The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 21, 1938, Image 1

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    3ebr. State Historical Society
NO. 83
lenry Soennichsen
Fatally Injured
Auto Accident
Prominent Plattsmouth
Lying in Highway
at 1 1 O'Clock
Thrown Thru Windshield of Car Had Gone to Omaha This
Morning to Fruit and Vegetable Market Death
Comes as Severe Blow to Community
Henry G. Soennichsen. 46, prom-
inent Plattsmouth merchant, was
fatally injured this morning, appar
ently near 11 o'clock, in the wreck
age of his car on the highway eight
miles southwest of Millard, Ne
braska. The wrecked car was found swung
erossways of the road by two Omaha
parties coming into Omaha a short
time apparently after the accident
had oc:urred. The unfortunate man
had from the appearance of the sur
roundings, been hurled through the
windshield cf the car and was badly
cut on the neck and hen found was
in a very critical condition. He was
taken by the Omaha parties to the
University hospital where his condi
tion was recognized as being ex
tremely grave, he having suffered a
great less of blood. Tne injured man
arrived at the hospital at 11:19 and
died some twenty minutes later.
The accident had occurred in Sarpy
county and from the investigation of
the officers it was thought that the
car had struck a post near the road
side with force sufficient to wreck
the car and hurl Mr. Soennichsen
through the windshield.
Mr. Soennichsen had gone to Om
aha this morning as was his custom
to visit the fruit and vegetable mar
kets and order supplies for the Black
& White store of the H. M. Soen
nichsen Co., of whic'fl he was the
The message of hi3 untimelj' death
came as a severe blow to the com
munity and to the sorrow stricken
family as a few brief hours before he
had been active in his busy business
The death of Henry George Soen
nichsen takes away a man that has
been very active in the community
affairs as a member of one of the
largest business establishments of
the county, always interested in any
move that would aid the residents
of the Ic:y and county where he
was born September 1, 1892 and
grew to manhood here. Mr. Soen
nichsen was head of the King Korn
Klub since its organization seven
years ago and to hi.? fine work and
generalship was due a great deal of
its success.
Mr. Soennichsen was a past com
mander of the American Legion of
thi3 city and untiring In his work
in the organization since its forma
tion. He was also a member of Platts
mouth Lodge No. 6, A. F. & A. M.
and Nebraska chapter No. 3, It. A. M.,
of this city.
With the outbreak of the World
war Mr. Soennichsen with others
from this city enlisted In the Sixth
Nebiaska and accompanied the regi
ment to Camp Cody, New Mexico,
where he served several months.
Suffering a disability he was dis
charged there and later in order to
do his part in the cause of his coun
try, enlisted in the coast artillery
where he served until after the close
of the war. He was stationed at
Honolulu until in 1919 when he was
returned to the United States and dis
charged. Since his earliest boyhood
he has been associated with his fath
er and the other members of the
family in the conduct of their grocery
and later department store.
There is left to mourn the taking
away or this fine citizen and friend,
the widow. Mrs. Ruth Soennichsen,
two sons. John Melehcr and Henry
Richard Soennichsen. his father, H.
M. Soennichsen, two sisters, Misses
Christine and Mathilde Soennichsen
and one brother, Waldemar Soennich
sen, as well as other more distant
Business Man is Found
South of Millard
This Morning
A band of bold bad pirates has
invaded our fair city tut there is
not much cause for alarm. They are
only make-believe pirates, and are
just twelve "of our own young Thes
pians. They are working hard on
the home talent play. "Paging Cap
tain Kidd," to begin next Tues
day evening at the American Le
gion hall. The play is under the di
rection of Mrs. O. Sandin, while Miss
Polly Pennington has charge of the
dance specialties. The cast is as fol
lows: "Caroline Foster" Shirley Seiver
"Norman Chase" Ed Wehrbein
"Ruth Doyle" Margaret Ann Pitz
"Laura Lynn" Lois Troop Bestor
"Jim Tyler" John Jacobs
"Sydney Brown" James Sandin
"Mrs. Cora Hope" Alice Jane Hirz
"Tack Starr" John Bestor
"Bertha Camp" Clara Toman
"Sam Tuttle" Theodore Libershal
"Cap'n Brigg3" Roy Olson
Margie R. Pollard of Nehawka has
been awarded a handsome gold medal
for the record she submitted in the
National 4-H Canning Contest. . She
was designated for the award by the
county agent and state club leader
as 193S canning champion of Cass
county. The medal is In the form of
a shield nearly one inch deep on
which i3 embossed a horn of plenty,
laurel branch and 4-laaf clover. It is
provided by the Kerr Glass Corpor
ation to promote 4-H canning and
better living, together with trips for
state winners to the National 4-H
Club Congress where $1,000 in col
lege scholarships will be awarded
sectional and national winners.
