR-0-SEP inthexr drinking water, regularly. It checks intestinal disorders and helps keep vtf,t them healthy. Costs so lit- Vi tieeasy to use. For sale oj at " Weyrich & Hadraba Telephone 121, Plattsmouth - y VISIT WITH OLD FRIENDS Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Walton and daughter, Mary Louise, of Onawa. Iowa, former residents of Platts mouth came down Sunday morning and attended church with Methodist friends. The rest of the day was spent with associates who are en gaged in work on the river and Mon day morning Mr. Walton returned to Onawa where they lived before com ing to Plattsmouth. Mary Louise re mained here visiting with friends as she had been active in Epworth League and Standard Bearers of the church and president of her high school class which are seniors now. Mrs. Walton returned Tuesday to call on more friends here and a few hurriedly got together a covered dish iunch and surprised her at the home of Mrs. Howard Davis where she had been invited for the noon hour. It proved a very happy affair and with regrets that we are no longer permitted to have the fellow ship and inspiration of Mrs. Walton in our meetings we bid her God speed as she left to call for her daughter and return to cook the evening meal for her husband at their home in Onawa. CALLED WEST BY DEATH B. B. Worthan of this city re ceived a message Monday evening of the serious illness of his brother. Grant Worthan at Scottsbluff and immediately left early Tuesday morn ing for the bedside of the brother, but was tinable to reach thtre be fore the brother passed away. Mr. Worthan was a son of the late John and Eliza Worthan, pioneer residents of Scottsbluff. Funeral services will be held on Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock at Scottsbluff. B. B. Worthan of this city, who is row the only surviving child left out of a family of thirteen children, nill attend the funeral of his bro ther. HAS T0NSILECT0MY From Tuesday's Daily Walter Furlong, Jr., age 9, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Furlong, un derwent a tonsile?tomy operation thi3 morning at the office of one of the local physicians. The young man came through the operation very well, his parents being with him dur ing the ordeal, HERE FOR SERVICES Mrs. Robert L. Seil, of Lebanon, Pennsylvania, arrived Friday evening for the funeral services of her brother, the late Vernon T. Am, Sr. Mrs. Seil was here several months ago to visit at. the Arn home. .'oooosoocosoococcooooeGocw NOW Saves Disap b pointment Later! PICK OUT YOUR Easter Suit NOW . . AND AVOID THE LAST MINUTE RUSH Our Well-Known Facilities (in cluding a new Daylight Tailor ing room) at your command. Uncle Me Says ... "Feed your Chicks the best feed you can buy." GOOCH'S is the best The price is right in line with what you receive for your poultry nowadays. We are handling Gooch Feed en small profit and quick turn over. Chick Starting , Mash $2.35 Chick Growing Mash $2.10' Chick Starting Pellets$2.40 Laying Pellets ; 1$1.75 Oyster Shell $ .85 Concentrate, 32 $2.50 Stock Salt, 100 lb. sack. .50 Block Salt ; .40 Chick Scratch $1.75 PLATTSL100TH CREAMERY LOWER MAIN St. PHONE 94 ACT1QH 8 Wescott's Where Quality Counts Q SHI HA I. SCHOOL VOTES J3 . ;ivi:. 1 1 Kit k x From Monday's Dally Miss Agnes Muenster spent the week end at Millard. Nebraska with her sister. Marriage license was issued here Saturday afternoon to Edward Erwin of Union and Thela L. Wall, of Ne braska City. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Sedlak and family had a3 a week-end visitor and guest their son, Thomas Sedlak of Sedalia, Missouri. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Steciman of Sioux Falls, South Dakota were Sun day visitors at the home of Mrs. Mary Knofilcek and family. Mrs. Ralph Coburn and son, Ron ald of Omaha were Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs. Coburn's grand mother, Mrs. Frank Lepert, Sr. Herman Reichstadt was in Omaha today where he was taking treatment at the office of his brother. Dr. Emil Reichstadt, he having not been well for the past several days. