The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 23, 1939, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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MONDAY, JANUARY .23, 1939.
Consumer Gain,
of 134,000 Seen
by TVA in 1939
Memphis and Nashville Contracts
Sought by Power Authority
Deals Are Pending.
pending deals are consummated, the
Tennessee Valley Authority will be
supplying electricity to 167,000 cus
tomers by the end of 1939, according
to an official survey.
This compares -with 33,000 consum
ers of TVA current during 1938,
after the new deal agency first be
gan to market the power It gener
ated by dams along the Tennessee
The largest bloc of TVA custom
ers added during 1938 was in Knox
ville, where the Tennessee Public
Service Co., a subsidiary of National
Power & Light Co., sold Its facilities
to the city and TVA. This trans
action was the first In which TVA
took over the distribution linos of a
major private utility.
A similar deal is pending in Mem
phis, although .negotiations between
the city and Memphis Power & Light,
another N. P. & L. division, have
leached a stalemate and the city is
threatening to build a duplicate dis
tribution system.
Nashville May Be Added
The authority also is negotiating
for contracts in Chattanooga and
Nashville, the only other large cities
in the immediate TVA area. Nash
ville's city council requested a
wholesale power contract last month,
and one may be executed within the
next few weeks, subject to ratifica
tion by Nashville citizens.
Chattanooga is building a muni
cipal system to carry TVA power in
competition with the Tennessee Elec
tric Power Co., a subsidiary of Com
monwealth & Southern. According to
J. A. Krug, TVA chief power plan
ning engineer, "The city of Chatta
nooga is advancing rapidly with its
construction and will begin, to ser
vice consumers this month."
TVA also purchased jointly with
local agencies in 193S the facilities
of the Kentucky-Tennessee Light &
Power company, the Holston Electric
company and the Orainge rcounty
electric company. ' "
To Add 22 Towns
A deal whih owaits only the for
mality of signatures for closing, ac
cording to the authority, will add
the 22 towns formerly served by the
West Tennessee Power & Light Co. to
the TVA clientele. The transaction
calls for TVA and the client towns
to prorate the purchase price of
the utility's distribution system.
No conclusions have been reached
in TVA negotiations with Common
wealth & Southern subsidiaries serv
ing in northern Mississippi and Ala
bama, but several towns ar-; proceed
ing with plans to build their own
distributing systems.
These include RussellviHe, Albert
ville, Guntersville, Decatur and
Hartselle, Alabama, and Starkvillc,
Aberdeen, Columbus and West Point,
Miss. TVA recently initiated service
to Water Valley, Miss., which has
a municipal power plant.
NEW YORK, Jan. 19 (UP) A
new organization opposing the sale
of war materials to Japan, and
headed by Henry L. Stimson, for
mer secretary of state, began circu
larizing 40,000 prominent persons
by mail today, appealing for sup
port. It is called the American commit
tee for non-participation in Japanese
aggression, and charges that
"through lack of knowledge or in
difference," Americans continue to
supply Japanese aggressors "with
the sinews of war: scrap iron, oil,
steel and trucks all more necessary
to her than manufactured muni
tions." "With one hand we supply the
essential materials to the Japanese
military machine . . . with the other
hand we spend billions for armaments
which will protect us against the
mounting threat of aggressor na
tions," a statement said. "It does
not make sense."
'Louis' Boys to
Bring Two Negros
for the Crown
Joe Louis and John Henry Lewis
Brings Two of Race to Straggle
for Heavyweight Title.
HAMBURG, Germany (UP) Ger
many is to fish for sponge.
The first German sponge-fishing
expedition will depart soon for the
Lesser Antilles owned by Britain
and France in the West Indies.
The area where the sponges are
found is free international water.
Germany also hopes to raise mother-of-pearl
off the Antilles which will
be used in the manufacture of buttons.
Placement of 83 per cent of the
seniors wrho graduated last June from
the University of Illinois Collegre of
Commerce in jobs ranging from
chamber of commerce secretary to
brewer's apprentice, is reported today.
President Roosevelt today said he fav
ored the pending bill authorizing con
struction of naval base facilities at
Guam, the Pacific island within 1,
500 miles of Tokyo. The Guam pro
ject is one of twelve proposed naval
NEW YORK, Jan. Zl (UP) For
the first time in more than 25 years,
two Negroes will battle next Wed
nesday ' for the heavyweight cham
pionship of the world and no mat
ter who wins the name will sound the
same when it comes blaring through
the loud-speakers of Madison Square
Because it will be the "Louis" boys
against each other Champion Joe
and Challenger John Henry Lewis.
