Slate Historical Society outn VOL. HO. UV PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1938. NO. 80 Speck-Berglund Wedding Occurs at Crehrhton Miss Marie Speck and Mr. Earl W, Berglund Joined in Bonds of Holy Wedlock. Thursday, Nov. 24 th. at 2 o'rlock wedding bells rang in Eden Valley Lutheran church near Creighton, Neb., when Miss Marie Speck of this city became the bride of Mr. Earl W Berelund of Creighton. The Rev. Fenske, pastor of the church, off! ciated. Preceding: the ceremony ' Lester Weber sang, accompanied by his mother, Mrs. John Weber, "O Prom ise Me," followed by the wedding march from Lohengrin as the bridal party marched to the altar. The bride entered on the arm of the-groom, and wore a street length gown of royal blue transparent velvet - with black accessories. She wore a crystal necklace and carried a hand kerchief which her mother and grand mother, Mrs. W. A. Becker, carried Her shoulder bouquet was of Amer ican Beauty Premier res tied with white satin ribbon. The maid of honor, sister of the bride, Miss Phyllis Jane Speck, looked charming in a street length gown of wine novelty crepe crepe with black accesssories. She wore a gold necklace, gift of bride and carried a wine chiffon 'ker chief. Her shoulder bouquet was also Premiere roses tied with white satin ribbon. Donald Burcham of this city acted as best man. Both groom and at tendant wore the dark blue conven tional suit with a rose of the bride's bouquet in the lapels. Following the marriage ,.cere mony Mrs. Rev. Fanske and daughter, Lydia sang, "Lord, Who at Canna's Wed ding Feast," accompaniment being played by Lydia, after which the bridal party marched to the rear Of the church where congratulations of some 100 friends were received. From the church the bridal party und close relatives motored to the spacious home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lorenz where a delicious C o'clock wedding dinner was served to 57 guests. The home was decorated in hues of blue, white and rose. The wed ding cake made the center setting of the table, being presented from the groom's grandmother, Mrs. Eliza beth Hartstock. Those present from this city were Mr. and Mrs. Ben Speck and Marion, Mrs. W. A. Becker, Henry Horn, Helen and Marie Horn and Floyd Becker. j The bride and groom received a large number of beautiful gifts which will be a long and cherished token from their relatives and friends. Miss Speck Is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Speck of this city where she has grown to woman hood, receiving her education in local schools of the county. She has been engaged in helping her parents on their farm home. Mr. Berglund is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Noble Berglund of Creighton where he has grown to manhood and received his education in local schools and is engaged in farming with his father. After March 1st the young people will be at home to their many friends on a farm seven miles east of Creigh ton. MOVE TO SOUTHLAND Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Stewart and son, Donald, departed Saturday for their trip to the south part of Mis souri where they are to locate at Springfield, a former home. They had their household effects and equip ment from their restaurant taken by truck to Springfield while they made the trip by car. PROGRAM AND PLATE SUPPER At Cullom school, district 30, Fri day, December 9th at 8 p. m. Every one welcome. Dorothea Siemonelt, teacher. dlw-d2-6d PROGRAM AND PLATE LUNCH The Rock Bluff school, program and plate lunch, Friday, December 2, 8:00. Everyone invited. Marie Thom: ason, teacher. n30-2td-ltw MYNARD CLUB ELECTS On last Friday evening, the My nard Community club met and enjoy ed this yearly event of a pleasant social evening of the members and their families. The president, Glenn Wiles, pre sided at the business meeting. Offi cers for the ensuing year were elect ed, by ballot, as follows: Royal Smith, president; Mrs. George Mumm, vice-president; C. A Wetenkamp, treasurer; Mrs. Elbert Wiles, secretary. At the close of the business meet ing, refreshments were served and the remainder of the evening was en joyably spent in visiting and games for the young folks. Very Pretty Home Wedding Held Sunday Miss Maude Stones Becomes the Bride of Louis McConaha of Nebraska City. From Monday's Daily At a very pretty home wedding yesterday. Miss Maude Stones, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. George Stones of this city, became the bride of Louis McConaha, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. McConaha of Nebraska City. Rev. J. C. Lowson, pastor of. the First Methodist church, performed the impressive ring ceremony. Mrs. J. C. Stones and Mrs. Alvin Smock sang "I Love You Truly," with Mrs. Stones playing the accompaniment. The bride wore a street length dress of royal blue velvet and had black accessories. She carried a bou quet of talisman roses. She was at tended by Miss Viva Palmer