The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 26, 1939, Image 1

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    br. State Historical
NO. 102
. A. Robertson
Named Masonic
Home President
First Vice President of the Board
Advanced to Post as Head of
the Association.
William A. Robertson, pronlnent
riattsmouth attorney and one of the
best known members of the Masonic
order in the state, was today elected
as president of the Nebraska Ma
sonic Home association at the an
nual meeting of the stockholders in
Mr. Robertson succeeds Millard M.
Robertson, of Omaha, who had served
as president from 1935 to his death
a few weeks ago.
This position as head of the Ma
sonic Home association is one that
the late James M. Robertson, father
of W. A. Robertson, held from 1920
W. A. Robertson-'
New President of Masoalc
Home "Association
to his death in 1934 and a member
ship on the board of control from
The selection of W. A. Robertson
as president of the association is
the recognition of one of the hard
working members of the board to
secure the very best possible for
the aged members of the order who
are cared for at the Home in this
city, he giving much personal at
tention to the Home and to the resi
dents who all know him as a friend.
Mr. Robertson was namea to the
board of control in 192 8 and has been
active in the affairs of the board
sin.e that time. In 1935 when Mil
lard M. Robertson was named as
president he was advanced to the
position of first vice president of the
Mr. Robertson's residence "e
near the Home and his close asso
ciation with the Home and the
superintendent, W. F. Erers, has
given him a fine grasp of the Home
and its management and thorough
and intimate knowledge of the busi
ness affairs of the organization.
The new president is one of the
active Masonic leaderB of the state,
serving in 1928 on the grand master
of the Masons of Nebraska and is
at the present time grand .captain
general of the Knights Templar of
Mr. Robertson 13 the sixth presi
dent of the Masonic Home associa
tion, the first being George W. Linln
ger, of Omaha, who was the original
sponsor of the plan lor a fitate home
and who contributed a great deal to
the success of the plan of making
the Home possible. Orin J. King of
Lincoln was the second president and
he in turn succeeded by Frank H.
.Young of Broken Bow. The fourth
president of the Home association
was James M. Robertson of this city
and in whose term the present in
firmary building was completed and
placed in service. Millard M. Rob
ertson, Omaha business executive,
was head of the Home from 1935 to
the date of his death a few weeks
n go.
The Home has been vtry success
fully operated in the past years and
with Mr. Robertson as lead of the
association a -careful and able ad
ministration of the Home may be
expected to continue.
See the gooOs you tuy. CataTop.
but how about thn ooods when
descriptions are allurlna enough,
you cet them?
hi y m ii.ii ..UJIig '"" 'f P--
r ;-If
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From Monday's Daily
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Davis of
Geneva, with Mr. and Mrs. J. A.! Davis
of Omaha, were here Sunday to
visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
J. Howard Davis. This was the first
opportunity that Mr. and Mrs. John
P. Davis have had of .visiting with
their new granddaughter, Carol Ruth
Davis, who is now home from Lin
coln. The visit was one much en
joyed by the family group and in
admiring the little lady.
Jane Boedeker
to Continue Her
Musical Work
Will Take Course at Cincinnati Con
servator of Music Under
Noted Piano Artist.
Miss Jane Boedeker, who since her
return from Europe last fall has
been at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W. G. Boedeker at Murray,
left Sunday to continue her musical
work in the east.
Miss Boedeker, who studied at
Paris in piano and French, will take
up a special course of piano instruc
tion at the Cincinnati, Ohio, Conserv
atory of Music. She will have as
her instructor Prof. Severin Eisen
berger, one of the best known piano
instructors of the United States.
En route to her studies Miss Boe
deker is stopping at Fulton, Missouri,
where she will visit at William Wood
college, her alma mater and where
she carried on her musical work
after leaving the Plattsmouth schools
until going to Europe for study. She
will also continue in her studies in
French at Cincinnati.
Since returning from abroad Miss
Boedeker has been heard in a num
ber of recitals here, Omaha and Ne
braska City where her musicales have
been enjoyed by large groups of the
music lovers.
From Wednesday's Dally
Harry F. Russell, of Hastings,
district governor of Rotary, was a
guest of the Plattsmouth Rotarians
this afternoon and this evening will
be the ppeaker at the weekly lunch
eon. Mr. Russell was at Nebraska
City this morning and was th
rpeaker and guest at the mid-day
luncheon of the iclub there.
Mr. Russell held a conference with
the officerso f the Plattsmouth club
this afternoon and discussed the
business of the organization.
This evening the luncheon will be
in the nature of a Rotary Ann meet
ing as the ladies of the members
will be guests.
