The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 12, 1939, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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City Council
Holds Regular
Meet Tuesday
Reports of Officers for the Month
Received and Number of Mat
ters Discussed.
From Wednesday's Daily
The city council held its regular
session last evening with all of the
members present. Councilman Tie-
kotter being home from his holiday
visit to join in the deliberations of
the session.
The meeting being the first In Jan
. uary was largely occupied with the
reports of the various city officers.
City Treasurer Brown reported that
there was $15,92S.24 on hand in the
riattsmouth State bank at the close
of the month of December. City
Clerk Albert Olson reported that
$299.57 had been collected in his
office in the past month. Chief of
Police W. M. Barclay reported five
arrests and fines and costs of $13.25
for the month. Police Judge Graves
also filed his weekly reports, for the
week of December 29th one arrest
and fines and costs of $13.25 and for
the week of January 5th, one arrest
and fines and costs of $5.
A communication was received
from Acting Postmaster R. J. Larson
stating that the extension of the
rural free delivery routes would
make it necessary to have streets
widened out some to make Maiden
Lane a part of the route of the car
riers. This was referred to the
streets, alleyes and bridges commit
tee. A communication had been re
ceived from V. M. Wheelen, of Hast
ings, assistant secretary of the Ne-
DrasKa I'ublic Power district, in
which he informed the city of the
intention to buy the Iowa-Nebraska
Light & Power Co., properties. lie
assured the cities that they would
suffer no tax loss by the sale of the
private utilities to the power dis-
tricts. This was placed on file, the
council having had a session with
the power district officials on Mon
day night at Lincoln.
A communication was received
from F .S. Pollard, of the tax depart
ment of the C. B. & Q. railroad, ask
Ing that $194.32 In taxes be re
funded the railroad as illegally levied
against the railroad property.
Mayor George Lushinsky, report
ing for the board of health, stated
that William Thorburn had been
moved from the Monroe building un
der a court order and that his prop
erty had been stored in the old Per
kins hotel building for safekeeping
The thief of the lire department
reported one fire, that at the home
of David Robinson on Lincoln ave
nue, where the garage and car had
been burned up.
Councilman V. C. Tippens reported
that the street workers had been
cleaning leaves out of watercourses
and tiling and also fixing up the
streets for the winter season and that
at this time the dirt streets were
in very good shape.
Councilman Schutz, chairman of
the fire and water committee, called
on Henry Jasper, acting chief of the
fire department, who stated that the
department was conslering the for
mation of a rural fire district near
the city where the department could
prepare to aid in the fighting of fires.
Mayor Lushinsky asked that the de
partment sena tneir committee or
present the same in writing to the
council so that they could get to
gether on the proposition.
Chairman. Comstock of the light
ing committee reported that he had
been very much impressed with the
conference at Lincoln Monday night
with the power district represen
tatives and believed that it would be
worked out very satisfactorily. He
thought the rate scale would be ar
ranged satisfactorily and the dis
trict officials had seemed willing to
preserve all of the rights held by
cities at present as regarded utilities.
Councilman Webb of the finance
committee, who is a member of the
legislative committee of the League
of Municipalities to prepare a bill
for submission to the state legisla
ture, expressed confidence in the re
sult of the meeting. He also praised
the work of Varro E. Tyler of Ne
braska City, who had been one of the
leading figures at the conference and
watching closely the interests of the
cities. Mr. Webb looked for a great
deal of good derived from a meeting
of the committee to be held on Jan
uary 22nd at Lincoln.
Mayor Lushinsky reported that
Chief of Police W. M. Barclay, who
had been off duty for a short time
would probably be back on the Job
soon, in his absence Officer Herbert
Johnson has been covering the day
C. E. Markham of the local WPA
office was present and gave a short
report of the activities on the Chi
cago avenue sewer project. There
has been 200 feet completed and
the work moving on at the rate of
twenty feet a day now. The drag
line at the quarry had completed the
contracted work but it would prob
ably be needed for a day and a half
or two days yet to uncover the rock
needed. Mr. Markham was of the
opinion that the expenses would be
come less as the sewer moved on
The following bills were ordered
paid by the city:
Iowa-Nebr. Light & Power
Co., street lights $50.95
J. C. Brittain. checkiner litrht
globes 2.00
Platts. Water Corp., hydrant
rrental 4S3.96
H. L. Kruger, glass, glazing,
Bible, School Lesson Study!
