The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 02, 1939, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    HOBDAY, IAI7TTAP.Y 2. 1929.
Death of Mrs.
Joseph Lake on
the West Coast
Former Plattsmouth Resident Passes
Away Suddenly From a
Heart Attack.
The death of Mrs. Joseph Lake,
Sr., 73, a former Plattsmouth resi
dent, occurred on Christmas night
at her home 31C South 41st street.
Tacoma, Washington, word received
here by Mrs. Henrietta Ofe, an old
neighbor, states.
True American
Carton of
6 Boxes
Sailor Sliced
(In Syrun)
2 for 25c
Choice Blue Rose
rice goc
5 lbs. iait?
Orange Juice
ZL... 2 for
Frrah, Mratr
KRAUT, in Bulk, lb 4
C'rlxp, 1'rmlrr
NECK BONES, 7 lbs. 25
I.miii, Memty
FrrMb, in Hulk
HAMBURGER. 2 lbs. 25
Krrohljr (irouDd Il-ef
PORK CHOPS, lb .17
Outer CuU
STEAK, Sirloin or Short
cuts, lb. 230
Arnmnr'ii Ilranilnt
llaby ll-ff
Sliced or Piece, 2 lbs. 250
SALMON or Sable Fish,
Sliced or Piece, 2 lbs.23
WHITING FISH, 2 lbs.15
IfraillrnN, Dramril
Vita-Rich Brand
Pancake Flour
Big 'R' Brand
No. 2
Cans .
GRAPEFRUIT, Sweet, Juicy
Dozen 290
Each 2i2
ORANGES, Juicy California
Large size, doz 270
Medium size, doz. 190
APPLES, fancy Idaho
Bushel $1.79
Per lb. 50
CNIONS, U. S. No. 1
50-lb. bag 990
5 lbs. for 100
CARROTS, large bunch50
Frrh (Irrfa Top
YAMS, U. S. No. 1, 4 lbs.190
Porto It lea an -
Santa Clara
Lge. 40-50's, 3 lbs.
10-lb. Box, 790
Fine Granulated Beet
Smith Brand
cl. 3 for 29c
Red Beans
No. 2
Old Pals Alaska
Mb. Tall Can
Ad for Plattsmonth, Tnes.,
and Wed., Jan. 3 and 4
Mrs. Lake had spent the Christ
mas holiday with her daughter, Mrs.
Will'Streight and family, who also
live in Tacoma, going home in the
early evening and the apparently
had passed peacefully away in her
sleep. '
The Lake family made their home
in Plattsmouth for many years, Mr.
Lake being engaged as a foreman in
the coach shop of the Burlington
here, leaving here some thirty-five
years ago for the west coast. While
here they resided in the southeast
part of the city near the home of
the Ofe family. Mrs. Ofe was a
guest at the Lake home two years
ago while in the west and was great
ly shocked to learn of the passing of
the old friend.
Mr. Lake preceded the w ife in
death some seven years ago, leaving
to mourn the death of the mother, a
family of seven children.
.The funeral services were held on
Wednesday at Tacoma.
Lawrence Leonard, residing north
west of Murray inserted a small ad
in last Thursday's Journal listing a
number of. articles of furniture for
sale. He had intended to run the
ad again today but by Saturday
night had disposed of everything he
had listed in the ad, and in his ad
today is offering several head of
horses, a milk cow and two wagons.
Mr. Leonard and family expect to
leave soon for California.
From Friday's Dally
The Plattsmouth Boy Scout troop
is being re-registered today at the
council offices in Lincoln. Besides
members of the troop, the registra
tion includes five adult Scouters who
arc members of the troop committee,
and Scoutmaster Raymond Larson.
Tuesday night at Nehawka the
Arbor Lodge district court of honor
v.ill be held, with advancement in
store for a considerable number of
boys over the district.
Mrs. Laura McLain was here for
the Christmas holiday visiting her
daughter. Mrs. H. G. Hughson. Mrs.
