The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 19, 1939, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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the Plattsmouth Journal
entered at Postoffice. Plattamouth. Neb., ai second-clas mall matter
MRS. R. A. BATES, Publisher
Subacribere living in Second Postal Zone, 2.50 per year. Beyond
600 miles. $3.00 per year. Rate to Canada and foreign countries,
$3.50 per year. All subscriptions are payable strictly in advance.
Weeping Water
Born To Mr. and Mrs. O. L..
Schnitzmeyer, a daughter, Monday,
January 16, at the Nebraska City
Homer Sylvester, former sheriff of
Cass county, was looking after busi
ness in Weeping Water last Tuesday
and also meeting his many friends.
The regular meeting of the P.E.O.
was held Friday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. Herbert Ratnour, with
Mrs. M. U. Thomas as assistaing hos
tess. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sorrenson,
Barbara and Betty, of Lincoln, were
Sunday guests at the home of Mrs.
Sorrensen's parents,- Mr. and Mrs.
John Wishart.
The "Cheer-a-Bits," fourteen in
number, were entertained Tuesday
evening at the home of Mrs. H. A.
Harmon, with Mrs. C. E. Tefft as
assisting hostess.
Mrs. Glen Almquist entertained
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Almquist and Mr.
and Mrs. Leonard Almquist at dinner
Tuesday evening, honoring Mr. Glen
Almquist's birthday.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Buchanan and
family of near Nehawka were visit
ing for the day last Tuesday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Askew,
parents of Mrs. Buchanan.
C. J. Elgaard, Don Philpot and
a number of others inclined to be
interested in athletics were over to
Omaha Tuesday evening attending
the Golden Gloves contest.
Mrs. Edward Dowler was hostess
to the members of the Knickerbocker
club of Weeping Water Wednesday
afternoon at her home at the Rest
Haven hotel. All enjoyed the gath
ering which featured contract bridge.
The women of the "Jolly Mixers"
j. ... ... r K,tl
a dinner at the W. W. Jamesnn hnmV
Monday evening; after which "the
evening was 6pent playing pinochle.
Mr.-and Mrs. Henry Crozier were in
vited guests.
Miss Lcttle Snell of South Omaha,
a niece of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Snell
jjij Thomas Walling Company ' f
Abstract of Title
j ('hone 324
PLattumoiit .
SO per 100 lbs. for Dead'Hogs
Fcr Prompt Service, Call
The Fort Crook
Rendering Works
Ft. Crook, Nebr., Market. 3541
We Pay All Phone Calls
.Mickrj- Ilonnr.v, Oollla Parker
nou l ay Ilolilru in
'Out West with the Hardys'
xiaray iamuy triumph. Also
u.neay. neriai and Kloyfl Gibbons Ad-
ciiiu(t: sigry, -identified." Matinee Sat
uiuav a. i-u. xwo shows each night!
Adults 25o Children. . .10
Tyrone Power, Loretta loans
and a Ills Cast in
One of the greatest moving pictures of
mi iimes worm driving: many miles
io see. unr uang Comedy and Itnri,
- 8l.VD.iV MATINEE AT 8:30
Mght Show. 7 and
Wat I nee, 10-25o Nlflhts, 10-30c
. Irene Dunn and Cary Grant In
'The Awful Truth'
The b!g-g;est hit of 1938. Your last
chance to nee it. Come early for a
good seat. Also Comedy, Novelty Heels.
Matinee Every Thursday at ?:30
All Shows, 10 and 15o
Maureen rn!Jlvan ami Lew Arm In
'Spring Madness
A college course in modern romance!
. 'Girls on Probation'
Dramatic ?terv of Anier'eVs DTJ?tr
bu Daughter p. pegular low admission.
and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chris
Snell, wa3 visiting in Weeping Water
for the past weekguest at the home
of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Snell. She returned home a
few days ago.
