THITE5DAY, BTCEHirS 22. 1928. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WTT.TTLY JOttfeNAL PAGE TESTE rrom Tuesday' Daily Roy Derby of Springfield! Ne braska "was a business visitor In Plattsmouth today. John Cloidt, Jr., ri-turned today from Creighton University to spend the holidays here with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wagner, Mar vin and Donna Beth and John Robert Brown of Ceresco were guests Sun day at the home 6f Rev. and Mrs. J. C. Lowson. Miss Florence Lowson, a student at Wesleyan University in Lincoln, is enjoying the Christmas vacation here w ith her parents, Rev. and Mrs. J. C. Lowson. GOLDEN ROD STUDY CLUB TO UNDERGO OPERATION From Tuesday's Daily Douglas Reno, fifteen months old son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reno was placed in the Univers.ty hospital in Omaha yesterday undur the care of an eye specialist. He has been suf fering from an eye infection for the past ten days and it is feared that unless an emergency operation is per formed the baby may lose the sight of his eye. RETURNS EOME Mrs. Inez Thompson, who was called here by the death of her mother, Mrs. J. E. Jones, departed Saturday evening for her home. Mrs. Thompson while here had the pleas ure of meeting a number of the old time friends that she had known so well in the years of her residence here. TO CHRISTMAS IN MISSOURI Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Rosen crans are" planning on spendini; their Christ mas holidays in Hontwell, Missouri, where they will be guests of the par ents of Mrs. Rosencrans and enjoy the holiday season. The annual Christmas party of the Golden Rod Study club was held at Addie Perry's beautiful country home. A very unusual program was enjoyed under the capable leader ship of Beryl Dick, assisted by Jen nie Cole, she reviewing Christmas in other lands. Several musical group singings were rendered and thoroughly enjoy ed. The hostess and associate hos tesses, Nellie Spangler and Kath erine Wiles served delightful refresh ments. Then the Christmas gifts were de livered, each being given by a mys tery sister. A great deal of pleasure was derived from this. HOME FROM WEST COAST From Tuesday' Dally Ben McCarty, who has been visit ing on the west coast for the past summer and fall, returned home this morning. Ben has been at Oakland and San Diego, California, for several months and on the way back to Ne braska stopped at Oklahoma City, be ing a guest at the home of his uncle, Robert Wohlfarth and family for a short time. IN SERIOUS CONDITION The reports from the west coast are to the effect that Mrs. Jeanette Morgan Atkinson, former Platts mouth lady, is very gravely ill at her home in San Diego, California. Mrs. Atkinson has been In failing health for several months and her condi tion has become such that little hope of her recovery is entertained. ATTEND TEMPLAR MEETING From Monday's Dally Attorney W. A. Robertson and Wil liam F. Evers were in Grand Island yesterday where they attended a meeting of the Knights Templar tactics committee. fi OCIAL From Monday's Daily Hold Christmas Party The members of the Catholic Daughter of America Sunday ob served their annual Christmas party which was held at the home of Mrs. E. A. Webb, where the settings had been most attractively arranged in the theme of the holiday season. The handsomly decorated tree and fire place added to the charm of the settings. The event was in the nature of a covered dish luncheon and enjoyed by a very large number of the members. The afternoon was spent in cards, bridge and pinochle serving to enter tain the ladies. In the bridge games Mrs. W. H. Woolcott was winner of the high score and Mrs. John L. Hadraba, consolation, while in the pinochle games Miss Josephine Rys had high score and Mrs. Hermie Svo boda the