The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 22, 1938, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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iouise Foster was visiting with
relatives ia Omaha last Sunday, stay
ing! over night and returning home
Monday morning.
Mr." and Mrs. Carl Peters ot Ne
braska City were visiting for the day
last Sunday at the home ot Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Banning.
Mrs.. John Lidgett has been very
pecrly for some time past and while
ehe .is somewhat improved the still
i3 not recovered entirely.
Mrs. Mary Davis has been quite
pocrly for seme time past; and while
she is some better at this time is
still not feeling in normal health.
Word from Palmyra, home of Mr.
and Mrs. C. E. Withrow, parents of
Elmer Withdrow, is to the effect
that the mother has ben very ill.
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip F. Rihn were
over to the country home of Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph H. Lidgett. for the day
last Sunday where all enjoyed the
day very much.
The V. C. T. U. of Union had a
machine boy in the window of the
pest office where It 13 affording fun
for the public and especially for the
school children. "
Elmer and Frank went to Nebras
ka City last Sunday to visit at the
St. Mary's hospital with Mrs. Elmer
Withrow, who returned to her home
here last Monday afternoon.
Mrs. Joseph Banning , entertained
last Friday at the home when with a
large number of her friends cele
brated the coming Christmas with a
party and very fine luncheon.
On last Wednesday Mrs. W. A.
Taylor, her daughter, Mrs. C. W.
Hoback, Marjory, Donald and Ivan
were all down to Nebraska City visit
ing and doing some shopping.
Mr. and Mrs. Jess Dysart who have
been visiting at Wayne in the north
ern part of the state returned to
Union to make their Lome for the
winter, arriving last Saturday.
James Crabill of Nebraska City,
an employee of the Lincoln Tele
phone and Telegraph company was
looking after some business matters
in Union last Monday afternoon.
Mary Becker who was at the hos
pital for treatment for a number of
days, who returned hdme about ten
days ago was able to return to her
v.ork at the bank last AVednesday.
Oscar Midkiff and family and Earl
Freeman and family of Avoca were
guests for the day last Sunday at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Midkiff, parents of Oscar and Mrs.
Freeman. . .
Rev. W. A. Taylor was in Avo:a
last Thursday where he: went to offi
ciate at the funeral of the late Peter
Jourgesen, Jr.. an accrunt of whose
life, death and funeral appear in this
issue of the Journal.
May this Christmas be
one of hopes realized,
happiness attained and
success in the fullest
measure possible. We
wish you prosperity in
the coming year, 1 939.
Platts. State Bank Building
Relieve Their DISTRESS
This Easy, Quick Way!
To bring speedy relief f-om the discom
fort of chest colds, muscular rheumatic
aches and pains due to colds you need
more than "just a salve" use a stimu
lating "counter-irritant" like good old
warming, soothing Muiiterole. It pene
trates the surface skin breaking up local
congestion and pain resulting from colds.
Even better than a mustard plaster
r . l i l . a l m:
Musieruie uua umi use vy wuiiuua lur
over 30 years. Recommended by many
doctors and nurses. In three strengths:
Regular, Children's (mild) and Extra
Strong, 40. Approved by Good House
keeping Bureau. All druggists.
Vou needn't grin and bear a cough due to a
old. Get Smith Bros. Cough Drops! Just 5!
Smith Bros. Cough Drops are the
j a-: iriTRtltU H
nniv nrnn rnniaii.ui iiniiiii? n
VltlJ C WW.-
ft..-. :. .v ..v.m.
i. Ill W- TtMUIM.
of the mucous membranes or tnc nose xy
Mrs. Elmer Terrell of Avoca and
Mrs. Anna Everett, Mrs. A. L. Beck
er were all in Omaha last Monday
visiting at the home of Mrs. George
A. Stites and also at the hospital
where Mrs. Roy Becker and little
daughter are now.
Dewey True who has been making
his home over near the river, was
out to California for a few weeks,
since which time they have moved
into Union and are occupying the
home of Mrs. G. S. Upton in the
north part of town.
Mrs. James T. Reynolds was pass
ing her 75th birthday amniversary
last Monday and was being given a
card shower by her many friends.
Robert Opp, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Opp also was passing his birth
day anniversary last Monday.
Home From Hospital.
Mrs. Elmer Withrow who has been
at the St. Mary's hospital at Nebras
ka City for the past two weeks
where she underwent an operation
was relased from the hospital last
Monday and was brought home by
Mr. Withrow. Since returning home
she has continued to improve.
Blessed With Twins.
