The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 16, 1939, Image 1

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    Vebr. Stat Historical Society
NO. 99
Junior Chamber
of Commerce Has
Interesting Meet
Committee Reports on Matter of Pro
posed Change in Highway No. 75
Given Them ty Engineer.
From Saturday's Dally
The Junior Chamber of Commerce
met for their second semi monthly
meeting last evening which was held
at the Recreation Center at 8 o'clock.
Nineteen members were present. The
meeting was a complete business one
and one that necessitated the solving
of many important problems of the
organization in the financial, social,
civic, and personal welfare of the
community at large.
The meeting was presided over by
the newly elected officers with Vin
cent Kelley, president, in chtrge. Or
dell Hennings. secretary, submitted
the minutes of the preceding meet
ing. President Kelley spoke of the good
work that has been and is being
done in nearby communities for the
promotion and bettermen of the com
munity. Mr. Kelley spoke of Weep
ing Water where several major prob
lems were solved and considerable
aid and effort was given to help it
both financially and socially. The
outstanding ideas that attracted at
tention and promotion were the erec
tion of a new auditorium, the estab
lishing of a sewage system, and the
erection of a well-improved sale barn
by the Junior Chamber of Commerce
of Weeping Water, the latter two
projects at an estimated cost of $60,
000. He brought out vividly what
the Plattsmouth Junior Chamber of
Commerce could accomplish in their
city in trying to make it th "White
Spot" of the state. Some of the prob
lems that arose are: parking prob
lem, to promote buying in Platts
mouth. and an inducement policy.
An extensive report was given on
the present highway situation by
Mr. Kelley. The situation is the
changing of the present highway
wheh is to run from the entrance of
Plattsmouth straight south of the
Missouri Pacific depot, which would
naturally coincide with the highway
near the Texaco filling station. A
committee consisting of Ordell Hen
nings and Vincent Kelley were per
sonal visitors of State Highway Engi
neer C. V. Shoemaker, where the
matter was taken up and fully ex
plained by Mr. Shoemaker. The com
mittee were informed that no action
had been taken, however, Mr. Shoe
maker made it emphatic that, de
spite the time and effort that would
be spent in fighting the measure,
should the government go ahead with
the project, no city, town or groups
would be able to interfere success
fully. The subject of dues was. taken up
and an agreement was made to the
effect that $3 was a well-balanced
sum for each member's budget. Al
bert Toman was tailed upon and
made the motion to pay the dues
quarterly and which was unanimous
ly chosen.
The treasurer, Ordell Hennings.
called upon the members to stage a
social drive to help start fcnd finance
the organization's activities. This
caused considerable enthusiasm
among the members and a ball to be
sponsored in the near future was
suggested. A committee of four con
sisting of Charles Howard. Robert
Vallery. William Farney nnd Everett
Elliott were chosen to make final ar
rangements for the affair and which
will be announced at a later date.
At the request of William Farney.
the by-laws of the constitution of
the club were read by President Kel
ley to acquaint the new members
present with its regulations.
Elmer Sundstrom. the guest speak
er of the evening was called upon to
give his viewpoints on the success
and welfare of the club. Mr. Sund
strom stated that he did not see any
reason why the organization could
not prosper or become a necessity to
Plattsmouth. Mr. Sundstrom named
various towns and cities where such
organizations were established and
actively engaged. His talk was very
much appreciated by all present.
A motion was suggestec as to the
formation of "a pet-peeve grips
column" to be printed in the Platts
mouth Evening Journal in which
anyone in the community could sub
mit his "pet-peeve" about various
sources or complaints about a cer
tain problem. Ray Bourne and Don
ald Warga were chosen as the com
mittee to carry out the suggestion.
After a long and much discussed
business, the session came to a close
with the president, Vincent Kelley
promising ' the members that he
would act as host for the next meet
ing to be held on Tuesday, January
Local People'
are Honored by
Telephone Co.
R. H. Gray and Rose Janda Receive
Membership in Twelve Months
Club for Salesmanship.
From Thursday's Daily
Rose Janda and R. H. Gray, em
ployes of The Lincoln Telephone and
Telegraph company in Plattsmouth,
were called to Lincoln today to be
honored as sales leaders. By selling
their' quota of telephones during
every month of 1938, they became
members of the company's "Twelve
Months Club."
Each year members of this club
are crowned "Kings and Queens" of
sales at a dinner in Lincoln. A total
of 54 employes will be honored this
evening. General Maanager J. H.
