The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 02, 1939, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    K0I7DAY, JANUARY 2 1939.
Filing in January
for Unemploym't
Covered Workers May File Initial
Claims for Unemployment Com
pensation January 3rd.
LINCOLN, Dec. 29 (UP) Thou
sans of Nebraska workers who have
earned rights to benefits under the
Nebraska Unemployment compensa
tion law will file Initial claims for
unemployment benefits during the
week beginning Tuesday, January 3,
in twenty offices of the Nebraska
State Employment Service.
R. T. Malone, director of the Ne
braska unemployment compensation
division, stated Wednesday that a
fund amounting to $7,025,000 was
available for benefit payments. Final
plans have been completed for ac
cepting claims and for processing
thpm ko that valid claims can be
paid promptly and accurately.
Only persons who have worked
some period of time since January
1, 193S. for an employer subject to
the law are eligible as covered work
ers for unemployment -compensation
A covered worker must have earn
ed wages for approximately eight
weeks of full-time employment under
employers subject to the law during
the first nine months of 1938, in or
der to file an initial claim through
the state employment service office
during the first three months of 1939
Benefit checks will amount to one
half the worker's recnt full-time
wage with $15 as a maximum bene
fit and $5 or three-fourths of the
full-time weekly wage, whichever is
the lesser, as the minimum. The
law provides a maxi-num. of sixteen
weeks of benefits in any consecutive
fifty-two week period. No claimant
can draw any more than $240 in any
one year.
Types of employment not covered
by the Nebraska law include agri
cultural labor, domestic services in
private homes, services performed as
officers or crew of a vessel on navi
gable waters, services performed by
designated members of one's family,
services performed for a religious,
educational, charitable, or scientific
institution, non-profit in character,
and services performed for federal,
state, county, or municipal govern
ments or any political subdivision
Offices of the Nebraska State Em
ployment Service are located at the
following points: Alliance, Beatrice,
Chadron. Columbus," Falls City, Fre
mont, Grand Island, Hastings, Hol
drege, Kearney, Lincoln (138 No.
11th St.), McCook, Minden, Nebras
ka City, Norfolk, North Platte,
Ogallala, Omaha (210 So. 18th St.),
Plattsmouth and Scottslduff.
The following information con
cerning the Nebraska law Is given so
that benefit claimants may know
who is eligible for benefits:
1. The person filing a benefit claim
must be totally unemployed and able
to work and available for work. He
must have worked for an employer
subject to the law for some time since
January 1, 1938.
2. After January 1, 1939, any
Nebraska worker covered by the law
who becomes unemployed should se
cure a separation notice from his
employer. These separation notices
will not be required of eligible claim
ants who became unemployed during
3. The claimant should apply for
work at once when unemployed at
the nearest office of the Nebraska
State Employment Service or write
for instructions, if no employment
service office is located in your city.
4. He must file his claim for bene
fits In the State Employment Ser
vice office or with a representative
of the Employment Service. Claim
ants should produce Social Security
account numbers when filing claims
for benefits and must report back to
the State Employment office once
each week while unemployed.
5. After a claim is filed, the claim
ant must be totally unemployed for
a waiting period of at least two
weeks. During that time an effort
will be made to secure a job for him,
and his claim will be examined. Both
the claimant' and his employer will
be notified concerning the disposi
tion of the claim.
6. If either the worker or employ
er is dissatisfied with the ruling on
the claim, a claims deputy will re
view the claim or it will be reviewed
by an Appeals Tribunal.
7. A claimant will receive his
first benefit check by mail at his last
known address from the state unem
ployment compensation division if
his claim is valid, some time during
the fourth week after his claim was
A worker may be penalized for the
following reasons: Leaving work vol-
Juntarily without good cause; being
discharged for misconduct in con
nection with his work; refusing
without good cause to apply for or
accept suitable work, or to return to
customary self-employment.
A worker may also be temporarily
disqualified from receiving unem
ployment compensation benefits if he
is a member of an organization di
rectly participating in a strike, or If
he is drawing workmen's compen
sation or various types of federal
benefits or pensions, workers on
federal WPA projects are considered
as in employment and may not file
claims for benefits while they are so
Bandits Rob
Co. Treasurer
at Glenwood
Seeing Office Blinds Drawn County
Treasurer Investigates and Is
Captured by Bandits.
GLEN WOOD, la., Dec. 29 (UP)
Two bandits held up the Mills coun
ty treasurer s office at 12:30 a. m.
today and escaped with $1,700.
