fir. State H;storicEl Saciety mm KM II. VOL. NO. UV PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1939. NO. 104 John Gayer is Named to Enter Naval Academy Plattsmouth Young Man Selected by Congressman Luckey Prior to Retirement from Office John Gayer was here lor an over Sunday visit at the home of his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Gayer. The many friends of this young man, who is a former graduate of Platts mouth high school with the class of 1937, pleased to learn of his appointment to the U. S. Naval Academy at Annapolis, Maryland, as one of the last official acts of Con gressman Henry C. Luckey b-efore he retired from office at the beginning of the present year. Having passed preliminary exami nations in satisfactory manner, there remain but two more hurdles foi John to surmount before becoming a full-fledged Midshipman early in June. The first of these will be the final mental test at Fort Crook in April and the second his final phy sical examination at the academy on his arrival there for entrance. His high grades at the University of Ne braska this semester may permit of waiving the April mental test. Upon passing the final physical examina tion he will be immediately enroll ed as a student at the academy and start a training course that will re quire four years to complete and be followed by two years service aboard ship as a probational ensign, before he is finally commissioned in the U. S. naval service. James Robertson, a Plattsmouth young man. is to complete his four years course there in June tnd enter upon a two year period " of ""service in this-latter capacity.,'.. ..: " John is now in his second year at the University of Nebraska, where he is enrolled as an engineering Btu dent. He is a member of the Alpha Sigma Phi social fraternity and the Alpha Phi Omega service fraternity. This last fall he won his numeral in football as a member of the Corn husker squad. He is also a sergeant in the Field Artillery section of the University Cadets. John is now 19 years old, one year under the age limitation set for entrance to Annapolis and will have the advantage of two years college training lacked by so many naval academy entrants who go there soon after graduating from high school. His father, H. L. Gayer, served as a captain in the First Division over seas during the World war and is well versed in military tactics. He received a personal citation from General Pershing for bravery in ac tion in the battle of Catigny. Mrs. Gayer is a daughter of the late J. H. Humpe, Lincoln real estate man and for a number of years manager of the Lincoln Traction company. John was born after his parents came, to the farm near Rock Bluff to reside. His grade schooling was in the Rock Bluff school. During his four years in Plattsmouth high as a college pre paratory course student he earned citizenship honors and was elected to membership in the National Honor ary society during his senior year. He was a valuable member of the P. H. S. football squad during his junior and senior years. One of the exacting requirements of midshipmen is that they remain single throughout the four years of their course at Annapolis and their two years of probationary ensign ser vice. John aays he expects to live up to all the requirements. Bob Wunderlich, of Kchawka, .was named by Congressman Luckey as first alternate, but with John safely through all but the final exams, there seems little likelihood but that he will be accepted in June, following the close of his second year at Ne braska University, which both of his parents attended. It has long been his ambition to receive this appointment. VISITS IN COUNTY Elmer Sundstrom "was out in the various cities of the county Monday looking after some Important mat ters of business in regard to recrea tional work. TO ENTER UNIVERSITY Miss Lois Giles, who was an honor student or the Plattsmouth high school during her attendance here and who has been attending the Merrill-Palmer school, at Detroit, return ed home Sunday. Mis3 Giles has completed her work at Detroit with high honors and will enter the Uni versity of Nebraska for the coming semester to complete her senior year. Mr. and Mrs. Giles motored to Lin coln Monday with the daughter and to assist her in getting arranged for her work. She is in the Home Eco nomics department of tle university. President's Ball a Social Feature of the Season Large Number Are Present to Spend a Most Delightful Evening in Aiding a Good Cause. The President's ball, nationally ob served, saw a fine patronage at the local ball held at the American Le gion building. These dances, given in all sections of the land were for the purpose of raising funds for the fight on infan tile paralysis and the event was fix ed on the birthday of President Rocsevelt, who was a victim of the malady and whose aid has been en listed in helping others to be given the opportunity