The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 26, 1938, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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ptATTSitotrm sEia . weekt journal
Job's Daughters
Hold Installation
of New Officers
Miss Wilma Friedrich Is Installed
as Honored Queen of Bethel .
No. 24 Last Evening.
Friday evening in a very impres
slve ceremony, Bethel No. 24 of Job':
Daughters installed their officers for
the ensuing term, a large number of
the members as well as parents be
ing in attendance.
The honored queen of the bethel
Miss Wilma Friedrich and who with
the other officers were installed im
pressively by past honored queens,
Rachel Robertson, installing officer;
Eleanor Minor, Frances Cloidt, cus
todians; Jean Knorr, chaplain; Alice
Hirz and the retiring queen, Shirley
Seiver, ceremonial marshal; Ellen
Kaffenberger, ceremonial secretary
and Mrs. L. S. Devoe as musician.
The other officers installed were:
Janet Westover, senior princess;
Mary Gayer, junior princess; Mar
garet Ann Vallery, guide; Vivian
Warner, marshal; Jacqueline Weten
kamp. chaplain; Ruth Westover, mu
sician; Rosemary Steppat, recorder;
Katherlne Barkus. treasurer; Helen
Barkus. librarian; Peggy Wiles, Dor
othy Jean Turner, custodians; Eliza
beth Ann Wiles, inner guard; Betty
Jasper, outer guard; Maxine Nielsen,
Grace Louise Wiles, Juanlta Sigler,
Phyllis Speck, Betty Gayer, messen.
During the installation Helen Hiatt
sang "Teach Me to Pray" and at
the close Shirley Seiver sang, "A
Perfect Day. Mrs. Devoe was the ac
companist. Shirley Seiver, the retiring honor
ed queen, was presented with a very
handsome past honored queen jewel,
the presentation being made by Alice
Jane Hirz. Wilma Friedrich, the new
queen, was honored with the Nan
Martin medal for honored queens.
Friday at the office of County
Judge A. H. Duxbury occurred the
marriage of Mary Mae Chase and
Lee Herman Goodwin, both of "Om
aha. The marriage lines were read
by Judge Duxbury in a very impres
sive manner and at the conclusion '6f
the ceremony the young people re
turned to their homes in Omaha. The
wedding was witnessed by Betty
Clements of Elmwood and Miss Min
nie Ulld, clerk of the court.
D. E. Askew has received the news
of the death of a sister-in-law, Mrs.
C. W. Askew, 69, which occurred
the early part of this month at her
home in Ashtabula, Ohio. Mrs.
Askew and her husband have for
tie past forty-five years made their
home in the Ohio city and were en
gaged in the mortician profession.
The funeral a ad interment was at
From Thursday's Dally
Miss Theresa Ilemple departed this
afternoon for Omaha where she will
spend the holiday season there with
her relatives and old friends. She ex
pects to be absent' until after the
new year.
From Saturday's Daily
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Anderson,
who have been visiting here from
St. Paul, Minnesota, left yesterday
for Ceresco to spend Christmas with
Mrs. Anderson's parents.
Mrs. L. W. Egenberger was in Om
aha Wednesday afternoon to attend
to some matters of business and visit
ing with friends.
r.bscribe for the Journal.
Is Still Ahead of Us!
OF OUR ...
Good Warm Overcoats
All Wool Price is Only
; Where Quality Counts
LjuLnnn i iirnninnr--
Virginia and Florence Burks are
on the sick list.
Ed Coleman is spending the win
ter in California.
Rex Peters' car 'was damaged by
fire Monday morning.
Little Doris Draper has been sick
the past week with the flu.
Born to Mr. an3 Mrs. Adeleman a
baby boy Tuesday, December 20.
C. W. Newkirk of Columbus spent
Wednesday night with his family.
Miss Lucille Leesley and Velma
Walradt visited in Louisville Fri
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rouse spent
Christmas at the J. T. Anderson
Miss Jean Blauvelt of Plattsmouth
has been very poorly the past few
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Walradt have
been on the sick list, but are some
Mr. and Mrs. George Bobbett of
Lincoln were Sunday visitor of the
Raymond Howard who is working
in Weeping Water spent Thursday
night at home.