who wore a grey wool dress and carried bouquet of pompoms. The groom was dressed in a dark blue business suit. Groomsman was Frank Stones, brother of Miss Stones, who also wore a dark suit. They had boutonnieres of matching flow ers. The wedding took place at high noon at the home of Mrs. Harry Ralney, sister of the bride. The house was beautifully decorated with pink and white crepe paper and chrysan themums. After the ceremony a wedding din ner was served for the relatives and friends of the couple. Assisting with the dinner were Mrs. J. C. Stones, Mrs. G. L. Stones, sisters-in-law, Mrs. Harry Ralney, Mrs. William Gochenour, Mrs. Alvin Smock, sisters of the bride. The happy young people left in the afternoon for a short honeymoon in Des Moines, Iowa. The bride chose for her travel dress a black dress, trimmed in white lace and had black accessories. They have the well wishes of their many friends In this community. PREACHES AT ST. PAUL'S ' Sunday Rev. Robert Nienkamp, of Chesterton, Missouri, was the guest speaker at the St. Paul's Evangelical church, giving a very fine sermon and greatly impressing the members of the congregation. Rev. Nienkamp Is a former classmate of Rev. G. A. Pahl, who is leaving the local church on next Sunday for a new charge at Hartley, Iowa. It is expected that the pastorate here will be filled and an ncement made at the services next Sunday. HERE FROM KANSAS From Monday's Dally " Freeman McFarland. who has been spending the past two years on a farm near Effingham, Kansas, ar rived here this morning for a visit with relatives and old friends. Mr. McFarland, who Is one of the best photographers In this part of the west is feeling that he may return to his professional work and re-open the studio here which he operated so successfully for a number of years. BIRTH OF DAUGHTER Dr. and Mrs. George Schmidttnan, of Omaha are. the happy parents of a fine little daughter, born Monday morning at the Clarkson hospital at Omaha." The little one is a grand daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Schmldtmann, Sr., of this city. Young People are Heard in a Fine Musicale Miss Jane Boedeker, Dale Ganz of Alvo and Duane Harmon of Weeping Water Heard. From Wednesday's Daily The Rotary club last evening had a most delightful meeting, held at the First Methodist church, at which the ladies of the member were guests at the Rotary Ann gathering, this being the fifth meeting day of the month and which is dedicated to the ladies. The dinner was served in the par lors of the church, the ladies of the church preparing and serving the fine repast that was much enjoyed by the large group. ' Following the dinner and its pleas ant opportunity of visiting and en Joying the fellowship of Rotary, the members and their guests adjourned to the main auditorium of the church where a line program was presented by a trio of the talented young people of Cass county, who have proven out standing in the musical circles and are carrying with them a great promise of a wonderful future . in music. Carl Ganz of Alvo, a member of the Lincoln Rotary club, presided over the meeting as leader and pre sented the various young artists. Miss Jane Boedeker, of Murray, who has just recently returned from Europe where she has been studying piano at Paris, gave a group of num bers that were very much enjoyed and in their brilliancy and artistic touch showed the influence of her training at the hands of the noted European masters. Dale Ganz, of Alvo, student at the University of Nebraska, and member of one of the prominent families of Cass county, gave a group of vocal selections, his fine rich voice reach ing the deep tones of the melody In delightful manner. Duane Harmon, of Weeping Wa ter, who has in the past been heard in programs here, again delighted the Rotarians and their ladies with number of trumpet solos, numbers that gave ample opportunity for his artistic skill to find expression and to which he brought his skillful in terpretation. RETURN TO HOME Mr. and Mrs. Garold Holcomb, of Kankakee, Illinois, who were here for the funeral of H. G. Soennichsen and a few days visit with the old friends, returned home Sunday. Mr. Holcomb, who is the superintendent of the water plant at Kankakee, has building program in operation at the plant that is starting today, mak ing it necessary to have the visit here curtailed, much to the regret of the many friends of this estimable family. TAKEN TO HOSPITAL From Monday's Daily Milo Fulton, junior vice com mander of the local American Legion post was taken to Lincoln today by H. L. Gayer, to enter the U. S. Vet erans' hospital. Mr. Fulton has been suffering from rheumatism for some time and his condition has become such that the hospitalization was found necessary. RETURN FROM OUTING Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Alwin have re turned home from a short outing and visit with relatives at Mt. Vernon. Missouri. While there they were guests of Mrs. Robert KJautz, a cousin of Mrs. Alwin. They had a very, delightful time over the Thanks giving holiday with the relatives in that section of Missouri. TO HOLD SCHOOL From Tuesday's Daily- Raymond C. Cook, deputy grand custodian of the A. F. & A. M. of Nebraska, departed for Auburn today' where he will hold a school of in struction for the members of Ma sonic lodges in that territory. It is expected that several lodges will par ticipate. 