Sunday, January 15th By I. Neitzel, Murdeck, Neb.
"Peter Sees Christ's Glory"
Matt. 17:1-18; II Pet. 1:16-18.
This lesson is one of the high spots
in the life of Christ. The signifi
cance is apparent for the student;
here is the Christ in his glory on a
mountain; six months later on Mt.
Olivet in Gethsemane in his deep
est agony; for it was in the garden
where man fell, it is in a garden
where the redeemer paid the price
for man's disobedience. As to time
and place, not much need to be said;
three evangelists testify to the facts,
and that is sufficient. Part of eight
days have passed since Peter's great
confession, which took place near
Caesarea Philipi; going south to
. wards Galilee, the company comes
to Mount Herman, where Jesus left
nine disciples, but takes Peter,
James and John and ascends the
It is night Jesus spent many
nights alone with his father in pray-i
er on mounfiins. Why did Jesus
select these three disciples? The
law required two or three witnesses I
to testify to the facts in a case;
Jesus gives no reason for the selec
tion, but they are unimpeachable, so
he has them with him in the home
of Jairtis to be witness of his power
over death; here to be witnesses to
his glory; later, in Gethsemane to be
witnesses to his greatest agony and
suffering. It is night Jesus prayed
the disciples fall asleep; night is
the time for sleep. While communing
with his Father, the glory from
within shines through flesh, it was
iot a reflected , glory, like Moses',
who had been forty days in the pres
ence of God we need not speculate
how Jesus was transfigured he was
clothed with flesh, in the form of
man, the Word was made flesh the
incarnation. John says, "We beheld
his glory, the glory as of the only
begotten of the father." (John 1:14).
So have many saints reflected the
glory of God while in prayer. Think
of Stephen (Acts 6:15). It is still
night! Jesus in his glory is ready to
receive his heavenly visitors, Moses,
the representative of the law; Elias,
the representative of the prophets;
Christ, the end of law and prophecy.
A convocation is held regarding the
redemptive worK or cnrist. it is a
very solemn hour, it is the hour of
consecration of Christ for his suffer
ing and death the fulfillment of
law and prophecy. Moses, who had
been buried on Mount Pisgah by the
hand of God; Elias, for. whom a
chariot was sent from heaven to
brins him home.
The three disciples are aroused
and open their eyes, seeing Moses
and Elias. Peter suggests to pro
long the meeting, and build taber
nacles for Jesus and the visitors; at
this moment a cloud appears and
takes Moses and Elias up. and as
the disciples look for them, they see
no one save Jesus.
T)n , 1 T. .1 . ...
jjui. me i-timer lesiines tnis is
the second time: "This is my beloved
Son. in whom I s.m well pleased;
hear him!" "God hath spoken in
these last days unto us by his son,
whom he hath appointed heir of all
things . . " (Heb. 1:2). Never could
these disciples forget these scenes.
The healing of the only son of a
pleading father is the next event
from a mountain top experience into
the depths of human misery. So is
oft the lives of God's children. Jesus
w-ent through the same experiences
as his children. But when we fail
in the crisis of life like the disci-
pies "Jesus never fails;" He is al
ways near to lend a helping hand
when Peter, walking on the water,
begins to sink. Here the elorv and
power of Jesus was manifest, the
enemies routed, God glorified and a
great victory won. Well may the
Christian shout and sing:
"Just when I reed him, Jesus
is near,
Just when I falter, just when
I fear;
Ready to help me, ready to
Just when I need him most."
Thirty years later Peter recalls
the transfiguration when he writes
his Epistles to the; church, scattered
throughout 'Tontus, Galatia Capa
docia, Asia Bithynia . . . regarding
his Gospel ... we were eyewitnesses
of his majesty . . . when we were
with him in the holy mount" etc.
This letter was written to encourage
the Christians, -that the gospel he
had preached wai not made up of
cunning fables about Jesus Christ as
were the fables or myths about the
Greek and Roman gods, Zens, Juno.
Apollo, Jupiter, Jove, Aphrodite
who never existei; but Jesus lived
among men and his miracles and
teaching were known to many, and,
he proved himself to be what he
claimed to be, tfce Son of God, the
Redeemer of man.
