The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 22, 1938, Image 1

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    fTclr. Sfnte.nisfcrica Society
NO. 92
County Farm
Bureau Holds
Annual Meet
One Hundred and Fifty Attend Event
Reports Received From the
Group Chairmen.
The twentieth annual Cass county
Farm Bureau meeting:, held in the
auditorium of the Methodist church
in Weeping Water, Saturday after
noon, was attended by about 150 peo
ple who came from all parts of the
The meeting was opened by the
president, John B. Kaffenberger, of
Plattsmouth, who mentioned the
notable progress which has been
made in -the county alorg agricul
tural lines, and the changes which
have been made in presenting the
work, during the twenty year span
that the Farm Bureau has been in
existence in this county. He intro
duced J. M. Quackenbusb, the agrir
cultural agent, commenting upon the
fact that since Mr. Quackenbusb. is
leaving the -county thi3 was not only
his initial address, but probably his
last to such a group within the coun
ty. The county rural women's chorus,
under the leadership of Mrs. J. R.
Reeder of Plattsmouth, won much
well earned praise with the presen
tation of three numbers, "She Sleeps
My Lady Sleeps," "Over the Summer
Sea," and "Cheriberribin." This was
the first public appearance of the
Mrs. Ray Norris, Weeping Water,
Cass county's legate to the annual
meeting of the State Farm Bureau
Federation meeting at Organized
Agriculture, gave a concise report,
especially bringing out the high
lights of the talk on "Germany's Po
litical and Economic Expansion
Down the Danube," given by Bracket
Lewis who has spent the twenty
years since the World war in Europe,
and the last ten years of it in Czecho
slovakia. She also touched on the
address given by Niles Wallace on
the topic, "As Rural Youth Sees the
Future," and mentioned the address
on "Better Schools for Rural Amer
ica." given by Mrs. Glenn Hills, state
winner in the public speaking contest
sponsored by the Nebraska Farm Bu
reau Federation and who is now in
New Orleans to compete in the na
tional contest.
The extension agents, Mr. Quack
enbush and Jessie Baldwin, gave
brief reports of the various activ
ities carried on the past year by the
Farm Bureau, following which they
spoke a few words in recognition of
the service and cooperation rendered
by the 4-H club leaders and their as
sistants, and presented each with a
pencil as a token of appreciation from
the state and county offices.
4-H club boys and girls who had
been declared county champions were
next introduced and presented with
medals donated by varlcus commer
cial concerns interested in further
ing 4-H club work. Master feeder
certificates, won by livestock club
members, and given by the Omaha
Livestock Exchange, were also pre
sented at this time.
H. G. Gould, assistant director of
extension work, was the principal
speaker on the program, discussing
the extension outlook. He stressed
the fact that the extension service is
not just a state organization, but
that everybody in the county had a
part in putting across the education
al program, and the results achieved
are good or bad according to the
degree of cooperation and Interest
shown by the people themselves. He
stressed the importance of building
a good 4-K club program and compli
mented the county on what has al
ready been done along that line. He
brought out the fact that while 4-H
club folks are busy working on con
structive activities they haven't time
to think about crime or plan organ
ized destruticon such as that result
ing from nations at war.
A short business meeting conclud
ed the afternoon's program when
the minutes of the last annual meet
ing were read and approved and a
financial statement was given.
Open house wag held at the Farm
Bureau office following the meeting,
as a farewell to Mr. and Mrs. Quack
enbush. In the receiving line with
Mr. and Mrs. Quackenbusb. were Mr.
Kaffenberger, president of the Farm
Bureau, Mrs. Ralph Keckler, county
chairman of women's work, and H.
G. Gould, assistant director of exten
sion work. Miss Evelyn Wolph and
Mrs. Everett Spangler invited the
guests to help themselves to refresh
ments served from a table made at
tractive with centerpiece and ap
pointments in keeping with the holi
day season.
Home from the University of Ne
braska to spend their vacation here
with their parents are Miss Mary
Kathryn Wiles. Miss Alberta Tim-
mas and Miss Rachel Robertson.
Knights Templar
Select Don Seiver
as Commander
Mt. Zion Commandery No. 5 Select
Officers for Ensuing' Year at
Meeting Last Night.
From Tuesday' DfclTjr
Mt. Zion commandery No. 5, of
the Knights Templar at their meet
ing last evening selected their elec
tive officers for the ensuing year,
the following being named:
Commander Don Siever.
Generalissimo L. L. Horton.
