The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 08, 1938, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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i -
Defender of
Woods, Waters
and Wildlife
That is the Mission of Izaak Walton
League Its Conservation Plat
iorm a Worthy Program
"We Pledge Ourselves to Restore
to Posterity the Outdoor America of
In brief, but meaningful words,
the above expresses the worthy
program fostered by the Izaak Wal
ton League, a comparatively new
organization in point of years, but
a powerful factor in bringing about
through education and through leg
islation the conservation of national
outdoor resources. It is non-political,
non-sectarian, and numbers among
its members some of the most public
spirited men and women of the na
tion. From a humble beginning in
1922, this organization has already
brought together in a unified move
ment a multitude of conservationists,
nature lovers and sportsmen from
the East, the West, North and South,
all co-ordinating their efforts toward
that common end.
Dr. Henry Van Dyke said: "I think
if Father Izaak could revisit thi3
world, he wculj be happily surprised
to find a League for this object (as
enumerated above) bearing his name
and heartily glad to join the com
rany." Now that re have given you a
v ord about its purpose and how it
is being accomplished, we think wc
hear the query, 'Mow does it differ
from ether organizations in this
field? We make haste to reply: "In
it3 broad scope of activities. It does
not cover just one field of interest
in the outdoors it covers every field
c. concern to the hunter, fisherman
and nature lover. In its unique type
of organization, individual members,
stale chapters and national head
quarters are all tied together into
one closely knit national group.
And what ha3 it accomplished?
It has awakened individuals through
out the nation to the need of con
servation and directed their activi
ties. It has achieved major legisla
tive victories in the national con
gress and innumerable legislative
victories in state legislatures. It has
improved hunting and fishing condi
tions for the present and assured
better conditions for the future.
Who makes up it3 membership?
Types of persons just like yourself.
People who love the outdoors, peo
ple who like to hunt, people who
like to fish businessmen, farmers,
miners, the man who runs the cor
ner grocery store and the man who
runs a big manufacturing plant, pro
fessional men anyone and every
body who wants a square deal for
outdoor America.
The fact that tnc membership is
increasing ia the best recommenda
tion of it3 program. Thi3 is a job
that's big enough to need your help
and the help cf every man in the
United States.
Your efforts and those of fellow
Waltcnian3 will make for finer
woods, clearer waters and more
abundant wildlife for the enjoyment
of our generation and future gen
erations to come.
The Izaak Walton League is fi
nanced by dues from individual mem
bers and by special memberships vol
untarily assumed.
In addition to thei:- membership
card and button, individual members
receive the League's publication
"Outdoor America," which keeps
them in touch with conservation
happenings, statewide and nationally
and contains much valuable informa
tion applicable to local problems.
Beyond doubt, there is great need
for active Waltonians in Nebraska
where our streams have been robbed
ol fish, stream pollution continues
unabated, and cur greatest natural
asset, our forests are being denuded
at a rapid rate.
These interested in securing fur
ther information for the organizing
of a .chapter of the Izaak Walton
League are invited to write to the
National Hqrs., of the Izaak Walton
League, Merchandise Mart, Chicago.
Organization is essential since in
dividuals are limited in their owrt'
feebly efforts, but collectively know
no limitations save their own imagi
nations. Conservation Platform
Briefly we recount below the 12
point Conservation program that is
sponsored and supported by the Wal
tonian organization:
1 Eradicate pollution to cafe
guard health and aquatic life.
2 Protect and extend our forests.
3 Restore i-.nwiselv drained areas Cass county Tias no onffed In-
nud prevent unjustifiable drainage, j debtedness, as, like the state, we
4 Stop sale of wild game and have paid cash for our hard sur
game fish. . faced roads and otner Jrnproe-
5 Encourage production of wild- ments as we went.
life by improving natural conditions
and increasing artificial propaga
tion. G Obtain non-political adminis
tration of conservation departments.
7 Stimulate public sentiment and
teairh conservation in schools?
S Establish departments in state
educational institutions to advance
the practice of wildlife conservation
through more trained workers and
initiate land management to produce
9 Support land use and tax poli
cies encouraging adequate forests
and wildlife.