The Christian will some day ex
perience transfiguration. (II Cor.
3:1S; I John 3:2). This change or
transformation begins here and
now. (Rom. 1Z:1Z). It is the work
ing out of the indwelling Christ, nqjt
F. G. Fricke & Co., paint and
Weyrich & Hadraba, office
Iowa-Nebr. Light & Power
Co., light, gas, city hall
fc.. J. Richey, lumber and Coal
Bestor & Swatek, supplies
Duxbury & Davis, fire insur
ance premium :
J. P. Cook Co., 100 dog tags
Jacobs' Cafe, meals to prison
ers F. R. Gobelman, paint
J. H. Boetel, burying 3 dogs
William Schmidtmann,' sup
plies Tidball Lumber Co., coal and
material 11.20
Platts. fire dept., 4 nozzlemen 15.00
Ivan Taylor, street work
John Kubicka, moving Thor
burn D. L. Ramel, tractor operator
E. O. Vromav, mileage and
car to Lincoln
J. C. Comstock, same
George Taylor, street work
John Kubicka, cleaning sts.
George Taylor, street work
with team 41.00
John Kubicka, street work 14.40
John P. Sattler, treasurer,
Recreation Center 10.00
E. J. Richey, supplies city
hall project 10.50
Chicago Avenue Project
a. it use, supplies . $
II. M. Soennichsen, mdse.
C. E. Welshimcr, oil and gas
Mccarty Oil Co., kerosene
Bestor & Swatek, supplies
Ira Clinkenbeard. truck hire
Charles Crawford, same
C. E. Markham, same 38.32
Tidball Lumber Co., lumber 123.08
Joe Mrasek, sand 53.62
Albert Olson, freight charges .55
Mrs. A. G. Clsney was spending
the week-end visting at the home of
their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Tommy
Watson at Lincoln.
Herman Reike of between Union
and Murray was looking after bust
ness in Murray last Friday and also
visiting his many friends.
Victor Wherbein was in Platts
mouth last Thursday visiting at the
home of C. R. Troop who has been in
very poor health for some time.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray .Creamer were
in Weeping Water last Thursday
where they were looking after some
business matters as, well as visiting
at the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Frizzel.
Mr. and Mrs. John, Reike making
their home near Weeping Water
were in Murray last Monday morn
ing, stopping to see their family doc
tor, R. W. Tyson as they were on
their way to Omaha.
George Lopp, who has been with
out sufficient water, for some time
past, and has been compelled to haul
water from Nehawka has during the
past few days been working on the
digging of a well and has been as
sisted by E. J. Kruger.
Oscar Gapen of Plattsmouth was a
visitor in Murray last Monday visit
ing his many friends here where he
resided many years near Murray and
is acquainted with everyone in this
vicinity. He with the wife are mak
ing their home in Plattsmouth at
this time.
Last Sunday eighty-one were in
attendance at the Bible school of the
Murray Christian church. This is a
very neat increase in the regular at
tendance. All are interested in the
work of the Bible school and by this
carried by the substitute carrier Mon
day 'of this week, but during the
afternoon last Sunday the telephone
of the postmaster rang and when it
was answered a cheery voice with
a laugh in it, said: "Have Harry
Albin carry the mail, for a brand
new baby boy has come to our home
with the little man and his mother
getting along nicely." The voice was
that of Eugene Roddy, the regular
Very Pretty Home Wedding.
At the home of the father of the
bride, John A. Davis, his daughter,
Miss Marie Davis was united In mar
riage with Mr. Marion Wiles, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Wiles.
The young people are two of the
very fine young people of this por
tion of the county. They will for
the present make their home with
the father of the bride, J. A. Davis.
The wedding occurred Thursday
of last week. The Journal Joins in
extending hearty congratulations and
well wishes for the newlyweds.
Mr. and Mrs. Shrader Entertain.
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Nickles
were guests for the day last Sunday
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ches
ter Shrader; a nephew of Mr. and
Mrs. Nickles where they enjoyed a
very pleasant visit. Mr. Shrader, who
has been very sick with an attack
of the flu is reported as being entirely
well at this time. Messrs. and Mes
dames J. D. Kelsey and Myron Ruse
of Shenandoah, Iowa, were also pres
ent at the gathering.
