piATTskoiis ii I-; in i ii i PAGE SIX? - - - UNDERGOES APPENDECTOMY Mrs. Mott Frady was taken to the Clarkson hospital Saturday where she underwent an appendectomy op eration. She rallied through the oper ation in good condition and at the present time is feeling much relieved from her recent illness. OVERRULES DEMURRER whether your printing Job f large or smail. it will recelva our prompt attention. Call No. 6. ipuemlhc The A. R. Case Produce Sta tion will be Closed All Day Saturday, Febr. 18 Judge W. W. Wilson at Nebraska City Saturday overruled the de murrer of the Nebraska Masonic Home, co-defendant in a foreclosure action filed in district court by Ne braska City Federal Savings & Loan In its petition, the Nebraska City firm asked forclosure on three lota in Lorton village, naming Mrs. Chari bell Eaton, who had deeded the prop erty to the Home as the other de fendant. The petition stated that on July 8, 1938, Mrs. Eaton gave the firm a mortgage on the property to secure a $1,000 loan, then on Nov. 1, 1938, deeded the lots to the Home. The petition claimed the Nebraska City firm's lien against the property is senior to that of the home's. The defendants were given until Feb. 27 to answer the petition. PORM 4-H CLUB GROUP Friday evening. February 10; the Philip Lepert home was the scene of a large gathering of a group of young and old farm friends who were pres ent to help organize a 4-H club group. Mr. Johnson of Weeping Wa ter was the guest of the evening and presided over the meeting. The business meeting of the eve ning was the formation of two clubs and the election of officers. The "Four Corner Pig Club," consisting of ten members, elected the follow ing officers for the year of 1939: Stanley Liepert, president; Ralph Stava, secretary; George Lepert, leader; Ed Stava, assistant leader. The "Rivervlew Club" was also formed and the following officers named: Ralph Stava, president; Bob Martin, vice-president; Lorothy Le- Staley's Golden SYRUP 10-lb. Pail, 49d; 5-lb (Bring: this Ad for Double Votes in the Rural School Contest) U Pail. 25c .10c Avalon Sliced or Half PEACHES 9 fnr 97c No. 2i2 Cans 1WA & S Vita Rich or Buddy Boy PANCAKE FLOUR 3-lb. Sack 1 Flambeau Soaked PEAS No. 2 Can Doz, 590; Case of 24, $1.15 5' Santa Clara Prunes 120 Size C lbs., 250 ; 25-lb. 95' Del Monte Crushed PINEAPPLE .3 for 20c Buffet Cans . Smoked BtanftSS BeeS Upcast!: u. .7C 1'. S. ; railed anil Armour' Quality llrantll lleef Truilrr Shoulilrr Cut. Eai?j3. BrSdf in tS 3 lbs. 2C EBeeS BSeanrtts .ac Voonc, Tender. 11 for Ilaklne. Minced Luncheon or BolOgna Selected, 2 Lbs. . . . 2SC Bath's Tenderized, Shankless Amazingly Tender, Deliciously Good. Whole or Half, lb D2ainml&moi?gei3? L.SSC Frenhlj- Ground llef Cuta. Sjpacre IMUdc L. 25c lan, Meaty Squares, Lb. . . Susrar-C'ared Salmon z as?)iVS-i?!!!!...a3c Whiting Fish SSIfe LlSc rwiMnCwftif Juicy Texas "TWarsTT OrapetrillC seedless Lg 220 size, doz. Each , 96 Size. Dozen, 29c Each, 2V2c; 6 for.. 15c Apples "ITtr. .J5c New Cabbage IV."1. Te"s . 3c 4f)n 1 a Juicy Calif. Sunkist -" g JIUT I 5" Medium 288 4fO !T -L ' size, doz JlAv Each. -U " Radishes K jXB.51 ,or. . .10c Onions StfJlii MIT. .10c Celery Yams 50-lb. Ban, 99c; 3 lbs.... Tender California Extra Large Stalk U. S. No. 1 Louisiana Porto Rican, 4 lbs 10C 19c Heinz Ketchup Large 14-oz. "fl 9o Bottle JL fl Heinz Pickles Fresh Cucumber fl An Style. 24-oz. Jar JL5 Heinz Soups 2 Large Ee- Qf?C or J Cans' (Assorted except Chowder, Gumbo or Consomme) Heinz Strained Foods Assorted Varieties &z-oz. Cans 11 for Dozen cans, 89 1SC HEINZ VINEGAR Pure Cider or TKTiite Quart Bottle IT Sunrise Sweet, Mild COFFEE Mb. Bag, 15r 3 lbs. . 