At an Omaha hospital last week
twins were born to Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Becker, a boy and a girl. The
boy was named Everett, the family
name of the mother and the girl was
named Mary Ann. The little boy
passed away last Friday and was
buried at the cemetery near Union
last Saturday. The little girl is doing
nicely while the mother is only fair,
but thought to be improving.
Observes Birthday Anniversary.
Mrs. Rozella Clark was passing
her 69th birthday anniversary last
Monday and was joined in the event
by. her daughter, Mrs. John Guerra
and husband, Charles Clark, a grand
son, in a birthday dinner. Mrs. Clark
was recipient of many remembrances
on the occasion of her passing an
other milestone. :
Played Basketball
The town basketball team, the first
and second teams of the Union high
school and the grade school team
were were over to Avoca Tuesday
evening where they played four
games of basketball.
Visited at Falls City.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Holack and
father, W. L.. Hoback wert-. enjoy
Ing a fisit-at Abe,- toqraeof Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Bollmen. where they spent
the day Sunday and on their tUurn
were accompanied by Miss Bettie Aus
tin who has been attending school
at Falls City who. is visiting vith
her father. Jay Austin and otier
relatives for the Christmas hoildays.
Doing Very Well.
Mrs. James Fitzpatrick, who ha-
been at the hospital in Omaha where
she underwent a major operation is
reported as doing nicely at this time.
Frank and Anna Bauer, and James
Fitzpatrick were in Omaha to visit
Mrs. James Fitzpatrick last Sunday.
Rev. Taylor Given Ovation.
Rev. W. A. Taylor, who had at
tained the age of 73 years was a mem
ber of the Bible school at the Bap
tist church last Sunday and con
tributed his 73 cents to the birthday
fund for mission work, and gave a
talk explaining the work which the
pennies arc to do. The class of young
boys gave their friend Rev. Taylor
a very enthusiastic "hand." They
recognized him as boys' friend.
Undergoes Operation.
Horace W. Griffin who has been
troubled with repeated attacks of ap
pendicitis had the same removed
early this week at the Clarkson hos
pital in Omaha and is getting along
only fairly well. Mrs. Griffin is as
sisting in his care.
Back to His Work.
A. W. Carr, agent for the Missouri
Pacific at Avoca who has been off for
some two weeks was again able to
step back into the harness again. Mr.
Glen Hoback was working in Mr.
Carr's place while he was away.
We can TurnTsTk you w7 num
ber Stamps rnadn to' order at a
jrice considerably below that you
have been paying. Prompt service.
If vou need stamps, see us.
9 I dr
tiiir riiw the resistance
- Lf .
W. Li. Seybolt was a business visi
tor in Weeping Water last Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Troop were
enjoying a visit Sunday at the home
of their son Robert Troop and wife
at Syracuse.
E. J. Krueger has accepted a posi
tion with W: O. Troop who has Mr.
Kreuger getting things ready for
the winter season.
W. Q. Boedeker was called to Ora
aha Monday to look after some mat
ters of business in connection of with
the Murray State bank.
Charles R. Troop of Plattsmouth
was visiting and looking after some
business matters on his several farms
between Murray and Nehawka last
Roy Gregg who grew a great deal
of sweet clover seed the past season
was having the same cleaned at the
store rooms of the Ray Frederick Seed
company here.
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Brubacher were
in Plattsmouth last Sunday, guests
for the day at the home of Mrs. Ed
ward Brubacher where all enjoyed a
very pleasant visit.
Mrs. Orville Noell who has been
at a Lincoln hospital the past three
weeks receiving treatment was so
far improved that she was able to
return home last Saturday.
Otto Schaeffer was in Rapid City,
South Dakota late last week where
he purchased some 23 horses which
he brought here. lie was accom
panied on the trip by George Troop
and Fred Kroehler.
A baby daughter was born to Mr.
and Mrs. Enos Tlunkett last Friday
at their home near Weeping Water.
Dr. R. W. Tyson, the attending phy
sician, reports the little lady and
her mother as doing nicely.
Visiting Friends Here. .
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kennedy and
daughter of Washington arrived in
Murray a few days ago and are
visiting with friends and relatives in
Murray over the Christmas season.
Speaking of the west Mr. Kennedy
says it is a fine place with better
opportunities than here. However
they were greatly pleased to return
to Murray for a visit with their
friends. They were guests while here
at the home of the parents of Mrs.
Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Long
and other relatives.
i .j . .
Attend Farm Meet.
. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Spoerr. spent
last Wednesday in Lincoln attend
ing Organized Agriculture. Mrs.