Gilbert Alton of Omaha, grand
son of Mrs. Etht-dge spent the day
with her Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Jardine and
family spent Christmas day with
Mrs. Jardine in Lincoln.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Anderson and
Miss Aurel Cope spent Christmas at
the Everett Cope home.
Miss Dorothy Leesley is spending
Christmas vacation with her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Leesley.
' Mrs. Charles Walling and daugh
ter of linont came Friday to visit
her mother, Mrs. Mary Talcot.
Mrs. Dora Leesley received word
that her brother-in-law, Dave Behrns
ofYutan passed away Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bingham of
Omaha visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Etheredge Sunday afternoon.
Miss Ruth Harmon is spending
her Christmas vacation with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Harmon.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Alton and Miss
Clare of Omaha visited their mother
and grandmother Mrs. Etheredge
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Wright and
Mrs. G. S. Alton of Omaha visited
Mr. and Mrs. Etheredge Wednesday
Mrs. Elton Xeller has been on
the'i sick list the past week. Her
mother, Mrs. Joe Kyles has been
caring for "her.
A large crowd of little folks greet
ed Santa Claus around the tree Sat
urday night and happily receibed
their candy sacks.
Miss Marguerite Hartman of Weep
ing Water has been confined to her
bed with broncial pneumonia, but is
better at this time.
Dorcas society will have their first
meeting of the year January 6 at the
church with th officers entertaining.
Everyone is welcome.
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Lee and
son of California spent Saturday
at the C. W. Newkirk home and
went to Ethica to send Christmas
with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Marvin, Mrs.
Mary Talcott and Mrs. Elizabeth
Reece of 'York spent Christmas day
with Mr. and Mrs. Lee Knolle in
Sioux City, Iowa.
Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Riddle and
baby and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Rid
dle of California pleasantly surprised
their cousin, Mrs. Glen Peters and
family Wedneday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm Lundberg and
daughter of Fremont spent Christ
mas day with -Mr. and Mrs. Travis
Cameron and Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Bright and Shirley.
Misses Lucile Leesley and Velma
Walradt arrived from California
Tuesday evening and enjoyed a din
ner at the Lee Walradt home. Mr.
and Mrs. A. E. Leesley were also
Mrs. Dora Leesley received the
sad news that her son Charles Coffin
passed away at his 'home in Ashland.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gribble and
family spent Christmas day at the
Welier home in. Staplehurst.
There was a good crowd at the
operetta. "Christmas With the Wom
an in the Shoe" presented by the
grade pupils Wednesday evening at
the school auditorium. It was well
worked out tnd everyone enjoyed It.
Legion Auxiliary Meets.
The American Legion Auxiliary
held a lovely Christmas party on
Wednesday afternoon, Dec. 21 at the
home of Mr. J. S. Gribble.
Several business matters of im
portance wtre discussed and voted
Thomas; Walling Company.
Alitr&cts of Title
Phon .124 PlatUmouth
4. Phon .124 - Plattsmouth A
fr -I"M-l"I"I-I-I"I-MI"I"I-I-I
Clarence Miller
Wins Release
from Penitentiary
Judge E. B. Chappell Holds That
Man Sentenced From Cass Coun
ty Wrongfully Convicted.
LINCOLN. Dec. 22 (UP) Clarence
Miller, serving out a conviction in
1934 on the charge of chicken steal
ing, who was given a ten year term
under the habitual criminal law, was
ordered released this afternoon by
Judge E. B. Chappell.
It was contended that Miller
should have served but one year but
a writ of habeas corpus was only
recently secured to bring the case to
The decision of Judge Chappell
paralleled that of the state supreme
court recently in the case of Harry
Kuwltsky of Nebraska City, which
held that the habitual criminal act
failed to set out a distinct crime but
rather a repetition of criminal acts.