43' Fine Granulated Beet SUGAR 10 lbs. 47 rtoyal Brand FLOUR 48-lb. Sack 83 Lias Flakes r&??! 22c Lux Toilet Soap 4Tra:.B.ar.... 25c Spry Shortening Sfk'SST . . . Sic Lava Soap Large bar, 9; Med. bar GC Ivory Flalies Erpg!apgWa?hh1.9. ...... .22c Guest Ivory Soap "0?o",ar.. "!.?... 19c Ine SoaP of Beautiful Women lTy ciOlUy Regular Bars, 3 for 2. C SALADA TEA Green A fjn V2-lb. Pkg,33i ; i4-lb. JL C Brown L., 0. Pekoe 4f A V2-lb. Pkg, 37 ; -lb. JLVU Walker's Austex Chili or Tamales &.L. 2 for 25c ScotTowels Ural fnr Ivitrbpn I ! ff T 1 B in Koll ........ jjl vf CLIMALENE Softens Water (1 Qc Large Pkg ILt BOWLENE, Cleans f Qa Closet Bowls, Lg. can. Tissue Pillsbury 's ??fbAKsEacfLOUR. 2Hc Craclierc SSS.Jai.t'WlV!": 22c. . .23c Bread Fresh Sliced White, 16-oz. Loaf Qq T3tf f.fl pASCO (Solids). Lib. Carton, 28c WatA OUiiCr Hinky-Dinky, 1-lb. Carton.... 27& Encello IVIargerioe Ca?..n. . 25c ftVr Musselman's strawberry, Raspberry UAAj or Grape. 2-lb. Jar 2J3C jirupuuiruii ounce Texene. doz.. 89c No. 2 can 8, 2 for. KSElSiJ Linen-ized inSRfiq for I Reg. Softness 25' Rolls. . . Ad for Pla turnout h, Fii Sat Febr. 17-18 IBiiotHteff-BJiHia Specially Mellowed Regular or Drip Grind 1-Ib. Can T C or Glass Jar. 2-lb. Can or Glass Jar We Reaerre the rlsbt to Limit Qnaatltlea pert, secretary; Miss. Mary Ann Le pert, club reporter; James Lepert, leader; Walter Martin, assistant leader. Following the business session a social hour was held. The time was spent in playing pinochle and Chi nese checkers from which all de rived a good time. . The evening was concluded with the serving of refreshments by Mr3. Philip Lepert, assisted by her daugh ter, Louise. The next meeting of the clubs will be held on March 3 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Lepert. CITY BALANCES INCREASE February 1st statement of City Treasurer M. D. Brown, as predicted by the Journal in commenting on the reduced balance at time of the an nual statement January 1, shows a nice upswing to $1918. 22. During January $6,368.67 was received and $3,109.39 paid out. Besides this, due to limitations in depositor liabil ity. Treasurer Brown has not been able to cash and deposit other remit tances from the county treasurer in the amount of about $6,000 for im provement assessments and $1,100 in gas and poll tax collections. Could these sums have been de posited, the ' balance would have risen to more than $26,000.00. Bond and interest payments will pull down the balance to where these funds can be deposited without over running the city's "guarantee. WHEN OLD FRIENDS MEET Samuel Waugh, of Lincoln, is the president of the Trust section of the American Bankers association and a few days ago was at New York City to attend a conference and meeting of the association. The gathering in cluded a banquet and at which Mr. Waugh had two old friends and for mer Plattsmouth men as his personal guests. These visitors were Matthew Gering Ilerold, a member of one of the leading law firms of New York, and Lloyd Bennett Wilson, head of one of the large telephone companies of the east. In the meeting the group had many pleasant recollections of boyhood days in their native city. Deeds. Mortgages and all sorts of legal blanks for sale at the Journal office. POULTRY WANTED! Get Our Prices Before You Sell Your POULTRY HOME DAIRY Conveniently Located 5th and Main Center of Business Section Ad for Friday, Saturday, Febr. 17 and 18 I I PHONE 93 and 95 WE DELIVER J WE GIVE RURAL SCHOOL VOTES SAVE OUR CASH REGISTER SLIPS DOUBLE VOTES IF YOU BRING AD TO BE SIGNED! riii rr if n pin Tan cans ItllLll llHlilU 4. for 25c DEANS -,K?Vfc.?