The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 27, 1939, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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MONDAY, MARCH 27, 1939.
Japan Considers
Broader Alliance
with Its Allies
Tortion of Cabinet, However, Against
German Italian Military Combine
Against Democracies.
TOKYO. March 25 (Copyright
1939 by UP) Japanese leaders are
engaged in urgent consultations over
a German proposal for a broad German-Italian-Japanese
military al
liance against any opposition to their
policies by the democracies, it was
asserted today in official quarters.
Informants said that discussions
were so bitter that a cabinet crisis
might possibly be precipitated.
It was said that at present a ma
jority of leaders were opposed to in
volving Japan in European matters
but were not willing to abandon the
German idea unless a better proposi
tion were forthcoming elsewhere.
Daron Kiichiro Hiranuma, the
premier; Hachiro Arita, foreign min
ister; Lieut. Gen. Seishiro Itagaki.
war minister; Admiral Mitsumasa
Yonai. navy minister, and Sotaro
Iihiwata, finance minister, were said
to be in frequent conference in an
effort to .decide Japan's policy.
In connection with the alliance
trk, it was disclosed that Baron
Iliranuma had reported to Emperor
Ilirohito today on the closing of
parliament and "pending diplomatic
matters." He summarized the situ
ation for the emperor, it was said,
and answered questions regarding it.
As Iliranuma visited t lie emperor,
106 of the 4C6 members of the diet,
representing minor parties, sent him
a petition asking him to conclude a
military alliance with Germany and
Italy "against Great Britain and
France, which are obstructing
Japan's sacred aims
The petition was presented after
the government had refused to per
mit introduction in parliament of a
resolution to the same effect.
In favor of the alliance, accord
ing to informants, were the Rus
sian, Italian and German sections of
the Japanese general staff.
War Minister Itagaki was repre
sented as favoring an alliance to
cover the possibility of war against
Soviet Russia alone.
Foreign Minister Arita was held
to be supporting War Minister Itag
aki and to be urging that. Japan make
a counter-proposal for a military
alliance applicable to Russia alone.
It was admitted by those who
favored this course, informants said,
that Germany and Italy were unlike
ly to acept any such counter-proposal.
The Japanese navy was said to
oppose any broad alliance with the
"axis" powers on the ground that
the project would call for the dis
patch of a Japanese fleet to Europe
in event of hostilities and, it was
argued, Japan could obtain no bal
ancing compensation.
There were indications here in
well informed quarters that desrite
the signature yesterday of a Japanese-Italian
cultural pact, and other
gestures to Germany and Italy, many
influential Japanese were luke-v.arm
toward the "axis" and felt that Ger
many, particularly, wanted more than
she was prepared to give.
One more important factor was
the necessity for Japan to obtain
financial aid in undertaking the re
construction of China, as it was pro
posed to do after the present war.
This necessity weighed against any
alliance with Germany and Italy.
Information was obtained that
present negotiations for a trade
agreement with Germany were fal
tering because Germany wanted pay
ments in gold fcr some of her goods !
Fighter on
' - -
. - d
"""7 ..2- ,7
Rainbow trout have been planted in many states, not only, but have been
successfully Import sd Into New Zealand. Away from its native waters, the
mountain streams cf California, the rainbow reaches its maximum weight
of 25 pounds and more. It is a savage fighter when' hooked, and, unlike the
brook trout, is liksly to leap agaiD and again out of water. Rainbows
spawn in streams, i:a the spring, but prefer big bodies or fresh water when
they are full grown. With the brown trout of Europe, the rainbow has
displaced the brook trout, a more delicate fish, in many hard-fished waters.
Fred Everett painted the rainbow trout for the 1939 Wildlife Week poster
tumps, distributed by the National Wildlife Federation.
Candidate Dares City to Elect Him;
Vows He'll Make Payless Job Pay
NOGALES, Ariz. (UP) Voters of
Nogales were dared to vote for Mar
tin Loughman, tomato broker, when
be filed his candidacy for mayor.