1 Subscribe for the Journal. BASKETBALL DAYS HERE The Platsmouth high school bas ketball squad will start their season this week with a game on Thurs day afternoon at 4 o'clock with the first and second teams of the Union school. On Wednesday, December 7th the Omaha Technical first and second teams will be here to play the locals in a 4 o'clock game. ; The regular schedule will open on December 14th when the Weeping Water first team Is here to play the Platters at 8 p. m. and a good game is looked for by the fans. A Christmas vacation game will be played at 8 p. m. on Friday, De cember 30th at the local court with Omaha Technical, one of the regular scheduled games. A.J.Lamborn Named Legion District Head Twelfth District Meeting Here Draws Large Group to Enjoy the Very Fine Program. The twelfth district; convention of the American Legion of Nebraska, held here Wednesday, proved a great success in every way and one that reflected the greatest credit on the Plattsmouth post of the Legion, hosts for the veterans of Lancaster, Otoe, Seward and Cass counties. The fine brand of Cass county hos pitality shown was such that the con vention of 1939 will also be held in this county Weeping Water being selected and where it is expected the meetings can be held in the audi torium of the Cass County Agricul tural society, which is to be erected soon. i The Legion opened their conven tion at 1:15 in the afternoon, altho the local registration committee had been busy all of the morning in reg istering the veterans as they arrived in the city. The convention was called to order by District Commander Fred Liebers of Bennet, with Adjutant Ray Nisley assisting. The Nehawka post was selected for the honor of the advancement and retiring of the colors at the opening and close of the convention. With the roll call disposed of by the adjutant the -convention at once took up the regular business of the day. On behalf of the Plattsmouth post, Commander E. G. Ofe extended the welcome and Mayor George Lushin sky extended the welcome of the city to the visiting veterans. The response was made by Thomas Thom sen of Nebraska City for the visiting delegations. Winton Jensen, of Bennet, who had been a member of "Boy's State," the past summer at Lincoln, gove a very interesting talk on his impres sion of this experience in the train ing of the boys along the lines of business of government. R. C. Patterson, state adjutant, E. R. Benke, manager Lincoln Vet erans' hospital, Henry A. Kriz, de partment service officer and W. H. Andressen, placement officer of the Federal Re-employment service, were all present and gave short talks along the lines of their work from that of the membership of the Le gion of the state to the physical care of the veteran and seeing that as many as possible were given employ ment. Department Commander Robert. B. Waring, of Geneva, was then present ed and gave a talk on "This Legion of Ours." Mr. Waring in his re marks urged the people of the nation preserve a jealous watchfulness of their liberties that they might not be taken from them, that the great personal rights protected by the con stitution be carefully guarded that they might serve the Americans of tomorrow as in the past. Belief in these sacred rights was necessary for a full one hundred per cent Amer icanism. The commander received a very enthusiastic greeting from the convention. Mrs. Emma Nutzmann, district president and Mrs. Laura Kucera, department president of the American Legion Auxiliary, were guests and extended the greetings of the Aux iliary to the veteran group. Continued on Page 6. Cass County Students at State University One Hundred and Twelve of the Young People Attending the Great State Institution. LINCOLN, Neb. One hundred twelve Cass county students are among the 6,810 attending the Uni versity of Nebraska this semester. Plattsmouth leads with twenty-six, Weeping Water is runner-up with seventeen, followed by Elmwood with nine, Louisville and Nehawka with eight each, Murdock, Alvo, Green wood, and Murray with seven each. Eagle and Avoca with five apiece, Union with three, and Manley, South Bend, and Wabash trailing with one each. Plattsmouth Eight of the Plattsmouth students are engineering students. J. Burton Rishel, Gavin B. Farmer and Robert F. Woest. regents scholar, are fresh men, while sophomores include John L. Moore, and John H. Gayer, who is a member of Alpha Sigma Phi social fraternity and Alpha Phi Omega, na tional service fraternity. James F. Comstock and Francis