The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 28, 1938, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Frank Greenrod and family were
Thanksgiving day guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ruhge.
Bryan McDonald assisted with the
unloading of coal for the Farmers
Grain company Thanksgiving day.
Miss Evelyn Craig, of Beatrice, a
niece of Eddie Craig, was a guest at
the Craig home Thanksgiving day.
Ray Gaj&lin and Bryan McDonald
made two trips each last Monday,
delivering hogs to the Omaha mar
Mr. and Mrs. Herman R. Schmidt
were Thanksgiving day guests at
the home of their daughter In the
Henry Ileinemann has completed
the new hog house which he has
been building on the farm of J. W.
An eight pound baby daughter was
born to Mr. and Mrs. August Wilkin
last Saturday. Mother and baby are
getting along very nicely.
Guests at the L. Neitzel home on
Thanksgiving day were Mrs. Meta
MacDiarmid and daughter Dolly andi
O. J. Hitchcock and family.
Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Keedy came up
fiom their home at Beatrice to spend
Thanksgiving day at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Ward.
Ivy McCrory has been serving oil
the Jury at the November court term
in Plattsmouth, but was able to
spend Thanksgiving day at home.
Bryan McDonald looked after busi
ness at the bank while Mr. and Mrs.
Henry A. Tool visited relatives in
Irwa from Wednesday to Sunday.
John Kruger and wife were
Thanksgiving day guests at the home
of Louis ilite near Lincoln. In the
afternoon all attended the football
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Meyerjergen
had as Thanksgiving day guests at
their country home Carl's brothers
and also his father, Henry Meyer
jurgen. W. T. Weddell, daughter and son-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Lyon
went to' Lincoln to spend Thanksgiv
ing day at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Meredith Weddell.
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Thimgan and
son Larry of Plattsmouth came over
to spend Thanksgiving day at the
home of their daughter and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan McDonald.
Last Tuesday, November 22, the
state convention of Co-Operative
Credit associations was held in LinJ
coin. Henry A. Tool represented the
local association at the meeting.
Henry E. Carson closed the ele
vator last Thursday and went to the
farm, where he spent the day with
his mother, who has been ill for
some time and is confined to her
Rev. R. E. Martin, of Saskatche
wan, Canada, a brother-in-law of
L. Neitzel, was a visitor in Murdock
during the past week and also de
livered a discourse on last Saturday
The Murdock Lumber company
and the Farmers Grain company each
received a car load of coal, which
they had to get unloaded Thanksgiv
ing day in order to avoid paying de-
I. G. Hornbeck returned home last
Sunday from a duck hunting trip to
the western part of the state. He
reports very good hunting out that
way and had no difficulty in bagging
his limit each day.
J. Johansen and wife served their
patrons at the cafe a duck dinner on
Thanksgiving day, and after all had
been fed, went to the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Leo Rikli, where they were
guests at a goose dinner.'
Raymond and Charles Biockhage,
who were picking corn over north
of the riatte river, on completion of
their work there were advised that
much corn remains in the fields in
Iowa, so went over into the Tall Corn
state and are now helping gather
the big crop there.
Mrs. Homer Hess and daughter.
Grace, of Seibert, Colorado, have
been spending a week in this vicin
ity, during which time they were
It stands to reason tbat Holly
wood stars need sparkling, lus
trous teeth more than anybody
else in the world. And therefore,
it is significant that so many
famous stars use Caiox Tooth
Powder. Calox is made specifi
cally to give teeth a real beauty
P R P P rMcKeonC& Robbint.
1 li M m j Send me a 10-dir trial
. I a me. J will try it.
guests at the homes of Lacey Mc
Donald and Mrs. Emma Moome,
mother bf Mrs. Hess. They also vis
ited George Mooraey and wife.
Seek to Gravel Koad
The Wabash cemetery, which is
also the burying grounds for Mur
dock, has for some time been acces
ible from the south over a graveled
road, but not from the north. This
has caused Inconvenience and extra
travel to funeral parties from the
north when the roads are bad, it be
ing necessary to go around the sec
tion and come in from the south.