Here's why:
"Nogales big opportunity, and I
mean big 240 pounds well, it was
cold and I says to myself: I haven't
anything to do, anyhow, so what, eo
I'll run for mayor'."
So Loughman continued:
"Qualifications? what's the dif
ference? The job doesn't pay any
thing, anyhow but like other can
didates, it's civic pride that urges
me that and the fact if I am elected
I'll find a way to make the job pay.
"Behold America's most outspoken
politician. I guarantee I'll not be oh
the job SO days until I find a way
to make some money out of it. My
candidacy is sponsored by 6,700 non
voters from Sonora (Mexico) up to
date I haven't been able to contact
voters from this side of the border.
"My platform is founded on a
give and take basis you give and
I'll take.
"I guarantee to make a new deal
af it. I'll fire everybody now work
ing in the city from the chief of po
lice down say, I've got to fire that
guy twice. I'll put friends of mine in
.y office- and only demand that
they give me 20 per cent of their
salaries- and the guy that doesn't
kick in gets kicked out. Loyalty is
one thing I demand.
! instead of negotiating a barter agree
ment of goods for goods.
Foreign Minister Arita was said
to be one of those who, despite his
suggestion for a counter-proposal for
an alliance limited to the possibil
ity of war with Russia, entertained
hope that some more satisfactory
solution might be possible than a
totalitarian alliance.
This alternative would be cooper
ation with the United States and
Great Britain. It was admitted that
there was nothing tangible on which
to base a hope for the success of this
alternative just now.
Mccormick seriously ill
LOS ANGELES, Calif., Mar. 25
(UP) Harold F. McCormick, the
millionaire harvester manufacturer,
is so seriously ill from a heart ail-,
ment, his doctor said today, that hir
life would be endangered by an in
terview with lawyers for Mrs. Hhoda
Tanner Dcubleday, who is suinjr him
for $350,000.
As a result Judge Ruben Schmidt
denied the lawyers' permission to in
vade the McCormick mansion in Bev
erly Hills and obtain a deposition foi !
use in her "breach of privacy" law
suit against him. McCormick's' per
sonal physician, Dr. Jackscn Frick
testified to his condition.
Mrs. Doublcday once settled a $1,
000,000 breach cf promise suit airainst
McCormick for a reputed $ 63 Oi.'O. Her
new lawsuit charged that his awyeis
schemed to obtain medical i-eecrds
giving the nature of her ailment when
she was a patient at a L-al hospital
in 1933. The information was to have
been used to combat her breach of
promise claim she charged. Due for
trial on April 18, Mrs. Doublday's
action will test whether California
laws guarantee "right of privacy"' to
a hospital patient.
LINCOLN, March 25 (UP) The
state liquor control commission to
day cited II. J. Law of Falls City
for hearing March 30 to show cause
why his beer license should not be re
voked because of alleged improper
operation of his place of business.
a Fly Rod
. '5
"'I'll have every tomato man in
town pinched for vagrancy, maybe
then I can get an order for a car of
tomatoes myself.
"I have no doubt in my mind that
I an be elected, but just as a ges
ture I am willing to be . reasonable
and talk business and will withdraw
for a stipend. Business being what
it is I am easy to talk to.
"As for my chances of being elect
ed, I have gone over that very thor
oughly in my own mind and reasoned
out that if everyone to whom I owe
money votes for me, I'm a cinch and
if the vote Is too close I'm willing to
borrow from a few more people just
to that the election won't be in doubt.
"Another innovation for a can
didate. I'm willing to give my auto
graph to any young lady in town in
return for her telephone number.
"And to show how broad-minded
I am and not opposed to big busi
ness, I am willing to give my auto
graph to the First National bank if
they will in response give the amount
that is written above my signature.
I think this shows my willingness to
co-operate in things civic.
