The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 30, 1939, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    MONDAY, JANUARY 30, 1939.
Chile Quake
One of Worlds
Great Disasters
Famine Now Adds to Horroi-s of
Stricken Country Where 30,000
Are Reported as Dead.
SANTIAGO. Chile. Jan. 2S (Copy
right 1939 by UD Starvation
threatened today the survivors ot
Tuesday night's earthquake which
took, it was indicated as more; and
more reports arrived from isolated
communities, more than 30.000 lives,
making it one of the worst ningle
disasters in the world's recorded his
tory. The first survivors reachin? the
outside world from the leveled town
of Sauquenes where 2,500 persons
were killed and 2.500 injured re
ported that hundreds of children
were starving and that the situation
was "desperate." Cauquenes' popu
lation was 10,000. Not one building
was left intact.
The United Press radio technician
Rodrigues Johnson returned to San
tiago from Concepcion, one of the
large towns hard hit by the quake,
and reported the food situation so
acute that Armando Cosani, United
Press staff correspondent, and his as
sistants, had had nothing to eat in
two days, and that only minute
amounts of drinking water were
Reports by private ar.d military
t;hort wave radio brought reports of
acute shortages, not only of food and
water for the survivors, but of es
sential medical materials with which
to treat the injured, and of serums
and vaccines to fight the danger of
epidemic. Thousands of bodies still
remained under the debris of ruined
buildings. A hot summer sun has
tened natural decomposition, adding
immeasurably to the threat of epi
demic. The stench pervaded every
where. The government ordered all sur
vivors evacuated from the ruined
cities and towns of south central
Chile as quickly as possible and con
centrated on repairing highways and
railroads so as to bring about the
evacuation as quickly as possible. A
constant stream of planes and trucks
were moving out of here, loaded with
fcod. water, and medical supplies.
The entire region was under..strict
military law and drastic orders were
issued to deal with every phase of
the emergency. Looters were
rummarily shot. Food supplies were
expropriated for government distri
bution. Wei's and other sources of
fresh water were taken over by
troops. Trocps were digging new
President Pedro Aquirre reached
Valparaiso last night on his tour
of the region and ordered troops to
commandeer the automobiles of
sight-seers who had rushed into the
area. He announced that any for
eigner who exploited the situation
by raising prices of prime necesdties,
would be expelled and that any
Chilean guilty of the same offense
would be severely punished.
Aquirre was landed at Valparaiso
by the destroyer Serrano. Exhaust
ed from his tour he went at once
to the summer place and after a few
hours sleep, he will drive here where
the cabinet planned to stay in con
tinuous pession through today and
"I thought at first that news of
the catastrophe had been exagger
ated." he said. "I did not attach the
great importance to it which the
disaster really has."
He outlined what he had seen,
adding: "The crimes usually seen in
such catastrophes are not seen. On
the other hand there are acts which
honor us as where 15 prisoners es
saped from a ruined jail but eight
returned to seek bodies in the ruins.
In Talcahuano, the fishermen gave
their catches free to the people."
LINCOLN, Jan. 27 (UP) An in
vestigation of the state insurance
department was proposed in a resolu
tion submitted to the legislature to
day by Senator A. L. Miller of Kim
ball and three other members.
"Many conflicting statements have
Ihh-u made with respect to the ad
ministration of the affairs of the de
partment and in fairness to those
p.-biie officials and employees con-
cted with the department and of
citizens and taxpayers, there
tl.ou'd be an official fjniing of the
fi.iti? by the legislatur3 at this time,"
the ie:-olution read.
Dr. Miller requested the appoint
ment of a committee of live senators
f. conduct the investigation with
the assistance of the attorney gen-
Sponsors of the resolution ask-
ii appropriation of $2,000 or less.
Action was deferred for one day.
Andy Leadabrand is up and about
after a week's illness.
C. Bright has been suffering the
past week with an infected throat.
Mrs. J. C. Althouser of Dubuque,
Iowa, is visiting her daughter, Mrs.
Ralph Clymer. -
Mr. and Mrs. rack Gribble visited
at the Everett Reece home in Friend
laBt Sunday.
Ramon Newkirk attended a meet
ing of oil dealers held at Columbus
last Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Verne Shepler of
Springfield called at the Ben How
ard home last Sunday.
Mrs. Fred Etheredge, who has
been under the weather, is reported
considerably improved.
