The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 09, 1939, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    MONDAY. JANUARY 9, 1939.
Elmwood News
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Greene trans
acted business in Lincoln last Mon
day. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. "West spent
New Years at the home of Sidney
James and family in the country.
August Seikman and -w ife, of near
Eagle visited friends here last Tues
day, coming to Elmwood to transact
business matters.
Mrs. Bertha Ostertag went to Kan
Ei.n City last Tuesday, where she ex
recta to visit for several weeks with
rflatives and friends.
Miss Irene Plymale who visited at
the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Ben Plymale at Ashland over
New Years, resumed her work at the
restaurant here Monday.
James Greene, son of Mr. end Mrs.
Ralph Greene departed last week for
Cleveland, Ohio, where he was call
ed to look after business matters
which will require his presence there
lor some little time.
Uncle Alex Miller spent New
Years with relatives at Weeping
Water. He was much pleased to find
that his little granddaughter, Jean
Stocks, who had been in the hos
pital for an operation was back home
greatly improved in health.
Beturn to School
Robert Aldrich. Donald Gonzales,
Betty and Dwight Clements, who
have been spending the mid-winter
holidays in Elmwood with their par
ents, returned to Lincoln Tuesday to
lesume their studies at the Univer
sity of Nebraska.
Enjoyed Pleasant Evening
The two bridge clubs met at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Doanie Stark
last Monday evening, when they en
gaged in a spirited session of auc
tion bridge and also enjoyed a fine
Held Union Services
The churches of Elmwood joined
together and held a very interesting
union service Sunday evening at the
Evangelical church with music pro
vided by singers from all the differ
ent churches. The address was de
livered by Rev. E. M. Hawkins, pas
ter of the Christian church. The ser
vice was largely attended and enjoy
ed by everyone.
New Years Guests
Mrs. Lucy Lyle, chief operator at
the Elmwood telephone exchange,
was hostess at her home on New
"ears day, when her guests included
K. M. Stark and family, Morris Wey
chel and wife and Mrs. Floy Buell
and family. A fine New Years sup
per was enjoyed.
Met with Painful Accident
When Mrs. Thessie Kelley was
about to place some empty pop bot
tles back in the case, she slipped and
fell, extending her hand to break the
fall. One of the bottles had struck
the floor a second before and broken
and her hand came in contact with
the broken glass resulting in a se
vere wrist cut that severed the ten
dons and required numerous stitches
being taken to close the wound. The
p.ccident came Just after she had re
turned to her work following a two
weeks' siege with the flu.
Welcomed the New Year
Many turned out to welcome the
new year here, one cf the features
being a New Year's eve dance which
continued well past the midnight
hour. There were also numerous
home gatherings to watch out the old
year and welcome the new and the
spirit of revelry was much in evi
dence throughout the town. It being
Saturday night, many of the busi
ness houses did not get to close un
til the wee small hours.
Disastrous Farm Farm
The Journal Thursday carried the
story of the disastrous fire at the
Eveland farm, which entailed a heavy
loss of property. Firemen from Elm
wood were called to the scene and
assisted in saving the house from de
struction along with the other farm
buildings. The fire boys are quick to
respond to calls for aid, whether the
fire be in town or some distance
away and their work was much ap
preciated in this time of need.
The Alvo fire fighters with their
esuipment also came over to help
the Elmwood boys.
You can get Rubber Stamps at
lowest prices at Journal office.
Thomas Wallir.g Company
Atitract of Title
Phone S24 - PlatUmoutb.
Mr. and Mrs. George Shackley
transacted business in Lincoln last
John Marquardt transacted busi
ness in Lincoln last Monday, driving
over in his car.
The Woman's club of Avoca met
Thursday of last week at the home
of Supt. and Mrs. Softley.
Ed Freeman and wife of Weeping
Water visited at the home of their
son, Earl Freeman and family last
Edward Shackley, who has been in
poor health for some time, was taken
worse last week and has been in a
serious condition.
Fred McGrady, Avoca blacksmith,
is still confined to his "bed after an
illness of three weeks, but is con
siderably improved.
The Thomas family of Shenandoah
spent New Years day here as guests
at the home of Postmaster W. II.
Bogaard, father of Mrs. Thomas.
Mrs. Reed Owens of Sioux City
arrived in Avoca the first of last
week and has been visiting with her
mother, Mrs. Florence Durham.