of relief and cure. The Plattsmouth ball was headed jy County Attorney Walter H. Smith, as the chairman and in the work of arranging and sale of tickets he had received the warm support of many volunteer workers in the fine human itarian move. The Avalon orchestra under the direction of Peter Gradoville, fur nished the music for the ball .and which was most thoroughly enjoyed by the large dancing party. Chairman Smith is very appre ciative of the aid of the committee and public in making the ball a suc cess financially as well as socially. RECOVER STOLEN MONEY Sheriff Joe Mrasek and Deputy Sheriff Emery Doody were at Elm wood Saturday where they were call ed when the Elmwood Grocery, own ed and operated by Ted Hall, was found to have been robbed. The rob bery was discovered on Saturday morning on opening the store and on the arrival of the officers an investi gation was started. After a search and trailing down footprints near the scene of the crime, the sheriff and deputy were able to apprehend a young man of the community in the afternoon and he was brought on to this city. The money taken from the store, $9.45, was recovered by the officers. The young man was to have been arraigned today but the hearing was postponed until Wednesday, owing to the desire to secure evidence that might involve other parties. There were a large number here from Elmwood today to look into the matter and among these were George Blessing, Jr., of the Elmwood Leader Echo, G. R. Eveland, H. F. Capwell, Rev. H. A. Fintel, Harry Arnold, Henry Linder, Jake Sterner. Kenneth West. GIVEN THIRTY DAYS Monday afternoon in the county court a complaint charging petty lar ceny was filed by County Attorney Walter H. Smith against Elvin Shryock. The defendant was charged with taking a gallon of rasoline from a car on North Tenth street. Ihe defendant made a plea ol guilty to the charge and was given a sen tence of thirty days In the county Jail. i DAUGHTER TO SULLTVANS From Tueaday'a Dam Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sullivan are the parents of a 7 lb. 6 oz. baby girl, born to them last evening at 8 o'clock at the Anton Kani hospital In Omaha. The mother and little -one are progressing nicely and the event has brought a great deal of happi ness to the members of the family. Mrs. Sullivan was formerly Miss Gwendolyn Hansen of near Murray. Cemetery Has Been Improved the Past Year Cemetery Board in Handling Affairs Have Added Much to Make More Care Possible. The city cemetery board is issuing a circular letter to the lot owners of the Oak Hill cemetery relative to the handling of the afTairs of the cemetery and which furnishes an interesting view of the improve ments that have been placed there since the cemetery was turned over to the management of a city board. In the two years the board has purchased and installed an especially designed set of record books of the cemetery, giving a complete record of all lot owners and the interments 'made on the lots, at a cost of $337, thus crivinsr a permanent and efti- cient record which had been lacking before. The board has had every in vestigation made to determine the ownership of the lots and the num ber of persons who might be in terred there, a very advanced step in efficiency. The board has also added new equipment for interments which has cost the board $780.54 and provided the best modern aids in the care of the last rites. A program of marking the lots has been arranged with 2,800 lot markers being placed so that the boundaries of the lots are all clear ly defined. All roads in the cemetery have been made all weather roads by the addition of 150 tons of crushed rock and the construction of new pave ment. The lots in the cemetery -have been leveled up In fine shape, the trees trimmed and , shrubs in the cemetery cleared up to present a much neater appearance. The board has also with the aid of a WPA project had erected a new brick stucco, structure which has cost in the neighborhood of $1,000 and provides a proper storage space for the equipment of the cemetery and facilities for the use of the super intendent, something that has long been needed to add to the efficiency of the care and handling of the cemetery. In addition to the equipment and physical improvement of the ceme tery, the board has provided the full time supervision of a trained super intendent to care for the upkeep of the cemetery. These first steps will make pos sible for a greater Improvement in the cemetery in the future and which will eventually make it one of the best arranged and beautiful last resting places in the state. These improvements and progres sive steps have been made through the aid and co-operation of the lot owners and which it Is hoped will continue in the movement for a greater improvement in the future in Oak Hill. HERE FROM LINCOLN Mr. and Mrs. Edgar S. Wescott, of Lincoln, were here Sunday to visit for a few