From Thursday's Dally
The funeral service for Mrs. F. S.
White was held this morning at
10:30 at the St. Luke's Episcopal
church, of which faith she had long
been a member.
The beautiful and impressive Epis
copal service was celebrated by Fath
er George Tyner, bringing to the
relatives and friend? the beautiful
message of consolation.
Mrs. J. M. Robert3 played softly
during the service.
The body was borne to the Oak
Hill cemetery where it was laid to
the last long rest in the family plot
beside those of her family circle that
had preceded her in death.
The pinochle party that was held
at the Recreation Center Thursday
night was a big success. There were
24 pinochle players going hot and
heavy trying to see who could get
the high score for the evening.
The high scorer for the evening
were A. J. Koubek with a score of
6330 for the six game series. Mrs.
Walters won high score honors. for
the women with a score of 6060
which was also for the six game
Clyde Jackson, in charge of the
event, is looking for larger crowds
as the weather turns colder.
Mrs. Frank Wagener of Florence
spent several days visiting with her
aunt, Mrs. Anna Llllie and .cousin,
Marie E. Kaufmann. Mrs. Wagener
nee Cora Schlegel is a former resi
dent of Plattsmouth. Mrs. Wagener
also attended the Rettkah meeting.
Garden Club
Gives Farewell
to Pahl Family
Fine Program Marks Dinner Party
in Honor of the Departing
Family Last Evening.
Wednesday evening the Platts
mouth Garden club joined in a very
fine farewell and dinner party for
Rev. and Mrs. G. A. Pahl and their
family, who are leaving the local
St. Paul's church charge for a new
home at Hartley, Iowa. In their
residence here Rev. and "Mrs. Pahl
have been very active in the Garden
club as well as other civic activities
and where they will be greatly miss
ed. The dining room of the Stewart
cafe was very attractive in the table
decorations of chrysanthemums in
various colors that lent a most pleas
ing touch to the scene. J
Mrs. E. H. Wescott, president of
the club, presided, and presented the
various participants on the program
in her usual pleasant manner.
As a token of the esteeem of the
club for their departing friends. Mrs.
Tahl was presented with a gift of
silver that will be a reminder in
coming years of the many pleasant
associations in Plattsmouth. IIrs.
I. T. Heineman presented the gift in
her delightful manner while Rev.
G. A. Pahl responded to the kindly
Mrs. A. L. Tidd gave a most in
teresting talk on "Houseplants," hav
ing many very useful and interest
ing suggestions a3 to the care and
selection of houseplants for the
home. The talk showed a fine study
of plant life and its adaptability to
the cultivation in the home in the
winter season when they are mVived
from their garden surroundings- in
the open.
Mrs. John W. CraMll, one of the
enthusiastic members of the club,
gave a short talk on the arrange
ments of chrysanthemums, popular
fall and winter flower whose stately
beauty now dominates the floral
world. This was vsry interesting
and filled with many useful sugges
tions as to the cultivation of the
plants as well as arrangement.
Dr. Margaret Koenig, of Omaha,
told of "Tid-Bits of Travel," a very
interesting discussion of her ma"hy
visits over the United States and
Iiurope. She had made a special
study of the flower gardens as well
as the native flowers of the several
states and other countries, her de
scription of these being very much
enjoyed as she took the hearers along
over the world to view the many
attractive methods of garden ar
rangements. Dr. Koenig was one of
the best known specialists in child
clinic, but retired on account of her
health and has traveled very exten
tively since that time over the
The exterior of the city building
at Fifth and Vine street, which has
been under the process of renovation
by a force of workmen as a WPA
project 13 now completed and is cer
tainly a revelation i:i what a few
minor improvements can make to
the appearance of tho building.
Instead of the dit gy barn like
structure the building now is very
attractive looking. Stucco and ce
ment has made it an ivory in color
and the addition of three windows
on the west side has also added a
great deal to the appearance.
The balcony that formerly extend
ed on the east and south side of the
building has been removed with the
exception of the stairs and small
landing for the entrance of the of
fice of Judge Graves and the coun
cil chamber.
Funeral services were held Thurs
day afternoon at the Nehawka ceme
tery for Donald, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Francis Cole of this city. Rev. W. A.
