The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 23, 1939, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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The Plattsmouth Journal
Km e red at Postofflre. Plattsmouth, Neb., as second-clas mail matter
MRS. R. A. BATES, Publisher
Siibtw-rtbero living Is Second Postal Zone, $2.50 per year. Beyond
00 miles. 3.00 per year. Rate to Canada and foreign countries,
13.50 per rear. All subscriptions are payable strictly In advance
Elmwood News
Oscar Domingo of near Weeping
Water was called to Elmwood last
Tuesday on business.
The Methodist Ladies Aid met at
the parsonage last Tuesday, with
Mrs. Homer Fintell, wife of the pas
tor,' as hostess.
Mitchell Shelley, of Omaha, was
a guest of his wife, who is assistant
postmistress here, over Sunday, re
taining to his work in the metrop
olis Monday morning.
The Nehawka high school basket
ball team defeated the Elmwood
team during the last week by the
close and interesting score of 26 to
22 The game was played on the
local floor.
Enjoying Visit in West
Mrs. George Hall, who is spending
the. winter at the home of her son,
Stanley Hall at Los Angeles, writes
that she is enjoying life in the west
very much, and that the climate is
very mild there (something we can
also brag of in this vicinity so far).
She will not return to Nebraska un
til spring.
Business Good at Brunswick
A letter from George Hall, who is
spending the winter at the home of
his son, Sumner Hall at Brunswick,
Nebraska, tells of a very fair crop
being raided in that part of the
state last summer and states that
business is very good there. Bruns
wick is located just west of Plain
view on U. S. highway No. 20,
which has been hard surfaced as far
west as O'Neill and at points beyond
there in the last few years.
Observes 95th Birthday''0'
Sunday. January 15, marked the
05th birthday of Mrs. Mathilda Tur
ner, mother of James and Oscar
Turner, who resides at the home of
her son James and family near Elm
wood, and the occasion was cele
brated by a family gathering of the
children end grandchildren of this
piuaeer woman. Mrs. Turner was
the recipient of numerous presents
and best wishes from members of
the' family and friends, bespeaking
the- high esteem in which she
held in this community, where she
has resided for many years.
Those present besides the family
of her son James, with whom she
resides, were Oscar Turner, her
other son, and the grandchildren
and families, Mr. and Mrs. John E
Turner and daughter of Plattsmouth
Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Bothwell and
daughter, Jean Adair, V. G. Clement-
and wife, Cloyd Turner and
family of Marquette, and Orest Cook
and family of near Alvo.
A beautiful birthday cake, baked
uy tne bmlth Baking company of
Lincoln graced the center of the
dinner table.
The Journal joins with the many
friends in extending congratulations
and best wishes to this venerable
Brightening Up Hall's Store
Orville Julian, who is employed at
the Hall store, while not busy wait
ing on trade, has been painting the
interior of the store room, greatly
improving its appearance.
; Entertained Bridge Players
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Schlichte
meier entertained members of the
Elmwood Bridge club at their home
last Monday evening. A delicious
luncheon was served at the conclu
sion of the card games and every
one. reports a most enjoyable time.
Reported as Some Better
Ernest Hollenbeck. who suffered
a nervous breakdown following the
tragic death of his son. Robert, ten
days ago, was taken to a Lincoln
hosbital for treatment. After re
maining there for a week, his con
dition is reported greatly improved,
and' it is hoped that he may be able
Thomas Walling Company
Abstracts of Title
.Phone S24 Platumouth
to return -home soon.. The family
have the sympathy of hte entire
community in the tragic loss that
has come to them.
Three Major Calamities
It would seem that Elmwood and
vicinity has had its share of calam
ity during the past few weeks when
three tragic losses have occurred
two of them taking toll of life. The
first was the fire at the Raymond
Eveland farm, where heavy property
loss occurred, but that can and is
being replaced. The other two in
volve the tragic deaths of Robert
Hollenbeck from a gunshot wound
and Leland Holka, who met death in
an auto smashup near Greenwood.