Recorder W. F. Evers.
Treasurer Frank A. Cloidt.
Captain General L. L. McCarty.
The other officers will be appoint
ed by the new commander and all
will be installed at the session of the
commandery on January 16th.
Following the election of officers
the members enjoyed a very much
appreciated luncheon.
Candlelight vespers were celebrated
Snnday at the First Presbyterian
church at 5 o'clock with a very large
congregation in attendance. The
church had been attractively ar
ranged for the event, two large trees
with blue lighting making a pretty
scene and four large candelabrum
through the church lent a pretty
touch to the scene. Tall candles were
in each window and with trimmings
of green branches made a fine set
ting. A lighted star in the east of
the church was an effective part of
the decoration.
The choir entered the church
bearing tapers and took their places
in the organ loft.
The organ prelude was played by
Mrs. H. F. Goos and who also accora
paniet the choir in their numbers.
"The Joyful Morn." "Christmas."
"While by My Sheep." and "The
Shepherd's Story."
Miss Jean Knorr gave a most im
pressive organ solo and David Fow
ler a fine violin number, "Cavatina."
A vocal trio. Miss Florence Lamee,
Mrs. Hilt Martin and Mrs. J. R.
Reeder sang. "Bethlehem." Frank
A. Cloidt sang "O Holy Night" and
John Jacobs "In Bethlehem."
The decorating of the church was
in charge of Mrs. L. L. Wiles and
Mrs. L. D. Hiatt with Floyd Shan
holtz and J. E. Schutz assisting.
The Plattsmouth Loan and Build
Ihg association directors at their
meeting Friday night declared a 4
l-er cent dividend on paid up stock
and a 5 per cent dividend on install
ment stock. In order to make the
money available before Christmas,
dividend checks will be ready for
distribution by tomorrow.
Reports made to the directors in
dicate a reserve in excess of 50 per
cent, and the financial affairs in
splendid shape. Loans have increas
ed materially during the past year,
the officers state.
The annual meeting of the associa
tion will be held Tuesday evening,
Jtnuary 3rd.
Tuesday afternoon at the Presby
terian manse occurred the marriage
of Vernon Gustav Harms of Auburn
and Virginia Pearl Maxey of Brock.
The marriage lines were read by Dr.
H. G. McClusky, pastor of the First
Presbyterian church and witnessed
by Mrs. McClusky and Mrs. Wiley
Santa Claus has
Royal Greeting
Here Saturday
Some 1,400 Children Are on Hand
to Greet Santa and to Re
ceive a Treat.
The visit of Santa Claus to Platts
mouth Saturday brought out a very
large crowd of the residents from all
parts of Cass county, some 3,000 be
ing estimated in the business section
of the city as the visitation occurred
shortly before 2 o'clock.
Santa made his arrival in true
1938 style via river navigation, land
ing at the Lewis, flag3hip of the
fleet north of the dock and then was
brought on into the city by the old
fire truck, the first appearance of
which brought on the greatest of
enthusiasm from the large groups
along the street. j
Santa was met by the group of ,
fifteen flag bearers, selected from i
the members of the drum and bugle
corps and which made a most im
pressive sight. The Plattsmouth
municipal band with its swinging
marching tunes followed the flag
bearers and preceded the good old
Santa In the ride up to the court
house greeted the hundreds along
the walks and on the court house
lawn with waves of his hand in true
Oass county style.
The parade took up the route from
the court house north to Vine and
west on Vine to Sixth, back to Main
and then to the platform erected at
Fifth street.
" The guard of honor, composed of
the little folks chosen from the
schools of Cass county, met at the
Hotel Plattsmouth and were then
marched to the platform where they
were present when Santa - arrived.
On the arrival of Santa Claus at the
platform he was greeted by Mayor
George Lushlnsky, who presented the
key to the city to the monarch of the
Christmas joys, who accepted the
honor. King Frank A. Cloidt and
Queen Martha Kaffenberger of the
King Korn Karnival, W'ere also pres
ent to greet Santa and extend their
Gifts to the honor guard were pre
sented by the king and queen for the
Ad club.
With the close of the ceremonies at
the platform Santa and his escort
moved east to the east room in the
Journal building that had been pre
pared for his use. Here Santa greet
ed the youngsters and presented
each one with a treat, some 1,400
being given away during the course
of the afternoon. Many of the little
folks stopped for a short chat with
Santa and to tell their wishes.