Sporer attended the home economics
program while Martin reports inter
esting programs and that he would
have enjoyed more than one day
spent there.
Dance Will Be Friday.
As Christmas eve comes this Sat
urday night, the regular dance which
has been given each Saturday night
will be held Friday instead of Satur
day. All attending these dances will
please take notice. Come and enjoy
the dance Friday night at the Mur
ray hall. ltw
Still Boring Test Wells.
There has been bored a number
of holes at various points In Murray
in an effort to secure a location where
plenty of water might be obtained for
the water system which is to be
constructed. Water in such quan
tities as would be plenty for a farm
and as well for the home have been
found but not sufficient for the water
system. The village is continuing
to sink test holes for a well but have
not as yet found oue yielding suci
cient quantity.
Chester Shrader Very 111.
Mrsl George Nickles has been rath
er ill with the prevailing flu epi
demic but has gotten over it to some
extent, and calling her nephew,
Chester Shrader at Omaha was in-;
I rSeasons Greetings-
Expressing our appreciation to our friends and customers
for their patronage during the. past year and trusting that
we may merit the continuance of same. Sincerely wishing you
A Merry Christmas and Happy New: Year
WrigfitG Liquid Smoke
65c and $1.00 Size
Also have Wright's Ham Pickle and Sugar Cure. 3 lbs. S
in halt gallon glass jug. Add 28 lbs. ordinary-salt and N
Kmn &z
; Phone 2471
formed that Mr. Shrader was taken
ill with a very severe attack of flu
while at "his work and -was taken
home. When so informed Mr. and
Mrs. Nickles went to Omaha to visit
their nephew whom they found very
sick. They were up Sunday and
while Chester was some better he
still was so ill that he was kept at
home in bed. r .
Finds Car of Coal Short.
George Nickles when he had un
loaded a car of coal which he received
last Saturday found that their -was
5,000 pounds of the load short. This
is like the car which was shorted
some time ago between . Union and
Omaha, when several tons were short.
Mrs. W. S. Smith Some Better.
Mrs. Will S. Smith t who was so
seriously ill last weelt with a severe
attack of flu, so bad in fact that
she was compelled to remain at home,
is some better this week.. However
incident with her improvement Mr.
Smith was afflicted with the disease
and was only able to look after the
business In the preseqt state. '
Changes Location of Work.
Earl Troop, who has been work
ing in the western part of the state
as a drag line operator, with the
wife arrived iA Murray .and were
visiting at the home of his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Troofl :over the
week end. They departed early Mon
day for Auburn whpre.Mr; Troop:has
accepted a . like - positioiwIthfTthe
government there, avis, tneir nttie
daughter, still remains at Aspen,
Colorado where -she. 'is- attending
school and is to. a: Christ
mas pageant, desiring to remain and
attend school, staying at the home
of Mrs. Troop's parents.
Returns to Home North. .
W. A. Lewis who has been receiv
ing treatment at the University hos
pital in Omaha where he has been
seriously ill for some, time -has been
showing good imprqveibent of late
and was allowed to Ijt the hospital
to return to his home at Laurel. Mrs.
Lewis, who has been .staying at the
heme of her daughtert.Mrs. A. G. Cis
ney, accompanied the husband home.
They were taken" to'fVemont by their
daughter and husband; where they
were met by anothefY daughter" who
make their home at Laurel and taken
To Discontinne?Farming.
George Troop, who has been farm
ing and'batching'. 'as Sir's." Troop is at"
the tuberculosis-'infiJfttary at Kear
ney, and as well the few recent, non-'
prcductive years has concluded to
quit the farming game and , so sold
his farming equipment to Victor
Wehrbein who is to move on the farm'
formerly occupied byMr., Troop. The
farm where Mr. Wen'rfoein 'has been
will be occupied by ftn overseer for
W. G. Boedeker.
NEW YORK (UP) The new
$17,000,000 United States Lines sea
queen will be christened the Amer
ica. . : - '
Largest and most costly-merchantman
ever constructed fn art American
yard, the .'America': ;tVt-7l .feet long
with a , 93-foot ' bea.ifi"" j Accommoda
tions will be available.'.for. 1.-219 pas
sengers in cabin;" tourist "Trad third
classes. ... " ' - -
Every state in the Union will con
tribute material or: iabor in some
form; because of this fact the "name
America was believedvto be most ex
pressive of the significance of the
SYDNEY, N. S. W. (UP) Sydney
had a shipwreck" at its front door.