The robbery was discovered by
County Treasurer Maurice Mayberry
who passed the court house as he was
returning from a lodge meeting
shortly after midnight. Mayberry no
ticed that the blinds in the treas
urer's office were drawn. It has been
the custom, he said, for deputies
working at night to raise the blinds
and leave a light burning before the
vault when they went home. No
ticing that the room was dark May
berry investigated.
He found the glass broken in the
door to the treasurer's office. Enter
ing the room he encountered two
men, who forced him at the point of
a gun to open the vault. The men
took approximately $1,700 in silver
and currency. After binding May
berry the men locked him in the
vault. He was able to free himself
in about an hour and gave the
alarr. The men worked with flash
lights, Mayberry said and he was
able to give only a scant description
of the bandits, one of whom he said
was tall and the other short.
President Roosevelt today appointed
George E. Proudfit of Lincoln to be
U. S. marshal for the district of Ne
At Lincoln Proudfit said he had
no statement to make until he was
officially informed . of his appoint
ment. He succeeds the late John C.
Byrnes of Columbus who served as
acting U. S. marshal for approxi
mately two years before his death
last summer. Earl Young, chief de
puty, has been acting marshal since
Byrnes' death.
It was believed Proudfit will as
sume his new duties at Omaha in
January. The appointment U subject
to senate confirmation which is usual
ly a routine matter. The new mar
shal is a lumber dealer and treasurer
of the democratic state committee.
LINCOLN. Dec. 29 (UP) State
Fire Marshal Horace Davis today an
nounced Nebraska fire losses for 11
months of 1938 at $1,162,582, which
he said indicated the annual loss may
not reach the $2,000,000 record of
last year.
Fire chiefs reported 205 fires for
November, the same number as for
October. Total estimated losses were
$170,024 as against $1G7,182 for
October and $178,566 for November
1937. Automobile fire losses in No
vember amounted to $14,972, high
mark for the year to Dec. 1.
NEW YORK, Dec. 29 (UP) The
New York stock- exchange today an
nounced expulsion of J. A. Sisto,
head of the exchange firm of J. A.
Sisto and Co., with offices at 68 Wall
Sisto was charged with proceed
ings Inconsistent with Just and equit
able principles of trade. The speci
fic charge involved dealings in stock
of the Sisto financial corporation.
BOSTON (UP) Durng a fist-fight
Lewis Thornhill, 53, was punched
so hard on the chin that he suffered
a fractured right ankle. He declined
to name his assailant.
4 Thomas WalEfir Corananv !
r '
Abstracts of Title
Fnone 114 - Plattsmouth
Governing Post
master Exams
Will Hold Examinations at Local
Postoffice Applications Must
Be in by January 17.
An open competitive examination
to fill the vacancy in the position
of postmaster in thi3 city has been
announced by the United States civil
service commission at the request
of the postmaster general.
In order to be eligible for the ex
amination, an applicant must be a
citzen of the United States, must
have actually resided within the de
livery of this post office, or within
the city or town in which the office
is located, for at least one year im
mediately preceding the date fixed
for clo3e of receipt of applications,
must be in good physical condition,
and within the prescribed age limits.
Both men and women are admitted.
Under the terms of an act of con
gress, approved June 25, 1938, the
civil service commission will certify
the names of the highest three quali
fied eligibles to the postmaster gen
eral who shall thereupon submit the
name of the one. selected to the
president for nomination. Confirm
ation by the senate is the final ac
Applicants will be required to as
semble in an examination room for
written tests, and will also be rated
on their education, business or pro
fessional experience, general quali
fications and suitability. The civil
service commission will make an
impartial inquiry among represen
tative patrons of the office, both men
and women, concerning the exper
ience, ability, and character of each
applicant, and the evidence thus se
cured will be considered in deter
mining the ratings to be assigned to
the applicants. The commission is
not interested in the political, relig
iou3, or fraternal affiliations of any
applicant. .
Veteran preference will not be
granted unless documentary proof is
Full information and application
forms may be obtained at the post
office in thiscity, or from the United
States Civil Serviec Commission,
Washington, D. C. Applications must
be on file in this commission's office
at Washington, D. C, not later than
January 17, 1939.
LINCOLN. Dec. 29 (UP) Varroe
Tyler, city attorney of Nebraska City
in an address to the municipalities
section of the Nebraska State Bar
association today expressed an opin
ion that "after the public power dis
tricts acquire distribution systems In
various towns they will make a de
termined effort to seek establishment
of a state utilities commission which
would control all utility rates."