And a quarter century ago shows
that a similar situation or con
fusion existed in Paris in the only
other all-Negro title fight. That was
in 1913 when Jack Johnson defend
ed his crown against one Jim John
Eon. Next week's 15-rounder is ex
pected to draw a gate of $120,000
and today you could almost name
your own ticket if you wanted Lewis
on the short end. The official bet
ting odds ranged from three to four
to one but if you wanted five or six,
you could get it.
"Shuffliu' Joe," making his fifth
defense of the title in IS months,
hasn't entered a ring since he knock
ed out Max Schmeling in the first
round last June. The challenger, on
the other hand, has had 11 fights in
the last year, or a total of 95 rounds.
Louis, at his Pompton Lakes, N. J.,
camp is so worried over the fight that
all he does is train, eat, sleep and
listen to the photograph. His hand
lers say he is in top condition and
will enter the ring determined to
finish off John Henry as quickly as
John Henry, in nearby Summit,
N. J., radiated confidence and Baid
he would be so speedy that Joe will
think he is facing three men.
"I'm going in there with the idea
of outboxing Joe," said John Henry
today. "And I think I can. I don't
intend to try for a knockout but if
the opportunity comes why I'll just
put everything I have into a punch
and see what happens."
Both men will conclude heavy
training on Monday. Louis will have
the physical edge over the Arizona
boy who Is recognized as light
heavyweight champion by the Na
tional Boxini association.
Joe will scale around 201 pounds
to John Henry's 183; he will have
a one and three-quarter edge in
height,- but only an inch and a half
in reach.
LAS VEGAS, Nev., Jan. 20 (UP)
Nelson Eddy, baritone of screen
and concert hall, and the former
Mrs. Ann D. Franklin of Beverly
Hills, Calif., were on a honeymoon
today. They motored here yesterday
and were married by District Judge
William L'. Orr. The only witnesses
were Eddy's mother, Mrs. Isabel K.
Eddy, Doris Kenyon, actress, and
Eddy's business manager, E. J. Os-
Plane Carrier,
First of Six, Joins
British Fleet
Ark Royal Is of 22,000 Tons and
Carries 60 Aircraft Crew
to Number 1,600.
LONDON (UP) Great E-itain's
air power at sea is considerably aug
mented with the commissioning for
service of the new aircraft carrier
H.M.S. Ark Royal.
Carrying a full complement of
planes, she is likely to join ships of
the home fleet on the spring cruise.
She will carry among 60 warplanes
the first squadron of "hell dive"
bombers ever put into service by
Britain. The speed of the bombers
is thus far a secret, but they are
bourne. Eddy gave his age as 37,
his bride as 40. She divorced Sid- .'understood to be more than 80 m.p.h
ney Franklin, motion picture pro-1 faster than similar American planes,
ducer. six years ago. It was Eddy's I The new ship, grossing 22,000
Frostbite and Chilblains
.By Dr. James A. Tobey.
f ? -
first marriage.
LINCOLN. Jan. 19 (UP) George
W. Kline, secretary of the Eastern
Nebraska Public Power district, to
day received word from Washington
that 110,000 has been alloted the
district for loans to farmers to be
used in house wiring.
Kline said the money would be
loaned in Cass, Otoe, Pawnee, Rich
ardson, Nemaha and Johnson coun
ties where $871,000 is being used
for construction of transmission
lines. . Farmers in the district need
pay only 20 per cent of wiring cost,
Kline said, the remaining 80 per
cent will be loaned by the district
payable in five years at six per cent.
LONDON, Jan. 20 "(UP) An of
ficial announcenment today said that
the kinjf and queen would hold court
at Buckingham Palace three times
before departing on their American
tour and twice after their return.
The dates are March 9, 14 and 16
and July 12 and 13. Most of the
debutantes to be presented March 9
will be Americans, although some
United States citizens will be pre
sented in July. These are expected to
be persons the king and queen may
meet in the United -States.
tons, is nearly 800 feet long overall.
and the flight deck towers some 70
feet above the waterllne. Much of
the Ak Royal's equipment is secret
and awaits trial in service condi
tions. The practical tests it will un
dergo as soon as the ship gets to sea
will provide a measure of the new
carter's value as a fighting unit.
Crew to Number 1,600
The Ark Royal Is the first British
warship to be designed exclusively
as an aircraft carrier. Her full com
plement for seagoing duty will com
prise some 1,600 men and about 140
ofTicers. Hangar space is provided
below decks for 60 modern war
planes. The flag of Rear Admiral
G. C. Royle, senior Fleet Air Arm
officer, flies at the masthead.
