Hebr. Stae H;storicaI Saciety be sonm VOL. NO. UV PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, MONDAY, JANUARY 9, 1939. NO. 97 Chamber of Commerce Has Its Election J. Howard Davis Is Re-elected to Position of President Pre pare for Coming Year. The riattsmouth Chamber of Com merce met Thursday evening at the Hotel Plattsmouth in their annual meeting and at which time tbey pre pared to launch into the program for 1939. President J. Howard Davis, called the meeting to order and i resided over the deliberations of the body. Treasurer L. O. Minor reported that on January 1. 193S the balance in the treasury had been $102.22, that in the past year $181.35 had Leen .collected. The expenditures made had been $247.42. lesiving a balance of $30.05. Chairman J. P. Sattler of the road3 and highway committee reported that in the city the rocking of Wintersteen hill road and Lincoln avenue had added a great deal to the improve ment of the highways of the city, that the extension of the sower on Chicago avenue would make possible the carrying out of work on the pav ing there to place it in good shape. Chairman A. L. Tidd of the indus tries committee, reported that his committee had written to some 350 industries and had many responses that indicated the parties would look over this situation. Several had been here looking over elevator sites and it seemed assured that an elevator would be erected as soon as river navigation was started. Several other manufacturers were being contacted and might be expected to look over the local situation. T. II. Pollock of the Missouri river improvement committee, stated that the local engineering" force'was using ( the dock and warehouse for storage and a large amount of material and supplies were kept there. He also had been assured that a large amount of work would t done on the river between this city and Onaha the coming year. George K. Hetrick of the agricul ture committee, reported that his committee in the past year had been active in the handling of the grass hopper poison campaign and had se cured this at a greatly reduced price to the farmers. They had also se cured several 4-H clubs in this part of the county that were actively functioning. A. L. Tidd. who recently visited in the southwest part of the state, re ported that conditions here were much better than in that section as far as crop conditions were concern ed and that this part of the- state had F.tood up much better than the others. The reports of experts indicated that 1939 would probably be as good or better than 1929 and all had a more hopeful outlook. John P. Sattler suggested that the Chamber of Commerce aad a com munication to the county commis sioners relative to securing a WPA project for the fixing up of the court house and getting it in proper shape, it set having had attention for sev eral years. On motion of A. L. Tidd a communication was ordered sent to the commissioners to try and secure their aid in getting a project to re pair the county building. E. H. Wescott. secretary of the Chamber cf Commerce, reported that all available houses were taken and furnished rooms and apartments were in demand very much even at this slack period of the year. "With the opening of work in the spring the house shortage would be very acute. The election of officer, of the club was speedy, as all of the retiring officers were re-named by a unani mous vote of the members present, as follows: President J. Howard Davis. Vice-President F. I. Ilea. Treasurer L. O. Minor. The secretary will b named later by the president and also the mem bers of the board of directors and the plans arranged to move ou into 1939 with a greater outlook for a successful year. From Friday Dally Searl S. Davis made a business trip to Louisville and Weeping Water yesterday. STARTS ON FIFTH YEAR With the opening of the official year for the officers of Cass county, John M. Meisinger, constable of the county and justice of the peace courts is entering on the fifth term of that office. Mr. Meisinger was appointed to the position by Judge A. H. Duxbury and Judge C. L. Graves four years ago and has been a very diligent officer in the dis charge of his duty. His many friends will be pleased to learn that he Is to continue in the office. Carl Schneider Vice President of Plattsmouth State Well Known Young Banker Is Ad vanced to Post at Meeting of Stockholders Thursday. The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Plattsmouth State bank was held Thursday evening at the bank and the reports of the year received as well as officers se lected. The election of officers was held and the following selected: President H. A. Schneider. Vice-President Carl J. Schneider. Cashier Frank A. Cloidt. Directors