The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 15, 1938, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Albert Hathaway of Unino was
visiting and looking after business
matters here last Monday morning.
Ed W. Thimgan and Albert Young.
Jr., both of Plattsmouth were look
ing after business matters and visit
ing with the merchants in Nehawka
last Monday.
John 'Yeiser and family, Mrs.
Yeiser, Andy, Jack and Suzanne, of
Omaha were callers last Sunday eve
ning at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
A. F. Sturm, parents of Mrs. Yeiser.
They stopped only for a short time,
returning to their home in Omaha
during the evening.
Mrs. James Palmer who has been
rather poorly at her home for some
time past still remains in the same
condition, altho all possible has been
done for the patient. She has the
flu together with complications of the
heart. It is hoped she will soon
show good improvement.
Compression Tank Explodes.
The pressure tank at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. De Forest Philpot
which is used- for supply water pres
sure to the home, kept under pres
sure by an automatic device which
shuts ofT the pumping device when
sufficient pressure has been attained,
but by the failure of the trip to
operate the electrii pump went on
workinfi creating sufficient internal
pressure tha t the tank exploded,
wrecking the tank as well as the
stairway leading from the basement,
for the tank was located in the base
ment of the home. No one was in
jured and the damage to the home
was not great, altho the tank was
greatly damaged.
Killed Hogs on Farm.
Some culprits with no regard to
property rights or others rights, went
to the home fo Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Bourke and killed to hogs belonging
to Mr. and Mrs. Bourke, taking them
away. It is supposed that the deed
was done on Friday of -last week.
Clifford Trotter Improving.
Verner Lundberg and family were
over to Lincoln one day last week
where Mr. Lundberg was called on
Bible chool
Sunday, December 18th
"Christ's New Commandment"
Matt. 5:43-48; 22:34-40; John
13:34, 35; 15:12-14. ' '
With this lesson we conclude the
study of the commandments. This is
our Lord's summing up of the whole
of the rules for life; one living up
tj them will be approved of God, and
be called "good and faithful." It is
easy to love lovely people, but hard
to love unlovely and when we are
expected to even love our enemies,
those who do us harm and hate us,
our religion is put to the acid test.
Here it is where most of us come
short and fail; here it is that we
have to pray, "Lord increase our
faith." But here we have the great
pattern of Jesus when he says:
"Follow me." The most severe test
can be accomplished when we are
"looking onto Jesus" and then look
to our heavenly father, who so im
partially gives rain and sunshine to
all alike, receiving not even a Thank
You for those blessings.
By following the above examples,
we shall become more God-like, go
ing on to perfection, like our heav
enly Father. This term "perfection"
has caused many Christians much
anguish of soul and disturbance of
mind, saying, "Who can be perfect
like God?" In the gospels this word
occurs only here and in Matt. 19:21.
And it does not always mean the
same thing. Here is a baby in its
mother's arms. Is it perfect? Ask
the mother. Meet that baby seven
teen years hence, a youth. Is he
perfect? Ask the youth. Add a half
dozen years and he is a man. Is he
perfect? Now you had better ask
the woman he considers perfect.
Perfect baby youth man always
growth and development! Perfect
means arrival at one particular stage
of completeness. Perfection is the
reaching of a given limit.
The Jews had long arguments in
regard to the 613 precepts 365 of
them positive according to the num
ber of days in ttie year, and 248 of
them negative, according to the num
ber of parts in the human body.
Which one proved the greatest puz
zle to them? Jesus gives a fine an
swer to this question (quoting from
Deut. 6:5 and Lev. 19:18): The
man living up to them is perfect.
Loving God with all our heart,
soul and mind and our neighbor as
ourselves is all God requires of any
man. But only the love of God shed
abroad in our hearts by the Holy
busines and the family visiting with
friends. While there Mr. Lundberg
visited with his friend Clifford Trot
ter at the U. S. Veterans' hospital
east of Lincoln and found him feel
ing much improved and was inform
ed that Mr. Trotter would be re
leased from the Institution between
Christmas and New Years as he
would be entirely cured of his illness
by that time.
Enjoyed Family Dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dodson were
host and hostess at their country
home last Sunday when they enter
tained at a family dinner at which
the following were guests: Olaf
Lundberg and family, Verner Lund
berg and family, Mr. and Mrs. Dod
son, parents of Harold. Mrs. Gertrude
Carper and brothers, Theo Nelson
and Gust Nelson. Miss Deleene Car
per of Lincoln and her young man
friend. M. R. Hummill.