The freighter' Sydney Star, after a
collision with the- coastal". 'freighter
Macumba, late at. night, had , to. be
beached at Rose Bay, near the Em
pire flying-boat, bastr."
xir eene
Union, Nebr. 8
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Howard of
Plattsmouth were guests for the day
last Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Rolland Sutton at Nehawka.
Willard Clapp of Elmwood was
looking after some business matters
in Nehawka last Monday morning
and also visiting his many friends
Mr. and Mrs. H. II. Stoll have both
been having the flu and were able
to serve each other, the one not be
ing so gravely ill but what they
could care for the other.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph West of Lin
coln, who have been in California for
some time visiting are expecting to
return to Lincoln by Christmas to
remain here for some time.
Frank Bauer of Union was a visi
tor in Nehawka last Monday morn
ing, coming to look after some mat
ters regarding the Modern Woodman
of America and consulting with Al
bert Anderson.
Jack Wunderli:h has accepted a
position with the Tobin quarries as
time keeper at their quarries at
Woodriff, Kansas where he is now
enjoying his work and the out-of-doors
which it brings him.
Dr. Weber of Omaha, a dentist
who has been coming to Nehawka
for dental practices ou stated days
for some time last week made the
purchase of a new. 1939 deluxe Ply
mouth from the local distributor.
Marvin Edmunds, a brother of Gil
bert who has been at Faribault,
Minn., where he has been attending
the .Shattuck Military school ar
rived in Nehawka late last week and
is visiting at the home of his brother
over the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. John Opp were en
joying, a. visit for the week with
their little grandson, Buddie Plun
kett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Enos Plun
kett of near Weeping Water. Last
Friday a little sister came to the
home of the PJunket family.
Stuart Rough is to depart for Los
Angeles in a short time where he
will spend some six weeks of the
winter with his son, and after that
will continue on to Texas to spend
a like time at the home of a daugh
ter, returning to Nehawka some time
in April, next spring.
Bobbie Wunderlich, : a student at
the state university who is spending
his vacation at home is assisting
with the .extra work at the Farmers
Co-operative Oil company of Nehaw
ka, and with the-manager is getting
out their statement for the end of
the. year which makes a very good
sized bit of work.
Mrs. J. M. Palmer Still Poorly. '
Mrs. J. M. Palmer who has been
quite ill for several weeks, continues
in about the same condition and is
being cared for by special nurse
and: receiving treatment from the
family physician. While she is some
better at times she still continues
poorly. . Her sister, Mrs. James M.
Dunbar and husband of Auburn were
here last Sunday to visit with her.
Continues to Improve.
Frank M. Massie who has been so
seriously ill at his country home
slowly has been gaining and is now
able to get up and get across the
room when he has a chair or some
thing to take hold of. Mr. Massie is
now 85 years of age and is as keen
as anyone and loves to talk about
the early days of Nebraska. Grover
Hoback and wife, the latter a daugh
ter, of -Mr. Massie,; accompanied by
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hemphill were
out to see him last Sunday and had
a fine visit with him.
Enjoyed Fine Family Dinner,
ifr. and Mrs. John K. Steffens were
host and hostess at a very delightful
family gathering at. the home in Ne
hawka last Sunday wher the served
a fine dinner. They had as guests for
STAR on skis
Smooth coin; makes him a star
performer on skis. Smooth roing
across your chin makes super-keen
Star Singrie-eage jjiaaes wtr
performers on your face. jfT
Famous since 188 . rt v .,-
-V -m l
the day their family, Mr. and Mrs.
C. Steffens, parents of John, of Lor
ton, Mr. and .Mrs. Albei t Anderson
and a sister of J. H. Steffens who is a
nurse in ' Chicago, Miss Margaret
Hold Vesper Service Sunday.
Last Sunday evening at the Ne
hawka Methodist church was held
the union vesper service, the Meth-
odist and United Brethren churches
Joining in the service. Rev. Lenker,
pastor of the Methodist churches at
Nehawka and Weeping Water and
Rev. A. B. Small, pastor of the United
Drethren church both conducted the
service. There was a large number
of people present.
Will Hold Christmas Services.
A special Christmas program will
be held Friday evening at the Meth
odist church which is being specially
prepared with carols and other spec
ial singing.
Spendirg; Holiday at Home.
Miss Betty Ross, Deane Nutzinan,
La Verne Steffens and Paul Wickhoest,
all attending Doane College at Crete
are to spend their Christmas vacation
at heme which will extend from Fri
day of this -week until January 3rd
when school acain convenes.
Will Hold Meeting.