Miller had been convicted and sen
tenced on a two-count complaint, had
he been carefully charged on one
count he could have been sentenced
to ten years but as in the Kuwitsky
case the conviction could not stand.
upon. An interesting report of Dist.
12 convention at Plattsmouth was
given by Mrs.. Gribble who was the
delegate from Greenwood unit.
Along with the exchange of gifts.
and Christmas music, a lovely quilt
was shown to the ladies which was a
gift from Elsie Peters to the Aux
iliary for the Veterans hospital.
Christmas cards were passed out
from past President Mrs. J. D.
Bauers who was ill and unable to
attend. Altho unable to attend, Mrs.
Bauers did her part as co-hostess
with Mrs. Lunceford in serving a de
licious lunch at the close of the aft
ernoon including Christmas favors.
Everyone departed wishing one an
other "A Merry Christmas."
Deal-a-Deck Club Meets.
The pinochle club met with Mrs.
Art Laymen Thursday for their
Christmas party; Margaret Howard
was a guest. . Lovely refreshments
were served. The next meeting will
be with Mrs. Andy Leadabrandt.
Hold Benefit Party. .
The American . Legion and Auxil
iary held a benefit party at the hall
Dec. 19, the proceeds being used for
Christmas treats and baskets. There
were 11 tables present. Mrs. H.
Richards received high prize for
women and Mr. P. Clymer high for
the men. Several donations were
given for which the Legion and Aux
iliary wish to thank along with
those who attended, thus enabling
them in carrying out their work for
the community.
At the close of-the evening's games
a nice lunch was served by the Aux
Four generations of the nation's first
family the Roosevelt clan will lead
the nation today in ceremonies official
ly opening the Cristmas season.
At 4 p. m. (c. s. t.) President and
Mrs. Roosevelt, the president's 84
year old mother, Mrs. James Roose
velt, and several of the president's
children and grandchildren will at
tend ceremonies at Lafayette Park
across the street from the White
House where the community Christ
mas tree will be lighted. Mr. Roose
velt after delivering Christmas greet
ings to the nation will press a botton
lighting the decorations on the tree
and give the signal for similar cere
monies throughout the country. The
president's remarks will be broadcast
on all major radio networks.'
MANILA, P. I., Dec. 24 (UP)
Two mail clerks were shot to death
and $75,000 in gold was stolen from
the Uocos-Mainila Express, it was
discovered when the train arrived at
Manila station tonight. Authorities
said it was the first train robbery in
Phillipine history.
The clerks were found murdered
in the baggage car. The car's safe
was locked but the keys were missing.
Police opened the safe and discovered
it had been looted. Rail officials said
the gold was a shipment from the
Baguio mines.
From Frlday'a Dally
This morning in the district court
Pearl Beasley was granted a decree
of divorce from Glen Beasley;' The
plaintiff was reprsented by Attorney
J. H. Davis.
From Thursday's Dally
Home Economics Club
Tuesday evening the Home Eco
nomics club held a buffet supper at
the high school. After supper the
remainder of the time wa3 spent In
From Friday Cany
Thursday Afternoon Club
The Thursday afternoon club met
yesterday with Mrs. Henry Goos.
Prizes were won by Mrs. Goos and
Miss Dora Fricke.
St. Paul's Ladies' Aid
Mrs. Frank Horsak and Miss Helen
Smetana were hostesses yesterday to
the St. Paul's Ladies' Aid. A pro
gram was presented in which Verona
Toman played a piahi number, Patty
Kocian gave a Christmas reading,
Mary Lou Warner sang, accompanied
by her sister Vivian, and also gave a
reading. Delicious refreshments were
served by the hostesses.
From Saturday's Daily
Entertain Children
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gobelman en
tertained at a Christmas party last
evening for the boys and girls of
their neighborhood. A hilarious eve
ning was spent making popcorn balls
and playing games. Christmas pres
ents were exchanged. The guests
at the party were Catherine and
Tommy Conis, Margaret Farney, Bub
and Phyllis Hoffman and Janice
Honor Mr. and Mrs. Anderson
The S.C.K.A.T. club entertained
at a covered dish luncheon on Wed
nesday evening for Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Anderson of St. Paul, Minne
sota, former members of this club.