Junior Class Play Friday.
The junior class of the Nehawka
high school have been very studious
in the perfecting of the play which
they are to render on Friday evening
of this week entitled "The Tin Hero."
This play is filled with pathos, humor
and many a very exciting episode
which will bring laughter from the
To Spend Christmas Here.
Mr. and Mis. Gilbert Edmonds are
to entertain for the Christmas season,
and will have many of their friends
here at that time. Edmoud Edmln
ston. brother of Mr. Edmonds, making
his home at Faribault, Minn., where
heis a student in the Shattock mili
tary school will be a guest at the
Edmonds home for some week or ten
days during the yuletide. L. R.
Murphey and family of Eveleth,
Minn., will also be among the holi
day visitors.
Enjoyed Visit With Mother.
Mrs. Frank Lemon who was over
to the home of his mother in Minne
sota for a number of days, returned
home last week and reported finding
the mother some better than 'when
he left for her bedside. The mother
has reached the advanced age of 77
years and while her health is fair
"Eess(m Study!
By L. KeitzeL Murdock, Neb.
Spirit will enable any one to ful
fill this task.
As to who is my neighbor, the
beautiful parable from Luke 10:30-
37 is recommended for a thorough
tiirfv This Samaritan cives first
aid to a suffering stranger and if
he recognized in the sufferer a Jew,
his act is like unto the Savior's; and
here we find the beginning of hos
pitalization. Now we come to study the new
commandment which would be to all
Christians the eleventh. All of the
words from the thirteenth to the
seventeenth chapter in John's Gospel
were spoken by our Lord on the
evening before his crucifiction, and
are the last word of the Savior to
his discifles, emphasizing the great
fundamental truth of the new faith,
which he established by his life,
death and resurrection. To love our
neighbor was not a new law, but the
motive is new because Christ has
loved us. By loving all men, the
world will know that we are Chris
tians. Here we must with shame
state the fact, that many so-called
Christians do not love others in the
same church, but hate each other, go
to law before woVldly judges, who
must arbitrate between them; they
can go to the same church and not
even speak to each other for years,
which is indeed a sad comentary on
their religion. This is a greater hin
drance in the work of the church
than any other thing. And Jesus
says by this sign all men know that
we are his disciples if we love one
another. The measure of this love
is and must be "as I have loved
you." And how did Jesus love us?
I" that he laid down his life for us.
Greater love hath no man!
There are cases on record where
a friend has given his life for
friend that is human; but no case
is on record like Jesus dying for his
enemiej. That is incomprehensible
for a human being; it must be be
lieved. It was in that act that God
showed his love for sinful man, in
giving his only son as a ransom for
rny soul. When we were, enemies
Christ died for us.
"I will sing of my redeemer
And His wondrous love to me;
On the cruel cross he suffered
From the curse to set me free."
"I will tell the wondrous story
How my lost estate to save.
In his bound lets love and mercy
He the ransom freely gave."
most of the time she was very ill
at the time Frank went to see her.
Frank had not seen the mother for
some twelve years and the visit
proved very pleasant.
Entertain Sunday Evening.
Mr. and Mrs., Frank Lemon were
host and hostess at the pleasant home
in Nehawka last Sunday evening
when they entertained for the eve
ning, having for their guests Messrs.
and Mesdames Nelson Berger, Albert
Anderson and Herbie Kuntz. A very
pleasant evening was spent with a
delightful supper served which was
followed by a very pleasant evening
at cards.
Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Beesley and
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Eaylors of Lincoln
were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Max Vallery. Mr. and Mrs. Beesly are
leaving for Indiana for a visit over
the holidays with Mr. Beesly's par
ents. After the first of the year
they leave for Georgia where Mr.
Beesly is making a soil survey for
the government. Mr. Beesly's work
takes him south for the winter
months and north in the summer.
He expects to make a soil survey in
Nebraska again next summer. Mr.
and Mrs. Vallery entertained at a
dinner for them on Sunday.
From Tuesday's Daily-
County Attorney J. A. Capwell
and Searl S. Davis are members of
a board of appraisal passing on the
value of lands taken by the govern
ment for river control work in Sarpy
county. The board met today at
Papillion where the interested par
ties were represented by several at
torneys and witnesss.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To the creditors of the estate or
William A. Armstrong, deceased.