Now a movement is under way to
have the road leading into the ceme
tery from the north rock surfaced,
giving an all-weather approach from
highway No. 1 and providing a hard
surfaced road through the section.
Spent Day at Wabash
Postmaster L. B. Goerthey and
family were at Wabash Thanksgiving
day, where they were guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Lois Schmidt
and family. They were accompanied
by Miss Geraldine Schmidt, the
beautician, who enjoyed spending the
day at the home of tor parents.
Guests at Panska Home
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Panska enter
tained at heir homo near Murdock
on Thanksgiving day when their
guests included Miss Henrietta Bauer,
sister of Mrs. Panska: Homer Bab
,bitt and wife of Omaha; Arthur
Leupodis and wife, of Murdock, and
their daughter, Miss Irma, who is
employed in Lincoln.
Sent Christmas Bags
The American Red Cross branch
at Murdock sent to San Francisco
twenty Christmas bags for soldiers
in foreign lands and last week re
ceived a very nice letter thanking
them for the gift and saying they
were the nicest of the many that
had been received. This card of ac
knowledgement was very gratifying
to the members of the local unit,
who have done their bit to help
spread cheer to the American boys
who will be away from their home
land at Christmas time.
Suffers Broken Hip
While Conradt Wehrman was as
sisting with the loading of some
hogs to be trucked to market, one
of the larger ones ran between his
legs, upsetting him and in the fall
his', hip was broken. The . injured
member was placed in a cast and it
will be some time before he will be
r.ble to be about.
Demand for Feeder Pigs
Ray Gamlin recently made a trip
to Missouri where he picked up a
truck load of feeder pigs, disposing
of same through the Syracuse sale
barn. The demand was so good that
he returned to Missouri for another
load of the small porkers and ex
pects to reap a good profit on his
'venture. With corn prices rather
low, many will feed their grain,
thus creating a demand for the
Thanksgiving Program
Services were held at the Murdock
church on Thanksgiving day. One of
the pleasing features of the program
was the return of boxes which had
been put out for Missionary contri
butions, and from which a nice sum
was realized for the carrying on of
this work. Members of (the church
and Bible school presented the play
let, "Yesterday, Today and Forever."
The children also had their part in
this splendid entertainment, the Mis
sion Band and the Little Herald3
Guests at Harvey Schwab Home
Rev. H. A. Schwab and family
came over from Sutton, where he is
pastor of the Evangelical church,
and were guests for several days at
the home of their son. Rev. Harvey
A. Schwab and wife. The elder Mr.
Schwab conducted services at the
church on Thanksgiving day as well
as officiated at the baptismal ser
vices of the infant son of Rev. and
polish. It contains five cleans,
ing and polishing ingredients.
Because a trial is ho convincing w
offer you FREE 10-day trial. See
coupon. You be the judge. Convince
yourself that Calox makes teeth thine
. . . shine like the stars'.
Inc., Fairfield. Conn. Dept. A.N pTl
of CALOX TOOTH POWDER at no tiptmc j
;Mrs. Harvey A. Schwab, Gerald Lee
Schwab. Also on Sunday, the father
conducted services at the church.
Besides Mr. Schwab's parents,
there were gathered at the Harvey
Schwab home for Thanksgiving day
dinner, Mr. and Mrs. IW. D. Luse of
Plainfield, Illinois. Mrs. Luse is a
sister of Mrs. Harvey A. Schwab.
The Luses had been at Meservey,
Iowa, visiting at the home of Mr,
and Mrs. Clare Smith. Mr. Smith is
a brother of Mrs. Harvey Schwab
and Mrs. Luse.
84 and Still Very Active
L. Neitzel, who at 84, is very ac
tive in church work, responded to
an invitation to serve the Evangeli
cal church in Elmwood last Sunday,
and preached a sermon that contain
ed much food for thought. The con
gregation was so pleased that an in
vitation was extended for a return
visit the following Sunday, and ac
cepted. The services of Mr. K'eitzel
as teacher, preacher and writer of
the Sunday school lessons in the
Journal are very worth while con
tributions to the advancement of re
ligious thought and reverence and
are appreciated by all who have the
opportunity of hearing or reading his
utterances or writing.