Visited Here Last Sunday.
Mesdames Jennie Frans and Vesta
Clark of Union and Plattsmouth were
guests for the day and a very fine
dinner last Sunday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Merritt. while at
token the school is progressing very the same time Mr. and Mrs. IX Ray
nicely. . I Frans anil snn limmio xx-t-a mmcta
v ictor enrbein last week moved
at the home of Dr. and Mrs. G. II.
containing the largest gorilla ever
shot has been placed in the African
Hall of the Academy of Natural Sci
ences here.
The display shows the huge 550
pound anthropoid ape standing erect,
with two smaller gorillas beside
him, one a baby in a nest. The
scene represents a jungle spot in
French P:quatorial Africa.
The group was collected and pre
sented tO the Academv nf Volnral
Sciences by George Vanderbilt of New-
from the Boedeker place some four
miles west of Murray to a place own-
.1 X. TIT IT' T - . I I 1
u uy . . iviiorr wnere ne win Saw Mneh nf Miftri
...........ciutmc. xi.eiuuut-i uuu Messrs. Wayne Lewis and Rov
he had cut was hauled to the new Gregg made a tour of Missouri last
nome hy loramy Troop and E. J. Kru- week when they drove to many points
w.e n.fei ol mis ween. in the Bhow me- state, visiting at
While Mrs. W. O. Troop was about Jefferson, Sedalia and Springfield
wU ua '"lutuiis while they saw many places and
iara alter tney nacl dressed a few visited many people they found none
nogs, she slipped and In falling the better than in old Cass county, Ne
jar caugnt trie lingers of one or braska
her hands, inflicting a severe cut,
which compelled the lady to have
the wounded member bound up.
Visit at Wehrbein Home. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gorder and
dautrhter. Marv Pn thorina it oro
municipal Weil Completed. guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
The new well for the water supply Victor Wehrbein last Sundav as was
for the water system of Murray was also the family of W. O. Troon which
coinpieica eariy mis weeK at me consisted of Mr. and Mrs. W O
home of Frank Mrasek and which Troop and sons, Tommy and George
promises an abundant supply of wa- and the two daughters of George,
ter for all uses for the city in any Annette and Phyllis, also Mrs. Nelle
emergency. Ten test wells were sunk Wehrbein and friend, Mr. Crawford
oerore one was obtained which would of Omaha.
supply the needs. The water witches
were invoked and the well sunk
within less than a foot of the place
designated by J. A. cotten and on
line which John Urish located, which
ran some distance then diverted in a
different direction. Both gentlemen
right and the well was at the
The second annual winter flower
and weed show, sponsored by the
Plattsmouth Garden club will be
held in the Plattsmouth public li
brary auditorium, January 18-19,
Open to the public from 10:00 a. m.
to 9:00 p. m. daily. Admission free.
Schedules and rules:
1. Entries open to public, we urge
everyone to make entries.
' 2. Exhibits should be in place by
12:00 o'clock, Jan. 18, 1939.
Class 1 Christmas wreath and
sprays. Miss Barbara Gering, chair
man; Mia Gering, Mrs. Carl Ofe.
Class 2 Basket or dish arrange
ment of any flowers, plants, or fruits
or any combination as a Christmas or
sick gift. A small decoration suit
able for invalid's tray. Mrs. Pete
Carr, chairman; Mrs. L. S. Devoe,
Mrs. J. C. Lowson.
Class 3 Arrangement for a
Christmas table or buffet center
piece, Table arrangement for other
purpose or occasion.
Class 4 Arrangement of any
seeds, pods, berries or other material
suitable for a living room.
Class 5 Arrangement suitable for
other purpose. Mrs. L. L. Wiles,
chairman; Mrs. J. II. McMaken, Jr.,
Mrs. Harry Kruger.
Class 6 Tray or dish gardens
suitable for a living room. Dish gar
den with growing plants. Terrian
ums. Mrs. E. H. Wescott, chairman;
Mrs. J. M. Roberts.
Class 7 Arrangement or specimen
of gourds, pinecones, Romona strings,
etc. Mrs. Lillian Freeman, chair
Class 8 School and Junior Depart
ment. Mrs. Wm. H. Schmidtman. Jr..
chairman; Mrs. Clement T. Woster.