H. A. Schneider, C. J. Schneider, Frank A. Cloidt and Henry Horn. The bank has had -a. very success ful year and under the capable man agement has stoo1 out as one of the strong banks of the state. It was voted to place $5,000 more in the surplus fund of the bank and which is now some $40,000. The election of Carl Schneider as the vice-president of the bank is a well deserved recognition of a very able and energetic young member of the banking Interests of the state. Since completing his college work Mr. Schneider has been engaged in banking and has shown the keenest interest in his work and his business ability and judgment has been a very valuable asset in the bank. With the fine and efficient staff of officers at the Plattsmouth State they may be depended upon to carry on the usual efficient handling of the banking affairs of the commun ity. HAS CAR STOLEN Thursday evening the automobile of Walter Tritsch was stolen from in front of the Cononado apartments on Vine street. The car had been left parked when the family had gone home in the evening and later about 10 o'clock Mr. Tritsch came out of the apartment to discover the car missing. The police as well as Sheriff Joe Mrasek and Deputy Emery Doody were notified of the theft and at once started in on the search for the car. The sheriff and fleputy at once called the nearby cities and notified the state highway patrol of the theft and then commenced a search of the highways in this sec tion for possible trace of the car. This morning the car was reported to the office of the sheriff as being parked near the Herold apartments in the north part of the city and Sheriff Mrasek at once had it brought on down to the court house for the owner. The car was without oil or water and had evidently been driven hard by the parties taking it. The sheriff and deputy had traced the car down into the Union and Nehawka com munities last night and it evidently was later brought on back to this city. CALLERS AT JOURNAL From Thursday' Daily- Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Stohlman of Louisville were among the visitor? in the city today to attend to some matters at the court house. While here they were callers at the Journal to renew their subscription. They report moisture is very badly needed for wheat in all sections. Mrs. W. T. Schlichtemeier and daughter, of Omaha, were here today to attend to matters at the court house and while here called at the Journal to advance their subscription for another year. They are enjoying very much their home In the metro polis. Report of Red Cross Drive in Cass County Dr. N. D. Talcott, Roll Call Director, Gives Report and Notes on Financial Conditions. Herewith is a summary of the Red Cross drive in Cass county for 193S and some notes on financial conditions: In 1937 our total membership was 811 and in 1938 it was 735. We are thankful to think that we were able to reach 735. This writer came to Nebraska in March. 1S97, and has been at the same work in the same place ever since. That was nearly 42 years ago and in all that time I have never seen the farmers and laboring classes quite so destitute as at present. At that time relief cases were un known. Now 40 per cent of the peo ple in Greenwood are on relief of some kind or another. What affects the farmers and the wage earners, affects the rest of us, more or less. Hence, I think our solicitors have done very well. We vv.'ll have to give Louisville the ban ner for the largest membership, but several other towns have made fine records. Following is the list of towns and memberships, also additional cash contributions: Members Contrib. Alvo 21 $ Avoca 8 1.50 Cedar Creek 8 Eagle 13 .50 Elm wood 11 .CO Greenwood 30 1.75 Louisville 230 .50 Manley 2 Murdock 27 Murray 1 "17 Mynard 37 . Nehawka . 24 Plattsmouth 151 South Bend 8 Union 5S Wabash 4 Weeping Water 86 .2.75 .50 TOTALS 735 J 8. 00 DR. N. D. TALCOTT, Roll Call Director for Cass County. HAVE A FINE SON From Saturday's tally The home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Bourne of near Murray was made very happy this morning by the ar rival cf a fine eight pound son and heir, who with the mother is doing nicely and the occasion brought a ?reat deal of happiness to all of the family "circle. The young man is a jrandson of Mrs. Bessie Bourne of this city and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gradoville, being the twenty-fourth grandchild of the Gradovilles. Mrs. Bourne was formerly Miss Dorothy Gradoville. DAUGHTER AT PICEENS HOME From Saturday's Dally This afternoon at 12:15 at the Methodist hospital at Omaha a fine little daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Everett Pickens of this. city. The reports from the hospital are to the effect that the mother and