The death of both these young men
will be keenly felt in the commun
ity, where they have grown up and
leaves a sorrow that will be hard
to erase.
Birth ol Twin Sons
At the Bryan Memorial hospital
in Lincoln last Sunday, January' 15,
twin sons were born to Mr. and Mrs.
Clyde .Hodgins, of near Ashland.
Mrs. Hodgins was formerly Miss
Thimgan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Theodore Thimgan, of Elmwood.
The mother and children are doing
nicely and Joy dominates the home.
Sending Delegates to Nebr. City
The Elmwood Volunteer Fire de
partment at their meeting Monday
night arranged to send delegates to
a meeting of southeastern Nebraska
volunteer firemen to be held at Ne
braska City in the near future for
the purpose of organizing the South
eastern Nebraska Volunteer Fire
men's association.
n:. .Visiting in California
JL Mrs. William Mendenhall, Miss
Beatrice Miller and Russel Miller,
as driver, left early last week for
Los Angeles. The ladles will visit
with relatives . of Mrs. Mendenhall,
and Mr. Miller, who conducted the
parage on lower Main street which
he recently disposed of to the Kuehn
brothers and is greatly interested in
mechanics, expects to take a course
in aviauon. iur. sillier nas con
structed a number of miniature air
planes and understands the funda
mental principles of aviation which
will stand him in. good stead in this
line of endeavor. With the govern
ment planning an extensive expan
sion of its air forces, there should
be ample employment for mechan
ics who are versed iri airplane me
chanics. Kuehn Brothes Buy Garage
The three Kuehn Brothers, sons of
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kuehn, last
week purchased the garage on lower
Main street which was formerly op
erated by Russell Miller, and have
akcn charge of the business. All are
experienced auto mechanics and in
the conduct of the business should
do very well. Mr. Miller has gone to
California, where he expects to take
a course in aviation mechanics and
fit himself for this line of work in
the future.
LINCOLN. Jan. 19 (UP) The
state railway commission today post
poned indefinitely a hearing set for
January 23 on the application of
the Missouri Pacific railroad to re
place its agent at Manley in Cass
county with a custodian. Postpone
ment was requested by the railroad.
CAN you start rebuild
ing right away if fire de
stroys your home .to
night ? ' You can, ' if you
carry adequate fire insur
ance thru
Seairl 3. Davis
okicesi at rLooR
Pl&tte. State Dank Bids-
Mrs. Harold Nickel has been 11
with throat trouble this week.
The little son of Supt. and Mrs.
Buehler has been ill this week with
a bad cold.
A great number of children have
been absent from school because of
Mrs. Hammel very pleasantly en
tertained the W. C. T. U. members
Tuesday at her home.
Max Graham of Greenwood has
been in this vicinity the past couple
of weeks taking orders for seed
The Timblin family were visitors
at the Albert Bornemeier home Sun
day, where they enjoyed a pleasant
Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Hardnock 6pent
Wednesday evening at the Orval
Gerbeling home near Murdock. They
went down to see their little grand
daughter, who has been ill.
Honored at Farewell Party
Mrs. Carl Sutton was honored by
Mrs. Albert Swanson with a hand
kerchief shower herd at the Sutton
home Thursday afternoon as a fare
well party to the honor guest.
a numcer or close irienas were
present to enjoy a pl'asant afternoon
and pay a farewell tribute to Mrs.
Sutton, who received several beau
tiful handkerchiefs.
Very delicious refreshments were
served by the hostess.
P. T. A. Features Art Program
Wednesday evening, January 18,
the P. T. A. featured an art pro
Mrs. Vance of Lincoln showed
pictures and gave a very interesting
rt program. She spent the entire
afternoon with the school children
and gave them some splendid talks
on "Art."
Mrs. Arthur Skinner, the presi
dent, presided over the business
Entertained at Ganz Home
Airs, ance. or Lincoln, who was
uest entertainer for the P. T. A
meeting Wednesday evening, was en
tertained at the Ganz home during
the evening. She was also an over
night guest at their home.
