The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 15, 1938, Image 1

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    Htlt. State Historical Society
NO. 90
Here's Details
of Santa's Visit
to Plattsmouth
Shrill Blasts of Whistle on the Big
Biver Boat Lewis to Denote
Arrival at Platts Dock
When you hear three shrill blasts
fionf the big steam "whittle on the
Lewis, giant Missouri river dredge
boat, about 1:30 Saturday afternoon
that will be the signal designatin
the arrival of Santa Claus and his
ercorts at the Plattsmouth dock.
Arrangements have been made for
Captain Friemonth of the Lewis
(tied up here for the winter) to meet
Santa at Omaha and conduct him
safely down the river to the Platts
mouth dock. Mr. D. D. Thornton,
thief of the U. S. Engineers office at
this point will also be in the party
to point out to Santa the various
engineering problems encountered in
leaking the old Missouri navigable.
To Arrive About 1 :30
At the dock. Santa will be receiv
ci! by Mayor Ceorge Lushinsky and
presented the massive key to the city.
City councilmen. volunteer firemen,
members of the reception committee
ond others who care to come will
' also be there to welcome Santa.
At the moment he arrives at the
dock about 1:30 the 'whistle on
the Lewis will sound three prolonged
One of the interesting features of
the arrangements is the method to
be used in passing word of Santa's
arrival at the dock to the engineer
on the Lewis, around the bend more
than a mile upstream, ho lie will
know when to blow the whistle. . As
trees and river bank prohibit a clear
view, a squad of uniformed Boy
Scouts under direction of Ray Lar
ic.n. Scoutmaster, will wig-wag the
signal. The first boy rearest the
dock will wig-wag to the next and
so on up through the timber to the
boy nearest the big bo&t. If you
want to see how quick a group of
trained Scouts can handle a message
of this sort, be at the dock when
Santa arrives.
A Colorful Parade
The fire truck will be used to bring
Sinta up into the city, where he
will be met on lower Main street by
the Plattsmouth Municipal band and
a grand parade formed to escort him
up town. Leading this parade will be
boys with American flags march
ing four abreast. These boys have
been chosen from the Junior Drum
Corps because of their snappy march
ing ability and training. They will
' e under the direction of C. A. Mar
shall and if you want to witness a
pretty sight you want to see this
spear-head of the Santa Claus pa-"
The line of march will be west to
4th street, north on 4th to Vine,
west to 6 th, south to Pearl, west to
7th, north to Main and east on Main
to the platform at 5th and Main,
where Walter Smith will preside at
the "mike," informing everybody of
Santa's movements.
Also on this platform will appear
the Guard of Honor, composed of
children selected from the rural and
trade schools of the county and city.
King Frank Cloidt and Queen Mar
tha Kaffenberger, who will greet
Santa as he is presented to them by
Mayor Lushinsky.
Honor Guards to Meet at Hotel
Members of the Honor Guard are
to congregate at the lobby of the
Plattsmouth Hotel not later than
1:15 p. m., from whence they will
march in a group to the platform.
Following the reception for Santa
at the platform, the parade will re
form and march to Santa's headquar
ters in the following order: Flags.
Plattsmouth band. Guar! of Honor,
Santa with King Frank and Queen
Martha in the royal car. Mayor and
city officials and all the boys and
girls of Cass county who come to see
After personally handing his treat
to the hundreds of his little friends,
Santa will go to the Recreation Cen
ter to inspect the work of repairing
toys being carried on there, enjoy a
short rest and return to the dock to
proceed down the river to Kansas
City, stopping for a brief call at
Watson, Mo., on his old friend Mc
Xeal. whom he failed to see last
year due to the plane crash.
The Plattsmouth Golf club is spon
soring a dance on Saturday evening
at the American Legion building, the
nroceeds of which will go to the
maintenance of the -club and course
Pick's Ki-Hatlers of Nebraska City
will furnish the music and the pub
lic is invited. This is to aid a very
worthy civic project and should have
a very generous patronage.
Royal Arch
Masons Install
Officers Monday
Large Number Attend the Ceremonies
at the Masonic Temple
Last Evening;.
The newly elected and appointed
officers of Nebraska Chapter No. 3
Royal Arch Masons, were installed
Monday evening with a large num
ber of the members in attendance.
Leslie W. Niel, past high priest.
served as the installing officer, Les
ter W. Meisinger, past high priest
as marshal and L. L. Wiles, past
hizh priest, served as chaplain. The
officers installed were:
High Priest Charles L. Carlson
King John E. Turner.
Scribe Leonard Born.
Treasurer Frank A. Cloidt.
Secretary W. F. Evers.
Captain of the Host George
Principal Sojourner Ivan Deles
Royal Arch Captain L. L. Mc-
Master Third Vail L. L. Horton.