Visited Mother in Iowa
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tool spent
Thanksgiving with Mrs. Leah Tool
in Ackley, Iowa. This is a visit Mr.
Tool has made to his mother for the
past twenty years. She is now hi her
05th year and looks forward to this
visit with much interest and pleas
ure. In fact she seems to grow
stronger in anticipation of Thanks
giving. Attend County Meeting
Mrs. R. A. Kuehn and her daugh
ter, Alice drove their car, taking
with them Mrs. Henry Tool, Mrs.
Elbert Miller, Mrs. L. C. Unland
and Mrs. Leo Rikli to Weeping
Water, Monday afternoon, November
2 1 st, for practice with the County
Chorus sponsored by the Home Dem
onstration clubs. There were 5G
women in attendance from all parts
of our county. Mrs. J.R. Reeder is
the instructor with Mrs. R. O. Cole
acting as pianist. The singers and
musicians of our county believe it is
a fond dream coming true.
The County Chorus has been in
vited to make their first public ap
pearance at the annual meeting of
the Farm Rureau. A rehearsal, will
be held December 5 at Weeping
Water when all members of the
chorus are expected to be present.
Fathers and Sons Banquet
The annual Fathers' and Sons'
banquet will be held December 2nd
at 6:30 p. m. at the Murdock school
building. The price has been set
very low at 35 cents per plate to
encourage a large attendance.
This is an opportunity for the
fathers to bring their sons to hear
the things that are beneficial to
character-building and it also gives
an opportunity for the fathers to
learn of the problems that confront
the youth. Do not let this oppor
tunity pass without making the most
of it.
Good Luck Club
The Good Luck club (formerly
Swastika club) met Wednesday at
the home of Mrs. Martin Streich
with twenty-three members and sev
eral guests were present. Visitors
are always welcome.
The afternoon was spent in mak
ing candy and wrapping gift boxes.
A good, time was enjoyed by all and
delicious refreshments were served.
The next meeting will be the Christ
mas meeting on December 7 at the
home of Miss Lydia Streich.
SIOUX CITY, la., Nov. 26 (UP)
The Woodbury county taxpayers con
ference today had on file a notice of
appeal from a decision of District
Judge Miles W. Newby denying a
writ of mandamus to force an $18,
000 city budget reduction.
The appeal will determine the
right of the state board of budget
appeals to amend its decisions after
Oct. 15.
The $18,000 was part of a $65,000
reduction originally ordered by the
J. Howard Davis jj
k Attorney at Law
g Plattsmouth 8
Walter H. Smith
Plattsmouth State Bank Building
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
Mrs. Albert Blum went to Omaha
Monday and returned home Tues
day. Miss Florence Zaar is spending her
vacation with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. M. Zaar.
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Knecht spent
Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs.
John Wunderlich at Nehawka.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Dill and Ver
non visited Mr. and Mrs. Otto Chris
tiansen at Missouri Valley, Iowa,
on Sunday.
Mrs. B. B. Dill entertained the
Misses Lauretta Burdick and Helen
Saunders Thursday evening at a
waffle supper.
Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Mooney enter
tained the Misses Lauretta Burdick
and Helen Saunders at dinner Wed
nesday evening.
Mrs. B. B. Dill and little son
James, Mrs. Homer Carnicle and
Mrs. Oscar Dill were shopping in
Lincoln Wednesday.
Misses Mary and Elsie Bornemeier
of Murdock and Mrs. George Vogel
were pleasant visitors with Mrs.
Knecht Saturday evening.
Misses Lauretta Burdick and Nel
son Saunders left Wednesday after
noon to spend Thanksgiving at their
homes in Creighton, Nebraska.
Mrs. Ida Thurman and Elda and
Marvin Sutton were Sunday dinner
guests of Miss Margaret Thieman and
Mrs. Margaret Bevington in Omaha.
One of the J. II. Fidler gravel
trucks driven by Lonie Lau and the
car of J. L. Carnicle driven by him
self, collided Saturday evening. No
serious injuries resulted.