Agee. together with general office
and district officials, took part in the
coronation ceremony and all became
"subjects" of the honored guests for
the evening. This 3-ear's dinner and
coronation will be held at the Hotel
To win membership in the "Twelve
Mcnths Club" requires unremitting
sales effort, according to District
Manager J. A. McKenzie, and it is
an honor for which all the 1100 em
ployes strive valiantly throughout
each year. The Plattsmouth rep
resentatives will be looked to for
leadership in sales activities in this
community during 1939.
Friday evening a group of Platts
mouth Masons were at Dunbar where
they attended a meeting of the Dun
bar lodge and the installation of the
officers. Raymond C. Copk, deputy
grand custodian of the A. F. & A. M.
was the installing officer, with W. A.
Robertson, past grand master as the
installing chaplain and George Ash
ton of Dunbar as the ceremonial mar
shal. The party from here in addition
to Mr. Robertson and Mr. Cook com
prised Russell Reeder, master of the
lodge, W. A. Bennett, junior warden,
and D. S. Sumner who is a member
of the Dunbar lodge.
There were a number present from
Nebraska City and Nehawka and
among these Henry Carson, of Ne
braska City, grand tyler.
After the lodge session the mem
bers enjoyed a delicious oyster sup
per that had been prepared by the
Sheriff Joe Mrasek was called to
the vicinity of Murray Friday night
where a youth was reported stranded
at the Rock Creek filling station and
suffering from the cold and exposure.
The sheriff found that the boy was
a companion of Wilton Gates, who
was found here Wednesday and is
now ill here. The boy was brought
here by the sheriff and fed and cared
for, giving the name of Keith Brown
and his home at Mason City, Nebras
ka. The boy has been at the Father
Flanagan Home at Omaha for the
past five years but ran away with
Gates several days ago. He will be
taken back to Omaha where he will
be given the opportunity of again
entering the home if he wishes.
Brown gave as his reason for leav
ing that he had become homesick
and wanted to get back to Mason
From Saturday's Dally
Mrs. Dangard Reichstadt who was
operated on at the Clarkson hospital
this week is said to show signs of
improvement. The many friends of
Mrs. Reichstadt are glad to learn
of Jier improvement.
Parish Meeting
of St. Luke's
Church is Held
Gering Home Is Scene of Very In
teresting Meeting and. De
licious Dinner.
The annual meeting of the mem
bers of the St. Luke's church parish
was held Wednesday evening, the
beautiful Gering home on North
Sixth street being thrown open for
the gathering of the church member
The group enjoyed a most delic
ious dinner at 6:30 as a delightful
opening of the evening of pleasure
and preceding the business session
of the parish. The tables were at
tractive in the sparkling silver,
glassware and snowy linen and made
a very charming setting.
The business meeting was pre
sided over by Rea F. Patterson,
senior warden of the church with
Father George Tyner, pastor of the
church being present to give a short
talk. Mr. Fred Nye of Weeping Wa
ter, was also here to meet with the
members of the parish, he having
been engaged actively in the church
school work here recently.
The group joined in the singing
of a number of the church hymns at
the opening of the program of the!
The reports of the officers and the
various societies were most interest
ing and showed an excellent condi
tion in the church activities in the
past year and advancement of the
church in all departments.
The meeting selected the delegates
and alternates for the church coun
cil which will meet at Omaha on
January 20th and which body will
have among other activities the mat
ter of recommendation "or endorse
ment of a prospective bishop for the
Omaha diocese of the church, a post
made vacant by the resignation of
Bishop E. V. Shayler last October.
The local delegation named was R. F.
Patterson, Miss Mia Gering, Mrs. Jv
M. Roberts, the alternates being Mrs.
Hilda Coffman, Miss Dora Fricke and
Mrs. J. A. Donelan.
The recently elected officers of
Nehawka lodge No. 246, A. F &
A. M. were installed Wednesday eve
ning in their stations, Raymond C.
Cook, deputy grand custodian of the
A. F. & A. M. of Nebraska being the
installing officer, Henry Carson of
Nebraska City, grand tyler of the
Nebraska A. F. & A. M., serving as
the ceremonial marshal and Rev.
W. A. Taylor of Union as the chap
lain. The officers installed were:
W. M. Paul.Madsen.
S. W. George Sheldon.
J. W. Otto Ehlers.
Secretary Robert Chapman.
Treasurer D. C. West.
Chaplain Rev. W. A. Taylor.
S. D. Merritt Pollard.
J. D. A. D. Crunk.
S. S. Clifford Garrison.
J. S. Dr. R. R. AnJersen.
Tyler Lester Shrader.