Master Second Vail J. L. Stamp.
Master First Vail Harry Tincher.
Sentinel W. S. Wetenkamp.
Following the installation' of the
officers the members enjoyed a very
fine luncheon arranged by the mem
bers cf the chapter.
Wonder what great-grandfather
would have said if he could have
seen the ultra-modern COMFOR-
TRACTOR that A. O. Ault. local MM
dealer presented at Cedar Creek on
Dec. 12th. In all probability he
would have muttered "Tain't pos-
ible!" and walked away. But the
fact remains that Minneapolis- Mo-
ine's newest tractor creation is a
reality, fully equipped with all the
modern luxuries enjoyed only in
pleasure cars, yet able to perform
all the functions on the farm that
the ordinary tractor can, including
use as a stationary power unit. It
may have been dreamed of by some
artist visualizing the tractor of the
future, but it remained for Minnea-polis-Moline,
the pioneer of the mod
ern tractor industry, not only to
have that vision, but to bring it
nto existence. The Comfortractor
protects the farmer from the weather,
dust and elements, it's better for his
health, as well as more comfortable.
This tractor offers real protection.
The safety glass all around and air
circulation and temperature control
features indicate clearly that it's
built for the safety and comfort of
the operator as well as to get work
done. It costs more than open trac
tors, but good farmers well realize
its worth.
The amazing thing about this trac
tor is its versatility. It combines
the functions of the ordinary farm
tractor with a powerful farm truck
and an efficient passenger vehicle
and is streamlined in the 1939 mode
of trucks and automobiles. It has
all the power required to pull four
fourteen-inch bottoms under ordi
nary conditions.
J. L. Young, one of the prom
inent residents of near Murray, was
In the city Saturday afternoon to look
after some business and while here
was a caller at the Journal. Mr.
Young is a firm believer In news
paper advertising as he has just run
a for sale ad in the Journal that
cleaned up his hogs advertised for
sale, in a few days, and in the past
he has also been very successful In
his advertising.
Youth Loses Arm
Result Accident
William Vallery, 15, Has Arm Caught
by Revolving Shaft at State
Industrial School.
William Vallery. 15. of Platts-
mouth, inmate of the state Indus
trial school at Kearney, had an arm
amputated just below the elbow at
Kearney hospital late Tuesday after
he was injured in the school laun
dry. Boys at the school were chin
ning themselves on a revolving shaft
A rope which the boys had tied to the
shaft "for fun" caught Vallery's
arm and pulled him into the shaft
almost completely tearing off his arm.
All of his clothing except his shoes
was removed from hi3 body. The
boy remained conscious and was able
to walk from the building. He was
taken to Kearney for medical aid.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Tiekotter
and family are leaving for a holi
day trip to the east and where they
will enjoy a month in looking over
the many places of interest In the
east, including New York City, Wash
ington and Richmond, Virginia. They
are to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Merle
Rainey in New York, a sister of Mrs.
Tiekotter and after visiting in that
city go to Washington and Rich
mond, where they will be guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cross, Mrs. Cross
also being sister of Mrs. Tiekotter.
Harriet Goos, Joe Hendrix and
Marjorie Tidball of Plattsmouth will
be home from Doane college to spend
the Christmas vacation, December 16
to January 3. The last week before
vacation was filled with special activ
ities varying from sacred Christmas
concert of the choir of sirty voices
to the formal Christmas dinner in
the Frees Hall dining room.
From Monday's Dally
Charles Bennett of this city, is
leaving today for Detroit where he
will visit with an uncle in that city
and may possibly spend the winter
I'll Be Seeing You In
Saturday, Dec. 17
Yes, sir, Boys and. Girls, when the shrill blasts of the
whistle on the dredge boat Lewis are heard about
1 :30 Saturday afternoon, Santa and his party will be
arriving at the Missouri river dock, and in less time
than it takes to say 'Jack Robinson' he'll be up town
to greet his old Cass county friends again. Of course
you'll want to be on hand to greet him . . . and he'll
be disappointed if you aren't. So whisper the news
to 'Dad' and 'Mom' and let nothing keep you away!
A Gift for Every
Boy and Girl
On this pre-Christmas trip to Plattsmouth, Santa
is not coming empty-handed. In his pack will be a
gift for every boy and girl who calls on him at his
headquarters after the platform program, when
he has been introduced and welcomed by the King
and Queen and members of the special Guard of
Honor, composed of rural and grade school child
ren of this vicinity. Bring the kiddies to see Santa!
Shopper's Guide
In this issue of the Journal will be found the ads
of Plattsmouth stores carrying large and complete
Christmas stocks. Readers will save both time and
money reading these ads which contain news of
importance to the shopping public. Read the ads!