McLain. who lives in Omaha, and
who was recently critically ill in
the Lutheran hospital, was forced to
return home last Monday because of
feeling ill. Mrs. Hughson plans to
spend the third week in January in
Omaha visiting her mother.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Noell of Om
aha, have been here for the past few
days visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Kief and family, parents of
Mrs. Noell. Mrs. Noell was formerly
Leona Kief Hart and was married to
Mr. Noell at Omaha on Saturday.
They will be at home In the future
in Omaha where Mr. Noell is em
Charles Troop, one of the well
known residents of Cass county, de
parted Friday for Nebraska City,
where he is expecting to undergo an
examination at the St. Mary's hos
pital in that city. Mr. Troop has
not been so well of late and it was
thought best to have a checkup of
his case.
Closing Out Sale
Furniture Advertised Thursday
Sold See Livestock Below
As I am leaving for California, I
am offering at private sale at farm
2& miles west and three-quarters of
a mile north of Murray, the follow
ing live stock and wagons:
One team bay mares, 12 years old,
with foal, weight 3,000 lbs; one bay
gelding, coming 2 years old; two
spring colts (horse and mare).
Holstein cow, giving milk.
One high wagon; one hay rack
and truck.
All of above priced for quick dis
posal, same as furniture was.
Lawrence Leonard,
Phone 4517, Murray Ezc.
Happy New Year
The New Year . . , now with us . . . brings hopes of
good things to come. The 1939 Horn of Plenty has
many of these good things in store for all of us. May
we so live and conduct ourselves as to deserve them!
Retail Merchants' Credit Bureau
Credit is Your Most Priceless Asset
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Shrader and
Miss Velma entertained the River
view club with four tables of pin
ochle. High scores went to Qreely
Bell and Mrs. George Brinklow. A
very nice lunch was served by Mrs.
Shrader. All enjoyed fche evening
very much.
December 13 Riverview club met
at the home of Mrs. Frank Hull. The
meeting opened by repeating the
Lord's Prayer and Christmas carols
were sung. Plans were made for a
Christmas party.
Mr. and Mrs. Hull and part of
the family, Mrs. John Glaze and
Harold Hull attended the funeral
of an uncle in Iowa and Mrs. Hull
was unable to be present for the
meeting, but Mrs. Elmer Phillips
and Mrs. Harold Hull served the
luncheon that Mrs. Hull prepared,
which was enjoyed.
The Christmas party was at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hull
Dec. 17th. Most all members and
their families were present to en
Joy the evening. Christmas tree de
corations and scenes were carried
out all during the evening. The
children gave readings. All sang
Christmas carols and Miss Betty Mae
Hutchison played several enjoyable
piano numbers. Christmas games
were played. Later in the evening
Santa Claus came wtih a well packed
sack, gave little ones a toy and gave
everybody candy. Santa asked the
little children what they wished him
to bring tlfem, that he would do his
best. The older ones had a fishing
grab bag, they all enjoyed. Guests
were Mr. and Mrs. Arthud Sullivan,
Mrs. Lula Wolf. Miss Betty Mae
Hutchison and Mary Lee Phillips.
The next club meeting will be an
all day meeting. Jan. 10th at the
home of Mrs. Harold Hull, each
bringing a covered dish.
From Saturday's Pally
Miss Edna Carlburg entertained a
group of friends at her home south
of the city last night in honor of
her twenty-first birthday anniver
sary. The evening was spent in
playing various games and several
contests were held. At a late hour,
delicious refreshments were served
by her mother, Mrs.C. O. Carlburg,
assisted by Mrs. Robert Aldrich and
Mrs. Perry Minniear, after which
the guests departed for their homes
wishing Miss Carlburg many more
happy birthdays.
The guests were Jack Phillips,
Gerald Kehne. Donald Wall. Flor
ence Rhoades, Mamie Mendenhall.
Virginia Mitchell. Doris Leesley, Rol
len Aldrich. Alma Jane. Ralph Dun
can, Lydia Pitz, Mr. and Mrs. Rich
ard Rhoades, Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Reno, Mr. and Mrs. Perry Minniear,
Glen and Edna Carlburg, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Aldrich and the parents.
Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Carlburg.
