The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 05, 1938, Image 1

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    Hebr. Slute IT-s'crical Society
NO. 87
Auxiliary Has
Full Day at Its
District Meet
Two Busy Sessions, Forenoon and
Afternoon, Followed by Ban
quet and Later Dance
Getting off to an early start, by
convening promptly at tea o'clock In
the morning. Twelfth district Ameri
can Legion Auxiliary members found
plenty of business to occupy their at
tention at both forenoon and after
noon sessions here Wednesday. Mrs
Emma Nutzman, of Nehawka, district
- president, presided.
Sessions were held In the auditor
ium of St. Paul's church.
Colors were advanced by the pages,
Mrs. Frances Bestor and Mrs. Helen
Vroman of Plattsmouth; Mrs. Bernice
Katskee of Lincoln and Mrs. Ster
Tng Amick, of Weeping Water.
Mrs. Schroeder of Lincoln led the
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag in
the absence of the Lancaster county
chairman and Mrs. Nutzman led the
singing of "The Star Spangled Ban
ner" instead of the Cass county
chairman. Mrs. Roy Comstock. of
Greenwood, who did not arrive until
later. Mrs. A. J. Lamborn, the Otoe
county chairman, gave the invoca
tion, and Mrs. Maude Peters gave
the Preamble instead of the Seward
county chairman, another absentee.
Mrs. Elmer Webb. Plattsmouth
unit president, welcomed the visitors,
and Mrs. Helen Dudley, of Lincoln,
a past district president, gave the
response. Mrs. E. G. Ofe, convention
chairman, introduced the various
committees, followed by reading of
the minutes.
Donald Nelson, of Murray, who at
tended Boys State last June, gave his
impressions of that Legion sponsored
Unit reports, limited to two min
utes each, followed. Mrs. Erma Berg
man, of Louisville unit, presented
the beautiful Auxiliary ritualistic
service, honoring five deceased Twel
fth district members of the past year,
one of them a Gold Star mother. The
local unit has lost no member thru
death for several years.
Greetings from the Legion -were
given by District Commander Fred
Liebers and E. G. Ofe. Plattsmouth
post commander.
Mrs. Ogla Wiles gave two very
pleasing flute selections and Mrs.
Maude Peters, the Department Secretary-Treasurer
demonstrated mod
ern modes in getting membership by
taking both parts of an imaginary
dialogue between the member get
ter and the prospective member.
As the noon hour had arrived the
address of Department Commander
Robert Waring was postponed until
Most of the registered delegates
attended the noon-day luncheon in
the basement dining room of the
church and were back in their seats
when the afternoon session was call
ed to order.
The Evangelical ladies had pre
pared a splendid meal and many ot
the local Legionnaires as well as
early Legion registrants joined the
Auxiliary at this noon-day repast.
Afternoon Session
With formalities out of the way
the afternoon session moved along
smoothly, bringing a number of
pleasing speakers before the assem
bly, among them Commander Waring,
Department President Mrs. Laura
Kucera: Mrs. Gennie McGlasson, the
national vice chairman of rehabili
tation who with closed eyes demon
strated how blind veterans fashion
poppies; Mrs. Elsie Diers, member of
the National committee on Child
welfare; Department Adjutant R. C
Patterson. Department Service Offi
cer Henry Kriz, E. R. Benke, man
ger of the Lincoln Veterans hos
pital and Grace Darby, recreational
director at the hospital, as well as
Mrs. Leah Ball, the department pub
licity chairman. Mrs. Diers hurried
back to Omaha after her address, as
she was to leave there on an early
evening train for an important Na
tional Child Welfare conference in
Musical numbers to break the
monotony of the long speaking pro
gram included violin uolos by David
Fowler, music supervisor of Platts-jHeil,
mouth high school and several selec
tions by high school students.
Mr. Benke told of the insreasing
death rate among service men, say
ing there had been five deaths in the
Lincoln hospital in the preceding 24
hours. He also touched on the burial
allowance of the government for ex
service men.
Trophy awards were announced to
be given out at the evening ban
quet and the Resolution and Regis
tration committees report, before the
convention took up the election of
The present officers, Mrs. Nutz
man, president, and Mrs. Hettie
Larson, of Plattsmouth, vice presi
dent, were unanimously elected for
another year and Mrs. Nutzman an
nounced the re-appointment of Mrs
Verner Lundberg, of Nehawka, as
district secretary.