No. 3368:
Take notice that the time limited
for the filing and presentation of
claims against said estate is April 3,
1929; that a hearing will be had at
Ihe County Court room in Platts
mouth on April 7, 1939, at ten
o'clock a. m. for the purpose of ex
amining, hearing, allowing and ad
justing all claims or objections duly
Dated December 2, 1938.
(Seal) d5-3w County Judge.
In the District Court of the
County of Cass, Nebraska
Frances Brown, formerly 1
Frances Meisinger,
vs. ! J- NOTICE
Plattsmouth Ferry Co., et
al Defendants
To the Defendants: Plattsmouth
Ferry Company; W. S. Worley, first
real name unknown; Mrs. W. S.
Worley, first real name unknown;
David Remick, Mrs. David Remick,
first real name unknown; Charles
Hendrie; Mrs. Charles Hendrie, first
real name unknown; Mrs. William
Ford, first real name unknown;
Samuel M. Ford; D. Remick & Co., a
co-partnership composed of David
Remick and Charles Hendrie; the
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal
representatives and all other persons
interested in the estates of W. S.
Worley, first real name unknown;
Mrs. W. S. Worley, first real name
unknown; David Remick, Mrs. David
Remick, first real name unknown;
Charles Hendrie; Mrs. Charles Hen
drie, first real name unknown; Wil
liam Ford, Mrs. William Ford, first
real name unknown; and Samuel M.
Ford, each deceased, real names un
known; the successors and assigns of
Plattsmouth Ferry Company, real
names unknown; the successors and
assigns of D. Remick & Co., real
names unknown; and all persons
having or claiming any interest in
and to Lot seven (7). and 11 feet
off of the west side of Lot eight (8),
and also fifty-five feet off of the west
end of the alley, all in Block eighty
seven (87), in the City of Platts
mouth, Cass county, Nebraska, real
names unknown.
You and each of you are hereby
notified that Frances Brown, form
erly Frances Meisinger, filed a peti
tion and commenced an action in
the District Court of Cass County,
Nebraska, on November 17, 1938,
against you and each of you; the
object, purpose and prayer of which
is to obtain a decree of court quiet
ing the title to Lot seyen (7) and
11 feet off of the west side of Lot
eight (8), and also 55 feet off of
the west end of the alley, all in
Block eighty-seven (87), in the City
of Plattsmouth, Cass county, Nebras
ka, and for equitable relief.
You and each of you are further
notified that you are required to an
swer said petition on or before Mon
day, the 2nd day of January, 1939,
or the allegations contained in said
petition will be taken as true and a
decree rendered In favor of plaintiff
and against you and each of you ac
cording to the prayer of said petition.
Dated this 19 th day of November,
" FRANCES BROWN, formerly
Plaintiff. ,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the County Court of Casa Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To the creditors of the. estate of
Martin G. Stava, deceased. No.
Take notice that the time limited
for the filing and presentation of
claims against said estate is March
27, 1939; that a hearing will be
had at the County Court room in
Plattsmouth on March 31, 1939, at
ten o'clock "a. m. for the purpose
of examining, hearing, allowing and
adjusting all claims or objections
duly filed.
Dated November 22, 1938.
(Seal) n28-3w County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the
estate of Henry G. Soennichsen, de
ceased. No. 3370:
Take notice that a petition has
been filed for the probate of an
instrument purporting to be the last
will and testament of said deceased,
and for the appointment of Ruth
Soennichsen as Executrix thereof;
that said petition has been set for
hearing before said Court on the
23rd day of December, 1938, at 10:00
o'clock a. m.
Dated November 25, 1938.
(Seal) n28-3w County Judge.
In the District Court of the
County'of Cass, Nebraska
In Re Application of Lester W.
Meisinger, Guardian of Wilma May
Tritsch, a Minor, for License to Sell
Real Estate.
Now on this 2nd day of Decem
ber, 1938, there was presented the
amended petition of Lester W. Mei
singer. guardian of Wilma May
Tritsch, a minor, for license to sell
the undivided one-half interest of
said minor in the following describ
ed property, to-wit:
The north half (N) of the
southwest quarter (SW'4 ) of Sec
tion thirty-five (35.),, Township thir
teen (13), North, Range twelve (12)
and the north half (N) of the
southeast quarter (SEU) of Section
one (1). in Township twelve (12).
