MONDAY, JANUARY 2, 1939. PAGE TWO PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOUENAL i Ihe jPlattsmoutfa Journal PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Entered at Postoffice. Plattsmouth. Neb., as second-class mail matter MRS. R. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCBIPTION PRICE $2.00 A YEAR IN FIRST POSTAL ZONE Subscribers living in Second Postal Zone, ?2.50 per year. Beyond 600 miles, $3.00 per year. Rate to Canada and foreign countries, J 3.60 per year. All subscriptions are payable strictly in advance. War Casualties in Spain Reach 750,000 in Year Armies Deadlocked Along Ebro and Segre Since July Franco Mas ters Two-thirds of Spain. PARIS (UP) Another year of hostilities, which has added 750,000 civil and military casualties to the total, draws to a close with three armies aggregating more than 800, 000 men deadlocked in civil war. Generalissimo Francisco Franco is master of two-thirds of Spain, but cince late July the armies have been deadlocked along the Ebro and Segre j rivers. Fighting in these sectors has added 100,000 to the death toll with out either force striking a decisive blow. Thi3 year has seen a legally con stituted civil cabinet take over the government of the nationalist prov inces from the military, junta which began the insurrection against tbe Madrid republican government. Erief Picture of War At the close of 1938, the situation may be charted: The war has cost Spain 55,000, 000,000 pre-war pesetas. A total of 1,250,000 casualties, with nearly 1,000,000 dead, includ ing civilians. Franco holds 34 of the continental provincial capitals; the republican government hold3 13, divided into two zones. Franco holds outright 30 of these 47 provinces; the government nine, while eight others Lerida, Tarra gona, Castellon, Madrid, Guadala jara, Toledo, Granada and Jaen form th-i present "no-man's-land." Cf Spain's 1,470 miles of coast line, Franco controls 935 miles, and the republic 535 miles. Sixty-one per cent of the contin ental population i3 under Franco's red and gold flag; 39 per cent under the republican flag. Two Significant Campaigns Frcm a military point of view, the year wa3 marked by two outstanding campaigns in which glory was shared equally by the two sides: Franco's successful march to the sea from the Belchite line, and Gen. Vicente Rojo's successful 113 day stand in a small loop of the Ebro river facing Gan desa, where for nearly four months he obliged Franco to concentrate all his reserves and in that way success- fully halted the drive on Valencia Madrid's last gateway to the outer world. Of only slightly less importance were the fall and recapture of Teruel, in January; the unsuccessful drive by Generals Saliquet and Queipo de Llano to within striking distance of the Almaden mercury mines, and dur ing the last part of the year Franco's "otalitarian" air offensive against republican war factories, ports and other military objectives contained in a "black list" of 108 towns and vil lages which the nationalict caudillo warned he would raid. Loyalist Division Trapped Those operations, and the purely local trapping in a Pyrenees pocket and eventual retreat to France of the 43rd Loyalist division, provided the whole of the military operations of the year. Rojo's timely Ebro ma neuver localized fighting to a small sector for five months of the year but the cost in men and munitions was so severe that the loyalist army of Catalonia was unable to recuper ate for another offensive before the year end. Technically, the year's military operations resulted in nationalist vic tories exclusively, for the loyalists were forced to abandon Teruel six weeks after its capture, they were forced to retreat from the Aragon heights to the shores of the Mediter ranean and after crossing the Ebro river and holding the west bank for 113- days, they were forced back acrpss that river. At the year end. the rivers of Spain virtually mark the division be tween Nationalist Spain and the two republican zones, for the front gen erally follows the Noguera-Pallaresa river and the Segre and Ebro -rivers from Pyrenees to Amposta la the Catalan sector, and the Palancia river. Manzanares river, Tage river and Guadiana river to form the loop ing front around Madrid. Fronts Total 962 Miles The Catalan front now measures 162 miles and is held by 240,000 loyalist troops chiefly Catalans, Na varrese and Basque exiles and four nationalist army corps of about 225,- 000 men, chiefly Basque?, Navarrese, Galkians, Aragonese, Morrocans and the Foreign Legion, as well as the remnants of the Italian divisions. The Southern sector has a con tinuous front line 800 miles long and is held by about 180,000 loyal ists under Gen. Jose Miaja and 160, 000 Nationalists, chiefly Falangists, Castillians and the conscript levies from Estremadure, Asturia and An dalusia. About 90 per cent of the physically fit Spanish males from IS to 35 are under arms or employed In war factories or on fortifications as volunteers, conscripts, hostages or prisoners of war. FAN MAIL COSTS DAVEY O'BRIEN FORT WORTH, Tex. (UP) Davey O'Brien, Texas Christian University football star, is ready to believe that national recognition ought to carry a stipend for postage. O'Brien is the 