consolation. At an appropriate hour Santa Claus appeared on the scene and gave out the presents for the ladies. The date was also the birthday an niversary of Mrs. John L. Hadraba, who was presented with a gift in honor of the event. Miss Theresa ilemple, member 01 the Lincoln court, was a guest of the afternoon. The hostesses were Mrs. Webb, Mrs. Elmer Bennett, Mrs. Lester Gay-lord. From Tuesday's Dally Hold Steak Fry The home of Mr. and Mrs. Theo dore Ptak on North Sixth street was the scene of a very delightful social gathering Monday evening as a group of some twenty guests enjoyed a steak fry and covered dish luncheon. The attractive game room of the home was used for the fry and the steaks grilled by the fireplace and made a most toothsome treat. The members of the party surprised the host and hostess by coming in a wide assortment of costumes that added to the fun of the evening. M tig B From the warmth in our hearts to the warmth in your homes, we wish you $ One SBp yojous Christmas J a E. J. RSCESEY f MARY - DON - MARTIN - LESTER H and ED KELLY at Cedar Creek Yard Seniors Have "Kid" Party The senior class or the Plattsmouth high school held a "Kid" party last night at the high school building. Members of the faculty were guests for the evening of fun. The first part of the program was an amateur program in which Miss Helene Perry won the prize for the faculty and a team comprised of Jim Sandin and Bill Armstrong won the student prize. The group then went down to the gymnasium where the remainder of the evening was spent in playing games and dancing. There was a very good attendance of both students and faculty. Eleanore Giles and Kathryn Barkus received the prize for the best costumes. Delicious refresh ments were served. Have Christmas Party The Plattsmouth Woman's club had their Christmas party last eve ning at the home of their president, Mrs. Elmer Sundstrom. After the business meeting a beautiful and im pressive candle lighting service was presented under the direction of Mrs. E. H. Wescott. Mrs. John Wolff and Mrs. William Heinrich were readers. Soloist was Miss Fern Jahrig. Those Mi As you gather around your family fireside at this joyful Christmas season, know that you carry with you our BEST WISHES FOR 88 Health, Happiness and Prosperity Throughout the Coming Year! $ is m i sr. m PLATTSMOUTH H. A. Schneider President Henry Horn Vice President STATE BANK Frank A. Cloidt Cashier C. J. Schneider Assistant CasMer sr. taking part in the candle lighting were Misses Selma Diehm, Garnet Claire, Dorothy Clock, Miss Uben, Sylvia Korbel, Katherine KImsey, Jane Oakes. Mrs. Devoe played the piano. The group sang Christmas carols. While refreshments were being served, Santa Claus appeared and gave treats to each member present. Hostesses were members of the social committee comprised of Mrs. John Wolff. Mrs. J. C. Woest, Mrs. Frank Korsak, Mrs. Frank Mullen, Mrs. William Heinrich. The music com mittee, Mrs. E. H. Wescott, Mrs. J. A. Capwell and Mrs. L. S. Devoe, had charge of the program. From Wednesday's Dally Stnbbendeck-Colbert The marriage of Miss Pauline Stubbendeck, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Stubbendeck, Unadilla, to Lloyd Clark Colbert. Wabash, took place Tuesday, December 20, at North Branch in Otoe county. Rev. George Bergstraesser officiating. The young man Is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Colbert, prominent residents of Cass county, and is engaged in farming. K. B. Club Has Dinner Mrs. Paul Wohlfarth entertained the K. B. club last night at a C:30 turkey dinner. The house was very beautifully decorated for Christmas and a charmingly arranged dinner was served, with Christmas favors for each. White elephants wrapped like Christmas gifts, were brought by each member to serve as prizes. Mrs. Frank