The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 17, 1938, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1938.
The Plattsmouth Journal
Entered at Postoffice, Plattsmouth, Neb., aa second-class mail matter
MRS. R. A. BATES, Publiaher
Subscribers living in Second Postal'Zone, $2.50 per year. Beyond
600 miles. $3.00 per year. Rate to Canada and foreign countries,
J 3.50 per year. All subscriptions are payable strictly In advance.
Thomas Walling Company
? Abstract, of Title
J. Phone 324 - Plattsmoutb .J.
j. . - 4
4. 4MiMiri..i..M"i-i"i"i"i-i-M' -J
Men's 4 Bkl. Light Dress
or Heavy Service Weight
Women's or Children's
Fetzer Shoe Co.
"Home of Quality Footwear"
Theatre . Nebraska City
Sat, Sun., Mon., Tues.
'Just Around the
with hnrlcn Karrrll. Jimn Davis,
llrrt l.nlir anil Bill Rohmon
Matinee Sunday, 2:30 Continuous
Big Thanksgiving Show
One ot Our I1KST Miowm
Judy Garland, Freddie Bartholo
mew and Mary Astor in
'"Listen Darling"
Also 'City of Little Men'
Plus Our Gang Comedy
Matinee Thanksgiving, 2:30 Cont.
An .proTl Thrntrf Shonlnc
Context I'icturrn!
noi 111.1: h:ti 111:
Richard Ulr nn'' "b-Ktor Mttrrln In
'Sky Giant
Drama of men in uncharted skies its
grand entertainment. Vrorsce O'llrien in
'The Renegade Ranger'
Fighting-Texas Kanger on thel War
path. Also Dick Tracy Heturu Serial.
Matinee Saturday at 2:SO
Adults 25o Children. . .100
Soujn Ilenie'M Thrlll-Packeri Spectatele
My Luclcy Star9
Critics all agree it's lier greatest tri
umph. Comedy, Donald Duck, .,
.Mffbt Miow. 7 and O
Matinee, 10-250 Nights, 10-30c
Tae nit nrothrn In Damon nnnyan'a
'Straight, Place and Show
rt'a a panic rn the paddock their fun
niest show yet. Also lomoiy ana crime
Doean't Jay. Jiaiinee, ;ou, Miie,
.'All Shows, 10 and 15o
Civ Double Feature Program
Jatret Gavnor, Robert Montgomery
and Franchot Tone In
Three Loves Has Nancy' -
ad SIIy Eilr in the ThriniBff
Drama of R Show Girl
'Tarnished Angel' .
Afeijr shov for .Thanksgiving Day .for
regular 'admission- Adult, 25j Kids, 1.
L 0 0 1C !
Robber of
Murdock Bank
Seeks Freedom
Ross Walker, Serving 20 Years for
Participation in Robbery When
- a Youth of Seventeen.
LINCOLN", Not. 1 (UP) Ross
Walter, serving 20 years in the peni
tentiary for participating in a bank
robbery as a youth of 17 will ask the
state pardon boari for his freedom in
the December 14 meeting.
He is one of the 20 penitentiary
and reformatory inmates who wlil
plead for clemency on that day.
Walker has served seven years and
three months of his term for aiding
his older brother Glenn, and Ray
Monhollon, an ex-convict on parole
at the time from the Kansas state
prison at Lansing, In the robbery of
the former Bank of Murdock on June
17, 1931.
Cass county authorities" said Mon
hollon planned the holdup at a time
when only a woman bookkeeper was
on duty. The three escaped with
$1,24 6 which they divided equally.
Ross was arrested at the Kansas na
tional guard camp. Glenn Walker
received a 25 year sentence and Mon
hollon was given 30 years. In his ap
plication for a hearing Ross Walker,
now 24,. wrote:
"'I wa3 a victim of circumstance
brought on by my association with a
man (Monholron) many years my
senior who had had previous crime
experience and being a youth with
little or no worldly experience, these
J long years of incarceration have con
vinced me that I was an easy victim
when the temptation was presented."
