The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 30, 1939, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    Monday, January so. 1929.
City Balances
Reduced Due to
Heavy Spending
Fire Truck, Fire Station and WPA
Projects Pull Down Amount
of "Cash on Hand"
At the close of 1935? cash bal
ances of the City of Platlsmouth in
its various funds totaled 515.928.94
a reduction of $5.749. 03 from the
$21,678.00 balance of the same date
a year ago. Although considerably
lower than last year, the December
31 balance is not out of line with
that of recent years, as follows:
December 31, 1934.-5 9,311.97
December 31, 1935 13.005.30
December 31, 1936 12.093.40
December 31, 1937 21.678.00
December 31, 193S 15.028.94
Reason for the reduction in cash
balance is due to heavy expenditures
made during the past yc;ar In pay
ment of a new pumper firo truck, the
building of a fire station annex to
the city hall and extending heat
thereto, together with numerous
WPA projects. These latter have in
cluded Lincoln avenue rock project,
new tool house at the cemetery,
stuccoing of the city hall, ordinance
revision project, tennis courts, sani
tation project, city hall records
project, recreational service spon
sorship and Chicago avenue sewer
costs paid up to time of closing the
year's books. Some of the larger
items of expenditure during the year
Fire tru-tk (city's
share) $3,079.45
Fire Station annex 774.42
Extension heat there
to . 175. C7
WPA Sponsorship
Lincoln Ave surfacing$l,638.93
City Hall stucco job 333.67
Cemetery tool house 290.13
Ordinance revision sup
plies 73.71
Tennis courts 42.20
Sanitation project (ap
proximate) 40.00
Recreational services
(approximate) Co. 00
Chicago Avenue sewer
Considering the above
the drop of $5,750.00 in cash bal
ance is quite apparent. Incidentally,
it might be mentioned, that in addi
tion to the $3,079.45 the city paid
from its fund3 for the new pumper
fire truck, the firemen gave from
their own funds $1,000.00 together
with $55.25 profit from a benefit
dance and an additional' $80.00
which they paid direct for a dual
axle in the truck for hill climbing.
Another reason for the reduced
balance of December 31, is the fact
that most delinquent tax payments
under the non-interest law during
the year were withheld until just
before the law expired on that date
and were not received by the -city
treasurer from County Treasurer
John Turner in time to be included
in the year's receipts. These pay
ments, including more than $6,000.00
in delinquent special assessments
have since come into the hands of
the city treasurer and will be reflect
ed in the February let statement.
Reduction in Bonded Indebtedness
Of the $59,812.04 the report or
Treasurer Drown, shows the city
ture3 exceeding $6,850.00 reason forjspent during 1938, $11,000.00 went
to reduce the city's bonded debt,
from $235,000.00 to $224,000.00,
and an additional $10,207.08 went
to pay interest on the bonded debt.
1937 city expenditures totaled $56,
048.53; 1936. $C7,95G.54.
In the face of the increased expen
ditures for out-of-the-ordinary pur
poses, it was possible to reduce the
mill levy for the current year from
21 to 20 mills and city officials feel
a further slight reduction can be
made the coming year. Since 1932
the mill levy has been reduced stead
ily each year in spite of decreased
assessed valuations as shown by the
following comparison:
1932 . 25.0 mills
1933 24.4 mills
1934 23.8 mills
1935 23.6 mills
1936 23.4 mills
1937 21.0 mills
1938 20.0 mills
Since March 1, 1931, the city's
indebtedness (registered warrants
and bonds) has been cut $107,200.00
an average of $1,140.43 a month
or $13,685.16 a year, as shown by
the following table:
Bends outstanding
March 1, 1931 $286,200.00
Registered Warrants
same date 45,000.00
TOTAL that date$331,200.00
Outstanding indebt
edness Dec. 31, 1938 224,000.00
REDUCTION of $107,200.00
in 7 years and 10 months
There are no outstanding regis
tered warrants and only small tem
porary overdrafts are permitted. A
long time overdraft of $4,264.62 in
Storm Sewer No. 1 fund, with no
special assessment- revenue to meet
the same, has been reduced to $3,
C01.12 from the proceeds of a .3 mill
general tax levy made in 1937 and
1938, and to be continued each year
until the overdraft is balanced.
During the year a total of $44,
000.00 of outstanding bonds bearing
a higher rate of interest were re
funded at 3 the lowest rate any
city bonds now bear. On December
31 there were outstanding $53,000.00
in non-optional bonds bearing 5
interest the highest rate being paid
on any issue. $3,000.00 of these
came due January 1st and have been
retired and an additional $1,000.00
will be retired April 1st; a like $4,-
1 S.V H
i fc.
returns to high Holly
wood favor in brief
wraps for summer eve
nings. Florence
George, movie cutie,
wears a youthful box
coat with three
quarter length sleeves
and a flared hack.
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A FREE MAN AGAIN The bitter cup
of 22 years in San Quentin prison becomes
sweeter as Tom Mooney once again sips
bis morning coffee in luxurious leisure.
