The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 24, 1938, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    TSTTRSDAt, JT07E24BER 24, 1938.
Insurance Funds
are Increasing
Contributions From 3,300 Nebraska
Employers Shows Increase and
Wage Increase Noted.
LINCOLN, Nov. 23 Nebraska had
the sum of $7,022,443 available for
payment of Unemployment Compen
sation insurance when tabulation of
third quarterly contributions amount
ing to $974,423 from .';,300 Nebraska
employers, who are subject to the
law, was completed on November 15
by the Nebraska Unemployment Com
pensation division.
An increase in wv.ces paid over
the second quarter of 1938 was noted
since contributions based on a two
and seven-tenths percent tax on pay
rolls, totalled approximately $24,000
more during the third quarter, which
ended September 30.
Initial claims for unemployment
benefits may be filed by eligible un
employed Nebraskans. who are cov
ered by the law, after January 1
1939. First benefits will be paid in
Nebraska for unemployment exper
ienced during the third week of Jan
uary, 1939, as all eligible claimants
must first serve a two-weeks' wait
ing period, after filing claims for
benefits through the nearest office
of the Nebraska State Employment
The Nebraska Unemployment Trust
fund will amount to approximately
$7,036,000 by January 1. 1939, ac
cording to estimates. This does not
include the fourth quarter contri
butions of 1938, which will not be
payable. by subject Nebraska employ
ers until January 31, 1939. Fourth
quarterly contributions will bring
the fund to nearly $8,000,000 by Feb
ruary 1, 1939. All of this money
must be used entirely for payment
of unemployment insurance to elig
ible covered workers.
Interest on the trust fund, which
Is held in reserve by the treasury of
the United States, now amounts to
$71,723. Of this sum $33,900 in in
terest was credited to the Nebraska
Trust fund in October.
Employment in Nebraska increased
two percent in August over July and
nine-tenths of one percent in Septem
ber over August. Payrolls decreased
one and three-tenths percent in Aug
ust over July, due to reduced pay
rolls in wholesale an J retail .trade.
printing and binding, and the finance
and insurance groups. However, an
Increase in payrolls of four-tenths of
one percent was noted in September
over August.
LINCOLN, Nov. 23 (UP) Nine
bullet holes pumped through the
metal sides of a truck driven by
Francis Massie of Lir.coln during a
drive from Omaha last night remain
ed undiscovered until he checked in
at the Nebraska Interstate Lines ter
minal. Massie said the holes were not
there when he stopped In Gretna and
that he heard no shooting. Police
indicated that the shots were fired at
close range from a sawed-off shotgun.
Guy E. Stamper, manager of the
company which has had a contract
with the general drHers union be
lieved the shots had not been fired
by highway pickets in the truck
See the goods you tuy. Catalog
but how about the aoods when
descriptions are alluring enough,
you get themT
A a Approved Theatre Skowiac
C'onteat Pictures!
Wallace neery and Mickey Itooney la
The greatest thrMl of the season. Well
worth driving many miles to see. Also
Johnnie Davit, Peaey Single-'
tun and Lola Iaae In
'Mr. Chump'
His frown makes "Wall Street tremble!
Dirk Tracy Rrtnrm Serial. Matinee at
2:30 every Saturday. Nite shows, 7-9.
Matinee Saturday at 230
Adults 25c Children. . .10c
Absolutely Illicit eat Show of the Year
'Alexander's Ragtime Band'
It's greater than your greatest expec
tations. Our Gaate Comedy and -.
Mffat Shown. 7 and
Matinee, 10-25o Wights, 10-300
Jamea Cnicuey and Pat O'Brien la
'Boy Meet Girl'
They're back in action apraln and what
action It Is too! P'lus JOE PENNER in
'Mr. Doodle Flicks Off
Third down and 99 to go. The funniest
football picture ever filmed. All for
regular low admission of 10c and 25c.