"This would tend to level off elec
tric rates so that rates charged in
towns where distribution lines have
been purchased by the districts and
of municipal plants would be about
the same. That is the real danger
we are facing."
This statement came at the close
of a prepared speech on the power
of cities to control rates to be
charged by the power districts. He
concluded that the cities have no
such power.
Acting WPA Administrator Francis
C. Harrington reported today that
relief rolls, continuing the decline
which started November 5 decreased
55,996 during the week ending De
cember 17. WPA rolls totaled 3,083,
000 persons on December 17 com
pared with 3,139,245 at the end ot
the previous week.
Wilson lost her purse to a young
man in fashionable suburban Cleve
land Hojghts, but the joke was on
him. The purse happened to contain
only 11 cents.
Cass county nas no ttonffed In
debtedness, as. like the state, we
hav paid cash for our hard sur
faced roads and other improve
ments as we went.
Without LaxatirM ud YmII Eat
t.ryUHnf trwa 5m to NuU
tflnack afeoaild d!rtt torn pounda of flood
feojls or wtMB yoa mn 'nenow. hurried c
poarxr Tour iuhmhi sun jamta out torn
fluid. ToMrtood doaaa't dlcwt and Torn
Tom fart aour, irk and Bpsat all arar.
amy naaar taka a fcuatlaa far auiaiarh
It la duwaraoa and fooliao. It takaa ttooaa
blaeft UotaU callad BeB-ana for ImttaoaUoai
uia aaoan Momaeb Said narmloa. raUeva
a aa time ana sat wa
BcUef la ao auk fe ta aataa
tavrai a. evai ror sau-aat lot 1
Loran Vogel visited with Herbert
Elum on Tuesday afternoon.
Mrs. George Vogel and Loran call
ed' at Wm. Blum's Thursday even
ing. Mrs. George Vogel and Loran
spent Tuesday evening at the V. D.
Livers home.
Miss Margaret Thieman of Omaha
spent her Christmas vacation with
her mother. Mrs. Ida Thieman.
Mr. and Mrs. V. D. Livers and
family were dinner and supper
guests at the Keetle home in Ash
land on Christmas day.
William E. Rosencrans spent his
vacation with relatives here. He will
take up his lessons at the Univer
sity of Nebraska Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Dill enter
tained at an oyster supper on Christ
mas eve, Mr. and Mrs. V. D. Livers
and family being guests.
Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Johnson,
former residents of this community,
now living in Iowa, came Thursday
to spend a week with relatives and
Kenneth Campbell is spending his
vacation with his grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. David Campbell. Mr. and
Mrs. Chester Campbell spent Thurs
day afternoon there.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Campbell of
Minatare left Wednesday morning,
after spending the holidays with Mr.
-and Mrs. Charles Campbell and In
Plattsmouth at hte Bajeck home,
parents of Mrs. P. Campbell.
Mr. and Mrs. George Vogel and
Loran drove to Omaha to have
Christmas eve dinner at the Clyde
Critchfield home. On Christmas day
they enjoyed Christmas dinner with
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dolinsky and Mrs.
Catherine Critchfield.
Miss Lauretta Burdick and Miss
Helen Saunders, teachers in the
South Bend school, left Friday for
their homes in Creighton, Nebraska.
Mrs. Saunders returned to her home
after spending several weeks visit
ing her daughter here.
The barn on the former William
Richards farm west of town was
completely destroyed by fire on Sat
urday. Mr. Adams, the tenant, lost
his hay. grain, harness and a bay
rack. Neighbors are helping him by
donations of grain, hay and money,
as he had no insurance on the things
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Christensen
and son Carl and daughter, Miss
Grace, of Taylor, Nebr., came on
Friday to spend Christmas with
their daughter and husband, Mr.
and Mrs. Burnard Dill. They left
on Monday for their home. Mr. and
Mrs. Oscar Dill entertained the fam
ily group at dinner on Christmas
day. .
Miss Ruth KupkV who is work
ing at the Cockerill home near
Gretna, where the escaped convicts
were captured on Monday evening.
can tell of a very exciting evening,
with no one getting much sleep that
night. She was among those inter
viewed briefly by Foster May after
the capture of the second man just
outside the basement window.
Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Ehernberger
and family and ' Gerald Ehernberger
of Schuyler came Thursday evening
to spend the week end at the Wm.
Blum home. On Friday they, with
Mrs. Blum, Helen and Herbert, drove
to Elmwood to visit their uncle,
James Christensen. They found their
uncle improved and feeling well. He
had fallen a year ago and broken
his hip. but is now glad to be able
tc walk a few steps if he has help.