-00. .1 7c GRAPEFRUIT I"" s.Md!!s.s. . . 25c OMAR FLOUR 48-lb. Sack $1-25 A COFFEE - Butter-Nutr Reg. or DrIp2 Ib. Tin or Jar 3: LETTUCE ?'csS.s"!. H.ea.ds. ..... .9c FLOURLighthouse, 48-lb. Bag. -85c POTATOES ,Roeodr.s.. $1.39 naieine Macaroni. Spaghetti, frown n llaldlllaor Powdered Sugar. 3-lb...&lu nnnfflCC Choc. Marshmallows, VVVIllktf Sand. Centers, Pieces . 15c CfllSCO i:,f'anshort.'n.,n?; . : . . .50c SUGAR Gran. Beet Full lO-lb. Net "Wt. Cloth Bag 4&e -. K A COFFEE Joe's Economy Fresh Ground 3 lbs. for ORANGES fnjScnoz:.Sw.M:.10c finnri Tomatoes or Green Beans OOm OUElli No. 2 Cans . ..4 for LqZ Til f Ifl Messina Brand I U II M 52 -lb. Tin 15 CM riniTl Trolling Brand lb. Tin 10c A OnnninCC Tomato Sauce UHI1UIIIE.) Oval Tins, 1-lb. 10c DADY FOOD s""?.. T0DACC0 Dukes Mixture 3-5o Pkg si 10c ULLEkTS MEAT DEPARTMENT BEEF ROASTS, extra fancy, lb 16 BEEF SHOULDER STEAK, lb 19 PLATE BOIL, per lb. BEEF STEW, Cut, No Bone, lb 17 HAMBURGER FRESH CUT 2 lbs. 25c SAUSAGE PURE PORK lb. H5c LEG OF LAMB, per lb 23 LAMB ROAST, lb ... .20$ LAMB CHOPS, lb 25 Pioneer Sliced IBASSJ 5 lb. Dox . VEAL BROWNIES, per lb. . . 25 FRESH MILK, quart bottle . .66 We Also have a Full Line of Cold Meats Fresh Oysters, Dill Pickles - Fresh Dressed Chickens ALL, AT MOST REASONABLE PRICES 1 "Eat Flelschmann's Yeast for HealtfT'C Casco Butter Made in Plattsmouth. Solids, 1-lb. Ctn. 27c I5c Plattsmouth Bread Another food Home Product. 2 loaves.. MUSSELMAN'S PURE Apple-Orange Marmalade OR A Delicious Spread. 2-lb. Jar I Corn, Tomatoes. Peas, Spinach Standard Pack ACSo 7 for 5VW Van Camp or Tastewell Pork, Beans Re 16-oz. Tin Dill Pickles pcc Big Jar Peanut Butter LINKO 32-oz. Jar Old Orchard Pure Apple Butter 4 Rq 2-lb. Jar SWEET SUE MILK 9&c Tall Cans 4 for Tomato Soup Campbell's Of?C 3 Cans for 4 Pancake Flour HONEY DEW flC 3-lb. Bag JLXJ Shurflne Light or Golden Syrup IQc Per Gallon - Oxydol Oflc Large Size, each. . . . -4 Giant Size, 53c Hinso O-JJc Large Size, each .... Giant, 65c ' . . p & a Soap TJJc 10 Bars for. Energy Bleach Gallon Size, 49c 4 f?C Quart bottle iL-V Ammonia Energy Full Strength ?C Quart Bottle 2L5?W M National GUeVuf Week! SEE OUR CHERRY SPECIALS! 25c RED PITTED Cherries Nd. 2 Cans. . . .2 for Utah Valley Royal Anne Cherries fllSc No. ZVzr Can . . Fresh American Tomato CatsuD 14-oz. Bottles frif 2 for iVC Butter Cookies Total of 92 Cookies in 2 Boxes for Baking Powder FARRELL'S gg 10-oz. Can J IGA or SHURFINE Rolled Oats Large Pkg Quick or Regular Pork U Beans TASTE WELL Large Can, each 3 for 25c; 6 for 47c 17c Qc Salad Siyle Prepared Mustard flc 2-lb. Jar Pumjikin 0c 25c 25c Dewey Brand Ilraut No. 2'2 Cans, 3 for. . Pioneer Brand Peas 300 size Cans, 3 for. Smacks, wafers EDGEMONT ifiC 13J4-OZ. Box il,Jlw NEW IDEAL Dog Food QfTn 3 1-lb. Cans Lge. size. 23c; Med., 15c Small size, dozen. GRAPE FRUIT, per doz. 29c PINK GRAPEFRUIT, each .5c RADISHES. 3 bunches 10c EAT DEPAQTI.1EOTF ARMOUR'S STAR or WILSON'S PURE fiig Lard, 2 lbs, for li?c Bacon Squares flOc Not Sliced, 2 to 4-lb. Ave Per lb A Glazer's Chili OIc Contains all Ineredients. 1-lb. brick U" WILSON'S BOX BACOH VfHNo 5-lb. Box for. . VVHvV Shoulder Beef Roast Choice Corn Fed. Any cut desired. Lb Pork Roast Choice quality. Special, per lb Longhorn Cheese Wilsons Full Cream. Per lb.. Fillets of Fish Fresh Frozen (Skinless). Per lb.. Pickled Fish , - , Salt Fish 19c flSc age BRING THIS AD FOR RURAL SCHOOL VOTESI THIS AD FOR FRIDAY AKO SATURDAY I "Eat Flelschmann's Yeast for Health'