He is shown here with his lawyer, George
T. Davis, reading some of the thousands
of congratol story messages.
v. J
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Mr. Edith Descomb of Hartford. Conn, transport pilot, m-4
stroctress and mother of two, who competed in two races in
the eleventh annual air meet. She held the 1932 loop champion
ship with 376 consecutive loops. .
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PROUD PUPS "Nanky Toe" and Phidgety Jove"
proudly look on at the canine show held recently
in Kensington, England. They are owned by Miss
Lane, well-known breeder of champion pooaies.
Blonde and attrac
tive Marjorie
Moore models the
new strapless bath
ing suits which are
becoming popular
with winter vaca
tionists down South.
1 f A rlinwr nit from Switzerland.
The jacket is elaborately embroidered in a
floral design of multi-eoiorea suit, ine
buttons are coin silver. (Right) A beautiful
ski suit of water-proofed homes pan in blue
for the trousers and sleeveless jacket, end
in white for the shirt.
vv fe'X 1 - "s
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furter, latest member of the
United States Supreme Court,
shown (left) in an informal
pose. At right is Beverly Smith,
whose article on Justice Frank
furter in the current American
Magazine coincided with his
appointment. '
Miami, Fla. Lambert
Bemclmans, sculptor, with
the monument to Amelia
Earhart, which was un
veiled at the Municipal
Airport here, daring the
annual air maneuvers. The
monument commemorates
the spot from which the
famous aviatrix took off
on her last flight.
admampnt TO THR PORF After vears of relative inactivity in armaments, the United
States is preparing to meet 'the threat of trouble abroad. Photo shows the-.USjS. Perch, one
of the nrw PS type submarine units of the fleet. Land, sea and tat forces will be expanded
nnj.r.wh:nfn nln. and industrial mobilization will be an integral part of preparedness
work. Care is being taken to maintain plant capacity, notably in the-copper minmg industry
which the federal fiov em
inent aids with four-cents--pound
import - tax
against cheaply produced
foreign copper.
I :
1 --ifir-i VSmifg jf I--.!
Seven years ago Mr. and Mrs. John Rogers named a son
Herbert Hoover Depression. Mr. Rogers, a Missouri Demo
crat, is now on W. P. A- Their ninth child, bom during the
Christmas holidays, has been named Franklin D. Roosevelt
(1) Phil Taylor, famous acrobatic skater.
performs on stilt skates nearly two- feet high.
(2Y Count Haugwitz Keventlow congratu
lates Miss Megan Taylor, world champion skater, on her skating
style, (3) Charming June Clyde, British screen and stage actress,
tries out the latest of sports, snow-scootering. -
000. 00 on the same dates in 1940
and again in 1941; $40,000.00 in
1942 and the final $1,000.00 April
1, 1943, to clean up these non-refundable
high-interest obligations
that were made back In 1922-23
when no one dreamed present low
interest rates would come before
their expiration. Next high interest
bearing bonds, the remaining $4,-
000.00 of a $4,000.00 1919 issue
at 5 also non-optional will be re
tired June 1st of this year. The next
two years will also bring the re
tirement of the remaining $10,000.00
($5,000.00 a year on April 1 and
July 1) of 4 bonds, leaving all
other outstanding indebtedness draw
ing 4, 4 and 3 interest. "With
bond interest last year totaling $10,
207.08, the importance of refunding
at lower rates all optional issues (as
has been done) cannot be overesti
mated. The finance committee of
the council feel that in effecting such
refunding, as well as in meeting all
bond and bond interest payments
without default over a period of sev
eral years, they have served the best
Interests of the hard-pressed taxpayers.
In the Council Bluffs boxing tour
ney Thursday night. Earl Wiles, local
147 pound fighter remained a win
ner In his class of the tournament
and Elmer Newton was decisioned in
the second round of the most spec
tacular bout of the evening.
Newton was fighting Lawrence
Hylton, of Dubois, Nebraska, in the
semi-final of the middleweight class,
the two boys putting on the best
and most interesting bout of the eve
ning. Action was plenty from the
start and both boxer swapped wal
lops for the opening round that
found their mark and left the
battlers well bloodied. In the sec
ond round of this Interesting mat-ch
and left the battlers well bloodied.
Hylton was awarded a technical
knockout when the eyelid of Elmer
was split.
Wiles in his very clever handling
of the gloves was awarded the de
cision over Quinten Ballard of Neola,
Iowa, and will remain in the con
test to meet Leonard Fleharty, of
Red Oak, Iowa, who was his oppon
ent in the last Golden Gloves bout
and in whieh Fleharty was awarded
the decision.
Donald McBride of this city, will
be seen In the finals of the contest
as there are three entries In his
class and the local boy will face the
winner of the other match for the
finale. He 13 boxing in the 112
pound class.
Newton's trainer and a good many
of his supporters among the crowd
of fans, protested against such ac
tion because Newton, at the time of
the accident, was far ahead on points
and had his opponent in a bad way.
Elmer would have undoubtedly won
the judges' verdict, had it gone an
other round, but such are the for
tunes of the amateur boxing ring.