Mrs. Glen Vallery suffered a se
vere injury Tuesday evening when
she slipped and fell and injured her
right ankle. The ankle is very pain
ful and whether broken or badly
sprained has not been fully deter
mined and the patient will be given
X-ray treatment to endeavor to dis
cover the full extent of the injurp.
Mrs. Roy Becker and little daugh
ter, who have been at the Clarkson
hospital at Omaha since the birth
of the little one, returned home to
Union Sunday. They are both doing
very nicely now altho it will be
some time before Mrs. Becker is able
to resume her usual activities.
E. II. Wescott was at Omaha Tues
day where he visited with Mrs. E. H
Wescott at the Methodist hospital
and found her Improving from her
recent operation and feeling very
well under the circumstances. It is
hoped that in a few days she may
be well on the highway to recovery
J. A. Reeder oi Baldwin, Kansas
arrived in the city this week to en
joy a several days' visit here at the
home of his son and family, Mr. and
Mrs. J. R. Reeder and twin daugh
ters. Today Mr. Reeder is celebrating
his eightieth birthday.
Sheriff and
Deputy Uncover
Stolen Goods
On Tip From Missouri Recover a
Large Amount of Stolen Prop
erty Near South Bend.
Sheriff Joe Mrasek and Deputy
Sheriff Emery Doody were at South
Bend Sunday where acting on a tip
from southern Missouri, they raided a
residence that revealed a large
amount of loot taken from a num
ber of tourist camps in the Lake of
the Ozark -country.
The officers on arriving at South
Bend started in on their search and
in a short time articles listed as
missing from the camps were re
vealed. A search for the man respon
sible for the articles disclosed that
he has made a get away but the of
ficers later apprehended him and he
was brought on into this city. The
man gave the name of Merle Jack
son and his home at Kansas City,
and he has been visiting in this local
ity with relatives, who, however, had
no knowledge of the goods claimed
to have been stolen.
This morning In the county court
before Judge A. H. Duxbury the
articles recovered were listed before
the court as the property of John
M. Mills of Camden county, Missouri,
and were ordered turned over to
H. B. Hart, special deputy of that
county. The defendant. Merle Jack
son, agreed to return with the de
puty to Missouri and was according
ly turned over by Sheriff Mrasek to
Deputy Hart and they left at once
for the south.
H. B. Hart, a special agent from
Camden county, Missouri, was here
to assist in locating the man and
goods and was very much pleased
with the excellent results of the rase
and the following from Mr. Hart
tells of his appreciation of the offi
cers :
To Citizens of Cass County
"I came Into your community late
Saturday night with indefinite infor
mation on a criminal suspect but
with the aid of your able sheriff and
deputy, we early the following morn
ing after a quick drive to the north
west part of your county picked up
approximately $400 worth of stolen
property from the Ozarks of south
east Missouri. The guilty party after
two hours chase was rounded up.
"I want to assure the people of Cass
county that your officials deserve
your worthy support. The be6t pro
tection to your individual property
is to be square to yourself by a few
words the honest citizens will drive
the criminals from your midst or
lead to their capture. Without your
information- the enforcement office
can do litle. H. B. HART, Deputy
fcr Camden county. Mo."
The vicious bad cold bug that
lurks over the land at this season of
the year in the varying warm and
cold weather, has made a wholesale
onslaught on the county officials.
County Clerk George R. Sayles is just
getting over a cold that covered the
latter part of last week. County
Register of DeedB Ray Becker is also
getting the best of the cold, while
County Treasurer John E. Turner
and County Attorney .Walter H.
Smith are Just getting well into
their attacks. As it stands the court
house is a pretty close approach to
a hospital.
Mrs. J. Howard Davis of this city
received the mesage Sunday of the
death of a cousin, Beulah Hargis, 30,
which occurred In an accident near
Baton Rouge, Louisiana. While no
particulars were given it was stated
that the young woman had drowned
when a car which she was driving
had fallen into the Mississippi river
and she with a girl companion per
ished before they could be rescued.
Mrs. Everett Pickens and little
daughter, Patricia Ann returned from
the Methodist hospital last week
The mother and little daughter are
getting along nicely and are glad to
be home among their many friends.
Delbert Hobbs, eldest son of Mr.
and Mrs. Curtis Hobbs is showing
slight improvement at the Fort
Crook hospital after a very serious
and delicate operation performed last
Thursday. Mr. Hobbs who was sta
tioned at the CCC camp at Weeping
Water was engaged, with several
other youths, in lifting a 1500-pound
stove. The heavy strain on the young
man resulted ' in serious Internal in
juries and he was hurried to the hos
pital where " an operation was per
formed immediately.