SHENANDOAH, la., Nov. 23 (UP)
George L. Roberts, 22, of Green
field, Iowa was held ty police here
today for questioning in connection
with the theft of an automobile by a
hitch-hiker 30 miles west of Lincoln,
Nebr., yesterday. Roberts allegedly
had been given a rida by J. M. Flan
nagan, Sioux City salesman whom he
allegedly forced from the car at the
point of a gun. Police said Roberts
was a CCC enrollee at the Red Oak,
Iowa camp.
Justice Day
of the Supreme
Court is Dead
Youngest of Tribunal and One of the
Youngest Ever Elected to
State Bench.
LINCOLN, Nov. 23 (UP) Asso
ciate Justice L. B. Day of the Ne
braska supreme court was dead to
" He died early last night at a Lin
coln hospital of heart complications
which developed from pneumonia.
Judge Day was hospitalized Nov. 6,
but his condition did not become
critical until last Saturday night
when he suffered a heart attack.
Funeral services will be held Fri
day at 2 p. m. at the First Presby
terian church in Omaha with Rev.
Thomas Niven in charge. Judge
Day's body will be cremated, it was
Gov. R. L. Cochran will appoint a
successor to the" 49-year-old Jurist,
who represented the second district
of Douglas, Sarpy and Washington
counties. Justice Day was one of the
youngest men ever to be elected to
the supreme court bench. He was 39
when elected in 192S and at the
time of his death "was completing
his 10th year with the high court.
He was re-elected for another six-
year term without opposition in 1934.
Judge Day was born at Westboro,
Mo.. Feb. 3, 18S9 and came to Ne
braska with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Day, 48 years ago. The fam
ily settled in Boone county near Al
bion. L. B. Day (he had no given
name) was graduated from Albion
high school and at 22 received his
arts degree from Crelghton univer
sity. At 24 he obtaiued his law de
gree from the same school. He was
admitted to the practice of law at
Omaha in 1914 and in 1920, at 31,
was elected district judge.
As district Judge, he was in charge
of the domestic relations court and
served six years in that post, gain
ing a reputation as an authority on
domestic problems.
Once he threatened to step down
from the bench and punch a man
who had appeared before him on
several occasions on wife beating
charges and had threatened his wife
again just as he was leaving.
"If you don't think I can do it,
step back in the cloakroom and find
out," Judge Day told the man.
His challenge was not accepted.
Secretary of Labor Perkins said to
day that weekly factory payrolls
jumped approximately $5,000,000 in
October while all non-agTiculture em
ployment increased by approximately
248,000 workers.
It is estimated the employment gain
since the upturn began last July 19th
which brought the number of persons
at work now to 34,400,000 compared
with 37,000,000 in September 1937
and 38,000,000 in 1929.
The outstanding employment gain
in October was in the automobile,
body and parts industry. Approxi
mately 85,000 workers were returned
to jobs she said.
Fiom Friday's Daily
Attorney Guy L. Clements fo Elm-
wood, was a visitor in the city to
day to look after some maters of
BESIDE furnishing you
with an insurance jpolicy
that is correct in every
detail and which assures
you maximum protection,
I will give you advice and
information that may
save you money.
Scarl G. Davis
Plaits. Stat Dank Dldg.
Postal Depart
ment Figures on
Parcel Post
Local Postal Authorities Give Inter
esting Facts Relative to the
Scope of Mailing.
The post office department, dur
ing the month of November, is Nib
serving National Parcel Post Month
and is endeavoring to inform the
public with every means at its com
mand of the facilities that are avail
able for mailing and receiving pack
ages. This month marks the twenty
fifth anniversary of the inauguration
of this particular service by post
offices throughout the United States.
Domestic parcel post (fourth class
matter includes merchandise, farm
and factory products, gifts, clothing,
personal articles, in fact everything
that can be properly packed for
transportation in the mails, that
weighs over eight ounces and that
does not contain writing.