The members' of the police force de
partment deserve much credit for
their fine work in handling the
crowds and keeping away from the
congestion and danger of injury to
the small children at least.
The announcing for the afternoon
was in charge of Walter H. Smith,
the official announcer of the Ad
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Reeder and twin
daughters, are to enjoy the Christ
mas holiday at Elmwood where they
will be guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Williams, parents of Mrs.
Reeder. Miss Anna Williams, who is
teaching music and English In the
high school at Elida, New Mexico, is
to be home also for the holiday sea
son to make a pleasant family re
Miss Maxlne Cloidt, Instructor in
the high school at McCook, Nebras
ka, and Miss Frances Cloidt, stu
dent at Stephens college at Colum
bia, Missouri, are expected home
Thursday. They will remain over
the holidays with their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank A. Cloidt.
Mrs. Elmer Sundstrom and Miss
Edith' Solomon were at Nebraska
City Tuesday evening, attending a
meeting there to discuss the social
security and unemployment prob
lems. District representatives were
present to explain the act.
To our Readers, Advertisers
and Friends, we extend the
A Very Merry Christmas
and a Happy New
Year to All
Publisher Journal
Frank Smith Klmer Webb
Grace Perry Carl Graves
Viva Palmer "William Nelson
M. S. BriffKS Floyd Yeliok
Andy Itoblnson Theodore ielick
Carriers and Correspondents
Fathers and
Daughters Hold
Fine Banquet
Bethel of Job's Daughters Have Fath
ers as Guests Initiate a
Class of Candidates.
From Wednesday's Daily
Last evening Bethel K. 24 of the
Job's Daughters held a very fine Fath
ers and Daughters dinner at the par
lors of the First Methodist church
and later a very interesting meeting
at which a class of six was received
into the order.
The dinner was served by the
Naomi circle of the Methodist church
and the dining room was very,
prettily arranged for the occasion
The tables were arranged In the
form of a cross and the Christmas
theme was carried out in the minia
ture tree3 and decorations of holly
as well as with the Christmas candles.
The scene was most attractive, as
the daughters were seated with their
fathers around the long tables. A
very large number attended.
Following the dinner the members
of the bethel and the fathers ad
journed to the lodge rooms in the Ma
sonic building for the regular meet
ing and initiation. Miss Clara Wey
rich, guardian, opened the meeting
and which was then turned over to
Miss Shirley Seiver, honored queen
and the officers of the bethel.
Following the regular work of the
evening a short program was held
that was much enjoyed. Honored
Queen Shirley Seiver extended the
welcome to the fathers on behalf of
the bethel and the response was
given by Rev. J. C. Lowson, on be
half of the fathers.
Jeanette Wetenkamp, a daughter,
gave a very delightful song that was
dedicated ot the fathers of the girls
and was very charmingly given. Miss
Margaret Ann Vallery was also heard
in the. vocal selection, "Thy Will Be
Done," that added to the program of
the evening.
Judge A. H. Duxbury spoke briefly
on the work of the organization and
its splendid value to the community.
The members of the class were
Dorothy Duxbury. Helen Hiatt, Ruth
Lowson, Helen Dill, June Griffin,
Wilma Tritsch.
From Tuesday's Daily
Don Bushnell of Burbank, Cali
fornia arrived here this morning to
spend the Christmas holidays' visit
ing with his mother, Mrs. G. O.
Schwenneker and other relatives'.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Anderson,
of St. Paul, Minn., are here to en
joy a visit over the Christmas holi
day with the old friends and neighbors.'"
Phone news Items to llo. 8.
Eastern Star
Entertains at the
Masonic Home
Fine Program Is Given Sunday Eve
ning for Aged Residents of
Home and Infirmary.
The members of the Nebraska Ma
sonic Home family were given a most
delightful pre-Christmas party on
Sunday afternoon and early evening
when officers of Home Chapter No.
189 Eastern Star, presented a large
group of the talented Plattsmouth
residents in songs, music and reci
tations. Each of the officers had secured
a part of the program and presented
the parties to take part in the en
tertainment of the occasion.
Mrs. Floyd Becker, worthy ma
tron of Home chapter presided. The
program offered showed a fine array
of talent and extensive numbers that
were very much appreciated. The
program was as follows:
Worthy Matron Mrs. Floyd Beck
er. Recitation "Why Do Bells of
Christmas Ring,, Harlan Hennings.
Piano Solo "Danube Waves
Waltz," Harlan Hennings.
Vocal "O Little Town of Bethle
hem," Shirley Chamberlain.