From Saturday's Dally
Misses Dorothea Mae Duxbury and
Ruth Lowson. who have spent the
week at Ceresco, Nebraska, as guests
of Wilma and Lenora Palm, returned
home this morning. They have had
a. very delightful outing and were
brought home by Loren Dobson, of
Lincoln, who is a guest here at the
home of Rev. and Mrs. J. C. Lowson.
From Saturday's Daily
City Attorney J. Howard Davis
was a visitor in Lincoln today and
will remain over the New Year holi
day with Mrs. Davis who has been
there for the past few days, visiting
with her relatives.
Marion Brown, of Papillion, is to
visit here over the week-end at the
home of her grandmother, Mrs. John
A. Donelan, before returning to her
Home to resume her school work.
Dr. W. V. Ryan has been confined
to his home the past week suffering
from a severe cold.
Meat Consump
tion is Increased
3J lbs. a Person
128 Pounds per Capita Compared to
124.4 Last Year Lower Prices
Bring Increase in Sales.
CHICAGO, Dec. 30 (UP) Did you
eat your extra 3 pounds of meat
during 1938?
If you didn't It wasn't the fault
of the nation's farmers and meat
This year America's per capita
meat consumption averaged 128
pounds as compared with 124.4 last
year. Total 1938 meat consumption
amounted to about 16,500,000,000
pounds compared with about 16,000,-
000,000 pounds in ,1937.
Other year-end meat trends noted
today by William-Whitfield Woods,
president of the Institute of Ameri
can Meat Packers:
1 Wholesale prices of most meats
are substantially lower than a year
2 Upswing in meat production.
3 Farm prices of livestock dur
ing recent months have remained at
relatively higher levels than farm
prices of grains, cotton and cotton
seed, fruits, truck crops and dairy
4 Farmers' income from meat
animals in 1938 approximated the
sum of $1,900,000,000,
5 Meat exports increased from
77,000,000 pounds in 1937 to an es
timated 107.000,000 pounds this
year; lard exports from 137.000,000
to about 208.000,000 pounds, while
meat imports declined from 170,000,
000 pounds in 1937 to approximate
ly 135.000,000 in 193S.
"With the exception of some
grades of beef and of some smoked
pork products, the wholesale prices
of most meats are lower now than
they were a year ago," Woods said,
pointing out that pork loins are
about 12 per cent . lower, bacon 20
per cent lower, lard 18 per cent
lower, veal 10 per cent lower and
dressed lamb 15 per cent lower.
He asserted, that, notwithstanding
the lower level of 1938 livestock
prices, farmers have been receiving
"relatively more for their meat ani
mals during recent months than have
producers of numerous other farm
products, especially crops."
Judge W. W. Wilson has set the
terms for 1939 for the district court
of the second judicial district as fol
lows :
Cass county April 10th, June 12
and November 13th.
Otoe county February 13, May 1,
September 18. ( ..
Sarpy -county March 13, May 22,
October 23.
From Friday's Dally
Mrs. Marie Richards, clerk at the
Knorr Variety store, is confined to
her home suffering from a severe
cold. She has not been feeling very
well for several days and yesterday
was forced to leave her work. Her
son. Albert Ralph, is also suffering
from a bad cold.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Kocian, of
Omaha, who have been" here visiting
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George
W. Olson, parents of Mrs. Kocian,
have returned to their home.
Larry Dean Stones, small son ot
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Stones, I? very 111
at the home north of the city, suf
fering from an attack of pneumonia
and ear trouble.
the OLD!
... and welcome the
NEW with joy and
laughter . . . and with
good wishes for every
one as we enter upon
the year 19391
Cofner Bus Line
Prom Thursday's Daily
Entertains Friends
Miss Louise RIshel entertained a
number of her girl friends last eve
ning at her home. The evening was
spent in playing Chinese checkers.
Delicious refreshment3 were served at
the close of the evening's fun.
Guests were Miss Alberta Timmas,
Mrs. James Allbee, Miss Virginia
Trively, Miss Viva Palmer, Miss Mina
Guests at Rockford Luncheon
Mrs. Lynn O. Minor and daugh
ter Miss Eleanor, were at Omaha
Wedsesday where they were guests
at the annual Rockford college
Christmas luncheon. The lovely ap
pointed luncheon' was held at the
home of Mrs. Daniel Gross and was
sponsored by the Rockford alumni
In Omaha, honoring the students
of Rockford college and their moth
ers residing in Omaha and vicinity.