Mr. and Mrs.. WV H. Hager,
Shreveport, Louisiana, are here
guests ' at the home cf their aunt,
Mrs. Henry Kerold. Mr. Hager 13
now engaged as engineer in the con
servation department of the state of
Louisiana, assigned to the oil dis
trict of that state. Hi3 work is that
of assisting in the regulation of the
oil output; spacing 'wells as well as
other work in connection with the
great oil industry of that state. He
also has a great deal of research
work to take up his time in this im-
1 portant department.
From Tuesday's Daily
W. A. Robinson of this city re
ceived, a message this afternoon of
the death at North Bend, Nebraska,
of an aunt, Mrs. Ben Scott. 52, who
has been in poor health for several
year3. The funeral will be held on
Thursday afternoon at North Bend.
Men Like
are entitled to a little
color in their attire
Heretofore only the sombre
Navy, Gray and Brown have
prevailed, but this year Greens
have come into the picture.
Glimpse the new Greens in our
Where Quality Counts
L iooccoscooMooa
. . Money to scoop with- shovels, with care evidently the best
in the world, with supposedly scientific treatment equal to
none and yet five little girls had to have their tonsils taken,
a gland that your body needs and should be able to pre
serve with all these advantages.
What do these children need that they cannot get simply
thru elfish .interests? You know and I know, the natural
exact, trea-ting. method by scientific CHIROPRACTIC manipu
lations - . . .
City Council
Holds Its Regular
Meet Last Night
Routine Reports of the City Officers
Received and many Matters
of Interest Discussed.
From Tuesday's Daily
The city council, present in full
force gathered last evening in the
semi-arctic like atmosphere of the
city hall to hold their first session
of the month and one filled with a
great deal of the regular routine
matters that comes at. this time.
A communication of appreciation
was received from Fontenelle chap
ter of the Daughters of the American
Revolution, thanking the city for
placing the markers for historic
Aii application from Everett Pick
ens to operate a dukpin alley was
received by the council and by unani
mous vote the license was granted.
City Treasurer M. D. Brown re
ported that the city had on hand
$15,S28.5G, deposited in the Platts
mouth State bank, while City Clerk
Albert Olson reported that he had
collected $91 for the past month.
Chief of Police W. M. Barclay re
ported four arrests and fines and
costs of $21.50 collected and turned
over. Police Judge C L. Graves re
ported for the week of October 27th
that $2 had been collected and that
for the week of November 3rd there
had been two arrests and fines and
costs of $1S.25 collected.
On the report of the treasurer
Mayor Lushinsky urged that the col
lection of the business tax fund be
pushed as this was used to pay for a
part of the merchants police and
street cleaning.
Mayor Lushinsky aiso reported for
the board of health on the condi
tion of the building on Main street
which had been complained of by sev
eral of the residenters in that sec
tion. The board had visited the
building and found the condition of
the interior very bad from a fire
hazard standpoint and the occupant
in bad shape physically and in all
a very undesirable condition. The
owner of the building had been noti
fied to correct the fire hazards and
steps were being taken to try and
get the aged man residing there, in
some proper place for care.
Chairman Webb cf the tax and
property committee, reported", that
the Recreation Center had jglen up
the use of the up'ytelT floor of the
Petersen building, locating on the
main floor. He suggested that the
city have the nine rooms on the
upper floor arranged into apart
ments for which there was a very ur-
Igent demand at th:s time. They
would have Elmer Sundstrom, re
creational office, in charge. "
Chairman Tippens of the streets,
alleys and bridges committee, report
ed that the street work was being
well cleared up and getting ready
for the winter season.
Mayor Lushinsky stated that the
documents and plans for the Chi
cago avenue sewer had been com
pleted, signed up and sent on into
Lincoln for approval.