"I owe allegiance to my country
and money to my friends. I am dif
ferent than the other tandidates.
They plead for your vote for them.
I dare you to vote for me.
"The people have spoken or will
"Say, who's that other tomato
man that's running for my job?"
Graduates Find
Many Jobs
Many Find Places in Agricultural
Pursuits and Pusiness Adminis
tration Places Many.
LINCOLN, March 25 Business
and industry over the country are
showing increased interest this year
in University of Nebraska gradu
ates. Dr. Cliff S. Hamilton of the
department of chemistry reports that
many of last year's chemistry gradu
ates are now being absorbed. As
many company interviews have visit
ed the department this year as last.
The placement record for chemistry
graduates of January 1939 is about
the same as for a year ago.
Students with majors in agricul
ture have better prospects for jobs
this year than last, according to the
increased number of inquiries re
ceived by the college of agriculture.
All members of the January class
have been placed. Various govern
ment agencies and insurance com
panies have shown an increased in
terest in graduates of the college,
especially those who have majored in
land-use courses, land and farm man
agement, conservation, and agron
Professor T. T. Bullock, in charge
of placement for the college of busi
ness administration, said he had re
ceived more calls from industry and
business this year than for last.
Salesmen, merchandisers, and "ac
countants are in great demand.
More calls for teachers have been
received so far this year than last,
according to Professor R. D. Moritz,
director of the university teacher
placement bureau. During the period
January, to March 15, 1938, 262 in
quiries came to the bureau. During
the same period this year, 302 calls
have been recorded. August is the
peak employment month.
Officials also reported that the de
mand for agriculture and home eco
nomics teachers is fully up to last
year, while the supply is not bo
The house approached a showdown
today on a 1250,000,000 extra bud
getary farm appropriation which may
determine the fact of government
economy efforts at this session ot
;on gress.
The house votes today on a $250,
000,000 parity payment provision at
tached to the agriculture appropria
tion bill without budget bureau
recommendation and over the bitter
protest of economy forces. Indica-,
tions of increased log-rolling activ
ities by farm and city members seek
ing to form a united front for ap
proval of $250,000,000 for parity
payments and $150,000,000 deficiency
funds for WPA appeared.
Several well - informed members
said they believed that if the $250,
000,000 were approved, the president
would get the full $150,000,000 re
lief fund he desires despite opposi
tion of appropriations commute members.
Death Closes
Story of Wyoming
Youthful Bandit
In a Few Weeks Simple Kindly Youth
Changes into Savage, Relent
less Killer of Men.
CODY, Wyo., March 25 (UP)
The undertaker shaved the beard anc1
shingled the unkept hair today and
made Tarzan Durand, a savage who
ate raw meat and killed five men, into
plain Earl Durand, 26, a simple mind
ed youth who had a bad dream and
never woke up.
The national guard hauled its How
itzers out of the Beat tooth mountainr
and 300 men came behind, unbreech
ing their rifles. The hunt was over.
Tarzen, bearded woodsman, killer of
man and beast, was dead. And even
his parents were glad.
To the natives of this ranch county
who had known Durand all his life,
the inunderstand2ble thing was what
had changed him in an instant from
an open-handed jouth who loved the
outdoors ard this wiid mountain
country'? who had felt confined even
when he was in a house, into a sav
age killer. Until eight days ago he
had no reputation as an untractablc
person or as a "bad man."
At tlawn yesterday, three hundred
men set out for the highest pinnacle
of tho Beartooth where Blackburn
believed Durand had found another
citadel. By noon they were ncaring
the pinnacle.
And at noon, 10 miles to the cast,
a bearded, shaggy-haired man sat
with a rifle across his arms at a
road side. He stopped an automobile
carrying three possemen. The mar
fingered his badge;
"How about taking me up to the
posse," he said.
"Sure, said Harry Moore.
The man got in and pulled a pistol
from his hip pocket.