Clearing Site of New Road
The work of clearing the roadsides
of trees, etc. for the new highway
south of town has been under way
now for a couple of weeks.
The widening of the road will
mean that much work is necessary
before the grading will commence.
Killed in Auto Crash
Leland Holka, of near Alvo. was
killed in an auto crash on highway
number six east of Greenwood Sun
day evening. He was riding with a
young man residing near Greenwood
at the time of the accident.
The body was taken to Ashland,
where funeral services were held on
Six other persons involved in the
collision escaped injuries.
Leaving for Yakima, Wash.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sutton, who
have been residing on the Sutton
farm northwest of town, have dis
posed of their farm equipment and
are leaving this week end for Yak
ima, Washington. They will leave
Thursday evening for Fremont, at
which place they will visit with Mr.
Sutton's sisters before continuing on
westward. If they carry out present
plans, Mrs. Sutton will leave there
Friday evening by train for Montana,
where she will visit her two daugh
ters, who are attending school, and
her two brothers, Lee and Paul. Carl
plans to leave Saturday morning by
auto. It will be necessary for them
Triple Ualue
menrs nd YOUNG
Dress Pants
You get wonderful value in the
pants . . . and if you bring and
buy from this ad, you get Q
vuuBiuiu vui,s in the .Rural
School Contest. Save all your
sales slips and depulicate re
ceipts issued by the merchants
who are
test and
s sponsoring this con- g
giving; $500 in prizes, b
Your Favorite Rural N
School Win a Prize S
g Since 1879 8
to travel separately because tin
northern route is closed to vehicle
Carl has an uncle living at Yak
ima, and he is of the opinion that
he can secure work there.
Hostess to Lodge . Members
Mrs. S. C. Hardnock and Mrs.
Ruth Taylor served the Royal Neigh
bor Lodge chapter to a luncheon at
one o'clock Wednesday afternoon at
the home of Mrs. Hardnock.
After a bounteous dinner, the
ladies had their regular order of
business and participated in the in
stallaticn of officers for the coming
The officers are as follows: Mrs.
Hardnock, oracle; Mrs. Ben Muen
chau, vice oracle; Mrs. Edith Wil
liams, past oracle; Mrs. Garcia, re
corder; Mrs. Mullen, receiver; Mrs.
Cook, Mrs. August Johnson and Mrs.
Hardnock, managers, and Mrs. Tay
lor, chancellor.
The ladies enjoyed a most pleas
ant day.
Cyrus Livingston, well known
farmer near Weeping Water, trans
acted business in visited friends in
Murray last Monday.
While William Sporer is in the
south for the rest of the winter, his
business affairs will be looked alter
by his son, Martin Sporer.
Mrs. Eli M. Smith and son Sidney
Smith and daughter, Mrs. Edward
Stava of near Union were visi
tors in Murray last Monday, Mrs.
Stava bringing her little daugh
ter to see the doctor, and Mrs. Smith
and Sidney looking after business
Entertained at Supper Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sporer had
as guests at a supper party at their
country home last Sunday evening.
Gust Hollenberg and sister, Miss
Emma, as well at William Sporer,
lather of Charles, who is leaving
soon for Florida to spend the win
ter. Hollenberg and sister are
o'ose neighbors of the Sporers and
all enjoyed the occasion.
Will Spend Winter in South
llliam Sporer is planning on
leaving soon for the south, where he
will spend the next couple of months.
He expects to go via St. Louis and
from there to New Orleans, where
he will remain a short time before
proceeding to Miama. Florida, at
which place he will spend most of
his time In the southland. Te ex
pects to return via Chicago, and will
slop there for a few days.
Axe Goes Wide of Mark
While Edward Hope, residing
south of town, was cutting kindling
with an axe, the sharp blade veered
from its course and cut a deep gash
In his thumb. Dr. Tyson dressed the
injured member and he is getting
along very well, although it will be
some time before it has healed.