Brock Man Has
Notable Record
in Masonry
Raymond C. Cook of This City Installs
A. C. Depew as Secretary of
Lodge for 48th Year.
Raymond C. Cook was at Brock
Tuesday night where he officiated
at the installing of the officers of
Right Angle lodge No. 162 of the
A. F. & A. M. of Nebraska.
The installation followed an all
day school of instruction and ex
amination of the officera of the lodge
and a certificate of proficiency was
given by Mr. Cook at the session of
the lodge in the evening as a part
of the impressive ceremonies.
Right Angle Lodge has the honor
of having as one of its officers, A. C.
Depew, who from all available data
is the oldest secretary of any Ma
sonic jurisdiction in the United
States, being now in his forty-eighth
year of service and a very able and
efficient official. This is an unusual
record of service and the Masons of
Brock as well as the state may be
well pleased with the distinction
that is grlven Mr. Depew, one of the
veteran Masons of the state.
Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Otto, of Au
burn, former resident of this city,
are now enjoying a very delightful
motor trip and vacation- that will
take them through a large part of
the southern portion of the United
States aB well as a trip into Mexico.
Leaving Auburn they drove to Kan
sas City, Missouri, where they visit
ed with Mrs. Frank Otto and daugh
ter. Pearl, mother and sister of Mr.
Otto for a few days and then de
parted for the Bouthwest part of
the country. They stopped at Mc
Allister, Oklahoma, and then on to
San Antonio, Texas, where they
were the guests of friends. From
Texas they drove to Monterey, Mex
ico, to view the many places of in
terest in this typical Spanish and
Mexican city of the northern part
or the southern republic. They are
going along the Gulf of Mexico
roast and will have a stay at New
Orleans, gay city of the south, before
turning northward. They are return
ing on the east side of the Mississippi
river and will visit at Vicksburg. and
Thev will probably stop at Chicago
on the return trip to visit a brother
of Mr. Otto for a few dayB before re
turning home to Nebraska. Mrs. Otto
was formerly Miss Ruth Ferrie,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Ferrie
of near this city.
Sunday afternoon P. T. Becker,
who has been at the Clarkson hos
pital at Omaha for the past ten days
following an operation, was able to
return home Sunday. Mr. Becker
was brought home by the Sattler am
bulance and will be cared for at the
family home on North 11th street.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Meisinger
and son, Larry returned to their
home at Fort Collins, Colorado late
Sunday. The Melsingers were guests
and visitors here for a few days at
the home of Mr. Meisinger's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Meisinger.
E. H. Bernhardt left for Chicago
Saturday where he Is attending the
National Canners convention. Mr,
Bernhardt expects to be in Chicago
a wtek.
Local Declama
tory Contest in
Near Future
Large Group of the Local Students
Will Compete Here for Right
to Represent School.
The faculty chairman of the de
clamatory contest is Lumir Gerner.
Under Mr. Gerner's direction, Platts
mouth high school has made an en
viable record as a contestant in the
district declamatory contest during
the past several years. In this con
test Plattsmouth high school has
been one of the ranking schools in
the district contest.
This year Mr. Gerner has an addi
tional feature of the declamatory
contest, this feature being a one-act
play entitled "Little Oscar." which
will be presented to the public at the
local declamatory contest on Tuesday
evening, February 2S at the audi
torium of the Plattsmouth high
The contest is one that always at
tracts a large number of citizens to
the school to witness the various
talent of the pupils that is displayed
at such occasions.
The following is the various divi
sions and the titles with their con
testants that will appear at the local
declamatory .contest to be held Feb
ruary 28:
1-Act Play "Little Oscar"
Comedy - By Albert Van Antwerp
Henry James Sandin
Josie Corrlne Drucker
Fred Warren Reed
Gussie Dorothea Fulton
Directors Miss Ripa, Mr. Gerner.
"Little Shaver" Delores Gradoville
"Brotherly Love" Catherine Brink
"Robert Makes Love"
Shirley Walling
"One Big Happy Family". .
; Mary McCarroll
"Scribble Escapes from an Embar
rassing Situation" Bessie Kennedy
"Branded" Emma Reine Topllff
"A Message From Khufu"
Allan White
"The Noblest Roman of Them All"
Jacqueline Wetenkamp
"Cataracts" Clare Kauble
"Fear God and Take Your Own
Part" Bernice Halmes
"Submerged". Edith Lushinsky
"Eyes" Ruthe Webber
The oratorical division is one that
Is original in scope and the topics
are selected by the students them
selves. The contestants in this group
are: Stephen Devoe, John Tidball,
Jimmy Jones, Stuart Sedlak, and
Gertrude Cloidt.