Mrs. S. Ray Smith who has been
sick at the home in the south part of
Weeping Water for the past three
weeks has been very seriously ill and
while she is somewhat improved is
still kept to her bed and under care
of the family physician. Her many
friends are hoping she may soon be
Announcement was made in Sun
day's Lincoln Journal and Star, of
the marriage of Miss Olive Johnson,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Johnson, and Lloyd Lauritzen, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Rasmus Lauritzen, De
cember 24, by Judge Harvey Collins,
of Papillion. They will make their
home in Lincoln.
Mrs. Edward Lorensen, Mrs. Alec
Patterson ,and Mrs. Dave Patterson
entertained twenty guests Friday
afternoon at the Lorensen home hon
oring Mrs. Willis Lorensen, a recent
bride. Out of town guests were Mrs.
Glen Copple, Mrs. John Bender, and
Miss Mildred Stanley, of Lincoln and
Mrs. Roy Stanley, of Wabash.
Cass Sylvester, who has served as
deputy sheriff under his brother,
Homer Sylvester, since the change
of office has accepted the charge of
the crew of men who- biuld and es
tablish the sanitary units for Cass
county and will have his headquar
ters in Weeping Water as the houses
are being built in the basement of
the Philpot hall.
Thead Davis, who has received
appointment from the office of the
justice of the peace with the filing
of his bond and the appointment
confirmed-by the board of county
commissioners, is a full fledged offi-
cer asd has been exercising the duties
. . .
of .the office Jn connection with the
county sheriff,
An Even Dozen Children.
Mr. and Mrs."' Lonnie Wade' had
their home gladdened last Sunday
by the arrival of a very fine baby
boy, which with the mother is get
ting along line. This makes four
teen children which have come to
bles sthis home. Two children died
in infancy, a son and daughter,
which leaves this happy family an
even dozen, six boys and six girls.
Henry Snell Improved.
Henry Snell who has been sick
with an attack of the flu for the past
ten days, is feeling better now and
is up part of the time. During the
first of the illness Chris Rasmussen
was in charge of the produce station
;but as he has gotten better Mrs. Snell
and a daughter have been in charge
of the station.
Will Spend Winter in West.
Campbell M. Klepser departed for
the west coast Tuesday of this week
where he goes directly to Portland
where he will visit relatives and
I will spend the entire winter in Ore
jgon, Washington and California, he
having relatives in all of these states.
Lack of Material Stops Work.,
The work on the Weeping Water
community building which last week
had the footing for the foundation
x . ..... . - o
Men's and Young Men's
from our Regular Stock!
Just 3 Prices
Sizes 29 6 54 Waist
I Wescott's 8
8 Since 1879 J
run, had to stop for a week or so be
cause' "of lack of material" with whlclt
to continue the work. The needed
material is expected to arrive with
in about ten days when the work
is expected to be pushed forward as
rapidly as possible.
Repairs at M. E. Church.
The Methodist hurch of Weeping
Water has been having workmen
place a new shingle roof on the struc
ture. The coolness of the past few
days has interfered with the work
men and stopped the work for a time,
but the work of completion of the
roof of this historic structure will be
carried on as soon as suitable w.eath
er is here. This building dates back
to the last century and is a very sub
stantial edifice and the new roof at
this time will add many years to its
usefulness. ,
The marriage of Josephine Dar
row, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Tenney Darrow, of Riverside, Illi
nois, formerly of Lincoln, and Rob
ert Hitchman Wolcott, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd P. Wolcott, of Weep
ing Water, was solemnized at 4:30
u. m. Tuesday, January 17, in the
chapel of Trinity M. E. church at
Lincoln. Dr. E. B. Dean, chancellor
emeritus of Doan college, officiated,
assisted by Dr. E. L. Blewfield, pas
tor of Trinity church. Mrs. Frank
Darling was at the organ. A bank
of fernery and white tapers formed
the background. The bride wore a
two piece gray costume, with black
hat and white gloves. Shoes and
purse were of black patent leather.
