The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 06, 1939, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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KOIiDAY, MARCH 6, 1929.
From Thursday's Dally
Shuffle and Deal Club
Dr. V V Ryan entertained the
Shuffle and Deal card -lub at hla
home Tuesday evening.
Herbert Schuetz won first prize and
George Jaeger second.
Following the party ladyfingers
and tea was served to the group.
Wednesday Afternoon Club
The Wednesday Afternoon Bridge
club met with Mrs. George Jaeger at
her home in the Coronado apartments
yesterday afternoon. Three guests,
Mrs. Wilbur Eaton, Mrs. Walter
Bring This Ad for Double Votes
in the Rural School Contest
Heck Bones pC
Lean, Meaty, 6 lbs
Hamburger or
Bulk Pork Sausage
Freshly Prepared
2 lbs. gfy0
Pork Chops
Choice, lean, lb
Minced LlHlCheOIl or
M or
Ring Bologna
Selected, 2 lbs
Salmon or
Sable Fish Qifp
Sliced or Piece, 2 lbs.
Whiting Fish
Headless, Dressed 4?
2 lbs. 13'
Thompson Seedless
4 lb. Pkg., 29 -fl ffjc
2-lb. Pkg JlCj?
Choice Blenheim Dried
2 lbs., 35; lb. JLO
Santa Clara
Lge. 40-50's, 3 lbs..
' 10-lb. Box, 75
Blue Plate Small
Wet or Dry
Shrimp f
No. 1 Can JLSd
Cut Macaroni or
Sweet, Juicy Texas
Marsh Seedless
Large 80 Size, 3 ea. AAm
5 for 150; 10 forV'
Juicy. Calif. Sunkist
Seedless Navel
Large 220's, 190
Med. 288's, doz
Tender California 4
Extra large Stalk AW
Red River Early Ohio
I .a race, t'lrnn. Smooth u. 1
Srrtl or Tnblr Stock
100-lb. bag, $1.79
15-lb. Peck
(liag Wt. N"t when l'atkeil)
Louisiana Porto Rican
U. S. No. 1 Quality
4 lbs. for
Sailor Sliced
(In Syrup)
SL 2 for 25c
Menu Fancy Whole
Kernel Golden Bantam
No. 303
3 for 25'
Del Monte, Reg. or Drip
2-lb. Can, 490, 1-lb.tolCi'
Flambeau Soaked
No. 2 Can
Fine Granulated Beet
(We reserve the right to limit
quantities of the above items)
Ad for Plattsmouth, Tues.,
Wed., March 7 and 8
Tritsch and Mrs. M. O. Webb, were
The high honor was awarded to
Mrs. Robert Reeil. second prize went
to Mrs. Wilbur Eaton, and the third
prize to Mrs. Herbert Schuetz.
Celebrate Anniversary
Last evening at the family home
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Relchstadt
was the scene of a delightful family
gathering when the thirtieth wed
ding anniversary of these estimable
people was observed.
The evening was featured with a 6
o'clock dinner. The latter part of
the evening was spent in social gath
ering and visiting.
Those present to help celebrate
the occasion were: Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Toman and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Dangard Reichsradt and family. Miss
Inga Relchstadt, and Mr. and Mrs.
Herman Reichstadt and family.
Celebrates Birthday
Miss Nellie Rainey was the guest
of honor at a birthday party tendered
I her at her home on Wintersteen Hill
Tuesday evening, February 28. The
'occasion was the 14th birthday anni
versary of Miss Rainey and a number
j of the close associates and school
mates were present to help observe
the event.
J The evening was spent in playing
games, the prize winners being: Joe
Highfield.'Mary Jean Hatt. and Char
jlotte Palmer.
I At the close of the party refresh
ments were served.
1 Those present were: Joe Highfield,
'Albert Richards, Jimmle Blunt,
Keith Dashner, Greeley Stones, La
vern Rice, Lars Larson, Ruth Gaines,
Mary Jean Hatt, Rachel McMaken,
Georgia Stones, Nora Shafer, Char
lotte Palmer and the guest of honor,
Nellie Rainey.