North. Range twelve (12), all east
of the 6th P. M. in the County of
Cass, Nebraska; also the East half
(E) of the northwest quarter
(NWVi) of Section twenty (20),
Township eight (8). Range forty
cne (41), west of the 6th P. M., in
Chase county, Nebraska, and the
northeast quarter (NEU) of Section
fourteen (14), Township fifteen
(15), North, Range twenty-four
(24), west of the 6th P. M.. in Cus
ter county, Nebraska; and also an
undivided one-thirdjof the southeast
quarter (SEU) of Section eleven
(11). and the east half (EMs) of the
southwest quarter (SWU) of Section
west quarter (SWU) of Section
eleven (11), all in Township twelve
(12), North, Range twelve (12),
east of the 6th P. M., in the County
of Cass. Nebraska, subject to life
estate therein of Elizabeth Meisinger
and subject also to life estate there
in of Lena Tritsch for the purpose
of putting out at interest or invest
ing in some productive stock the pro
ceeds thereof, and it appearing from
said amended petition that it would
be beneficial to said minor that said
interest in said real -estate be sold,
and it further appearing that an
order should be entered requiring all
persons interested to show cause why
a license should not be granted for
the sale of said interest of said minor
in said real estate
It is therefore Ordered that all
persons interested in the estate of
said minor and the next of kin of
said Wilma May Tritsch appear be
fore the undersigned, Judge of the
District Court within and for said
County of Cass, Nebraska, on the
27th day of December,' 1933, at 9:00
o'clock a. m., at the District Court
Room in the Court House in the City
of Plattsmouth, Cass county, Nebras
ka, to show cause, if any there be,
why a license should not be granted
to Lester W. Meisinger, guardian of
Wilma May Tritsch, a minor, to sell
the undivided interest of said minor
in the following described property,
to-witrThe north half (N) of the
southwest quarter (SW'i) of Section
thirty-five (35). Township thirteen
(13), North, Ranse twelve (12),
and the north half (N) of the
southeast quarter (SE'i) of Section
one (1). in Township twelve (12),
North, Range twelve (12), all east
of the 6th P. M., in the County of
Cass, Nebraska; also the east half
(E) of the northwest quarter
(NW1) of Section twenty (20),
Township eight (8), Range forty
one (41) west of the 6th P. M., in
Chase county, Nebraska, and the
northeast quarter ( NE U ) of Section
fourteen (14), Township fifteen
(15), North, Range tweuty-four
(24), west of the 6th P. M., in Cus
ter county, Nebraska; and also an
undivided one-third of the r.outheast
quarter (SE'i) of Section eleven
(11) , and the east half (E) of the
southwest quarter (SWU) of Section
eleven (11), all in Township twelve
(12) , North. Range twelve (12),
east of the 6th P. M., in the County
of Cass. Nebraska, subject to life
estate therein of Elizabeth Meisinger
and subject also to life estate there
in of Lena Tritsch, for the purpose
of investing the proceeds thereof as
provided by law.
It is further ordered that a copy
of this order be served upon the next
of kin and all persons interested in
the estate of the said Wilma May
Tritsch, a minor, by publication of
this order for three successive weeks
prior to said time in the Plattsmouth
Journal, a newspaper printed and of
general circulation ia the County of
Cass, Nebraska.
By the Court.
Judge of the District
d5-3w Court.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To the creditors of the estate of
Edna E. Binger, deceased. No.
Take notice that the time limit
ed for the filing and presentation of
claims against said estate is March
27, 1939; that a hearing will be
had at the County Court room in
Plattsmouth on March 31, 1939, at
ten o'clock a. m. for the purpose of
examining, hearing, allowing and
adjusting all claims or objections
duly filed.
Dated November 26, 1938.
(Seal) n28-3w County Judge.
State of Nebraska
County of Cass I
By virtue of an
Order of Sale issued by C. E. Ledg
way. Clerk of the District Court
within and for Cass County, Ne
braska, andsto me directed, I will
011 the 14th day of January, A. D.
1P39, at 10:00 o'clock a. m. of said
day at the south front door of the
court house in Plattsmouth, Ne
braska, in said county, sell as pub
lic auction to the highest bidder for
cash the following real estate, to
wit Lots 1-10-18-19-21-24-30 in
the northwest quarter (NWU)
and Lot 27 and all that part of
Lots 20 and 25 lying west of
the public road in the southwest
quarter of the northeast quarter
(SWU of the NEU ) all in Sec
tion twenty-one (21), Township
eleven (11), Range fourteen
(14). East of the 6th P. M.,
containing 92 U acres, more or
less, according to the United
States Government Survey there
of, in Cass county, Nebraska
The same being levied upon and taken
as the property of Frank E. Vallery.
et al. Defendants, to satisfy a judg
ment of said Court recovered by The
Union Central Life Insurance Com
pany of Cincinnati, Ohio, a corpora
tion. Plaintiff against said Defend
ants. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, December
10, A. D. 1938.