152-pound quarter- Lack who was chosen virtually unani mously on all-America teams and voted the outstanding player of the year. His fan mail became so large that Miss Frances Buster, whom Davey describes as "that certain girl," was commissioned to handle it for him. Miss Buster, a T.C.U. co-ed and former band "sweetheart," has be come an unofficial secretary. But the couple hasn't decided yet how they can buy stamps to reply to more than 2,500 letters that came to O'Brien from persons living from Honolulu to New York City. A $75 stamp bill would put a crimp in O'Brien's budget for several months. He is, however, answering as many as his time and money per mit. Eastern fans seem to have "adopt ed" O'Brien. Most of the letters are from small boys, and the "Dead End Kids" of Hollywood cinema fame sent in their praise. A sopho more in the University of Honolulu sent in a letter. The most consistent O'Brien fans, however, were three nurses in a Ken tucky hospital. They wrote to him before every game, and telegraphed congratulations before the game with jSouthern Methodist University, which j decided the Southwest conference championship APPORTIONS HIGHWAY FUNDS WASHINGTON, Dec. 30 (UP) Secretary of Agriculture Henry A. Wallace today apportioned $135, 000,000 to states for highway im provement and grade crossing elim ination. Wallace assigned $25,000,000 of the federal funds for extension of the federal program for elimination of hazards at grade crossings. With the exception of the grade elimination allocations, the states naust match the highway funds on a dollar for dollar basis. The allot ments will be available to the states July 1, 1939. The funds were authorized bv the federal aid highway act of 1938, a further development of the long range federal program of federal asistance in building truck highway and second ary roads. Nebraska was allotted a total of 52,698,614 including $2,044, 283 for truck. highways, $306,642 for secondary roads and $347,689 for grade crossing elimination. RIVAL OIL COMPANIES POOL FIRE EQUIPMENT ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. (UP) Oil companies with storage tank plants near here have pooled their fire fighting equipment to prevent repeti tion of the disastrous fire which swept a Pure Oil company storage plant here In July, 1937. William F. Richartz. division oper ating manager of Socony-Vacuum Oil company, said the companies would join in maintaining supplies of foam- ite, a frcthy chemical used to blan ket and smother oil fires.- Appeal by the President for U. S. Nat. Defense Repudiation of Dictatorship Fore shadowed in the Annual Mes sage to Congress. By LYLE C. WILSON WASHINGTON, Dec. 31 (UP) Preview reports of President Roose velt's annual message to congress foretold tcday a pulse-stirring call for "national defense and a blister ing repudiation of dictatorship. Mr. Roosevelt's associates believe it will be his most vigorous speech of his career. The message will be delivered shortly after noon Wednes day before a joint session of house .nd senate. The new 76th congress will meet at noon Tuesday. It would be a per functory gathering but for decision of the senate campaign expenditures committee to release at that moment its report concerning Works Progress Administration political activity in the fall election campaigns in some of 15 states covered by the inquiry. Some persons describe the report as a "blast" at the WPA system. Former WPA Administrator Harry L. Hopkins was appointed to the cabinet as secretary of commerce last week and Aubrey Williams, his chief assistant, was put in charge of the National Youth Administration. But WPA and other domestic is sues will be subordinated in the president's message if it is presented in the form in which his close asso ciates assert they most recently saw it. National defense and continental solidarity of the western hemisphere against armed or ideological invasion by dictator nations has become the new deal theme. The message, therefore, is expected to reverse the Roosevelt precedent of making domestic problems the framework and substance of the an nual address with only limited if consistently pessimistic - reference to world affairs. The urgent prob lems of federal finance, deficits and relief costs which keep the treasury in the red will be discussed later in the week when the president pre sents his annual budget message. An other deficit budget is assured unless Mr. Roosevelt adopts new bookkeep ing methods such as have been sug gested by some friends of Xhe new deal. These include establishing a new category of federal credits to supplant accounts now carried as debits. A self-liquidating project, for Instance, might be carried as a capital asset instead of its cost appearing on the debit side as a part of the fed eral expenditure and of the deficit. Tuesday's strictures on WPA poli tical activity will start the new con gress off on an anti-new deal zig but it is likely to zag back in the presi dent's favor when he raises the ban ner of democracy against dictator ship the following day. Thencefor ward, the congress promises to pur sue an uneven course which, in the aggregate, probably will be more ad verse than favorable to the adminis tration. An anti-third term