Taylor of Union conducted the ser
vices at the grave. The Horton fun
eral home of this city had charge of
the services. In their bereavement
the family will have the deepest sym-
pathy of their many friends In the J
county. ' I
George McReynolds, charged with
assault with intent to commit great
bodily Injury, was arraigned Wed
nesday afternoon in-the county court.
To the charge as preferred by Coun
ty Attorney J. A. Cupwell, the de
fendant made a plea of not guilty.
The defendant was charged with as
saulting Albert Smiley, colored, at
Union Monday night. Smiley is still
in an Omaha hospital in serious
The hearing of the case was set by
Judge Duxbury for Wednesday, No
vember 23 in the county court.
Urge Sylvester
for U. S. Marshal
of Nebraska
Noted Cass County Eandit Capturer
With Sheriff John Hopkins of
Omaha Are Suggested.
LINCOLN, Nov. 17 (UP) Many
more democrats have applied for the
post of U. S. marshal for Nebraska
following the November S elections,
democratic leaders here revealed to
day. First among the new applicants
are Sheriff Homer Sylvester of Piatts
niouth, who became nationally fa
mous for capturing two desperadoes
who have been hanged for the mur
der of a G-man in Topeka, Kansas,
and Sheriff John Hopkins of Omaha.
One or two democrats defeated for
3tate office also are understood to be
angling for the post.
Despite the influx of new material,
it was learned, George H. Proudfit.
Lincoln business man and treasurer
of the democratic state committee
still is leading for the appointment.
Proudfit was once offered the post but
declined. Later he re-entered - the
race. It was believed likely that
Sylvester would be offered one of
the deputyships.
It was learned that a meeting of
the state committee here prior to
election decided to name Proudfit
marshal. The appointment, however,
is likely to be held off until after
congress convenes in January. The
committee's choice must secure the
approval of Senator "Norris before
the appointment can be ratified by
the senate. Senator Burke has turn
ed th'e entire mattrr over to the
state committee stipulating only that
Norris be satisfied with the appointee.
Mrs. George W. Olson late Thurs
day received a message from Rapid
City, South Dakota, announcing the
death of her father, William H.
Garrett, who passed away Thurs
day morning. Mr. Garrett was for
many years a resident of Nebraska
City, engaged there in the cereal
mills as an employe of A. P. Stafford,
veteran miller.
Mr. Garrett was twice married
and had a family of twelve children,
a number of whom have preceded
the father in death.
The relatives here have not re
ceived notice of where the funeral
will be held and whether interment
wii?. be at Rapid City or at the old
home in Nebraska City.
Funeral services for the late Mrs.
John Riley were held at the St.
John's church Thursday morning. Rt.
Rev. Monsignor George Agius, pas
tor of the church, conducting the
A number of the old time friends
were at the church to pay tribute
to this estimable lady, a resident
here for a great many years. The
funeral party comprised a large
group of relatives and friends from
TSe burial was at the. Catholic
cemetery in the west part of the
From Friday Dany
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Hlld and
family and Mr. and Mrs. H. H.
Denhing were in the city for a short
time today to look after some busi-
ness matters. They were en route to
Omaha where they ewre dinner guests
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gust
List of New
Precinct Officers
Over County
Results of the General Election. Shows
a Large Number of Present
Assessors Returned.
While in the election of Novem
ber Sth there were a great many
changes made the assessors and pre
cinct officers of the county were
largely re-elected regardless of their
i political affiliation. The following
is the precinct officers elected:
Tipton Prerinct
J. P. George Reitter, R.
Assessor Ed P. Betts, D.
Overseer Bert Lytle, D.
Greenwood Precinct
J. P. L. D. Mullen, D.
Assessor Roy Coatman, D.
Overseer William KItzel, D.
Salt Creek Precinct
J. P. N. D. Talott. R.
Assessor Lawrence Coleman, R.
Overseer Ray Comstock, D.
Stove Creek Precinct
J. P. Walter Plybon, R.
Assessor Paul J. Marshall, R.
Overseer Don Parish, R.
Elmwood Precinct
J. P. Paul Stock. R.
Assessor' William Pourke, D.
Overseer Louis Schmidt, R.
South Bend Precinct
J. P. William Blum, D.
Assessor M. E. Bushnell. R.
Overseer Frank Kozoil, D.
Weeping Water Precinct
J. P. Albert Dankleff, R.
Assessor John Hopkins, R.
Overseer Carl Compton, R.
Center Precinct
J. P. George Coon, R.
Assessor William Sheehan, Sr
Overseer William Sheehan, Jr
Louisville Precinct
J. P. Jake Reichart, D.
Assessor E. A. Ingrim, R.
