The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 30, 1939, Image 1

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    Historical Society
NO. 103
Test Bitudobe
Blocks for Low
Cost Buildings
Uni. of Nebr. Extension Service Con
structs 20x60 Poultry House
Offers Free Bulletin.
George H. Lobdell, of Lincoln, was
in Plattsmouth a few days ago, hav
ing come to Cass county primarily to
discuss with Mr. Eveland, of near
Elm wood, the replacement of some
of his farm buildings, destroyed re
cently by fire, with bitudobe blocks,
said to be particularly adaptable to
the construction of poultry houses
and similar farm buildings.
The Extension Department of the
University of Nebraska has just re
cently put out a six page phamplet
on "Bitudobe Construction," follow
ing a series of tests and the building
of a poultry house from these home
made bitudobe blocks at the U. of N.
experiment station. The Lincoln Star
and Journal in a recent Sunday fea
ture story, showed pictures of how
these blocks, similar to the well
known adobe brick of the southwest,
are made at small cost.
The poultry house is 20x60 feet
in size, has a gable roof and walls
seven feet high. About 1300 blocks
and S00 gallons of asphalt emulsion
were required for walls, gables and
partitions. The walls went up much
faster than is usually the case where
bricks are used. Buildings of bitu
dobe blocks are said to cost about 35
per cent of those constructed of the
ci her standard building materials.
The materials used are ordinary
farm soil, waste sand and emulsified
asphalt. The easy and inexpensive
manner in which they can be made
is explained in detail in the bulletin, j
which we are advised may b obtain
ed free of charge by writing to W. H.
Erokaw, director of Extension Ser
vice, care of University of Nebraska
Agricultural College, Lincoln.
The bulletin states that: "Replace
ment of farm buildings normally oc
curs when the state of usefulness is
noticeably impaired, but in Nebras
ka, agricultural conditions during
the thirties have so reduced farm
buying power that many farmers
have not been able, financially, to
rebuild and replace worn out build
ings as needed. As a result, many
have not been replaced, and because
they have not, a farm enterprise like
poultry, dependent as it is upon com
fortable housing, is unable to main
lain or contribute its rhare of the
farm income. While this appears to
bo a farm problem, it is the state's
pioblem also and for this reason the
University of Nebraska experiment
station "is testing the use of asphalt
emulsion in home made bitudobe
blocks for building a poultry
Practically all types ofsoil are
suitable for the making of these bitu
dobe blocks or bricks. The only in
gredients are the asphalt emulsion,
water, dirt and sand. Since the last
three are available at little or no
cost, the expense involved is limited
to the cost of the asphalt emulsion
(sold at a very low price) and the
labor of making. The emulsion,
when mixed with other ingredients
contained in the blocks, serves as a
dispersing agent to distribute asphalt
uniformly and in this way acts as a
binder to hold particles of soil to
gether permanently as the water in
the mixture dries out. sr.ys the bul
letin. Particles of earth and sand
are thus cemented into a more stable
hardness and the asphalt then be
comes, in addition to a bard cement,
a waterproof film about each particle
of soil.
It is said that ordinary ad"be
houses in the path of California's.
floods of last winter were destroyed,
while houses made of bitudobe blocks
were not.
Bitudobe blocks are clean to han
dle, there being no oil, or greasiness
or odor. The bulletin says that two
men can make about 130 of these
blocks in an eight hour day.
Persons interested in this type of
low price construction of farm build
ings should write for their copy of
this interesting six page folder that
not only gives instructions for mak
ing and laying the blocks, but de-
tailed specifications for the construc
tion of a one-story bitudobe building,
including the laying of floor of the
same material.
Thursday Sheriff Joe Mrasek sent
Wilton Gates, who has been here
ill for the past two weeks, back to
his home in Colorado, the relatives
there sending the transportation for
the boy. The young man who had
run away from the Flanagan Home
at Omaha, has been ill here, suffer
ing from an attack of pneumonia but
has so far recovered that it was
thought that he might make the trip j
to LaJunta, Colorado, his home. The
boy had been picked up here by the
sheriff and was suffering from ex
posure that led to t)fe attack of
Modern Wood
men Install the
New Officers
Edward Kohrell Installed as Consul
of Cass Camp No. 332 Plan
Changing Meeting Date.
' The recently elected officers of
Cass Camp No. 332. Modern Wood
men of America, were installed on
Tuesday night at the rooms in the
Eagles building and to take up their
management of the affairs of the or
ganization for the coming year. The
installing officer was Fred II. Vin
cent, past venerable consul. The of
ficers installed were as follows:
Consul Edward Kohrell.