In an opinion given to a query by
Stanton county officials by the office
of the attorney general, a question
has arisen as to whether or not the
matter of voting approval of the ap
propriation of money from the coun
ty general fund for farm bureau
purposes carried.
The fact of the returns showed
that 3,422 persons bad-voted for the
measure and 3,253 against the ap
propriation in Cass county.
The ruling of the attorney gen
eral's office is that the majority must
be a majority of the TOTAL, vote
cast and which in the Cass county
case as well as Stanton was much
larger than the number cast on the
initiative measure.. The total vote
of Cass county was 7,167 and the
proposition lacked a majority of the
total vote.
Local county officers have watched
with interest the rulings and will
probably await more definite ruling
on whether the mere majority was
sufficient to put over the measure.
Eddie Todd and brother, Russ
Todd, are leaving in the next few
days for the west coast and Cali
fornia. They expect to leave Tues
day if possible and will make the
trip in the new Buick that Eddie
Todd has recently purchased and
which will have a trans-continental
Mr. Eddie Todd will Bpend the
winter with relatives and the many
old time friends and also look after
his business interests on the west
coast which are quite extensive. Rus
sell Todd is joining his wife and
children who are now all located in
and near Los Angeles and where he
will make his home with the other
members of the family.
With reports of zero weather in
the west part of Nebraska and Wyo
ming, the Plattsmouth men are pre
paring to take the southern route to
Los Angeles and the west coast.
There will be a meeting of the
Cass County Sportsman's club at the
public library, in Plattsmouth, on
Friday, December 16, 1938, at 8:00
o'clock p. m. All members are urged
to be present. Important informa
tion in regard to establishment of
farm game bird sanctuary.
Emery J. Doody
to be Deputy for
Sheriff Mrasek
Popular and Well Known Resident
of This City Will Serve New
Sheriff as Assistant.
The people of Cass county will be
pleased to learn that Sheriff-elect
Joe Mrasek, has appointed as his
deputy in the office, Emery J. Doody,
well known resident of this city.
Mr. Doody has made his home here
since 1931 when he came here as
the manager of the Plattsmouth Feed
Yards and in which position he made
a large circle of friends among the
people of the county. For the past
two years he has been conducting the
All-in-One Manufacturing Co., of this
city and at which he has been very
Mr. Doody is married and has a
family of the wife and two children
and is a young man of most pleas
ing personality. With his ability
and good judgment he will be in a
position to give the people of Cass
county a real service in the ofTice of
deputy sheriff and be a most valuable
assistant to Sheriff Mrasek.
The Plattsmouth high school has
an unusually strong basketball
schedule this year including Omaha
Tech and two basketball tournaments.
The big interest'in December will be
the Auburn tournament December
21, 22 and 23. Plattsmouth and
Tecumseh will open the tournament
on December 21 in the Class A divi
sion. The strong teams in this tour
nament will be Auburn, Humboldt.
Nebraska City and Plattsmouth. Au
burn playing on their own floor will
have some advantage but both Ne
braska City and Humboldt have a
veteran team. They will no doubt be
strong contenders.
Coach Hoffman is taking 10 men
to this tournament.
Mr. and Mrs. George K. Hetrlck
departed Sunday for Curio, Texas,
wrere they are expecting to spend
the holiday season visiting with old
time friends of Mr. Hetrick. They
expect to enjoy a real southern ob
servation of the Christmas holiday.
Sunday evening at the Cedar Creek
community church a special candle
lighting service was held by the
young people of the Sunday school
and church, the event being under
the direction of Mrs. Evelyn Franke,
superintendent of the Sunday school.
A very beautiful service was held
with the lighted candles and Dr.
H. G. McClusky, pastor of the First
Presbyterian church gaye a short
sermon on the significance of the
Christmas season. During the ser
vices Frank A. Cloidt gave a vocal
number, "Holy Night" with Miss
Estelle Baird at the piano.
'Vine Kelley
is President of
Junior C of C
First Regular Meeting and Organ
ization Plans Membership
Drive in the City.
The first regular meeting of the
Junior Chamber of Commerce was
held Tuesday evening at the Recrea
tion Center and the organization
was perfected and ready to start the
enrollment of members and then
ready for their participation in the
community work.
The chapter had their by-laws and
membership regulations ready and
which provided that the membership
shall be from the young men of the
community from eighteen to thirty-
five years of age.
The officers selected to head the
new group were:
President Vincent Kelley.
Vice-President Ray Bourne.
Secretary-Treasurer Ordell Hen
The purposes of the new organ
Ization as outlined in the meeting
will embrace many excellent stand
ards as the goal of the young men:
1. To aid the senior Chamber of
Commerce in all community matters
where possible.