Mrs. Fred Schoeman and daughter
Ruth and Arlys Ann of Hastings vis
ited Mrs. Schoeman's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. M. E. Bushnell and other
relatives in South Bend and Ash
land. Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Hendrickson
of Council Bluffs were dinner guests
at the Vyal Livers home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Davis of Hallam
and Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Dill and
son were evening .callers.
Mrs. Tyler Nunn and daughters
Wanda and Mrs. Lula Mae JacksDn
and son Dennis and Corbin Cox left
early Monday morning for Versailles,
Missouri, to visit, their mother, Mrs.
McFarland, who has been quite ill.
Mr. and Mrs. Cbas. Campbell and
Mr. and Mrs. David Campbell drove
to Gretna Tuesday to help shuck
corn for Mrs. Myrtle Campbell. A
total of 34 neighbors came and by
two o'clock they s had the corn all
shucked and shelled. The ladies
served the dinner,
Wm. E. Rosencrans returned to
Lincoln Sunday evening to resume
his studies at the University of Ne
braska. He accompanied Paul Kitt
rel and Dr. Laughlin, who came
down to call on William Kittrel. We
are glad to say that Mr. Kittrel is
making progress, although quite
slowly, toward recovery.
In the District Court of the
County of Cass, Nebraska
Eimer Elliott and
Roxie Elliott, Plaintiffs
vs. ' ! NOTICE
Samuel Casey, et al.
To the defendants: Samuel Casey,
Mrs. Samuel Casey, first real name
unknown; the heirs, devisees, lega
tees, personal representatives and
all other persons interested in the
estates of Samuel Casey, and Mrs.
Samuel Casey, first real name un
known, each deceased, real names
unknown; and alt persons having or
claiming any interest in and to Lot
seven (7), eight (S), nine (9), ten
(10), eleven (11). and twelve (12),
in Block twelve (12), in Townsends
Addition, also known as A. II. Town
sends Addition to the City of Platts
mouth, Cass county, Nebraska, real
names unknown:
You and each of you are hereby
notified that Elmer Elliott and Roxie
Elliott, the plaintiffs, filed a petition
and commenced an action in the Dis
trict Court of Cass County, Nebras
ka, on October 31, 1938, against you
and each of you; the object, purpose
and prayer of which is to obtain a
decree of court quieting the title to
Lots seven (7), eight (8), nine (9),
ten (10), eleven (11), and twelve
(12), in Block twelve (12), in
Townsend3 Addition, also known as
A. II. Townsends Addition to the
City of Plattsmouth, Cass county,
Nebraska, in the plaintiffs, as joint
tenants, and Tor equitable relief.
You and each of you are further
notified that you are required to
answer said petition on or before
Monday, the 19th day of December,
1938, or the allegations contained in
said petition will be taken as true
and a decree rendered in favor of
Plaintiffs and against you and each
of you according to the prayer of
said petition.
Dated this 31st day of October,
Attorney for Plaintiffs.
n7-4w j
ihe County t'ltmi nf t'ntr.
ty, AViiA.
Tit Mil perftullfl httM-iMl hi fhs
'Mate of lletity ti. Pif Mnlertw ff, rff'
coniM'd. No. .1.170:
Take notice Hint n tn-llfbttt rtfi
been filed for the I'tnli'd- of nit
instrument put pot 1 Intr h bf Hi" ii
will and textanietit of fid hi !( -cnn'!.
and for the nppolntmpitt f Unfit
Soennichsi'ii n tfxertitrlt Iheffif;
that said petition bus Iippii set f'r
hearing before snld Court nrt lb
23rd day pf December, 1B.1R, nt 10:(M)
o'clock a. in.
Dated November 2fi, 1H.1R.
A. It. DtrXDUHV,
(Seal) n28-3w County Jiulee.
In the County Court of C Comi
ty, Nebraska.
To the creditors of I h eMnle of
Edna E. Binger, deceased. No.