little one were progressing nicely. The many friends will join in their well wishes for the little lady and the happy parents. CARD OF THANES We desire to express our heartfelt thanks to the many friends for their assistance at the time of the death and burial of our father; also to those who sent floral remembrances and Rev. Lowson, for his words of sympathetic understanding and hope. The Children and Families of L. E. Vroman. HERE TO VISIT MOTHER William Jennings Seybert and Mrs. Honor Young, of Dayton, Ohio, are here to visit at the home or their mother, Mrs. W. H. Seybert and with Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Marshall, the lat ter a Bister. Mrs. Seybert has not been so well and the children are here to enjoy a visit. SUFFERS SEVERE LOSS Wednesday night shortly after 9 o'clock a large plate glass window in the entry to the C. E. Wescott's Sons store was found broken by the night police, apparently happening just a short time before. The gass is quite large and a section of it has been broken out, it would appear by someone kicking it or having their heels against the glass and forcing its breaking. The breaking of the glass will mean a considerable loss to the firm as the glass is one of the largest in the cky. s Plattsmouth Masons Install New Officers Raymond C. Cook, Deputy Grand Custodian, Serves as the In stalling Officer. From Thursday's Dally Plattsmouth lodge No. 6, A. F. & A. M. held their installation of offi cers last evening with a large num ber of the membership of the lodge being present to take part in the ceremonies. Raymond C. Cook, past master and deputy grand custodian of the grand lodge, officiated as the installing of ficer with W. F. Evers as the marshal and O. C. Hudson as the chaplain. The following officers were duly installed into office. W. M. J. R. Reeder. S. W. Ralph Wehfbein. J. W. Wayne A. Bennett. Treasurer Frank A. Cloidt. Secretary L. W. Niel. S. D. John Parkening. J. D. J. Howard Davis. Chaplain Dr. H. G. McClusky. S. S. Ivan Deles Dernier. J. S. Dr. O. C. Hudson. Tyler John E. Schutz. Following the instisKation of the officers the members enjoyed light re freshments to complete the evening. FUNERAL OF L. E. VROMAN Prom Thursday Dally The funeral services of L. E. Vro- man were held this afternoon at the Sattler funeral home where a very large number of the old friends and associates in the railroad were gath ered to pay their last tributes to his memory. Rev. J. C. Lowson, pastor of the First Methodist church had charge of the services and paid a fine tribute to the memory of the departed and his splendid services to the commun ity and loving care that he has given to his loved ones. During the services Mrs. E. H. Wescott gave two of the songs that had been favorites of the departed, "There Is No Disappointments in Heaven" and "The Last Mile of the Way," Mr. Wescott being the ac companist. The body was borne to the last resting place in Oak Hill cemetery by old time associateo in the service of the Burlington, T. B. Farmer, Joseph M. Sedlak. George Lushinsky, C. A. Johnson, W. C. Tippens, John Porter. REGISTER FOR COMPENSATION The local re-employment service office has been busy for the past two cays in receiving registration of those who are under the provisions of the unemployment insurance com pensation act. The opening day Tuesday brought sixty-two to register with Miss Edith Solomon, the local representative, and Wednesday there were sixty-seven to register under the law. These parties to register are those coming under the law that requires the employers of eight or more to pay in a certain percentage for each worker and which has been accumu lating in the state fund which is matched by federal funds. The reg istrations are from all sections of Cass county. Those who have been engaged In WPA, PWA government projects or domestic labor are not covered by the provisions of the law. TO VISIT IN CALIFORNIA Fred Druecker of this city, de parted Friday for the west coast where he will visit at San Diego and other points in California for a few weeks. Young Farmer Suicides at Elmwood Home Max Hollenbeck Found Dead in Yard at Farm Home by Younger Bro ther No Reason Given. Max Hollenbeck, 21, a well known young farmer in the Elmwood com munity, ended his life early Sunday morning at the farm home three miles north of Elmwood. The body of the young man was discovered by a younger brother in the yard of the home Sunday as he was looking after the farm work. The death had been caused by Hol lenbeck shooting himself in the fore head with a .22 rifle. The parents of the young man, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hollenbeck, could give no indication of any intention of thi3 kind. Sheriff Joe Mrasek and Deputy