XAECH 20, 1939. piATTsxoxrrs semi - weeext jothnax PAGE THREE Subscribe for the Journal. BUILDING TIME We carry a full and complete line of Building Materials. Whether you may be planning a new home or minor repairs to your present buildings, we want to figure with you. For Opportunity Days, we are offering a special low price on INSULATING . WALL BOARD This is also the time to re-roof your buildings. Whatever form of roofing material you wish to use, we have it at a price we know will interest you. 5 to 1 Kural School Votes March 22-23-24-25. TIDBALL LUMBER CO. Lumber, Coal Telephone 40 2 Rural Schools Opportunity Sale Save money on all these items while piling up school votes at S to 1 rate. Prices Good All 4 Sale Days! ONION SETS Selected for Quality Bed, White and Yellow 2 Qls.. .15 4 Qts.. .25 AMERICAN CHEESE Wilson's Certified, Mild, Rich Cheese in Boxes 2-lb. Box 45 5-lb. box $1.10 SEED POTATOES Best quality, U. S. No. 1 Red River Early Ohio Potatoes. Carefully se lected for straight Qft variety. 100 lbs 3v3 BUDDY BOY FLOUR All Purpose Hour, High Quality Fully Guaranteed 24Y2 lb. Sack 49 POTATOES Idaho Russets Commercial Grade for Table Use 100-lb. Sack -.. .$1.69 10-lb.Sack 19 STOCK SALT Bulk Salt, put up in 100- Afar lb. sacks. Per Cwt 6 Block Salt Grey Blocks, 50-lb 45 White Blocks, 50-lb. 43 E. A. IVurl Honor Mrs. Murdick Mrs. Perry Murdick of Benton Har bor, Michigan who la here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Wescott, was the guest of honor at an informal party tendered her at the pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs. William Heinrich at 1207 Main street. A small group of friends and neighbors were present. U The evening was spent in playing cards and visiting among the group present. Mrs. Heinrich served refreshments at the conclusion of the party. OCSAL From Thursday's Dally Enjoy Dinner Party r Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Soennichsen entertained at dinner Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Racusin of Omaha, as well as Mrs. W. E. Rosencrans and Miss Mary Rosen-crans. Presbyterian Federation Meets The various circles of the First Presbyterian church met for a joint meeting at the Fellowship rooms of the church on Wednesday afternoon. A very large attendance was present it being the last one of the year. The financial standing of each circle was reported and the result showed that each circle had gone over its luota. During the afternoon election f officers for the various circles was also held. The officers selected for each circle are as follows: Circle 1: Chairman. Mrs. Leonard Stoehr; missionary chairman, Mrs. Wiley Sigler; secretary, Mrs. Anton Trilety; treasurer, Mrs. Dow Arm strong. Circle 2: Chairman, Mrs. Henry A. Schneider; missionary chairman, Mrs. Bertha Shopp; secretary. Miss Caroline Baird; treasurer, Mrs. Rob ert Cappell. Circle 3: Chairman, Mrs. H. F. Gansemer; missionary chairman, Mrs. Richard Beverage; secretary, Mrs. Henry F. Goos; treasurer, Mrs. Glen Perry. Circle 4: Chairman, Mrs. Searl S. Davis; missionary chairman, Mrs. Clayton Cross; secretary. Miss Helen Hunter; treasurer, Mrs. John Bauer. Circle 5: Chairman, Mrs. William Schmidtmann, Jr.; missionary chair man, Mrs. C. H. Martin; secretary, Mrs. Raymond Larson; treasurer, Mrs. Carl Ofe. Following ihe meeting refresh ments were served by a group of the women. W. N. Brink as the hostesses. After the business meeting the ladies en Joyed cards and In the bridge games Mrs. Henry Starkjohn was winner of high and Mrs. Frank Rebal low. Special prizes were awarded Miss Marie Fitzgerald and Mrs. Berlette. There were fourteen present and one guest.' Circle No. 2 met with Mrs. Wal ter H. Smith who was assisted by Mrs. Ernest Bintner and Mrs. E. G. Ruffner, with fifteen members in attendance. Mrs. Frank Mullen was winner in bridge and Mrs. Ed Ulrich at pinochle while Mrs. Mullen was awarded a special prize also. Circle No. 3 