hours with E. H. Wescott and Mrs. John L. Tidball and family. They were at Omaha in the after noon to visit Mrs". E. H. Wescott at the Methodiet hospital, finding her very much Improved. On their re turn to Lincoln Mr. and Mrs. Wescott were accompanied by Harriett Goos and Marjorie Tidball, here from Doaie college for the week-end. RECEIVES HONORS AT KEMPER Authorities of the Kemper Mili tary School, Boonville, Missouri, have announced that among the cadets who have achieved member ship in three honor societies during the first semester at Kemper is Stephen M. Davis, son . of Mr. and Mrs. Searl S. Davis of this city. STANDS OPERATION WELL Henry F. Goos, who was operated on Saturday at the Clarkson hos pital at Omaha, is reported as show ing a nice response from the effects of hte operation and rallied well. Members of the family were at the hospital Sunday and were pleased to find his reaction so pleasing. DAUGHTER TO SPRIECK FAMILY Sunday morning at the Methodist hospital in Omaha, a fine little nine pound, fourteen ounce baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sprieck of this city. The mother and little cne are doing nicely and the event brings the greatest liappiness to all of the members of the family circle. Mrs. Sprieck was formerly Miss Freda Born, youngest daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Louis Born of this city. The little one is also a granddaugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Sprieck of near Louisville. Wedding of Popular Young Folks Monday Miss Gertrude Prink and Mr. Bron son H. Timm Married at Papil lion Surprise to Friends. From Tuesday's Dally Two of the popular young people of this city. Miss Gertrude Brink, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Brink and Bronson H. Timm, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Timm, were married last evening at Papillion. The wedding came as a great sur prise to the host of friends who were unaware of the plans of the young people who had motored to Papillion where the ceremony was performed. Miss Beatrice Am and Mr. Mitchell Stewart of this city were the at tendants. Mr. and Mrs. Timm left for Kansas City, Missouri, where they will en joy a visit with friends for a few days before returning to this city to make their home. The bride is the third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Brink and has grown up in this city where she re ceived her education i the Bchools of this city. She has been engaged as stenographer at the law offices of A. L. Tidd for the past three years. The groom is the. eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Timm and is one of the popular young men of the commun ity, having made his home at Mur ray and Plattsmouth. He was gradu ated Trom the Plattsmouth schools in 1930. He is at this time engaged in business with his father and brother here. The many friends in this commun ity will join in extending to Mr. and Mrs. Timm their best wishes for many years of success and happiness in the future. YOUNG PEOPLE'S SERVICE Sunday at the morning worship hour at the First Presbyterian church the young people's organiz ation of the church had charge of the regular services and a most impres sive program had been arranged. Misa Janet Westover served as the leader of the service. The scripture lesson had the choral responses. Richard Hitt, one of the active work ers in the young people's depart ment gave a very fine reading, "It Is God's Kingdom." "A Kingdom of Deeds, Not Dreams" was given by Doris McPherson. A litany response service was given by Cary Marshall, most impressively. The prayer was offered by John Benton Livingston and the benediction by Betty Gayer. A number of the young people from the Cedar Creek -church were here for the services. VISITS RELATIVES HERE Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rhoden of near Sturgis, South Dakota, are here for a visit with their relatives over Cass county. They were accompanied by Frank Rhoden of Omaha, brother of Mr. Rhoden. The family came from Murray but many years ago located near Greenwood where they lived until going to South Dakota. VISITS LOUISVILLE SCHOOLS Mrs. Lora Lloyd Kieck, county superintendent of schools, was at Louisville Monday afternoon where she spent a few hours visiting the schools in that community. This was the first opportunity that the new superintendent has had of visiting the schools since taking over her of fice. Big Carnival Dance, Sat Febr. 4th Legion Bldg. Good Music. Adm, 25 Arrest Kansas Man for Theft of . Car at Union Sheriff Mrasek and Deputy Doody Apprehend Man Found to Have Also Robbed Filling Station. Tuesday evening shortly after 6 o'clock Sheriff Joe Mrasek and De puty Emery Doody were notified that an automobile belonging to Charles Atteberry, had been stolen at Union. The officers at once responded to the call and on their way south on highway No. 75 just south of