Installation was dispensed with.
the colors retired and the meeting
adjourned in time for the ladies to
participate in the parade at 5
The hostess houses of Mesdames
Jtmes Mauzy, R. P. Westover and
W. G. Kieck were open to visiting
Auxiliary members to dress for the
banquet and courtesy cars provided
Enjoyable Banqnet
At 6:15 all gathered at the Pres
byterian church dining room for the
splendid banquet that was Berved by
the Women's Federation. Amidst well
arranged table decorations and a car
nation for each lady furnished thru
courtesy of the Chamber of Com
merce and Business TUen s au ciud
of Plattsmouth. a most delicious
three-course dinner was served. The
menu included:
Fruit Cocktail
Chicken Loaf a la Mush
room Sauce
Boulette Potatoes
Peas and Carrots in Lily Cups
Moulder Cabbage Salad
Hot Rolls - Jam
Ginger Cake
with Piquant Amber Whip
Favors at each plate were also pro
vided by the Norfolk Packing com
pany. Mrs. Larson opened the after-
dinner speaking program, turning
over to Mrs. L. S. Devoe the conduct
of the annual salt and pepper initia-
ion. which 6he conducted in most
pleasing manner, borrowing a few
nf her husband's most popular magic
tricks to carry out that part of the
The trophy award for greatest in
crease in membership went to the
Cass county president, Mrs. Comstock
nd the award for the best unit his
tory to Miss Alma Lemke, long time
historian of the Nebraska City unit,
who has taken first place in this con
test for four consecutive years.
Mrs. Nutzman, on behalf of the
district presented the Department
president, Mrs. Laura Kucera with a
gold banded gavel, and also distrib
uted personal remembrances to the
Department secretary, Mrs. Maude
Teters. to Mrs. Darby, to hervvice
president and secretary, Mrs. Lar
son and Mrs. Lundberg, and to the
hostess unit president, Mrs. Webb.
Diminutive salt and pepper shak
ers and glass flower baskets were
given by the district to those whose
membership activities entitled them
to initiation in the salt and pepper
Following the banquet the ladies
went to the Legion Community build
ing to join with the Legion in the
dance that closed the day's activi
ties for both organizations. They ar
rived in time for the latter part of
the Penny Pennington floor show.
Pick's Top" Hatters of Nebraska
City furnished music for the dance,
which was largely attended by Legion
and Auxiliary members and the gen
eral public and continued well past
the midnight hour.
From Saturday's Dally
Henry Sander is leaving Sunday
for a trip to the west coast where
he will make an extended visit with
relatives and old friends along the
Pacific coast.
Given at hte Heil school on Fri
day, December 9th, at 8 p. m. The
public . is cordially invited. Selma
teacher. d5-2tw
Miss Mildred
Hall Retires at
Sewing Center
Three Years Director of Very Suc
cessful Sewing Center She Will
Lay Aside Work.
Miss Mildred Hall, who since the
organization of the Sewing Center
project three years ago, has served
as its head, Thursday resigned her
position to take up other activities.
Miss Hall has made a very fine
success of this project sponsored by
the government and under her skill
ful direction there has been thou
sands of articles of clothing, bedding
and all lines of needlework turned
out that has been handled through
the Commodity Center for the needy
of the county.
The many friends of the project
regret to see Miss Hall lay aside her
duties at the center, but trust that
she may be equally successful in any
other activities that she may enter
There aTe now thirty-three ladies
employed at the center..
So far there has been no one ap
pointed as supervisor cf the Center
as successor of Miss Hall.
From Thursday's Dally
The new Legion Auxiliary banner,
used for the first time at yesterday's
convention, is the result of many
hours of painstaking handiwork,
done largely by -Mrs. Adelaide Boyn
ton, unit chaplain and a finished
seamstress, aided by some of the oth
er members of the organization. So
perfectly were the letters and em
blems cut and sewn in place on the
field of blue bunting that the banner
equals in every way those sold com
mercially, at a cost of around $60
yet -the materials represent an out
lay of but a small part of that sum.
Pending the receipt of jointed
poles, surmounted with gilded eagles,
which w;ill further enhance the ap
pearance of the flag and banner,
they were attached to ordinary
one piece poles yesterday and used
at the business session, in the parade
and at the banquet.
The blue caps worn by local unit
members at the convention were
also the handiwork of the individual
members, representing an outlay for
materials of only 15 cents each.