A dinner for the relatives was
held at five thirty at the Cornhusker
hotel, when the decorations carried
out the color scheme of green and
white. The bride left immediately
for a short wedding trip, after which
they will make their home in Lin
coln, where Mr. Wolcott has a posi
tion with the Highway Commission.
Weeping Water Garden Club.
The members of the Garden club
find that there is much to do during
the winter months in preparation
for the actual work in the summer
months. Friday evening found an
interested group at the J. X. Hanney
home when Mrs. Ranney and Mrs.
Don Bickford presented the subject
of "Garden Clubs." bringing before
the members the idea of organizing
a Junior Garden club, They pre
sented information on , organization,
membership) and 'the" varied 'subjects
to be studied by the junior members.
At the close of the program char
ades were enacted representing trees
and flowers; guessing contests,
which proved the ignorance of the
average person, when asked to name
the leaves of our trees.
The members were then invited to
the dining room, where the hostesses
served coffee, doughnuts, sandwiches,
cakes and bonbons. Out . of town
guests were Mrs. George Shackley,
president of the Avoca Garden club
and Mrs. J. H. F. Rughe and Mrs.
Albert Sill of the Avoca club.
The next meeting will" be held
January 27, at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Norris, when Mrs. Norris
will talk about "Birds in the Gar
den." Weeping Water Woman's Club
Ths Weeping Water Woman's club
held their regular meeting Tuesday
afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. L.
Wiles, with, forty members present.
Mrs. J. J j. Behrens presided at the
business meeting when Mrs. C. E.
Tefft presented the subject of the
Woman's National Tax Consumers
League, and -a meeting was announc
ed for Wednesday afternoon, Janu
ary 25, when all who are interested
will meet to concider a further study
of lite subject.
The subject for the afternoon was
a "Review of World Affairs." when
Mrs. A. W. V Johnson eave a verv
Calls for money's worth, both in present buy
ing and future planning! f
Installment Buying
Applied to Home Ownership
" : is the Building and Loan way of buying and
paying for a home with accumulated savings
and future earnings. :, .
Save for a Home
in Federal Insured Shares : . . in
-,. . . , .
Neb: City Federal Savings & Loan Ass'n
' Chartered and Supervised by U. S. Government
thorough review of conditions in
foreign countries, and Mrs.' B. A.
Olive told of conditions as they
exist in our own country, political.
racial and economical.
Mrs. I N. Kunkel then' led the
club in group singing and the next
meeting was announced. This is to
be held at the Chief theatre, with
Mrs. Harold Bowers as hostess, when
Miss Marjorie Shanafelt, of the Uni
versity of Nebraska, will give an il
lustrated lecture on "Marionettes
and Hand Puppets."
Last Saturday evening at the home
of Michael Hild, Mrs. John Parken
lne was hostess, in honor of her
father's birthday.
Entertainment consisted of visit
ing and playing pinochle, then lunch
was served.
The guests were: Michael Hild,
the Kuest of honor. Mr. and Mrs.
F. J. Hild, Arthur and Katherine,
Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Hild, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred L. Hild, Mr. and Mrs.
Louis Frledrich, Malinda and Wilma,
J. G. Meisinger, Lorine Urish, Mr.
and Mrs. L. W. Lorenz, Mr. and Mrs.
John M. Meisinger, Mr. and Mrs.
F. J. Libershal, .Theodore and Mary
Irene, Antoa Sohaefer of Pocassat,
Okla., Mr. and Mrs. Emil J. Hild and
La Vaughn and Bruce, of Council
Bluffs, Ir., Mr. and Mrs. John Park-
ening, Ralph and Katherine Ann
Birthday Thoughts
Birthday comes to us once
every year,
With greetings' from friends
far and near;
And the one that we love the
most alike,
Is Mr. Hild, that we all call
Uncle Mike.
Sometimes you may not fully
Why every one, seems to be
your friend;
Each one extends to you a
birthday : wish,
Which from, their hearts will
not soon perish.
You are a father, brother, uncle
and grandpa too,
Just see how much . they all
think of you;
If they did not love you firmly
and dear!