The topic selected for this group
is "Agricultural Problems of the
United States." Clayton Sack and
Robert Cook will represent this
Four of the contestants who are
numbered in the humorous division
have not as yet selected their topic
for the contest. The contestants are
Dorothea Duxbury, Naomi Wood.
Elizabeth Wiles and Rose Brink.
Their topics will be announced at a
later date.
Aiding in the campaign for the
success of the president's ball on
Monday evening, will be two teams,
composed of students of the Platts
mouth high Bchool. These teams will
be composed of six boys and six girls
and will be conducted on a competi
tive basis. The young people are
not, however, acting under school
auspiceso r selection.
Attorney John M. Leyda, while
engaged In checking over an abstract
Monday at the office of the register
of deeds came across one of the in
struments that he had recorded some
fifty years ago. It was a deed in
volving a town lot in Elmwood and
Mr. Leyda had been deputy under
W. H. Pool, at that time, February,
From Monday's Daily
County Superintendent Mrs. Lora
Lloyd Kieck will leave Tuesday for
Lincoln to attend the convention of
the County Superintendents assocla
tion of the state.
From Wednesday's Dally
H. F. Goos, well known local
business man, was taken to Omaha
this morning where he will enter the
Clarkson hospital for treatment and
observations. Mr. Goos will be un
der treatment for a week or ten days
probably before the operation. It is
hoped that the operation may give
him relief from his condition from
which he has suffered for the past
few years.
Woodman Circle
Installs Officers
for Coming Year
Mrs. W. J. Hartwick Named Guardian
Miss Marie Kaufmann Named
Secretary for 27th Year.
The Woodman Circle met Tuesday
afternoon at the home of Mrs. E. M.
Buttery on North 10th street and
with a large number of the members
present to participate In the Install
ation of the officers for the ensuing
The officers Installed were as fol
lows: Past Guardian Mrs. Max Fitz-
Guardian Mrs. W. J. Hartwick.
Advisor Mrs. Rozina Ripple.
Secretary Miss Marie Kaufmann.
Chaplain Mrs. E. M. Buttery.
Attendant Miss Bertha Elling
Assistant Attendant Mrs. Joseph
Inside Sentinel Mrs. Carl Knieke.
Outside Sentinel Mrs. Elmer Tay
lor. .
Musician Mrs. H. L. Kruger.
Reporter Mrs. Fred H. Mumm.
Captain Miss Alice HIatt.
Auditors Miss Margaret Taylor,
Mrs. Will Rice, Mrs. Ernestine Jah
rig. The occasion marked the twenty
seventh election of Miss Marie Kauf
mann as the secretary of the organ
ization, a long and brilliant record
of service in the local women's fra
ternal group. In addition to the
long service in the local organization
Miss Kaufmann has also been honor
ed by the state group of the order.
The meeting was closed with very
much appreciated refreshments by
the hostess.
From Tuesday's Dairy
This afternoon at the Methodist
church at Nehawka was held the fun
eral services of Mrs. Edna Norris
Tucker, 67, who died Sunday at her
hotae as the result of a heart at
tack, after an illness of a month.
The Interment was at the Mt. Pleas
ant cemetery.
She was born June 4, 1871, in the
Mt. Pleasant community north of
Nehawka, the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. John C. Norris. She married
Benjamin O. Tucker March 1. 1892.
The couple moved Into Nehawka
where Mr. Tucker managed the Ne
hawka grain elevator many years.
He died Oct. 18, 1923.
Mrs. Tucker was an active mem
ber of the DAR, American Legion
Auxiliary and Rebekah lodge. She
also was a member of the Methodist
church in Nehawka.
Surviving are one son, Marion N.
Tucker, Nehawka business man;
three sisters, Mrs. Lynn Patrick,' Los
Angeles, Cal.. Mrs. C. D. Mcllnay,
Omaha, and Mrs. Joe Reed. Alta-
mont, Kas., and one brother, Burt
Norris, Los Angeles.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward V."llcox of
Miami, Florida are at Avoca where
they are visitors at the home of Mrs.
Wilcox's brother-in-law and sister,
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hallstrom and
family. Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox were
called here by the death of Mr. Wil
cox's mother, Mrs. Mary Wilcox, and
since that time hare been visiting
their many friends in this vicinity.