Mrs. R. H. Patton has returned
home from a pleasant outing in the
east with visits at Detroit and Chi
cago," covering two weeks of sight
seeing. Mrs. Patton on her first visit
to Detroit found many places of he
greatest interest, the large manufac
turing plants and Dearborn and the
American village that Henry Ford has
created there as a lasting tribute to
the sturdy America of the past. She
also visited Irish'hills, a spot of his
toric interest. While there she was
taken by relatives on a trip into
Canada, crossing over through the
motor tunnel under the Detroit river
and on the return going over the sur
face traffic bridge. One of the in
teresting phases of the trip was to
see a large freighter of the Ford
plant coming in with a cargo of ma
terial and being towed through the
canal to the unloading docks. At
Detroit Mrs. Patton found the weath
er quite cold but on reaching Chicago
she found much better weather and
warmer. At Chicago she visited her
son and family and looked over many
interesting spots there.
Friends here of Ralph H. Ander
son who is now a shop superintendent
at St. Paul, Minnesota, have received
cards from him from Washirigton,
D. C. He is at Alexandria, Virginia,
on business for his company at head
Prom Friday's Da.Hr
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Toman re
turned yesterday from a pleasant trip
to St. Louis, Mo., where they spent
the past few days. They also stop
ped off at Sedalia to visit with
friends before returning home.
Mrs. Arthur Ofe, 27, died on Fri
day afternoon at 5:30 at the St.
Joseph hospital at Sioux City, as the
result of a very serious infection
that she had suffered for a short
time. 1 The death of J the wife and
mother came as a very st-vere blow
to the bereaved husband and two
small children as we)l as the other
members of the family circle. Mr.
and Mrs. W. H. Ofe of this city, par
ents of Mr. Ofe were at the bedside
as the patient passed away.
The body of Mrs. Ofe was brought
to Omaha where It is at the Kenneth
Golden mortuary to await the fun
eral arrangements.
The husband and two small chil
dren, Ronald and Brenda survive her
j passing.
Alvin Smock
Burned as Car
Catches Afire
Accident on Gravel Road North of
. City Causes Severe. Burns
to Local Man.
Alvin Smock, local young man,
had a close call Friday evening from
being dangerously burned as the car
he was driving was -burned up on
the gravel road north of this city
a short distance east of the Lyman
Richey sand pits.
Mr. Smock was taking a com
panion to Omaha and after leaving
the sand pits had gone but a short
distance when the car commenced to
miss and it was found that the gas
was low. More gas was secured and
again the start made, only to have
the car still balk. Thinking that
water might have gotten into the
gas line Mr. Smock started to drain
it and in so doing some of the gas
splashed on his blouse and the
sleeves, just at this time the car sud
denly catching fire and the blaze
leaped to the body of Mr. Smock. He
was able to tear off the blazing
blouse at the cost of having his
hands burned quite severely and his
face scorched by the heat of the
The Injured man was brought into
the city, to the office of Dr. W. S.
Eaton and where the injured hands
and face were treated and the victim
of the accident made as comfortable
as possible.
From Friday's Daily
The case of Viola Shupp, admin
istrator of the estate of Zella Eris
endine, deceased vs. Hubert Cappen,
which occupied the time of the jury
and Judge Wilson on Thursday all
day, was terminated this morning at
11 Q'clock when the action was dis
missed on the motion of George
Boland, representing the defendant.
The defendant contended that set
tlement of the accident was settled
in the county court when the then
special administrator had accepted
settlement and which was a record of
the county court and gave release
from further claim on the defendant.
Judge Wilson ruled that the mo
tion would be sustained and the
court ruled that the judgment should
be -entered for the defendant. Cap
pen. The jury was then excused until
Monday morning at 9:30.
' This is the third case to be dis
missed before going to the jury.
Thursday Mrs. E. G. Ofe motored
to Madison, Nebraska, taking with
her Mrs. Henrietta Ofe and Mrs. Fred
Haffke. Mrs. Henrietta Ofe was call
ed there by the serious illness of
her nephew, John Sactgen, a son of
William Sactgen, her brother and
who has made his home here with
the Ofe family.
From Friday's Daily
This morning a fine eight and a
half pound son arrived at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Prohaska on
west Pearl street. The mother and
little one are doing nicely and the
event has brought a great deal of
pleasure to the members of the family.
Platters Win
from Union
High School
Score of 69 to 27 in First Team
Game Seconds Win by Score
of 30 to 18.
The Plattsmouth basketball teams
had their first game of the season
Thursday afternoon when the Union
first and second teams came up to
work out with the locals.
The Platters first string team won
by the score of 69 to 27 and in the
game showed a lack of smoothness
in the play which however, should be
eliminated by the time the regular
season play starts. The local sec
onds won 30 to 18.
