PAGE FOUR PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOUENAL MONDAY, JANUARY 23, 1939. MANLEY NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Glen Iloback visit ed friends at Union over the week end. John Bergman was looking after business matters in Plattsmouth last Saturday and visited friends while there. Mrs. Catherine Earhardt was vis iting for a few days at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Joseph Miller, of Louisville. George Rau has been spending a few weeks at Excelsior Springs, Mis souri, enjoying a rest and vacation for his health. Mrs. Fred Bauer, who has been sick for the past three weeks with an attack of flu, is reported as be ing some better. Herman Bergman has been con fined to his home the past few weeks with an attack of quinsy, but is now recovering from the same. Mrs. Theo Harms, who has been sick for the past three weeks with an attack of flu, is reported a3 some better and able to be around again. Mr. and Mrs. Harry O'Brien were in Omaha several days at the bedside of Mrs. O'Brien's mother, the late Mrs. Frank Stander, and later at tending the funeral which was held there. Miss Leona Darveaux, housekeep er at the St. John's parsonage in riattsmouth, was a guest at the home of Fred Bauers, Jr., who has been ill the past three weeks, and was seeking to minister to the pati ent. A number of friends and neigh bors of Mrs. John Rohrdanz called at her home Monday of last week to surprise her on her birthday, and Bpend a very pleasant evening. Mrs. Rohrdanz received a number of gifts in honor of the occasion. Entertained Friends Mr. and Mrs. Thor Hansen enter tained a group of friends Saturday evening of last week at supper and a pinochle party. These present in cluded Mr. and Mrs. Carter Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Nelson and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Rauth. Silver Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Herman Rauth were united in marriage on January 15, 1914 twenty-five years ago and have made their home near Manley during the. entire quarter of a cen tury of their wedded life. On the oc casion of their anniversary last Sun day, they were guests at the home of Miss Anna Rauth of Omaha. The intention was to also have celebrat ed the eighteenth anniversary of her nephew, John Rauth, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Rauth, of near York, but due to illness the A. F. Rauth fam ily were not able to be present. In cluded among those who enjoyed the day together were Miss Rena Chris tensen, of Omaha, a sister of, Mrs. Rauth, Mrs. Boyd Reese and Mrs. amma Simmons of Iowa Falls, low, sisters of Mr. Rauth's mother. A most enjoyable day was spent and a fine wedding dinner served by the hostess, Miss Anna Rauth, with the guests of honor being showered with congratulations and best wishes for many more happy years of wedded bliss. Remembered on Birthday Mrs. E. M. Ruby enjoyed the pass ing of her birthday on January 15, and in the evening a number of friends came to help make the oc casion a merry one. All enjoyed themselves and extended to Mrs. Ruby best wishes for many years of happiness and good health. Three days later, on January 18, Mr. and Mrs. Ruby arrived at their fortieth wedding anniversary, but concluded to wait another ten years when they reach their fiftieth anniversary be fore celebrating the occasion. Dinner Club Supper at Eauth's The Dinner club, which has as its members a number of families of this vicinity, met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Rauth on last Monday evening, when they played pinochle and enjoyed a splendid sup per. Those present to enjoy the oc casion were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Haws. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Berg man, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Dowler, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Keckler and Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Weseman. The high scores went to Mrs. Bergman and Ralph Keckler. Visited Friends Here Miss Margaret Murphy of Omaha was spending a few days in- the vir cinity of Manley, being a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Murphy, where all enjoyed a splen did time. Last Saturday they took Miss Margaret home, all being anx ious to go. a& a little nephew, the son of Mr. . and Mrs. Lawrence O'Brien, who was born January 6, was waiting to greet them. The mother was formerly Miss Anna Murphy of Manley. Attended Funeral in Omaha Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Rauth, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Rauth, Father Hennessy and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Rau, of Manley, and August Pautsch of Louisville were at Omaha on Friday, where they attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Mary Stan der, wife of Frank A. Stander and a sister of John C. Rauth. Besides those named, a large number of others from this vicinity attended the funeral of Mrs. Stander. Having Dead Trees Eemoved A number of large trees that for many years have graced the yard at the August Krecklow home, were unable to stand the prolonged drouth of the past few years and died. So Mr. Krecklow had John Gruber pull them out with his tractor last Wed nesday. In the spring Mr. Krecklow will set out a grove of Chinese elm to replace them. Wabash News John Cardwell has disposed of his old car and acquired a late model Chevrolet. John Sherman, of Louisville, was a business visitor in Wabash during the past week. John Wood and his brother, M. Wood have been busy hauling stone from the county quarry to the various places where it is being used to hard surface roads and for other purposes. Kensington Ladies Meet The Manley Kensington which has as members a goodly number of the ladies of this vicinity, met last Wednesday at th home of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Dorr. The afternoon was very pleasantly spent in looking af ter the affairs of the society and in planning some work for the future. Stone Business is Good Ole Olsen, the stone merchant of Weeping Water, has just completed the shipment of some 500 tons of crushed rock to Scottsbluff, where it is to be used in the beet sugar fac tory during the process of refining sugar. He also has a contract to deliver 500 car-loads of stone to Gibson, where it will be used in the Missouri river improvement program. Such orders as this help to give men employment and we hope the fore going are but an indication of vol ume demands when the season opens up in the spring. Cass county's rock quarries have bf come one of the im portant industries and give employ ment to many men. Entertains E. L. C. E. Miss Geraldine Schmidt, of Mur dock, where sh3 conducts a beauty shop, was hostess to the E. L. C. E. of the Murdock church, which is a young ladies society, entertaining them - at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schmidt, who re side in this vicinity. Games and various other entertainment were featured and a delicious lunch was served by the hostess before the hour of departure. JOLLY NEIGHBOR CLUB The January meeting of the Jolly Neighbors club was most delightfully entertained on Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Henry Knaupe. The lesson of the day was "Facts in Early Nebraska History Which Every Nebraskan Should Know" and proved most interesting under the clever handling of the leader, Mrs. August Wendt. The next lesson will be in the hands of Miss Esther Leutchens, February 8 at the home of Mrs. Henry Schlueter with Mrs. Wm. Voo Sprecklson assisting hos tess. Mrs. Howard McBride served delicious refreiihments at the close of the meeting. Reporter. AGED DO a LEAVES HOME SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 21 (UP) Chessie, a Chesa peaks Bay retriev er, had been in Henry Lovell's home so long the family believed he knew what they wore talking about most of the time. They forgot about that, however, last night when at the dinner table: with Cbeesie sitting nearby awaiting a scrap or two, they talked about dis posing of him. He was 14 a ripe old age for a dog and feeble and his muscles were stiffening, they said, so it would seem the most merciful thing to have a veterinary destroy him painlessly. After a time, Chessie rose, took a long glance at his master, and left the house. He has not returned. Winter Flower Show is Much Appreciated Many Attend Event at the Public Library Auditorium With a Large Number Showing. The second annual winter flower and weed show, sponsored by the Plattsmouth Garden v club, was held Wednesday and Thursday, January 18 