The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 09, 1939, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Central Europe
Stirred by New
Mygar-Czech Break
Fighting Reported on Borders of
Country Arouses Apprehension
as to General Peace.
LINCOLN Jan. 6 (UP) Nebras
ka's winter wheat crop will suffe
unless substantial rain or snow fall
within the next few weeks, A. E. An
derson, federal and state crop statis
tician, said today.
Reports of blowing top soil and poor
root development have been received
from the central and western sections
of the state, where moisture is most
deficient, Anderson said. Moisture
conditions appear best in the south
east, west and panhandle areas, he
Opposition is
Shown Request
for WPA Cash
Sub Committee May Not Favor Re
quest for $875,000,000 to Con
tinue Relief Until July 1.
LONDON. Jan. 7 (UP) Diplo
matic reports said today that a most
dangerous situation exists on the
Czechoslovak-Hungarian frontier as
the result of a clash at Munkacs, and
that a new explosion might occur at
any time.
Uumanla was reported to be so
worried at the possibility that she
would be drawn into a general fight,
that she was inclined to reconsider
her refusal to agree to a common
Hungarian-Polish frontier at Czecho
Slovakia's expense.
When news first reached London
yesterday of the serious fight between
Czechoslovak and Hungarian soldiery
at Munkacs, wnich was awarded to WASHINGTON, Jan. 7 (UP)
Hungary in the dismemberment of Subsurface evidence of the temper of
Czechoslovakia, there was a tendency the new house indicated powerful
to regard the incident as an isolated opposition to President Roosevelt's
one of little importance. request for $S75,000,000 to continue
Today, however, it was reported relief until July 1
in well informed quarters that Hun- Members of the house appropria
gary, in protesting to the Czecho- tions deficiency subcommittee refused
Slovak government, asserted that to talk for publication after a day of
Hungary's efforts to improve mutual testimony by Colonel F. C. Harring-
relatious had been frustrated by the ton, Works Progress administrator,
Munkacs attack and that Hungary but it was learned many of them
would decline to accept responsibil- doubted the full amount would be
ity for future events. granted.
This was believed to contain the One member Representative John
threat of reprisals. Taber, R.. N. Y. was more forth-
Authoritative Hungarian sources right.. "I don't think," he said, "that
in London predicted that it would more than one vote will be cast for;
not be possible to localize, and thus the $875,000,000 figure by our sub
Harrington, speaking to newspaper
reporters, warned that a cut to $500,-
000,000 the figure suggested by
Subcommittee Chairman Clifton
Woodrun, D., Va., before Mr. Roose
velt's message reached congress
would mean "very drastic reduction"
in relief employment.
One committeeman said it would
mean slashing the WPA rolls from
Tells of Death
of Convicts in
Penn. Prison
Philadelphia Prison Tragedy Is Re-
. peated in Story hy Convict of
the Death of Inmates.
isolate, the incident.
Observers of central European
events said that they were not sur
prised by the Munkacs incident. They
said the whole frontier between Hun
gary and eastern Czechoslovakia had
been a daliger area ever since the dis
memberraent agreements, that hatred
and suspicion were so intense that a
slash on a large scale might be ex
pected at any moment.
-ui ted Press dispatch from its present figure cf slightly more
J.ucdarest said that the Rumanian than 3,000,00 to around 500,000
new members of
government was most anxious over
the situation first because Munkacs,
the chief point of tension, is only a
few miles from the Rumanian bor
der; second because it was feared
that the Munkacs clash might prove
the starting point for a serious cen
tral European conflict,' which it
might be impossible to localize.
The Rumanian government, which
firmly refused to agree to a common
Polish-Hungarian frontier when Col.
Josef Beck. Polish foreign minister,
visited King Carol in October, was
now believed to be prepared to re
consider, the dispatch said because
it was feared that an eventual inde-
pndent Ukraine would attract Ukrain
ian and Russian minorities in Ru
mania. Dispatches from Budapest and
Prague said that troops on both
isdes had withdrawn well within
their own territory in the Munkacs
area and that no new fighting had
been reported.
The hope seemed to be that the
Munkacs incident rould be settled by
direct diplomatic negotiation.
There are 117
the house, many of whom are re
serving judgement on relief until
Harrington's policies are more clear
ly delineated, it was said.
