The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 16, 1939, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Votes for Hew
Decide to Seek New Company for
Insurance Owing" to Past Dif
ferences Bear Eeiiorts. ' '
The long standing question of the
compensation insurance for the city
of Hattsmouth for its employes
came to a head Monday evening at
the council meeting, it was
voted to cancel or not accept the
policy tendered by the 'Turk-Sum-nerville
Co.. and the finance com
mittee empowered to sectre a policy
from the agency of Scail S. Davis,
ivhich would have provisions desired
hy the city and to cover all of the
city workers. The members of the
council were asked to express them-
selves on the matter before a motion jder marks here last fall was re
and it was the unanimous opinion 'ferred to the claims committee to in
tliat the old policy be rot renewed . vestigate.
because of the fact previous
claim for firemen compensation had
been refused.
On the suggestion of Councilman
E. A. Webb it was voted to have the
city attorney and as many council
men as possible attend the hearing
at Lincoln today of the proposed bill
covering the taxing of non-resident
dealers and delivery firms.
City Officials Eeport
City Clerk Albert Olsan reported
that for the month of January he
had collected the sum of 1361.32 and j and canopies and that the comniit
v.hich had been turned over to the tee was asking bids for replacements
city treasurer.
City Treasurer M. D. Brown re
ported that at the close cf January
the city had in the various funds the
sum of $19,188.22 and which was
deposited in the Plattsraouth State
Fire Chief Dr. O. Sandin reported
that there had been three fires since
his last report, a shed at the Don
York home, the Oreapolis section
house and the George Taylor home in
the north part of the city.
Police Judge C. L. Giaves report
ed that for the week of January 26th
that there had been on! arrest and
fines and costs of $ 8.25 received.
Chief of Police W. M. Barclay re
ported for January that there had
been six arrests and fines and costs
of $31.50 received and the balance
of the fines worked out.
Councilman Tippens o? the streets,
alleys and bridges committee, report
ed that his force had widened out
Maiden Lane for a block to make a
better road for a mail route but had
stepped to look after thil care of the
menace caused by the heavy snow
and sleet. He also asked that sev
eral bad places on Washington ave
nue be repaired when the weather
would permit.
Councilman Scliutz of the Hre de
partment reported that his commit
tee had met with the firemen relative
to the outline of a rural fire district
but that nothing definite had been
arranged and more time was de
sired by the committee.
Mayor Lushinsky sti.ted that he
COOILEflE 15.9 -SUPER 16.9
Saturday, Febr. IS
Two quarts Coryell -70- Motor Oil FREE with purchase
cf 6 gallons or more of Gasoline. Save, but save safely
at Coryell's Over 500 stations in 14 states 45th year.
GOflVELIL -70- iPiilOltJGTS
Are Sold at Prices always Less and subject to
the famous Coryell Money-Back Guarantee
For GE M
and Ever-Ready RAZORS
had given permission for the fire
truck to be taken to Oreapolis last
week to save the section house and
that the feed of the pumper had
been frozen up. He has had a gas
heater placed in the fire house to
supplement the steam radiation and
keep the place at the proper temper
ature. ' ,y
Chairman Rebal of the judiciary
committee, resented the present reso
lution relative to the use of the fire
truck out of the city and which it
is desired to change and make more
practical for the present time. Coun
cilman Schutz of the fire and water
committee desired, in case changes
were made, that a provision that
only regular drivers be allowed to
handles the truck be made.
After some discussion the matter
was passed over until a more definite
plan could be worked out and a rural
fire aid district created.
The claim of the McMaken Trans
fer Co., for $84 for hauling the boul-
Chairman Webb of the tax and
property committee, reported that
all of the property in block ten that
the city had acquired, had been clear
ed up and deeds being prepared and
the city in position to give full title
to the purchasers. New residences
had been assured of being erected
there in the future.
To Purchase Globes
Chairman J. C. Comstock of the
lighting committee, reported on the
matter of the loss of electrolier globes
as many were reported as cracked
and would need many more new
globes in the near future.
It was suggested that globes with
out the canopies would be much
cheaper and it was decided to allow
the committee to decide if these
might not be used on the electroliers
going up high school hill and on the
side streets.
The lighting commitee was au
thorized to receive the bids and buy
as many globes as necessary at the
most favorable price.
At this time the council adjourn
ed to join the firemen in the formal
dedication of the new club rooms on
'the first floor of the city hall.