The minimum weight for parcel
post is determined by whether the
package weighs under eight ounces
or over, if under, it is classed as
third class. matter and subject to
postage at the rate of lc per each
two ounces or fraction thereof, if
over it is classed as parcel post and
the amount of postage chargeable de
pends on the weight of the package
and the distance it will travel in
the mall. The maximum weight of
any parcel post package is 70 pounds,
regardless of distance.
There is also a limit of size of par
cel post. Packages may not exceed
100 inches In length and girth com
bined. In measuring a parcel the
greatest distance in n straight line
between the ends (but not around
the parcel) is taken as its length,
while the distance around the parcel
at its thickest part is taken as its
girth. For example a parcel 36
inches long, 12 inches wide and 16
inches high measures 94 inches in
length and girth combined and is
acceptable for mailing.
Packages should be carefully pack
ed to withstand handling while in
transit. For transportation on trains.
parcels are placed in mail sacks and
these sacks are usually handled quite
swiftly, on some occasions being al
lowed to drop several feet onto a
truck or platform. Under the cir
cumstances if patrons would pack
their parcels with the expectation of
having them receive such handling
while en route, the danger of break
age would be considerably lessened.
Parcels may be sent anywhere
within the United States or to any
of its possessions at domestic rates.
These rates vary according to weight
and distance. There are 560 different
rates. For example a ten-pound
package may be sent from Platts
mouth to Omaha for 18c, to Chicago
for 42c, to Los Angeles for 75c, to
the Canal Zone for $1.14.
Parcels may be insured against
loss, rifling, or damage, by the pay
ment of small additional fees; in
case of unsatisfactory condition on
arrival, the sender can file a claim
which should be paid within one
Secretary of Interior Ickes today sug
gested the possibility of consider
ing Alaska as a haven for refugee
Jews from Germany or other Eu
ropean nations.
Ickes pointed out that Alaska is
the only United States possession
which has not been fully developed
He added that he favors doing every
thing possible to assist refugees.
The suggestion came at a press
conference when Ickes was asked
whether any United States areas or
possessions- had been considered as a
haven for refugees.
The secretary limited his sugges
tion to a proposal that Alaska's pos
sibilities as a haven be considered.
He was asked whether he would
recommend such consideration to
President Roosevelt.
"Well, I wouldn't go that far," he
NORTH PLATTE. Neb., Nov. 23
(UP) The mutilated body found
near here yesterday was identified to
day as that of John Engelbrecht, 52,
Elm Creek, Nebraska blacksmith.
Identification was made by Rich
ard Anderson, North Platte barber
and Sheriff G. R. Hansen of Holdrege
who told authorities here that he be
lieved Engelbrecht had mutilated
himself.- They said he was unsuccess
ful in a similar attempt some years
ago and again about. three months
ago. At Elm Creek it was said Engel
brecht. had sold his tools for $200
and told relatives he was going to
Scottsbluff to locate.
LINCOLN, Nebr., Nov. 23 (UP)-
Twenty-three-year-old Bryard Munger
of Beatrice, suffered crushing com
pound fractures of his legs when he
fell under a train here last night.
Dr. I. C. Munger said it might be
necessary to amputate the lower part
of the right leg and left foot because
of the nature of the injury. Police
reported that Munger tried to catch
a moving freight heading out of Lin
coln but while running beside the cars,
struck a switch beside the tracks and
fell under the train.
Strike Closes
the Chicago Live
Stock Exchange
Livestock Handlers Union Strike Crip
ples Market and Leads to
Close of Exihange.
CHICAGO, Nov. 23 (UP) The
spokesman of the Chicago livestock
exchange the 350 "middle men" of
the World's largest livestock market
stepped out of an emergency meet
ing today and announced:
"There will he no market today."
He was Charles R. Rice, president
of the exchange and his announce
ment brought complete paralysis to a
market already crippled by a strike
called Monday by the livestock hand
lers union, affiliate of the CIO.