The council and mayor discussed
the matter of the rock crusher for
the preparation of rock for the city
streets. It was desired to have a
smaller size rock and as soon as the
crusher was available the rock would
be prepared and stored for use on
the streets where it had been asked
by property owners.
There was a short discussion of
the surroundings of taverns over the
city and two places in which the
state had made requests for changes,
one where a larger v.indow would
have to be built that view might be
had into the place from the street.
Another was that the lighting ef
fects were not suffick-nt and city au
thorities had been ordered to check
up on this.
Chairman Comstoek of the light
ing committee, reported that there
had been no further communication
received as to the sale of the Iowa
Ncbraaka Light & Power Co., to the
hydro interests.
Chairman Tiekotter of the parks
and improvement committee, stated
that the work on the city hall was
coming along very nicely, that there
had been new window frames placed
on the first floor of the building. The
repairs on the heating plant had
been made.
The following claims were order
ed paid by the council:
Platts. Water Corp., hydrant
rental 483.98
Iowa-Nebr. Light & Power
Co., street lights 250.95
Eureka Fire Hose Div., fire
hose 159.65
Lincoln Tel. Co., rents
R. Kelly, 300 brick
Jo". a Smith, special police
John P. Becker, same
Duxbury & Davis, ins. pre
mium 15.00
H. L. Kruger, glass, labor 3.19
Gate City Iron Works, iron
pipe 40.00
Tidball Lumber Co., tile,
cement, etc. . 31.90
Farney Cafe, meals to pris
oners F. G. Fricke Co., supplies to
Frank Eneral, kerosene
Cloidt Service, gas for trac
tor 17.33
George Taylor, street work 4.80
George Taylor, street work
with team 53.75
Gedrge Taylor, hauling dirt
George Taylor, work on fill
John Kubicka, street work
John Kubicka, cleaning sts.
John Kubicka, work on high
way Ivan Taylor, street work
Ivan Taylor, work on fill
D. L. Ranlel, tractor work
D. L. Ramel, work on fill
Ray McMaken, hauling pipe
23 60
What Shall
We Do for the
Red Cross?
Membership Enrollment Makes Pos
sible Many Great Services Or
ganization Gives World.
The year 193S Is a hard year for
many people in Cass county, Ne
braska. The worst of It is that we
have had five consecutive lean years.
We may. feel poor and discouraged
but when we compare with the Chi
nese who, thru no fault of theirs,
have- been killed and crippled and
lost their homes, and farms, we have
much for which to be thankful.
In the State Journal of August
28th is an article, by Dr. Francis F.
Tucker who is on assignment by the
International Red Crops for central
China in the Methodist hospital in
Hankow, often called "The Chicago
of China."
He says that in. Hankow there were
;59,000 refugees 11 1m 3 - every .avail
able space, sleeping. in market places
and on the streets.', .Most of these
refugees are wome'n and children who
have left their charred homes, and
have nothing to take with them
and so move to the crowded camps
of rthe city. .
He says "China Is profoundly
grateful for the Red Cross and other
help rendered by her. American
friends. No matter how much this
has been there is a great need for
much, much further partnership in
this direction.
Many of us feel like aiding those
unfortunate people and we have been
doing it through the Red Cross.
On Sept. 21st,thi hurricane on
the Atlantic coast was the worst in
history. You have all read of the
death and destruction that it caused.
Nearly five hundred people were
killed and thousands left homeless.
The chief agency that could come
to the immediate rescue of these
stricken people vas the Red Cross,
and so the" Red jCross immediately
rushed 50 trained and experienced
workers to the scene. The national
chairman, Norman H. Davis, ordered
all the resources of the organization
into relief work. "
It is for such emergencies as this
that we need the, Red Cross. Hence
I appeal to every one who possibly
can do so, to take, a membership in
the Red Cross.
Do your bit and we will continue
an organization which has done
mere than any other to relieve suf
fering humanity.