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Todd are
the proud parents of a baby girl
born Saturday. January 21.
Aaron Wright was taken to the
University hospital in Omaha Wed
nesday. Everyone wishes him better
The Eastern Star Kensington will
meet with Mrs. Mable Woitzel on
February 8, with Mrs. June Mathis
The Dorcas Circle will meet at the
church Friday, February 3, with
Mrs. Charles Card and daughter en
tertaining. The Cemetery association met
with Mrs. Elwood Wednesday. The
next meeting will be held on Febru
ary 22. with Mrs. Norma McNurlin.
A gocd crowd enjoyed the talking
picture. Bring Em uacK Alive
that was sponsored by the Pep club
and held at the auditorium Tuesday
Earl Clymer received word that
Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Clymer of Long
Island, New York, are the proud par
ents of a daughter born last Sat
urday. January 21.
Members of the L. C. C. will enter
tain their husbands at a party Fri
day night, February 3, with Veda
Hall, Leona McDonald and Mae Crib
ble as hostesses.
Mr. and Mrs. Archer of Omaha
were visitors the fore part of the
week at the Fred Etheredge home.
Mrs. Willard Hunter, niece of Mrs.
Etheredge, also spent the week end
here visiting her aunt.
William Renwanz returned from
Rochester, Minn., Friday, having
been at the Mayo Brothers clinic the
past week. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Jar
dine of Sioux City stayed at the
Renwanz heme during his absence.
L. C. C. Meets
The Ladies Card club met at the
heme of Mrs. Alice Lemons Thursday
for a lovely one o'clock luncheon.
Mrs. Lena Shroder of Iowa was a
guest. The next meeting will be
with Mrs. Edna Miller at Ashland.
New Officers Installed
Installation of the new officers of
the Eastern Star chapter was held
Tuesday night. Past Worthy Matron
Mabel Lambert acted as installing
officer. Those installed were: Flor
ence Armstrong, worthy matron;
Emmet Landon, worthy patron; June
Mathis, associate matron; Delbert
Leesley. associate patron; Lola Allen,
secretary; Lulu Landon, treasurer;
Mabel Woitzel, conductor, and Mabel
Boucher, assistant conductor.
Deal-a-Deck Party
Members of the club entertained
their husbands at a party at the
tome of Mrs. Brehm Tuesday night,
with Adeline Gustafson and Lottie
Bright assisting. Five tables of play
ers enjoyed the evening. Jack Grib
ble won first prize for the men and
Ardis Stuart high for the women.
School Program
Supt. Dyer, Tilford Stradley,
Wayne Howard and Lucille Kelly
helped with the program at District
SI Thursday night. A large crowd
enjoyed the program sponsored by
Louis Wright. A lunch of pie and
coffee was served after the program.
Should Make Early Fries
Harry Leesley, the poultryman,
recently purchased a thousand baby
chicks, which he has been feeding
for nearly a month. . He has a fine
flock of young birds, many of which
will tip the scales at hree-quarters
of a pound and all growing nicely.
At their present rate of development,
Harry expects to be able to supply
the demand for early fries in the not
far distant future.
PORTLAND. Ore. (UP) This
city's police station is believed to be
the only one that ever had a "brush
fire" in it. The "brush" consisted of
two hair brushes that had been left
in a sterilizer which had boiled dry.
Damage 15 cents.
Father Flanagan
Condemns System
of Handling Boys
Speaking at Presbyterian Banquet,
Head of Boys Town Tells
. of Rehabilitating-.
LINCOLN, Jan. 26 (UP) Father
E. J. Flanagan, who founded Boys
Town, last night condemned the
present system of dealing with de
linquent boys as "rotten to the core"
at a Father and Son banquet at West
minster Presbyterian church here.
Father Flanagan said one-tenth
of the present cost of crime, if used
constructively along the line of the
Boys Town project, would solve the
problem of rehabilitating so-called
delinquent boys'. He pointed out that
citizens do not flinch at paying the
16 billion dollar annual crime bill
and do nothing to establish a system
of prevention.
The Boys Town founder favored a
system built along the lines of a CCC
camp, where offending youths could
have an opportunity to express them
selves. He said they would not be
prisoners under this setup and could
earn their way back to respectability.
He said the system at Boys Town
wasn't ideal, but said officials were
trying to get at the heart of the
trouble for each boy. Father Flana
gan flayed parents for taking their
responsibilities too lightly, adding
that "the unspoiled child was born
and loaned by God for training. Par
ents have the responsibility of bring
ing them up."