The party was held at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Staikjohu. After
the delicious supper; Chinese check
ers and the game "Cork" were play
ed. In ' "Cork" John Turner was
the winner. Gifts were exchanged.
Those attending were Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Lugsch, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Cloidt, Mr. and Mrs.; John Turner,
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sundstrom, and
son Vincent, Mrs. Llora Lloyd Kieck.
Mr. and Mrs. Anderson and Mr. and
Mrs. Starkjohn.
Arabs Snipe at
Christmas Pilgrims
to Bethlehem
Pilgrims Gathering 'to Worship at
the Birthplace of Christ Find
Danger From Rebels.
BETHLEHEM," Dec. 24 (UP)
Christmas pilgrims ' exposed them
selves to Arab rebel snipers today as
they plodded in brooding silence along
the' five-mile road from Jerusalem to
Bethlehem to worship at their holiest
Once inside the city, birthplace of
the Savior they were protected by
steel-hel meted British sentries, crouch
eed behind sandbag ramparts, bayon
ets fixed for ' instant action. But
around them were battle scars and
an atmosphere of deep gloom It was
the third successive year that the
traditional Christmas Eve ceremonies
at the church of the nativity had
been saddened by the' Arab rebo'Iion.
This year the smoke-scarred facades
of the police station, post office, gov
ernment hospital and other buildings
bare witness to recent battle. It had
been only a few weeks since British
soldiers recaptured the city from reb
els and only last night for the first
time in two months, was the curfew
law lifted by special order of the Brit
ish commander-in-chief.
ARNOLDS PARK, la., Dec. 24
(UP) Sportesmen were warned to
day to ignore thousands of ducks rest
ing temporarily on west Okoboji Lake,
including an estimated several hun
dred which are frozen in the ice.
Jesse F. Thompson, U. S. game
management agent for Iowa, said only
injured or sick ducks are frozen in
the ice and that none needs human
aid. Thompson said the ailing ducks
either were suffering from gunshot
wounds or from lead poisoning result
ing from eating shot in shallow feed
ing lakes.
The number of ducks in west Oko
boji as been estimated at from 200,
000 to 500,000. Conservation author
ities said unseasonably warm weather
and an abundance of com left in fields
by mechanical pickers caused the
ducks o stay on the lake later than
..Whether your printing Job Is
large or email, it will receive our
prompt attention. Call No. 6.
Christmas to
Witness Many
Home Parties
Plattsmouth Residents to Entertain
at Homes or Join in Visits
to Other Points.
From Saturday's Dally
Miss Verna Leonard left for Lin-:
coin yesterday to spend Christmas
with relativse.
Mr. and Mrs. D. K. Waller will
spend Christmas day in Omaha with
a niece, Mrs. J. T. Little.
Searl S. Davis and son, Stephen,
were in Lincoln yesterday visiting
with Mrs. Mary M. Davis.
Miss Dora Fricke left today to
spend Christmas with her sister, Mrs.
Russell Harirs and family in Omaha.
Mr3. Bob Keller and daughter
Claudine left this morning for
Wichita, Kansas to visit during the
Christmas holidays.
At Sunnyside on Christmas will be
Mrs. Mae S. Morgan and daughter,
Clara Mae,. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar S.
VVescott of Lincoln.
Mrs. J. Jev.ett and children of
Kansas City will be here to spend the
holidays with Mr. Jawett who is a
river engineer here.
Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Devoe, Stephen
and Marjorie will be guests on
Christmas day at the home of. Mr.
and Mrs. I. J. Devoe in Lincoln.
Mrs. Fern Hendricks of Omaha is
entertaining Christmas at dinner for
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Donat, Sr. and
Mr. and Mr3. Vern Hendrkks of this
city. 1
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cappell are
having as their guests for Christmas
day Mr. and Mrs. Frank Downey of
Lincoln, the latter a sister of Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Allbee are
having as their guest Christmas,
their daughter, Mrs. Selma Marshall,
of Glenwood who will spend the
day here.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Schaeffer
and daughter, Sandra Sue of Des
Moines, Iowa, are spending the
Christmas holidays here with Mr. and
Mrs. James Bulin.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Pettit and
son departed this morning for Grand
Island, Nebraska, where they will
spend the holiday season with rel
atives and friends.