Basically, the Ark Royal conforms
to the design of other aircraft car
riers. She has two long hangars.
Three lifts convey planes to and from
the deck. The control superstruc
ture rises above deck level on the
starboard side. In the fore of this
deck are two ramps used for acceler
ated take-off. The defensive arma
ment of the ship consists of 4.5 inch
anti-aircraft guns. "Pom-pom" multiple-barrel
guns give further pro
tection. Located in a comprehensive con
trol tower is an air intelligence of
fice, where check will be kept on
movements of aircraft patrolling per-
IF yon are bitten by the frost this
winter, with freezing of an ex
posed part, don't make the mistake
of vigorously rubbing the chilled
portion of your
anatomy with
snow or any
thing else.
This advice
may upset some
preconceived no
tions, but every
expert on first
aid Is agreed
that snow - rub
bing Is bad for
frostbite. Whv?
Dr. J. A. Tobey Because snow Is
usually dirty and gritty. It may
break the skin and cause a serious
What should you do? Warm the
frozen part carefully and gradually.
If a finger is frozen, for example,
put it next to your body under the
armpit and let it thaw out there.
Or bathe It in cold water. Keep
frozen part3 away from hot stoves,
open fires, and hot radiators. You
may rub or massage the frozen
part gently, taking care not to
break the skin. Then wrap in clean
cotton. wooL Take hot drinks such
U tea or milk.
How do you know when yon are
frostbitten? A fmrtn r. flnro-
toe, or nose gets colder than the
rest of the body and loses all sen
sation. The skin becomes gray, aud
will not blanch when pressed. A
bad case of frostbite should be
treated by a physician, since dan
gerous blisters and even gangrene
may develop.
The best treatment for frostbite
Is to prevent it. When the tempera
ture falls below 20 degrees Fahren
heit, wear sufficiently heavy and
warm clothes, preferably made of
pure wooL In very cold weather,
woolen gloves are best, aDd woolen
stockings and 60X are necessary
or desirable.
Persons who are properly nour
ished, and who avoid fatigue, will
be much less likely to suffer from
frostbite and the resulting chil
blains. If you are anemic, or have
poor circulation, you are ready prey
to frost and cold.
Build up your resistance to cold,
therefore, with a liberal intake of
such foods as milk, whole wheat
and white breads with plenty of
butter, eggs, fruits, yellow vege
tables. lean meats, leafy vegetables,
potatoes, and nuts. These' foods
give you vitamins, iron and other
minerals; enough of them will also
furnish you with adequate calorics,
or h ft at Onlta
haps a hundred miles away.
Guarded Against Fire
Fuel, oil, and water pipes, run
ning along the "walls" of the ship,
provide time-saving services for re
fueling after flights. From the
"roof" of the hangars project nu
merous nozzles from whi, in emer
gency, anti-fire liquid can be spray
ed. Curtains of fire-resistig eteel
divide the hagar up ito separate com
partmets. An extensive space is set aside for
aircraft spares nuts, bolts, wings,
spars, radio equipment. Innumer
able steel shelves and racks await
the thousands of parts needed for
the fleet of aircraft. Padded racks In
one sections are ready to take sea
plane floats. When necessary, these
will be fitted to landplanes on board,
thus converting them into temporary
The Ark Royal is the first of six
new aircraft carriers ordered for the
royal navy. Four of these are now
being built, each approximating 23.-
000 tens. -All will beable to reach
a sieed of 31 knots, enabling air
craft to take off from and land on
the flight decks even in a dead calm.
Soon the navy will be able to take
to sea in aircraft carriers some 4oo
fim-line aircraft, a formidable air
armada which will be supplemented
by about 100 aircraft carried iu
battleships and cruisers fitted with
catapult launching sear.
Funeral services for Mrs. Frank
Hornek, former Plattsmouth resi
dent, was held at Po.atello, Idaho, on
January 9th, at the St. Anthony's
church. Rev. Father King, pastor,
celebrating the mass. The deceased
was a daughter of the late Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Kalasek. Mrs. Mike I'a
jeck and Julius Kalasek of this city,
brother and tister of the deceased
attended the services.
Treasurer's Semi-annual Statement
From July 1, 1938 to December 31, 1938, Inclusive
on July 1.
from other-Funds
to Co. Gen.
to other
on Dec. "31
NASHUA, N. H. (UP) An at
tempt to be thrifty cost Nirman C.