Miss Selma Marquardt, who is em
ployed in Omaha, returned to her
work there last Monday after having
spent her two weeks holiday vaca
tion at home.
Mr. and Mrs. Hal Garnet and
Peter Garnet of Plattsmouth, were
fjuests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
True Harmon, who live west of
Avoca. last Sunday.
Misses Jeannie and Wilma Stutt.
daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Stutt, returned to Lincoln the first
cf the week to resume their studies
at the University of Nebraska after
spending the holiday season at home.
Parr Young and wife, who reside
near Nehawka. called on their old
friends. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mar
quard last Monday when they took
their daughter. Miss Mildred, back to
Lincoln to resume her studies at the
University of Nebraska.
Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Kokjer re
turned to their home at Riverton,
where Prof. Kokjer is superintendent
of schools, after spending the holi
day vacation with the parents of
Mrs. Kokjer in Omaha and Jordan's
parents. Rev. and Mrs. J. M. Kokjer
Senator Fred Carsten went to
Lincoln Monday to be present at the
opening of the legislative term on
Tuesday. Fred is one of the twenty
former unicameral members return
ed to that office again this year. Of
the 23 other members, nine have had
previous legislative experience, as
senators or representatives under the
old two house system of state gov
ernment, leaving 14 so-called fresh
men in legislative experience.
Visited His Mother
Marion Pittman and family were
in Nehawka last Sunday, where
they went to visit with the mother
of Marion, and also enjoyed a fine
New Years day dinner at the home
of Robert H. Chapman, brother-in-U'vr
of Mr. Pittman. Mr. Pittman
goes every week to visit his mother,
v,ho is now making her home with
her daughter, Mrs. Chapman and
Called West by Death
Mr. and Mrs. George Shackley re
ceived a message telling of the very
serious illness of Bert Shackley of
Denver. George hastened to Denver
Lut on arrival there found that Bert
had died. He remained to attend the
funeral, arriving home last Tuesday.
New Years at Marquardt's
Mr. and. Mrs. Harry Marquardt
entertained at a New Years gather
ing and dinner at their home in
Avoca last Sunday. Those present
were Mr. and Mrs. Francis Mar
quardt of Lincoln, Fred Marquardt
and family, Mrs. Caroline Marquardt,
Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Brendel of Avoca
and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Coekel and
frmily of Omaha. The Cockels came
by way of Plattsmouth, where they
attended services at the Presbyter
ian church before continuing on to
this place.
Organize Men's Club
Last week the men of Avoca and
vicinity met for the purpose of orga
nizing a club that would concern it
self with anything for the benefit of
the town and community. The at
tendance was about fifty. Captain
Wellers, who is pastor of one of the
churches in Lincoln, was the guest
speaker and brought to the group a
splendid message.
In the organization of the new
club, Senator Fred . Carsten was
named as president, Rev. Hall as
secretary and Dr. J. W. Brendel as
treasurer. A number of committees
were appointed and arrangements
made for the club to meet on the
third Thursday of each month.
Following the business session,
doughnuts and coffee were served.
Charles Buell of Tekamah was a
guest at the Albert Elum home on
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Campbell
drove to Gretna Friday to visit Mrs.
Myrtle Campbell.
Robert Walling and Rae Patter
son, of Plattsmouth, were calling on
friends here Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Campbell
spent Wednesday evening with Mr.
and Mrs. Chas. Fosberg.
Mr. and Mrs. William Blum, Helen
and Herbert, enjoyed New Year's
dinner with relatives in Alvo.
James Crawford was called to
Murdock Tuesday evening to see his
brother, Robert, who is very ill.
Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Mooney and
sons. Bill and Bob. and Mrs. Henry
Stander were Lincoln visitors Sat
urday. The Friendly Circle club will meet
on Thursday, January 12 with Mrs.
Charles Kennedy in her new home
in Ashland.
John Henthorn of Aurora called
at the Albert Blum home Thursday
and remained untilFriday, when he
went to Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stulken and
family of Selby. South Dtkota, vis
ited at the Albert Blum home last
Tuesday evening.
Robert Long and his sons, Sam
and Jack, are spending the holidays
in Sweeney, Texas, with Robert's
father, Harry Long.