Birth of Son
A young son arrived at the home
of Mr. and. Mrs. .Walter Wood, who
reside six miles west and a mile
north of Murray on Monday morn
ing. The little son and nis motner
are doing very nicely. Charles E.
Wood of Elmwood is the young man's
grandfather and 'is also very happy
over the arrival.
May Cost You All
You Own
Slippery, icy, sncrwy
roads are dangerous. If
you skid into another car
or injure someone, there
will be damages to pay!
Can' You
Afford to Take
the Chance?..
fe E
Elmer Hallstrom made a business
trip to Nebraska City last Tuesday.
Elmer Hennings and family were
at Adams Sunday Jtor a visit at the
home, of his brother, N. K. Hen
nings. John Marquardt and
Brendel were called to
Friday of last week to
Dr. J. W.
Omaha, on
look after
business matters.
Little Robert Ruhge, who is only
two years old, has been suffering
from the mumps. We are glad to
report he is improving.
Monte Lum, the lumberman, was
called to Omaha last Tuesday on
business. He was accompanied by
Leo McCann, who acted as chauf
feur. reu Aiarquardt met with a num
ber of the farmers of this community
during the past week to discuss the
farm situation and prospects for. the
coming crop season.
Mrs. Edwin Terrell, who is 78
years of age, while going to town
had the misfortune to fall on the
slippery walk and break her glasses
a3 well as cut her face. She got up
and continued on her way as though
rothing had happened.
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Ballweaver,
of Scenic, South Dakota, arrived in
Avoca last Saturday for an over-the-week
end visit at the home of her
father, Edward Shackley, who has
been in poor health for some time.
Mrs. Ballweaver was formerly Miss
Mueller Shackley.
Dr. Deeder to be Guest Speaker
Dr. Deeder of Otoe is scheduled to
be guest speaker at the meeting of
the Community Brotherhood to be
held this Monday night at the Con
gregational church. Dr. Deeder has
recently returned from Europe, fol
lowing several years spent in study
of advanced medicine and surgery.
He was there last fall when the
Czech crisis became so acute and has
a fund of knowledge of European
pictures and many pictures taken
during the time spent there, which
he will show in conjunction with
hi3 talk. He operates a hospital at
Otco. Many will avail themselves of
the opportunity of hearing his in
teresting talk.
Avoca versus Nehawka
The town team, first and second
high school teams and grammar
grades team came from Nehawka to
play against like teams here last
Tuesday evening, giving the follow
ers of this sport plenty ot action
and excitement. The scores were as
Entertained Trinity Altar Society
Mrs. Carl O. Zaiser was hostess
to a gathering of the members of
the Trinity Catholic church Guild
last Tuesday. After the business
portion of the meeting was con
cluded, bingo was played and a gen
eral good time had by all.
Fred McGrady Still Poorly
Fred McGrady, the blacksmith has
been confined to his home on ac
count of sickness.
Enjoyed Family Dinner Sunday
A number of the people of Avoca
were over to the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Daniel Anderson last Sunday
to attend the family dinner, when
nearly all the members of the An
derson family were present. Those
If So, Let Us Print
Your Sale Bills!
Besides the regular votes
(3 for each penny) you
get 1000 Bonus Votes
on a Sale Bill printing job.
Help Your
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free votes on Job Printing
and Subscription payments.
jgir'Ering this ad when you
order sale bills, let us sign it.
and then attach same to your
Vote Coupon for Double Votes.
from Avoca included Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Marquardt and little daugh
ter, Anna, while from Nehawka came
Albert Anderson and family, also
Mrs. R. R. Stander, of Wllsey, Kan
sas, and Mrs. Bedella Stander of
Business Changes
Lloyd Behrens, who conducted a
grocery store in the Morley build
ing, closed out the stock and quit
business recently. George Shackley
made arrangements for the room and
has it papered and redecorated for
the conduct of a similar business,
which he opened there last Satur
day. He has an all new stock and a
very neat and attractive place of
Town teams' game: Nehawka, 40,
Avoca, 3S.
First High School teams game:
Avoca, 39, : Nehawka, 26.