The following bills were ordered
paid by the city council:
lowa-Xebr. Light & Power
Co., street lights $247.92
Ray H. Wiysel, welding 3.00
Platts. Fire Dept., nozzlemen 4.50
Albert Olson, stamps J 3.50
Lincoln Tel. Co., phone rents 6.40
J. H. Boetel, burying dogs 4.00
W. A. Robertson, legal ser
vices 20.00
Platts. Journal, printing 22.75
Cloidt Service, gas fire truck 8.16
Platts. Water Corp., hydrant
rental 483.96
lowa-Xebr. Light & Power
Co.. lights, gas city hall 11.97
Rcy Taylor & Son, cement 17.85
K-B Printing Co.. license tags 3.89
Tidball Lumber Co., coal 11.65
Nebraska. Prison Indus., signs 12.60
Cass County, tracing cloth 1.54
Ivan Taylor, street work 61.88
D. L. Ramel. tractor work 61.40
John Kubicka, cleaning sts. 27.20
John Kubicka, street work , 27.20
George Taylor, street work 19.20
George Taylor, street work
with team 57.20
Chicago Ave. Claims
'J. E. Haith, wood for heaters.? 1.50
Qfe Oil Co., gas and oil .99
Ofe Oil Co., supplies and oil 10.25
Joe Mrasek, sand 64.87
Paxton & Vierling Co., man
hole traps, etc 38.10
Tidball Lumber Co., supplies 37.37
Joe Mrasek, sand 55.26
Jess F. Warga, supplies 3.10
C. E. Welshimer, oil 10.53
Bestor & Swatek, supplies 8."06
Everett Pickens, stripping
land Wheeler quarry 210.00
Glen VaHerv. supplies 31.75
Chas. Crawford, truck rental
Ira Clinkenbeard, same
C. E. Markham, same
Falk & Wiles, labor and sup
plies 48.82
Mr. Leon Ray Livinvston, traveler,
author, and orator, better known as
the "A-No. 1 Wanderer will speak
at the church next Sunday. February
19, at 2:30 p. m. His subject will
be "Where Is My Wandering Boy?"
Mr. Livingston has had a checkered
cureer; running away from home in
San Francisco when but 11 years
old, he-roamed about for 30 years.
When he finally returned, he discov
ered that his good parents had died of
broken hearts because of his disap
pearance. He settled down to a life
of industry and usefulness, married
and raised a family. He is now giv
ing all his time to the runaway chil
dren problem. He li trying to show
the youth of America what a serious
mistake they make when they desert
home. He tells the parents why chil
dren run away, where they go, the
things they experience and how to
keep them home. In his travels, Mr.
Livingston has covered 520,000 miles
at an expense of -$7.61. He knows
the life of the runaway; he has a
vital and most interesting message
as he actually passed through all he
Think of it! Figures indicate that t
approximately 80.000 girls and 200,
000 boys run away very year; 40,000
girls and 35,000 boys are never seen
again by their unfortunate parents
who almost invariabl die of a broken
heart, because of grief over the miss
ing loved one!
Mr. Livingston comes to us with
the very best references from pastors
of all denominations. Kveryone who
has heard him, speaks well of the
man and his message. With millions
of men totally unemployed and num
berless men and youths tramping
aimlessly from place to place, this
address will prove most interesting,
instructive, unique and beneficial.
He reveals the tricks of the tramps
their marking of homes, etc. Rare
ly ever a woman vagrant met with!
Every family is taxed annually up to
55 aiding worthless, if not actually
dangerous, wandering beggars. He
teaches us to distinguish the unfor
tunate man who is honestly in search
of employment from vagabonds who
not only spread foul, if not deadly
diseases, but educate harmless young
runaways in the dynamiting of safes,
robbing of banks, burglarizing of
post offices and school bouses and
the murdering of folks who gave
them passage in' their automobiles
all exclusive specialties of the
tramping fraternit and never taught
in any church, school or home will
be told you Sunday afternoon. Feb
ruary 19th at 2:30. You should hear
Mr. Livingston and bring as many
others with you as possible.
NEW YORK, Feb. 14 (UP) The
Will Rogers memorial commission dis
closed plans todav to donate $100,000
to the national infantile paralysis
The commission has $50,000 avail
able which will be distributed to coun
ty chapters of the foundation as soon
25 a survey of local needs is complet
ed. Another $50,000, for research and
educational work by the national
foundation, will be raised in the Will
Rogers National Theater week drive
in April.
Maj. L. E. Thompson, chairman of
the theater campaign, said that 6,
109 theaters had participated in last
years drive and that a larger number
was expected to participate this year.