Bestor had the highest score and had first chance at choosing a prize. This created a lot of fun for the group. Gifts whih had been put under the Christmas tree were then exchanged and a special gift was presented by Mrs. Wohlfarth. It was a lovely Christmas party and each member of the club fully en joyed the evening. m m the finest of foods - for & 1 r. Ckl i I I -I - I I 1! a it Christmas dinner is a per fect climax to a day fitted with happiness and joy. JVinAy IDinAy wilt help you make it a feast lony to be remembered and still heep the cost well within your budyetf We Will Be Open Evenings Until Christmas Avalon Brand Kuner's Fancy Garden Fruit Cocktail PEAS 9fnr9fi!c No. 21- U QC N' 303 c&ns - Can -L Thompson Seedless Del Monte Fancy RAISINS PQC Tomato Juice 21b pk5 ' 15; 4'lb Giant 46-oz. -fl F?C JELL-O .fl In Can JL id Six Delic. Flavors, 3 Pkgs. .U.TI mm HINKY-DINKY WISHES YOU A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS .CHRISTMAS CANDIES - - - at Value Prices! Christmas Broken Mix 2 Pounds Peanut Brittle Old Fashioned Xmas Mix Candy, Chocolate Drops, Orange Slices.. Lbs 0 Chocolates KrfkKSftVw.; s..b...05c Chocolates KCst, F3c-V7s!cT&b..90c .Pfa e Her Majesty or Sensation f fin ftlcFirAc;! Chocolate Covered. 1-lb. box AV Mint Patties fXs F.AN.CY 21c TASTY NEW CROP m NUTS PRICED LOW! Mixed Nuts 2&&?ftUZVl .20c Brazil Nuts Medium washed, ib igc PeanUtS Fresh, Jumbo Roasted, Bulk, lb.-lOC PeCanS Large, Bleached Papershell, lb 23 C AlmOndS Drake, lb. ... 23c WalnUtS Long Type, Baby 2 lbs. 35C nlrtfMAMfl or EUREKA Large Budded fCf JDiamOnCi English Walnuts, Ib ZC CHRISTMAS TREES Stronic. Itrautlful ort hrrn Kin. r.t. 250 up Jnicy, California Sunkist Seedless Navels Med. Size, Doz., 17y2p; Large Size, Doz GRAPEFRUIT Juicy Texas, Large Size, Doz., 23c; Each . . APPLES Fancy Ida Winesaps or Ark. Blk, bu, $1.7S. lb. Fey. Colo. Jonathons 4iff A .4 lbs. TANGERINES Juicy Florida, Large Size, Dozen . X-Pw 5c 5c Box, $1.38., CRANBERRIES 19c LETTUCE Solid Arizona, head CELERY fto Tender Cal, Lg. Stalk. UC Jumbo Size, 1-lb. Cellophane Bag . . CARROTS Calif. Green Tops Largo Bunch .... 19c Sc YAMS U. S. No. 1 Louis. Porto Rican. .4 lbs. DATES Golden Hallowii fO in Bulk . 2 lbs. XVC Van Camp's Tomato Soup 9-oz. Cans .4 for 19' Omar Flour Puts Magic in Your BakinS $-f .29 24-lb., 69; 48-lb. ii AVe will hv a iJirf S-lerloa of tfce HumI Krrli-Irra Turkeys Duclis Geese Cliiclxcns A J MONEY-SAVING THICKS Rath's Tenderized, Shankless p q They're amazingly Tender f U) Whole or Half, lb BeeE Eloaslt Ssy.nh'KB.WU ib.!4c Porli Roost SSX Lo,n8:.e"d 12c Ham&usrgeir Khf. .G:"nd.BeIf .b8.25c Lord dkrr:":nd2 .bs. 15c Porli Cfaops STr1: 10c Pop!: Gatisane B'ii" . . HCc V CZ&fr Tender. Juicy Sirloin or ?r wwcx T-eone, id Mince Uoot Ieu,rkCWd.Q.u,.".t.':.'.2 .b.33o Oysters qCS5: if" p1"k 22c Bacon a'aat'Siirfiir!'. 24c 17c SAI.ADA TEA Green i2-lb. Pkgr33; 14-lb. Brown L., 0. Pekoe 'tJOf i2-lb. rkg, 37 ; 14.1b. AV - Del Maiz Hiblets Corn Just Like Corn Off the Cob 2 for 23c 12-oz. Vaccum lYIifiiGc T!Iot V"p"nid'MiJ Wb t rat, 1-lb. Jar, J jci 2-1 b. Jar Puddings rsnahn'.,..Fn,.u.or.F,.g.'.No:..2 r.r25c Elatz Butter Craclzcrs ViS:. . . .22c Salad Dressing q!T jSn"7. 33c CoSee WicfsTii.""1." 45c Bread SSS HJK Wilr Oc mtm Iwm wrapprdi I'rlmr Alhert, Vrlvrt or 00 1 OlJflCCu K''!'1". !- - Oraaarer, 1-lb. "vJQ c-11 c vnloa Leader, 14-os. rmm ' Vw SNO-SHEEN Cake Flour oor 234-lb. Pkg iCi) All'Purpose Shortening 1-lb. Can, 20 Eyl'fl C 3-lb. Can 8)iL (S2S(B3 1 Lb. Can or Glass Jar Specially Mellowed Regular or Drip Grind Heinz IIETCIIUP Large 14-oz. Bottle 17c Heinz Puddings Date, Fig or Plum Small Can, 14 Qq Medium Can Fine Granulated Beet CnACIIERS Glencoe Soda f T p 2-lb. Caddy Jill Royal Brand FLOUR Offc 48-R. Sack JP Kif Ad for Plattsmouth, Friday, Saturday, Dec 23 and 24