Sheriff E. J. Doody, with County At torney Walter H. Smith, were called to the scene of the suicide to investi gate the matter. The case being clearly one of sui cide, no inquest was held in the case. GUESTS FROM LOUISVILLE From Friday's Daily Six members of the American Le gion post at Louisville, Comrades Blair, Crawford, Hazen. Johnson, Mc Cafferty and -Zastera, came over from the cement city last night to attend the meeting of the Platts mouth post and repay a recent visit by Plattsmouth Legionnaires to one of their post meetings. Following the brief business ses sion, the evening was spent in card games, wherein the visitors again demonstrated their pinochle-playing ability. A lunch rounded out the evening of comradeship. The Louisville Legionnaires are backing the move to have the state take over the Platte river bridge there and make it toll free which will be considered at the present ses sion of the legislature. Besides the visitors, about fifteen local Legionnaires attended the meet ing. TU MEMORY OF CHESTER" "He Is Just Away" We cannot say, and we will not say. That he is dead, he is just away ! With a cheery smile and a wave of the hand. He has wandered into an un known land. And left us dreaming how very fair, It needs must be since he lingers there. And we who the wildest yearn For the old-time step and the glad return. We think of him faring on as dear In the love of There, as the love of Here, Think of him still as the same, we say He is not dead he is just away. Renner Family. SETTLED IN NEW HOME Sheriff and Mrs. Joe Mrasek are now located in the jail building at the north of the court house, moving into the living quarters of the build ing Thursday afternoon and are now getting their household effects ar ranged in the new home. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Sylvester and family have moved to the Brinkman residence on Pearl street where they are getting settled in the new home WOULD ELIMINATE AGENT The Missouri Pacific railroad com pany on Wednesday made application to the state railway commission for permission to substitute a custodian for an agent at the Manley station. The hearing of the application will be held at a later date. RETURN FROM MISSOURI Norman Renner and C. J. Baum gart returned Friday night from Hamburg, Mo., where they were to view the site where Chester Renner met death Dec. 31. $500 Rural School Playground Equipment Contest Open to All Rural Schools in This Territory Ten Weekly $25 Prizes and 3250 in Grand Prizes to be Awarded Schools Collect ing Greatest Number of Votes An announcement of interest to every rural school in this trade ter ritory is found in today's Journal. It concerns the Rural School Play ground Equipment Contest being in augurated this week by nearly two score Plattsmouth business firms, in cluding the Journal. When the contest closes on April 8. there will have been awarded to rural schools of this trade territory a total of $500 worth of plaj'ground equipment, without the cost of a sin gle penny to the school boards, the teachers, the pupils or the patrons. For in this new and different sort of contest, no one is asked or required to buy anything the whole idea be ing simply to make your regular and ordinary purchases from those stores which give votes, to use Plattsmouth made products in preference to those produced elsewhere, to pay up past due accounts and to sell your pro duce to co-operating dealers here instead of other and more distant towns for in this way and this way only can votes be secured for your favorite rural school. There will be a prize for every school that participates in the con test, ranging from the $87.50 stand ard merry-go-round to balls and bats kitten balls and catch balls. In addition there will be the ten weekly prizes valued at $25 choice of a standard teter-totter or an out door basketball set. No school is eligible to win more than one of the special weekly prizes, but all votes turned in from week to week will be counted in the final vote tabulation for the award of the grand prizes. How to Get Votes One vote will be given with each penny of cash purchase made at any of the participating stores. If adver tised goods are bought and the mer chant's advertisement clipped from the Journal (or fac simile thereof) to be signed by the dealer at the time of purchase and attached to the sales slip, double votes (two for each penny) will be given. All sales slips must be taken and ads submitted for signature by the buyer at the time of purchase. This rule will be strict ly enforced. Unclaimed sales slips will be held in a "treasure chest" by the store issuing same, for equitable distribution among the teachers of competing schools. Teachers are in vited to call at each of the