Ward Whelan is spending the
Christmas holiday at Rockwell City,
Iowa, where he Is the guest of the
Roy James family and t to remain
until the new year.
John Ledgway ;and family with
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ledgway of Chi
cago, are to be Christmas guests at
the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. An
drew Snyder for the day.
Mrs. William Hassler and daugh
ter. Miss Anna, will be at Omaha
Christmas where they will be guests
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl
F. Hassler and family for the day.
William J. Streight will be a guest
over the holiday at Lincoln with his
daughter, Mrs. Evi Spier and family
and also visit the old friends in the
capital city. I
Mrs. John Kirker and. daughter.
Miss Ila Kirker, Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Shea will spend Christmas day
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
Kirker and family of near Ashland.
Mr. and Mrs. George Hall and fam
ily of Goodland, Kansas, are to be
guests here for the holiday at the
home of Mr. Hall's parents, " Mr.
and Mrs. Julius M. Hall and family.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Howard Davis
are spending the holiday season at
Lincoln where they will visit with
Mrs. Parker, mother of Mrs. Davis as
well as with other relatives and old
Mr. and Mrs. G. Ernest Trembell
of Lincoln, Katherine Sumner of
Lincoln and June Sumner of Omaha
will be here tomorrow to spend
Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. D. S.
Mr and Mrs. Leslie Bains and
children, Leslie Jr., and Barbara Ann
of Maxwell, Nebraska, are here to
spend . Chrlsmas day at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schlssel,
parents of Mrs. Bains. Mr.' Bains is
engaged in work on the Tri-County
project in the west part of the state
and will return to work Monday.
Mrs. J. A. Donelan went to Papil-
lion today to be with Mr. and Mrs
Karl Brown and daughter over
Miss Margaret Bauer and Miss
Helen Smetana expect to leave Mon
day for Spencer, Nebraska where
they will spend a week visiting with
Mrs. Ed Loomis and Mrs. Lawrence
At the L. D. Hiatt home on Christ
mas will be a group of the relatives,
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Heinrich
and Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Lutz. The
party will enjoy the traditional
Christmas dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Metzger of
Omaha and their son, William Metz
ger of Cedar Creek, will be guests
here on Christmas at the home of
Judge and Mrs. A. II. Duxbury and
family for the day.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Tidd depart
ed Friday evening gor Orleans, Ne
braska, where they will visit over
the Christmas holidays with Mrs.
Maude Bodine and family and with
Roy Bodine, cousins of Mrs. Tidd.
Mrs. B. F. Wiles and daughters,
Florence and Mrs. Ethalyn Mullis of
Lincoln and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Klauschie of Omaha, will be here
Christmas to visit at the Carl Schnei
der and Ilailey Wiles home for the
Mr. and Mrs. John Bajeck will
have as their guests on Christmas
day, Mrs. Lillian Livingston and
sons, Mr. and Mrs. Emmons Ptak,
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Ptak and
Dennis and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sharp-
nack and Dennis.
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Schneider will
have as their guests at the Christmas
dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Burdick
and children of St. Edward, Nebras
ka. Mr. and Mrs. E C. Burdick of
Norfolk and Mr. and Mrs. Carl J.
Schneider and son, Ronald of this
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie
Niel will be the scene of a family
gathering on Christmas day. Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Sharp of Omaha, Grettal
Hackenberg of Wayne, Mr. and Mrs.
Russell Hackenberg and A. G. Hack
enberg of this -city will be their
Christmas dinner guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Thim
gan will be Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Mc
Donald and family of Murdock, Mr.
and Mrs. Ed W. Thimgan and Larry,
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Graves and
Maxine and Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Graves and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Rex Young will
have as their guests for the Christ
mas holiday, Register of Deeds Miss
Lillian White, Miss Georgia White,
Mr. and Mrs. Guy White and family,
Albert Young of this city, Miss Flor
ence White and Mrs. Ona Lawton
and son, Lyle of Omaha.