The union had permitted the com
mission men to go into the yards yes
terday and clear the large -stocks of
hogs, cattle and sheep glutting the
pens. Today Rice said there were
only a few animals remaining and
the exchange voted unanimously to
suspend trading over the Thanksgiv
ing holiday. He declined to forecast
what action would be taken Friday.
The American Federation of Labor
handlers, meanwhile were reported
considering a proponal that .they
break the CIO picket line and at
tempt to handle the market. Nor
mally some 600 handlers are employ
ed and the CIO union recently won
a majority in an election io ueier-
mine a bargaining agent, the Union
Stockyard and Terminal company
which handles all shipments into
the Chicago market.
Ben Brown, president of the CIO
local threatened to extend the strike
to the entire packing industry if
anv nttemnt is made to break the
strike. He made the threat after
O. T. Kenkle, president of the Union
Stockvard or Transit company had
hinted that an atlemDt would be
made to resume operations.
The Gamble store in this city was
the scene of the greatest activity
Friday evening when Santa Claus
made his appearance at the store
and gave to the children a treat of
candy and as well many of the older
ones who swarmed into the store.
Long before the hour of 8 o'clock,
the vicinity of the ttore was filled
with a crowd of between seven and
eight hundred of the young people
and their parents ready to wait the
opening of the doors Into the store.
As the doors were opened there
was a general rush and in a scant
few seconds the store was filled as
the rush for the genial Santa was
one. Manager Randall York and his
assistants were kept busy In
handling the crowd and at times it
was necessary to close the door until
the youngsters were served.
It was a very great success and
brought many from all sections of the
nearby territory.
Wage-Hour Administrator Elmer F.
Andrews said today that he may ask
the next congress for a clarifying
amendment covering wage reductions
in cases where the rate is about 25c
an hour.
Andrews expressed his opinion that
such reductions were "most illegal."
Taking cognizance of labor com
plaints that the act might permit
wage reductions despite a section de
claring that no provision of the law
would Justify cuts, Andrews said that
congress will be asked to tighten up
this section and to make certain that
"penalties apply to all cases where
penalties should apply."
Because a sufficient number of
laborers are already available for
harvesting the Arlzoua cotton crop,
the Plattsmouth office of the Nebras
ka State Employment Service has
been asked to assist in discouraging
the migration of labor to Arizona.
Workers are also urged not to go
to California in search of employ
ment, as a surplus of qualified labor
is already in existence.
Will Seek Santa
Claus f or a Visit -to
Community Co-operation Desired in
Plans for Reception to Patron
of Holiday Season.
From Friday's Daily
This morning at the invitation of
are Ad club a group of business men
met in the conference room of the
Iowa-Nebraska Light & Power Co.
office and considered plans for the
public observance of the Christmas
season. It was decided to extend an
urgent invitation to Santa Claus to
put Plattsmouth on his list for a
pre-Christmas visit. Of course if he
comes we will have to entertain him
in a royal fashion. In order to do
this will require, as Kipling says:
"The everlasting cooperation of every
bloomin' soul," so whsm you are ask
ed to help, do so with a smile.
A rousing good public program
will add much to the spirit of the
Christmas season and bring delight
to the boys and girls.
A message will be dispatched to
Santa Claus at once and as soon as
wc get an answer we'll keep you in
formed. Watch this paper for all the
news about Santa.
So far the American Legion, the
fire department, Ad club and Wom
an s club nave offered to help on
this occasion. If there are any other
organizations desiring to offer their
services please notify Roy Knorr,
From Wednesday's Daily
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Niel will at
tend a family gathering on Thanks
giving- Day at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Sharp in Omaha.
Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Taenzler and
family will spend Thanksgiving1 with
the parents of Rev. Taenzler at Tabor,
Iowa. On Friday they will go to
Bedford, Iowa where they will have
Thanksgiving dinner with the Rev.
C. Macks Buck, a schoolmate of Rev.
Taenzler at Drake College.