Mrs. Wm. O'Brien, Mrs. Sterling
Smith and Mrs. Robert Long were
Wednesday afternoon callers at the
home of Mrs. Lottie Knecht.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Zaar drove
to Louisville Thursday afternoon,
where they enjoyed a visit with Mr.
and Mrs. H. Stulken and family at
the Lawrence Duerr home.
Mrs. George Thimgan and two
children, Leo and Mary Alice, are
spending a few days with her moth
er, Mrs. Wm. Kitrell. Mrs. Robert
Long visited them on Tuesday even
ing. Miss Florence Zaar returned to her
school on Monday, after spending the
holidays at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Zaar. Miss Zaar
it teaching the eighth grade in the
David City public schools.
Mrs. Wm. Yeager of Alvo, Mrs.
Clarence Bncknell of Elmwood and
Mrs. Charles' Boyles of Lincoln and
Mrs. Charles Bucknell of Burlington,
Colorado, were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. George Braun on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Dill and Ver
non, Bill Rosencrans and Robert
Gans motored to Lincoln Sunday
evening, where they visited at the.T.
G. Gans home. Robert had spent his
Christmas vacation at the Dill home.
Mis3 Helen Saunders and Miss
Lauretta Burdick, teachers in the
South Eend school, returned on Sun
day to resume their duties on Mon
day morning. They had spent the
holiday vacation with relatives at
Creighton. Nebraska.
Friends of Mrs. Julius Reinke, of
Murdock, formerly of South Bend,
are very sorry to hear of her serious
illness. At present she is suffering
from pneumonia and a very weak
heart. All her South Bend friends
hope for a speedy recovery.
Mrs. Paul Reinke, Mrs. Albert
Blum and Mrs. Wm. Blum spent last
Tuesday evening at the Walter Thim
gahn home, where they audited the
Ladies Aid treasurer's books. Wm.
Blum, Herman Kupke and Rev.
Krey were also callers, they holding
a Sunday school board meeting.
Announcement of the marriage of
Miss Edna McCrory to Victor Thim
gan. both of Murdock, has been re
ceived by friends in South Bend.
The marriage took place in Murdock
on Saturday evening, December 31.
A more detailed account appears in
the Murdock news department. Miss
McCrory is a former teacher in the
South Bend school. Everyone extends
to them congratulations and best
Mrs. Ida Thieman. Elda and Mar
vin Sutton, Martin Blum, Mr. and
Mrs. Alb Blum and Allen, Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Elum. Helen and Herbert
and John Henthorn enjoyed Thurs
day evening in Louisville at the Law
rence Duerr home, where they visit
ed a cousin, Mrs. Henry Stulken
and husband and family of Selby,
South Dakota'. Mrs. Stulken will be
remembered as Anna"Huber of South
Bend and Louisville.
Mr. and Mrs. David Pickrell have
as their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Warner and daughter, Joy, of Love
land, Colorado. Mr. Warner is an
old time friend of Mr. Pickrell, they
having worked together in the west
for several years and since that time
the two families have kept In close
touch with each other altho this is
the first visit they have had together
for some time.
From Thursday's Daily
Presbyterian Federation
The Presbyterian Federation was
entertained at the church yesterday
afternoon by Circle No. 3. The busi
ness meeting was held and the
lesson was given on the first
installment of the book, "Moving
Millions." Mrs. Fay Martin and
Mrs. J. R. Reeder sang a duet. The
Christmas theme was carried out.
There was a very good attendance at
the meeting. Delicious refreshments
were served.
Honor Mrs. Joseph Sinkula
The ladies of the Holy Rosary altar
society entertained last evening at
the church club rooms at a 7 o'clock
covered dish luncheon, honoring Mrs.
Joseph Sinkula, of Cleveland, Ohio,
who is visiting at the home of her
son, 'Rev. J. R. Sinskula.
After serving a most delicious
luncheon, the evening was spent in
visiting and playing Bingo at which
prizes were given for each game.
A lovely gift was presented the
guest of honor from the members of
the society as a remembrance of the
There were forty-one present at
this enjoyable luncheon.
Shower for Miss Palmer
Mrs. H. E. Chandler entertained
last night at a miscellaneous shower
at her home on Fifth avenue. The
event was in honor of Miss Viva Pal
mer who is to be married on January
15 to Mr. Earle Koeble.