2. Bring out and strive for new
projects in the community.
3. Build a better young citizen
4. Promote civic, industrial and
educational activities.
The membership committee will
get busy at once and enroll as many
of the young men of the community
as possible In the new organization.
The Royal Neighbors of America
held their annual election of offi
cers on Monday evening at the lodge
rooms in the Modern Woodman build
There was a fine attendance of the
members and the following officers
were selected:
Oracle Mrs. Freda Stibal.
Vice-Oracle Mrs. Minnie Renner.
Recorder Mrs. Sadie Jones.
Receiver Miss Malinda Friedrich.
Chancellor Mrs. Margaret Kaffen
Marshal Mrs. Louise Klinger.
Inner Sentinel Mrs. Pearl Mei
Outer Sentinel Mrs. Emma Kaf
Manager Miss Wilma Friedrich.
Flag Bearer Mrs. Emma Mc
Maken. Physician Dr. R. P. Westover.
The officers will be Installed at the
first meeting In January.
The exterior of the First Meth
odist church has been given a touch
of the holiday season In the decor
ations that have been arranged by
the members of the congregation.
The tower has eben arranged with
decorations of evergreens around the
open arches and on the Interior of
the tier of blue lights have been ar
ranged which at night makes a very
beautiful sight with a sky like hue
to. tire tower.
Around all of the windows of the
church thereare evergreens being
used In the decorative plan and which
make a most attractive sight and
real Christmas like atmosphere to
the downtown church.
Given by Kenosha school at Lewis
ton Community Center, Friday, Dec.
16, 8 p. m. Everyone invited.
Phone Rates
are Increased at
Weeping Water
Railway Commission Finds That
Rates Asked by Lincoln Com
pany Are Reasonable.
With Commissioner Good dissent
ing, the railway commission Tues
day authorized the Lincoln Tele
phone and Telegraph company to in
crease rates at its Weeping Water
exchange. The schedule of charges
approved provides: Business, indi
vidual, $3.75; business, extension.
$1.00; residence. Individual. $2.25;
residence, extension, 50 cents; busi
ness ten party farm. $2.25; resi
dence, ten party farm, $1.75. The
company had asked $4.00 for busi
ness rate. The proposed rates In
creased business 75 cents a month
and residence 50 cents, with farm
metallic line service as at present.
Testimony by the company show
ed that under the old rates it was out
of pocket in excess of $3,000 a year.
not including a return on the in
vestment and bond interest, while the
new rates will still result in an oper
ating deficit of $1,806. A fire de
stroyed the central office equipment
a number of months ago, and a
building was constructed to house
the new equipment, adding $9,845
to the Investment.
The commission order says that as
the proposed schedule will fail to
return out of pocket expenses, with
no return upon the investment, and
so that the community may continue-
to receive telephone service. It finds
it is In the public Interest that the
application be granted with the ex
ception of the business rate. The
commission says $3.75 a month for
business is more In line with charges
at exchanges of like service. The
new rates become effective Jan. 1.
Objectors did not challenge the fig
ures, but pleaded severe financial
straits of the community due to
crop failures.
Mr. Good said in his disnent that
the economic situation should not be
wholly ignored, and that the rate
payer should not be penalized be
cause of crop failures and the fire.
He says that the reports of the com
pany shows that as an integrated sys
tem it is earning a reasonable net
income, and that if the commission
approves an advanced rate at any
exchange showing a deficit it should,
to be consistent, go into rates where
exchange reports might reflect an un
warranted high scale, unwise to un
dertake at this time.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Sherman,
Mrs. Moore and Mrs. Lois Troop, of
Lincoln, were here Sunday for a few
hours to visit with old friends in
the city where they formerly resided.
While here they were callers at the
home of Misses Mia and Barbara
Gering and other of the old friends.
Mr. Sherman is better known as
'Cy' Sherman, the sports editor of
the Lincoln Star and Journal and
who started his newspaper career in
Plattsmouth many years ago on the
Journal, then owned by his father,
the late C. W. Sherman. He has over
a long period of years however been
located at Lincoln and following his
profession of journalism.
Sunday afternoon on highway No.
50, three and a half miles south of
Weeping Water, an auto driven by
Alfred Oehlers was overturned and as
the result Peter Jurgensen of Avoca
was badly Injured altho the other
occupants of the car were not ser
iously hurt beyond being badly
shaken up. Mr. Jurgensen was
thought to have suffered an injured
back and neck and which made neces
sary his being taken to a hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sudman of Avoca
were also in the car.
The accident was caused when the
car was caught In the loose gravel
along the roadside and the car un
able to be controlled by the driver
and overturning as the result.
One 10 gallon oil can on Cedar
Creek road. Finder please phone 537.
L. L. McCarty. ltw