Trumpolt, a truck driver, $ 10. He
was fined that sum in district court
for operating a truck "equipped with
two fuel tanks other than standard
Authorities said they were inves
tigating complaints that some mo
torists have been buying additional
fuel outside the state to avoid a 5
cent gasoline tax while using New
Hampshire highways.
BOSTON (UP) Soon, girls:
there'll be no need to rely on those
old standbys nail polish or saliva
to check silk stocking "runs.''
For "runs" will be outlawed with
Lhc introduction of a synthetic silk
stocking which will be resilient as
cilk, more enduring than good-grade
chifTon hosiery, and will neither spot
r.or run, according to George S. Hines
director of industrial development for
the Associated Industries of Mass.
OROVILLE, Cal. (UP) Mrs. E.
M. Grubbs found out ty actual ex
perience that women are harder on
their own sex than men. Walking
alcng the left side of a highway,
thereby facing the traffic, 6he found
that every male driver turned to give
her ample room, tut ovcry woman
driver refused to cede an inch.
State General Fund
State Capitol Fund
State Insane Fund "
State Redemption Fund
State School Land Lease
State Bee Tax Fund :
State Highway Supervision (Motor Fund)
State'Highway Maintenance (Motor Fund)
State Drivers' License Fund
State Aid Bridge Fund
State Old Age Pension (from Personal Taxes).
County General Fund
County Bridge Fund
Soldiers' Relief Fund
Mothers' Pension Fund
Labor Tax Fund
County Poor Relief Fund
District Road Fund
Commissioners' Road Fund .
Commissioners' Drag Fund
District School Fund . 1
District School Bond Fund
Inheritance Tax Fund
Individual Redemption
State Apportionment (Teachers Fund)
County Farm Collections
County Highway Fund
Free High School Tuition
Motor Vehicle Refunds
Cities and Villages Bonds and Interest Fund
Special Improvement Taxes 1
Precinct Gravel Funds
City of Plattsmouth Fund :
City of Weeping Water Fund
Village of Louisville Fund
Village bf South Bend Fund
Village of Greenwood Fund
Village of Avoca Fund
Village of Union Fund
Village of Murdock Fund
Village of Murray Fund
Village of Eagle Fund
Village of Alvo Fund :
Village of Elm wood Fund
Village of Nehawka Fund
Intangible Tax Fund
County Fees (Motor Fund)
Taxes Paid Under Protest
Advertising Account .
Fees Earned
Personal Tax (Part Payments)
Miscellaneous Fund
County Fees from Tax Sales and Redemptions..
Interest Account .
Gasoline Tax frcm State
Fines and Licenses
Dependent Children's- Assistance Fund .
Old Age Assistance Fund :
County Administration Fund .
Blind Assistance Fund '
County Driver's License Fund
County Drag (Motor Fund) - .
6,787.27 $ 1,197.70 $ 41,214.66
16.33 1.82 15.81
.02 791.52
.11 .10 .90
133.70 74.00
4.63 .05 12.00
18.34 131-71
214.59 1,540.97
56.80 161.80
2,072.73 4,659.97
317.78 30.25 4,544.65
8.309.51 13,086.16 26,238.06
13,780.00 5,433.28 S.754.09
384.27 4.47 320.92
3.5S7.06 21.00 , 1.161.60
29.02 2,632.25
91.50 8.354.70 15,180.42
10.909.51 5,592.31 14,903.07
611.75 8,857.75
9,362.12 9,321.91 . I
58,352.37 13,412.94 85.022.84
16,630.51 1,516.42 9,283.04
7,365.73 18,579.84
1,907.43 124.36 12,727.35
17,67 1.80 17.77 917.76
4,291.16 6,929.64 22,643.81
941.97 634.84 4,687.09
4,805.62 198.09 2,264.62
510.17 9.80 115.09
1,320.49 39.38 1,497.38
494.26 105.09 479.06
266.40 74. OS 1.669.95
412.75 29.58 520.14
168.40 62.13 289.98
2.049.89 136.56 1,465.71
314.72( 109.65 848.48
509.27 156.04 2.132.43
3,244.73 82.93 2,102.67
9.14 4,389.68
27.70 182.25
820.00 ' 190.00
5159.76 K, 433. 77
5201.97 31.203.16
5172.23 1,496.86
22.25 764.94
:$. 595.57
78.254.66 $ 98.641.08 $41!). 914. 92