met at the club rooms in the church with Mrs. Cyril Kallna, Mrs. Tom Kratchoville, Mrs. R. Ot terstine and Miss Theresa Hemple as the hostesses. The ladies enjoyed a white elephant sale and in which much interest was shown. Miss Mary Hobscheidt was awarded the special prize. Fourteen were present. Wednesday Afternoon Club The Wednesday Afternoon bridge club met at the home of Mrs. Neville Hodson. Two guests. Mrs. W. S. Eaton and Mrs. Martin O. Webb, were present. Mrs. George Jaeger was the win ner of first prize, Mrs. Theodore Ptak second. At the .conclusion of the party re freshments were served by Mrs. Hod- son. terestingly by the ladies. Mrs. J. M. Roberts was the leader of the study. G. R. Birthday Club Mrs. James Ault had the G. R. Birthday club members at her home yesterday afternoon in honor of the birthday of Mrs. Fred Haffke. Mrs. Walter Higgins was assistant hos tess. The afternoon was spent in playing games. Delicious refreshment carryng out the St. Patrick theme, were served. Thursday Afternoon Bridge Club Mrs. John Sattler, Jr., served as hostess to the Thursday afternoon bridge club at her home yesterday afternoon. The first prize was won by Mrs., Carl Ofe, and second by Mrs. W. V. Ryan. At the close of the party refresh ments were served. The table decor ations were of the St. Patrick's day motif. St. John's Circles Meet The St. John's altar society circles met Wednesday in three very inter esting meetings with good attend ance and the greatest interest shown. Circle No. 1 met at the home of Mrs. I. C. Kociare with Mrs. John Blotzer, Mrs. T. Brlzendine and Mrs. Wednesday CLEANING & PRESSING Cash and Carry No One Day Service MEN'S 2- Piece Suits 3- Piece Suits Top Coats Felt Hats Any Two Plain Garm'ts $l.oo LADIES Mannish Suits PI.I-Pc. Dresses Spring Coats 2 Plain Skirts Any Combination of the Above Garments 25 Off on Other Garments Wednesday 5 to 1 Eural School Votes, Wednesday to Saturday, Inclusive! LUGSCH CLEANERS Phone 166 - 416 Main St. - Plattsmouth Opportunity Bays' Sale OILS and GREASES UTILITY LUBE 30 lbs. in Vs Bu $2.75 ' DARK AXLE 30 lbs. in y2 Bu $1.90 10 lbs. .65 .35 X L PRESSURE High Quality made Especially for Use in Grease Guns 30 lbs. in y2 Bu. $2.25 40 lbs. in 5-GaL can 3.00 10 lbs. .75 5 lbs. .45 H 5 lbs, SPECDAL PRICER on OIL BULK BEING Y0UE CONTAINER One Gallon 5-GaL Lots 30-GaL Lots UNILENE, per gallon . . . 60 60c? 450 UNIVIS, per gallon 456 40 350 5 to 1 School Votes if Ycur School Registers This' Ad! GLEN VALLERY John Deere Implements - Cook's Paints, Varnishes 141 South Sixth Phone 92 Plattsmouth, Nebr. Double Surprise Party At the home of Mr. and Mrs Ceaser Baumgart Sunday afternoon was celebrated the eighth birthday anniversary of their son Billie and the eleventh of their daughter, Betty Mae which was a complete surprise to them both. The two large birthday cakes, baked by their grandmother, Mrs. Will Renner, were the table center piece which were attractively decor ated in the St. Patrick color scheme bearing eight and eleven glowing candles. Young school mates of the two guests of honor helped them cele brate their anniversaries. The after noon was spent in playing games of various kinds and the unwrapping of the handsome gifts which they received with much joy and appre ciated very much. At an appropriate hour refresh ments were served by their mother consisting of . birthday cake Jello with whipped cream, cookies and colorful candies. Those helping in the serving were Mrs. Ed Baum gart, Mrs. Norman Renner and Mrs. Will Renner. As the time rolled on he group were homeward bound, happily enjoying the occasion and wishing the two guests many more happy birthdays. Those present were their school teacher Miss Lucille Meisinger, Joan Traudt, Tressa Orlene Koukal, Dar lene Traudt, Ruth Ilolman, Ethel Mae and Doris Jean Bethel, Dona Faye Parriott, Faye Robinson. Charts Grosshans, Wilbur Morris, Max Holman, Junior Robinson, Don ald