"I guess you'd better turn around
and drive the other way," he said.
"I'm Earl Durand."-
Moore did, while his passengers,
John Simpson and his 86-5'car old
father, F. O. Simpson, cowered. Moore
drove him to his home He entered
confronting his mother and father,
his pistol still in the ribs of one of
his captives.
"They've got me, dad aren't you
surprised?" he said, laughing. "I've
come after some things. Do I get
them or do I have to take them at
the point of this gun?"
His mother sobbed, "Earl, you sure
have changed."
His father said, "go right ahead.,
He took a knapsack of food. He
hadn't eaten cooked food in eight days.
He forced Moore to drive to an a
bandoned mine east of town, put the
three out and drove away, yelling:
"Goodbye boys don't forget to come
to my funeral."
Thirty minutes later he parked the
car on the Powell main street in front
of the First National hank. He en
tered, brandishing his revolver, his
rifle under the other arm. To Presi
dent Robert Nelson, he said :
"No one will be hurt if you all
obey orders," and he asked for the
money in the safe, bringing Into his
gun range Cashier Morris Knutson
and John Throp.
Knutson told him the safe was lock
ed, bv time lock. He scooped up $2,
000 in currency and jammed it into
his knapsack. Tieing the three men
haphazardly together with the boot
strings of his last victim, he moved
them ahead of him toward the door.
But he had been recognized as he
entered the bank and townsmen were
outside, waiting. From behind his
shield of three men, he saw them and
opened fire. His rifle and pistol fire
rained out into the street, smashing
through windows and door glass His
captives broke away, and when Throp
sought to slip out the door he waE
shot dead, either accidently or pur
posely by Tarzen. Cornered, all aven
lies of escape closed, already winged
by shots from the street, he boldly ex
posed himself, firing wildly in all di
rections. Aeross the street in a gasoline sta
tion, a school boy, who had always
thought Earl Durand "a great guy,"
Jeveled a rifle and brought the sight
cn Tarzan's chest and fired. Tarzen
crumpled, groveling on the tile floor
of the bank. He had just reloaded hir
big black .43. Slowly, painfully he
drew up his arm, put the barrel
against his temple and fired.
Today Park County Coroner Ray
Easton, Powell's only undertaker, pre
pared to report on his findings. On
the fourth day of his spree, Tarzan
had written Sheriff Blackburn and
penciled this return address on the
envelope: "Earl Durand, Undertaker,
Powell, Wyo." In the letter he sug
gested that, when killed, his head
be mounted and hung from the Park
county court house as a lesson to
youth and law and order.
Today his white-haired mother sat
in a farmhouse two miles west of
here, wringing her hands and sobbing:
"He liked people, she said. "And
he always liked to help them. He
often said, to me, 'mother, the people
around us need help. Can't wre give
them something?'
"We are more depressed over the
deaths of those others than we are
over his death."
V. W. Durand, his farmer father,
believed his son had been insane.
"When they jailed him and told him
he would get ten years for killing a
ranchman's beef, I guess the thought
of that drove him temporarily insane,"
he said. "It was so foreign to Earl's
nature that he could not bear it."
The Durands arc highly respected.
The father spoke quietly of his con's
good deeds.
"He never could stend the thought
of people going hungry. Once while
returning from California, Earl met
a young man in unfortunate circum
stances. He gave him S10 which left
him hardly enough to buy food the
rest of the way home.
"At another time in Laurel, Mont,
he gave his last cent to a down-and-cut
bum and rode home in a box car.
"He loved the outdoors and never
killed until he was hungry, but they
jailed him and told him he would get
10 years for killing that beef."
LINCOLN, March 25 (UP) Ne
braska's 1940 automobile license plates
will have persian-red figures upon
a deft-blue background.
State Engineer A. C. Tilley said
Ontario, Canada has a similar color
scheme but that it is different from
the plates "of any of the other states."