;St. John's Altar Society
! The general meeting of the altar
soicety of the Sit. John's church was
, held Wednesday afternoon in the
jdub rooms of the church. A very
j large number of the members at
tended. i The regular monthly business ses
jsion was held. A special prize was
given during the afternoon to Mrs.
E. A. Webb.
Hostesses for the afternoon were
members of Circle 2, they being Mrs.
Frank Bestor, chairman; Mrs. Ernest
Bintner, Mrs. C. Bintner, Mrs. John
Bergman, Mrs. Alois Bierl, Mrs. Jo
seph Bierl, Mrs. Robert Bettor, Mrs.
John Cloidt, Mrs. Harold Chandler,
and Mrs. Georgre Downs.
From Friday' Dally
Thursday Afternoon Club
The Thursday Arternoon Bridge
club met at the home of Mrs. Her-
bert Schuetz at the Coronado apart
ments. Several guests were present
at the party.
Mrs. Carl Schneider was award
ed the first prize and Mrs. Walter
Smith second.
Following the party refreshments
were served.
Junior C. D. of A. luncheon
The Junior C. D. of A., held a
covered dish luncheon at the home
of Miss Betty Shiffer last evening.
A large number of the members
and guests were present at the
initiation of new members which
was held during the evening.
The new members initiated into
the society were Kathryn Brink,
Verona Toman, Rose Brink, Dolores
Gradoville, and Betty Ault.
The group also enjoyed a program
given by a number of members pres
ent. Hold Birthday Dance
A large dancing party was held
Thursday night at the Murray hall,
the event being in honor of the
birthday anniversary of Miss Marie
Lutz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Lutz, of west of Murray. There was
a very large group of the relatives
and old friends present to join in
the gala occasion and to dance to
Wednesday Spedafls
Cash and Carry No One Day Service
2- Pieco Suits
3- Piece Suits
Top Coats
Felt Hats '
Any Two
Any Combination of the Above Garments
25c Off Regular Price on Other Garments
Phone 166 - 416 Main St. - Plattsmouth
the music of the Kelley orchestra.
Those from this city to attend were
Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Hild. County
Assessor and Mrs. W. H. Puis and
Mrs. Bessie Bourne.
K. B. Club-r
Mrs. Fred Lugsch entertained the
K. B. club at her home at 1214 Pearl
street last evening.
First prize was won by Mrs. L. W.
Egenberger, second, Mrs. Emil Ptak,
and third prize went to Mrs. 'Frank
Bestor. '
At the conclusion of the party Mrs.
Lugsch served refreshments.
Celebrate Anniversary
Quietly Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mauzy
celebrated their sixty-second wed
ding anniversary Tuesday, February
28, at their home at the Midway
Both born in Virginia, the couple
moved to Plattsmouth, Nebraska in
the year 1882 where they have lived
since then. Mr. Mauzy has been em
ployed by the railroad until he re
tired about ten years ago. During
the last four winters' the couple have
made the Midway hotel in Kearney
their winter home.
Alert and decidedly friendly, Mrs.
Mauzy, at the age of 80, and Henry
Mauzy, who was eighty-eight Jan
uary 25, have formed a splendid
group of acquaintances.
Mrs. Todd, hostess at the Mid
way hotel. Miss Margaret Mauzy of
California, James Mauzy, druggist at
Plattsmouth, and Mrs. Verdon Vro
man of Highland Park, Illinois are
the children of the Mauzy family.
Kearney (Neb.) Hub.
M. E. Federation
The Dorcas circle was hostess to
the Methodist church Women's Fed
eration at the church parlors Thurs
day afternoon.
Mrs. J. C. Lowson gave the devo
tionals She took as her lesson from
Mark 10:16. The regular business
meeting was held by the women in
which reports from each of the circles
were given.
Following the business session, a
delightful program was given, in
charge of Mrs. Elmer Sundstrom. Joe
York was heard in a beautiful hymn,
"The Lost Chord." Miss Ruth West
over being the accompanist. A num
ber of the young people who parti
cipated in the local declamatory con
test at the high school Monday, were
heard during the program. Miss
Margaret Sylvester gave the reading.
"Cataracts." Mary McCarroll who
won second in the humorous division
gave her reading. "One Big Happy
Family." Allan White rendered a
trumpet solo, "The Gypsy Love
At the conclusion of the program
refreshments were served by the fol
lowing women: Mrs. Pete Carr, Mrs.