Tasler; Cousins Wilbur Claus, Eunice and Edward Baumgart, Rich ard Renner; Brother Herbert; Mrs. Ed Baumgart, Mr. and Mrs. Will Renner; their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Baumgart and the guests of honor Billie and Betty Mae. Prom Friday's Dally Have Interesting Meeting the Woman s Auxiliary of the St. Luke's parish met on Thursday after noon at the home of Miss Mable White. A very good attendance was reported. The business meeting1 of the after noon was taken up with the study of India which was discussed very in- K. B. Club Meets The K. B. "club met last evening at the home of Mrs. Roy W. Knorr for their semi-monthly meet. One guest, Mrs. Lowell S. Devoe was pres ent. Laura Meisinger was the winner of the first prize; Mrs. John Wolff, sec ond, and Mrs. James Bulin, third. Refreshments were served at the close of the party by the hostess. Murray Home Study Club The Murray Home Study club met Thursday at the home of Mrs. F. T. Wilson, following a very delightful covered dish luncheon which was at tended by a large group of the mem bers. The devotionals were in charge of Mrs. George Parks and the meeting presided over by Mrs. Stewart, the president of the club. The members also joined in the flag salute as a part of the program of the meeting. Mrs. G. H. Gilmore was the leader of the lesson and gave a most inter esting talk along the lines of the club work. The club then elected their offi cers for the year, those chosen be ing: Mrs. John Farris, president; Mrs. R. W. Tyson, vice-president; Mrs. Edward Austin, secretary-treasurer. Mrs. J. F. Brendel as-in charge of the study hour and. presented Mrs. Julian Pollard of . Netiawka, who gave a very fine review of the book. "The Yearling." by Marjorie Raw- lings. Mrs. Pollard is a very able reader, holding her audience's in terest keenly. It was a rare treat for the club to have such an excep tionally fine reader and the members feel very grateful for Mrs. Pollard presenting her fine review. Methodist Circles Meet The three circles of the First Meth odist church met Thursday after noon as follows: The Gleaners circle met at the home of Mrs. Val Burkel on Vine street, a large number being in at tendance. Mrs. Homer Sylvester, Mrs. S. J. Million, and Mrs. Rhoades were the associate hostesses. Mrs. George Brinklow led the de votions and Mrs. Fred Howland was the leader of the afternoon program. The subject of the program was 'Faith" and a very interesting dis cussion was enjoyed along the lines of the topic. Two of the children gave a de ightful part of the program, Joan Hall, in songs, and Billy Howland, in readings. The hostesses served delicious re freshments at an appropriate hour. Mrs. George Hall entertained the Opportunity Days OIL PERMMENTS Soft Einglet Curls and Waves Permanent Supplies Individually Boxed for Each Permanent! REGULAR $2.50 PERMANENT Only . . . $2.00 REGULAR $3.50 PERMANENT Only . . . $3.00 REGULAR $5.00 PERMANENT Only . . . $4.00 Including Shampoo & Finger Wave Sliamuoo and Finger Wave. . . . 506 Manicure .35 These Prices Good Until EASTER GET THOSE EXTEA SCHOOL VOTES 5 to 1 March 22 to 25, inclusive, providing your school registers this ad with us ! Teachers Eegister Ad Early Costs You Nothing Bring or Mail to Hollywood Beauty Salon fiollywood Beauty Salon 2nd Floor Bates Book Store Bldg., Phone 137 Dorcas circle with Mrs. Cleo Capper, Mrs. Fred Bourck, Mrs. E. M. But tery, and Miss Mildred Hall asso ciate hostesses. The meeting was presided over by the chairman, Mrs. Pete Carr. Mrs. Harry White led the devotionals. A general business discussion was held. Following the business session, a program was given. Mrs. Fred Bourck and Mrs. O'Bryan had charge of the program. A number of con tests were played during the after noon. Junior Devoe, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Devoe, rendered three se lections: "Prayer," "Sweet Song of Long Ago," and "Silver on the Sage." His mother