PAGE SIX PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WPEEIY JOTJBNAL THTJBSDAY. rTPRITAEY 9, 1S39. Bring in this ad 2nd get double votes in the rural school contest! mi FRIDAY! SATURDAY! Last 2 Days of Hinlcy-Dinky 's . February Food Event! DEEP-CUT PRICES ON SCORES OF ITEMS! . . . . STOCK UP FOR WEEKS TO COME . . it & it AT MONEY SAVING PRICES! Blue Plate Brand 10-oz. Can, 23t5-oz. Cans SAJLR2Kf Old Pals Alaska 1-lb. Tall Can. rl a' Choice Blue Rose BICE 5 lbs. 21c Champion High Test LYE Regular Can DWARFIES Wheaf. Cereal, Pkg. 19c Staley's Syrup (Golden) 5; 25c ?JA9C SALLY MAY Salad Dressing Quart tytZC Jar &2 Vita-Rich or Baddy Boy Pancake Flour Bag aOaC Swansdown Cake Flour 91! C 234-lb. Pk &jL Pork Loin IRiaottti.aiLc I". S. Jirmlfd nuil Armour- llraiilrl Ilnliy Hi Cudahy's Pure Bex Brand in Bulk - - 3.i,2(g SHretnl I.oln Knd Cut") Armonr'n Ilrnnitnl llnby Itrrf Tentlrr. Jniey Shoulder tut! Bound or Sirloin Per lb I". S. ;rn !-! nuI Armour" llra4lr- Ilnliv Iterf Lb. f'lioirr. I.rau. DSaimiilbiinErjgeiir L.SSC Fret. hi j- Groan Ileef Cntn. Minced Luncheon or BolOgna Selected, 2 Lbs 22 (Siheeoe u, BC Fnurj-, Fnll-Flntor Lunshorn Whiting FncBn 2 i&s.H5c llrmllrxx, Irrm-l Oatman's Dundee MILK Tall Cans, each (Save Labels for Valuable Premiums) 6 True American MATCHES Carton of 6 Boxes ..... 15' Smith Brand TOMATOES ..Sfor29c 3oz. $1.15; Case 24. $2.29 Jcy. Calif. Sunkist Seedless Navels Lg. 220 Size, Doz. 4 c Sweet. for Jnlcy Marh Se-rIlrM, I.jj. Mir, rarb. 3? Fey.. Boms Beauty jrn Bu., $1.69. 5 lbs..Z'ViC Applies $1.69, 5 lbs.. 3c Bundle Vnxhliiicton Hot Ilouor (iroitn. Fresi - t. Hn Tender Calif., Well r --n Blchd. Ex. Ig. Stalk iiQPC Victor White or Yellow Corn Meal 5-lb. Sack Fine Granulated Beet SUGAR 10 lbs. SPRY All-Purpose Shortening 1QC 3-lb. Can 101 46( Union Leader Tobacco 14-oz. Can Royal Brand FLOUR 48-lb. Sack CRACKERS Glencoe Soda 21b. Caddy 59c 13c Sunrise Sweet, COFFEE 1-lb. Bag, 15 3 lbs. Mild 43c Apple Butter 15c Mi Choice Brand 2-lb. Jar Northern or Michigan wavy sseans 10 lbs. for ft Del Monte PINEAPPLE 4 Lare Slices j 1 5-oz. Can .... jLj WIKILK WHEAT Fidelity Pancake Flour 3y2-b. Saclc 23c Eilnso All Purpose Soap, large Pkg. . . . . .. '. . HQC USebnoy JKMC ,.P 25c Shredded Wheat &sR2E&.23c Omar Flour. VaS"!. ..$fi.29 Cookies Burch Chocolate Nougats, lb 2C Cfltldlv Milky Way, Snickers, Mars Almond o Vbccaill-UJ and othar E? Bars .3 for JLBQ BlTeatfi Fresh Sliced White, 16-oz. Loaf.. . . . Oc 43 lbs HUTTER-nUT uaiaci iLPffecsifiig 5";".; ..33c Ooap FSallCC Balloon Brand, 5-lb. Pkg. 29 C EBevflled FJeat JSl'lf?. ...3c GOCOa Blue Mill Brand, 2-lb. Can. 4C nAOm nasxin-s wocoa narawaier casilie wOciw9 Regular Bars ..6 for .4 for Van Camp's Pork & Beans Mb. Cans .......... Van Camp's Tomato Juice Giant 50-oz. ; -jgC Dozen Cans, $2.25 . STALEY'G VZXWn Wale Syrup A SPECIAL TEEAT! EXTRA SWEET staters) 10-lb. Can 65c ;35c. 5- - Can Specially Mellowed 1-lb. Gin or GIsjs Jar Regular or Drip Grind C 'Ad for riattumoutfc, FrU. Sat. Ffbr. 10-11" 2-lb. Can . ...or .Glass ...Jar. We Reserve ike Rlrht to I.lnilt Quantities)- Kopp-Maddox Wedding at St. John's Church j Large Number of Relatives and Close Friends Attend Ceremony Msgr. Agius Officiates. Sunday