Past Consul O. E. Finneyfrock.
Advisor L. O. Gaylord.
Clerk II. F. Goos.
Banker Edward Gabelman.
Escort Edgar Newton.
-Watchman E. L. Bayley. '
Sentry Everett Elliott.
Trustee Clement Woster.
Physician R. P. Westover.
Musician Mrs. L. O. Gaylord.
Chief Forester Fred H. Vincent.
During the business meeting which
followed the installation, the matter
of changing the meeting date was
discussed, a motion being made to
change the date from the second and
fourth Tuesday of each month to
the second and fourth Friday of the
month. The motion was, however,
carried over for final vote at the
next meeting on Tuesday, February
After the business meeting
members enjoyed refreshments
a few games of pinochle.
From Saturday's Daily .
Last evening as Frank Boetel was
retiring at his home just north of the
Athletic park, he saw a car drive
up and park near the park at Tenth
street and Washington avenue, a
few moments later seeing two men
carrying a can going in the direction
of the M. S. Brlggs residence. The
parties were around the garage
when Mr. Boetel made his apparence
and they fled, leaving behind them
a can and hose with which they had
started to syphon gas out of the car
of Mr. Eriggs that was parked par
tially in the garage. The men es
caped but Officer Herbert Johnson,
called to the scene, had their car
hauled to the city jail. A suspect was
arrested and is being held until a
complaint may Je.v filed against him
and the second one of the party
rounded up.
Miss Amelia Friedrich of this city
has been in attendance at the con
vention andbanquet of the Nebraska
State Nurses association, which was
held at the Hotel Fontenelle. The
meeting was attended by a large
number of the registered nurses and
a very fine program offered. Dr.
Sven Isaacson of Chicago, was the
chief speaker. The banquet was held
at the Fontenelle Thursday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Hild are the
parents of a fine nine and a quarter
pound daughter that arrived at their
home early Sunday morning. The
mother and little one are doing nice
ly and tne occasion proved very
happy to the little brother and two
Dist. Governor
of Rotary Pays
a Visit to City
Guest of Honor at Dinner Held at
the Hotel Plattsmouth
Last Evening.
From Thursday's Daily
The Plattsmouth Kotary club with
their ladies had the pleasure of hav
ing as the honor guest at their din
ner last evening, Harry Russell, of
Hastings, governor of the nineteenth
district of International Rotary. The
charmingly appointed dinner party
was held at the Hotel Plattsmouth
and attended by a large number of
the members and their ladies.
The group singing was led by
L. O. Minor and in which all joined
to make this part of the program
especially enjoyable.
Mrs. L. S. Devoe and Mrs. R. W.
Knorr, two of the Anns, were heard
in two very artistically presented
piano numbers, Brahms' "Hungarian
Dance No. 5" and "Taraborine."
Frank A. Cloidt, one of the musi
cians of the local club gave two vocal
numbers in his usual delightful man
ner, "I'll Take You Home Again
Kathleen." and "Sweethearts" from
Romberg's "Blossom Time." Mrs.
L. S. Devoe was the accompanist.
President Arthur Troop presented
Governor Russell who in a very much
enjoyed talk discussed the four ob
jective plan of the international or
ganization. "Club Service, Vocational
Service, Community Service and In
ternational Service." Mr. Russell In
his remarks urged a return to the old
established American principles of
thrift and acquiring by labor and
sacrifices rather than extensive pro
grams that embraced great and cost
ly spending. Touching on the In
ternational phases of - Rotary the
speaker deplored the trend in Eu
ropean nations to stamp out the lib
eral teachings and peaceful methods
of Rotary and the fact that the clubs
had been forced to abandon their ac
tivities in Germany and in Italy. In
Russia there is no Rotary clubs as
the system of government of abso
lute control by the state of all voca
tions, eliminates the qualifications
for Rotary organization.
Warren Foote Briggs, brother of
M. S. Briggs of Plattsmouth, was
born at Salem, Iowa, April 15, 1861,
and died at Winton, California, Jan
uary 26. 1939, aged near 78 years.
He leaves a wife and one son. Arthur
S. Briggs, both in California. The
funeral and burial will be held at
Atwater, Calif., Monday, January 29.
The deceased gained his education
at the public schools at Salem, Iowa.