Miss Eleanor Minor is a student at
Rockford where she has been very
active in the musical department of
the college.
From Friday's Uafiy
House Guest of Friends
Miss Frances Cloidt, home for the
holidays from Stephens college, is a
house guest of Miss Phyllis Patrick,
at Omaha, a fellow student at Steph
ens. The ladies are enjoying a large
number of social events to mark the
close of the year and vacation, in
cluding luncheon at the Hotel Pax
ton and also several teas.
Pinochle Club Meets
The Pinochle club met last night
at the home of Mrs. Paul Vander
voort. A new year's party was held.
Mrs. Frank Horsak and Mrs. Elmer
Johnson were guests of the club. Mrs.
Johnson won the first prize and Mary
Holy was second.
Thursday Afternoon Club
The Thursday afternoon Bridge
club met yesterday at the home of
Miss Minnie Guthmann. Christmas
decorations were used In the home.
First prize was won by Mrs. John
Donelan and second by Mrs. Henry
McMaken of Omaha. Mrs. Carl
Fricke of Lincoln was a guest of the
club. .
Entertains at Chili Supper
John J. Cloidt, Jr., was host Wed
nesday evening to a group of the
young people now attending college
and who were here for the Christmas
and New Year holiday. The mem
bers of the party enjoyed a chili
supper and spent the evening in
games that proved a delightful di
version. Those who were In attend
ance were Eleanor Minor, Mary Kay
Wiles. Marjorie Tidball. Frances
Cloidt. Raymond Wooster, John
Urish, John Gayer and the host, John
Cloidt, Jr.
Entertained at Dinner
Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs.
John Heenan, Anderson apartments.
3422 Jones St., Omaha, entertain
ed a very pleasant family party at a
turkey dinner in honor of Mrs. E. T.
Hughes, mother of Mrs. Neenan and
Mrs. W. E. Rosencrans of this city,
an aunt. Those who enjoyed the oc
casion were Mr. and Mrs. E. T.
Here You Are Nineteen-Ttiirty-Nine
We Wish You All a Happy New Year
A year filled with joy and happiness, good health and true friends.
And in addition, we wish you a generous degree of what the world
calls material success counted in terms of dollars and cents. And
fceyond all this we wish you the real success that has been so glibly
termed "The Abundant Life." While money may provide you with
many things, the true Abundant Life must be grounded on a true
fellowship with your fellow man an interest in his welfare as well
as your own. An epitome expressed by Van Dyke, when he said:
"Let me live my life from year to year,
With forward face and unreluctant soul;
Not hastening to, or turning from the goal,
Nor holding back in fear from what the future holds,
But with a whole and happy heart, that pays its toll
To Youth and Age . . . and travels on with cheer.
So let the way be up the hill, or down
O'er rough, o'er smooth, the journey will be joy;
Still seeking what I sought when but a boy:
New friendships, high endeavor and service to my fellow man
My heart will keep the courage of the quest
And trust the road's last turn will be the best"
"To live in a house by the side of the road and be a friend to man ;"
To share with the joys, the griefs, the desires and troubles to do
all possible to banish fears and increase the joy of living all this
will need be a portion of your work and to those who do this and
maintain a faith in and obedience to our Heavenly Father, there
is insured "The Abundant Life." We hope you may approximate it!
ris. oniGos
We thank YOU for your many kindnesses and cour
tesies to ourselves and to the Journal these many years.
Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Soen
nichsen and daughter, Mary Phyllis,
Mary Rosencrans, Mrs. W. E. Rosen
crans of this city.
Visit School Friend
Mr. and Mrs. Vern Place, of Om
aha, were here Thursday evening
as dinner guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. C. C. Wescott and to visit
with Miss Alice Louise Wescott.
Mrs. Place was formerly Miss Helen
Pfoutz, daughter of Rev. and Mrs.
F. E. Pfoutz, formerly of this city,
being a schoolmate of Miss Wescott
in high school days.