T. B. Farmer, Mrs. George Hall, Mrs.
Harold Gaines, Mrs. Edgar Glaze,
Mrs. M. Webb, Mrs. Milo Price, Mrs.
Fonda Ferris, and Mrs. C. C. Wescott.
From Saturday's Dally
Stitch and Nibble Club
Mrs. William Nelson was hostess
to the Stitch and Nibble club at
her home on Rock street Thursday
evening. A number of the young
ladies were present.
Hold Joint Meeting
The vvoinan'3 Auxiliary and the
St. Mary's guild met at the home
of Misses Mia and Barbara Gering
Thursday afternoon. The ladies had
their regular business sessioa whih
was followed by a study of "India,"
little known land, which was led
by Miss Barbara Gering. The mem
bers ar having this as their Lenten
subject this year.
Homemakers Have Luncheon
Mrs. Edgar Newton and Mrs. Milo
Price entertained at a 1 o'clock
luncheon on Friday at the Newton
home, members of the Homemakers
club being the guests. Following the
luncheon the members enjoyed a very
interesting program on "Company
Mannish Suits
Pl.l-Pc. Dresses
Spring Coats
2 Plain Skirts
Farmers Co-Op. Oil Co.
For Greater Satisfaction
E. 'A. Nutzman - President
Parr Young Secretary
Over $60,000.00 Paid Back
Phone 2391j Nehawka
Co-operation is the biggest word
in the dictionary. ; It is the power
that builds states and nations. Splen
did co-operation has established and
maintained the Farmers Co-Op Oil Co.
They have dispensed quality products
from the beginning and they are ex
perts on lubrication. They are com
petent to advise the correct oil grade
for your Individual motor.
The firm is home owned for the
benefit of the home community. They
deal in high grade gasoline, high
grade oils and greases.
They buy in large quantities and
sell direct to the consumer, thereby
eliminate n large. expense in middle
men's profits and are able to save
you money.
By trading with them you are help
ing yourself. If. you spend your
money witn a home concern, you
have the goods, and the money is
kept at home, but if you spend it
with a foreign concern you have tho
goods and they have the money. So
let's get our shoulder to the wheel
and push together. -
You can readily understand that
hundreds of dollars will be placed in
local circulation . by this company
which would otherwise never have
made the acquaintance of the people
or our nome "community. Call on
them and these boys will see that you
receive prompt service at alf times
The Farmers Co-Op. Oil Co. is hav
ing an outstanding bargain on their
high quality greases. They are giving
away a superior grease pump with
the purchase of grease.
e suggest you see Mr. Pollard
today and take advantage of thin
wonderful offer.
"Your Dollar Goes Farther, but it
stay at Home when you trade with
the Farmers Co-Op Oil Co., of Ne
Dinners," presented by Mrs. J. G.
McMaken, the leader of the after
noon. Mrs. J. C. Woest was a guest
of the club.
The Women's Federation of the
First Presbyterian'' church held a
meeting at the Fellowship room of
the church Wednesday afternoon
with a very large attendance. Circle
5 was the hostess for the group.
The business session was taken up
with the annual election of officers
and the following, were chosen to
head the group for the present year:
President Mrs. Roy Knorr.
First Vice-President Mrs. George
Second Vice - President Mrs.
Henry Nolting.
Third Vice-President Mrs. L. L.
Secretary Mrs. Sterling Ingwer-
Treasurer Mrs. W. A. Robertson.
Secretary of Literature and Mis
sion Study Mrs. L. O. Minor.
Missionary Chairman Mrs. Glen
Secretary of Stewardship and Spir
itual Life Mrs. Wiley Sigler.
Secretary of White Cross Mrs.
Anton Trlliety.
Secretary of Social Relations Mrs.
William Schmidtmann, Jr.
Secretary of Membership Mrs. E.
C. Giles..
Secretary of Young People's Work
Miss Pearl Staats.
Secretary of Intermediate Work
Mrs. Fred Sharpnack.
Secretary of Children's Work
Mrs. Virgil Perry. .
Mrs. Newton Sullivan had charge
of the program. She presented a
talk on "India."