He was a printer of the old school
when there was no linotype and all
work had to be done by hand. Nearly
forty yeara ago he went to California
where he engaged In fruit farming,
having a small fruit farm, and was
as well a plasterer and mason. His
health failed wtih the ravages of
cancer, which he had suffered from
for the past twelve or fifteen years.
During the past year he has been
kept to his home and bed with the
disease which claimed his life yes
terday morning.
The board of directois of the
Golden Rod Oil company met Friday
in the office of Attorney A. L. Tidd
where a business meeting was held.
The discussion was in regard to the
oil well proposition now In full
swing northwest of Murray.
The directors had authorized the
purchase of a casing for the oil well
now being drilled northwest of
Murray and further authorized the
employment of two drainers and two
helpers to operate the drilling twenty-four
hours a day until the well is
From Friday's Daily
C. A. Alexsen, employed In the
local shops, suffered a back Injury
this morning and was given atten
tion at the office of Dr. L. S. Pucelik.
The Injury was not dangerous and
the patient was made as comfort
able as possible from the effects of
the accident.
In recent weeks the city has suf
fered the loss of several of the large
electrolier globes by reason of break
ing and which at first was thought
to be due to the globes becoming
loose or cracking. An investigation
and the recurrence of these damaged
globes has led the police to believe
that other reasons are cause for the
damage. The breakage, it is thought
now, has been caused by slingshots
in the hands of Irresponsible parties
who have made the electroliers a
Anyone who is caught shooting at
the globe3 or apprehended will have
to face the penalty for the destruc
tion of property.
of the Ad Club
are Named
Roy Knorr Named General Chair
man Korn Kamival to Succeed
Late Henry. Soennichsen
At the first luncheon meeting of
the Business Men's Ad club under the
newly elected officers for 1939, Pres
ident Fred Busch named the com
mittee members that will carry on
the work of the club during 1939,
and also announced the re-appointment
of Warren ' Scharfenberg as
secretary of the club.
The personnel of the committees
is as follows:
Executive and Planning Roy W.
Knorr. W. C. Soennichsen, C. C. Wes
cott. Warren Scharfenberg and
James Mauzy.
Advertising W. C. Soennichsen,
C. C. Wescott, E. A. Webb and Hil
lard Grassman.
Membership C C - Weseott. iV?.
C. Soennichsen and Frank Mullen.
General Chairman King Korn Kar
nival Roy W. Knorr. Mr. Knorr
succeeds the late Henry Soennichsen,
who from its inception was general
chairman of the Korn Karnival com
mittee. Discuss Various Matters
The luncheon hour was taken up
with a discussion of various matters
of concerns to the club, including
the building up of membership and
the Rural School Equipment Contest,
being participated in by most of the
club members and other business In
stitutions of the city.
Walter Smith, county attorney,
who has presided at the microphone
for many of the Gift Night programs
of the club during the past year, was
a guest at the luncheon and spoke
The members or th family here
have received word that Miss' Alice
Louise Wescott, who has been at
the St. Francis hospital at Evans
ton, Illinois, recovering from a sur
gical operation, was to return home.
Miss Wescott has had a very success
ful case and her recovery been rapid
and she expects to be able to leave
the hospital on Tuesday for her home
where she will recuperate. Her
mother. Mrs. C. C. Wescott, of this
city, is at Chicago with the daugh
The Cedar Creek Ladies Aid will
meet Wednesday afternoon, Febr. 1,
at 2:30, at the Ladies Aid hall there.
S. O. Perkins of Omaha, secretary of
the Nebraska Crippled Children's
society will speak; also Mrs. Elmer
Sundstrom, of Plattsmouth. A large
attendance is desired.
Peter Halmes. son of Mr. and Mrs.
William Halmes, returned home from
the St. Joseph hospital where he was
operated on for appendicitis several
days ago. Although not entirely
well, Mr. Halmes will recuperate at
his home.
Raymond Wooster, pharmacy stu
dent at the University of Nebraska,
returned here from Lincoln to spend
several days visiting his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Wooster.
State Recreation
Heads Here for
Important Meet
State Heads and Directors From
Nearby Counties Hold Round
Table Discussion.
Thursday the Recreation Center
board, with Elmer Sundstrom as head
supervisor assisted by Clyde Jackson
as assistant supervisor had the pleas
ure of having a group of distin
guished members of the state recrea
tional headquarters from various
towns and counties of the state here
for a meeting.