Warden James Johnston of Alcatraz
penitentiary said today Al Capone,
Chicago gang leader during the pro
hibition era, had been transferred to
the federal correctional prison at Ter
minal Island, San Pedro, Salifornia.
Capone sentenced to Alcatraz for
income tax violation and due to leave
"the rock" January 19 to serve a
final year in the Cook county Chicago
jail, will be kept instead in some fed
eral institution for that year Johns
ton said.
Johnston pave ro reason for the
transfer to Terminal Island. Other
federal officials recalled, however, the
government regarded Capone as "a
dangerous man at intermittent per
i . .
luua uccause oi paresis, ine year
Capone still has to serve is on a fed
eral misdemeaor charge in connection
with his conviction for income tax
Colonel F. C Harrington, Works Pro
gress Administrator said today that
a cut in the new relief appropriation
to $o00,000,000 as urged by some con
gressmen would mean "verv drastic
reduction" in relief employment thi
Harrington testified before a house
appropriations subcommittee in con
nection with President Roosevelt's re
quest for $875,000,000 to continue
work relief for about 3,000,000 per
sons until the end of the fiscal year
June 30. Present funds will barely
last through January. Chairman Clif
ton Woodrum, D., Kan., has advocat
cd making $500,000,000 the outside
limit for the new fund.
lie said that WPA rolls dropped
from 3,112000 on Dec. 21 to 3,075,
000 on December 31, the last date
for which figures are available and
that the agency expects the reduction
to continue during the next six months
and beyond. He said this hope was
based on the "unmistakable business
pickup which we hope will continue
and the effect on the heavy industries
of the public works pump priming
program. Woodrum refused to com
ment further on the relief bill until
after WPA officials concluded their
A description by convict No. C-2945
of the weekend of torture in the super
heated "Klondike" punishment cell
block that was climaxed by the death
ot tour nunger-striking inmates of
Phildelphia county prison was before
the jury today at the trial of Deputy
V arden t rank A. Craven.
Craven is one of the prison officials
and guards charged with second-de
gree murder and manslaughter in con
nection with the "heat deaths."
The witness was Francis Gallagher
who spent 5S hours in the cellblock
during the fatal weekend, his testi
mony frequently caused the faces of
the five women jury members to
"Sunday night it was the hottest
of all," said Gallagher. "When you
s.tood up, it felt like the heat was bear
ing down on you, crushing you. We
couldn't lay down good because there
was three of us in the cell, and if
we all laid down one of us had to
lay sideways.
"We took off our shorts and mopped
up the prespiration from the floor
and wiped our heads and bodies with
it and put drops on our tongues. We
could hardly stand up. We hollered
to the guards to shut off the heat.,
but nobody paid us no mind."
Previously, Sergeant James C. Hart
of the prison guard personnel testified
that the "heat treatment" was part
of the discipline used on unruly pris
oners. "Mr Craven in August, 1937, gave
me the authority to turn on the heat,"
Hart told the jury. "The heat was
part of the treatment."
Dr. Martin P. Crane, a coroner's
physician, described the contition of
the bodies of . the four men. The bod
ies had been subjected to such intense
heat that they were seared and one
of them looked like that of a negro
he said. Dr. Crane testified regarding
his autopsy on the body of Frank
Camodeca, for whose death Craven
specifically is on trial.
LINCOLN, Jan 7 (UP) State Ac
countant L. C. Opper, commenced an
audit today of the books and records
of Leo N. Swanson, former state land
commissioner and secretary of the
board of educational lands and funds.
State Auditor Ray C. Johnson, Op-
per's supervisor said separate audits
would be conducted. Both Swanson
and the board requested the examin
action which will require a week to
ten days. Swanson's post as land
commissioner was abolished Thursday
and he relinquished the secretaryship
Many Jews
Have Migrated
to the U. S.
Immigration Officials Reveal 14,159
Jews Have Come Here from
Germany in 9 Months
Senator Hopes
Hopkins Makes
Senator Eailey, Conservative Demo
crat, Heads Committee to In
vestigate Qualifications.
Senator Josiah W. Bailey, P., N. C,
said today ho hoped that Harry L.