Take notice that the time limit
ed for the filing and presentation of
claims against said estate Ih March
27, 1939; that a hearing will be.
had at the County Court room In
Plattsmouth on March 31, 1939, at
ten o'clock a. m. for the purpose of
examining, hearing, allowing and
adjusting all claims or objections
duly filed.
Dated November 26. 1938.
(Seal) n2S-3w County Judge.
In the County Court of Cans Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To the creditors of the estate of
Martin G. Stava. deceased. No.
Take notice that the time limited
for the filing and presentation of
claims against said estate is March
27. 1939; that a hearing will be
had at the County Court room in
i Plattsmouth on March 31, 1939, at
ten o clock a. m. for the purpose
of examining, hearing, allowing and
adjusting all claims or objections
duly filed.
Dated November 22. 1938.
(Seal) n2S-3w County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To the creditors of the estate of
A'.ta A. Linch, deceased. No. 3359:
Take notice that the time limited
for the filing and presentation of
claims against said estate is March
20, 1939; that a hearing will be had
at the County Court room in Platts
mouth on March 24, 1939, at ten
o'clock a. m. for the purpose of ex
amining, hearing, allowing and ad
justing all claims or objections duly
Dated November 14, 193 8.
(Seal) n21-3w County Judge.
In the District Court of the
County of Cass, Nebraska
Frances Brown, formerly
Frances Meisinger,
vs. :
Plattsmouth Ferry Co., et
al Defendants
To the Defendants: Plattsmouth
Ferry Company; W. S: Worley, first
real name unknown; Mrs. W. S.
Worley, first real name unknown;
David Remick, Mrs. David Remick,
first real name unknown; Charles
Hendrie; Mrs. Charles Hendrie, first
real name unknown; Mrs. William
Ford, first real name unknown
Samuel M. Ford; D. Remick & Co., a
co-partnership composed of David
Remick and Charles Hendrie; the
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal
representatives and all other persons
interested in the estates of W. S.
Worley, first real name unknown
Mrs. W. S. Worley, first real name
unknown; David Remick, Mrs. David
Remick, first real name unknown
Charles Hendrie; Mrs. Charles Hen
drie, first real name unknown; Wil
liam Ford, Mrs. William Ford, first
real name unknown; and Samuel M.
Ford, each deceased, real names un
known; the successors and assigns of
Plattsmouth Ferry Company, real
names unknown; the successors and
assigns of D. Remick & Co., real
names unknown; and all persons
having or claiming any interest in
and to Lot seven (7), and 11 feet
off of the west side of Lot eight (8),
and also fifty-five feet off of the west
end of the alley, all in Block eighty-
seven (87), in the City of Platts
mouth, Cass county, Nebraska, real
names unknown.
You and each of you are hereby
notified that Frances Brown, form
erly Frances Meisinger, filed a peti
tion and commenced an action in
the District Court of Cass County,
Nebraska, on November 17, 1938,
against you and each of you; the
object, purpose and prayer of which
is to obtain a decree of court quiet
ing the title to Lot seven (7) and
11 feet off of the west side of Lot
eight (8), and also 55 feet off of
the west end of the alley, all in
Block eighty-seven (87), in the City
of Plattsmouth, Cass county, Nebras
ka, and for equitable relief.
You and each of you are further
notified that you are required to an
swer said petition on or before Mon
day, the 2nd day of January, 1939,
or the allegations contained in said
petition will be taken as true and a
decree rendered in favor of plaintiff
and against you and each of you ac
cording to the prayer of said peti
tion. Dated this 19th day of November,
Attorney for- Plaintiff.
-,IL ,lU t,Ht.Si ht rW
Tftffc b. ihhh trri. r-fM.?
ft p-ftff Ifrf f'.f h-rti'itr ,h1 tit-'
h4 thHti 4lUi ht tiT tr
itnlf't y.iVMiht i, I'M
A; it. tftrtuvt'-f,
VI rt IV Pi HP HPiltltNti
.. . . .. .i Kii.l
dp'PR"4"!, in
tifli-r d-R rlbd tct sfe, fit? 1h1r
JPl II Kill 1 I I K H K. IIH!. I I " M'-'i
a renldent or Cum tonnlf, U"ht
died lrit-Mle l.herifi t,n t,f ntsil
May 30, 1HHT,, Dim t,tn-f i1 w w
divided one-fifth In Lrl in tsrt. 1,
Block 34, In 'Y.tun h, rs twin
t, NebraMka. th )tnyr it peti
tion is "Wherefore, your tt,tH.ionr
prays for a determination ot Ihf
time of the death of ald DeJU Ner
val, and of her helra, the descre of
kinship and the right of descent of
the real property belonging to al'l
deceased In the State of Nebraxka."