A better and ntwsltr- Journal la.
our constant aim. You can fielp !
by phoning "news" Items to No. 6 '
- - m w - '
Smith Brothers Cough Drops (Black cr Menthol,
50) are the only drops containing Vitamin A -
This- is the vitamin that raises the resistance of the mucous
membranes of the nose and throat to cold infections.
M 1. M
Albert N. Burris, aged 79 years,
a resident of -Plattsmouth for many
years, passed away in a hospital Sat
urday evening, February 11th at
Billings, Montana.
Mr. Burris has been in ill health
for some time suffering from a stroke
he had about a year ago. At that
time his daughter, Mrs. R. J. Zender
and his sister, Mrs. Julia Thomas
were called -to his bedside and spent
some time with him and he 'seemed
to improve until recently he grew
weaker until death relieved his suf
fering. He has made his home in Montana
for a number of years.
During his residence in Platts
mouth he was an old employee of
the Burlington.
Albert N. Burris was born in Gen
try county, Missouri, December 5,
.1S59 and came to Plattsmouth when
a small boy, where he grew to man
hood and was united in marriage to
Miss Pauline Fickler on Oct. 16,
To this union two children were
born, who survive him.
The wife passed away on May 13,
1892. Besides his children who
mourn his passing are the daughter,
Mrs. R. J. Zender of Omaha, Nebr.,
i his son, J
A. Burris of Washington
state and his only sister, Mrs. Julia
Thomas, also of Omaha, as well as
five grandchildren, Mrs. Gerald
Cronin. Mrs. Howard Kline and
Ralph Zender, Jr., all of Omaha and
Mrs. J. Whipple, Jr.. of Chicago, 111.
and Miss Frances Burris at home,
and one great grandchild, Tommy
j Cronin; two nephews, G. B. Thomas
of Lincoln and Alvin E. Thomas of
Pueblo, Colo., and one niece, Mrs.
M. C. Franks of Omaha.
Funeral services and burial will be
held at Billings, Mont.
From Wednesday's Daily
The Junior Chamber of Commerce
met last evening at S o'clock at the
Recreation Center where a pre-dance
business meeting was held. The meet
ing was called to order and started
by the local officers of the organiz
ation. The main discussion of the evening
was the dance which will be given
this evening by the Junior Chamber
of Commerce at the American Le
gion hall. Charles Howard, chair
man of the dance committee, sub
mitted a report fo the effect that
everything had been set and started
for the big event that is to take place
this evening. The Ross NichoVs or
chestra will play for the occasion.
A communication from tlie "JVeep
ing Water Junior Chamber of Com
merce was read by the president. The
communication challenged the Platts
mouth members to motor to Weeping
Water to play in a ping-pong tour
nament to see which organization
was the best players.
' Two new members, George Dobson,
manager' of the Lincoln Telephone &
Telegraph company of this city, and
Howard Baker, employee of the
Plattsmouth State bank, were pres
ent and addressed the members in
short talks and had submitted their
Following the short business meet
ing the members adjourned to their
places of interest until the next
meeting which will be held on Tues
day, February 28.
LINCOLN, Feb. 15 (UP) Com
pulsory auto testing in Nebraska ap
parently was headed today toward
an exit.
The committee on revenue and
taxation late yesterday reported out
to the legislature a substitute bill
for L. B. 31 outlined brake and
light requirements but eliminated
the compulsory annual testing pro
vision which was the main target
of criticism In the 1937 law.
Although the substitute bill re
quires cars to meet brake and light
specifications, motorists are entrust
ed with the responsibility of com
plying or drawing fines for vio
lation, with enforcement vested in
the state highway patrol. Driver's
license fees remain at 75c and $1
in the substitute bill. L. B. 39. orig
fn&riy 'introduced, would have re-
diicpcj fees, to 50c, and admitted hard
ship on the patrol.
From Tuesday's Daily
This day is the anniversary of a
tragedy that is remembered by many
people of this county and by every
resident of the vicinity of Union
where on February 14, 1909, occur
red the train wreck at Union. That
morning at 10:30 the south-bound
Missouri Pacific passenger train was
derailed at the Union "Y" and
"Thomas G. was killed in
stantly and Amos McXamee was ser
iously injured. Other injured were
Myron E. Thomas, Gus King, J. E. R.
Goudsmith, C. J. W. Roe and Frank
Heavrin, all of Omaha. The con
ductor of the train was Thomas Rea
gan, who was said to be one of the
most efficient and careful men on the
road. The cause of the wreck was
never definitely known. The mem
bers of the coroner's jury that in
vestigated the matter were Peter
Clarence, Syl Hathaway, Reuben
Stine. Reese Delaney, Edward Young
and W. E. Clark. Mr. Stine is the
only one of the jurors now living
t Union.