10 Support development of com
prehensive, scientific and practical
plans to restore and perpetuate the
country's wildlife, particularly wat
erfowl and other endangered spec
ies. 11 Obtain the recognition of
wildlife as a public resource in the
administration of all public lands,
based on a policy of greatest benefit
to the greatest number.
12 Protect our National Parks,
National Forests, and public waters
from commercial development or
uses incompatible with the public
interest, and preserve areas of prim
itive country as monuments to the
rugged beauty of the natural wilderness.
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DIERS, in the mak
ing. Photo shows
Jaoanese sniDers in
war-devastated China. Correspondent W. B. Courtney
of Collier's Weekly (inset) who has been covering the
conflict in Asia, reports that boxes of ashes which have
been returned to 100,000 Japanese families as remains
of their sons, actually contain mingled remains of Mon
golian ponies, Missouri mules, and both Chinese and
Japanese soldiers, burned a tter
death on the battleheld. In issue
published Dec. 9 Courtney tells
how mothers and fathers of Japan
revere these bogus remains.
I ' ih ' f 1 '
"n mwtxaoo woA S, V ' rmwi minim if"
Audrey Peppe, who
represented this coun
try at the Olympic
Games, gives an exhi
bition of her skill at
the informal ceremon
ies which opened a
famous skating rink
PERSONALITIES IN THE NEWS (1) Hugh Wilson, who recent
ly returned from his post as Ambassador to Berlin. His conversa
tions with the President may have direct bearing-on future relations
with Germany. (2) Myron C Taylor, vice chairman. of the Inter
governmental Committee for Political Refugees, now in London,
where he will discuss the refugee problem. '(3) . Raymond Kennedy,
who recently resigned as inspector of materials or.the -Navy De
partment. He said the task was physically impossible.-
York City Beatrice StruIIy,
3'i - year old, feeds a hungry
squirrel in Central Park, which
was under almost a foot of
, -. sz lessor. , ( im
VA Slk
" .aw jj.
delphia, Pa. Scientists of the Bartol
Research Foundation release six hydrogen-filled
balloons, carrying a total
of six pounds of delicate instruments,
for a voyage into the stratosphere, in
an effort to determine whether any
part of the cosmic rays have their
source of origin in the sun. (Inset)
Paris Parachute jumper Denois,
completes a 30,000 foot jump, weir,
ing the new stratosphere flying suit.
THANKS RADIO "HAMS" Chicago Henry Walther (left)
thanks John H. Brewer, amateur short wave radio operator,
who contacted other "bams" in Alaska, enabling Walther to
learn of his mother's serious illness here and make a 4,000-mile
journey to her bedside.
- V7'-
Motorship Dolomite 4, with
the New York skyline be
hind her. This 300-foot ves-
sel is the first ever built
with its cargo tanks lined
with pure nickel sheet. This
permits it to carry caustic
soda, used in making soap,
plastic and other materials,
without corrosion, and is
cited by Consumers Inform
ation "as another example of
American industry's efforts
to protect the consumer by
keeping products pure.
Miss Dorothy de Mailhau models a new
neck) ace of wild rose buds in diamorfds.
The dress designed to express a direct
relationship to the jewels, is a strapless
Empire ball ' gown of palest pink and
green slipper satin, with full swirling
drapery of pale pink drawn over the
pale green skirt.
i $? ' V FASHION NOTES (1) , 1 1 f
f 5 l A high crowned mauve :i fi '
t felt hat witn iJe d,!e E I HI I
s rNj-msgjw' :v:::;:-:::i'v:s.w of natural seal. The same i'hlt , Ilf"':'- -s-- -1 '
xbJ ' fur and felf repeat in the , MfV' V " x s
' "uff. (2) At left is a gold & th iFJ J V
WliWaMliiirgli- 'iili'ir I
ihis Christmas by giving your husbaod, beau or brother a
gift certificate for a new hat. He'll have plenty of use for
one during the holiday season. If you want to go the whole
ay, give him one of these transparent rigid cellulose hat
boxes so his new hat won't drop on the floor or be kicked
- around the house. I
A high - crowned mauve
felt hat, with a wide edge
of natural seal. The same
fur and felf repeat in the
muff. (2) At left is a gold
lame mesh gown woven
with a tight bodice and
dirndl skirt. Center: An
evening" costume of flame
and golJ lame with gladiator motif. Right: A gown of purple lame shot
with silver, topped with a Tarhah headdress of purple silk jersey.