A number of very interesting and
difficult contests were held in which
prizes were won by Mrs. Thomas
Kriskey and Miss Palmer. Gifts were
placed in a basket which had been
very artistically decorated with pink
crepe paper, cupids and pierced
hearts. The bride-to-be received
many very beautiful and useful gifts.
At an appropriate hour delicious
refreshments were served by the hos
tess. Celebrates Birthday
Wilma Mae Keil entertained a
number of her classmates and friends
on her eighth birthday on Jan. 2
and at her home on Chicago avenue.
It was also her father and mother's
10th wedding anniversary. The aft
ernoon was spent in playing games
outdoors and in taking pictures. She
received many lovely gifts. At an
appropriate hour dainty refresh
ments were served by her mother.
Those present were Peggy Jean
Highfield, Melva June Price, Beverly
Ann Chancellor, Frances Mae Clink
enbeard, Helen Marie Falk, Leila
Mae Clark, Richard Wohlfarth,
Mele Dasher, Richard Kline, Dale
and Eugene Keil, Mrs. Phillip Keil of
Murray, Mrs. Otto Wohlfarth and her
mother, Mrs. Clarence Keil and the
guest of honor, Wilma Mae Keil. All
wished her many more happy birth
days. Golden Wedding Day
December 24 marked the 50th wed
ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs.
I. L. Van Sant. members of the Ma
sonic Home. Mr. and Mrs. Van Sant
were ushered into the ladies parlor
where about 100 guests awaited
them and where W. F. Evers ad
dressed the couple. He also read a
number of telegrams from friends
at Milwaukee, Chicago, St. Louis
and Omaha, and presented them with
a large wedding cake donated by the
Omar Baking company of Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. Van Sant also received
many beautiful bouquets and a num
ber of fine gifts.
Rev. Luther Kunz performed the
very impressive wedding ceremony
and offered prayer. Congratulations
were received from their many
The parlor was beautifully decor
ated with a large Christmas tree sur
rounded by gifts. Santa appeared and
Christmas presents were given to all
the guests as well as the bride and
Mr. and Mrs. Van Sant were mar
ried on December 24, 1888 at Omaha
where they resided for 52 years. Mr.
Van Sant is 78; Mrs. Van Sant is 77.
They expressed their appreciation to
Mrs. J. E. Lugsch and Mrs. Jones of
Omaha, committee, and the members
of the Omaha Gracev Methodist
church, and to the Omar company
for the lovely cake.
From Friday's Daily
Thursday Afternoon Bridge Club
Miss Verna Leonard entertained
the Thursday afternoon Bridge club
yesterday. First prize was taken by
Mrs. John Donelan and second T)j
Mrs. Karl Brown of Papillion.
Have Fine Program
A very fine program was pre
sented yesterday afternoon at the
meeting of the Methodist Women's
Federation. A very interesting four
reel picture on the "Bee" was shown
by Mrs. A. H. Duxbury. The chorus
of the Golden Rod Study club of My
nard was then presented and gave
several lovely numbers. The pro
gram was in charge of Mrs. Golda
Wiles. Delicious refreshments were
served at the close of the entertain
ment. The Gleaners circle enter
tained with hostesses Mrs. A. R.
Noble, Mrs. Fern McMaken, Mrs.
William Senf. Mrs. R. B. Hayes, Mrs.
Wallace Warner, Mrs. Don York and
Mrs. Homer Sylvester.
Wabash News
LeRoy Stanley and Clifford Browne
were hauling fodder and storing it
about the barns of the former last
Little Gwendolyn Gerbeling, the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Orville
Gerbeling, who has been sick with
the flu for some time, is reported as
about well at this time.
Miss Geraldine Schmidt, who con
ducts the beauty parlor at Murdock
visited from Saturday until Tuesday
at the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Louis Schmidt.
Harvey Law and a friend from
Lincoln were in Wabash last Wed
nesday, dealing with Parker Otte for
the purchase of furs, as Mr. Otte is
a trapper as well as a barber.
Sherman Hardaway, manager of
the Wabash mercantile institution,
was feeling indisposed several days
last week, when he went without eat
ing, but refused to give up and stuck
to the job. He is now feeling much
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schmidt were
in Plattsmouth last Tuesday and Mr.
Schmidt was looking after some tech
nicalities incident to his taking of
fice as road overseer for the coming
year, to which he was re-elected at
the November election.