resolution al ready assured of almost uniform re publican support and of some demo cratic votes is ready for presentation In the senate. Hopkins, the baby cab inet member, must be confirmed, and probably will be, but only after a searching and unfriendly review of ii3 WPA career by several members of the senate commerce committee. Chairman Josiah W. Bailey, a demo crat, likewise is an anti-new dealer. But the critical campaign expen ditures committee report is aimed at Hcpkins scarcely at all. It i3 direct ed, rather, at the WPA system and the potentiality of political activity in the relief organization. It has be come evident now that the adminis tration is aware that WPA is in bad and that Mr. Roosevelt will go along with a remedial program. There 13 no convincing evidence, however, that the president regards the November election as a major new deal reverse although republi cans made substantial congressional and state gains. The president's con grersional visitors come away talk ing of a chart on which he has analyzed the returns and upon the basis of which he ccmcs to the con clusion that most of the democratic reverses were attributable to local issues. With that interpretation the conservative democrats, including Vice President Garner, do not agree. If the president holds to his in terpretation of tbe election returns, there is small chance of major com promise at this session between con servative and new deal democrats. There will be rather, a spectacular collision and contest for control of the party looking toward the show down battle over a presidential nom inee in 1940. - -HJ.. , ' !-v - : Spice Mincemeat Shortcake with Foamy Sauce Is tender, spicy and altogether delicious. For Gay Days Let Us Have GAY DESSERTS says Dorothy Greig U A FINE, dessert sends everyone from the table feenn'g x happy," mother used to declare. And it's true. All is sweetness and light in the average family after a meal climaxed bv a elorious dessert. This is the time of year, too, when fine desserts really come into their own. Parties and gay doings are in the very air. So let us serve our most toothsome desserts. There is no better time. 1 give you two of my cherished successes. One is a pudding and the other is a shortcake. They are light, spicy and delicious. Surprise Raisin Cake 2 tablespoons shortening 1 cupful sugar 1 egg (well beaten) 1 can condensed tomato soup 2 cupfuls flour 1 teaspoonful ground cloves V2 teaspoonful mace Vz teaspoonful nutmeg teaspoonful baking soda 3 teaspoonfuls baking powder 1 cupful honey dipped bleached raisins or 1 cupful seeded' raisins Sift flour, then measure, add spices, baking soda, and baking powder and sift again. Wash and cut the raisins and roll them in two tablespoonfuls of the flour mixture. Cream the shortening, then add the sugar gradually, and cream to gether well. Add beaten egg and mix thoroughly. Then add the flour mixture alternately with the tomato soup. Stir until mixture is smooth. Then fold in the raisins which have been combined with some of the flour. Bake in. a greased loaf cake pan S x 4 in a moderate oven- (350 375") for 1 hour. Cream Cheese Icing 2 packages (6 ounces) cream cheese , ?S cup confectioner's sugar 1 teaspoon lemon juice Cream the cheese until soft, then add the sugar gradually and stir un Democrats See Harmony in Sen atorial Group Select Senator Barkley as Leader in Today's Caucus Forecast Unity of Action WASHINGTON, Dec. 31 (UP) Democrats in a harmony rTly, today re-elected Senatdr Albcn W. Barkley.1 D., Ky., as the majority leader of ijc 76th congress. Barkley's re-election came a ew minutes after another party solidar ity action the -decision of Senator John Hamilton Lewis, D.. III., to re tain his party whip post. Lewis' de cision was influenced by President Roosevelt who acted after Lewis had indicated his desire to quit the job because of differences over some ad ministration policies and a desire to sponsor legislation of his own. In striking contrast to the bitter democratic battle over senate lead ership last session, Barkley won the post today by unanimous vote in a session that lasted only twenty min utes. Last year he was named to succeed the late Senator Joseph T. Robinson, democrat, of Arkansas, by a single vote margin in a contest with Senator Pat Harrison, demo crat, cf Mississippi. Harrison removed the last obstacle tc. Barkley's selection when he urged that his friends not place hi3 name ii: nomination. Barkley said the caucus was "the most harmonious meeting of the con ferences in the senate that I have ever attended." ' He said that he felt that the har monious meeting today was "an in dication that we are going to work together" during the 76th congress. As the democrats met, however Vice President John N. Garner emerged from a series of conferences with cabinet members and other.high new deal officials as the pivotal fig-, urein pre-session activities. .