The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 26, 1938, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Festive Dishes
Mark Yuletide
as in Old Days
Adopted Americacs Keep Traditions
of Past in Europe Norse
Children Mask.
Same Old Christmas Tree But; How Different I
MILWAUKEE (UP) Wisconsin
housewives today prepared oplotke,
lutefisk, spare ribs, stuffed goose,
and gingerbread and waffles, for
Traditionally a day of feasting and
rejoicing throughout the world,
Christmas in Wisconsin will bring
to festive boards a variety of foods
as diverse as the nationalities which
compose the population of this state.
Each town in it3elf, and towns
within cities, will again take on the
atmosphere of Old Country villages
as mothers stew over steaming pots
in their kitchens.
Czechs Not So Gay
Far removed irom the swiit pace
of the streamlined modern world is
the large Czechoslovakian commun
ity in Kenosha where lace tablecloths
are laid with plates covered with
oplotke, honey cracker, the national
dish of the homeland. It will be a
cadder Christmas there than in past
years, for the homeland has been
carved to rebuild the map of Europe
during the past year, but as one
housewife said. Christmas without
oplotke is like Christmas without
Santa Claus.
Foreheads of the Czechoslovakian
children will be crossed with honey
again, though the mother's blessing
for a sweet and nourishing new
Sugar waffles, baked on specially
imported irons made only in Bel
gium and covered with nutmeg will
be served in the homes of Belgian
families living near Green Bay. Most
nf the homeland customs of Christ
mas time have been abandoned by
the Belgians, but waffles and hot
chocolate still remain in almost all
of the homes.
Norse Children Mask
For the children of Norwegian
families living near Ettrick the holi
day season is another Hallowe'en.
Disguised and? masked, the children
run from house to house, knocking
on doors until they are opened. Once
inside, the children dance and caper
until tlveir-i hosts -aud ihoctessesr iden
tify them and provide food and
drink. ' " '
Most Norwegians celebrate the
birth of. Christ with a feast of lute
fisk, Norse fish delicacy, but some
sit down" on Christmas eve to heap
ing platters of spare ribs.
Best known of the Christmas
dishes prepared in Wisconsin, how
ever, ' is the Waterfown ' stuffed
goose. Old German burghers spend
weeks cramming specially prepared
noodles down the throats of the
geese to produce the over-fattened
fowl for table throughout the coun
try. Smoked Goose Prepared
In Sheboygan, Milwaukee, Port
Washington and other German cities,
Gaenseklcin - smoked shanks of
goose stollen filled with minced
sugared fruits, kaffeekuchen and gin
gerbread will be served with light
Pilsner , beer or heavy coffee.
Cookies are an important eide-dlsh
of the German meals. Pfeffernusse
hard, nut-like little cakes flavored
with anise and rich butter cookies
sprinkled with multi-colored sugar
r-MJ hi
In the fifty yeaip between 1888
and 1938, the Christmas Tree has
grown-up more rapidly than in all
its previous centuries of existence.
The old candles, flaming and askew,
have given place to brilliant little
electric solar systems, the decora
tions have become simpler and more
Most modern and streamlined of
all are the Christmas presents nest
ling at the foot of the ancient tree.
Whole villages and plants, ready-cut
and fitted, waiting to be erected;
electric trains flashing through and
over minute models of the most
famous tunnels and bridges, a host
of streamlined presents, ranging
from the most subtle and delicate
applications of electricity, to the
fully automatic electric toaster. Ions-
established - as the 'center "of - the
modern breakfast table.
The well ' known artist, Virginie
Fowler,' ' has - shown above, two
halves of ' the Christmas Tree, one
beating the decorations and presents
of 1888: the. other, those of 1938.
And the young woman of the earlier
picture. Is the grandmother of the
are the most common. Bakery shops
feature ginger-bread cakes cut tc
the form of Kris Krinkle, Christmas
trees and animals.
At Monroe, Swiss children will
perform, intricate gymnastic drills
nd dances while proud parents beam
and drink beer at the Turnhalle.
Much of the spirit of the Old
World remains, but with the replace
ment of the sleigh and horse by the
streamlined automobile, the old-
fashioned wine cellar by a cromium
finished tavern, old customs fade and
die." Soon, the old folks says, Wiscon
sin, too, will be just a place where
Santa Claus slides down the chimney
to leave toys for Junior and Sally.
MARION, O. (UP) Mayor Fred
erick C. Smith plans to hold his
annual Christmas party for 1,000
Marion underprivileged boys and
girls again this year.
The party, following custom estab
lished by the mayor when he assumed
office, Mill be financed from part of
his salary as mayor, none of which
he accepts for his personal un.
Now in his second term, Ilayor
Smith each year has spent 75 per
cent of his $2,400 annual salary for
civic and charitable purposes and re
turns the rest to the city treasury.