Hopkins will make "some discov
eries" as to business and industry
as secretary ef commerce.
Bailey has been named chairman
of the senate commerce committer
HASTINGS, Jan. 7 (UP) A rug
ged physique gained while he was a
star athlete at Peru State Teacher's
College caused physicians today to
give Henry Hofman, principal of Har
vard, Nebraska highschool a "fight
ing chance" for life.
Hofman sustained bad skull in
juries yesterday when his automobile
collided with a Union Pacific train
at a crossing here.. He was taken to
the hospital he had left a few min
utes earlier after visiting: his wife
and their five-day old baby.
LINCOLN, Jan. 6 (UP) Will M
Maupin was elected chairman of the
state railway commission today by a
2 to 0 vote in what was described
as a harmonious organization meet
ing of the commission.
Duane T. Swanson, new commis
sion member nominated Maupin.
Commissioner F. A. Good did not
vote. Maupin is the senior commis
sioner and both he and Good are
democrats. Swanson is a republican.
The committee said no immediate
changes in personnel were contem
The national labor relations board to
day certified the packing house work
ers union of the CIO as bargaining
agent for Armour and Company pack
ing plant workers at South St- Joseph.
Missouri. The workers voted v 473 to
10 in favor of the union of December
10 the board announced.
HENDAYE, Franco-Spanish Fron
tier, Jan. 7 (UP) The Spanish na
tionalists, determined to push their
big offensive to a decisive finish,
penetrated the Sierra Dc La Llena
range today toward the heart of Cata
lonia and at the same time renewed
their advance on the Ebro river sec
tor toward the Mediterranean.
Whil the nationalists drove ahead
in the east and north, the republi
cans were waging an offensive of
their own nearer the center of Spain
in the Estremadura region, appar
ently with considerable success.
The republican position 'appeared
to be extremely precarious. Advices
from Barcelona said a meeting of
the unified socialist party of Cata-
lona demanded general mobilization
and dispatch of all armed forces
from the rear guard to the front on
the ground that "the fight is to the
death and the hour of supreme effort
has arrived."
which will onsider the nomination o
the former PA administrator to
the cabinet post.
"I am hoping," the conservative
leader said, "that Mr. Hopkins in
his new job will make some discov
eries'as to commerce and business
because he has spent his life in other
Bailey asserted that he would not
permit hi3 personal views upon Hop
kins to influence his judgment at
the committee's hearings upon the
nominee. Seeking to, expedite con
sideration of the appointment, he
summoned his committee for a Mon
day meeting.
A step toward solution of the un
employment and relief problem,
Bailey said Ls through encourage
ment of private enterprise through
a government policy which recog
nizes the need for a epeedy turnover
of capital. . ,
"Mr. Hopkins' theory to use re
lief money to create purchasing pow
er is an unsound theory," he said.
The new commerce committee had
said that relief expenditures only in
creased the need for consumers
goods, while the real need was for
greater production in durable goods
Thi cfot .1 i . . ...
-..v. aK uv-jiui iincnt announced rri
a .i .. .
uay mat rown Prince Frederick and
Crown Princess Ingred of Denmark
have accepted an ivitation of Pres
dent and Mrs. Roosevelt to bo fhnir
KOSTON, Mass., Jan. 7 (UP)
Fears of a food shortage in central
and northern New "England grew to
day as a strike of 5,000 union truck
drivers entered its third day.
Spurred by Governor Leveret t Sal
tonstall, representatives of 400 em
ployers and officials of the truckers
union met today with the state arbi
tration board.
Both the American Federation of
Labor union and the employers clung
to their positions during a nine-hour
conference yesterday. The union
wants $40 for a 40-hour week while
the employers refused to grant more
than $37 for a 48-hour week. At
present drivers receive $33 to $37 for
a 4 5-nour week. Retailers rennrled
they had sufficient supplies to carry
over the week-end but should the
strike continue they feared an acute
Immigration officials revealed today
that 14,159 immigrant Jews entered
the United States from Germany and
Austria during the first nine months
of 193S.
The Jewish immigrants constitut
ed 79 per cent of the German-Austrian
total of 17,110 which sought
refuge on American shores from Jan
uary through September of last
yea r.