this city, came on the car and the driver headed this way and apparently for Omaha. The man was arrested and with the car was brought on into this city for questioning and holding. He gave the names of James Hesley and his home as being in Kansas. The man was searched and letters were found on him with the address of Carl Bidding, Shannon, Kansas. The sheriff of Atchison county, Kan sas was called and he stated that the man Bidding had been robbed n few days ago in an oil station looting and that at that time a suit had been taken together with a camera and flashlight. The descrip tion of the man held here fitted a resident of that section of Kansas according to the sheriff. The search of the effects of Hesley revealed that he had the suit, cam era and flashlight in the car. It was also claimed by the Kansas officer that the man had stolen a car of a deputy sheriff in Kansas and which had been abandoned in Atchison county. Hesley claimed that he had caught a north bound train and had ridden as far as Union where he picked up the Atteberry car. County Attorney Walter H. Smith is xpectlng to fil a charge for auto theft against Hesley in this county. DISTRICT 45 WINS SECOND WEEK'S RURAL SCHOOL PRIZE District No. 45, of which Miss Mil dred Wilson is the teacher, won the second weekly prize in the Rural School Playground Equipment con test, sponsored by Plattsmouth busi ness men.- This schoo turned in a total of 331,525 votes during the week ending January 28. District No. 8, Alice Mae Camp bell, teacher, turned in the second largest number of votes for the week, 115.728. Third high vote for the week. 108.268, was turned in by District No. 2, Grace Louise Wiles, teacher. The complete vote standing of the schools in the contest, both as to the number turned in last week, and present standing, is shown in the advertisement elsewhere in this issue of the Semi-Weekly Journal. District No. 45 will be eligible to receive either a standard teter-totter or complete outdoor basketball set. Neither this district or District 37, first week winner, can win another of the eight remaining $25 weekly awards, but all votes turned in will count on the grand prize awards at the close of the contest on April 8. . District 37, first weekly prize win ner, by a vote of the pupils, selected an outdoor basketball set as their prize. Interest in the contest is increas ing daily and merchants report near ly all customers are asking for the sales slips and vote coupons. Who will win this week's prize and the next, and the next? Your guess is as good as ours, but one fact is sure, and that is the prizes will go to those schools that get out and hustle for votes. There is nothing to buy or sell just ask your friends to trade with sponsoring merchants and save their sales slips and vote cou pons for your school. Teachers may share in the treasure chest distribution of unclaimed votes by calling at the different stores on Saturdays. MRS. RICHTER ILL Mrs. Minnie Richter, aged lady living in the south part of "the city, is quite ill at her home from an at tack of flu and grippe as well as old age. Her granddaughters, Miss Ruth Richter and Mrs. Freda McCormick are caring for the aged grandmother. RECEIVES DEGREE - The University of Nebraska grant ed 179 degrees at the mid-year on Saturday and in which degrees were granted to several residents of CasB county. In master of art Roger Charles Smtih of Elmwood received his degree, John Edwin Gilmore, of Murray, bachelor of science, Glenn Raymond Jameson, Weeping Water, bachelor of science in engineering. Mr. Gilmore is also completing his senior year in the college of medicine of the University of Nebraska and will receive his degree this June at the graduation. Local Teacher Speaker before Lincoln Club Milo Price of the Department of His tory and American Government Speaks on "Democracy." As a recognition of his ability as a public speaker, and capability to analyze social problems, Milo Price, instructor of government and Amer ican history in the Plattsmouth high school, addressed the Lincoln Rotary club Tuesday noon. The invitation was extended by Dr. G. W. Rosenlof, professor of Sec ondary Schooling at he University of Nebraska. Mr. Price used or his topic "Dem ocracy." This is a alk that Mr. Price as given on other occasions and has been found to be very interesting to MILO PRICE students of social Guest Speaker questions. Because he has made an unusually wide study on national and political ques tions Mr. Price is very able to handle these talks before large aud iences. Because the Lincoln Rotary club usually has the best of programs this invitation is a recognition of Mr. Trice's ability as a speaker and thinker. Elmer Sundstrom and A. H. Dux bury, representatives of the Platts mouth Rotary club, were present. RECEIVES PROMOTION Frank L. Barkus, who has been engaged in work as operator and agent for the Burlington at