Worthy Patron John Janecek.
Vocal "Cathedral of the Pines,"
Theresa Slatinsky, accompanist Helen
Slatinsky on aocordlan.
Associate Matron Mrs. W. F.
Violin solo "Meditation," David
Associate Patron Luke L. Wiles.
Vocal Duet "Silent Night," Frank
A. Cloidt. Elizabeth Sigley; accom
panist. Mrs. L. S. Devoe.
Conductress Mrs. William Sey
boldt. Welcome George Minford.
Recitation George Minford.
Associate Conductress Marie
Recitation "My Puppy," Leland
Piano solo "Jingle Bells."
Recitation "One Square Meal,"
Wayne Meisinger.
Secretary Clara Weyrich.
Vocal solo "Christmas Carol,"
Marjorie Devoe.
Treasurer Mary Petersen.
Vocal Solo "Star of the East,"
Mrs. John E. ScMitz.
Chaplain Mrs. George Lushlnsky.
Vocal Solo "A Bird Lullaby,"
Juanita Sigler.
Marshal Mrs. Carl Schneider.
Recitation Ronald Schneider.
Organist Mrs. Henry Nolting.
Tap Dance Donna Bea Seiver.
Ruth Mrs. Earl Becker.
Vocal Solo "A Gold Mine in the
Sky," Mary Lou Becker.
Esther Malinda Friedrlch.
Quartette "Silent Night." "O
Loving Father," Schafer Sisters.
Martha Mrs. Wiley Sigler.
Vocal Solo "O Holy Night."
Frank A. Cloidt.
Electa Mrs. Raymond Larson.
Recitation "In Storage," Richard
Warder Mrs. William Kraeger.
Piano Solo "Mystery of the
Sentinel Henry Nolting.
Vocal Solo "Star of My Blue
Heaven." Robert Tritsch.
Boxes of candy were' presented to
everyone in the Home and the in
firmary by Mrs. Floyd Becker in be
half of Home chapter, the treat being
one that all enjoyed very much.
J. W. McCann, of Valley and Om
aha, well known grain and elevator
man, was in the city this week to
look over the sites near the local
Missouri river dock that might be
available for warehouse and elevator
purposes. He was well pleased with
the location and the promise of open
ing the way for grain shipments from
this fertile section of the state.
LINCOLN Miss Alberta Timmas,
Plattsmouth, and Miss Ruth Ann
Sheldon, Nehawka, were honored for
high scholarship during their fresh
man year at the University of Nebras
ka at the recent honors convocation
held at the college of agriculture.
Miss Sheldon and Miss Timmas are
now sophomores in the college of
Mrs. D. S. Sumner returned the
latter part ot last week from Cali
fornia where she has been visiting
with relatives at Redlands. She also
visited friends and points of interest
in neighboring cities.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. Vallery, who
have been at Kearney, called by the
Bevere injury of their son, William,
returned home Saturday evening.
They found William recovering very
nicely from the effects of the severe
accident that he suffered last Tues
day when his arm was torn off at
the elbow and amputation made
necessary. The lad Is a mass of
bruises from the waist up to his head
and it is remarkable that he was
not killed. It is expected that in a
few days he can be moved from the
Kearney hospital to the infirmary at
the state industrial school.
Choral Sins
Tuesday Night
Very Impressive Part of the Christ
mas Week Festivities Held at
Court House Lawn.
From Wednesday's Daily
Despite the penetrating . chill of
the winter evening, a large group of
the residents of the city and students
of the Plattsmouth schools were as
sembled at the court house lawn last
night, joining in the choral singing
and short program appropriate to
the occasion.
The group gathered around the
gaily lighted cedar tree that adorns
the lawn of the court house and a
spot light furnished the means of the
singers following their musical
The high school band and groups
of the chorus of the school were
joined by many from the choirs of
the city church In the group that
gave in song the glory of the Christ
mas tide. ,
The horal numbers embraced "The
First Noel," "Little Town of Bethle
hem," "It Came Upon a Midnight
Clear." "Silent Night." "Joy to the
World." David Fowler, musical di
rector of the city schools had charge
of the directing of the songs.
Rev. J. C. Lowaon, pastor of the
First Methodist church, gave the in
vocation. Rev. J. W. Taenzler, pas
tor of the First Christian church,
gave the Christmas story from St.
Luke and Dr. H. G. McClusky of the
First Presbyterian church gave the
The birth of Christ was portrayed
Sunday at 5 p. m. in a very beautiful
and reverential candle lighting ser
vice at the First Methodist church.