Immigration has mounted steadily
since Hitler's "Anschluss" of last
March. Although no figures were
available yet on the effect of the
Sudeten crisis nor the latest out
break of Anti-Semitism in Germany,
officials expressed belief that the
quota for each month had been fill
ed. State department officials reported
that visa numbers for entry from
Germany and Austria have been as
signed for more than a year ahead,
and thousands of refugees clamor for
iermission to enter this country.
But U. S. laws make no allowance
for refugees. The Austrian and Ger
man quota, combined after Hitler's
peaceful merger of the two countries,
totals 27,370 for the government's
fiscal year (from July 1 of one year
t: June 30 of the next). The Czecho
Slovak quota is 2.S74 for a fiscal
Czechoslovak immigration for the
first nine months of 1938 before
the Sudeten crisis totalled 2,312
persons of whom 619 or approxi
mately 25 per cent were Jews.
During the fiscal year ending last
june JO, Germany did not fill her
quota, but this will not be true dur-
r.g the current fiscal year. In that
year, a total of 17,199 persons en
tered the United States from Ger
many, of whom 11,917 were Jews.
Friday evening the Townsend Old
Age Pension club met at the Recrea
tion Center with a very much inter
ested group in attendance. A short
talk was given byAdam Marshall ex
plaining the workings of the organ
ization and the moves necessary In
Officers elected were:
President Thad Chadwick.
Vice-President Cliff Schafer.
Secretary-Treasurer Chas. Clark.
Want ads are read and almost
Invariably get results.
In the County Court of Cass Comi
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons interested In the
estate of John W. Barrow, deceased.
No. 33S0:
Take notice that a petition has
been filed for the probate of an in
strument purporting to be the last
will and testament of said deceased.
and for the appointment of Maude
Barrow as Executrix thereof: that
said petition ha3 been set for hear
ing before said Court on the 27th
day of January, 1939, at 10 a. m.
Dated December 31, 193 8.
(Seal) j2-3w County Judge.
Platters Win
from Hamburg
by 60-28 Score
Hayes Leads Fighting Blue and White
With 24 Points Many See
Service in Contest.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the
estate of Edgar J. Burns, deceased.
No. 3376:
Take notice that a petition has
been filed for the probate of an in
strument purporting to be the last
will and testament of said deceased,
and for the appointment of Daisy
Burns as Executrix thereof; that
said petition has been set for hear
ing before said Court on the 20th
day of January, 1939 at 10 a. m.
Dated December 23rd, 1938. x
(Seal) d26-3tw County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty. Nebraska.
To the creditors of the estate of
Henry G. Soennichsen, deceased. No.
Take notice that the time limited
for the filing and presentation of
claims against said estate is April
24th, 1939; that a hearing will be
had at the County Court room in
Plattsmouth on April 28th, 1939 at
World immigration to the United examining C ,
States last year totaled 67.S95, of justing all Iaims or objections duly
whom 19,73 6 were Jews.
Dated December 23rd, 1938.
(Seal) d26-3w County Judee.
NEW YORK, Jan. 5 (UP) Fire
swept through a five-story tenement
house early today, killing at least
four persons and driving almost 200
into the streeU in their night
clothes, some barefooted and carry
ing pets. Onlv one hndv hni iicnn un
covered. Three other bodies could bo
seen in the still blazing ruins.
The fire was discovered shnrflv
a. m. and had been out of
after 3
In the District Court of Cass
County, Nebraska
Li.ura Etta Hendee, et al,
vs. )
Fred McEIvain. et al,
Notice is hereby given that, under
and by virtue of an Order of Sale
entered in the above entitled cause
BERLIN, Jan. 6 (UP) The news-
guests at Hyde Park for several da paper Zeitun Am Mittag published
i . . " I r ! it 4'. i. .
auring the latter part of April.
Thn I.,.",U r: i .
i-aiusn ruiee ana i rincess
will be the third royal couple to come
to America during the next six
on its lirst nacre tn.l;iv a cartoon
which depicts President Roosevelt,
clad in Roman armor with a kilt
like skirt in the role of Mars with a
bomb and a dagger in his belt, a
Kinp George VI and his queen will SWOrd !n one hand and a revolver
be guests of the president and Mr
Roosevelt some time during June
Crown Prince Olaf and the Crovn
in the other. From the president's
mouth extends a bridle which is
held by a diminutive Jew who
Princess of Norway also will visit the President's back, swing-
Koosevelts during April,
Ing a cat o' nine tails at the ends
of which are stars of David.