partici pating stores every Saturday and learn how they may share in this distribution of unclaimed sales slips. Premium votes of three for a penny will be given on money paid on 60 day or older past due accounts thru out the duration of the contest. Three votes to the penny will also be given on all produce Bold to par ticipating produce dealers. Casco butter cartons rate 100 votes each; bread wrappers or slips from other Plattsmouth Bakery products count 50 votes each, and 50 votes will be given on each baby chick pur chased from the Brink Hatchery. Three votes will be given on each penny of new or renewal subscrip tion to the Daily or Semi-Weekly Journal or In payment of job work. Triple that number on all subscrip tion arrearages paid during the con test. In addition a bonus of 1,000 votes will be given on each club of five Semi-Weekly subscriptions turn ed in at one time or with an order for farm sale bills. Various other vote specials will be announced from time to time dur ing the progress of the contest In the columns of the Journal. What to Do with Them All sales slips, signed ads, wrap pers and vote coupons are to be given to the teacher or a pupil of the school you wish to support, and she in turn will check them in at Contest head quarters. Votes will not be accepted unless they come through the teach er, who can thus keep a record of her school's standing, so TURN ALL YOUR VOTES OVER to the teacher, school board member or a pupil of the school you wish to help in this contest. First Weekly Prize Award First full week of the contest ends Saturday night, January 21, and the school turning in the greatest num ber of votes up to that time will head the honor roll of weekly prize win ning schools and receive choice, of a teter-totter or outdoor basketball out fit. In addition the teacher of the first weekly prize winning school is to receive an added prize of $5.00 in beauty work. Just a little extra re ward for promptness in getting start ed. The large ad appearing In today's Journal gives further details and a list of all the prizes to be awarded. as well as the names of participating merchants. Teachers are urged to call at contest headquarters (office of Plattsmouth Credit Bureau, second floor Plattsmouth State Bank build ing) for their record blanks, a copy of the rules and regulations govern ing this good will campaign and any other information desired. A similar contest with $375 worth of playground equipment ($500 here) has just been concluded at Nebraska City, with general satisfaction among the sponsoring merchants and com peting schools. There were no weekly prize awards there an added fea ture that is expected to lend zest to the race here. POLICE MAKE CAPTURE From Faturday'n Dally Through the alertness of Ambrose Claus and the quickness of Officers Pickrell and Boetel of the night police force, the theft of several truck tires and batteries was re vealed last night and the parties ap prehended in the act. The Claus family reside in the neighborhood of the O-K garage and late last night Ambrose was aroused by a noise in the direction of the garage and the lateness of the hour. 1;30, aroused the suspicions of the young man. He quietly left the house and hurried down to the main part of the city, where the matter was reported to the police. Officers Pickrel and Boetel hurried to the scene and found tires and bat teries being loaded into a car by two men, who were at the time almost ready to make their getaway. The parties were brought into the city and booked, giving the names of Earl Arnold and Earl Price. They will be turned over to the county authorities for action in the case. HAS HAND INJURED From Saturday's Dally Peter Halmes, 11, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Halmes. residing went of the city, was Injured this morn ing when his right hand Buffered from shot from a shotgun. The boy with his father had been out hunting had returned to the house and the lad was engaged in putting away the .14 guage shotgun when it was dis charged. Some of the shot struck the index and large finger of the right hand and injured the fingernail of the hand. The injured boy was brought here to the office of Dr. L. S. Pucelik where the Injured member was dressed and the patient made as comfortable as possible. MEETING AT MYNARD On Wednesday, January 11 at 1:30 p. m. the county extension agents will sponsor an open meeting at the Mynard Community building for Consideration of complete and detailed lessons on various phases of farmstead Improvements. All those Interested in farm and lawn Improve ments are invtled to attend the meet ing, d&w Trom 8aturday tan"r County Attorney Walter H. Smith was at Nebraska City today to look after some matters in the county court.