Sheriff Cass County,
dl2-5w Nebraska.
Village of Murdock, Nebraska
Public Notice ia hereby given that
pursuant to an ordinance duly enact
ed by the Chairman .and Board of
Trustees of the Village of Murdock,
Nebraska, a special election has been
called and will be held in said Vil
lage on the 6th .day. of January,
1939, at which election there will be
submitted to the voters of said Vil
lage the following questions:
"First Question: Shall the
Village of Murdock, Nebraska,
erect on real estate now owned
by said Village a building for
auditorium and social and rec
reation purposes, and maintain,
manage and operate the same
for the benefit of the inhabi
tants of said Village?"
"Second Question: Shall the
Village of Murdock, Nebraska,
borrow money and pledge the
property of said Village upon
its negotiable bonds of the prin
cipal amount of Two Thousand
Five Hundred Dollars ($2,500.
00) for the purpose of erecting
on real estate now owned by
said Village a building for audi
torium and social and recreation
purposes for the benefit of the
inhabitants of said Village; said
bonds shall become due and
payable as follows: Five Hun
dred Dollars in three years from
date of their issuance; Five
Hundred Dollars in four years
from date of their issuance;
Five Hundred Dollars in five
years from date of their issu
ance; Five Hundred Dollars in
six years from date of their is
suance; and Five Hundred Dol
lars in seven years from date of
their issuance, and bear interest
at the rate of not over four and
one-half per centum (4Va)
per annum, payable one year
after date of said bonds and
semi-annually thereafter; and
shall the Chairman and Board
of Trustees of said Village cause
to be levied annually a tax by
valuation on all the taxable
property in said Village, in ad
dition to all other taxes, suf
ficient in amount to pay the in
terest on and the principal of
said bonds as and when such in
terest and principal become
YES: -j j
NO: q
The voting place will be at the
Modern Woodmen Hall and the poljs
will be open from 8 o'clock A. M. to
8 o'clock P, M. of said date.
Voters desiring to vote in favor of
either question will mark an "X" in
the square after the word "Yes"
following said question, and voters
desiring to vote against either ques
tion will mark an "X" in the square
aiter the word "No" following said
question. Voters should vote on both
of said questions.
By order of the Chairman and
Board of Trustees of said Village.
dl2-4v ' Village Clerk.
Walter H. Smith
Plattsmouth State Bank Building
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
In the District Court of Cass
County, Nebraska
City of Plattsmouth. Ne
braska, a Municipal Cor
poration, Plaintiff
vs. ,
Nels Steel, et al,
To the Defendants:
Nels Steel and wife, Mrs. Nel3
Steel, first and real name unknown;
Patrick Connally and wife, Mrs.
Patrick Connally, first and real name
unknown; The Vinyard Development
Company; Lucille Vogler and hus
band, Vogler, first and real
name unknown; and Milford B.
Bates and wife, Bates, first
and real name unknown, sole heirs
at law of R. A. Bates, deceased;
Verna Bertha Hatt; Ina Hatt South
and husband, South, first and
real name unknown; Paul W. Hatt
and wife, Hatt, first and real
name unknown; Ralph W. Hatt and
wife, Hatt, first and real
name unknown; Sterling F. Hatt and
wife. Hatt. first and real
name unknown; and Genevieve L.
Hatt, sole heirs at law of Johnathan
Hatt. deceased: Charles F. M. Guth-
man and wife, Guthman,
first and real name unknown; Henry
A. Guthman and wife, Guth
man, first and real name unknown;
Erick Anderson and wife.
Anderson, first and real name un
known; John R. Denson and wife,
Mrs. John R. Denson, first and real
name unknown; Minnie E. Parker
and husband. Parker, first
and real name unknown; Elizabeth
G. McKinney and husband
McKinney, first and real name un
known; Julius E. Strohfus and wife,
Strohfus, first and real name
unknown; Fred Jess and wife,
Jess, first and real name unknown;
the creditors and all other persons
interested in the estate of Mary E.