While the wonderful story was read,
and amid singing of Christmas songs,
scenes of the Nativity were enacted
on the platform.
Candles were lighted in the win
dows of the church and in candelabra
on the platform where was present
ed the story of the birth and ador
ation of the Christ child. The candles
gleamed beautifully amid the green
of the evergreen decorations.
Angels hovered over the manger
where the baby Jesus lay and where
Joseph and Mary knelt. The shep
herds and wise men came to pay
tribute to their king and were all
grouped on the stage. Soft blue light
from a star shone down on the lead
ing angel add formed a beautiful
Some fifty-five people took part in
the presentation and the church was
filled with those who came to enjoy
the service.
The Philathea -class of the Meth
odist church held their election of
officers on Sunday morning at the
regular meeting hour. The class has
for the past five years had the lead
ership of Mrs. Howard Wiles as presi
dent and who has served most effi
ciently in that office. In recognition
of her fine services to the class, the
members presented Mrs. Wiles with
a very handsome bouquet of red
The officers selected by the class
comprise Mrs. Fred Howland, presi
dent; Mrs. Glenna McMaken, vice-
president; Mrs. George Brinklow, sec
retary-treasurer; Mrs. Tom Cacy,
corresponding secretary. C. C. Wes
cott, who has served as the teacher
for many years was again selected
as the teacher.
Cities Want
Rights Protected
Before a Sale
Not Opposed to Purchase of Private
Utilities by the Hydros Under
Regulatory Safeguards
Much has been written regarding
the requests telegraphed to Federal
Tower Commission in Wanhington
from the League of Nebraska Munici
palities meeting in Lincoln Sunday
afternoon asking a postponement
for two weeks in the time of hear
ing on the Iowa-Nebraska's applica
tion to sell its properties to the pub
lic power districts. Some of the news
paper reports have been very mis
leading, causing a feeling that the
cities and their organization, the
League of Municipalities, is opposed
to the transaction.
Nothing could be further from
the truth; for the cities interested
are not concerned over who owns
the properties, so long as the rights
tc control and regulate which they
now hold over the private utility
are not destroyed in the transaction,
ps they will most certainly be until
agreements can be reached and cor
rective legislation passed by our state
legislature, now about to convene.
The League and its interested
member cities are only concerned
over enjoying the continuation of
these rights and believe they should
be guaranteed BEFORE instead of
after the deal has been made and
the properties pass out of control.
Take a concrete example:
If service or rates in Plattsmouth
ere unsatisfactory the city holds con
demnation rights over the private
utility company and power to issue
revenue "'bonds to take over the
property on a vote of the citizens.
That right should continue after the
pioperties pass into the hands of the
hydros, but tinder existing laws will
cease to do so.
The hydros say they are willing
to 6ell their "distribution system" to
the cities, and be wholesalers only
of current, but they fail to state if
the valuation would be physical or
subject to an added severance charge.
The present law specifically prohibits
the hydros from selling any prop
erty they acquire and until amend
ed will continue to estop such a sale
from taking place.
Legal minds are agreed also that
n change in our present laws will
be necessary before citieB are vested
with condemnation rights against
the public power district, regardless
of how uusatisfactory their service
might become.
A third matter of concern to cities
is that of rates. Although there has
been much talk about rates, no defi
nite proposal has been made as to
what the maximum or "ceiling" rate
may be.
Cities to be effected, or the major
ity of them at least, feel that these
are matters which could and should
be worked out before they consent
to the sale of the properties, and it
is their demand that these rights be
established before and not after the
sale takes place, that gives rise in
the minds of some that the towns,
the League and even the Governor,
who joined in requesting a postpone
ment of the "request-to-sell" hearing
until conferences could be held and
the legislature provide tha necessary
safeguards to the towns.
Another matter of equally vital
importance is that of taxation. The
hydros have stated they are willing
to pay the equivalent annually of the
taxes now being paid by the private ,
utilities, yet there are no laws on
out statute books at present to com
pel or even permit the payment of
such tax sums.
More important to Plattsmouth is
the tax revenue from the Iowa-Nebraska
properties (including its sub
station located within the city lim
its) than any small reduction in
the price of electricity to the In
dividual consumer.
From Monday's Daily
Miss Eleanor Minor returned yes
terday from Rockford College In
Rockford, Illinois to spend the holi
days here with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. L. O. Minor.