THURSDAY, WOVEMBEP. 17, 1&38, PAGE SEC PLAXTSilOUTH . WEEXXT JOURNAL "Social From Monday's laily Hold Family Dinner A family dinner was enjoyed Sun day at the home or Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kutheiford. Entertained at Dinnex Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Mark en tertained Sunday at a wild duck din ner at their home on North Kourth street. In addition to the family. guest3 were. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Donat, Sr., and George Rushart, of Fort Crook. Sunday Evening Club Mr. and Mrs. Fred Staarpnack en tertained the Sunday Evening club !a9t evening. High scenes among the ladies were won by Mrs. Ray Bryant, first, Mrs. Marie Rihcards, second. Among the men Walter Tritsch won flrat and Fred Sharpnack, second. Will Celebrate Birthdays Mrs. Robert Hummel la entertain- (EE (pE3 Gli A, ' tv. 0 FAST- FLAMING ) f JStandardTT YOUR coffee pot will be you bura Standard Briquets. A hoc, quick-cooking (lame leap to life instantly when fire is kindled. In a few minute the even, steady-burning fire has cooked your breakfast to a delicious turn. Standard Briquets are ideal for heating as well as cook' ing. One ton goes as far as two tons of some ordinary soft coals. Users report up to 10 savings in fuel bills. They're clean, too smokeless, dustless, soot less. Order today! Tidball Lumber Co. PHONE 40 PLATTSMOUTH. NEB. Specials O O PRINTS, FAST COLOR weight, per yard -Good 10c WOMEN'S COTTON HOSE Good colors, all sizes, pair . . 10c WOMEN'S FABRIC AND SILK GLOVES, all sizes, dark colors, pair. . ..49c APRONS, women's slip-on style, j Pn fine prints, fast color JLOvy FLEISHER'S YARNS, Zephyr and 1Qn others, assorted colors, per ball X CRINKLE YARN. Bernat's Glow, QQ I-oz. balls, per ball LmAf3s STAMPED FANCY WORK PIECES, -i assorted items. Your choice -LWC WOMEN'S OUTING GOWNS, small Q Q0 sizes only, white 0'tv OUTING FLANNEL, light fancy patterns, yard wide, good weight, yard. 12c SOENNICHSEN'S PLATTSMOUTH, NEBR. ing this evening at dinner in honor of the birthday anniversaries, of Mr. Rummel and Ralph Tlmra, an old friend. The young men have been celebrating their anniversaries to gether for the past few years and this year will be given the pleasure of again being together. From Tuesday's laily Merry Workers Club The Merry Workers club met at the home of Mrs. Will Kraeger with nine members and one visitor pres ent. The lesson was on making candy and a variety of very delicious candy was made. After the close of the regular business meeting a Christmas party was discussed. With no further business, the meeting closed, the next to be held some time la Jauuary. Club Reporter. Standard Bearers Meet The Standard Hearers met last night at the home of Miss Ruth Low son. She was assisted by Dorothea Duxbury, Mary Aun Winscott and Willa Sylvester. New business was discussed and a candy sale decided upon. A flue les son on India was presented by Ruth Lowson. Willa Sylvester. Helen Mtnnlear. iselty Uayer. Two new counsels. Mis Claire and Miss Rlpa have been added to the club. There were 33 members present for the meeting- Parties for Marie Stwck Thursday, Nov. 10th Farvlew Workers club held a shower at the home of Mrs. Jake Tritsch for Marie Speck. She has been a member of the club for eight years. The shower represented each day In the week Fourteen members and one visitor were present. A larye number of useful and appreciated gifts were received by the bride-to-be. A de licious lunch was 3orved. Friday evening. Nov. 11 she was honor guest at a 6 o'clock dinner given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. August Keil. The table was decor- ! ated very beautifully and candles itgntea tne room. Turkey was served with all the trimmings, cli maxing a clever Thanksgiving theme. Miss Ellen Kaffeubet ger. June and Gerald Kell assisted in serviug. I After dinner the group played I pinochle. Among the ladies Mrs. tnima Kaffenberger received 1st prize and Ellen Kaffenberger the consolation, while for the men Fred erick Wehrbein received first and Klllard Speck the consolation. Guest priae went to Marie Speck. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Ben Speck and family. Mrs. Emma Kaffenberger and family. Harold Mel singer. Frederick Wehrbein. Fred erick Wesch. mien Kaffenberger, Mr. and Mrs. August Keil, June and Ceroid and the guest of honor, Marie Speck. Sunday. Xov. 13th in the morning Miss Speck was honored with a hand kerchief shower given by St. Paul's Sunday school of which she was a teacher and primary superintendent. j She received a large number of hand kerchiefs that will be a long remem jbrance of the happy group. In the afternoon Miss Speck was honored at a miscellaneous shower given by a group at the Eagles hall in Plattsmouth. A short program was held consisting of a group of songs by the Fairview club, "Let j Me Call You Sweetheart." and "Ah Marie." Miss Betty Ann Albert tap-! ped and played her own accompani ment on the piano. A group of songs by Eldell and Shirley Speck. "I'm Gonna Lock My Heart and Throw Away the Key." "A Pocket Full of Dreams." "Music Maestro Please." "There's Honey on the Moon To night, and "Little Lady Make Be lieve." A mock wedding was held. Miss Speck received a large num ber of beautiful and useful gifts to take to her new homj. together. Other invited guests were two members of the high school fac ulty, Lumir Gerner and Coach Hoff man, who joined In te fun of the evening. The early portion of the evening was spent In playing games and stunts. First prizes were won hy John Bestor and John Livingston, and booby prizes by Janet Westover and Coach Huffman. At the hour of 9:30 p. m. the party piled in a hay-rack, driven by Mr. Grosshans, and went for a lengthy ride along side roads in the county in this bit of farm ?aachlncry. Later the party returned, covered with hay, to enjoy a very tasty lunch served by Mrs. Grosshans assisted by her daughter, Miss Kathryn. Those in attendance were: Hazel Kelley. Janet Westover. Maxine Niel son, Harriet Case, Frances Kadraba Shirley Jacobs, Norma Johnson, Gloria Johnson, Jim Sandin. John Utstor, Hill Armstrong, John Liv ington. Bob Hayes, John Tidball. Stuart Sedlak. Ronald Rebul. Warren Reed, Mr. Gerner and Coach Won Hoffman. At an appropriate hour, the party broke up and each returned to hl.i home In the city after spending a very delightful evening in the country. c from Vfiln'si1ay'a lully Shuffle and Deal Club The Shuftlo and Deal club vas entertained on Tuesday evening by Ir. L. S. Piuelik. the Jolly group spending the evening in cards. High scores were won by Ir. l'ucelik und Carl Ofe. Refreshments of butter wafers and chocolate were served at an appropriate hour. . Mr. and Mrs. Levi Wilson and children. Teddy, Richard and Lois Pearl of Dunbar. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baker and children. Betty Ann. Jackie and Bonnie of Union and Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Smith of Au burn and Mrs. Kathleen Balfour of Union were Sunday guests at the S. Y. Smith home. Guests at Family Party Misses Mia and Barbara Gerlng and Mrs. Henry HerolJ have return ed home from a visit at Cedar Falls. Iowa. They were guests of Mr. G. A. Pfelffer and family and Joined others of their family group ut a very charming dinner party. There were thirty-five of the relatives In attendance. Hold Social Meeting The Catholic Daughters of Am erica held a very pleasant social meeting on Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Frank Mullen, who was assisted by Mrs. Emery Doody and Mrs. Tom Llndley of Omaha. The evening was spent In cards at which Mrs. Emll Ptak was the win ner at bridge and Miss Genevieve Whelan at pinochle. The ladies had as a guest Mrs. John Mnitn. nuring the evening the hostesses served very dainty and delicious refreshments. Senior Class Entertains Last evening Miss Alice Jayne Jayne Grosshans was hostess to a group of young folks from the pres ent senior class. These young peo ple have organized a club among (themselves and enjoy many evenings Women's Fall For a Thanksgiving week SPECIAL, we are offering a variety of smart new styles in Women's Stylish Shoes at a very low price. All new colors. Various heel heights and patterns. We urge you to come in and inspect these fine values. Honor Grand Master and Wife The attractive W. A. Robertson home on North Sixth street was the scene of a lovCTy venison dinner Fri day in honor of Grand Master Wal ter R. Raecke