The day was featured with a din
ner served in the dining room of
the Hotel Plattsmouth. Following
the dinner a round-table discussion
was held and was one that proved
very instructive, educational and In
teresting. The discussion was solely
in regard to the betterment and gen
eral welfare of th Recreation Cen
ters, a project that is such an asset
in the form of entertainment for the
community at large and the projects,
which are found in every community
In the state, have been well responded
to by the citizens of their respective
The honored guests present were:
Neal McDonald, state director of the
Recreation, Lincoln; Harold Hild,
district supervisor, Lincoln; William
Ossian, Otoe county supervisor, Ne
braska City; William Thomas, as
sistant state director, Lincoln; and
Mr. Anderson , Saunders county
supervisor, Wahoo.
The men were very much pleased
with the extensive amount of work
that the local Recreation Center has
done In the past year and are con
tinuing tp do. The local supervisors
of. the Recreation Center are to be
complimented and praised on the
time and effort and they spend to
help maintain and supervise a place
of enjoyment and amusement for the
citizens of the community at large.
The county court was busy Fri
day in hearing a number of probate
matters and which kept Judge A. H.
jDuxbury on the bench for the greater
part of the day.
The probate of the will of John
W. Barrow, deceased, of near Ash
land, was received and admitted to
probate, Mrs. Barrow being mimed
as the executrix of the estate. Mr.
and Mrs. Karl Hammer, the latter a
daughter, were also here for the
In the estate of Mrs. Frances Bar
ker, deceased, of Louisville, a deed
which had been discovered covering
property in the case was submitted
to the court.
In the guardianship of Sophia
Nielsen, instructions were asked by
the guardian, Carl D. Ganz, on ac
tion for foreclosure of mortgage on
property of the ward.
Hearing on claims in the estate of
Edward H. Spangler, deceased was
held. Mrs. Spangler and Richard
Spangler, joint executors of the es
tate were present.
From Thursday's Dally
Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Mayfleld of
Louisville, who have been enjoying
the unusually mild and agreeable
winter weather of Nebraska this sea
son, are leaving today for the south
where for several winters they have
been visiting. They are going to
Corpus Christi. Texas, where spring
Is already starting and will enjoy a
stay of several weeks and Mr. May
field be able to indulge In sea fish
ing in the Gulf of Mexico. They
have been located at Portland, a
suburb of Corpus Christi for the
past few years on 'their visits to
the south.
Miss Rachel Robertson, student at
the University of Nebraska, is home
to spend the week end with her par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Robertson
and her brother, Billy, as well as the
BChool friends. She was brought
home by her parents who spent Wed
nesday in Lincoln and visiting their
daughter, Mrs. Harold Murphey and
Dr. and Mrs. G. W. Pugley and
niece, Miss Marian Propst of Bay
ard, Nebr., spent several days this
week at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
J. L. Stamp before they depart for
the southland where they will spend
the remainder of the winter.
At New Orleans, La., they will
attend the "Mardi Gras" and spend
some time at Miami, Lake Worth and
Jacksonville and on to Cuba.
On their return to the States they
will travel through West Virginia to
visit relatives of Mrs. Pugsley and
then go on to Washington, D. C, and
take the northern route home.
Students Who
Hold Honor Roll
of High School
Large Group of Students in All Four
Classes of the High School
Are Represented.
The following Is the list of stu
dents who comprise the honor roll
for the second quarter and first
semester of 1938-39. The asterisk
represents the students who were
eligible for the honor roll both
second quarter and first semester.
Betty Ault. Sanford Short,
Yvonne DeLes Denier, Margaret Rea,
Ellen Dodds. Roberta Beveridge.
Betty Gayer, Maxine Graves, Danny
Rita Berlett. Frances Bierl,
Maxine Cole. Robert Cook, Corbin
Davis, Harold Flockhart, Bernice
Halmes. Edwin Hiber. Ronald Les
ter. Betty Jo Libershal. Joe Nible.
Clayton Sack. Verona Toman.
Shirley Walling, Ruth Westover.
Anna Altschaffl, Frank Dall Mary
Helen Dill Darlene Hennings. Rich
ard Hitt. Whipple Leonard Glen
Lutz. Allen White C. Drucker.
Jack Barton. John Bestor. Veda
Capps. Alice Jane Grosshans. Fran
ces Hadraba. John Livingston,
Kathleen Nolte. Betty Ruffner,
Helen Dieter Ronald Rebal. War
ren Reed. Thomas Solomon, John
Tidball, Hazel Kelley, Jim Webb.