M. Libershal are third-year students. Libershal, who is a captain in the R.O.T.C., is a member of the varsity band, Persh ing Rifles, Rifle Club, American In stitute of Electrical Engineers and also belongs to N Club, men's ath letic organization: Newman Club, Catholic organization; Gamma Lamb da, honorary R.O.T.C. band fratern ity; Scabbard and Blade, honorary military organization. John F. Not tleman, engineering college senior, is affiliated with Theta Xi social fra ternity and is a member of the Am erican Society of Mechanical Engi neers. Plattsmouth students registered in the college of agriculture are Robert G. Kiser, a freshman; Alberta J.' Tim mas and William R. Carey, sopho mores; Louis Knoflicek, a junior; and Lois E. Giles,' a senior. Miss Giles is a member of the Y.W.C.A., the 4-H club, Palladian Literary So ciety, and Omicron Nu and Phi Up silon Omicron, honorary home eco nomics organizations. Plattsmouth representatives enrolled in teachers college are Rachel M. Robertson and Mary H. Gayer, both affiliated with Delta Delta Delta social sorority, and Dorothy M. Ruffner, all freshmen; Beatrice Knoflicek, member of the or chestra and also enrolled in the school of music, and Mary K. Wiles, member of Pi Beta Phi social soror ity, both sophomores; and Joy K. Vallery, third-year student, affiliated with Theta Chi social fraternity. Plattsmouth students enrolled in the college of arts and sciences are as fol lows: William E. Evers, freshman student affiliated with Acacia social fraternity and Pershing Rifles, hon orary military organization; Edwin C. Kalina, second lieutenant in the R.O.T.C. infantry, and Floyd R. Mc Carty, both juniors; and Aulton E. Roland, a senior, who is a major in the R.O.T.C. field artillery and vice president of Alpha Phi Omega, na tional service fraternity. Other Plattsmouth representatives are Vin cent C. Sundstrom, business admin istration college sophomore; Madge Garnett, law college senior and grad uate assistant in history, who resides at Carrie Belle Raymond hall, wom en's dormitory; and Raymond J. Wooster, freshman in pharmacy col lege, member of varsity band. Elmwood Three of the Elmwood delegates are agricultural college sophomores Doris E. Hall, Merle E. Eveland, and William E. James, who is a member of the varBity dairy club. Robert S. Aldrich, freshman in the school of journalism, is a regents scholar and is affiliated with Alpha Sigma Phi social fraternity. How ard E. Llston, freshman pre-med stu dent, and Dwight L. Clements, fresh man in business administration col lege, are affiliated with Sigma Phi Epsilon social fraternity. Donald J. Gonzales, arts and sciences senior, is a member of Alpha Sigma Phi social fraternity; is a captain in the R.O. T.C. field artilllery; member of Kos met Klub, men's dramatic club; Rifle Club; and Red Guidon, honorary military organization. Sophomore and senior, respectively, in teachers Continued on Page 3). REAL CHRISTMAS SPIRIT That the Christmas season is near at hand is reminded by the very attractive and appropriate decor ations that have been installed on the lawn at the Sattler funeral home at Fourth and Vine streets. Old Santa, in bright red and green garb is there with his two reindeer and his jolly smile foretells that in a few brief weeks the world will acclaim the Yuletlde. The Santa and reindeer are ar ranged to be illuminated at night and will make an unusually attrac tive holiday setting. It is one of the most attractive Christmas settings seen here and already has attracted much attention. Rosen-Novak Auto Company is Moving Will Locate in Omaha in Future; Ford Agency and Used Cars to Occupy Building. The Rosen-Novak Auto Co., of Plattsmouth has just announced that on or about December 5, 1938 they will be located at 203S Farnam in Omaha, Nebraska from which they will conduct the same business as they have in the past. Mr. Rosen, and his partners, Mr. Milton Novak and Miss Ann Novak stated: "Our purpose in moving to Omaha is that we may be better able to serve our customers. We wish to thank the people of this vicinity for their past patronage, and we hope that we may continue serving them from our new location. "Our operation here in Platts mouth has been very successful. However, we feel that by moving to Omaha our opportunities for buying and selling will be improved. Nat urally, this advantage will be passed on to the benefit of our customers. We invite you to come and see us in our new quarters." Their new building, at 2036 Farnam street in Omaha (just across from the Paramount Theatre) is a two-story white brick building. The show-room and front are to be newly redecorated and modernized. It will be ready ' for occupancy about De cember 5, 1938. The O. K. garage building, the present location of the Rosen-Novak Auto Co. is to be occupied by the C. A. Ruse Motor company, now lo cated on Main street. The owner ship of the building is still to remain with Rosen-Novak. Mr. Ruse is mov ing