-? j Garner, who, in the past, has let til smooth. Add the lemon juice. Spread this on the cool cake. Spice Mincemeat Shortcake with Foamy Sauce 1 cups flour 2 teaspoons baking powder Vz teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon cinnamon teaspoon nutmeg J,4 teaspoon cloves 3 tablespoons shortening (Vs butter) cup sugar 1 egg 1 can condensed tomato soup Sift flour, then measure add the baking powder, soda and slices and sift again. Cream the shortening, add the sugar gradually and cream well. Then add the beaten egg. At the last add the flour mixture alter nately with the condensed tomato soup. Pour into a well-buttered 9 inch square baking pan. Bake in a moderate oven (350 F.) for 30-40 minutes. Mincemeat for Filling Heat Wz cups mincemeat until the suet or fat has melted. To serve: Cut spice pudding into approximately nine pieces. Split each piece and fill center with one spoonful hot mincemeat. Replace the top half of cake and serve foamy sauce over the top. . . Foamy Sauce . 1 ejjg. separated i cup powdered sugaf , ,2 cup whipped cream 1 teaspoon lemon juice Beat the egg white until stiff, then beat in the sugar gradually. Add the egg yolk and continue beating. Fold in the whipped cream at the last and then add the lemon juice. it be known through his friends that he was not in agreement with the administration on many policies, was seen as the man in the senate upon whom may depend the outcome of the present split in the democratic party. Garner is influential among anti- new deal senators. He would be the logical person through which to at tempt a compromise on policy be tween democrats opposed to the Roosevelt program and those seek ing to maintain or extend it. Two of the major issues confront ing congress controversy over the farm program and antagonism to ward the Works Progress Adminis tration presumably were discussed by Garner with Secretary of Agricul ture Henry A. Wallace and Secretary of Commerce Harry L. Hopkins yes terday. Hopkins visit was considered es pecially significant in view of his recent elevation to the cabinet from the post of WPA administrator. Al though his appointment was expect ed to be confirmed, there was little doubt that debate over it and the senate campaign committee's forth coming report on its investigation of political activity in WPA threatened a" congressional investigation and re vision of the administration's relief policies. One congressional leader, it was learned, has urged President Roose- velt to establish an agency to co- ordinate the activities of WPA, the Public Works Administration, Na tional Youth Administration, United States Employment Service and other relief and employment agencies. The suggestion has been consider ed with those which would establish advisory boards in each county to In vestigate' complaints involving WPA personnel and place administrative officers of the WPA under civil ser vice. Harrison's decision not to" be a candidate for .the leadership this year, was understood to have been made after a drive to enlist him had gained considerable headway. Phone new items to no. e. EECITATI0N WINS SUSPENSION NAPPANEE, Ind., Dec. 31 (UP) " . . . but only God can make a tree." Thus did Gerald Banghart, 17, high school basketball star, conclude his recitation of Joyce Kilmer's "Trees" end look up hopefully at City Judge Frank Trecklo. "Well done," said Judge Trecklo, "1 suspend your fine." The Judge had fined Gerald $13 for cutting down a tree which overhung the tennis court on town park, but offered to suspend the penalty if Gerald could give a perfect recita tion of "Trees" within a week. Senator Reed i to Seek Repeal of Two State Laws Cream Grading Law and Compul sory Motor Vehicle Testing laws Face Attack. LINCOLN, Dec. 31 (UP) State Senator-elect James E. Reed of Lin coln announced today two bills will be drafted at his request proposed elimination of compulsory motor ve hicle testing and repeal of the cream grading law. He said the measures will be intro duced In the 1939 legislative session which convenes Tuesday. Reed de scribed both laws, enacted by the 1937 legislature, as "having proved ineffective and a distinct burden to the public. "I think all the discussion about the car testing law thus far has shown it to be unfair, particularly to farmers who can't afford high priced automobiles and who have dif ficulty in getting them approved. I know of one farmer who had to drive 80 miles to have his car tested." Concerning the cream grading law, Reed asserted "it has been a severe blow to independent stations, especially with respect to the stiff license fees ($25). As an example of how ineffective the law is, the agri culture department tells me only 65 out of a possible 300 independent cream stations have complied with the license fee provision." LACKED COURAGE TO FACE LIFE. BUT NOT TO DD2 CHICAGO, Dec. 31 (UP) Prin cess Trowbridge, 21, daughter of a Baptist minister, couldn't face life, but she had the courage to face death. She peivned a farewell note to her mother last night then walked to the Rock Island railroad right of way and threw herself in front of a train. Police took her body to an undertaker. There they found the note pinhed to her dress. "Dear mother," it said, "do not make yourself too unhappy over this. Think that I am happier this way. I was not made for this world. "I am afraid of people and all competition. This is a callous thing to do but though I do not have the courage to face life, I will have the courage to face death." She was one of four children of the Rev. L. B. Trowbridge, secretary of the