I am sure that you would not
cee them here.
You may feel like .growing a
little bit old,
With silvery threads among
the gold;
But with eaqh. silvery hair
that may Appear,
Will be Cherished By you "from
year to' year.'
When yotr-were young- perhaps - .
you didnot fqel, . . . .
That friends" could be bo nice
and dear; "
It makes your life, pleasant
the most,. - -:
When among your friends," you
are a host.
When this year will fill its
noted space.
We hope another one wilL be
in it's place;
And when, the sUty-nine will
disappear;!1 ' i i't
A new one, the seventieth will
be here.
f .
On the next .year that you
will embark,
A new epoch In your life will
be a mark; .
Although a long time to you it
may seem.
Remember that life becomes
only a vanished dream.
We hope that through the new
coming years.
You will not needs to shed
many or any tears;
And when your earthly work is
We can all cay. Uncle Mike It
is well finished.
Ccmpos.ed and dedicated by L. W.
Lorenz in honor of the sixty
ninth birthday of Michael Hlli,'
Jan. 14th, 1939.
Whether your printing' Job la
large or small. It will recelvo oui
prompt attention. Call No. 6.
School Votes at
Ladies Toggery
Manyv Outstanding Specials Offered
Week-End Shoppers - Double
Votes if .You Bring Ad'
For real bargains, look at the list
below, which The Ladies Toggery is
offering for this week end:
Ladies Princess Slips, sizes 32 to
46; color tea rose, only 98.
Ladies Hats, final clearance. In
cluded are many that sold from $1.95
to $3.95, now being closed out at
69J and $1. A good range of head
sizes and styles.
Balbriggan Pajamas by Munsing,
all sizes, values to $2. Your choice,
while theyla8t, 98.
. Children's Balbriggan Pajamas by
Munsing. Ages 4 to 16 years, values
to $1.50. Going at 79.
: Children's Wool Plaid Jackets,
zipper fronts, ages 4 to 10. Some
value, you'll say when you see them.
The clearance price only 91.49.
New Two-Way Stretch Girdles by
Munsing new in style, new in con
struction and easy to wear. A special
introductory price on these of only
98. "We know you'll like them.
Sig Values in Coats
We have arranged a group of Lad
ies Better Sport Coats, including a
number that sold as high as $22.50
and $25. If you are going to buy a
coat, see these before you do so, as
they're priced exceptionally low at
15.95. We also have an outstand
Ing group of Children's Coats and
Snow Suits, values to $10, now on
sale at only 93.98.
If you're looking for a good, yet
inexpensive coat, we urge you to
come in and see this group of values
to $15. You'll scarcely believe us,
when we tell you these are priced
now at just 96.98. but it's true and
we advise that you come early.
We Give Rural School Votes
Save our sales slips and duplicate
receipts for money paid on account,
which entitle you to many -votes in
the rural school contest. By bring
ing this ad for signing when you buy
or pay your bill, you will be entitled
to double votes merely by attaching
the signed ad to your sales slip or
receipt. Watch our ads regularly for
other outstanding .values.
Shop of Personal Service .
The Girl Scouts Monday held their
election of officers and selected Mrs.
J. C. Woest as the . captain of the
troop for the coming term. Other of
ficers named were Willa Jean Syl
vester, scribe; Mariam Frlcke, treas
urer and Alice Rea, reporter.
Mr. and Mrs. Arley Christensen
and little son have moved to Ames,
Iowa, where they will make their
home in the future. Mr. Christensen
is an employee of the Iowa State
Highway Commission company in
From Monday's Daily
Mrs. L. O. Minor of this city is
attending a two day session of the
Nebraska Synodical society at Om
aha. Mrs. Minor is a representative
from the First Presbyterian church
of this., city.
Our Plattsmouth Clinic is Being Held
. at the' : .
Hotel Plattsmouth - Plattsmouth, Nebr.
One Member of Each Family. Given an Examination .