Mrs. Joseph Knecht of South Bend,
Nebr., is showing rapid improvement
after an operation performed last
week at the Lutheran hospital on
24th avenue and Harney street, Om
aha. The many friends of Mrs.
Knecht will be glad to know that
she is recovering from her recent illness.
First Week's
School Prize is
Von by Dist 37
More Than a Score of Rural Schools
Turn in Votes Double that
Number are Entered.
District No. 37. of which Miss
Martha Kaffenberger is teacher, won
the first week's $25 playground
equipment prize in the rural school
contest sponsored by Plattsmouth
business men, In addition. Miss Kaf
fenberger receives an award of $5
in beauty work, offered as an extra
prize for the first week of the con
test. This school becomes eligible to
receive its choice of a $25 standard
teter-totter or a complete official out
door basketball set. The school prize
will be awarded Saturday afternoon
at 3:30 over the Business Men's Ad
club public address system. Both the
teter-totters and basketball sets are
expected to arrive by then and, as
stated, the school will be allowed to
take its choice of these two items of
playground equipment.
District 37's vote totaled 478. 6E8,
more than double that of District 3,
the nearest competitor in the race for
votes. The complete list of schools
that have entered the contest to
date and their votes up to Saturday
night follows:
3" Martha Kaffenbergrer . ,.47R.CfH
3 Esther Tritsch lS.?.iS
29 Ev.lyn Khelhorn 17S.722
r. Nellie Carlson 160.311
6 Dora Trively 1 00.183
27 Vi'ima Fulton 71.0R0
4Z Mildred "Wilson 60.403
2 Grace Louise Wiles 43,13
2S Lucille A. Meisinper 34,71
Cf Esther Rl.oilen 22.4
41 Doris E. Wall 21.48K
14 .June Armstrong- 21.3S2
in Dorothea Hobbie 20.44&
25 Marie Lutz 18.058
97 rtuth Alexen 14.S92
9 Rosemary Cloidt 12.71
4J June Keil 12.U0
10 Tieulah K. Albln S.4S2
30- -rorotliea 51Tmnelt .... .9f4
S Selma Hen Johnson. 3.6S0
3 Jean Infrersoll (Sarpy). 1.B04
7 Dorothy Yost 1.000
9 Gert. Behrens (Sarpy).
3i Beatrice Beverage
57 Lauretta Burdlck 1.000
lice Mae Campbell.
76 Marsarut-tte Dall 1.000
3." Dorothv Gakemeier .... 1.000
11 Olive Ilornlnp 1.000
sr, manila Klemme 1.000
77 Dorothv Lepert 1.000
40 Dorothy LiRhtburn .... 1,000
IS Klva Opr 1.000
70 TJosomarv Power 1.000
C3 e. m. nawait 1.000
78 Dorothv Rjester -. . . 1.000
12 Louise Rishel 1.008
S3 Jeanette Snell 1.000
7P Mrs. Frances Shelhorn. 1.000
3 4 Ruth Sturr 1,000
5 Marie Thompson
31 Fern Williamson 1.000
-Thelma Ward
4 9-
-Edna Enpbiom
6 Eileen Joy 1.000
f.C Irene Dvorak
2 Clara Kye (Sarpy)
2 Edna Aldrlch (Sarpy)..
72 Anna Harris
Nine More Weekly Prises
Another like prize will be given
the school turning in the greatest
number of votes up to Saturday night
of this week, and so on each week
for a total of ten weeks. No school
can win more than one of these
weekly prizes, but all may go on
piling up votes to count on the grand
awards of $250 worth of playground
equipment to be given at the close
of the contest on April 8.
Teachers turning in votes for their
schools are asked to keep all double
or extra votes separate from their
other votes, so they will be properly
credited with same.
Sales slips and vote coupons not
claimed by customers of the different
participating stores will be placed
between pages one to fifty of a book,
and teachers may call on each of the
business houses once on Saturday and
choose one number from the book to
secure such treasure chest votes.
Only the teacher may call for these
unclaimed sales slips and vote cou
pons. Stores participating in the
contest are listed in the display ad
In this issue of the Serai-Weekly
Journal and may also be identified by
the signs "We Give Rural School
Votes" in their windows.
Double the UBual number of votes
are given on all transactions com
pleted on Wednesday, which is known
as double vote day, throughout the
duration of the contest.
By bringing dealer's ads and hav
ing them signed at time of making
purchase, and then attaching same
to the sales slip, double the usual
number of votes will also be allowed.
Watch for the ads of participating
stores and bring them in to be signed
for the double votes.
Annual Dance, Sat. 28. Adm. 35c.