served as accompanist. Following the program refresh ments were served by the hostesses. The Naomi circle met at the home of Miss Wilma Pickard with eighteen members present. Mrs. Joseph Wiles led the devotionals which preceded the business meeting. Mrs. Edgar Newton presented a talk on "Paul," a Bible character, that was enjoyed by the members. Following the meeting refresh ments were served by the hostesses: Mrs. Carl Grosshans, Mrs. Zella Traudt, Mrs. Lora Kieck, and Miss Wilma Pickard. From Saturday's Daily Jr. American Legion Auxiliary The girls of the Junior American Legion Auxiliary were entertained very pleasantly on Friday afternoon at the home of County Treasurer and Mrs. John E. Turner, a business and social meeting being enjoyed by the group and their sponsor, Mrs. E. G. Ofe. The business session was very in teresting and at the close the mem bers were treated to a dainty lunch eon served by Mrs. Turner and daughter, Dorothy Jean. Those attending were: Betty Gayer, Janet and Ruth Westover, Dorothea Mae Duxbury, Shirley Walling, Dor othy Jean Turner, Catherine Strick land and the sponsor, Mrs. Ofe. MAXINE NIELSEN, ' President. TO MAKE C0UNCILMANIC EACE Walter Brittain, former council man, who was defeated for re-election last year in a three cornered battle in the fifth ward, is now a can didate for his former post at the coming April election. Mr. Brittain has filed a petition and acceptance with City Clerk Al bert Olson, for, the nomination for councilman from the fifth ward by petition and Is now actively en gaged in campaigning for the office. Mr. Brittain will oppose Council man E. O. Vroman who is a candi date for re-election this spring. Hural Contest Opportunity Sale The STYLE SHOP offers you Outstanding Bargains from March 22 to March 25, Inclusive Hosiery I Sweaters New Spring Shades Eeg. 59c Value2 pair $1.00 Eeg. 89c Value2 pair $1.58 Children's Hats Eeg. $1.00 Values $ .89 Beg. $1.95 Values 1.89 Many Other Outstanding Values in Our Millinery Department Beautiful Spring Coats, Toppers and Dresses THE STYLE SHOP 5 to 1 School Votes Given ... if Your School Eegisters This Ad New Shipment Eeceived in Latest Styles, Colors Eeg. $1.00 Values $ .89 Eeg. $1.95 Values 1.89 House Dresses Guaranteed Fast Color Eeg. $1.00 Values $ .89 HlTni III raouEn's -shoes 350 pairs of Shoes in our self-serve depart ment for this special sale. Wednesday, Thurs day, Friday and Saturday only, at $1.99. You get an extra pair for ONE CENT. Ties, Straps, Pumps Black or Brown. Shoes sell ing regularly from $1.99 to $4.00 all heel heights and all sizes in this group, but not every size in each style. Take advantage of this unusual SHOE SALE. One pair, q Second Pair .... jj No Exchanges - No Approvals No - Returns All Sales Cash - - All Sales Final 5 for 1 Votes Given if Your School Registers This Ad ! mm GO: Cass County's Only Exclusive Shoe Store PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA rCOCCOGGOSOSCOCOCCCOCOGCOSOCCOS 8 ,n X c vk v , mm f 1 N I FT""" v A 17 rOVLOWl r m m Then you'll really know how com fortable a mattress can be how perfect relaxation builds up your strength and vigor. If after the trial you are not satisfied we will take the mattress away and refund you any money paid us. Fair enough, isn't it? (30) The Health Mattress in medallion damask ticking or in AC A woven stripe . . . IF this ad is registered in the name of your School, 5 to 1 vote will be given on all purchases Wednesday to Saturday, Inclusive. OTHER FINE MATTRESSES SPECIAL 180 coil cicle and felt, covered spring center. ACA tick covered. A very fine mattress at a special price. $10.95. SPECIAL 50 pound all cotton fancy colored tick mattress for only $5.45. AK-SAE-BEN A five year guarantee of sat isfactory service or replaced by the manu facturer. $15.00. EE-LAX A fine spring center mattress with , fancy damask covering. $12.50. Plattsmouth, Nebraska jj i bGOOOeQCQOOOOOOGGOOaGeOOOOOOGOGOOOGOOSOSGe?