The new colors will be brighter and
more harmonious than Nebraska's
present black and white, he said.
A resolution is pending in the leg
islature to change the present license
nlates bv reproducing an outline of
the state capitol to separate the coun-j
ty designation from tne rest oi me
number as is now being done by a
"WASHINGTON, March 25 (UP)
Mrs. Ruth Bryan Rohde, former min
ister to Denmark and daughter of
the late William Jennings Bryan to
day was appointed consular for the
new U. S. travel bureau by Secretary
of Interior Ickes. The position which
i3 of an advisory capacity pays one
dollar a. year. It was understood the
appointment was urged by Mrs.
Franklin D. Roosevelt, close friend
of the former Florida congress
woman. The travel bureau has no
official permanent status. Legislation
to accomplish this is pending in con
NEW YORK, March 25 (UP)-
Magistrate Mark Kudich of Brooklyn
was removed from office today by the
appellate division of the New York
supreme court for delinquency.
Although he had been charged with
accepting bribes and other judicial
misconducts of the court did not fin
Kudich guilty of criminal activities
Rudich's attorney, Walter Hart said
the decision absolved him of any
charges of corrupt and "the judge
and 1 feel it to be a clean-cut victory.
DUBLIN, Ireland, March 24 (UP)
Ten tickets on Workman were
drawn in the Irish Sweepstakes by
residents of the United States who
won $141,000 each, a total of $1,
410,000. Seven Americans held tickets on
MacMaffatt, winning $70,500 each
for a total of $ 493,500. Nine had
tickets on Kilstar, winning $47,000
each for a total of $423,000.
LINCOLN, March 25 (UP) The
state game, forestation, and parks
commission plans to issue next month
its most elaborate Nebraska map for
tourists, hunters, fishermen, and
Approximately 50,000 folding maps
In four colors, measuring 25x38
inches will be distributed. The maps
show the location of state parks and
5 end fish centers.
OMAHA. Marcn 24 (UP) William
A. Merrill, head of the Omaha bu
reau of the U. S. Becret service, has
been transferred to he Salt Lake
City bureau. He will be succeeded
here by Russell Daniel, who has
been head of the Kansas City office
for several years.
Subscribe for the Journal
tmm m mm
3 . '
In the perpetual campaign to stamp out man-caused Area that burn
over 40,000.000 acres annually, tho United States Forest Service In co
operation with the state forestry agencies and organizations Interested in
conservation, will distribute In poster form nearly a million reproduc
tions of the above painting by the famed Illustrator, James Montgomery
Flagg. The painting Is the property of the American Forestry Association.
Tree Planting
by U. S. hi 1938
Tops 140,000,000
Michigan Leads Country; 13 Other
States in Million Class
Pine Trees Popular.
tional Forest Service made long
strides last year toward building up a
forest reserve by planting more than
140,000,000 trees.
The service supervised the plant
ing of. 154,268 acres of deforested
land in 31 states at an average tost
of $10 an acre. It estimated that
timber prodqeed by the trees woud
be worth $7,000,000.
The largest number of trees in
any state was 44,885,000 planted in
Michigan. More than a million trees
each were planted in Wisconsin, Mis
sissippi, Louisiana, Minnesota, Texas,
Washngton, Alabama, Colorado, Illi
nois, Arkansas, Pennsylvania, South
Dakota and Indiana.
Pine Trees Most Popular
The service reported that 28 dif
ferent tree species were planted. Five
members of the extensive pine fam
ily red, jack, white, longleaf and
slash represented 88 per cent of all
trees planted.
Most of the young trees set out
in the national forests were grown
in the 28 forest service nurseries.
Approximately 20 tons of coniferous
tree seed and five tons of hardwood
seed were used to produce the young
Extension of the reforestatiou pro
gram, the service said, was made pos
sible by the Civilian Conservation
Corps. Planting crew3 were made
up entirely of CCC enrollees, unem
ployed local residents and relief la
bor. Most extensive planting opera
tions were reported in the Gulf and
Lake states where adequate natural
reproduction has faileti to follow the
heavy cutting and repeated fires.