Admission to this year's party will
be by ticket. The fete will be held
December 26.
MONTREAL (UP) One burglar
here has added a pole and hook to
the tools of his trade.
The last three times one couple
have had company for supper at
their home, the guests' handbags
disappeared from a bedroom adjoin
ing the dining room. The windows
of the house are about 1 stories
above ground, there was no evidence
that anyone had entered the room,
and the manner in which the thefts
were carried out caused a mystery.
The mystery was cleared when
the hook from the burglar's pole was
found on the floor of the bedroom.
Becker, Co-year-old hitch-hiker, is
plying his trade with his left thumb.
Reason: His "business" thumb the
right one was struck by a passing
automobile, badly lacerated.
We can TurnTsTk you wTITi HuT
ber Stamps made to order at a
price considerably below that you
have been paying. Prompt service.
If vou need stamps, see us.
ufetftie spirit W$tV& feneplanb
do vou luion?
IF you had a fire, how much
would you lose? Is your fire '
insurance enough to take care j
of any loss? Are you sure?
Killions of dollars are lost ev
ery year because of insufficient
insuranc;. sure we'll help you.
Come ir., write or telephone.
No obligation.
l -
if '
4 " . - - . ?SgS.-"- , S." . ..'1:aA ... ,
Mrs. Charles Campbell and Rus
sell were in Omaha Tuesday.
Mrs. Albert Blum and Allen were
shopping in Omaha Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. V. D. Livers were
business risitors in Lincoln on Mon
Miss Edith Rissness of Lincoln
visited friends in South Bend over
the week end.
Mrs. Nancy Streight spent Tues
day in Ashland with her daughter,
Mrs. Pleas Proctor.
Mr. and Mrs. George Vogcl and
Loran spent Tuesday evening at the
Charles Fosberg home.
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Carnicle and
Wayne called at the Jess Fidler
home on Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Carnicle were
in Lincoln on Thursday ( finishing up
their Christmas shopping.
Ed Rohrig of Lincoln and Clar
ence of St. Louis were callers at the
F. J. Knecht home on Friday.
Ned Blakesly and Miss Donahough
of Lincoln were Sunday afternoon
visitors at the J. L. Carnicle home.
Callers at the Ed Copsey home on
Saturday evening were Mr. and Mrs.
Bernard Dill and son and Jimmy
F. J. Knecht and Billy began tak
ing inventory at the Service and
Storage Station in Weeping Water
on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Carnicle and
Mrs. Clyde Haswell were in Lin
coln on Monday to do their Christ
mas shopping.
Frank Barta and family and Mr.
and Mrs. Jim Barta of Hastings
came Saturday evening and spent
Sunday at the Oscar Dill home.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Dill and Ver
non were shopping in Lincofn Mon
day. Bob Cans returned with them
to spend his Christmas vacation.
Glen AVeaver and Mr. and Mrs.
Andrew Peterson and Wanda Scott
drove to Pilger Sunday, where they
were guests of Miss De Loma Scott.
Mrs. F. J. Knecht spent Monday
and Tuesday with her parents. Mr.
and Mrs. J. G. Wunderllch at Ne
hawka. They are recovering from
the prevailing colds.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fosberg
drove to Sarpy county on Tuesday.
Mr. Fosberg attended the Bale of
Mrs. Ben Metrger and Mrs. Fosberg
spent the day visiting her old friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Sack.
Mr. "and 'Mrs.' Thorwald' llanseTfr
and family were dinner guests at
the home of Mrs. Hansen's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Fosberg. Mr.
?nd Mrs. Clyde Haswell and fam
ily were Sunday evening guests.
On Saturday Mrs. Helena Timm
Miss Lauretta Burdick. Miss Helen
Saunders and Mrs. Saunders drove to
Lincoln to do some Christmas shop
ping. While there Mrs. Timm also
visited her daughter. Mrs. Ellen
Towle. Lloyd Towle returned with
thpm and snent Sunday with his
Mrs. Glen Thiessen entertained at
dinner on Sunday in honor of her
husband's birthday. Those present
were Chris Thiessen, Mr. and Mrs
Allen Hileman and family of Gretna,
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Dunn of Louis
ville. Donald Hileman and Miss
Bonny Keys of Springfield. Mr. and
Mrs PhAR Ziers and family of
Louisville were afternoon callers.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Roeber enter
tained on Sunday at a prc-Christmas
dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Hy Stander of
Ashland, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Ktandpr Mrs. B. O. Mooney and
Billy, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Stander
nnd Dale, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rhor
danz, Mrs. Charles Stander and
children. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reis
ter and daughters and Earl Puis,
Stirred . with thz geni;! need cf jlhe season, Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouce, iha c'warf Dopey and . the Goof burst "forth, ijjjto :
Christmas caroling, and with curse t enchant th Littfe -Figs and all the quaint forest . ' .
r. , , - - - . . .creatures that hsve ponylated Walt Disnsy' "Silly Symphonies'
Spread Cheer
Into Homes of
Many Today
Lcjion Auxiliary Sponsored Distribu
tion of Toys Beaches Upwards
of 75 Needy Families.