Delivery of bulky parcel post pack
ages, those larger than a shoe box
and weighing more than four pounds.
will be placed in effect at the Platts
mouth post office Btarting Monday,
Jan. 30, 1939. Delivery will auto
matically be made to all patrons re
ceiving their mail by city carrier, at
the present time.
In order to benefit by this ser
vice, all patrons who receive their
mail in general delivery, who could
receive it on a city route should or
der their mail deln'ered by city car
rier. Parcel post mail for patrons resid
ing within the city delivery limits
who receive mail through rented
boxes will be delivered to a desig
nated street address by carrier upon
written request.
Carriers are not required to deliver
mail to offices located above the first
floor of buildings not equipped with
elevators, with the exception of reg
istered, insured, C.O.D., and special
delivery articles which must be de
livered to the addressee or his au
thorized agent in person, without re
gard to the floor on which his office
or apartment is located.
With the understanding that heavy
or bulky packages of mail of any
class shall be delivered asaddressed,
it will benefit patrons to have their
street address placed on all packages
addressed to them.
team racing in Manitoba may be a
thing of the past, but there are still
men and dogs capable of standing
up to the rigors of a northern win
ter. Somewhere between Churchill and
Repulse Bay, 600 miles northward
in the Arctic. Oscar Sigurdson and a
companion ate trotting behind their
teams of huskies and keeping care
ful watch over a heavy load of Arctic
The two men left Churchill on
Jan. 5, and plan to mush to Eskimo
Point, 180 miles north of Churchill,
where the mail may be taken over by
relay drivers from the R.C.M.P., if
weather gets too severe.
Ultimately, however, the letters
and packages will be delivered to
their destinations at Churchill, Baker
Lake, Wager Inlet, and Repulse Bay.
TOPEKA, Kan. (UP) -Dairying ic
recommended by II. E. Docile, Kan
sas state dairy commissioner, as a
paying business. He pointed out that
during the drouth years when other
farm income was at a low ebb and
little if any dividends were being de
lared by big-corporations, the aver
age Kansas milk cow paid 6 per cent
annually on her investment.
In the eight-year period from 1030
to 1937, IJodgtt said Kansas cows'
products grossed $41,000,000 a year;
or 36 per cent of the Value of the
wheat crop for the same period.
Elmwood News
I am prepared to do your Harness
Work promptly and at reasonable
prices. A. J. TOOL, Murdock. It
A new floor has been placed in
the Woodman hall, as the old one
had become worn and rough.
Frank L. Edwards and Sterling
Coatman of Alvo were business call-'
ers in Elmwood Monday.
Miss Inne Plymale, who is em
ployed at Mom's Pantry, local cafe,
visited over Sunday at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben
Plymale of Ashland.
George Lenz shipped two truck
loads of fine cattle to the South Om
aha live stock market last Monday,
receiving a very satisfactory price
lor the same.
Mitchell Shalley of Omaha was a
visitor in Elmwood over Sunday, re
turning to his work in the metrop
olis early Monday morning.
Ed ErneH has been elected to the
position of Noble Grand of the local
I. O. O. F. lodge to fill vacancy caus
ed by failure of the regularly elected
N. G. to qualify, he being lo?ated
in the west.
Mrs. Carl Schneider. Elmwood
postmistress, visited Iier husband at
Lexington over the week end, re
turning home Tuesday morning.
Set Dates for Celebration
The successful manner in which
Elmwood put over its Golden Jubilee
celebration last fall, has prompted
the people of the community to begin
laying plans for a similar celebration
again this year, the dates of which
have been set for August 23, 24 and
25. Committees are now busy with
the preliminary plans and expect to
furnish the people with plenty of
good and wholesome entertainment
these three days. Let everyone keep
the dates in mind and get behind the
committee to make this second en
tertainment a grand success.
Visiting in Missouri
Orvill'? J. Miller, who has been
driving one of the delivery trucks of
the Elmwood Farmers Oil company,
accompanied by his wife and Mrs.
Gertrude Hayes, departed for south
ern Missouri, where they expect to
remain for a month or more, visiting
friends. During Mr. Miller's absence,
L. J. Hayes will drive the oil truck.
Tour Celebrate Birthdays
Tuesday. January 24, marked the
birthdays of four Elmwood people,
Charles West. Loren Dennis. Mrs.