Coach Hoffman used many players
in the two games to test out the
playing ability of the string.
Jacobs and Rebal led the scoring
of the Platters with 20 and 19 points.
The tabulated score of the game was
as follows:
Rebal, f 9
Reed, g 6
Hayes, c (C) 6
Tidball, g 2
Jacobs, g 10
Handlar, f 0 10
Mullar, f 3 0 2
Keen, f 10 0
Clark, c 2 0 2
Tuggle, c 10 0
Mullis. g 2 11
Eenner, g 10 1
Crawford, g 2 10
The Mynard branch of Cass county
chapter of the American Red Cross
report a membership of thirty-seven
enrolled for 1939. They are as fol
lows: Mrs. Geo. Topliff
John VInduska
Jos. J. Safarik
R. E. Gansemer
Mrs. F. J. Hild
Mrs. Wm. P. Kraeger
Mrs. Henry Hild
Mrs. Forrest Leonard
Mrs. R. Guy Kisef
Miss Mary Propst
Atbert Wetenkamp
Mrs. Myron Wiles
Willis Cole
Ed Meisinger
Mrs. Emma Long
Will Carey
Carl Kraeger
Royal Smith
John Vallery
Mildred Wilson
Louis Naeve
Roy Cole
Grace Louise Wiles
Sherman Cole
Frank Dill
Howard Wiles
Mrs. E. H. Spangler
Henry Meisinger
Mrs. Martha Wetenkamp
Esther Tritsch
Glenn Wiles
Mrs. Alva Venher
Julius Pitz
Virgil Perry
Herman Meisinger
Airs. Jessie Smith
Mrs. Chas. C. Barnard
Clark Gapen of Hyattvllle. Wyo
ming was in Omaha Monday with
his grass cattle where he topped the
market with a nice shipment. After
wards he visited here with Oscar
Gapen and other relatives.
Mr. Gapen saj-s that his father and
mother. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Gapen, are
spending the winter in Los Angeles,
California with two of their grand
sons, Milton and Wesley Hyatt where
the boys are attending school, Mil
ton finishing his diesel engineering
course and Wesley taking a business
Stephen Devoe, who has been con
fined to his home for the past two
weeks suffering from pneumonia and
complications which set in, is report
ed as somewhat improved. It is hoped
he will soon be able to resume his
usual activities.
From Friday's Daily
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kriskey
were guests yesterday and overnight
at the home of relatives In Omaha.
T. H. Pollock and Mrs. L. O.
Minor were at Omaha Friday after
noon where they attended the fun
eral services for Henry P. Kerr, 70,
an uncle of Mr. Pollock, he being a
brother of the deceased, Mrs. Thomas
Mr. Kerr was a Bon of Rev. James
D. Kerr, former pastor of Clifton Hill
Presbyterian church, of Omaha and
for the past forty-three years has
made his home in that city, being a
contractor and until 1925 was con
nected with the Wolfe Electrical Co.
Survivors: Wife, Emma,; daugh
ter, Mrs. F. M. Pilley, Buffalo, Wyo.;
sons, H. Leonard and Ralph L. Kerr,
Omaha; brother, J. M. Kerr, Porters
ville, Cal.; sister, Calista Kerr, Om
aha. Court Finds
for Defendants
in Stull Case
In the Matter of Ira Stull vs. Julia
Stull Bethel, et al. Court
Finds for Defendants.
The case of Ira Stull vs. Julia Stull
Bethel, et al, tried some time ago in
the district court, was decided by
Judge W. W. Wilson Friday in favor
of the defendants and sustained the
validity of the will and deeds made
by the deceased C. Lawrence Stull.
Mr. Stull who died in the fall of
193C had willed the seven younger
children of his family the farming
lands in this county as well as in
Perkins county. The plaintiff, also a
son of the deceased had sought to
have the deeds set aside.
Prom Saturday's Dally
Today was the ninety-first birth
day anniversary of Mrs. Martha
Chriswisser of this city, and who
was able to fully enjoy the day as
her health is excellent for her age
and she is able to be around and en
joy the association of the many
friends. Mrs. Chriswisser was down
in the business section of the city
Friday afternoon to look after some
business affairs and preparing for
the observance of her anniversary.
frn PhrinwiaRpr is a widow of the
, . t, r,. . 4.
late Bennett Chriswisser , and the
family made their home near Ne
hawka on a farm for many years be
fore moving to Plattsmouth where
they purchased a home at Ninth and
Pearl street and where Mrs. Chris
wisser still makes her home.