The boys had collided, head-on
in a furious mixup in the second
sesi-ion and Newton came out of it
with a cut eyelid which the referee
and judges decided might make it
dangerous for him to continue. It is
possible that Elmer - may be per
mitted to enter the finals next Wed
nesday evening despite his ill for
tune of last night. Some of the of
ficials wanted him to be sure to be
on hand with his handlers.
Rock Bottom
Prices on Winter
Coats, Dresses
Ladies Toggery Cuts Prices Still Fur
ther to Move Goods and Make
Eoom for Spring Stocks
In order to clear all winter coats
and dresses and to make room for
incoming spring merchandise, much
greater reductions are being made
this week on all seasonal goods. We
ask that you come early to share in
these great savings.
Big value in Coats! We have ar
ranged a group of ladies better Sport
Coats, also ladies Fur-Trimmed Dress
Coats. Values to $25.00. sizes from
lfc to 52. $15.95. We also have an
outstanding group of children's
Coats, values to $10.00. your choice,
while they last. $3.98.
If you are looking for a good, yet
inexpensive coat, we urge you to
come in and see this group of values
to $15.00. You will scarcely believe
us when we tell you these are priced
now at just $6.98. But it Is true,
and we advise you to come early.
Just received another shipment of
new Spring Wash Print Dresses for
home and street wear, sizes 12 to
52. all guaranteed fast color. Your
choice of many styles, $1.00.
Whatever you need in Ladies
ready to wear, you are sure to find
it here. We give Rural School votes,
and by bringing this ad and having
it signed when you buy, then attach
ing it to the sales slip, you will re
ceive double the usual number of
votes on your purchase. As Wednes
day of each week is double vote day,
your purchases with ad attached on
that day will count quadruple or
four to the penny of purchase.
Shop of Tersonal Service.
Riverview club met January 10
for an all day meeting Trith Mrs.
Harold Hull with a covered dish din
ner at noon. The day was spent in
quilting. A short business session
was held and songs were sunv- All
answered roll call by giving a new
year resolution.
January 18th the club met again
for an afternoon quilting with Mrs.
Hull. Mrs. Arthur Sullivan was a
guest at both quiltings
Mrs. Georgia Creamer held a pin
ochle party for the Riverview club,
all having a very enjoyable evening.
Also January 20 Mrs. Homer Shrader
had another nice pinochle party.
High score went to Mrs. Georgia
Creamer and George Brinklow.
The next club meeting will be an
other all day quilting with Mrs. Rob
ert Patterson February 14, all to
bring a covered dish.
Mrs. William Knaupa and Mrs.
August Klemme of near Murdock re
ceived word of the accidental death
of their niece. Mrs. Harold Mackle.
whtch occurred near Ames, Okla
homa. The ladies and a daughter of
Mrs. Knaupe were In Oklahoma to
attend the services.
The following from the Ames.
Oklahoma, Times tells of the tragedy:
Funeral services for Mrs. Harold
Mackle. 24-year-old Ames farm
resident and a graduate of Drum
mond high school, who was fatally
wounded by tha accidental dls barge
of a shotgun at her home Thursday
night, were held Sunday at the Drum-
mond Congregational church.
Mrs. Mackie and her husband,
married a month over three years,
were returning to their farm home a
miles and one-half north of Amea
Thursday night at 11 o'clock from
the home of Mr. and Mrs. William
Shepherd, a quarter of a mile south.
The shotgun was discharged as
the -couple were unlocking the rear
door of their farm home. Mrs.
Mackie was shot in the left breast
and died almost Instantly.
"Better bring in the gun," she had
told her husband a short time be
fore as they passed the shotgun,
standing near a gate and used to
kill crows and coyotes.
Mackie, who is 38 years old. was
overcome with grief and unable to
give a clear version of the tragedy
which claimed his young wife, a
prominent resident of the Ames and
Douglas communities.
Dr. C. W. Bacon, Ames physician,
was called by Mackie immediately
after the accident, but Mrs. Matkie
died before he arrived. The shot
gun's discharge struck very near the
Mrs. Mackie was the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. August Dierksen of
Lamont. Mackie is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. H. C. Mackie, northeast
of Ames. Both families are widely
known throughout that community.
The couple was married Decem
ber 3. 1935. Mrs. Mackie moved to
the Ames community In 1929 from
Billings and was graduated from
Drummond hfgh school in 1932. She
was a member of the Salem Evan
gelical church and of the Salem
Women's Missionary society.
Besides her parents she is sur
vived by three brothers. Emiel Dierk
sen of Billings, and Clarence and
Reuben Dierksen. both of Drummond.
Mrs. Lora Lloyd KlecS, county
superintendent, returned Thursday
from Lincoln where she has been at
tending the meeting of the c.tate as
sociation. The meeting brought some
twenty-one new superintendents se
lected at the last election to the
meeting nad who were treated to a
fun initiation at the opening session
and banquet by the veteran mem
bers of the association.
Acting Tostmaster R. J. Larson has
been very busy the past few days in
arranging for the handling of the par
cel post delivery which is to be a
part of the service at the local post
office commencing on Monday. The
patron3 are being canvassed as to
their desires in the matter and where
to have the parcels delivered.
Phone news items to Mo. .