Fannie Frisbey and Mrs. Joseph
Parriott, all of whom celebrated the
occasion very quietly.
Entertained Bridge Club
Mr. and -Mrs. Emil Rosenow en
tertained the members of the More
Intelligent Bridge club one evening
'last week. Refreshments were serv
ed as a climax to the evening's en
tertainment. Ronald Schlichtemeier
and Alley Clement were the win
ners. Married Thirty-One Years
Mr. and Mrs. Charles West quietly
celebrated their thirty-first wedding
anniversary at their home last Sun
day. They were united in marriage
January 15, 190S, the bride being
the former Miss Maude Remaley.
The marriage lines were read by
Rev. Cyrus Alton, then pastor of
the Elmwood Christian church. Mr.
and Mrs. West have made their home
here during all the years of their
wedded life and have been active in
everything aimed for the betterment
of the community. Three children
came to bless their r.nion, Gladys, a
daughter, who resides in Lincoln;
Kenneth, who has followed in the
footsteps of his father as a barber,
and Claude, who is engaged in the
trucking business. The Journal joins
the manr friends of Mr. and Mrs.
West in extending congratulations
and best wishes for many more years
of happy and successful wedded life,
as they journay together along life's
Old Resident Dies in Lincoln
Robert H. Wall, age 81, died at
the home of his son, Frank Wall, in
Lincoln last Sunday. His death oc
curred peacefully as he slept, and
was not discovered until members of
the family went to summon him for
the morning meal. Mr. Wall was a
former Elmwood resident and lived
near here for many years, while he
was engaged in farming. After the
death of his wife some years ago,
he went to Lincoln to make his home
with his son. who operates a bus
line there. He had been in failing
health for some time, and his death,
although not unexpected, came as a
sudden shock to members of the
Funeral services were held Tues
day afternoon at the Methodist
church in Elmwood, conducted by j
Rev. F. E. Sala, a former pastor of j
the church here, of which Mr. Wall
was a member
Burial was in the,J.
Elmwood cemetery. A large number
of friends and old time acquaintances
attended the funeral to pay a last
tribute of honor to one whom they
had known and respected for many
Mr. Wall leaves to mourn his de-
parture five sons, one daughter, two
brothers and a sister. The cLildren
are: Robert C. Wall, of Unadilla;
James T. Wall, of Eagle; Roy Wall,
of Elmwood; Richard E. Wall, of
Lincoln; Frank C. Wall, also of Lin
coln, and Mrs. Zella Devene, who re
sides at Centralia, Washington. The
brothers are James D. of Lincoln and
William O. of Eagle, and the sister,
Mrs. Eleanor Dixon of Berkeley, Cali
PARIS, Jan. 28 (U P) Max
Schmeling, still convinced his one
round knockout by Joe Louis last June
was a fluke, sailed for the United
States today determined to avenge
that defeat.
"I am Joe Louis' master. I proved
it once, and I'll prove it again," the
cx-hcavj weight titlcholder said in an
interview with the United 'Press on
the eve of his departure for New York
aboard the Normandie.
"I will never quit with that defeat
in my record. I don't care about the, but I can lick Joe Louis.' I
did it onse and I will do it again. I
want to show my American friends
that Max Schmeling is as good as
Would Fight Moxie
PHTT .rr!T PTTT A . Jan 2R (UP)
j Herman Taylor, Phildelphia boxing
promoter, today sought to match Tony
Balento, N. J.- tavern keeper, and Max
Schmelinp, former heavyweight
champion, for a June clash at Muni
cipal Stadium here, providing- Galentc
was not drafted for a Joe Louis fight.
Taylor conferred with Mike Jacobs
Madison Square Garden fight impres
ario, at New York yesterday and re
portedly demanded that the Louis
Galento match be; held in Phildelphia
on a co-promotional basis, similar tc
that between Jacobs and Taylor for
the Louis-Al Ettore fight here.
It was understood that Jacobs de
clined to use the barrel-like Galentc
in a championship bout unless he could
control his destinies thereafter.
LINCOLN, Jan. 27 (UP) Ferry
Reed answered criti;ims of his ac
tivities as secretary of the state
board of agriculture today with the
declaration that "I have no apologies
to make for my conduct since I have
been tecretary."