Holiday Cake
YfY )
n ' 'jar JW vV
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THIS month homemakers are
busy preparing cakes filled
with fruits and nutmeats to serve
during the holiday season. Years
ago our great-great-grandmothers
made these rich, spicy cakes as
symbols of the bountiful harvest
that had been reaped and stored
for winter. This Holiday Cake is
similar to the ones they prepared.
During the holidays modern host
esses appreciate having a delicious
fruity cake like this ready to serve
when friends drop inunexpectedly.
1 cup shortening
2 cups sugar
6 ggst separated
4 aupa cake flour
Bj Marian Van
2 teaspoons baking powder
teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons nutmeg
IJ2 pounds white raisins
1 pound pecan meats
cup orange juice
Cream shortening and sugar
until very fluffy- Add beaten egg
yolks. Beat mixture thoroughly.
Sift salt, nutmeg, baking powder
and flour together three times.
Combine, nut meats and raisins
with flour mixture. Addtocreamed
mixture. Fold in stiffly beaten
egg whites. Add orange juice and
mix into smooth batter. Pour into
greased tube pan. Bake 3 hours in
slow oven (325F.). Cool in pan.
Hybrid Corn
Yield in State
is Excellent
Yield Surpasses That of Ordinary
Corn Varieties by at Least
Seventeen Per Cent.
LINCOLN, Dec. 7 (UP) Hybrid
corn yields surpassed those of ordi
nary corn varieties by an average of
17 per cent in six major experi
mental tests conducted in 1938 un
der supervision of th? Nebraska
agricultural college, Virgil Welch
told the Nebraska Crop Growers as
sociation at an Organized Agricul
ture meeting today.
Welch, agronomy department as
sistant reported a different hybrid
was the highest yielding entry in
each of the six tests conducted. Ex
perimental hybrids topped the lists
in two tests and commercial hybrids
were leaders in the other four.
He pointed out that ordinary corn
did not rank above 16th in any of
the tests. Approximately 50 hybrids
and varieties were entered in each
Although the average yields of all
tatries was higher in the Richardson !
county C5.3 bushel3 per acre hy
brids were superior to common va
rieties there. Welch suggested two
possible explanations. It i3 a popular
theory that hybrids show the most
superiority of varieties where the
growing conditions are more un
favorable and probably fewer hy
brids in the Ilichard3on county test
were large enough and late enoug'a
for that area. Welch emphasized the
hybrids are recommended at present
cnly for eastern Nebraska and irri
tated areas further west. They are
still in the experimental test in other
sictions cf Nebraska. Largest of all
major tests was on the J. G. Mose
man farm near Oakland. Another
test was situated on the W. A. Ty
non farm near Peru. The four of
ficial state owned tests were situ
ated on the M. E. Kelley farm near
Verdon, another near Crete, Jvorth
Bend and Wisner. Four 'tests in Cass,
Polk, Madison and Knox counties
were virtual failures because of
drouth. Comparative average yields
per acre of all hybrids and on va
rieties in the Richardson county
test were hybrids 65.7, varieties 61.9
bushels; Nemaha county test, hy
brids, 85.9, varieties 76.4.
See the pooOs you buy. Cataioq
but how about the noods wlien
descriptions pre allurlno enough,
you cct them?
For Every Member of
the Family
Bring the Kiddie to Toyland
Beautiful Dolls
50, 100, 250, 490 and
up to $1.98 x
: i 8
Doll Furniture
Doll Cradles 29
Doll Beds. 49, 59, SC0
Also Chair and Table Sets
50 - 100 - 150 - 250 - 490
Fine line of Story Books I Bibles. . .100 to $1.98
for both Boys and Girls! Special, large Bible. 980
Practical Gifts for All
Handkerchiefs - Scarfs - Towel Sets
Towels - Neck Ties - Gloves
Chinaware - Glassware
tDcores or omcr ucms uuiuiwu.i ..v.. . .
Sj Christmas Cards. . 10, 3 for 5p, 2 for 50 and 50 each
S Box of 25 Beautiful Cards for only 250
Gift Wrappings of All Kinds
t EirWS 5c to $1.00 STOKE