John H. Buck brought his wood
sawing outfit over from Murdock
last week and was sawing wood for
.i number of parties who have cut
down the large trees on their prop
erty which have died as a result of
the drouth the past few years.
All Home for the New Year
Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Gerbeling
were pleased to have the family all
home for New Years day and a most
happy reunion it was with peals of
merry laughter from the kiddies as
well as their elders. A most delicious
dinner was served. Those present
included Orville Gerbeling and fam
ily, Emil Bauer and family, of
Waverly. Ralph Colbert and family,
Clifford Beesley and family, of Have-
lock and Lloyd McCoy and family
of Lincoln.
From Friday'a Dally
Joseph I. Corley, of Weeping. Wa
ter, was in the city today to attend
to some matters at the court house.
E. A. Rosen, of the Rosen-Novak
Motor Co., of Omaha was here today
to look after some matters of busi
ness. Attorney C. E. Tefft, of Weeping
Water, was here today to attend to
some matters in the county court as
well as visiting with his friends.
From Saturday's Daily
Miss Helen Reed of Murray was a
visitor in the city yesterday.
Carl D. Ganz, of Alvo, was a
business visitor in Plattsmouth yes
Mrs. Gregory Rick of Kansas City
has been visiting here at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Woest for a
few days while Mr. Rick transacted
some business in Omaha.
From Friday'a Datty
R. J. Hackenburg was honored
this morning at the Oak Hill ceme
tery by a personal call by Stoker
and Smola of the . Con-O-Lite Vault
company of Omaha who presented
him with a Christmas gift. The gift
was one which the whole family will
enjoy, a red leather treasure chest
filled with eight items of the Heinz
products. Mr. Hackenburk was an
employee of the company several
years ago and very much appreciates
this fine gift from the company.
Judge A. H. Duxbury was at the
high, school on Wednesday afternoon
to present the film of the U. S. de
partment of agriculture on the life
end development of the bees and the
many ways in which the product of
the bee is used in the national life.
A total of 285 young people were
able to 6ee this fine film, which was
Lnth (nlni-aatlni, lull nsf rilPtlTA tfk
the students and faculty members.
Mrs. William Armstrong Is much
better at this writing.
Connie Osborne has been on the
sick list the past week.
There was a good attendance at
Dorcas Friday. A lovely lunch was
served by the officers. .
Misses Dorothy Smith of Memphis
and Dorothy Leesley called on Lu
cille Kelly Friday afternoon.
Mrs. John Gable and Mrs. Emily
Sayles called on Mrs. Fannie Sayles
Wednesday evening.
Mrs. Elsie Smith and daughters,
Dorothy and Madeline, were visitors
in Greenwood Friday.
There was a good attendance at
the ,pld time dance Saturday night.
Mrs. Leonard Jardine has been on
the sick list.
The drug store building is being
repainted and made ready for occu
pancy by the Gribble store, which is
to move there in the near future.
The L. C. C. entertained their
husbands at a party at the I. O. O. F.
hall Friday night. A delicious lunch
was served by Mrs. Elsie Marvin,
Alice Lemon and Mable Boucher.
Mrs. L. Hansen received word that
her son Ted was injured in an auto
accident in California last Saturday
night. He is getting along all right
and will be able to leave the hos
pitle soon.
Deal-a-Deck Club Elects
Mrs. Leadarbrand entertained the
pinochle party of the Deal-a-Deck
club Thursday. Mrs. Norma McNur
l.'n was a guest. Ardis Stuart won
high and Adeline Gustafson second.
At the election of officers Mrs. Lot
tie Bright was named president, and
Mrs. Laymen, secretary and treas
urer. They voted to hold night meet
ings. A delicious lunch was served.
The next meeting will be with Mrs.
Myrtle Cameron.
Guests at Etheredge Home
Mr. and Mrs. Conn Keiger and
sons of Detroit, Michigan, were New
Year guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Etheredge. Mr. and Mrs. Keiger are
old friends of Mrs. Etheredge.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Strahn, of Wav
erly were guests at the Etheredge
home Thursday.
Entertained Womans Club
Mrs. Anna Churchill entertained
the Greenwood Womans club at her
home in Ashland Wednesday after
noon. The subject of the meeting
was "Antiques." Miss Churchill is a
collector of antiques and her home
with its lovely antique furniture,
dishes, etc., some very priceless, pro
vided a most charming setting for
the meeting. Roll call was answered
by each member displaying some
antique brought from their own
home. Delicious refreshments were
served by the hostess.