Second High School teams' game:
Nehawka, 22, Avoca, 14.
Grammar Grades' Avoca, 16, Ne
hawka, 6.
Thus each town won two of the
four games, and the matter of town
supremacy in this realm of sport re
mains unsolved for the time being.
L. A. Diller Adopts a Dog
L. A. Diller, a former Avoca resi
dent who now lives in the vicinity
ot Carter Lake in Omaha made the
news columns last week when he
adopted a dog after the animal had
made a heroic effort to save itself
from drowning in the icy waters of
the lake. The dog had broken thru
the ice and was completely exhaust
ed when men reached it with a boat
pnd rescued it, and Mr. Diller, who
told news men that any animal that
makes such a noble effort to save its
life as this dog did, deserves a good
home, took the dog to his place of
abode and will provide it with a
home in the future.
Plans to Farm Again
John Marquardt, who disposed of
his farming equipment some time
ago, has secured another outfit and
will again enter the agricultural
line. This time he plans to use
power equipment rather than horses
in carrying on his farm work.
Entertained the Garden Club
Miss Bertha Neumeister was hos
tess to the Avoca Garden club on
last Tuesday afternoon, when the
members came to enjoy a pleasant
time and to discuss the growing of
garden vegetables and the cultiva
tion of flowers. Following their
business session and informal dis
cussion. Miss Bertha served a very
delicious lunch.
Deeds, mortgages and all sorts
of legal blanks fcr sale at the
Journal office.
Playground Equipment Contest!
The EFiatfsmoufh Journal
Double tc Scheduled number of
votes shown hslow on Subscrip
tions turned in on Wednesdays!
Votes Given on New, Renewal and Back Sub
scription Payments as Shown in Table Below!
Vole Schedule
to the Penny
on New and
to the Penny
on Rack Sub
scription vvwv jr tt wuuu
aw 9IIIIHO w(jj i aiiu ii oiyn
lacnea w your vote uoupon for
"Mrs. George Braun drove to Alvo
to visit her mother.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stander call
ed at B. O. Mooney's Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. V. D. Livers spent
Friday evening at William Blum's.
Mr. and Mrs. Merle Nannan have
moved back to South Bend from
Mrs. William Kitrell is back in
South Bend and Betty Clouse Is vis
iting with her.
The Rock Island bridge gang is
at South Bend making repairs on
the railroad bridge.
Mr. and Mrs. ' Pleasant Proctor
and twins spent the evening with
Mrs. Streight, mother of Mrs. Proc
tor. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Jackson came
from Missouri and are visiting with
Mrs. Jackson's mother, Mrs. Tyler
Friends of Mrs. Julius Reinke are
pleased to learn that she is much
better and hope she will soon be able
to return to her home.
Mrs. F. J. Knecht was taken to
an Omaha hospital Wednesday, and
will bo under a doctor's care, pre
paratory to an operation.
Sunday evening guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Timm
were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rati and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Mrs. William Leddy, William, Jr.,
Marian and Louise Ann and Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Blum and children at
tended a 4-II club meeting at Ray
mond Nelson's Tuesday evening.
Dinner guests at the home of Mrs.
Ida Thieman were Miss Margaret
Thieman of Omaha and Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Blum, Helen and Herbert. Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Blum were after
noon callers.
Ed Rau and Norman and William
Rikll and Roland drove to Stanton.
Iowa, Monday, where they attended
a large sale. Edward Rau', Jr., re
turned home with them. He ha3 been
Working at Stanton since Novem
ber. Fatal Auto Accident
Clyde Jcnes, son of Alex Jones,
was involved in an auto accident
near Greenwood Sunday afternoon.
in which Leland Holka wa3 fatally
injured. The car Iri which- Holka
was riding was struck by the Jones
car; - overturning It. " Holka was
thrown out and pinned beneath the
car. Wayne Backman received a
broken finger. The three occupants
cf Clyde Jones' car' were uninjured,
which was very fortunate, as both
cars were traveling at' a very high
rate cf speed.
Whether your printing Job fa
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