Reed, secretary since 1933 was re
elected by a two-vote margin this
week at the annual meeting of the
board of agriculture and the state
association of county fair managers.
The latter organization had opposed
the "steam roller" and "self per
petuating" tendencies of the board
and criticized its administration of
the state fair.
Reed said that "as secretary of the
board of agriculture I do not have
a vote on the board of managers
and have never tried to influence the
board in regard to what policies they
shall adopt in management of the
Reed declared that critics of the
fair have failed to consider handi
caps caused by drouth.
NEW YORK, Jan. 27 (UP) The
Coys Tthletic league announced, to
day that 50,000 New York children
between the ages of six and sixteen
had voted Hitler the most hated man
in the world today, closely followed
by Musolini. President Roosevelt was
ranked the most loved, just above
The two dictators received 88 per cent
of the boys' votes and 9S per cent of
those cast by girls. In third place
the boys placed the devil, followed by
Stalin and Franco.
The boys gave President Roosevelt
39 per cent of their votes for the most
beloved man. God got 22 per cen.
George Washington and Abraham Lin
coln received 15 per cent. The girls
gave President Roosevelt 47 per cent
ar.d God 24 per cent.
BERLIN, Jan. 23 (UP) Author
itative sources said today that auth
orities a week ago confiscated from
all Catholic churches in Berlin the
money which had been collected for a
"priests' relief fund," the Catholic
equivalent of the government's winter
relief scheme.
Phone news items to 1S. C.
CHICAGO, Jan. 28 (UP) Thomas
Carney, a Sears-Roebuck & Co. em-
ployee since he got his first job in
the shipping room thirty-seven years
ago, was elected president today by
the board of directors.
Carney, a vice-president in charge
of operations since 1930 succeeds
General Robert E. Wood who was
named chairman of the board of di
. The directors voted a dividend of
75c per share payable March 10 to
stockholders of record February 10.
Carney went to work as a tempor
ary employee for the Christmas rush
in 1902. The company was his first
and only employer.
First Shipments
Nebraska Cattle
Made to Europe
Research Workers Discover That the
First Direct Shipments of
Cattle Were in 1890.
In August ISftO, say research work
ers of the Federal Writers' Project,
YVPA, Cox Brothers. Hamilton coun-
tv, made the first direct shipment oi
Nebraska cattle to Europe. There
were 601 head and a profit of $5,500
over the Chicago market was claim
ed, leading other Nebraskans to ship
directly and keep the profit for them
A second lot of 513 cattle was
shipped in August 1891, from Lin
coln to Liverpool, where they were
sold within three days and netted
$3,000 over the Chicago market. The
success of these shipments resulted
in a larger movement the following
In March, 1892, seventy-nine cars,
or nearly 1,300 head averaging 1,
625 pounds, were shipped from Ful-
lerton to England. "The cars were
decorated with banners telling where
the stock was from and where it was
Another shipment of 23 cars from
Nance county went to Glasgow. But
ler and Seward counties made a com
bined shipment of 64 cars to Liver
pool, and the Superior Cattle com
pany shipped 11 cars to the same
destination. Langworthy and Unitt,
of Seward, exported 400 head about
thi3 same time.
Other feeders, primarily at the in
stigation of the Lincoln shippers,
Mitchell and Morton, sent cattle di
rectly to Europe. Although these
direct shipments continued through
1892, it later became more profit
able to ship to Chicago and Omaha.
DES MOINES, la., Jan. 28 (UP)
Dr. Walter L. Bierring, state health
commissioner, today warned lowans
that shaving brushes carrying an
thrax infection have been told re
cently in the state.
He said persons using the brushes
were in danger of contracting the
diseases. The brushes, he added,
were distributed by a St. Paul whole
sale house to variety stores and
pharmacies in Iowa. They were
labeled "Japan 332," and some were
maked "Imperial Sterilized" or "Obe
lisk Sterilized."
Bierring said he was informed by
Dr. M. E. Barnes, director of the
state hygienic laboratory at Iowa
City, that five of eight lots of brushes
rccived from Iowa stores and tested
for anthrax were infected with the
LINCOLN. Jan. 27 (UP) The
first Nebraska unemployment com
pensation benefit check was presented
by Governor R. L. Cochran today to
Harry Mooney, Jr. of Lincoln.
Money was dismissed by a farm
Machinery equipment firm last No
vember because of insufficient busi
ness. The check was for $15 and
he will receive similar checks for
seven checks if he continues with
out employment.