The Cass county extension chorus
with Mrs. Russell Reeder as its lead
er, were unable to be present to
give the three numbers scheduled for
the program.
Pron Saturday TJaHy-
Rev. J. C. Lowson. pastor 5f the
First Methodist church, is ilt at his
home today where he is bedfast with
a slight attack of flu and grippe.
From Saturday's Daily
Mrs. Belle Coakley, of Elmwood,
for many years a teacher in the
Cass county schools, was in the city
today to look after some matters of
business. v
,Cozy 8x10 brooder house for sale.
See E. W. Meisinger, Weeping Water.
FOR SALE Eight head horses from
1 4 to 6 years old. All broke to work.
(Twenty bred gilt to farrow in April.
See or write Otto Schaffer at Ne
hawka. m2-4tw
Ribn & Greene Store
Phone 2471 - Union
Groceries, Meats, Staple Dry Goods
and Men's Work Shoes
The Rihn & Greene Store (P. F.
Rihn and Chas. Greene, proprietors)
located at Union is recognized as the
shopping headquarters for a lar
number of people in Union and for
many miles around, as its unusually
large stock is a feature that attracts
Phil and Charlie were the origina
tors of low .prices on high grade
merchandise and have helped make
Union a better trading center. This
is an independent store and offers
many advantages not found in other
Messrs. Rihn & Greene have equip
ped their store with efficient refrig
eration for the proper preservation of
perishable foods and strict sanitation
i3 observed in all departments. They
refuse to sell any food that they
would not use on their oftn table.
They carry a line of staple dry
goods, men's work shoes, groceries,
meats, fruits and vegetables and can
supply your wants under the same
roof and save you money at the same
time. Rihn & Greene are noted for
Quality Foods at prices you will be
pleased to pay. They believe business
goes where it is invited and stays at
the place where it is well treated.
and this is the policy under which
they operate.
This store is located to your ad
vantage and always at your service.
Quality merchandise at rock bottom
prices. We heartily recommend this
store to our readers.
Spring Goods
Arriving Daily
Ladies Toggery Has Fine Array
Nelly Don Frocks, Blouses
and Stylish Hats.
Spring is fast approaching and the
Ladies Toggery announces receipt of
a large shipment or new welly uon
Frocks for spring. Come in and se
these famous frocks that are acclaim
ed by women everywhere as the last
word in style and fit. Priced from
$1.95 to 9C.95. Remember Just
try one on.
New additional styles also unpack
ed this week in Gage Hats and Jean
Allen Hats, styled by Gage. 92.05
and 83.95.
New Lerner Blouses. Many styles
in Silk, itayon ana wasn uoiiors.
Priced at S9? to $1.9S.
Bring this ad for double vote3 in
the Rural School contest.
Shop of Personal Service.
From Saturday' Daily-
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Kuhney and
son, Earl, of Los Angeles, arrived in
the city last evening and are plan
ning on making their home here,
they having their household effects
shipped here by truck. They former
ly resided here but in recent years
have lived on the west coast.
Prom Friday's Dally
This morning In the county court
the matter of the probate of the last
will and testament of Jacob Umland,
deceased. Of Eagle, came on for hear
ing. Mrs. Emmallne Scattergood, a
daughter, is the executrix of the es
We do not claim to have the
very best feed in the world
but we do claim to have as
good as the best. Note prices!
Chick Starting Mash. .$2.35
All Mash Laying
Pellets $1.75
Concentrate $2.50
To Mix with Your
Salt, Gray Block 40 $
Swedish Peet Litter,
per bale $2-85
Home of Gooch's Feed and
Hill's Famous Chix
Talk with Us before You Buy
The Quality Remains Long After
the Price is Forgotten if
You Trade with
He Has Rendered an Outstanding
Lumber Service Since 1915
For 24 years Geo. E. Nickles has
served Murray and community with
the best in lumber, fencing and coal.
Few lumber concerns in this section
of the country have attained the
prominence or volume of busincF3
Mr. Nirkles has. He not only carries
a large stock for the accommodation
of the public but has an enviable
reputation for fair prices and good
The Nickles yard at Murray has
come to be known as a place where
you could get what you wanted in
the building line. Their complete
stock and rapid turnover enables
them to take advantage of the best
values the market affords and pass
the savings on to their customers.