Sunday evening Raymond Wil
liams, of this city, departed on the
Ak-Sar-Ben over the Burlington as
the first step on his way to New
York City and from where he leaves
by plane Wednesday for South Am
erica. A party of the friends from
here motored to Omaha to see him
depart, these comprising Mr. and
Mrs. Louis Lohnes, I. T. Callister and
Miss Helen Virginia Price. Mrs.
Williams and the children who have
been making their home at Mon
damin, Iowa, for the past few months
while Mr. William has been working
there, will return here to reside
while the husband and father is In
South America.
President Roosevelt today asked con
gress to provide legislation establish
ing government resources planning
on permanent basis. Mr. Roosevelt
sent a progress report of the na
tonal resources committee to Senator
James F. Byrnes. D., S. C, and Rep
resentative John J. Cochran, D., Mo.,
chairman of the congressional com
mittees on government reorganiz
ation. The report reviewed problems
and progress with which a planning
agency has been concerned. '
LINCOLN, Feb. 14 (UP) Police
sought today to correlate an attempt
ed safe robbery at the Lincoln Theat
er with a recent safe blowing at Falls
Two men who broke into the theatre
through an alley entrance and knocked
the knob from the outer door of the
safe fled without gaining entrance to
the safe. One of the men held a grun
on Leonard Coopersmith, usher whe
discovered the robbers, while his com
panion worked on the safe.
Randall York, local Gamble store
manager, has returned home frem a
meeting of the store managers of
the company from Iowa, Nebraska,
Kansas and Missouri, held at Des
There were over three hundred
in attendance at the meeting and the
sessions covered several days with
interesting programs and fine talks
from the heads of the various lines
of store activities.
W. W. Wasley who has been quite
ill the past two weeks is showing
some improvement. He has not been
in the best of health for the past six
mouths and it is hoped that this
forced rest will soon enable him to
resume his work.
University Extension Courses are
being offered by the Plattsmouth
Study Center. Anyone wishing to
register for courses offered by exten
sion should see Lrloyd O. Leyda, Room
206 at the Plattsmouth high school.
,t PcUor foul-
y y r tr-y. Lifts Ku
! sr-"""''"'! :ff- Iron, lUd it . 11
f j raticide reeommetwtad l
i-r nyui urpt ait vdix. t
I533)i Reidy Mtxra-. tor II
. ' komri 35rui H 90 Pom-
"'""SkTl - der. lor farmi. 75. All
Drue and Setd Storm
1 ' . Darnac each rat doai J
jaagV coit you $20
CS? year. K-R-OCo.
u , - i- -
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. McReynolds
were over to Avoca last Saturday at
tending the gathering of the Cass
County Historical Society.
Henry Gruber who has been very
poorly and hardly able to get about
for some time was able to be down
town last Monday and said he was
feeling some better.
Visits in Union Last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hemphill
were in Union last Sunday where
they enjoyed a delightful visit at
the home of their niece, Mrs. Be:4
Anderson and husband and their lit
tle son. The occasion was the cele
bration of three birthday anni
versaries. They were Ben Anderson
whose birthday fell last Saturday,
February 11th, Mrs. Charles Hemp
hill which came on Valentine day,
February 14th and Mrs. Hemphill,
whose birthday occurred February
12. There were there also Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Anderson and Mrs. Min
nie Anderson, mother of Frank.
Looking for Better Times.
Don Philpot, who has been with
the Farmers Co-operative Oil tom
pany of Nehawka as salesman and
distributor of the products, has
given nis truck good hard service
during the years and seeing good
times ahead acquired a new G.M.C.
truck for delivery purposes.
Had Merry Time Last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Sturm were
host and hostess at their home in
Nehawka last Sunday and had as
their guests Mr. and Mrs. John
Yeiser and children. Jack, Andy and
Suzanne, all of Omaha, as well as
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. McCarthy
of Union, Mr. McCarthy being bro
ther of Mrs. A. F. Sturm.
The Piggie Took a Ride.
At the last fine stock sale of
Hampshire hogs held by Harry M.
Knabe, a very fine specimen was
bought by a man from near Tarkio,
Mo., and with his purchase, as he
thought, securely fastened in a crate,
attached on a trailer to his automo
bile the man departed for home
and somewhere between here and
there the hogship disappeared from
the crate and trailer. The purchaser
was sending out an SOS from KFNF
at Shenandoah last Monday.
Sell Farm Last Saturday.
Three hundred and twenty acres
of land of the late A. G. Murdock es
tate were sold from in front of the
Nehawka State bank last Saturday.