From Saturday' n 'ly .
Throughout most of the day to
day, the Ofe Oil company s delivery
truck, contributed for that purpose,
has been on the go, transporting
neatly wrapped packages of toys and
clothing to the homes of eventy-five
families scattered over the city. Th
work of wrapping and labeling the
packages occupied the attention of
half score or more Legion Auxil
iary members yesterday.
In addition to the city-wide dis
tribution of toys and clothing, the
Auxiliary collected foodstuff from its
members for the assembling of a
dozen food baskets that were sent
out yesterday to the families of
s!ck and needy ex-service men.
The two enterprises are separate
and distinct, with the toys and cloth
ing going into needy homes gener
ally and the food baskets confined
to ex-service families.
Members of the Girl Scouts fur
nished the material and made cloth
ing for four of the dolls that had
come in at the "toy matinee" at the
Cass, while the Auxiliary furnished
the material and the sewing center
made the clothes for the balance.
Rehabilitation and Child Welfare
chairmen of the Auxiliary agreed
this year's distribution has been on
? much larger scale than heretofore.
but say much credit is due to thor
who gave such nice toys, to Guy
Griffin for the free show he gave nd
to the Journal for publicity given
the activity as well as the Recrea
tion Service and Sewing Center for
their work and the Ofe Oil company
for use of its delivery truck.
With this wholehearted co-operation
on the part of everyone, th
Legion Auxiliary has been able to
spread Christmas cheer into th
homes of many whom Santa might
School Program
The teachers. Miss Lauretta Bur
dick and Misa Helen Saunders with
the school children presented an un
usually gocd Christmas program on
Thursday evening. Each child took
his part exceptionally well. The
i;ageant. "The Christmas Story." was
truly beautiful given by such small
children. The large audience shows
the interest taken by the commun
ity in their school.
Friendly Circle Club Keets
The Friendly Circle Club met on
Wednesday with Mr8. Nancy Streight
tad Mrs. Glenn Thiessen. Mrs. J.
L. Carnicle was assistant hostess. Be
sides the regular business meeting,
the ladies decided to send $5.00 to
the Orthopedic hospital in Lincoln
as a Christmas gift.
A delicious luncheon was served
by the hostesses. The next meeting
will be' held on Thursday, January
12, with Mrs. Charles Kennedy in
Obituary, Wm. Kitrell
William Smith Kitrell was born
at Sparta, White county, Teuu., on
July 4, 18S6, and passed away at
St. Elizabeth's hospital in Lincoln.
-here he had ben serlounly ill for
nine days, on December 11. 193S.
JiS Jj'as the youngest. of seven child-,
rcn of the late Joseph and Ann Kit
rell. There were two brothers and
four sisters.
On December 20. 18 89, he was
united in marriage to Alice Ann
Clouse. To this union seven chlld
len were born, four of whom sur
vive. They are Virgil H.. John D.
and S. Taul of Lincoln, and Mrs.
Chlodia Ann Thimgan of Anhland.
who with the wife, Alice Ann. and
ten grandchildren, one nephew, Sid
ney S. Kitrell of Lincoln and a niere.
Mrs. Cora Dell of Springfield, and
a large circle of friends are left to
mourn his loss.
They moved to Nebraska in 1899.
p.nd have resided in South Bend for
the past 40 years.
He was loved and respected by
all who knew him. He was a mem
ber of the rresbyterian church.
Funeral services were held on
Tuesday from Marcy's chapel in
Ashland, the services being con
ducted by Rev. T. Porter Bennett,
minister of the Methodist church.
Burial was in the South Bend
cemetery beside the body of his sou,
From Friday' lally
In the county court this morning
hearing was had on the probate of
the last will and testament of II. (J.
Soennichsen, deceased. After hear
ing the evidence and Identification
of the will, the document was ad
mitted to probate and Mrs. Ruth
Soennicb?en named as executrix of
the ectate.
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hoffman af
having as their guests over the
Christmas holiday and Monday, Mr.
and Mrs. Otto Dresselhaus, parents of
Mrs. Hoffman. Mr. and Mrs. Harold
DreBEelhaus, Mr. and Mrs. Clarenc;
Neville and Marylin of Lincoln.
Bernard Drcst,elhaus, who wa3 visit
ing at Lincoln over Saturday, re
turned with them.
EAST LYME, Conn. (UP) A rani
saw its reflection on the polUhed
surface of Andrew Antoniacs auto
mobile and charged. The tar went
to a repair shop. Th ram was mys
tified but unhurt.
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