Mr. Christensen is nearly 85 years
old and can tell many interesting
stories of long ago.
Dr. Hans Thomsen. charge d'affaires
0 the German embassy said today
that he knows nothing about re
ports from Berlin that he will be
recalled. Thomsen has been in
harge of the embassy since the re
all more than a month ago of Am
bassador Dieckhoff.
BUY Hartford Compre
hensive Insurance here
and yon know you have
protection against ALL
hazards that threaten to
cause you financial loss.
Scarl 5. Davis
Platta. State Bank CldO-
AAA Payments
are Suspended
in Iowa County
On Account of "Irregularities" Al
leged in the Making of Corn
Acreage Allotments.
Agriculture administration officials
reported today that all AAA pay
ments and loans have been suspend
ed in Muscatine county, Iowa, after
alleged "irregularities" were discov
ered in the making of corn acreage
Harry Schooler, assistant AAA
north central division director, said
the investigation began last Wednes
day and already has uncovered in
stances of partiality by the county
committee in the making of acreage
allotments last spring.
"We directed the state AAA com
mittee to investigate the county com
mittee after we received a number
o' complaints by fanners alleging
that the county committee had fav
ored personal friends in the making
cf allotments," Schooler said.
He said that when it became ap
parent that the charges would be
substantiated at least in some in
stances, it was decided to "withhold
all AAA monies from the county un
til the whole thing has been cleared
He said that the farmers not in
volved would not lose anything but
a temporary withholding of payments
and loans. Officials declined to dis
cuss what action will be taken
against the county committee and
farmers which it allegedly favored if
the charges are proved true.
From Saturday's Dally
Today marks the last day of the
non-interest tax law and has brought
a large number of people to the office
of County Treasurer John E. Turner
tc square up deliquent tax accounts
before the interest is put back on
beginning January 1st.
Clerks were busy all day writing
receipts as rapidly as possible, and
the receipts for the day will amount
to a large sum.
' The law has been in force since
March 19, 1937, when interest start
ed running anew on the delinquen
cies at 7 per cent, but up until the
last two weeks, payments have been
On payments made this week the
new interest from the date the law
was passed has run up to 12 per
cent, but with taxes back as far as
1929, the Interest charge for that
year, effective as soon as the law ex
pires will be approximately 74 per
cent, or an increase of Cl per cent
for failing to get in under the pres
ent law.
The interest-saving statute applies
to both real and personal taxes and
the City of Plattsmouth also passed
an ordinance, which likewise expires
after midnight tonight, providing for
remission of penalty interest on de
linquent special improvement assess
ments. Mr. Turner has published adver
tisements the past few weeks warn
ing of the expiration date of these
interest-saving measures and also no
tified personally many of the larger
amount delinquents so they might be
cble to effect the saving and clean
tip their tax before the high Inter
est is restored.
CHUNGKING, China, Dec. 31
(UP) J. A. Johnson, American air
plane pilot of Lafayette, Ind., has
been missing since Tuesday on a
flight from Chungking to Kunming
with a Chinese wireless operator and
a Russian mechanic, it was under
stood today. It was feared that John
son's boeing plane was forced down
in mountainous country by ice.
Is Still Ahead of Us!
OF OUR a a
Good Warm Overcoats
All Wool Price is Only
Where Quality Counts'
LINCOLN. Dec. 31 (UP) The Ne
braska Commercial Truckers associa
tion filed a formal complaint with
the State Railway commission today
to vacate its recent order reducing
railroad freight rates approximately
20 per cent to meet motor truck com
petition. The company stated the
new rates, effective January 2 were
"unjustly low, discriminatory and
Kearney Hub is
Sold to Nebraska
Newspaper Group
Hugh R. Brown, Publisher of Paper
Founded by His Father, M A.
Brown in 1888, Sells
KEARNEY, Nebr., Dec. 31 (UP)
Hugh R. Brown, publisher of the
Kearney Daily Hub today announced
the sale of the newspaper to Ormond
P. Hill. Alfred G. Hill and Dwight
King, who will take possession at
the close of today's business.
Mr. Erown has been associated
with the Hub, founded by his father,
M. A. Brown in 18SS, all of his life,
and has published the paper since
his father's death in 1932. Mr. Brown
is retaining ownership of the com
nercial printing and office supply
Ormond P. Hill, who will be pub
lisher of the Hub after June 1, is a
graduate of the University of Kan
sas and has been in charge of the
Kansas City office of Arthur H.