Rhoden, deceased; the creditors and
all other persons interested in the
estate of George W. Rhoden, deceas
ed; Grace M. Fullerton and husband,
Fullerton. first and real name
unknown; William Guthman, Jr.,
and wife, Mrs. William Guthman,
Jr., first and real name unknown;
Edward Guthman and wife, Mrs.
Edward Guthman, first and real
name unknown; Ida Guthman; Lou
isa Guthman; Anna Good and hus
band, Good, first and real
name unknown; Mary Krecklow and
husband, Krecklow, first and
real name unknown; Herma Lemm
and husband, Lemm, first
and real name unknown; and Fred
erick Lemm and wife, Lemm,
first and real name unknown, sole
heirs at law of William Guthman,
Sr., deceased; and all persons having
or claiming any interest in, right or
title to, or lien upon the following
described real estate, to-wit: Com
mencing at a point 353.7 feet west
of the southeast corner of the S. W.
U of the S. W. U of Sec. IS, Twp.
"2, Range 14, east of the 6th P. M.,
running thence north 190 feet,
thence west 73 feet; thence south
190 feet, thence east 73 feet to the
place of beginning, the same being a
part of Lots 2 7 and 28, of said Sec.
18. Twp. 12, Range 14, east of the
6th P. M.. aforesaid, Cass county,
Nebraska; Lot 74 of the S. W. U of
the S. W. U of Sec. 18, Twp. 12,
Range 14, east of the 6th P. M., Cass
county. Nebraska; Lot 9 and the
West 4 of Lot 10, Block 9, City of
Plattsmouth, Nebraska; Lot 12, Block
30, City of Plattsmouth, Nebraska;
West ys of Lot 4, Block 34, City of
Plattsmouth, Nebraska; West 36 ft.
of Lot 2, Block 50, City of Platts
mouth. Nebraska; Lot 4 and the
West Ja of Lot 5, Block 23, Young
and Hayes Addition to the City of
Plattsmouth, Nebraska; Lots 1, 2, 3
and 4, Block 42, Young and Hayes
Addition to the City of riattsmouth,
Nebraska: Lots 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11,
Block 4, Duke's Addition to the City
of Plattsmouth, Nebraska; West Vt
of Lot 3. and all Lot 4, Block 11,
Duke's Addition to the City of Platts
mouth. Nebraska; Lots 25 and 26,
Block 9, Thompson's Addition to the
City of Plattsmouth, Nebraska; East
5.'. ft. of Lot 47, and all of Lots 48
and 49, of Wise's Outlots to the City
of Plattsmouth, Nebraska; Lot 1 of
Slreitweisser's Addition to the City
of Plattsmouth, Nebraska; Lot 12,
Block 167, City of Plattsmouth, Ne
braska; Lots 9 and 10, Block 152,
City of Plattsmouth, Nebraska; West
3 ft. of Lot 4, and all of Lot 5,
Block 18, City of Plattsmouth. Ne
braska; North 69 ft. of Lot 12, Block
IS. City of Plattsmouth, Nebraska;
Lot 2 and the Northeast 14 feet and
3 inches of Lot 3, Streitweisser's
Addition to the City of Plattsmouth,
Nebraska, and Lots 5. 6 and 7, Block
13. Townsend's Addition to the City
of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, real names
unknown. Defendants:
You and each of you are hereby
notified that on October 31, 1938,
the City of Plattsmouth, Nebraska,
a Municipal Corporation, plaintiff
herein, filed its petition in the Dis
trict Court of Cass County, Nebras
ka, against you and each of you,
which cause appears in Docket 9 on
Tage 12, Number 9701 of the Rec
ords in the office of the Clerk of the
District Court of Cass County, Ne
braska, the object and prayer of
which petition is in accordance with
a resolution, adopted and passed by
the City Council of said City of
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, and which is
for the foreclosure of the separate
tax liens on each and all of the fol
lowing described real estate, to-wit:
Commencing at a point 353.7
feet west of the southeast cor
ner of the S. W. M of the S. W.
J. Howard Davis
Attorney at Law
U of Sec. 18, Twp. L2, Range
14. east of the 6th P. M., run
ning thence north 190 feet,
thence west 73 feet, thence
south 190 feet, thence east 73
feet to the place of beginning,
the same being a part of Lots
27 and 28 of said Sec. 18, Twp.
12, Range 14, east of the Gth P.