Mr. and Mrs. Searl S. Davis and
family will be in Lincoln tomorrow
where they will spend Thanksgiving
Day with Mrs. Mary Davis, mother
of Mr. Davis.
Miss Cleda Marie Koukal of this city,
accompanied by Warren Wheeler and
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Tennant of
Louisville depart this evening by auto
for Wichita, Kansas to spend Thanks
giving and the remainder of the week
visiting with friends and relatives.
Miss Dora Fricke will visit with
Edwin Fricke in Ashland over the
Thanksgiving holidays.
Mrs. John Donelan went to Papil-
lion this afternoon to visit with her
daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Karl Brown. They will attend the
football gome in Lincoln tomorrow
and have Thanksgiving1 dinner with
Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Owens in Lincoln
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Donat, Sr..
will have as their guests at Thanksgiving-
dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton
Mark and Rosalyn, Mr. and Mrs. Vern
Hendricks, Mrs. Fern Hendricks of
Omaha Mr, and Mrs. Henry J. Donat
Bruce H. Miller of Peoria will
spend Thanksgiving- Day at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Hiatt, the Will
Heinrich family and the Ed P. Lutz
Paul Lutz of Chicago will be here
to visit with his parents over the
Thanksgiving- holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Panzer and
daughter Ruth and Miss Ida May
Whisinand of Hastings will enjoy
Thanksgiving Day at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Knorr.
BUDAPEST, Hungary, Nov. 23
(UP) Parliament overruled Premier
Bela Imredy today in a vote on its
Agenda and his resignation was be
lieved imminent.
Imredy's defeat was caused chiefly
by te secession of many members of
the chamber of deputies from the
government party. The vote was 118
to 95. The majority of deputies had
protested Imredy's plan to limit de
bate on important bills. Tney charg
ed he was using- "dictatorship" meth
ment's policy toward Jews.
The premier had believed last night
that he would overcome difficulties
with parliament by gaining- the con
fidence of other friendly parties, at
least for the duration of the threat
ening- crisis in central Europe over
the autonomous Czechoslavak prov
ince of Ruthenia.
Thomas Walling Company
Abitraoti of Title
Phon 324 - Plattamouth
fe MM-1"I"M-I-I'-M"M-I'
BORDEAUX, Nov. 23 (UP) Dock
workers Tuesday refused to unload
the United States steamer Pinestone
County, with a cargo of 4,000 tons of
flour, for transshipment to the Ger
man steamer Larrach to the Red
Cross at Bilbao, Spain.
The flour is part of a monthly gift
by the American Red Cross to civil
ians on both sides in Spain. The dock
workers said they had no guarantee
that the flour destined for insurgent
Spain would g-o to civilians.
Germany in
Protest to Hun
gary and Poland
Nazi Government Firm in Position
That the Present Czech. Bor
der Shall Remain. ,
BERLIN, Nov. 23 (UP) Germany
has made energetic representations
to Poland and Hungary over their
attitude toward Ruthenla, reliable
sources said today.
Germany emphasized her desire
that the present Slovakian border
shall be permanent and reclarlfled
German opposition to a common fron
tier between Hungary and Poland,
it was understood.
An official declined to confirm the
report and said nothing was known
at present. It was known, however,
that the German ambassador, Hans
Von Moltke, visited Foreign Minis
ter Joseph Beck yesterday Immediate
ly on his return from a visit to
Berlin. It was also noted that the
Hungarian press which until yester
day openly sympathized with the
Ruthenia "insurgents" has now
changed to expressions of hope for a
plebiscite in the troubled area.