41,387.27 $ S48.S5 $ 6,993.51
16.33 .35 17.28
400.00 15.S3 375.71
.11 .02 .9S
183.70 .74 23.26
.24 16.44
3.63 56.42
1,095.47 660.09
149.75 6S.S5
5,007.13 1,725.57
2,707.78 91.50 2,093.40
42,046.11 545.93 5,041.69
13,230.31 177.58 7,559.48
410.00 6.51 293.15
1.S17.00 23.65 2,929.01
20.892.62 306.37 2,427.63
13,178.95 301.84 9,050.11
6,274.57 1,194.93
18,078.74 605.29
99,327.40 882.38 56.578.37
8,950.00 94.32 18,385.65
14,309.46 11,636.11
128.52 14,630.62
9,566.87 16,000.00
7,133.56 18.71 11,458.06
21.290.19 591.47 11.982.95
4,297.26 106.44 1,860.20
3,399.15 49.25 3,819.93
500.00 2.50 132.56
1,300.00 30.74 1,526.51
850.00 11.68 216.73
825.00 34.88 1,150.55
650.00 11.00 301.47
319.67 7.04! 193.80
1.S00.00 32.05 1,820.11
735.00 19.16 518.69
1.350.00 45.77 1.401.97
3,000.00 43.71 2,386.62
182.25 27.70
Summary of AH Collections and Disbursements
Disbursem'ts Receipts
Taxes Collected for Year 1936 and Prior $ 29,372.25
1937 16S.3S0.69
State Aid Bridge Collections 4.659.97
Drivers' Licenses 173.0 0
State School Land Lease 74.00
State Apportionment (Teachers' Fund) 7.2 s 1.31
State Gasoline Tax 2 0.542.62
State Blind Assistance 764.94
State Dependent Children's Assistance 8,433.77
State Old Age Assistance 31.203.16
County Administration Expense (from State) 1,496.86
Inheritance Tax 1.3 4 5.53
County Farm 536.60
Fines and Licenses 190.00
Redemptions (Individual) 12,497.90
Fees from Redemption and Tax Sales 58.15
Special Improvement Taxes 5.821.84
Miscellaneous Collections 13,8 S : . 1 S
Refunding, Cities and Villages 25.566.87
Motor Vehicle Collections 5, "32. (to
Personal Tax (Part Payments) 4 1.92
Protest Taxes IS 2. 23
Total Collections. July 1, 1938 to Dec. 31, 193S , f 119.914.92
Balance on Hand, July 1, 193S 17s.254.66
GRAND TOTAL 598,169.58
State Disbursements $ 46,031.0 1
State Aid Bridge Disbursements 5,007.13
County Disbursements 116,478.70
School Disbursements 1 OS, 277. 40
Old Age Assistance Disbursements 30.515.22
Blind Assistance Disbursements : 772.19
Dependent Children Disbursements 8,113.45
County Administration Expense 1,192.59
County Poor Relief Disbursements 20,892.62
Cities and Villages Refunding Bonds and Interest 9.56G.S7
Auto Refunds 1 4.25
Redemptions (Individual) 12.497.90
Cities and Villages Disbursements 40,316.27
Inheritance Disbursements 12 8.81
Taxes Paid Under Protest Disbursed 182.25
Drivers' Licenses Refunds 3.00
Total Disbursements. July 1, '38 to Dec. 31, 1938 $400,009.69
BALANCE CASH ON HAND, Dec. 21; 1938 U9S.159.S9
$ 82.131.23I840O.0O9.6S
1 !t 3 ."
la i tin
Car j
$ 4.482 2e(f 19S.159.S9
(J) Overdrawn.
Outstanding Registered Warrants NONE
To John E. Turner, County Treasurer of Cass County, Nebraska:
I. Geo. R. Sayles. County Clerk of Cass County, Nebraska, lo h
certify in accordance with tbe provisions of Section 2 6-1002 of t!i
Laws of Nebraska, that the true and correct total amount of unpaid
on file in the office of the County Clerk of said Cass County, Nttn
as of December 15, 1938, is $18,807.56.
Witness my hand and the seal of my offir-e at Plattsmouth,
County, Nebraska, this 16th day of December, 1938.
GEO. It. SAYLES. County Clerk.
(Seal) Cass County, Nebraska.
I. John E. Turner, Treasurer of Cass County, Nebraska, hereby cer
tify that the above statement shows the amounts collected and disbursed
in the various funds from July 1, 1938, to December 31. 193S. both dates
inclusive, and the balance on hand at the close of business December 31.
1938. and furthermore that the forcgoiug is correct to tbe best of my
knowledge and belief.
JOHN E. TURNER. County Treatuier.
Cass County, Nebraska.