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Horsak and son, C. J. Horsak, spent Sunday at Council Bluffs, la., where they visit- ! ed with a number of friends and relatives. From Tuesday's'Dartj Henrietta Sanderson of Lincoln was in Plattsmouth spending the week end with her cousin, Mis3 Pearl Staats. . Dr. and Mrs. T. V. Ryan were In Shenandoah, Iowa Sunday ( where they spent the day visiting their many friend. Misses Alice and Mildred Peterson of Sedalia, Missouri were week-end guests of their sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stoehr. Miss Geraldine Scully, supervisor of nurses at St. Elizabeth's hospital, Lincoln, and Miss Helen Woolcott spent the week-end at the William H. Wookott home. From Wednesday's Dally Mr. and Mrs. George Trotter and daughter, Beverly were visitors and guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clell Gan semer at Murray Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan C. Haith and family motored to Omaha last eve ning where they spent the time with their many friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Reed of Bur bank, California, who have been here visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Taylor, parents of Mrs. Reed and other relatives and friends, depaied this afternoon for their homes. Have You Tried Delicious .oSfSmed ice Cream Its velvety smoothness is a surprise and a delight coming from the modern way it is made in our own freezer. It has the creamy, home made taste that delicious quality which tells you no expense is spared in its making. Made in our own store slice and serve it the new way. Your family and guests will never stop talking about it. It's Rich Ice Cream and Sells for Less Money SWEENIE'S CAFE South 6th Street F. O. E. SocaoCOSOSOSCOCOOSOGGOQCOCOOCGOSiSO COSCO9000SOSOSGO0G00O3OaO0OCCCG30OSGO00 PLATTSCIOOTEB SALE MUU THERE WILL BE SOLD AT REGULAR SALE ON SATURDAY, APRIL 1st Starting at 12:30 0'Clock P. M. 12 head Chester White Gilts, Vaccinated Due to Farrow Latter Part of April Owned by Fred Rehmeier H 39 Head Pigs, Horses ana b of Good a Complete Ass Household Furni M V Tf V1TT TThVT? ANYTHING TO I CARL GROSSMANS 8 P-EX YOUNG, Auctioneer - C&COOGOOCCCeOOSOCOOCOSGGCGOSCOGCOeOOCOQCO C0OO9CCOC0O0SC0eCOSCOSCCCCCGCCCCCC0CC09OSCCCCOSC00C mm! mm are the Contentment and Happiness of Home, and Financial Security against future needs! Savings made Safe in Federal Insured Shares point the way, both to debt-free home ownership and for the com forts of the later years. . Save for a Home in Federal Insured Shares Regular monthly payments . . of any amount at any time! Neb. City Federal Savings & Loan Ass 'n o xiji rn.-88uona wear i i Air t? a n J I RANCH BARGAINS FOR SALE Four work horses and two good Jersey cows. See Leslie Winters. m27-Ztw FOR SALE Twenty head of shoats, Fred Drucker, Murray. each, ltw ALFALFA SEED for sale. High test, absolutely clean, Cass county raised. Five years successful production. Sin gle bushel lot, $16.50; two bushels or more, $15.00 bushel. See REU BEN MEISINGER, Phone 4404. FOR SALE Grimm sjiows no mination. Ornold E. Alfalfa Seed. State test weed seed and high gcr Priced lower than others. Schliefert, Manley, Neb. m30-2tw REAL WORK HORSES FOR SALE I have a number of extra good horses for sale. They are in fine condition and ready for field work. ED LEACH 123 No. 11th St. Telephone 4852 Weeping Water, Nebr. Poultry Uasited Friday, Saturday HEHS 5 lbs. and up, lb 15t Under 5 lbs., lb 130 Leghorn Hens, per lb. ... 1 1 0 1939 BROILERS Whites or Buffs, Must Weigh 2 lbs. Full Feathered These prices I know are high, but rc want Poultry. Top Prices for ycur Hides, Wool, Eggs and Cream. A. R. CASE Phono 2S8-J, Plattsmouth Sivccnie'! S Bide. Plattsmouth, Neb. 8-weeks-old A Few Work artment X iture S SEIIBEING W. E. or uoniinuous service) IT TO THIS SALE Mgr. h REYNOLDS. Clerk