There were many from neighbor
ing lodges present and including two
cars of Plattsmouth Masons. A fine
luncheon was served at the close of
the meeting.
Milo Price, social science instruc
tor in the Plattsmouth high school,
will speak before the Nebraska City
Rotary club on the subject of "Com
munism in Democracy." Mr. Price
has spoken on this subject before
the Rotary club of Plattsmouth and
had placed before the members a
clear understanding and pointed out
vividly the facts concerning the most-
talked about subject of the present
Mr. Price is going at the invita
tion of W. A. Williams, chairman of
the program committee.
At Weeping Water every Wed
nlte. Forest Knight Orchestra. Adm.
Gents 35c, Ladles 15c.
Roller skating at Weeping Water
every Thurs. and Fri. nights. At
Eagle every Tues. and Sat. nights.
From 7:30 to 10:30. Adm. 25c. All
new skates and good music. ltw
Phone news items to Ho. e.
The children of Mrs. Caroline
Neitzel, gravely ill since Sunday, are
all here to be with the mother, who
is at the home of her youngest
daughter, Mrs. Clarence Cotner. The
children here from distant points are
George Neitzel, Lyons; Joseph Neit
zel, Fairbury; Mrs. Carrier Schlederl,
Humboldt; John and; Louis Neitzel,
both of Omaha. Two( of the daugh
ters, Mrs. C. F. Glaze and Mrs. Cot
ner reside here.
Arrest Made
Under the Green
River Measure
Allan Coleman, Representing Silk
Hosiery Company Pleads Guilty
to the Violation.
Acting Chief of Police Herbert
Johnson had a busy time Wednesday
in rounding up an agent that was
reported as soliciting from house to
house for a firm selling silk hosiery
and other articles. Officer Johnson
trailed the young man down and ar
rested him for the violation of ordi
nance No. 788, better known as the
"Green River" ordinance.
The defendant, Allan Coleman, a
former resident here, was brought
down to the city hall and arraigned
before Judge C. L. Graves and desired
a continuance until afternoon to
consult with officials of the company
by telephone.
The case was called at 2 o'clock
Thursday afternoon and the defend
ant made a plea of guilty to the
charge as filed and received a fine of
$5 and costs for the offense. The
amount was paid over to the court
and the defendant released.
, . .. . ..
The Cedar Creek Farmers Elevator
Co., held their annual meeting on
Thursday at their elevator building
and proceeded with the regular busi
ness and which comprised among
other things that of the election of
the officers, the following being
President George Stoehr.
Vice-President Otto Sprieck.
Treasurer Frank Salsburg.
Secretary H. E. Heil.
Director Dan Terryberry.
The Stockholders re-elected Ed
ward Kelly, who has for the past five
years served as the manager of the
elevator, and has proven a very effi
cient man on the job. While the
crop condlditions did not provide a
large run. of grain this year the ele
vator did a very good business.
Funeral services for Ruth Dean,
niece of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Million,
were held at the Horton funeral
home Thursday afternoon sat 2:30,
conducted by Rev. J. C. Lowson, pas:
tor of the First Methodist church.
Miss Mildred Hall gave two selec
tions during the services.
A number of friends from Missouri
and Iowa attended the services.
The Eastern Star chapter of Glen
wood. Iowa, conducted the ritualistic
services at the grave in Oak Hill
The pall bearers were Don York
and John Elliott of this city. Paul
McMarshall, Raymond Mentel, Ed
Kroell and Fred Loftberg, of Glen
Marion Speck of this city received
a letter Thursday from an uncle, Carl
Speck, who Is now in a hospital at
Casper, Wyoming. Carl was at the
Rawlins, Wyo., hospital for some
time as the result of injuries in an
auto wreck in' which both legs were
fractured. He states that an infec
tion in one of the legs is being clear
ed up and the attending physicians
are hopeful of his making more rapid
P. T. Becker of this city was oper
ated on Thursday at the Clarkson
hospital at Omaha, having been in
poor health for some time. He will
remain under treatment for some
time in hope of securing some per
manent relief.
Platters Drop
First Game to
Glenwood High
Iowans Annex Game 27-22 for the
First Win in Many Years of
Athletic Relations.
From Saturdays Dally-
The Platters last evening at Glen
wood dropped their first basketball
game in many years of athletic re
lations with Glenwood high by the
score of 27 to 22, earning a nich in
the Glenwood hall of fame for the
1938-39 Ram team.