If you have any questions concerning your. health, we
will be glad to see you during this clinic and will tell
you about . your condition.- -
Tell your friends of this opportunity to obtain a FREE .
HEALTH EXAMINATION without obligation to them
' on. Wednesday, January 25. '
At the Plattsmouth Hotel
Clinic Hours 10 A. M. to 5 P. M.
Dr. John P. Johnotori, D. C.
The Social Circle club met' at the
country home of Mrs. Lee Ferris with
MrB. Herman Comer assistant hos
tcss. The main feature of the day
was the sumptuous dinner at noon.
This meeting was mostly social as
no lesson had been planned. After
everyone had enjoyed the dinner to
the limit, a short business eesston
uaa held by. the president, Mrs. Harry
Gobelman. A club letter waa writ
ten, each member writing a short
sketch to be sent to Mrs. Roy Becker,
one of the members who' has been
so critically ill in the Methodist hos
pital in Omaha. The rest of the
afternoon was spent in singing and
visiting. Several visitors were pres
ent. All in all it was a wonderful
day spent in a" wonderful way.
Next month the club will meet
with Mrs. Howard Snodgrass and
Mrs. Earl .Wolf.
Earl Pittman, well known local
radio enthusiast and repairman, has
located with the Farley Furniture
Co., on South Sixth street. Mr.
Pittman will look after the radio re
pair work at the store in the future.
Mr. Pittman is an expert in his
work and should make a fine addi
tion to the Farley store in his special
line of training.
From Wednesday's Dally
The Plattsmouth high school en
joyed a visit yesterday from Miss
Mary Elizabeth Hamilton, head of
the English department of the North
high school, Don Devoe, high school
debater, and Justin Prlestman, all o.f
Poultry Wanted
Friday, Saturday
E lbs. and up, lb
Under 5 lbs., lb.. ...... 12
Under 4 and Leghorns. .106
All sizes, straight. . . . 14 lb.
8mooth Legs
STAGS, lb. .......... 10
Cox and Leghorns, lb. . . .0
Cream, today. . . . .23
Egg market unsettled, but we will
pay top marke tprice for good size,
eggs that are fresh and clean.
Will pay Saturday, Straight
Come in and See Us
. About Your Chix
We will soon have plenty of
them. Get the prices and place
your orders early. I can pro
tect you on price change, and
you know the quality of Chix
we sell. 26,000 last season
and we want to sell this season
50,000 Baby. Chix .
Phone 2S8-J, Plattsmouth
imim .eunio'
uzvmizx menu ccmFsnv
Extra nice yellow bloom sweet
clover seed, $4.50 per bushel. Roy
Gregg, Nehawka. jl2-3tw
For the cutting and burning of
all brush and limbs, at my farm east
of Burlington Tracks, Plattsmouth.
See T. H. Pollock. jl8-3d-2sw
For One Week
Faper Window Shades 90
Window Shade Rollers 90
Felt Base Floor Mats, 15x27 90
Cement on Rubber Soles 90
License Hate Fasteners, pair. ---90
Men's Fancy Socks, pair i 90
ladies Rayon Hose, each hose 90
Men's Cotton FL Gloves, pair90
.Knit White Gloves,-pair, 70
Hard Water Soap, 2 for 90
Facial Tissues, 250 inphes 90
Large Wash Cloths, 2 for 90
Tinware Specials :
Dust Pans, Bread Pans, Biscuit Pans
and Pudding Pans Choice at '
Cake Turners Can Openers, Strain
ers, Potato Mshefs, Etc., at
HISTORY PAPER, 100 sheets.90
SHELF PAPER, 2. for.l.-90:
IEAD PENCILS, 11 for90
ORANGE. SLICES, lb.-i 90-
WHIZ BARS, 3 for 90
Galssware and Dinner Ware Specials
See our window for many fine values.
Save yotlr Sales Slip and Bring this
Ad for Double Votes in School Contest
5c to $1.00 Store
What to buy . . .
Where to buy it-
: THi
.'as A. M.
Mon; thru Fri.