his entire organization, used parts, used cars, service and Ford sales angency into the O. K. garage building. INSTALL AUTOMATIC COUNTER The state highway department is installing an automatic counter for traffic on highway No. 71, just south of the Union corner which will keep an accurate check of the cars and trucks that pass over this important highway. The automatic counter is operated by a ray beam that shines across the highway and which is broken each time a car or truck passes and leaves a record on the target which regis ters accurately the number of cars and trucks that pass each day. DISTRICT COURT NOTES In the trial of the case of John H. Busche vs. W. H. Meislnger, an ap peal from a lower court, the plain tiff Monday afternoon by his counsel moved to havo the case continued over the term and which was grant ed by Judge Wilson. A suit to quiet title has been filed In the office of Clerk of the District Court C. E. Ledgway entitled Anna and John Rogge vs. Harry McLaugh lin, et al. ATTEND RECREATIONAL MEET From Monday's Daily Elmer Sundstrom, Cass county re creational director with Peter Grado ville, musical director, was at Wa hoo today where they attended a conference of the recreational work ers In Saunders and adjoining coun ties. Representatives of the state de partment will also be at the meeting. Santa Plans Tvo Great Days for the Kiddies Arranging for Free Picture Show Dec. 10 and will be Here in Person on the 17th As stated in the Journal a few days ago, Santa Claus radioed a mes sage stating it would be impossible to make two pre-Christmas appear ances in Plattsmouth. Since then. more definite word has been received from Santa via air mail, as promised. In the first of two communications, addressed to the committee, Santa gave his positive assurance that he would be here the afternoon on Sat urday, December 17, but that he must be In Kansas City by evening and that he is taking the river route ir. order. to see the work being done by the government to make the Mis souri river navigable. He was par ticularly Impressed with the fact that Plattsmouth has a harbor and dock the first one above Kansas City, and in landing here desires to spend a short time at the wharf in specting It and the large river boats that are winter quartering here. He. will be met by the welcoming car at the dock and brought to lower Main street to be greeted by hundreds Cass county boys and girls, lead ing the parade'from that point thru he business section. More definite arrangements will have to be work ed out for this, the details of which will be found in the Journal from time to time. Free Picture Show the 10th In his second communication ad dressed to Guy Griffin, of the Cass theatre" and the American Legion Auxiliary Santa shows his concern for the boys and girls, by asking that again this year they jointly sponsor the customary free show on Saturday, December 10 admission to which may be gained merely on presentation of a discarded toy (either In good shape or repairable). Santa says that with the usual short age of toys and possibility of not having enough to go around, it is highly important that some of those from other years be conserved and used to spread Christmas joy to the homes of all rich and poor alike. Santa's latter letter reads: North Pole, Nov. 26. M Dear Friend Griffin: I have been asked by the good people of Plattsmouth to make two pre-Christmas visits there on Dec. 10 and 17, but find it utterly impossible to come on the 10th. However, I am coming on the 17th. I have known you for a long time and you were always good to the kiddies even when you were at Pender, and am sure you will do everything you can make the children happy. So I am asking that out of the generosity of your heart you buy the best Christmas show you can get, and in conjunction with the Legion Auxil iary, give It free to all boy3 and girls who bring a usable discarded toy to the box office, on the afternoon of Saturday, December 10. I may never be able to repay you for this, but I know that at Christmas time people's earts are open 'to generous impulses nd am sure I can count on you and the Auxiliary ladies to do this for me. Yours ror unristmas joy. SANTA CLAUS. Now, this is asking a lot of Mr. Griffin, but he says he will be more than glad to help Santa out and will provide one of the best children's pic ture 'shows he is able to secure for this day, and open his fine comfort- ble theatre to the boys and girls of Cass county who respond to Santa's request and bring discarded usable toys. The ladies will receive them and see that they are properly re paired and repainted In the workshop of the Recreation Center and turned over to Santa for distribution on Christmas eve. Further details of the hour the show will start, etc. will be given later. WANTED Several hundred bushels of ear corn and oats delivered at my place. Will pay premium over current mar ket quotation. WM. F. HALMES. Phone 3803. ltd-ltw