The many friends over the city
and county will join in wishing for
Mrs. Chriswisser many more happy
birthday anniversaries in the future
From Saturday's Daily
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bridgewater
and Mr .and Mrs. James Bridgewater,
Jr., departed today for Brownvllle,
Nebraska, where they were called by
the death of E. F. Jeffors, 74, the
only brother of Mrs. Bridgewater.
He had been sick only a short time.
The funeral services are being
held this afternoon at Brownvllle
where the deceased has made ihs
home for a great many years.
Elmer Sundstrom, supervisor of
the recreation activities for Cass
county, with William Farney, Peter
Gradovllle and Anton Bajeck, return
ed last evening from Wahoo. They
have been in attendance at an In
stitute held for recreational workers
from several counties of the state.
Many very fine speakers were present
and a most interesting and instruc
tive program was given.
"Mr. and Mrs. John Wapp and
daughter, of VIroqua, Wisconsin, are
here to enjoy a visit with Mr. Wapp's
aunt, Mrs Anna Liliie ai d a cou3t;i.
Miss Marie E. Kaufmann.
From Friday's Daily
James McKinney departed "this
morning for West Point, Nebraska,
where he expects to spend a few days
visiting with relatives and old friends
in that section of the state.
Banquet Held at
Christian Church
Eighty of the Fathers and Soni of
the Church Enjoy a Very
Fine Program.
The fifth annual banquet of the
Fathers and Sons of the Eight Mile
Grove Christ Evangelical church was
held at the church parlors on Thurs
day evening and enjoyed by some
eighty of the men of the church.
The banquet was arranged by a
committee composed of Clarence Mei
Binger, Earl Albert, Ed Meisinger,
Philip Hennings and Fred Engel
kemeier, and whose wives with the
officers of the ladles aid society pre
pared the fine repast, Ihe menu be
ing as follows:
Chicken Pie . '
Mashed Potatoes
Noodles - Celery
Apple Salad
Bread - Butter - Jelly
Pumpkin Pie. Whipped Cream
The banquet was eerved by ten of
the young men of the church In a
most efficient manner.
The accompaniment for the group
singing was furnished by E. H. Wes
cott of this city and was a much
enjoyed feature of the evening.
Rev. A. Lentz. pastor of the
church, served as the toastmaster
and presented the various features
of the program.
The male quartet of-, the church
comprising Arthur Hild, Glen Krae
ger, James Schafer and Rev. Lentz,
gave several very much appreciated
Ross Nichols, popular Louisville
musician, with his son gave a num
ber of saxophone selections, Mrs.
Ge&s being the accompanist for this
August Petereit and Rer. Lentz
also were heard in two German
songs that was very much enjoyed
and well presented by the soloists.
Otto Schafer on behalf of the fath
ers, hosts of the evening, gave the
welcome to the sons and in response
Gerald Keil spoke for the sons.
The principal address of the eve
ning was given by Principal Perry
of the Louisville school, his subject
(being "A Letter of Introduction From
! . .
Father to Son and From Son to Fath
er." The speaker gave a very fine
and inspirational talk on the beauty
of the true relationship of the father
and son and the need for their com
radeship to secure the fullest of
their life.
The attendance at the banquets
is growing and the greatest en
thusiasm shown each year at the
approach of the banquet season to
which all look forward.
Many interesting facts were de
veloped at the gathering, John Uriah
being the oldest father, P. M. Mei
singer. the second oldest; the father
wlthvthe most sons was Otto Puis;
the father with the largest fumlly.
Otto Schafer. Arthur MeUinger was
awarded three honors, heaviest son,
largest son and youngest father.
Leonard Fornoff was awarded the
honor of the best cornshucker.
From Friday' Daily
The county court was busy today
In taking up several matters in the
probate docket of the court and a
number of visitors were here from
out in the county.
A hearing was had in the estate
of William A. Armstrong, deceased
of Greenwood. Evan H. Armstrong,
a son of the deceased and E. O.
Miller of Ashland were here to at
tend the hearing.
In the estate of George A. Mur
doch, of Nehawka, the hearing was
attended by Mrs. G. A. Murdoch,
Earl and Guy Murdoch and Miss
Bessie Murdoch.
Mrs. Edward Gabelman, who for
several weeks has been in an Omaha
hospital taking treatment for pneu
monia and complications, was
brought home Friday afternoon by
Mr. Gabelman. The patient is still
quite weak and will have to spend
some time In recuperating from the
effects of the illness.