For the glorious dawn that
greets my eyes;
For the opalesque tint of the
glowing skies:
For the sylvan chorus of chat
tering birds;
For their matins in a "song
without words";
For serene days and nights of
For woes and ills of life sur
cease; For a Providence meeting every
mood ;
For raiment, shelter, rest and
For stalls replete with fatted
For barnyards rife with fowl
and kine;
For verdant lawns where friend
ships bide;
For flowers that bloom on every
For love that "makes the world
go "round";
For harmony dwelling where
love is found;
For helpful aid la time of
For trees, and shade, and books
to read;
For sunshine, warmth, and
gentle rain;
For bounteous yields of golden
For respite from illness, pain
or ache;
For the birds cherry "pow
wow" as we wake;
For friends and compeers by
the score
What mortal soul could wish
for more?
ST. LOUIS, Mo., Nov. 23 (UP)
U. S. Sen. Bennett Champ Clark of
Missouri said today he definitely is
not a candidate for the presidency
in 1940.
Clark made the statement in re
sponse to one by Gov. Lloyd C. Stark,
who said "never before have all Mls-
sourlans been so united as they are
behind Senator Clark in regard to
the presidency in 1940."
The senator said his great ambi
tion "Is to render service to the best
of my ability in the United States sen
ate." He has been boomed recently.
not only y by Missourians, but also
by conservative democrats as a
"middle of the road" candidate for
the White House.
Glotlics .
that stand out!
That's what you get in our
tailored - to - form clothes 1
They're tops! Priced at
$22.50 up
Where Quality Counts
Local Boys to
Close Football
Careers at Tarkio
Stuart Porter and Kenneth Arm
strong Will Play Last Game
with Tarkio Turkey Day. '
TARKIO, Mo., Nov. 22. Kenneth
"Toar" Armstrong and Stuart Por
ter will play the last football game
of their college career for Tarkio
here Thursday when the Owls meet
the Peru State Teachers eleven.
With five regulars out with In
juries, the Owls lost to Nebraska
Weslyan 7 to 0 last Friday but
Coach N. P. Kyle expects to have
his team at full strength for the
Peru game and one of the season's
best games is expected.
Armstrong and Porter will bo
winding up outstanding football
careers. Armstrong has been a stand
out tackle for four years and has
played practically evt?ry minute of
every game. He nopes to play pro
fessional football next fall and in
quiries from eastern teams about
him have already been received here.
Porter won second all-conference
honors at tackle last year but this
year has been playing in the back-
field. After he turns in his football
suit Thursday, he will turn his ath
letic attention to track to defend
his discus championship in the
spring. It appears now that he will
graduate In June with the highest
scholastic honors.
Joe Case and Wayne Falk, both
sophomores, have also been seeing
considerable action nnd will be in
the lineup Thursday.
NEW YORK, Nov. 23 (UP) Pro
tests against anti-semetism in Ger
many took the form today of store
closings, picketings of the German
consulate and the consultation hall.
boycott on German cameras and
donations by both workers and em
ployers to refugee funds.
All drug stores of Bronx borough
were closed from noon to 1 p. m. to
day as a demonstration of protest.
The Camera Accessory Shop Inc.,
announced that it would Import no
more German cameras.
DUNLAP, la., Nov. 23 (UP)
Howord Loper, 55, of Boone, Iowa,
locomotive engineer forthe North
western railroad was instantly killed
this morning when struck by an east
bound passenger train near the depot
here. Loper was aiding in taking
a disabled unit of a stream lined mo
tor train to the shops. Investigators
were unable to determine why he was
on the east bound tracks when the
passenger approached.
Maj. Gen. Percy P. Bishop, formerly
in command of the army's Philip
pine division at Fort William Mc
Klnley, arrived from Manila Tues
day aboard the transport U. S. Grant
en route to Omaha, where he will
command the 7th Corps Area.
Also aboard the Grant was Capt.
Frank N. Roberts, Infantry, who was
awarded the distinguished service
medal for bravery during the bomb
ing and sinking of the U. S. S. Panay
on the Yangtze rlvei" last December.
Wll U b 111
How much money would
it lake to replace your
If fire took your home to
night? How much have
you invested in Furniture,
Clothing, Dishes, Rugs,
etc? Could you stand it?
Insure for Safety
if. r