Class 9 Pantry, garden, head
gears or hats. Mrs. A. J. Triletv.
chairman; Mrs. G. K. Hetrick.
Class 10 Collection of seeds.
pods, berries and other material suit
able for winter house decoration va
rieties named. Miss Julia Svoboda,
chairman; Miss Anna Heisel.
Class 11 Window Gardens. Mrs.
J. W. Crabill. chairman; Mrs. J. E.
Wiles, Mrs. Wm. Baird.
Class 12 Display of vases. Mrs.
John Woest, chairman.
Class 13 Specimen house plants.
Mrs. Augusta Haupt, chairman.
Class 14 Birdnests, feeding trays,
bird houses, etc. Lichens, wasp nests,
novelties, etc. Mrs. P. T. Heineman,
Class 15 Conservation display.
A. L. Tidd, chairman.
Class 16 Specimen of the differ
ent kinds of trees, evergreens and
shrubs, all varieties named for iden
tification. Julius Pitz, chairman;
Frank Karvanek, Stephen Devoe,
Fred Heisel, A. L. Tidd.
Class 17 Wall Pockets. Miss Dora
Fricke, chairman.
Class 18 Shadow boxes.
Cass county nas no toonzretf In
debtedness, as, like the state, we
have paid cash for our hard sur
faced roads and other Improve
ments as we went.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the
estate of John W. Barrow, deceased.
No. 3380:
Take notice that a petition has
been filed for the probate of an in
strument purporting to be the last
will and testament of said deceased,
and for the appointment of Maude
Barrow as Executrix thereof; that
said petition has been set for hear
ing before said Court on the 27th
day of January, 1939, at 10 a. m.
Dated December 31, 193 8.
(Seal) j2-3w County Judge.
$2-50 CASH
50 per 100 lbs. for Dead Hogs
For Prompt Service, Call
The Fort Crook
Rendering Works
Ft. Crook, Nebr., Market 3541
We Pay All Phone Calls
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the
estate of Edgar J. Burns, deceased.
No. 3376:
Take notice that a petition has
been filed for the probate of an in
strument purporting to be the last
will and testament of said deceased,
and for the appointment of Daisy
Burns as Executrix thereof; that
said petition has been set for hear
ing before said Court on the 20th
day of January. 1939 at 10 a. m.
Dated December 23rd, 1938.
(Seal) d26-3tw County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To the creditors of the estate of
Henry G. Soennichsen, deceased. No.
Take notice that the time limited
for the filing and presentation of
claims against said estate is April
24th, 1939; that a hearing will be
had at the County Court room in
Plattsmouth on April 28th, 1939 at
ten o'clock a. m. for the purpose of
examining, hearing, allowing and ad
Justing all claims or objections duly
Dated December 23rd, 1938.
(Seal) d2G-3w County Judge.
were rient and the w-pll was at this
intersection of where they said the 8
water would be and so it was. 8
The test will be made and then S
it will be absolutely known the 0
strength of the well However all are S
pretty well pleased' now that there S
is plenty of water as for some time X
the water has been very scarce. 8
- ft
Visited at Old School Town. b
Playground Equipment Contest!
The Plattsmouth Journal
completed in this life, but when he
appears, we will be like him, and so
be ever with the Lord.
t.H(iU SSOitTM HT SI I'l.ItlOK
TTTI 1 - TTTl i -H .
wuoie wneat or White fn
Finger Bolls, doz. V
Whole Wheat or White A jn
Parker House Bolls, doz Ii)C
French Dinner Bolls, H Rt
Sesame or Poppy Seed, doz. jitD"
Hard Rolls, 15 Doz.
Delicious Vienna Bread, loaf.10
Dutch Holland Bread, loaf10
Date Nut Bread, loaf 15
targe Toffee Bolls 2 for 5$
Large Assortment of Delicious
Bolls, per doz 15 to 30
Phone 76
Plattsmouth Bakery
Op Loaf; 2 for 15
C Jt . .
iMiiiaay ueing a nice day l)r. a
Mrs. R. W. Tyson and daughter too
a ride in the country, and as the day
nd 8
was fine and the goinj? pleasant they S
a City and then con-
tinued on south until they arrived
at Peru where the doctor, went toS
school some twenty years ago and
looked over the town and while it
was still the same nlace in appear- 6
ance it seemed greatly changed which
made places hard to recognize.