and 19 in the Plattsmouth public library auditorium. The flower show was an event that was attended by a large group of the residents, in cluding a large group of children, to witness the many various displays. Five states, sending in different con tributions, were represented, they be ing Kansas, Idaho, Oregon, California and Texas, as well as a number of nearby cities who also sent in con tributions. Oneof the most outstanding con tributions was the Obsidian feldspar rock sent to Miss Minnie Guthmann from her nephew, Francis Neitzel of Idaho. The rock was procured from near Yellowstone Park. One of the most unique and in teresting displays was the display of hats that were seen. The hats were formed out of fruit, vegetables, and various other odds and ends which certainly made an unusually good display. One of the classes that showed the greatest amount of attraction was Class 8, School and Junior Depart ment of which Mrs. William Schmidt- man, Jr.. chairman, and Mrs. Clem ent T. Woster were in charge. This was the contribution of the Platts mouth public schools who sent down miniature gardens and indoor aquar iums. The thought of having their treasured school work on display at tracted many students and their parr ents. The shadow boxes, which have proven to be a popular event of this time, were also on display and the following contributed, shadow boxes: Mrs. Lillian Freeman, Mrs. Carl Ofe, Mrs. Luke Wiles, Miss Julia Svoboda, Mrs. William Schmidtmann of this city; Mrs. Fred Grousman, and Mrs. Murray of Omaha. A display commonly known a Jhe Texan display'-'-included a iiuinMingrthe. hall -Thursday, January or articles that came from Texas and one that was donated by Mrs. George K. Hetrick. The following are the entries that were on display and those that were responsible for the exhibit: Class 1 Christmas wreath and sprays. Miss Barbara Gering, chair man; Miss Gering, Mrs. Carl Ofe. Class 2 Basket or dish arrange ment of any flowers, plants, or fruits or any combination as a Christmas or sick gift. A small decoration suit able for invalid's tray. Mrs. Pete Carr, chairman; Mrs. L. S. Devoe, Mrs. J. C. Lowson. Class 3 Arrangement for a Christmas table or buffet centerpiece. Table arrangement for other purpose or occasion. Class 4 Arrangement of any seeds, pods, berries or other material suitable for a living room. Class 5 Arrangement suitable for other purposes. Mrs. L. L. Wiles, chairman; Mrs. J. H. McMaken, Jr., Mrs. Harry Kruger. Class 6 Tray or dish gardens suitable for living room. Dish gar dent with growing plants. Terrian iums. Mrs. E. II. Wescott, chairman; Mrs. J. M. Roberts. Class 7 Arrangement or speci men of gourds, pinecones, Romona strings, etc. Mrs. Lillian Freeman, chairman. Class 8 School and Junior De partment. Mrs. William H. Schmidt- man, Jr., chairman; Mrs. Clement T. Woster. Class 9 Pantry, garden, head gears or hats. Mrs. A. J. Trilety, chairman: Mrs. G. K. Hetrick. Class 10 Collection of seeds, pods, berries and other material suitable for winter house decoration varieties names. Miss Julia Svoboda, chair man; Miss Anna Ileisel. Class 11 Window Gardens. Mrs. J. W. Crabill, chairman; Mrs, J. E. Wiles, Mrs. .William Baird. Class 12 Display of vases. Mrs. John Woest, chairman. Class 13 Specimen house plants. Mrs. Augusta Haupt, chairman. Class 14 Birdnests, feeding trays, bird houses, etc. Litchens, wasp nests, novelties, etc. Mrs. P. T. Heineman, chairman. Class 15 Conservation display. A. L. Tidd, chairman. Class 16 Specimen of the different kinds of trees, evergreens and shrubs, all varieties named for identification. Julius Pitz, chairman; Frank Kar- vanek, Stephen Devoe, Fred Heisel, A. L. Tidd. Class 17 Wall pockets. Miss Dora Fricke, chairman. Class 18 Shadow boxes. The flower ehow was one that showed much enthusiasm among the great flower and nature lovers ot the community. The committees and their various chairmen as well as the Plattsmouth Garden club are to be complimented on the splendid work and effort that they put forth in affording the people of this com munity the opportunity of seeing a real winter flower and weed show. Greenwood Goodhart Vant is working in South Bend. ; Claus Landergreen was on the sick list the past week. Mrs. Glen Peters spent Thursday and Friday visiting in Omaha. Raymond Howard of Weeping Water spent the week end at home. Mrs. Lulu Hurlbut spent last Mon day with Mrs. Ed Hurlbut at Wav erly. There will be a program at rural school district No. 81 on Thursday evening. Mrs. Bert Alton of Omaha visited her mother-in-law, Mrs. Fred Ether edge Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Peters visited at the O'Shavesey home in Lincoln Monday evening. , Mr. and Mrs. Dick Wright of Om aha were Wednesday visitors at the Etheredge home. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Strahn and Esther Anderson called on Mrs. Eth eredge Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Keoler of Lincoln called at the Glen Peters home last Thursday evening. Mrs. Blattler was taken to Bryan Memorial hospital in Lincoln Thurs day, for treatment. Mr. and Mrs. George Walling of Lincoln visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Etheredge Sunday afternoon. Miss Vietta Cord will attend the University the coming semester, tak ing a course in teachers' training. The Cemetery association is to meet with Mrs. Minnie Elwood on Wednesday afternoon, January 25. Dorcas Society met at the church Friday afternoon with Mrs. Joe Brown and Mrs. John Mick enter taining. J. S. Gribble is planning to move his grocery store in the near future into the building (formerly occupied by Smith Drug. The Christian Endeavor members, assisted by older folks, are working hard on a three act play, "The Med dlesome Maid, " be given in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hurlbut, of Louisville, Mr, and Mrs. T. O. Mc Donald of Chicago and Paul Buck ingham were dinner guests of Mrs. Lulu Hurlbut last Sunday, The Legion post No. 173 will en tertain their wives at a joint meet- 26. A special nrograin js being ar- ranged by the Legionnaires i?- s.- Mr. and Mrs. John Vant, Mr. and Mrs. P. O. Clymer, Mr. and Mrs. G. Vant and Mr. and Mrs. Evan Arm strong attended a birthday party at the W.. Hunt home in Ashland on Thursday evening." Mr. and Mrs. Jim Brown gave a surprise party last Sunday night in honor of Mrs. Joe Brown. Cards were played. Mae Gomerdinger and Rob ert " Burke were high and Mrs. Joe Brown received the traveling prize. Mrs. Myrtle Cameron was hostess to the Deal-a-Deck card club Thurs day afternoon. Mrs. Catherine Lay man was high and Mrs. Ardis Stew art second. A nice lunch was served The next meeting will be held in two weeks with Mrs. Adeline Gus- tafson. Legion Auxiliary Meets The first meeting of the American Legion Auxiliary for the year 1939 was held, at the Legion hall Wed nesday, Janrary 18. Business matters were taken care of in the usual procedure. Mrs; Lorena Van Camp, of Wav erly, a new member, was present and welcomed to the unit. To date our membership is nineteen, within two of our 1939 quota. Mrs. Collins, unit president, gave a talk on "Legislation," stressing the fact that the Auxiliary is behind the five-point program as outlined by the American Legion, namely:' Protection for World War widows and orphans. Adequate national defense. Universal service. Employment for veterans. Strengthening of immigration, naturalization and deportation laws of the xTnited States. A delicious lunch was served at the close of the meeting by Mrs. Collins and Mrs. Downing. Mrs. Gribble will be hostess at the February meeting. ' Birthday Party A birthday party was given in honor of De Lores Meyers and Char lotte Bachman at the Meyers home Wednesday evening. Their teacher, Miss Iona May, and pupils ot the sixth, seventh and eighth grades were guests. Games were played, fol lowed by a nice lunch. All departed wishing the girls many more happy birthdays. Funeral of Leland Hoik Funeral services were held at an Ashland funeral chapel last Tuesday afternoon for Leland Jlolka, only son of Mr. and Mrs. John -Holka, of near Alvo. The deceased met instant death in an auto accident last Sunday af ternoon on the highway just north of Greenwood when a car driven by Wayne Backman overturned. He was a nephew of "Fred Holka of Greenwood. Several from this vi cinity attended the funeral. GOEBBELS TO RETAIN POST LONDON, Jan. 21 (UP) Latest diplomatic reports from Berlin indi cated today that Paul Joseph Goeb- bels will retain the propaganda min istry which, however, may be shorn of its most important function. According to the reports, matters relating to the press will be entrust ed to Otto Dietrich, nazi press chief who ultimately will receive the rank of minister. The propaganda min ister will concentrate mostly on cul tural questions, keeping away from political matters. FLOOD IN ARGENTINA CORDOVA, Argentina, Jan. 21 (UP) The city was threatened by a disastrous flood today from the watershed feeding the river Primero. The stream overflowed its banks sweeping away houses and drowning eight persons. The waters began penetrating the outskirts of the city this afternoon. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of Cass Coun ty, Nebraska. To the creditors of the estate of Aradana Porter, deceased. No. 3372: Take notice that the time limited for the filing and presentation of claims against said estate is May 22, 1939; that a hearing will be had at the County Court room in Platts mouth on May 26, 1939, at ten o'clock a. m. for the purpose of ex amining, hearing, allowing and ad justing all claims or objections duly filed. Dated January 20, 1939. A. H. DUXBURY. (Seal) j23-3w County Judge. REFEREE'S SALE In the District Court of Caaa County, Nebraska Liiura Etta Hendee, et al. Plaintiffs vs. .) Fred McElvain, et al, ,.Detenda.ntj3J Notice is hereby given that, under and . by virtue of an Order of Sale entered in the above entitled cause ou the 20th day of December, 1937, and an Order of Sale entered on the 31st day of December, 1937, the Sole Referee will on the 4th day of February, 1939, at ten o'clock a. m., at the south front door of the court house in Plattsmouth, in Cass coun ty, Nebraska,- sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, that is to say, 10 on the day of sale, and the balance when said sale shall be confirmed by the court, the follow ing described real estate, to-wit: Lot 30 in the SW of the SEVi of Section 13, Township 12, Range 13, East of the 6th P. M., in Cass county, Nebraska. Sale will be held open one hour. Dated this 31st day of December, 1938. WALTER H. SMITH, Sole Referee. A. L. TIDD, Attorney for Plaintiff. J2-5w REFEREE'S SALE In the District Court of Caaa I ' County, Nebraaka Ruth M. Scheel, et al. Plaintiffs , vs. Sophia Scheel, et al. Defendants Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of a decree of the Dis trict Court of Cass County, Nebras ka, entered in the above entitled cause on the 7th day of November, 1938, and an Order of Sale entered on the 18th day of November, 1938, the Sole Referee will on Saturday, the 18th day of February, 1939, at two o'clock p. m., at the front door of the Murdock Co-Operative Credit Association Building in the Village of Murdock, Cass county, Nebraska, sell at auction to the highest bidder for cash, that is to Bay 10 on the day of sale and the balance when said sale shall be confirmed by the court, the following described real estate to-wit: The SW4 of Section 35, Township 12, North of Range 10, East of the 6th P. M., except a tract therein described as fol lows. Commencing at a point two rods East and two rods North of the SW corner of said Section 35, running thence North 24 rods and 13 feet: thence East 20 rods, thence South 24 rods and 13 feet; thence West to the place of be ginning. Also the following de scribed real estate, to-wit: The W of the SE4 of Section 35, Township 12 North of Range 10, East of the 6th P. M., all in Cass County, Nebraska. Said sale will be held open for one hour. Dated this 14th day of January. 1939. CHARLES E- MARTIN, Sole Referee. A. L. TIDD, Attorney for Plaintiffs. jJ6-5w MUST KEEP UP TRAINING BERLIN, Jan. 21 (UP) Adolf Hitler decreed that all Germans re leased in the future from the army, as well as present reservists will be attached to the nazl storm troops "for the maintenance of their mental and physical powers." A special aim will be training two track and field events within the ranks of the storm troops. All able-bodied Germans be tween 17 and 45 are affected by the decree. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION - In the County Court of Caaa Coun tu, Nebraska. To all persons interested in the estate of William T. Richardson, de ceased. No. 3 3 S3: Take notice that a petition has been filed praying for administration of said estate and appointment of Grace Richardson as Administratrix; that said rftitlnn tinn hppn apt for hearing before said Court on the 17th day of February, 1939, at ten o'clock a. m. Dated January 20, 1939. A. H. DUXBURY, (Seal) j23-3w County Judge. NOTICE OF SUIT TO QUIET TITLE In the District Court Caaa County, Nebraska Thomas Herbert Pollock, Plaintiff vs. NOTICE The City of Plattsmouth, a Municipal Corporation, et al Defendants To the Defendants. . Frank E. John son, and wife Karoline Johnson; Louis Thomas and Mary Thomas, his wife, real name unknown; Ora Smith; Dio Lewis; William Kep hart and wife Flora Kephart; M. W. Green, real name unknown; Mary Green, his wife, real name unknown; W. S. Grauf, real name unknown; Mary Grauf, his wife, real name unknown; and Chris tiana Deoring; The unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives, and all persons interested in the respective estates of M. W. Green, deceased; Mary Green, deceased; W. S. Grauf, de ceased; Mary Grauf, deceased, and Cbristiane Deoring, deceased, real names unknown, and all persons having or claiming an interest in the following described real estate, to-wit: Tax Lot 64, in the E of Section 7, and Tax Lots 65, 66, and 67, in the SWi of the SE and Tax Lot 68, in the SE'i of - the SE of Section 7, all in Township 12, North of Range 14, East of the 6th P. M., and all ac cretions thereto, and Tax Lots 67, r ST 1 7 4 ; l?5T aff d 17 ff.lf Iff Sec tion 18. Township 12, -North of Range 14, East of the 6th P. M.. with all accretions thereto, and all of the real estate included within the following described boundaries: Commencing at the point where the east line of the right of way of the Chicago, Bur lington and Quincy Railroad inter sects the center line of Main Street in the City of Plattsmouth, in Cass county, .Nebraska, extended east and thence running on said center line of Main street projected east 1851.5 feet, thence North 8 22' West 33.6 feet; thence North 85 47' East to the center of the chan nel of the Missouri river; thence commencing at the point where the east line of the right of way of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad intersects the center line of Main Street of the said City of Plattsmouth, thence running in a northerly direction along said east line of the right of way of said railroad to a point where said east line of said rail road intersects the one-eighth (18) section line of the South east Quarter (SE1) of Section 7, Township 12, North of Range 14, East of the 6th P. M., and thence east on said eighth section line to the southeast corner of the Platts mouth Water Corporation's land, thence North 3" 08' East on said line ot Plattsmouth Water Cor poration 15.15 chains, thence East 15 chains, thence North 14.02 chains, thence North 87 8' East 444.6 feet, thence North 86. East 675 feet; thence North 85 52' East 902.6 feet, thence North 85 07' East to the center of the chan nel of the Missouri river, thence Southerly along the center chan nel of the Missouri river to the point located on the center chan nel of said Missouri river, all in Cass .County, Nebraska: You and each of you are hereby notified that on the tenth day of January, 1939, the Plaintiff filed his petition in the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska, the object and purpose of which is to establish and quiet and confirm the title of Thomas Herbert Pollock, Plaintiff, in and to the real estate above described, and to enjoin you and each of you from having or claiming to have any in terest in, right or title to, or lien upon any or all of said above de scribed real estate, either legal or eauitable. and to enjoin you and eaclvof you from in any manner in terfering with the title of Plaintiff in and to the above described real estate, or any part thereof, and for equitable relief and costs of suit. This notice is given pursuant to an order of this court. You are here by required to answer said petition on or before Monday, the 27th day of February, 1939, and falling so to do, your default will be entered, and judgment taken on Plaintiff's peti tion. THOMAS HERBERT POLLOCK, . . .--Plaintiff.-- . A. L. TIDD. x His Attorney. jl6-4w NOTICE . In the District Court of the County of Caaa, Nebraska In Re Application of Les ter W. Meisinger, guard diari of Wilma May Tritsch, a minor, for Li cense to Sell Real Estate. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned Lester W, Meisinger, guardian of Wilma May Tritsch, a minor, will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the south front door of the court house in the City of Plattsmouth, Nebras ka, on the 13th day of February, 1939, at 11 o'clock a. m., the fol lowing described real estate, to-wit: Undivided one-half of the north half (N) of the south west quarter (SWU) of Section thirty-five (35), in Township thirteen (13), north. Range twelve (12), and the undivided one-half of the north half (N) of the southeast quar ter (SEVi) of Section one (1), Township twelve (12), north, Range twelve (12), all east of the 6th P. M.. in the County of Cass, Nebraska; and at the same time and place will sell at public auction to the high est bidder for cash, the un divided one-third interest of said minor in the southeast quarter ( SE ) of Section eleven (11), and the east half (EV) of the southwest quarter ( SW 4 ) of Section eleven (11), all in Township twelve (12), north, Range twelve (12), east of the 6th P. M. in the County of Cass, Nebraska, subject to the life estate therein to Eliza beth Meisinger, and subject al so to the life estate therein of Lena Tritsch. Said sale will remain open for one hour; terms of sale 10 cash at time of bid, balance on confirma tion. Dated January 21, 1939. LESTER W. MEISINGER. Guardian of Wilma May Tritsch, a Minor. W. A. ROBERTSON, Attorney. J23-3w WATXE K. SAWTEH,, Omaba .National Ilank Bids Omaha, .rbraka 105 LEGAL NOTICE William Spence, Spence, real name unknown, his wife, Guy Spence, Spence, real name unknown, his wife, Frank Clement, Barbara E. Hulse, Hulse. real name unknown, her husband, Alexander Kirk McNaughton, a minor, James Donald McNaughton, a minor, Mollie Long, Long. real name unknown, her husband. Roy Keiser, otherwise known as Roy. Kiser, Keiser . (Kiser), real name unknown, his wife, Marion Hebard Pettis, Dorothy Bradford Pettis, Elsworth Final, Final, real name unknown, his wife, Thomas Jones, otherwise known as Arthur Thomas Jones, Jones, real name unknown, his wife, Isabel Jones, Elizabeth (Bessie) Mead, Wil liam B. Spence, John F. Ingram, Hannah A. Martin, Gilbert E. Mar tin, Fannie Spence Cunningham, Bessie Spence, a minor; the heirs, devisees, legatees, personal represen tatives and all other persons inter ested in the estates of James G. Spence, deceased, except the heirs set forth in plaintiffs' petition, Wil liam Spence, deceased, Spence, real name unknown, his wife, de ceased, Guy Spence, deceased, Spence, real name unknown, his wife, deceased, real names unknown, and all persons having or claiming any interest in, rights or title to or lien upon the South Half (S) of the Northeast Quarter (NEVi) and the Southeast Quarter (SE'4) of the Northwest Quarter (NYV i4) of Section Thirty (30), Townthip Twelve (12), Range 'Twelve (12), East of the 6th P. M., in Cass County, Nebras ka, real names unknown, are hereby notified that Clara B. Weast and other heirs at law of John W. Ur win, deceased, as plaintiffs, have commenced an action against you and each of you In the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska, in which you are impleaded with other defendants, which cause is docketed in Appearance Docket 9 at Page 39, Case No. 9727, of the records of said Court, the object and purpose of which action are to obtain a decree of said Court quieting the title to the above described real estate in the parties plaintiff and defendant. who are the owners thereof, and en joining all other persons from as serting any interest in, rights or title to or lien upon said real es tate, and to obtain judgment con firming the respective shares of such persons in said real estate, as said Court shall determine are the owners thereof or have any interest therein, and for a partition of said real estate according to the respec tive rights of the parties interested therein, or for a sale thereof in case the same cannot be equitably divid ed, and a division of the proceeds of such sale among the owners thereof according to their respective rights. You and each of you are hereby re quired to answer the petition 4i-be plaintiffs in said action on or before the 6th day of March, 1939. CLARA B. WEAST, et al. j23-4w Plaintiffs. Subscribe for the Journal. COQO0CO0CO3eOS00CO000GO9) J. Howard Davis Attorney at Law S PlatUmouih .Q 53GC03SCCCGGCGSSOil