One quarter brought $28.50 per acre,
while the other quarter brought
$32.30, making an averageo f $31.70,
or in all something over $10,000 for
the farm. With a scarcity of rain
fall during recent years, it has had
a depressing effect on the price ot
land. Forty-nine years ago Isaac
Pollard sold a half section abutting
the highway No. '4, then known as
"O" street for an even $50 an acre.
Then the land was new and very pro
ductive, and for years produced from
50 to 60 bftshels of corn to the acre.
But times seem to have changed.
Visits Relatives Here.
Albert Hall of Seattle, Washing
ton where he is engaged in the bank
ing business arrived in Nehawka last
Monday afternoon and has been
visiting his brother and sister,
Charles Hall and Mrs. R. B. Stone.
Mr. Hall has not been here for a long
time and he and his brother and sis
ter have been enjoying the visit very
much and as veil his many, friends
Entertained Friends at Dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lemon were
host and hostess to a number of
their .friends in Nehav.ka where on
last Sunday they all enjoyed a very
pleasant evening and an excellent 6
o'clock dinner. The friends to get
together for the evening were Mr.
and Mrs. J. H. Steffens, Mrs. Mollie
Magney, Miss'Maxine Steffens, Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Anderson and their
son Kenneth.
See the gooos ou buy. Catalog
but how about the aoods when
descriptions are alluring enough,
you cet lhem7
' Theatre . Nebraska City
SaL, Sun., Mon., Tues.
Eleanor Powell in
with llolirrt Voting, Grume Ilurn
News, Comedy, Cartoon
Matinee Saturday at 2:80
Tiirec Shows Saturday Night Sun
day,, 2:30. Ctmtinuous
Ealcony, 20 1
WAYNE, Pa. (UP) Paui J. Adel-
berger, 27, was a happy father, and
'he went to a theater to relieve the
"tension. " He won a $200 bank
night award. Abelberger raid,
"That'll take care of the baby," then
added, "and I mi?ht even name it
Plain Garments j?jfhQ
Cleaned, Pressed. . cP'Cr
Suits - Hats - Coati
Dresses - Robes
Special: One garment free
with 2 others, or 3 for $1
Phone 196
425 Main St. Plattsmouth
2-50 CASH
500 per 100 lbs. for Dead Hogs
For Prompt Service, Call
The Fort Crook
Rendering Works
Ft. Crook, Nebr., Market 3541
We Pay All Phone Calls
'JvTSee Our Corner Window! x
Quivering nerrea can make you old and
haggard looking, cranky and hard to Uva
with can keep you awake nights and
rob you of good health, good Unwa and
What you may need is a particularly
f ood woman' t tonic and could you ask
or anything whose benvfiui are betur
proved than famous Lydia K. FinLhams
Vegetable Compound? Lf t it whole
some herbs and roota help Nature build
up more physical resistance and thus help
calm your shrieking nerves, give mora
energy and make life worth living again.
More than a million women iutve re
ported benefit why not Ut Pint ham's
Compound help Y'OU, too, to go "smil
ing thru" trying times like it ha other
rrateful women for the pant 3 genera
imu mi.i: i i:ati hi;
lln MIIIoimI and OImir ltranlt in
'Say It in French
A fray, laiifTli-loal'l nmanti- iit. Ari-I
(nil i'utlrrKiin anl Holier! I'l-rwlon in
"I ;c-1 1 i ml ff-ry crook is a criiokcd law-yf-r,"
my J. IMxar llo'ncr. A thrill
ing; Mast exposes tlictn. Als "MaviU
uf the- ilfirriieMK Seriil. Mutiiice l
Saturday. '1 complete nite fliuw.
Adults 25c Children. . .10c
Jnrk Hen ii.i, Junu llenneft. Ilia: ail In
'Artists and Models Abroad'
Your favorite lladio Stars In a bran 1
netv Jsliovv. ( oniril) and .rna Heel.
MBht Miuv. 7 nud 9
Matinee, 10-25c Nights, 10-30c
dol-ftr Mmjun, Jack Hale, Arleen
farina and n It'.tt t " la
'Thanks for Everything'
comedj- r!nt all ;ilout Mis't-r Aver
ae Mn. Also iuirf y. Mrrti ol Tlmr
ami Millennium ' l t eiil orrv Mattiitr.
All Shows, 10 and 15c
noi hlk m;atihk
Kay I'ranclii aul Jau llnatrr In
'Comet Over Broadway'
ssd liottn Karlolt. (be llorrr Man iu
'Devil's Island'
I $2
Since 1879 S
I j -