Mr. Nickles has assisted Murray and
community for many years, supplying
a steadily increasing number of cui
tomers with the best in lumber, coal
and building materials. He Is always
glad to assist you and give you any
information pertaining to fuel prob
lems, painting and repair work and
this advice will cost you nothing.
or HOTKK uuALi ana service,
call the Murray Lumber Yard, phone
2 111. "One good ton deserves an
other." This community deserves
good coal. It is one of the "long
suits" with George. Jlis motto is
"Better Lumber and Coal for Less."
From Friday's Dally
Last Saturday marked the 25th
wedding anniversary of Mr. and M:-s.
Virgil Sudduth, residing east of Mur
ray and in honor of the happy event a
number of relatives and friends gath
ered at their home to help celebrate
this happy wedding day.
It was also the eightieth birthday
of Mrs. Illen Womack who was also
included as an honor guest.
A lovely dinner was prepared by
the bride at the noon hour which
was greatly enjoyed by all.
A very pretty wedding cake, baked
by Mrs. Luther Womack, graced the
table during the day and was later
ent to their only daughter, Mrs.
Cecil Schall and family who reside
at Oakland, California, who were
not able to be here to attend the
A number dedicated to Mr. and
Mrs. Sudduth by the Freddie Shutz
orchestra was very much appreciated.
In honor of the anniversary Mr.
and and Mrs. Sudduth and Grand
mother Womack received some very
lovely gifts which will serve as
tokens of remembrances.
Those present were: Mr. and Mrs.
Tony Sudduth, Mr. and Mrs. Everett
Sudduth, Mr, and Mrs. Luther Wo
mack, Franklin Womack, Norene
Sudduth, Margie Sudduth, Lavina
Troop, Monroe Mead, and the guests
of j honor, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Sud
duth and Mrs. Ellen Womack.
Phone 95-93 We Deliver
Ad for Tues.. Wed., Febr. 7 and
Rrinsr This Ail for Double Votes
Kamo, 1414-oz.
Tall Cans
5 for
With I'urchnsc
of a $1.00 Order
Sweettooth. 48
lb. and 3-lb.
Pancake Flour
Eed Triumphs
100-lb. Bag
Phone 95-93 We Deliver
Ad for Tues., Wed., Febr. 7 and 8
Brlns This Ail for Double Votes
Brick or Ameri
can, 2-lb. Box
Lean Center
Cuts, 2 lbs
Per Quart
- 1
- ii
Mrs. Mary Cogdill, 32, of Browns
ville, Nebraska, who received pub
licity following an appendectomy
when she arose from the operating
table and walked to her room, is
showing a fine progress. The patient
is a niece of Mr. and Mrs. James
Bildgewater of this city.
Mrs. Charles Ellington and Mr.
and Mrs. M. F. Kyle, of Omaha,
were in this city Thursday, visiting
friends and attending to business
matters at the court house.
From Friday's Dally
Arthur G. Fox of the National
Surety Corporation of Omaha was a
business visitor in the city Thurs
day. A better and newsier Journal Is
our constant aim. You can help
by phoning news items to No. 6.
This Ad for Tues. and Wed.
Ask for Your Rural School
Votes Bring Our Ad
for Double Votes
mam to nuiin ,
1 lb. 25c
Banner Assorted
4-lb. Jar
Van Camp or Tastewell
Pork, Beans Ro
16-oz. Tin J
Dewey Brand
No. 2V2 Cans, 3 for.
Hominy one
Large Can . .t.3 for
No. 2 cans, 3 for.
No. ZV2 cans, 2 for.
50-oz. Tin .
Tall Cans 4 for
Pancalce Flour
3-lb. Bag ...
10 lbs.
e Box Carton
Pioneer Brand
330 sizo Cans, 3 for.
Large size, doz.. . . .23
Med. size, doz 15
Small size, doz 10c
..ii....---rTii,'UJH';'.vi, m
cat Department
Bacon Squares
2 to 4-lb. Pieces IOf
Not sliced. Ib li,V
Pork Steak
Per lb.
Armour's CflCese
4 10c Pkgs. and a
Thermometer for .
Keg and Spiced Herring
Halibut - Whiting
Smoked Salmon