Said petition will be heard In the
County Court of Cass County, Ne
braska, on the 9th day of December,
1938, at ten o'clock a. m.
Dated November 14, 1938.
(Seal) nl4-3w County Judge.
In the District Court of the
County of Case, Nebraska
Janet McKercher Clem
ent, Charles E. Waters
and Ida Waters.
Plaintiffs V NOTICE
Wm. O'Neill, et al.
To the defendants: Wm. O'Neill,
Mrs. Wm. O'Neill, first real name
unknown; Mary A. Scrantom,
Scrantom, first real name unknown;
I. Shinn, first real name unknown;
Mrs. I.- Shinn, first real name un
known; R. M. Worley, first real
name unknown; Worley,
first real name unknown; Seth
Johnson, Mrs. Seth Johnson, first
real name unknown; T. B. Gordon,
first real name unknown; Mrs. T.
B. Gordon, first real name unknown;
W. D. Merriam, first real name un
known; Mrs. W. D. Merriam, .first
real name unknown; S. N. Merriam,
first real name unknown; Mrs. S.
N. Merriam. first real name un
known; G. S. Ruby, first real name
unknown; Mrs. G. S. Ruby, first
real name unknown; the heirs, devi
sees, legatees, personal representa
tives and all other persons interested
in the estates of Wm. O'Neill, Mrs.
Wm. O'Neill, first real name un
known; Mary A. Scrantom,
Scrantom, first real name unknown;
I. Shinn, first real name unknown;
Mrs. I. Shinn, first real name un
known; R. M. , Worley, first real
name unknownf Worley, first
real name unknown; Seth Johnson,
Mrs. Seth Johnson, first real name
unknown; T. B. Gordon, first real
name unknown; Mrs. T. B. Gordon,
first real name unknown; W. D.
Merrima, first real name unknown,
Mrs. W. D. Merriam, first real name
unknown; S. N. Merriam, first real
name unknown; Mrs. S. N. Merriam,
first real name unknown; G. S.
Ruby, first real name unknown;
Mrs. G. S. Ruby, first real name un
known; E. C. Lewis, whose true
name was Edgar C. Lewis; Robert
R. Livingston and Anna Maria Liv
ingston, each deceased, real names
unknown, and all persons having or
claiming any interest in and to Lots
four (4), five (5), and six (6), in
Block nineteen (19), in the City of
Plattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska,
real names unknown:
You and each of you are hereby
notified that Janet McKercher Clem
ent, Charles E. Waters and Ida
Waters, the plaintiffs, filed a petir
tion and commenced an action in
the District Court of Cass County,
Nebraska, on October 31, 1938,
against you and each of you; the
object, purpose and prayer of which
is to obtain a decree of court quiet
ing the title to the north half of
Lots four (4), five (5), and six (6),
in Block nineteen (19), in the City
of Plattsmouth, Cass county, Ne
braska, in the plaintiff Janet Mc
Kercher Clement, and to quiet the
title to the south half of Lots four
(4). five (5), and six (6), In Block
nineteen (19), in the City of Platts
mouth, Cass county, Nebraska, in
the plaintiffs Charles E. Waters and
Ida Waters, as joint tenants, and for
equitable relief.
You and each of you are further
notified that you are required to
answer said petition on "or before
Monday, the 19th day of December.
1938, or the allegations contained In
said petition will be taken as true
and a decree rendered In favor of
plaintiffs and against you and each
of you according to the prayer of
said petition.
Dated this 5th day of November.