The Attorney, Not the Doctor.
Dr. Mrs. Ashly Smith of Omaha
was not the party who died last week
but Ashly Smith, the husband of
Dr. Smith, Dr. Smitn being a lady
practitioner and Ashly Smith her
husband. The party who died was
a practicing attorney of Omaha.
Heir Arrives at Union.
The mail on the rural route was
II Teachers It's easy to get votes
II by collecting subscriptions to the
m Journal from your school patrons
In the District Court of Cass
County, Nebraska
Laura Etta Hendee, et al, 1
vs. I
rea Aicttivam, et al.
Defendants j
Notice is hereby given that, under
and by virtue of an Order of Sale
entered in the above entitled cause
on the 20th day of December, 1937,
and an Order of Sale entered on the
31st day of December, 1937. the
Sole Referee will on the 4th day of
February, 1939, at ten o'clock a. m.,
at the south front door of the court
house in Plattsmouth, in Cass coun
ty, Nebraska, sell at public auction
to the highest bidder for cash, that
is to say, 10 on the day of sale,
and the balance when said sale shall
be confirmed by the court, the follow
ing described real estate, to-wit:
Lot 30 in the SWU of the
SEU of Section 13, Township
12, Range 13, East of the 6th
P. M., in Cass county, Nebraska.
Sale will be held open one hour.
Dated this 31st day of December
' Sole Referee.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
State of Nebraska )
County of Cass
S By virtue of an
Q Order of Sale issued by C. E. Ledg-
O way. Clerk of the District Court
A within and for Cass County, Ne-
fl braska, and to me directed, I will
0 on the 14th day of January, A. D.
N 1P39, at 10:00 o'clock a. m. of said
0 day at the south front door of the
S court house in Plattsmouth. Ne-
rt braska, in said county, sell at pub-
Q lie auction to the highest bidder for
N cash the following real estate, to-
S wit:
S Lots 1-10-18-19-21-24-30 in
O the northwest quarter (NWU)
S and Lot 27 and all that part of
Q Lots 20 and 25 lying west of
g the public road in the southwest
N quarter of the northeast nuarior
Votes Given on New, Renewal and Back Sub
scription Payments as Shown in Table Below!
liOlV Is THE Time
to bring; in your Harness and x
have them placed in best con- b
dition and oiled, ready for the Q
O &pnng work. Oiled, best oil-
- 51' '
Don't Wait Till the Rush!
Murray Hardware
Murray, Nebraska
Vote Schedule
to the Penny
on New and
to the Penny
on Back Subscription
Three votes on every
or Renewal subscri
every penny paid
A wonderful opportunity to help out your
favorite rural school in the big contest at
no extra cost. Mail subscription rates in
Nebraska and nearby states, as follows:
northeast ouartcr
(SW of the NE4 ) all in Sec
tion twenty-one (21), Township
eleven (11), Range fourteen
(14), East of the 6th P. M
containing 92; acres, more or
less, according to the United
arates tjovernment Survey there-
111 nf in rSen stmt m 4 XT I
penny paid on New 9 Th r m i hoi n vL aT".
Ptions: Nine votes on S "'" ""? "Ken
on Back Subscription! g et alV Defendants, to satisfy aifrtT'
Q mcnt of said Court recovered bv Tim
. .... -..wc. wis insurance Com-
Union Central Life Insui
pany of Cincinnati, Ohio.
0 tion. Plaintiff again3t sa
Semi-Weeklv Journal S2 a Year
Daily Journal 5 a Year 8 1
1000 Bonus Votes on Club of Five 8
New or Renewal Subscriptions '
nee Com-
a corpora-
said Dp fond
ants. -
Plattsmouth Nebraska. December
Sheriff Cass County,
J. Howard Davis
Attorney at Law
Plattsmouth h
$500 in Playground Equipment Given Away
DOUBLE YOUR VOTES by bringing this ad when you pay (or
fac simile copy) and we'll sign it for you, so it may be at
tached to your Vote Coupon for double the number of votes!