Prague, Nebraska, has been advanced to the post as agent for the Burlington at Plalnview, Nebraska. This will give Mr. Barkus a day position and make it mch more pleasant. The family are preparing to move at once to the new home and expect to leave some time the coming week for Plainview. The many friends will regret very much to see this estimable family leave our community as Mr. Barkus has been very active in the Masonic and Legion circles and Mrs. Barkus in the Methodist church and social activities. The change will take the children out of school here to enter the Plainview schools. Miss Kath erine Barkus is a member of the senior class of the local school. LA PLATTE CHURCH IS GOING FORWARD Rev. K. K. Ballenger reports a gain in membership double that of August 1938. Donations were taken in the town for wiring the church with elec tricity. This work should be finished this week. Plans have been made to buy cr build a parsonage in La Platte. Plans are ready to go for ward wtih the work now. Subscrip tions will be taken for funds to start this work. Come, hear the old fashioned Gospel preached by a fear less man of God. MRS. ROY V. BISHOP, Secretary. SUFFERS FROM FLU L. W. Egenberger is ill at his home where he is suffering an at tack of flu and grippe. Mr. Egen berger was unable to be on the job at the store this week but it Is hoped that he may Improve rapidly and be able to resume his active duties again. v Weeping Water Men Visit Platts Junior C. of C. Largely Attended Meeting at Recrea tion Center and Large Group of Visitors Present. from Wednesday's Daily The members of the Junior Cham ber of Commerce met for another of their regular business meetings last evening at 8 o'clock at the Recrea tion Center where number of the young men of the community were present despite the many social ac tivities going on in the city last eve ning. The guests of the evening in cluded a large delegation of the Weeping Water Chamber of Com merce members. President Vincent Kelley opened the meeting with Secretary-Treasurer Ordell Hennings reading the minutes of the preceding meeting. The main business discussion of the evening was the plans and ar rangements for the benefit dance to be given by the Junior Chamber of Commerce in the near future. Chair man of the dance committee, Charles Howard, submitted a report on the expenditures and cost of running the affair. One of the main features ol the dance will be that all local talent will be represented. Those assisting Mr. Howard on the dance committee are: William Farney, Everett Elliott, Donald Cramer, Edward Howard, Robert Yallery, and Ray Bourne. The parking problem was also brought up and Randall York was chosen as chairman to look into the matter and submit a lengthy report at the next session. The district convention of the Chamber of Commerce was also an nounced and a number of tte mem bers ar making plans and reserva tions to attend the convention on February 3, 4, and 5 at Omaha. During the evening William Joyce, president of the Weeping Water Chamber of Commerce was called up on and made it possible for the local members to be introduced to his group. Mr. Joyce also gave a short talk for the fine treatment and courtesy that was extended to his group at the local meeting, and had extended a cordial invitation for the Plattsmouth members to attend their social and business gatherings. Following the meeting a delight ful luncheon was served to all pres ent at the Farney cafe where all enjoyed an evening of social gather ing. The host of the evening was the president, Vincent Kelley. The next meeting of the Junior Chamber of Commerce will take place on Tuesday evening, February 14 at 8 o'clock. This will be a special pre dance meeting and all of the present members of the organization are re quested to be in attendance. Re ports of the various committees will be given that evening. The Weeping Water guests present were: William Joyce, president of the Weeping Water Chamber of Com merce, Wilbur Long, Clair Wolfe, editor of the "Republican." Neil Robscn, educational advisor of the CCC camp; Wilson Pickford, assist ant postmaster; Oscar Ilufffelinan. Chris Lien, and Forest Stock. VISITS IN THE CITY From Wednesday's Darty Mrs. Henry Iske, well known resi dent of west of LaPlatte, was In the city today to look after some busi ness matters and while here called at the Journal to arrange for the printing of sale bills. She 13 disposing of her personal property and farm equipment but will continue to make her home on the farm which will be operated by a son in th? future. The sale will be on Tuesday, February 14 th. CARD OF THANKS We desire to thank the neighbors and friends for their kind assistance and beautiful floral tributes at th death and burial of our mother and sister, Mrs. Ida H. Seybert. MRS. C. A. YOUNG JENNINGS SEYBERT MRS. C. A. MARSHALL MRS. RUTH THOMSEN MRS. SUSAN FUDGE GEO. R. SAYLES