Janet Westover, Stephen Wiles,
Elmcre Brink.
From Thursday's Dally
This morning the fire department
was called to the residence of Don
C. York at Thirteenth and Vine
streets where a small shed was re
ported on fire. The department re
sponded at once and were able to ex
tinguish the fire without serious
loss. The York family feel very ap
preciative of the excellent work of
the department. There was no In
surance on the shed.
In behalf of the school children
and myself, I wish to extend our
thanks to all of those who in any
way contributed votes to help make
our school (Dist. No. 37) winner of
the Rural School Contest for the
first week. Your cooperation and
willing attitude Is certainly appre
d&w Teacher.
From Saturday's Dally
Mrs. H. F. Goos, Mrs. William
Schmidtmann, Sr. and William
Schmidtmann, Jr., were In Omaha
today to visit at the Clarkson hos
pital with H. F. Goos, where he has
been for several days. Mr. Goos is
expected to be operated on today for
a severe ase of kidney stones from
which he has suffered for some time.
Miss Celia Palacek, who has just
returned from Omaha where she has
been recovering form the effect of an
operation, is now feeling very much
improved . She is resting at home and
it is hoped in a short time will be
restored to her former good health.
The St. Paul's aid society will meet
on Thursday afternoon, February 2nd
at the church parlors. Hostesses,
Mesdames Adam Stoehr and Fred
George Dobson
Area Manager
of L. T. & T. Co.
Named to Have Charge of Telephone
Interests in County R. H. Gray
Goes to Weeping Water.
Announcement of the appointment
of George P. Dobson, of Lincoln, as
area manager of the PlattBmoutb
area of The Lincoln Telephone and
Telegraph, company, has been made
by District Manager J. A. McKinzie.
The appointment Is effective Feb
ruary 1. Mr. Dobson replaces for
mer Area Manager Ray Misner who
died on September 1, 1938.
Mr. Dobson has been associated
wuu the telephone company since
January 1, 1929, when he joined the
engineering department. Transferred
to the Lincoln business office in
1930. he advanced to sales manager
on March 1, 1938. He spent consid
erable time In the Lincoln service de
partment while connected with the
business office In order to acquaint
George P. Dobson
Named Plattsmouth Manager
himself with fundamental plant prac
tices. His genial personality and a
splendid civic sense evidenced by
the fact that he held the office of
vice-president of the Lincoln Junior
Chamber of Commerce just prior to
his transfer to Plattsmouth will
make him a distinct asset to the
Plattsmouth area. He has been very
active as a worker in Westminster
Presbyterian church in Lincoln.
Mr. and Mrs. Dobson and infant
son v. ill establish their residence in
Plattsmouth within the near future.
R. H. Gray, who has been wire
chief of the Plattsmouth exchange
since. February. 1935, has been pro
moted to the position of manager of
the Weeping Water exchange. Mr.
Gray's connection with the telephone,
company began in 1923 with his em
ployment as groundman at Brad
sfcaw. Since then, he has served in
various capacities in Rising City,
Lincoln, Tecumseh, Table Rock and
Plattsmouth. His exceptional ability
and splendid personality will un
doubtedly make him a prime favor
ite with Weeping Water citizens.
Joseph Abram3, formerly manager
at Weeping Water, has been named
wire chief at Plattsmouth. In this
position, his extensive telephone ex
perience, which goes back to March,
1910, will be particularly helpful to
Area Manager Dobson. Mr. Abrams
has served in various plant and com
mercial department capacities at Lin
coln, Seward, Dorchester. Shelby.
Clay Center, Fairmont, Osceola,
Plattsmouth and Weeping Water.
From Thursday's Daily
This morning In the office of
the clerk of the district court a
suit in partition was filed entitled
Donald Barker, et al vs. Edward N.
Barker, et al. The plaintiffs in
their petition stated that Donald
Barker is the owner of an undivided
1120 Interest In and to lots 512 and
513 in the village of Louisville, that
the defendants are the owners of
920 interest In said lots. Judgment
Is asked confirming the shares of
the parties and if necessary sale of
property and division.
We wish gratefully to express to
the friends and neighbors our deep
appreciation of the many kindnesses
Bhown to us and our mother, Mrs.
Sarah Young in her last illness and
for the expression of sympathy. Es
pecially do we wish to thank those
who assisted in the fervices and for
the many beautiful flowers. The
Children of Mrs. Sarah Young.
ror h Journal.