The Jolly Workers club held their
New Year party at the home of Ed
Tritsch for the members and their
families, the main feature being a
6:30 dinner with everything good to
eat served cafeteria style. Children
played bingo. Prizes were given for
each that bingoed. Pinochle and
dancing provided the entertainment
for the adults. At midnight a lunch
of cake, Jello, whipped cream and
coffee was served. In the card games
high score went to Ed Tritsch, low
to Roy Tschirren. Ladies' high went
to Mrs. Roy Tschirren and low to
Mrs. George Kaffenberger.
A suit in partition entitled Neva
G. Hopkins, et al, vs. David Ross
Hopkins, et al, has been filed in the
district court. This is an action to
clear up some city property in Weep
ing Water owned by the late Mr.
and Mrs. George H. Dennis.
A booklet containing the opinions of
famous doctors on this Interesting ab
ject win be sent FREE, while they last,
to auy reader writing to the Educational
Division. 551 Fifth Avenue, New York,
N. Y., DeptWL.
The annual meeting of the stock
holders of the Manley Grain Co.
will be held at the office of the
company in Manley on Monday,
January 16, 1939, at 1 :00 o'clock
p. m., sharp.
Harry Haws,
Herman Dall transacted business
et the court house in Plattsmouth
last Friday.
Mrs. Frank Bergman was under
the weather last week, suffering from
an aggravated attack of flu.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Stohlman of
Omaha were New Years guests at
the Frederick Stohlman home here.
Herbert Rchliefert and wife wero
in Omaha last Monday, where they
called on Mr3. Julius Reinke, mother
cf Mrs. Schliefert, at the hospital.
Faye Kestard, who makes his
home with Mr. and Mrs. David
Brann, left last week for Atchison.
Kansas, where he expects to visit
for a couple of weeks.
Misses Alice and Betty Ault and
their friend, Miss Shirley Peterson
of Plattsmouth, were New Years
guests at the O. E. McDonald home.
returning home Monday.
Frank Stander of Omaha, accom
panied by his daughter Lillian and
August Pautsch, were looking after
business matters at the Mauley State
Bank Tuesday of last week.
Father Hennessy of Manley was at
Avoca last week, where he assisted
rather McFadden, pastor of the Syra
cuse and Avoca churches with the
conduct of 13 hours devotions.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Rauth were
in Omaha New Years day. guests at
the home of Mrs. Peter Christensen.
who was assisted in entertaining the
visitors by Mrs. Nellie Zwerlein.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Flaischman
spent New Years day in Ashland at
the homes of their daughters, Mrs.
Charles Gade and Mrs. Albert Coch
ran, and their respective families.
A number of friends of Mrs. Rob
ert McDonald, of Avoca, who was
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
O. E. McDonald, gave her a birthday
party one day last week. A most en
joyable time was reported by all.
Danish Ladies Aid Meeting
The Danish Ladies Aid society,
with members at Weeping Water
and elsewhere over this part of the
ccunty held a very interesting meet
ing at the I. O. O. F. hall in Weep
ing Water a week ago Monday that
was attended by a number of Man
ley people. The meeting was in the
nature of a Christmas party with an
appropriate program and amusements
for both the grown-ups and the kid
dies. New Years Watch Party
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hansen, who
live west of Louisville entertained
a number of friends at a New Years
eve watch party. Among those from
this vicinity who were present were
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Rauth and
Thor Hansen and wife. The other
guests were Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Salberg and Eldon Ragoos. A fine
lunch was served as the old year
was waning and the new year was
appropriately greeted by the group.
Suffered Severe Fall
While Henry Vogler was engaged
in anchoring weights on a stack o(
sargo, the wire attached to a cul
tivator wheel that was being used
as one of the weights became de
tached causing him to lose his bal
ance and fall from the stack, a dis
tance of some fourteen feet. He lit
on his head and shoulders, and al
though, luckily, no bones were brok
en, he was badly bruised and has
been plenty sore and stiff as a result
ot his experience.
We offer to the people of
this community the pro
tection and service of the
largest and oldest insur
ance companies in Amer
ica . . and urge that you
We will be glad to discuss
your insurance problems
with you .at any time
without obligation.
Call or See
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