Michigan Forest Foremost
The Manistee National Forest on
the Lake Michigan shore of the
Lower Peninsula led the 74 national
forests where planting was done last
year with 17,984 acres. Three other
national forests reporting more than
10,000 acres planted were the De
3oto in Southern Mississippi, the
Nicolet in northern Wisconsin and
the Upper Michigan National For
est. In Michigan the service planted
41.022 a'. res in longleaf and slash
pine; Minnesota. 9,030 acres in red
find jack rie; Washington, 7,432
acres in Douglas fir; Idaho, 3.836
acres in ponderosa and western white
pine; Colorado, 3.805 acres In ponde
rosa pine, and Alabama, 3,089 acres
in longleaf and slash pine.
ALGOMA. Wis. (UP) Emil I wen
has. been offered $300 on numerous
occasions by persons who want to
buy his little rock door stop, but he
refuses to sell.
He found the rock 28 years ago
on his father's farm a heavy, oddly
shaped rock with strange markings
on it. It made a nice weight to hold
the door open.
Then Chief Simon Kahqaadas of,
the Pottawattomles, now dead, in-
, ft
- Ul J 3X!r !Kf
" 1 .V-
formed Iwcn through his brother in
1920 that the ro:k was a "deed rock"
by which Indians designated trans
fer and ownership of property.
Since then many persons, hearing
of the rare exhibit of Indian lore,
have tried to purchase it for collec
tions. Chief Kahfjuadas told Iweu that
the four inscriptions a figure of a
brave, a wigwam, a bow and arrow
and a horse signified the chief had
presented a certain brave these neces
sities of life. This was the usual
custom, since the chiefs were sup
posed to own all property.
The recipient of the gift was iden
tified by the figure of the man. with
certain characteristics accentuated.
This particular brave had only four
Oddities in
are Revealed
Reccarch Workers Find Many of Old
Time Expressions Used in West
Strange to Hear Today.
Although a people's basi; activ
ities change but little through the
years, the language describing these
activities, because of new ideas and
methods, doc3 change. Research
workers of the Federal Writers' Proj
ect, WPA, in studying old Nebraska
newspapers, find many expressions
which seem odd today.
The actions implied by "necking"
certainly are not" new; the word i3
simply a streamlined form of an
elder phrase. Nebraska's young
couples of the lS70's and ISSO's en
gaged in "neck cntwincment," espe
cially, so it was said, when the moon
was full.
Instalment buying, though of more
recent origin, has been practiced
many years. Early Nebraska papers
often advertised farm machinery in
this way: "If you want a mower on
three falls, a hay rake on two falls,
farm and spring wagons on 12
month's time, come to L & R." Ex
cept for the words, "on 12 month's
time." we might not understand the
"falls;" evidently tliiH referred to
number of payments to be made
lftcr crops were harvested in the
Corn palaces, advertising Nebras
ka's mosH important crop, were pop
uar in the 18 90's. So were adver
tising puns such as this: "D & M
have just received their spring line
of corn palaces. If you don't believe
it just step in and ec their elegant
boots and shoes."
The following item, as Ripley
might say, is self-explanatory. A
northeast Nebraska paper, Sept. 17.
1 874, reported: "An aj;ed imbiber t-f
benzine would have rr.ade it warm
for some young aiabs who were pelt
ing him with mud but. unfortun
ately for both, the tanglefoot ton
trolled his locomotion."
LONDON (UP) Crinolines have
been approved by the Queen for wear
by debutantes at court presentations
this year. She wore one last season,
and gave hte fashion a big lift. Now
they have been chosen as the equate
of formal, btralgLt touit dresbe-.
Phone news Items to no. B-