The Farnu?rs Co-operative Oil Co.
of Nehawka have had their books
and accounts audited by their aud
itor and found them in good condi
tion' and showing a good surplus
after all expenses have been paid.
They will hold their annual stock
holders meeting in a short time.'
EL RENO, Okla., Dec. 21 (UP)
Dob Dale, 17, had plenty of reason
to be happy.
He was a member of a prominent
and respected family, editor "of his
high school newspaper, and a leader
in school activities.
Also, he had a girl.
' He and his girl started quarrel
ing. They broke up. -
Tuesday he called his mother to
his bedroom.
i "I'm sick, mom," he said.
,. He put his head in his mother's
lap and died.
County Attorney Sam T. Roberson
said that the youth died of poison.
le pronounced the case suicide.
BOERNE, Tex., Dec. 20 (UP)
Four members of the United States
armed services were killed last night
when a coast guard plane exploded
over this town and crashed.
The victims were Lieut. F. S. Ly
ens, pilot of , the ship and .unit com
mander; Ensign C. H. Peague of the
U.-S. navy; Rupert H. Germaine of
the coast guard; and George C.
Latham, enlisted man in the army,
from Fort Bliss. Lyons, Peague and
Germaine all were Ltationed at El
SANTIAGO, Chile., Hcc. 20 (UP)
While Europe suffered from zero
weather, Chile experienced a heat
wave today with the temperature at
S9 degrees.
Theatre . Nebraska City
Kerry Christmas
Sat., Sun., Mon., Tues.
Joan Crawford Robert Young in
"The Shining Hour"
with Melvin Douglas and
Marg-aret Sullivan
Eat., Sun., Mon., 2:30 Continuous
Quivering nerrcs can make yon eld and
hattzard looking, cranky and hard to live
with can keep you awake nights and
rob you of good health, good times and
What you may need is a particularly
f ood woman't tonic and could you ask
or anything whose benefits are better
r roved than famous Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound? Let its whole
some herbs and roots help Nature build
up more physical resistance and thus help
calm your shrieking nerves, give more
energy and make life worth livinp again.
More than' a" million women have re
ported benefit why not let Pinkham's
Compound help YClU, too, to go "amU
Ing thru" trying times like it has other '
gTateful wob'b for the past 3 genera
; ..
rM T iTt lHrii' fiinn ' II i aali itm .
2-50 CASH
EO per 100 lbs. for Dead Hogs
Fop Prompt Service, Call
The Fort Crook
Rendering Vorlis
Ft. Crook, Nebr., Market. 3541
Wo Pay All Phone Calls
An .iprovoil Thra t rr lu Injc
I'onloil I'irliirrn!
Mailnrr Snturl nt Z:M
Don Mr rrnlurc Hill I'rtfr l.nrrc In
'Mysterious Mr. Moto
Tin- liest of Mr. Moto'H new m'kiiii ad
ventures, together with Joe I'.. Hruwa in
'The Gladiator
onp-ninn team anl watch him ranslc
Mnn Mountain Ixan. Also last chapter
of Hick Trarv Srriiil. lon't miss thl
linal episode. -Matinee Saturday, i:30
Adults 25c Children. . .10
Ills: Chrlxtninx' I'roitrnm lloh llurna
nie' n Itl nt In
'The Arkansas Traveler
He'll travel rieht into your heart! Alo
Musical Comedy. Iiarnarl Svmphony
ami News. A fluiw you nh.ii!dn't miss.
Illfl'V m:w VKAIt TO tl.l.
Mailt Miowm. 7 ami H
Matinee, 10-25c Nights, 10-30Q
trtnl llnr-alu Hay show harlra
Itlekrim Kaiiiuun Slory
'A Christmas Carol
The Ftory of life and it ortYrs
everv man. Also Three Stooge Coined v
and Novelty lletls. Matinee at
All Shows, 10 and 15c
ioi tu.i: i ntTiiii: iMiotiittM
Jonn Crnwforil ami Itubrrl touaic I
'The Shining Hour
I'rr.vton I"oer ami 'hjllU llrmika !
'Up the River
Best Wishes
We. hope your enjoyment
of the Holiday Season will
be complete and unmarred
.by fire or auto accident . . .
for even good insurance
such as we sell cannot re
compense for the disap
pointment and possible loss
of life or severe bodily in
juries these might occasion.
Phone- 16
The Lone Ranger
Wants You to
Join His
It's easy and doesn't
cost a cent. For details
5:30 P. M.
Mon., Wed. and Friday
butter-nut bread
a iv n v
111 v
asd throat to cola infections.