The opening portion of the game
was largely in feeling out the plays
of the opponents with the Platters
having the best of the scoring, the
tally standing 9 to 4 at the half
The Glenwood quintet were able
to penetrate the Platters defense in
the latter part of the game to tally
and gradually whittle down the mar
gin that separated them from vic
tory. In the earlier part of the game
the Glenwood quintet was unable to
click but in the second half their
fast breaking offensive was started
and a vast improvement seen in their
defensive work that checked the
sharpshooting of the Platters and
held the blue and white in their
Eyers, Glenwood forward, was
able to make good several long shots
that brought up the Rams to a lead
and in which they were never head
ed. Reed for Plattsmouth and Eyers
for Glenwood were the high scorers
of the evening.
The box score of the game was
as follows:
Plattsmouth (22)
- pa FT PF TP
Rebal. f 2 12 5
Smith, f 10 0 2
Jacobs, f 0 10 1
Hayes, c . 3 0 2 6
Reed, g 3 2 0 8
Wall, g 0 0 2 0
9 4 6 22
Glenwood (27)
Byers, f 4 12 9
Woodhead, f 2 0 14
Hopp. f 0 0 0 0
Rodman, c 2 1 1.5
Stranthan. g 2 11 5
Seitz, g 2 0 2 4
12 3 7 27
The Glenwood seconds were the
winners in the curtain raiser of the
evening by the score of 20 to 11.
From Saturday's Daily
In falling from a chair at her
home on North 5th street this fore
coon, Mrs. Elmer Webb suffered the
fracture of both bones in her left
forearm. She was engaged in wip
ing dust from the upper slats of the
Venetian blinds in the living room,
when the chair, gave way and pre
cipitating her to the floor. Minor
bruises were also suffered. Dr. West
over reduced the fracture and placed
the broken member in a cast.
This is the third time she has suf
fered breakage of the left forearm,
once as a girl and again in the fall
of 1930 when she tripped on a rug
on freshly waxed floors.
In the recent visit here of Dr.
A. V. Hunter of Wesleyan University,
he addressed the high echool stu
dents on the value of education. The
able speaker led the audience from
the all important day when the five-year-old
enrolls in the kindergarten,
through the grades and high school
to that epoch marking time when
they step forth as graduates. The
speaker had asked, "After gradua
tion what?" when some up-to-date
youngster piped up the all too truth
ful answer, "WPA."
From Saturday's Dally
Earl (Tink) Wiles, while boxing
this morning during training for a
boxing match at Council Bluffs as
well as the Golden Gloves at Omaha,
severely tore the muscles of his left
arm. The young boxer is wearing
the arm in a sling and probably will
not be able to enter the boxing competition.
The reports from Kearney state
that William Vallery, 15, who was
injured there several weeks ago, is
doing' just as well as possible and
seems to be well on the way to re
covery. The young man suffered the
laceration of his arm that made
necessary the amputation of the mem
ber. He is still under hospital care
but his arm is healing nicely and it
is hoped that he will have no ser
ious after effects of the injury.
Leland Holka
Fatally Injured
Near Greenwood
Twenty-one Year Old Youth Injured
in Car Crash on No. 6 East of
Greenwood Sunday.
Leland Holka, 21. residing near
Alvo, was fatally injured Sunday in
an automobile accident east of Green
wood on highway No. 6. Five others
were injured in the accident but
none dangerously.
Holka suffered a crushed skull and
was taken on into Ashland.
The car in which Leland Holka
was riding was driven by Wayne
Bachman, 20, of near Greenwood and
at the time of the accident was go
ing east on highway No. 6 followed
by a car driven by Clyde Jones of
Ashland who was accompanied by
Harold Buell of Ashlau and Ileen
Allen of Waverly.
The Bachman car started to turn
into a side road and at the same
time the Jones car coming behind
was unable to avoid it and struck i
the rear wheel of the Bachman car
overturning it, and Holka was
caught and pinned beneath the
wreckedcaf. ,
Wnyne Bachman suffered a broken
arm in the accident but the occupants
of the Jones car were not seriously !
County Attorney Walter H. Smith
visited the scene of the accident and
after investigation of the case de
cided that no inquest would be held.
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Rauth of
Manley were in the city Saturday
for a short time en route home from
Omaha where they were called by
the Illness of Mrs. Frank H. Stander,
sister of Mr. Rauth. Mrs. Stander,
who is SO years of age, had risen as
usual Saturday and was going about
her household duties when she was
suddenly stricken with a paralytic
stroke, falling to the floor of the
home and has since been in very
serious condition.