Chicago Tract Society. She was a junior at the National College of Education in suburban Evanston. Friends were unable to explain the cause of her unhappiness. LOYALIST OFFENSIVE IIENDAYE, Franco Spanish Fron tier, Dec. 31 (UP) Spanish loyalists struck at the nationalists today with a counter offensive which they as serted had thrown back the Italian fascist divisions and temporarily stop pod the insurgents on the lower Segre river. The loyalists sent crack shock troops into their counter drive, under, three of their most brilliant leaders Gen eral Sarrabia, .General Lister and Colonel Modesto. j Dispatches from Barcelona, the loyalist emergency capital were care ful to point out that the counter of fensive was "unimportant" and was only a diversional one to relieve pres- sure on other sectors. However, dispatches from the na tionalLst as well as the loyalist side indicated strongly that the loyalists now believed themselves in possession after withstanding the greatest na tionalist drive of the civil war for eight days, to start a series of counter moves. WASP STING NEARLY FATAL SIMSBURY, Conn. (UP) James P. Curtiss is allergic to wasps and when one stung him he almost died. Doctors worked over him for five houi-3 and administered adrenalin before they could restore liiui to con sciousness. 1 Rejects New Order in China Offers to Join in International Con ference to Decide on Future Policy in the Orient. TOKYO, Dec. 31 (UP) The Unit ed States today rejected Japan's pro gram for a Japanese-dictated "new order" in China and at the same time offered to join in an international conference to discuss China's future. American Ambassador Joseph Clark Grew delivered the note in which the United States state department em phatically expressed the views of the American government o". the present diplomatic situation. The note was a rejection of the "new order" program which Japan . out lined Nov. 18 in reply to a United States demand for an "open door" policy in China. It came at particularly unwelcome moment immediately after the revel ation that Wang Ching-Wei, who until the start of the Chinese Japanese war was premier of China, had brok en with Generalissimo Chiang Kai Shek and was negotiating vith Ja panese agents for peace. Japan's "new order" program was based on the assertion that: ". . . . In the face of the new situ ation fast developing in east Asia any attempt to apply to conditions of to day and tomorrow inapplicable ideas of the past would neither contribute toward the establishment of real peace in east Asia or solve immediate is sues." The American note: 1 Re-stated the traditional sup port by the United States of the sanc ity of treaties. 2 Reminded Japan of the inter national covenants coverng the far east. 3 Asserted that the United States was cognizant of changed conditions but was unsympathetic toward uni lateral settlement of Chinese prob lems, that is, settlement by direct ac tion of one nation without i card to others. 4 Reminded Japan that in the past situations such cs that which has arisen in China were settled through consultation i Assertea the readiness of the United States to join in an interna tional conference to consider the Chin ese problems. Grew delivered the note to Renzo Sawada, vice foreign minister, in the absence of Foreign Minister Hachiro Arita, who had left town Tor a New Year holiday. As Grew visited the foreign office. Japanese newspapers were displaying the sensational news that Former Premier Wang of China, in a state ment issued through his agents in Hong Kong, had urged peace negoti ations with Japan. The same newspaper published new year statements in which Foreign Minister Arita said that Japan was going to end the idea that the Orient was a colony for occidential capital istic countries and Admiral Mitsum asa Yonai, navy minister said it was imperative that Japan insure com mand of the Western Pacific. WASHINGTON, Dec. 31 (UP) The United States flatly rejected Japans "new order" in China but tacitly invited Japan and other pow ers concerned to enter ' negotiations regarding possible revision of foreign rights and interests in the far east. Details of the note, made public here disclosed that this government charged Japan with unfair discrimin ation against American trade and commerce with China and with as suming the powers of sovcricgnty in China by the use of armed force in violation of existing treaties, it said, guaranteed the territorial indemnity of China and equal rights for all powers, are not subject to unilateral nulification. However, it admitted, pos sible desirability , of change and left the door open to international conver- I sation on the subject. "Meanwhile" it said "this govern ment reserves all rights of the Unit ed States as they exist and docs not give assent to impairment of any of those rights. The note wad the latest in a long series of exchanges by the United States and Japan regarding alleged violation of the open door policy and anfair treatment of Americans and chcir interests by the Japanese mili tary. RESIGNATION OF CUMMINGS WASHINGTON, Dec. 31 (UP) Attorney General Homer S. Cum mlngB resignation from the cabinet will become effective at noon on Mon day, January 2, the White House an nounced today.