The caption of the cartoon is:
America s president debases him-
hasuiuiu.n, Jan. G (UP) sen to become a handy man fori
Rep. Harold Knutson, It.' Minn., world Jewry, to secure Jewish help
Thursday introduced a bill to prohibit for a third term election.
American citizens from accepting
presents or titles of any kind from BIRD FLIES TTJTfl RTTT.T.F.T
Kings princes, or loreign govern
ments. ' MELnm:n'p acou ttt
Australian sportsmen labor under
years would be the penalty for viola- greater inconveniences from birds
tion. I than snnrtsmpn in hn. ro-i-
I. unj VJ Lli l. 1 Ul V
ivnuison said tne bill was not or tne world. In addition to the
prompted by Germany's recent be- huge crows which amuse themselves
stowal of honors on Henry Ford andU- carrying off golf balls, a magpie
Col. Charles A. Lindbergh "although 6t in its work during a rifle match
it would have applied to their cases "ere by swooping down and Inter
ii ii naa been in effect." cepung the bullet of a contestant. It
lost its lite, and the rifleman had to
Phone news Items tc Ko. Z. fire again
0!1 th 20 th flaw of rioiximhai. 11)17
three hours. One woman's and an Order of Sale entered 'on th
I, 1 1 i A
uuuy naa. Deen recovered and identi- Jtst day of December, 1937, the
fied tentatively as that of Mrs. Anna Ie Referpe will on the 4th day of
Le Clara who ved with her husband l ' X ' at , ClOCk a' m
, ,1 a J ' nufaoana at the south front door of the court
on the third floor. The bod es of two hn.,o , rt .
I - - ... miioiuuuiu, 111 tUUIl-
be ty. Nebraska, sell at public auction
to the highest bidder for cash, that
more women and a man could
ieen from the street.
The fire was believed to have start
ed in the "Jade Buddha," a Chinese
American restaurant on the ground
floor and was not discovered until it
had burst through the ceiling into
the second floor and was shooting up
is to say, io on the day of sale,
and the balance when said sale shall
be confirmed by the court, the follow
ing described real estate, to-wit:
Lot 30 in the SWU of the
SE'i of Section 13, Township
12, Range 13, East of the 6th
P. M.. in Cass county, Nebraska
the old building whose main exit was Sale will be held open one hour.
a wooden stairway.
CHICAGO, Jan. 6 (UP) Gen.
Hugh Johnson, former NRA adminis
trator, said Thursday that Felix
Frankfurter , President Roosevelt's
choice for the U. S. supreme court.
was "pretty radical."
I think Prof. Frankfurter is one
Dated this 31st day of December
Sole Referee,
Attorney for riaintiff.
J2-5W .
County of Cass
State of Nebraska 1
j S3.
r i i. i j . .. . . 1J- "i an
must ivduicu men oi law in tne Order of Sale issued by C. E Ledtr-
i t -r t .... I " "
country, jonnson said, "but I think way. cjierk of the District Court
he is an administrator rather than a Wltn,n and for Cass County, Ne
iudtro " orasKa, ana 10 me directed, I will
AcU,i :p u u.h .V1 January, a. u
.4o.4tu a ..v.- uiuufjiii rranMuner ii3, at 10:00 o'clock a. m. of saifl
represented the nation's viewpoint on day at the south front door of the
social and economic legislation. John- rourt nuse in Plattsmouth, Ne-
son said:
"No. I think he's pretty radical. If
he isn't, his principal disciples cer
tainly are. Everybody knows who his
disciples are. Thomas Corcoran (RFC
counsel and close advisor to the presi
dent) is one of them."
LINCOLN, Jan. 7 (UP) The state
railway "commission today set appli
cation of the Missouri Pacific rail
road to discontinue a full time agency
at Manley in Cass county for hear
ing January 23.