Overseer A. A." Schoemann, D.
Avoca Precinct
J. P. Fred Marquardt. R.' ... .. ..
Assessor Ed Morley, R.
Overseer Louis Allgayer, R.
Mt. Pleasant Precinct
J. P. Renos Anderson, R.
Assessor Henry H. Ragoss, D.
Overseer rFred Kohler, D.
Eight Mile Grove Precinct
J. P. Gerald Duncan, R.
Assessor Harry A. Meisinger, D.
Overseer Louis F. Hennings, R.
Nehawka Precinct
J. P. D. C. West, R.
Assessor V. O. Lundberg, R.
Overseer J. S. Edwards, R.
Liberty Precinct
J. P. R. N. Opp, D.
Assessor L. G. Todd, D.
Overseer Santa True. R.
West Rock Bluf s Precinct
J. P. Ben Noell, D.
Assessor Alfred Gansemer, D.
Overseer James Hoschar, D.
East Rock Eluffs Precinct
J. P. Gene Exllne, D-R.
Assessor Albert Wheeler, D.
Overseer James Fitch, D.
Plattsmouth Precinct
J. P. Henry F. Nolting. D.
Assessor George W. Snyder, D.
Overseer Charles Stoehr, D.
Weeping Water City
J. P. E. B. Taylor.
Assessor, 1st Ward Chris Ras
mussen, D-R.
Assessor, 2nd Ward Ray Haslam,
Plattsmouth City
J. P. Charles L. Graves, D-R.
Assessor, 1st Ward John A. Lib
ershal, D.
Assessor, 2nd Ward James Rebal,
Assessor, 3rd Ward Miles M.
Allen, R.
Schutz, R.
Gabelman, R
4 th
Ward John E.
Ward Edward
Carl Bailey, arraigned on Wed
nesday afternoon in the county court
on a charge of breaking and enter
ing, made a plea of guilty to the
charge. He was bound over to the
district court by Judge A. II. Dux
bury on a $2,000 bond.
I wish to express nfy deepest ap
preciation of the fine support given
me at the election as road overseer
of West Rock Bluffs. I shall make
it a point to serve in the best In
terests of everyone as far as It lays
in my power.
Plate supper and program at Fair
view school, Nov. 29. Everyone wel
come. Rosemary Cloidt, teacher.
D. M. Babbitt of the local Me
Cormick-Deering and International
Harvester Co. agency, is moving his
place of business Irom Main street
between Third and Fourth streets,
to the corner room in the Eagles
building. Sixth and Pearl streets
The building has been arranged to
accommodate the new line of busi
ness and it is expected that the mov
ing will be completed by the week
end. Mr. Babbitt has a very large
line of all kinds of repairs and has
busily engaged In getting them ar
ranged in the new place of business
Honor Roll
of High School,
First Quarter
Fine Group of Students Attain Recog
nition for Their Excellent
Work in Studies.
The honor roll for the first quar
ter of the school year has been an
nounced by the faculty of the high
school and shows a fine group of
students whose averages are the best
in the school. It i3 a real honor to
the students.
The following members of the
several classes were awarded the
FRESHMAN Betty Ault, Roberta
Beveridge. Maxine Graves, Clare
Kauble, Russell Nielson. Margaret
Rea, Willa Jean Sylvester, Danny
SOPHOMORE Rita Barlett, Albin
Chovanec, Maxine Cole, Robert Cook,
Corbin Davis, Marie Lentz, Ronald
Lester, Betty Jo Libershal. Rosalyn
Mark, Joe Noble, Clayton Sack, Shir
ley Walling, Ruth Westover.
JUNIOR Frank Dall. Mary Helen
Dill. Corrine Drucker, Richard Hitt,
Whipple Leonard. Allan White.
SENIOR Homer Barton, John
Bestor.- Janet Westover, John Living
ston, Warren Reed, John TIdball.
Friday marked the seventy-fourth
birthday anniversary of John P. Sat
tler, Sr., who has long played a prom
inent part in the life of the com
munity. In honor cf the occasion
Mr. Sattler was honored in a very
pleasant and Informal evening at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. John P. Sattler,
A number of the old friends were
invited to join in the occasion and
cards were indulged in by the group
and at which a great deal of pleas
ure was derived, Mr. Sattler show
ing his skill in "Solo," a favorite
card game.
Mr. Sattler has been a resident
of Plattsmouth since 18S6 when as
a youth he came west from Pekin,
Illinois, where he first settled when
coming from his native Germany.