From Saturday's Dally
Two Square Club
Mrs. William Woolcott entertain
ed the Two Square club Thursday
evening at an oyster supper. Prizes
were won by Mrs. Frank Rebal, first,
and Mrs. John Hadraba. second.
Guests of the club were Mrs. Frank
Bestor, Mrs. Frank Mullen. Mrs. T. J.
Walling and Mrs. Charles Petersen.
Birthday Clnb Meets
The Birthday club held a covered
dish luncheon at noon yesterday at
the home of Mrs. Frank Barkus. The
meeting was in the form of a New
Year's party. The afternoon was
spent in playing games and visiting.
The table was decorated in the
Christmas colors, with green spruce
and red trimming and with red celo
phane candy baskets.
Those present were Mrs. Florence
Coleman, Mrs. James Rishel, Mrs.
Harry White, Mrs. Fritz Kaffenber
ger, Mrs. H. B. Perry, Mrs. Charles
Carlson, Mrs. Raymond Larson and
Mrs. Frank Barkus.
Mrs". Merritt Kerr, the only other
member, sent greetings to the club
from Houston, Texas where she is
spending the winter with her son.
From Friday's Dallr
The appointment of H. Emerson
Kokjer as an assistant attorney gen
eral, announced today, will remove
this capable Wahoo attorney from
the legislative committee of the
League of Nebraska Municipalities,
of which he has been chairman the
past six years. Harry Trustin of Om
aha is second man on this committee,
but It is not known whether he will
be moved up to chairman (not being
a lawyer) or a new chairman named
by President Lyon of the League.
The committee has an important
meeting with the hydros within the
next week to discuss pending legis
Attorney W. A. Robertson, Attor
ney D. O. Dwyer of this city and
Attorney C. E. Tefft of Weeping Wa
ter, were In Lincoln Thursday at
tending the meeting of the Nebraska
State Bar association. They had a
very fine time and an excellent pro
gram that had been arranged along
the lines of the discussion of the
problems of the legal profession.
From Thursday's Daily-
Miss Mary Jane. Mark, steno
grapher in the office of County At
torney J. A. Capwell, was confined
to her home today as the result of
a very severe cold that made neces
sary her taking an enforced vacation.
Edward Kohrell
Named as Head
of the M. W. A.
Election Held Tuesday of Officers for
Cass Camp No. 332 of
This City.
Cass Camp No. 332 of the Modern
Woodmen of America held their elec
tion of officers on Tuesday evening:
the following being chosen:
Consul Edward Kohrell.'
Advisor Edgar Newton.
Banker Edward Gabelman.
Watchman Lester Gaylord.
Trustee Clement Woster.
Miss Etta Belle Nickles was the
winner of the silver and dishes given
by the St. John's altar society and
and Mrs. James Nowacek winner of
the goose.
Miss Dorothy Holland, of Lincoln,
is iu the city as a guest at the home
of her aunt, Mrs. L. S. Devoe and
family during the Christmas vaca
tion period.
Special Price on
Wed., Thurs.
Heavy, 5 lbs. up, lb 140
Under 5 lbs., lb 120
Under 4 and Leghorns. .100
All sizes, straight. . . . 140 lb.
8mooth Legs
Leghorn Springs, lb 00
STAGS, lb 106
COX, lb. . 30
Phone 2S3-J, Plattsmouth
iHi f-';iiiiiAiAihi
Kutnanutri fr.
1 lb. 25s
4S-lb. Bag ....
Pancake Flour
3-lb. Bag JLKJ
No. 2 Tins. . . .3 for
A New Treat
Chili-ets CQc
3 Cans l J
No. 2 Tin 2 for
Macaroni or
Spaghetti 5Qc
8-oz, 2 for 15c; 4 for "
Navy Beans
Fancy Northerns
19 c
4 lbs.
Granulated Beet
10 lbs.
cat Department
Hex Bacon Oflc
2-lb. pieces and up..4iLw
per lb.
Fori Steak flnc
Per lb ilV
Minced Ham c
Black &l"Jfaifo
Ad for Tucs. 6 Vied.