and" Mrs. Raecke of Central City. Mr. Raecke being the successor of Mr. Robertson as the head of the Nebraska Masons. The other guests of honor were the mas ters of the Omaha lodges and their ladies. The home was attractively ar ranged In the stately chrysanthe mums and autumn leaves that made a most beautiful setting. The dinner was served in buffet style and In entertaining and serving Mrs. Robertson was assisted by Mrs. R. P. Westover and Mrs. W. F. Evers. After the dinner the evening was spent in playing "Bingo." Those enjoying thd event In addi tion to Mr. and Mrs. Raecke were: Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Galtt, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Herring, Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. DrexeS. .Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Schneiderwlnd. Mr. and Mrs. Horace B. Shaller, Mr. and Mrs. John T. Tillery, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Bailey, Dr. and Mrs. R. P. Westover and Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Evers. W. C. T. U. Meets The W. C. T. U. met Monday with Mrs. John M. Leyda. Miss Olive Gass gave the devotions, using the 23rd Psalm. The roll call was answered with a verse of thanks from the Bible. Miss Gass then read the present recommendations by the na tional W. C. T. U. president, Mrs. Ida R. Wise Smith. Mrs. V. T. Am i talked on the "Voice ot the National Convention," giving the resolutions that were adopted there. A round table discussion of these resolutions was held by the president, Mrs. R. B. Hayes. Mrs. Leyda served a very de licious lunch, assisted by her daugh ter, Mrs. A. O. Moore. jmC J LEAVE YOUR ORDERS NOW for No. 1 Tur- vv keys, Ducks, Geese, Chickens for Thanksgiving! Del Monte Vacuum Packed Coce gc 2-lb. Can rV if 1-lb. Can, 25o OUR MOTHER'S Cocoa ftc 8-of. Tin v Hills Coffee 2": lbs. 55c VAN CAMP'S Tomato Soup Kc per Tin J Tomato Juice ..VAN CAMP'S "flC 50-oz. Tin Tomato Catsup 14-oz. Bottles )C Prince Albert or l?lZct 10c Cash and Carry GOLDEN Hallowco Bulk Dates 40c Fancy 2 lbs. Del Monte Fr. Cocktail No. 2V2 Tin 23c APRICOTS No. 2, 1So Morton House Baked Apples 4 Whole Apples In a 11-oz. tin for HUNT'S SUPREME WHOLE Apricots U7c No. 2V2 Can & 3 for 49o 1- lb. Krispy . . 2- lb. Krispy . . Sunshine Bakers' Macaroon Snaps 29c 2 Dozen for 15c ran 'Ult-f ASMIONI0 AU SIU HOSIERY o MAO! TO MMIl AT 22 OMlf WITH CMC MtTOMS IKK COFFEE f2 r f lib. Carton I Pancake Flour FIDELITY 3a-lb. Bag Pancake Flour HONEY DW HflC 3-1 b. Bag 3LJ SQUARE DEAL Flour 8$c 4-lb. Bag (Sua ran teed Pillsbury Farina With Telephone! QC 2 Pkgs. for A FRANK'S or SMITH'S Kraut 5Cc No. 2 54 Cans, 3 for. .4' Green Olives CALIFORNIA Full Quart A J FINEST Peas No. 2 cans. 3 for. Cass Counly Grown Van Camp or Taste well Pork, Beans Rq 16-oz. Tin 25c Shurflne Light or Golden Syrup AQq Per Gallon Thompson Seedless Raisins Oflc 2 lbs., 15c; 4-lbs SPRY Perfect Shortening 3-lb. Pall Sweepstakes Soaked Peas f!o No. 2 Can 53c . j 'One medium package only 5c when you buy 1 large package 0IM30E, B0THF0R 2m OoertHcacLi BISCUITS AH tMrfy (of lh vm. Natfiln. mm but kakm. lar panful la sanitary Solid Ice Berg Head Lettuce, each. BRUSSEL Sprouts, 2 lbs PASCAL Celery, Splits ...... CALIFORNIA Celery, large stalk . Small, 15c -- Large Size Cranberries, lb Medium Size Grapefruit, 3c; Doz 80 size, 6 ror xtc Home Grown Rutabagas, 3 lbs. Firm, Freshly Dug Turnips, 3 lbs.. . . Large Queen Squash, each Jersey SWEET Potatoes, 6 lbs. . . Porto Rican SWEET Potatoes, 4 lbs. . . . Fancy Broccoli, bunch .. Home Grown Early Ohio Potatoes, loo lbs. . . 7c 25c iOc 18c ..35c . 10 c 10c 10c 19c 19c 15 c $1.25 vr- t l4 per ib. S-lb. Paiis 4JS Choice Corn Fed Shoulder 410 Bee Roast, lb iiuc Tender, Delicious 07f Short Steaks, lb 4 - Choice Quality Corn Fed Dfr Sirloin Steak, lb. 4VC Try these Delicious MOCK glmt Chicken Legs, 5c; 6 for Jilt Pork Hocks, lb.. .... iic WISCONSIN Bulk Kraut, lb. 2c Pork Brains, lb. . . ISC Fresh Boston Pork Butt 0T)ltO Steak or Roast, lb. 2C DilY Pickles, 3 for, . . 10c Wilson's Full Cream Longhorn aa. Cheese, 2 lbs. or . . . qvc Fresh Fish - Frozen Fish Fresh Oysters Deliver lJL) THIS AO FOIl FRIDAY AND SATURDAY I I Iff I k I V r it ? Wife 85 SHOE Phone news Heme to no. 0.