At the John Hibert home on South
Eighth street there will be a very
pleasant family party at dinner for
Christmas, Mr. and Mrs. Frank M.
Bestor, John Kenneth Bestor, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert H. Bestor and son, Mr.
nd Mrs. Rudolph Iverson and Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Hiber and son, Ed
Miss Helen Hunter will entertain
Christmas dinner tomorrow Mr.
and Mrs. W. J. Hunter, Barbara and
Billy of Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. Jake
Hild, Catherine and Arthur, Mr. and
Mrs. Sterling Ingwerson, Mr. and
Mrs. Edward Gansemer, Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Knabe, Margaret Ann and
Mr. and Mrs.. C. C. Wescott are
entertaining at dinner Christmas,
Miss Alice Louise Wescott of Chi
cago, home for the holidays, Mrs.
Maude Fricke, Frederick, Jane and
Marion Fricke, of Lincoln, Misses.
Olive Gass. Margaret Mapes and
Margaret Hbdgert. Mrs. F. L. Cum-j
mins and Miss Ruth Patton.
$2.50 and up
Paid for Dead Horses
and Cows
50c a Hundred for Hogs!
2214 and Reverse Call
Friend of the George W. Thomas
family, former residents here, will
regret to learn of the death of the
babe of Mr. and Mrs. George Thomas,
Jr. which occurred last Saturday at
the family home at Los Angeles, Cali
fornia. The little one was born in
September and christened Susan, her
coming having brought a great deal
of Joy and happiness to all of the
family and who are sorrow stricken
at the taking away of the little one.
The babe is survived by the grief
stricken parents, one sister, Joan and
one brother. Kirk as well as the
From Saturday' Daily
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Schreiber left
today on a trip to New Mexico where
they will spend their vacation visit
ing at points of interest there.
From Friday Daily
Attorney G. L. Clements of Elm
wood vas here today to attend to
some matters in the county court.
Vita-Rich Brand
Pancake Flour
It ....ldc
Smith Brand
or Sanders
Z.. 3 for 29c
Staley's Syrup
5-lh. Stt 10-lb.
FailV-j3J' Pail
NECK BONES, 6 lbs. 25
Krmh, Mnitr
Bulk Pork SAUSAGE (
or Tender
P0BK CE0PS, lb. -18
Choice, Crntrr Cut a
STEAKS, Baby Beef, lb.23
Tender Xlrloln or Shortcut
BEEF BRAINS, Oxtails or
FTesh Pigs Feet, lb 5$
HAMBURGER, 2 lbs.:25
Krexhlj- (iround lleef
BACON, i2-lb. Cello Pkg.14
lllnk-Ilnlo-. Sliced
NnKar Cured
KRAUT, in Bulk, lb 4
(VUp, Tender
SALMON or Sable Fish,
Sliced or Piece, 2 lbs.23i
WHITING FISH, 2 lbs.15
HeadleMH, DreMMcd
Oatman's Dundee
(Save Labels for Premiums)
Del Monte, Reg. or Drip
Mb. Can, 2S, 2-lb. t
C RANGES, large, doz 23
Juicy California Sunk lot
Seed lea N vela
TANGERINES, doz. l212
Iarxre Juler Florida
APPLES, fancy Idaho
Bushel $1.79
Per lb. 5
CARROTS, large bunch 5
California reen Top
CELERY, large stalk 10 1
Tender California
YAMS, U. S. No. 1, 4 lbs.19
I.onlMlana Porto II I ran
Fine Granulated Beet
Del Monte Pure
Tomato Juice
4 for 25c
P & G, Crystal White,
Omaha Family or Big 4
10 Giant Bars J
Cunrtis Sweetened
2 for 39c
. Ad for Plattsmouth, Tues.
and Wed., Dec. 27-28