On reaching Plattsmouth he entered
the service of the Burlington for a
few years and later decided to enter
the furniture and undertaking busi
ness. In later years he has devoted
himself to the conduct of the fine
funeral home which he operates in
connection with his son, John P.
Sattler, Jr., they having one of the
most attractive places in the eastern
section of the state.
He has served the city as mem
ber of the city council from the
fourth and second wards for several
term3 and in 1909 became mayor on
the resignation of Henry R. Gering,
serving in capacity in an aggre
gate of some Bevent jon years. His
able business administration of the
city has been a record of which he
can well feel proud.
The Riverview club met with Mrs.
Henry Kuhns Nov. 8. The meeting
was opened by saying the Lord's
Prayer. We sung "Blessed Be the
Tie That Binds." We answered the
roll call by telling what we had to
be thankful for. The afternoon was
a busy one, discussing business and
We entertained the Social Circle
club October 26 and htd a very good
crowd. Nov. 11 Mrs. Georgia Creamer
had a pinochle card party with most
members and their families present.
All had a very nice time.
Mrs. Kuhns served a very delic
ious lunch. Our next club meeting
will be with Mrs. Frank Hull De
cember 13th.
Juniors Guests
at Meeting of the
Auxiliary Friday
Sponsor Very Pleasing Program for
Benefit of Elders Conven
tion Assignments Made
Forty-five adult and Junior Auxil
iary members attended the Novem
ber Auxiliary meeting Friday after
noon at the Hallstrom-Mauzy home.
Hostesses were Mrs. John Hallstrom,
Mrs. James Mauzy, Mrs. George
Conis and Mrs. E. G. Ofe.
At the business session a contribu
tion of $2.50 was voted the public
library for the purchase of a book,
in recognition of Book Week.
To Distribute Zmas Toys
Through courtesy of Guy Griffin
in placing the Cass at the disposal
of the Auxiliary again this year, the
annual "bring-a-toy" matinee show
will be held Saturday, December 10.
Broken and discarded toys will be
repaired and repainted in the Recre
ational Center handiwork shop with
paint and other materials supplied
from the Rehabilitation fund of the
Auxiliary and the several hundred
toys distributed among Plattsmouth
children at Christmas time.
In addition to their part In this
work. Auxiliary members will bring
articles of foodstuff to their Decem
ber meeting to be used In Christmas
baskets for the families of needy vet
erans of the community.
This year cash contribution Is be
ng made to the Veterans hospital
Christmas fund.
Assignments were made for work
n connection with the district con
vention here November 30. by Mrs.
E, G. Ofe, general chairman of con
. . Juniors Present Program
After the business session of the
elders, the Junior Auxiliary, with
Janet Westover, as announcer, pre
sented the Junior sponsored program
that included:
Vocal solos by John Jacobs; Read
ng by Elizabeth Ann Wiles; Accor-
dian selections by John Soennichsen;
Vocal duet by Barkus Sisters and a
Solo by Maxine Nielson.
Delicious refreshments were serv
ed by the hostesses at the close of
the program.
The Rebekahs entertained the dis
rict officers and members from Om
ha. South Omaha, Florence and
3enson. The lodges represented were
Belle, Dagmar, Alpha. Joy, America,
Ruth and Rose ledges. After the
business meeting a sp'endid program
was awaiting the visitors and local
members by Miss Mildred Hall. Sev
eral musical numbers were given by
Miss Hail and Mis3 Fern Jahrig ac
companied by Miss Catherine Kimsey.
A number of reading3 were given
by Mrs. Hazel Moore. After this
splendid program much enjoyed by
ill. The group was invited to the
dining room to partake of refresh
ments prepared by the local lodge.
The Thanksgiving then? was carried
Several matters of litigation have
been filed in the office of Clerk of
the District Court C. E. Ledgway.
Among these were:
Jacob J. Meisinger vs. T. B. Gor
don, et al., suit to Quiet title.
Frances Brown, formerly Frances
Meisinger, vs. Plattsmouth Ferry Co.,
suit to quiet title.
Pearl Beasley vs. len Beasley, ac
tion for divorce. The parties were
married at Fayette, Missouri, June
5, 1935.
To all those friends who so loyal
ly supported me as a candidate for
County Commissioner from the Sec
ond District, I desire to express my
sincere appreciation and thanks."
Union, Nebraska.
Program Wednesday. Nov. 23 at
Lewiston Community Center at 8
p. m. Box and Plate Supper. Every
one invited. Dorothy Yost, teacher.