Hagg and associates. Alfred G. Hill,
of Cheyenne, Wyoming, who will
publish the Hub until June, is al
ready identified in the Nebraska
newspaper field with interests in the
North Platte Daily Bulletin and the
Fremont Morning Guide. He is also
a graduate of the University of Kan
sas and started his newspaper work
with William Allan White on the
Emporia Gazette. Dwight King is
the present owner of the Franklin,
Nebraska, Sentinel and a graduate of
Kansas State college.
OMAHA. Dec. 31 (UP) The Omaha-Athletic
club will be the site
of the 1939 midwestern A.A.U. senior
men's indoor swimming titles on Jan
uary 14. Preliminaries will be held
In the afternoon, finals at night.
University of Iowa, defending
champions will not compete due to
a strenuous schedule this past sea
LINCOLN, Dec. 31 (UP) At
torney General Richard C. Hunter
filed an action in Lancaster county
district court yesterday against the
Lincoln Safe Deposit company for
$232.75, allegedly due the state on
an assignment of school lands to the
company upon which it was contended
rent and certain interest never was
LINCOLN, Dec. 31 (UP) Mrs.
Anna Ferris Corrick, widow of Frank
P. Corrick, former chief clerk in the
Nebraska house of representatives,
died at her home in Seattle. She
resided in Lincoln until about a year
00 yoo ran?
IF yon had a fire, how ranch
would yon lose? Is your fire
insurance enough to take care
of any loss T Are you sure ?
Millions of dollars are lost ev
ery year because of insufficient
Make sure we'll help you.
Come in, write or telephone.
No obligation.
1 11 irs
Public Works
Program in State
'Over the Top'
Beats January 1 Deadline With the
Largest Amount of Public Works
Under Contract.
OMAHA. Dec. 31 (UP) The 193S
public works program in this region
was "over the top" today, having
beaten a Jan. 1 starting deadline and
breaking all records for the amount
of public construction put under con
tract in so limited a time.
Regional PWA Director It. A. Rad
ford reported to Administrator Ickes
that as of Dec. 31, the time limit set
by congress for the beginning of
work 011 1938 PWA projects, all of
the projects which legally could be
started in this eight-state area actu
ally are under way. Dirt was flying
on 1,009 public works jobs costing
an estimated $140,000,000 in Iowa,
Nebraska, Missouri. Minnesota, Mon
tana. Wyoming and the Dakotas.
A last minute burst of activity
pusheds the program already far
ahead of schedule, to the second point
in the three-point plan.
The 1938 projects now under way.
including a wide variety of types of
useful public construction by states
follows: Iowa, 22G; Nebraska, fcC;
Minnesota. 270; Missouri 247; Mon
tana. 4C; North Dakota, CS; South
Dakota 4 3, and Wyoming 22.
"Every project on which construc
tion legally could be stalled by Jan.
1 in PWA Region No. 4 now is un
derway," Radford said. "Sponsoring
communities in eight states have co
operated wholeheartedly in speeding
their plans to construction stages. All
of the 1,009 jobs have gotten under
way in the six months tince Presi
dent Roosevelt signed the PWA act.
Some few small projects already have
been completed."
The 1,009 projects winning final
approval were sifted from 1.82S ap
pllactions received which would have
cost more than $273,000,000. Rad
ford predicted all cf the work will be
completed within the limit of June
30, 1940.
NEW YORK, Dec. 31 (UP) The
stylish, attractive wife of Justice Ed
gar J. Lauer of the state supreme
court, facing a possible eight year
sentence for conspiring to have her
new winter wardrobe smuggled from
Paris, will testify for the government
against her alleged co-conspirator
next week, it was reported today.
He is Albert N. Chaperau, erstwhile
motion picture agent and frequent
trans-Atlantic traveler, charred with
having falsely represented himself as
an attache to the Nicaraguan consul
general to get immunity from custom?
to smuggle in costly jewls and finery
for friends of the cosmopolitan set.
His trial starts Tuesday. Another
witness against him will be the movie
and radio star, George Burns, who
pleaded guilty to a smuggling con
spiracy charge Dec. 18. the same day
he was indicted by a federal grand
See the goods you tuy. cataJoq
but how about the aoods when
descriptions are alluring enough,
you cet them7
Every Saturday noon at
12 sharp, items from your
home town newspaper
are broadcast over your
favorite radio station,
KOIL, as
The Community
Editor Speaks
12 Noom
Every Saturday