M., aforesaid, Cass county, Ne
braska; Lot 74 of the S. W. U of the
S. W. U of Sec. 18, Twp. 12,
Range 14, East of the 6th P.
M.. Cass county, Nebraska;
Lot 9 and the West of Lot
10, Block 9, City of Plattsmouth,
Nebraska ;
Lot 12, Block 30, City of
riattsmouth, Nebraska;
West of Lot 4. Block 3 4,
City of Plattsmouth, Nebraska:
West 36 ft. of Lot 2, Block
50, City of Plattsmouth, Ne
braska; Lot 4 and the West of Lot
5, Block 25, Young and, Hayes
Addition to the City of riatts
mouth, Nebraska;
Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, Block 4 2,
Young and Hayes Addition to
the City of riattsmouth, Ne
braska; Lots 7, S, 9, 10 and 11, Block
4, Duke's Addition to the City
of riattsmouth. Nebraska;
West Vi of Lot 3 and all of
Lot 4, Block 11, Duke's Addi
tion to the City of riattsmouth,
Lots 25 and 26, Block 9,
Thompson's Addition to the City
of riattsmouth, Nebraska;
East 55 ft. of Lot 47, and all
of Lots 4 8 and 49, of Wise's Out
lots to the City of riattsmouth,
Nebraska ;
Lot 1 of Streitweisser's Ad
dition to the City of riatts
mouth, Nebraska;
Lot 12, Block 167, City of
riattsmouth, Nebraska;
Lots 9 and 10, Block 152, City
of riattsmouth, Nebraska;
West 3 ft. of Lot 4, and all of
Lot 5, Block 18, City of riatts
mouth, Nebraska;
North 69 ft. of Lot 12, Block
18, City of- riattsmouth, Ne
braska; Lot 2, and the Northeast 14
feet and 3 inches of Lot 3,
Streitweisser's Addition to the
City of riattsmouth, Nebraska;
Lots 5, 6 and 7. Block 13,
Townsend's Addition to the City
of riattsmouth, Nebraska.
That all of the above real estate
above described was subject to tax
ation for State, County, City, School
District and Municipal purposes, for
the several years set out in the
petition of plaintiff and the exhibits
thereto attached and by references
made a part thereof; and that un
less said taxes are paid by you, or
any one of you, on said real estate,
respectively, a decree will be entered
in this court foreclosing and barring
you and each of you of any and all
claims upon, interest in, right or
title to, or lien upon or equity of
redemption in and to all of said real
estate described herein; that the
same, or so much thereof as may bo
necessary, to satisfy plaintiff's lien,
together with interest and costs,
shall be sold in accordance with law,
and for such other and further re
lief in the premises as may seem
just and equitable to the Court.
You and each of you are hereby
notified that you are required to
answer said petition on or before
Monday, the 30th day of January,
1939, and failing to do so, your de
fault will be entered and judgment
taken as prayed for in plaintiff's
NEBRASKA, a Municipal
riaintifl's Attorney.
In the County Court of Cas3 Coun
ty. Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the
estate of raul H. Wohlfarth, de
ceased. No. 3298:
Take notice that the Administrat
rix of said estate has filed her final
report and a petition for examina
tion and allowance of her adminis
tration accounts, determination of
heirship, assignment of residue of
said estate and for her discharge:
that said petition and report will
be heard before said Court on De
cember 30, 1938, at ten o'clock a.
Dated December 2, 193S.
(Seal) d5-3w County Judge.
State of Nebraska 1
County of Cass
By virtue of an
Order of Sale issued by C. E. Ledg
way, Clerk of the District Court
within and for Cass County, Ne
braska, and to me directed, I will on
the 5th day of November, A. 1).
1938, at 10:00 o'clock a. m. of said
day at the south front door of the
court house, in the City of riatts
mouth, in said county, sell at public
auction to the highest bidder for
cash the following real estate, to
wit: The east half (EV4) of the
southeast quarter (SE',4) of
Section twenty-three (23),
Township ten (10), Range thir
teen (13), East of the 6th I
M., in Cass county, Nebraska
The same being levied upon and
taken as the property of Edward E.
Leach and wife, Jessie D. Leach,
and D. Ray Frans, defendants, to
satisfy judgment of said Court re
covered by L. A. Kropp, plaintiff
against said defendants.
Plattsmouth. Nebraska, September
30, A. D.. 1938.
Sheriff Cass County.
o3-5w Nebraska.