To ll VrmUttn, f?r urtf U. tv7 TJr 't' ,Z
Norvl, twm i '2-1 ' t"'"
Attorney for Plaintiffs.
zitnnirrK sale
of Jibrv$k4)
" ' lit tUtot ot n
tit 4' "t ft1i in-4 bf C K.
mi, t:uk oi th wtnt crat
U 1 t ttt 'JlrKtd, I wnl on
U t,k y t U'ntmhtr, A. V.
4. ln.'j AiVlofk a. m. of aia v?J Ifjni ioor of the
x-itU, Ik t '&H bidder lor
fjU WiefUz Ute. to-
H :
i a. k f.'.MI'ff f'AZ,l) Of
! i' t.i.-Z Kyj
- ,
In th'. hutrv. Court of the
6'vty Cat, X'.braika
Mttw-A Albert,
NOI ltt.
I latumouth Ferry Com
pany, tt al.
To the defendants: PlatUmouth
Ferry Company; W. E. Ellison, first
real name unknown; Mrs. W. E
Elliison. first real name unknown;
the heirs, devisee, legatees, per
sonal representatives and all other
persons interested in the estates of
W. E. Ellison, first real name un
known; Mrs. W. E. Ellison, first
real name unknown; IL E. Ellison,
first real name unknown, and Aug
ust Anderson, each deceased, real
names unkndwn; the successors and
assigns of Plattsmouth Ferry Com
pany, real names unknown, and all
persons having or claiming any in
terest in and to Lot seven (7), in
Block forty-three (43), in the City
of Plattsmouth, Cass county, Ne
braska, real names unknown:
You and each of you are hereby
notified that Margaret Albert filed
a petition and commenced an action
in the District Court of Cass County,
Nebraska, on November 2, 1938,
against you and each of you; the
object, purpose and prayer of which
is to obtain a decree of court quiet
ing the title to Lot seven (7), in
Block forty-three (43), In the City
of Plattsmouth, Cass county, Ne
braska, and for equitable relief.
You and each of you are further
notified that you are required to
answer said petition on or before
Monday, the 19th day of December,
19 3 S, or the allegations contained
in said petition win be taken as true'
and a decree rendered in favor of
plaintiff and against you and each
of you according to the prayer of
said petition.
Dated this 5th day of November,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the District Court of the
County of Cass, Nebraska.
C. A. Rosencrans and
Lucille Rosencrans,
vs. ! NOTICE
John Moore, et al.
To the defendants: John Moore,
Mrs. John Moore, first real name
unknown; Amanda Newman,
Newman, first real name unknown;
D. Remick, first real name unknown;
Mrs. D. Remick, first real name un
known; the heirs, devisees, legatees,
personal representatives and all other
persons interested in the estates of
John Moore, Mrs. John Moore, first
real name unknown; Amanda New
man, Newman, first real
name unknown; D. Remick, first real
name unknown, and Mrs. D. Remick,
first real name unknown, each de
ceased, real names unknown; and all
persons having or claiming any In
terest in and tq Lot one (1), In Block
nine (9), in the City of Plattsmouth,
Cass county, Nebraska, real names
You and each of you are hereby
notified that C. A. Rosencrans and
Lucille Rosencrans. the nlaintifra
filed a petition and commencprf or,'
action in the District Court of Cass
County, Nebraska, on October 31
1938, against you and each of you-'
if, ?rcl PurP08e and prayer of
which is to obtain a decree of rmirf
quieting the title to Lot one (1) in
Block nine (9), m the City of Platts
mouth. Cass county, Nebraska i
Plaintiffs as joint SniSS and tor
equitable relief. TOr
You and each of you ara fiirtt,..
notified that you are required to
ser said petition on or before Mo n'
day the 19th day. of December
or the allegations contained in !m
Petition will be taken as .true and J
decree rendered In fa
and against you and each of v nUffa
cording to the nPCJl 1 ,yu ac"
tion. . eam pen-
igDated this 5th day of December.
gi, ?gSENCRANS and
Tit i . .
W. A. ROBERTSON, rimuff8-
attorney for Plaintiffs.