evening, Febrgary' 5, at the St. John's Catholic church. Miss Helen Jane Kopp, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. August Kopp of this city and Mr. Ralph Maddox, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Chester I. Mad dox of Broken Bow, were united in marriage at S o'clock. The church where the bride had been baptized and confirmed was filled with, a large group of friends and relatives from this city, Omaha, and vicinity to witness the ceremony. The altar was arranged with floral decorations of winter flowers which served as a decorative motive. The beautiful and impressive ring: service ..was celebrated by the lit. Rev. Monsignor George Agius, pastor of the church and who performed the ceremony which united the happy young couple. The bridal couple was attended by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kopp, the former a brother of the bride. The bride wore a Genevive-blue frock, umbrella style, with metallic tint. Her accessories were of ma roon color and she wore a corsage of tea roses. The bride also wore a cameo, a gift of her grandmother, Mrs. John Kopp which was worn at her wedding fifty-one years ago and a handkerchief that came directly from Germany as a gift to the bride. The bridesmaid, Mrs. Arthur Kopp, wore a black evening gown with maroon accessories to match. The groom wore a brown suit with a white carnation in the lapel, while the best man wore the conventional dark suit. Preceding the wedding ceremony, the bridal party were guests at a six o'clock wedding dinner at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. August Kopp, attended by the members of the families of the young people. Immediately following the wed ding, the bride and groom left for their home in Ogallala, Nebraska where they will make their home in I the future, the groom being steadily employed there. The bride is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kopp of this city, where she was born and "has Trown to womanhood. She was graduated from the Plattsmouth high school in the class of 1937 and has since her graduation ben engaged) in several cf the local business houses. She is also a granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Xovotny and Mr. and Mrs. John Kopp, old time residents of this city. She is a lady of unusual charm and has a very large circle of friends over the city who will join in their well wishes to this estimable couple. The groom is the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Chester I. Maddox. former residents of Weeping Water, now living at Broken Bow, Nebraska. Mr. Maddox is a graduate of the Sar geant high school in the year of 1931 and is a young man held in the highest esteem by all who have the pleasure of, his acquaintance. I "Eat Flelschmann's Yeast for Health" Rubber Stamps, prompt deliv ery, lowest prices. All sizes at the Journal office. 3 mm Ad for Friday, Saturday. Febr. 10 and 11 PHONE 93 and 95 WE DELIVER WE GIVE RURAL SCHOOL VOTcS SAVE OUR CASH REGISTER SLIPS DOUBLE VOTES IF YOU BRING AD TO BE SIGNED! rl PRESENTS Yellowstone Strawberry 4-tb. Jar ' 39e MILK KAfilO J0ans. . ...25o BEAKS Gr. Nthn. 100 lbs., $3.00 1(1 Ihc Mo K lh . . 