Mr. and Mrs. Stander are members
of two of the old families of Cass
county and resided for many years in
the Louisville and Manley commun
ities and their many friends will
regret very much to learn of her Ill
Seven extension groups of the vi
cinity of Mynard, Murray, and Platts
mouth met on Wednesday afternoon
at the Mynard community building
where they were recipients of a splen
did talk on "A Well-Kept Farm
stead," given by Mr. Watkins of Lin
coln. A large number were In at
tendance to enjoy the opportunity of
Mr. Watkins' helpful and education
al suggestions.
The meeting was opened with the
song of the month. Mrs. Roy Cole be
ing the accompanist and Mrs. Don
Seiver was the leader of the singing.
Miss Baldwin then introduced the
speaker, Mr. Watkins, who gave dif
ferent instructions in regard to hav
ing "A Well-Kept Farmstead," and
he also showed several slides of pic
tures on how a person was able to
attain a well-kept farmstead.
Wednesday Mrs. Emil Ptak of this
city had the pleasure of a call from
a friend of her school days, Mrs.
Cora Shelver, of Omaha, whom she
had not seen for a great many years.
Mrs. Shelver was formerly Miss Cora
Bons, her family living here in her
girlhood and operating the Perkins
Hotel for some time.
First Weekly
Award in Rural
School Contest
Choice of $25 Teter-Totter cr Com
plete Outdoor Basketball Set
for Most Votes by 21st
Saturday, January 21, marks the
close of the first full week of the
Rural School Playground Equipment
contest sponsored by Plattsmouth
merchants and the Journal.
The school turning in the great
est number of votes up to that time
will head the honor roll of weekly
prize winning schools and receive its
choice of a $25 teter-totter or an of
ficial outdoor basketball set. In ad
dition, the teacher of this first week's
prize-winning school will receive an
extra award of $5 worth of beauty
work an added incentive to make an
early campaign for votes.
Thereafter, for nine successive
weeks there will be like awards of
playground equipment to the schools
turning in the most votes each of
those weeks, and at the close of the
contest, ?250 in grand prizes will be
awarded, the complete list of which
will be found in the large ad in this
issue of the Journal. No school can
win more than one of the weekly
prizes, but all votes turned in will
count on the award of the grand
prizes. Every school that enters the
contest and turns in vote3 during two
or more successive weeks will re
ceive a prize at the close of the con
test. The four major grand prizes
include an $87.50 standard merry-go-round,
a $60 swing and trapeze, a
$37 K. D. whirl and a $25 12-foot
slide. Smaller prizes include 24 balls
and bats, 12 kitten balls and catch
. How to Turn in Votes
Individuals saving votes should get
them into the hands of the teacher
as quickly as possible, as all votes
must pass through her hands so she
can make a record of them and then
bring or send them in group lots to
contest headquarters in the, Retail
Merchants' Credit Bureau office, sec
ond floor Plattsmouth State Bank
building. Votes will not be accepted
from individuals, so hand or send
them direct to the teacher of the
school you wish to support.
The schedule showing how votes
may be obtained appears in the ad
in this issue. One important thing to
remember is that by bringing the ad
of a participating merchant (or fac
simile copy) from the Journal and
having him sign it, double the regu
lar number of votes will be given.
Attach the signed ad to your sales
slip or cash register receipt and send
both to the teacher. Remember, the
ad or a fac simile copy must be sign
ed at time of making purchase.
To Announce Winners
All votes turned in by Saturday
night count on that week's award.
Votes mailed in by teachers must
bear a not later than Saturday post
mark to be counted in that week.
The votes will be counted during
the foy part of each following week
and the prize winning school pub
lished each Thursday during the ten
weeks of special awards. The prize
may be claimed the following Satur
day instead of waiting until the end
of the contest when the grand awards
are to be made.
A teter-totter or basketball set
awaits some school as this week's
prize (as well as the $5 in beauty
work for the teacher) and can be
won easily by that school whose
teacher, pupils and patrons get out
and hustle for votes all this weak.
Who will claim these two fine
awards of the first week? Watch for
announcement of the winner in the
Semi-Weekly Journal of Thursday.
January 26, and the standing of all
schools turning in votes up to Sat
urday night, January 21. '
From Frlday'a Dally
Chief of Police W. M. Barclay,
who has been taking a short time off
and undergoing treatment, was back
today on the Job of seeing that law
and order Is preserved. The chief of
police Is feeling much better and
feels able to carry on the patrol
work and other necessary duties of
the office.