The National Broadcasting company
will no longer accept advertising for
beer or light wines, Lenox B. Dohr,
president of the radio chain, an
nounced today.
braska, in said county, sell at pub
lie auction to the highest bidder for
cash the following real estate, to
Lots 1-10-1S-19-21-24-3O in
the northwest quarter (NW'i)
and Lot 27 and all that part of
Lots 20 and 25 lyitfg west of
the public road in the southwest
quarter of the northeast quarter
(SW'i of the NE'i) all in Sec
tion twenty-one (21), Township
eleven (11), Range fourteen
(14), East of the 6th P. M.,
containing 92 Vt. acres, more or
less, according to the United
States Government Survey there
of, in Cass county, Nebraska
The same being levied upon and taken
as tne property of Frank E. Vallery.
et al, Defendants, to satisfy a judg
ment of said Court recovered by The
Union Central Life Insurance Com
pany of Cincinnati, Ohio, a corpora
tion, Plaintiff against said Defend
ants. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, December
10, A. D. 1938.
Sheriff Cass County,
d!2-5w Nebraska.
Friday evening tne Platters really
found themselves in the contest with
the Hamburg, Iowa, quintet by an
nexing the contest 60 to 28 and in
which practically all of the Platter
squad were able to see action against
the visitors. Hayes was high scorer
with 24 points.
Coach Bion Hoffman at the open
ing of the game sent in his shock
troops against the visitors, Smith
and Jacobs, forwards, Hayes, center
and Tidball and Davis at the guard
posts and they played a very effec
tive game with excellent guarding
shown by Davis. Hayes broke the
ice for the game with a nifty shot
from beneath the basket and the
race was on. Rubey, guard, scored
for Hamburg for their only counter
in the first. Rebal, Reed and Wall
were then sent into the game to aid in
the scoring and ran the total to 7
to 2 for Plattsmouth as the quarter
The second quarter saw both teams
scoring more freely and with Hayes
at center continuing his attacks at
the basket and assisted by Jacobs
and Rebal with Bruce of Hamburg
accounting for a great deal of his
team's showing. The halftime score
showed the Plattsmouth team out in
front 25 to 14.
It was in the third stanza of the
struggle that the locals really started
to get warm and a general attack
on the basket participated in by Reed,
Hayes, Rebal, Jacobs and Ed Smith
served, to dim the hopes that might
have lingered with the visitors for
victory. Wall In a fine guard game
was a tower of strength in holding
down the visitors attack. At the
close of the third quarter the score
had mounted to 40 to 16 for the
In the final quarter of the game
Coach Hoffman had all of his play
ers in the contest, the first trm
massing a formidable lead and the
second team to close the contest and
effectively checking any dangerous
rally on the part of the Iowa team.
The locals were effective, in all, de
partments of the game and showed
real form in their play. Hamburg
divided their scoring well, Bruce
The game was enjoyed by a good
crowd and featured as a special en
tertainment between halves a tap
dancing exhibition given by Lois
Wolever, Donna Bee Seiver, Jeanne
Hudson and Shirley Burcham, with
Shirley Seiver as the accompanist.
The songs and dances were artis
tically staged and very much enjoyed
by the audience.
The Plattsmouth second team won
by 35 to 22 and in which the junior
Platters showed class and promise
of many good things next year when
they will represent the school on
the court. The basket shooting of
Favors, Yelick and White and the
fine and effective floor work of
Minor, Davis and Martin gave the
crowd plenty to enjoy.
The box score of the game was as
Plattsmouth (60)
Kebal, f 5
Davis, f o
Smith, f Z.Z 3
Hayes, c n
Jacobs, g 6
Tidball, g ZZZ 0
Noble, f o
Reed, g 3
Wall, g 0
Minor, g 0
28 4
Hamburg (28)
i-ong, t 3
Bruce, f 4
Miller, c "i
Jaskie, g 2
Rubey, g 0
Hensleigh, g 0
. 8
The game was refereed by Harvey
Grace, a veteran of the University of
Nebraska basketball teams of a de
cade ago and who did a very neat
Thursday night the Hlnky-Dinkv
bowling team won from the Platts
mouth Creamery on the local duckball
courts by the score of 2072 to 1925
Cap Gayer was high man for the
Creamery with 485 and W. S. Hall for
Hinky-Dinky with 438.
J. Howard Davis
Attorney at Law ji
Plattsmouth S