17c ft" GRAPEFRUIT Texas Seedless 8 for 25c LETTUCE Crisp,. Solid Heads Qp Each 30 FLOUR Lighthouse, 48-lb. Bag. -85c nAFIARIfF Fl mm National Seal rHIIlMBU. rLUUIl3-lb. Bag 10c OMAR 48-lb. Sack 51-29 5-lb. Bag FREE A COFFEE Butter-Nut Reg. cr Drip, 2 Ib. Tin or Jar conn Tomatoes or Green Beans No. 2 Cans . . ..4 for 29c POTATOES ToEtt. . $1.39 Orange Slices, Gum Drops "frt and Chocolates, lb Ivv CANDY GINGER SNAPS f?bs,h .Snap.p,25c TISSUE PRIME Reg. 5c Rolls, 6 for. 25c nnrwkffrnc white sodas UIIHUIICUO 2-lb. Box 15c SUGAR Gran. Beet Full lO-lb. Net Wt. Cloth Bag 47 '"V"m - K A MATCHES CARIC 6-Box Carton D!i.!mMacaponl- Spaghetti, Brown A -j. IlalSlllSor Powdered Sugar, 3-lb... I If ORAfiGES Sunkist. Navels Sweet and Juicy ea. 1c JELL Butter-Nut, Seven Flavors, Dish Free. 4 for 19c MULLEH'S MEAT DEPARTMENT BEEF ROASTS, extra fancy, lb 16 PLATE BOIL, lb. . . : 12 BEEF STEW, Cut, No Bone, lb 17 HAMBURGER FRESH CUT 2 lbs, 25c CHEESE American or Brick 2 lb. Box 30c PORK BUTT ROAST, lean, lb 17y2P PORK CHOPS, choice Center cuts, lb..' 19$ PURE PORK SAUSAGE, lb. .15 i'toneer jucea BASS)T (EH) (5 S lb. Box . &s&h -5, : : FRESH OYSTERS, Solid Pack, full Pint. . . . ... . .23 11 j I il BRING THIS AD FOR RURAL SCHOOL VOTES! AND YOU'LL FE1 BETTER THE WHOIE PAY ' L V Start tomorrow off with -Oc- :tr I I a punchy breakfast V4rtra "and feel btter day lonj j yj jj mSg 1 SANTA CLARA 0 CRISP, CRUNCHY GOLD MEDAL Pkgs. The "Breakfast of Cham pions" served with cream and fruit makes a tiptop breakfast for the whole family I I Keep healthy! Serve prunes for a hearty breakfast. 40-50 Size IO Ills. .79c Pancake Flour HONEY DEW flAg 3-lb. Bag JLJ FIREPLACE FLOUR OQC 48-lb. Bag W J0 Guaranteed Granulated Beet Sugar 10 lbs Shurfine Light or Golden Syrup 4QC Per Gallon f CASCO Butter Solids, lb SWEET SUE MILK Tall Cans 4 for 47c VL-Ji PUTOWITM M'sv J 27c 25c PE sure to ask how you can obtain a IflC set of this beautiful ,uo Classic Pattern din nerware with. Blue miff! V Coffee. 'UW SERVE NOTHING BUT THE BtSTi Sunshine KBISPT CRACKERS 2lb. 29c lib. 15c NEW IDEAL Dog Food 3 1-lb. Cans. . . . PAG cjoap 10 Bars fop Macaroni or Spaghetti 5-lb. Box GREEN BEANS, CORN or Tomatoes No. 2 cans, 3 for. Tomato Juice 50-oz. Tin . . . Dewey Brand Kraut No. 2V2 Cans, 3 for. Black Walnut Meats 3c 1-lb. Jar .:25c 19c 25c 27c 37c 2c Soda Crackers SUN-RAY 4Rp 2-lb. caddy iL3v RED BIRD Matches iJf7p 6 Box Carton it Thompson Seedless Raisins 2 lbs., 15c; 4 lbs.. . Dill Pickles Qgc Bin Jar J-" U IGA Ripe 'n Raaged Peaches 22 Size Can . . . '.!Qc cuts dowk SAVES ELASTICITY REGULAR LARGE "ssr 2 for 19c 22c LIFEBUOY 3 Bars 19c Upton's Tea pVg,b:.25c pt;,b:.45c FOR "B.O." PROTECTS HEALTH SUflSlllIlE HYDROX America's No. 1 Cookie Specially Priced at 25c lb. Glass Tumbler FREE with each pound Friday, Saturd'y ftlEAT DEPAOTr.EfJT Wilson's box Bacon f,7,c End Slices. Per lb Pork Brains, per lb. 10c ARMOUR'S PACKAGE 5A Cheese, per Pkg. 3)VC American - Brick - Swiss - Pimento Each Pk?. contains a Kitchen Thermometer Wilson's Pure Lard 7V2C 1-lb. Pkg. CORN FED SHOULDER Bee Roast, lb. . . CORN FED Sirloin Steak, lb. XIraut (Bum) 9 1-lb Nedc Bones, 3 TRY THESE DELICIOUS MOCK Chicken Legs, 6 for ....... iQc 27c i::19c .25c m flag THIS AD FOR FRIDAY AXD SATI'HIJA V iBiaviuiiBiiii iwr (iviAlhll