"I'm mighty glad to get this
check," Mooney told the governor,
"it means a lot."
Approximately 3,500 checks aver
aging 510 each were mailed today
to persons who filed eligible claim3
for unemployment benefits during
the first week of January.
Twenty western senators today pro
posed to introduce an amendment
which would increase the house de
ficiency appropriation for insect and
plant disease control from ?2,000,OOC
to $6,000,000. The amendment cannot
be debated until the deficiency bill is
reported to the senate from the house.
Women's Clubs
to Aid Planting
Shelter Belt
Will Joia Forestry Service in Mak
ing State Conscious of Need
for More Tree.
GRAND ISLAND, Neb.. Jan. 28
(Special) The Nebraska Federation
of Women's clubs are planning a
tree planting and beautification pro
jiram for the rural Bchool grounds of
(he area, according' to Mia. S. A.
Lutgen of Wayne, Nebraska, presi
dent of the third district. Shade
trees, shrubs, vines, and hardy flow
ers plus a few demonstration tree
windbreaks will be planted.
The program, which is getting un
der way this spring was originally
conceived by Mrs. Lutgen and it is
being considered as a state-wide
project by Mrs. Walter Kie:hel, presi
dent of the state federation. It is
hoped that the showing this year
will arouse interest enough to carry
the work to completion in years to
come, thus removing Nebraska from
the list of states in the Great Plains
where more than ninety per cent of
the 29.000 rural schools are com
pletely at the mercy of the continu
ous winds which frequently whip up
into blizzards in winter and sand
storms in spring and fall.
State Superintendent C. W. Tay
lor, A. L. Burnham, executive sec
retary of the Nebraska Teachers"
association, district presidents of the
Teachers' association, county super
intendents, and niany civic organiz
ations are cooperating with the Fed-
oration of Women's clubs. The aid
of the forest service of the U. S. de
partment of agriculture has been
enlisted to help get the work off to
h good start, and this spring the
forest service will assist by planting
wo demonstration windbreaks in
Antelope, Wayne, Cedar, Madison,
Pierce, Boone, Knox, Colfax, Platte,
Nance, and Stanton counties in ad
dition to the beautification or land
scape plantings made by the Women's
clubs. These wirdbreaks will comsist
of a planting around the school yard
of the same general type of the field
shelterbelts which the forest service
j regularly plants on farms.
I In charge of the work in each
county will be a committee consist
ing of the president and past presi
dent of the county federation, the
c unty conservation chairman, and
ihe county superintendent, with a
Icrcst service officer as adviser. The
county committees will determine
the schools where planting is to
be done, complete agreements for
planting and'furnish a design of the
plantings, and arrange for soil
preparation of the area to be planted,
for excluding livestock from the area
planted, and for the cultivation and
care of the plants.
Insofar as practicable, it is said,
school children will plant the trees,
shrubs, vines, and flowers and care
fcr them. In this way the youngsters
will gain a working knowledge of
the principles of plant culture of
the? plains which in turn can be ap
plied to their homes. In addition, it
is pointed out, the plantations will
be valuable textbooks for the chil
dren in the study of trees and flow
ers in respect to their value in the
Plains States, as well as showing
patrons of the school what can be
LINCOLN, Jan. 27 (UP) A bill
te increase the state bounty for dis
covery of the first commercial oil
well in Nebraska from f 15,000 to
575.000 was passed up on general file
because the labor and public weltare
committee report was not ready.
One of the measures advanced to
the committee on enrollment an 'I
review was LB 35, by Senator Joseph
Iceavi.i to fix the salary of deputy
district court clerks at half of th-
clerk's salary. Senator John Medoka
opposed the bill, taying it would re
sult in decreased employment of de
puties by the counties. His motion
to kill the measure was defeated
26 to .
CHICAGO, Jan. 27 (UP) Presi
dent Robert M. Ilutchins of the Un
iversity of Chicago announced today
that Dr. Edouard Benes, former presi
dent of Czechoslovakia, will join the
University faculty Feb. 20.
Benes, now resting in London, will
sail from Southhampton England,
next Thursday and will arrive in New
York Feb. 8. He will arrive at Chi
cago Feb. 15.
Hutchins said Benes will give ten
weekly lectures for students, three
public lectures, and conduct a semina
for advance students in the political
science department.