Dr. N. D. TALCOTT, Direc
tor for the Cass County
Roll Call. I
The Story of a Woman Who Dared to Do a Man's Job!
Hear It on the Air: j (Q)f
Presented by.
Mon, Wed. and Fri.
Rotarians Hear
Fine Talk on U.
S. Constitution
Attorney C. A. Rawls, Dean of- Cass
County Bar Is the Speaker
at Weekly Luncheon.
Members of the Rotary club had
a very pleasant treat at their week
ly luncheon on Tuesday when C. A.
Rawls, dean of the Cass county bar,
was present to talk to them on the
declaration of independence and the
constitution of the United States.
Mr. Rawls, who is now in his
eighty-second year, many years ago
when a young man of twenty-seven
years, committed the declaration and
the constitution to memory and spoke
fluently Tuesday of these two great
historical documents from memory
and without the need of reference as
is generally th case. His reciting
the different sections and his inter
pretations were very inspiring to the
club members and truly impressive
ly given.
Dr. P. T. Heineman was the leader
of the meeting and presented Mr.
Rawls for the talk.
The club had a number of visitors
present to enjoy the meeting and
among these County Commissioner
Elmer Hallstrom, of Avoca and Com
missioner-elect Ray Norris, of Weep
ing Water.
William Baird, past prexy, had as
guests a number of well known fig
ures in the Burlington railroad in
Nebraska in the past thirty years.
Thomas Roope, retired superintend
ent of motive power; Charles Melker,
superintendent of motive power;
Julius Deitrich, retired master me
chanic of the Lincoln division; Harry
Kean. retired general foreman of
the Havelock shops.
From Wednesday's Dally
This afternoon at the Horning
cemetery, south of the city, was held
the interment of Mrs. Elizabeth
Smith, 85, a former resident of this
city, but in late year3 living at Rals
ton where she passed away Monday.
The funeral services were held at
the Larkin chapel at 1:30 today and
the body brought here to rest in
the family plot at Horning.
Mrs. Smith is survived by two sons,
Charles' and peorge Green of Rals-
Mrs. Herman Hose. 54, of Heart
well, Nebraska, who was Injured in
an auto accident near Hastings, on
November 4th, has passed away as
the result of the injuries. The hus
band and daughter were also Injured
in the accident. The accident oc
curred when the Hose car was in
collision with one driven by Earl
Sipple, former Plattsmouth man. Mr.
Hose is suing for $55,000 damages in
an action against Sipple.
Among those here to attend the
funeral of Mrs. Sarah Everett on Sat
urday were E. F. Grimes, a'brother,
Mrs. Morris Mortenson, Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Sacks and daughter, Kathleen,
of Omaha, Mrs. George Everett and
30ns, Leslie and John, Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Gobelman and Mrs. Millisa
Tarrant of Union.
Miss Manota Leamy, of Omaha,
was here Sunday to enjoy a visit
with her sister, Miss Florence Leamy,
of the Norfolk Packing Co., force.
Miss Manota Leamy has been en
gaged in work in Omaha for some
Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Waller spent
the week end in Hastings, Nebraska
visiting with Mrs. Tom Hinrichs.
Rubber Clamps, targe or small,
at right prices at the Journal.
White King Soap
From Tuesday's Daily
Searl S. Davis was a business visi
tor yesterday in Louhnrille and Ash
J. A. Long and dajhfer, Doretta
and Donald Dial of Weeping Water
were here today to look after some
matters of business.
Mrs. Wade E. Mooro and children,
Dorothy and Jean of York, Nebraska
visited here yesterday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. B. H. McCarroIl.
From Wednesday's Dalty
Mrs. J. D. Wurdeman of Leigh, Ne
braska arrived yesterday for a visit
here and in Murray with relatives.
Mrs. James Dwycr of Glenwood,
who has been here visiting with
Miss Helen Smetana, has returned
home. Mrs. Dwyer was formerly Miss
Viola Dwyer of this city.
Fontenelle Chapter of the Daugh
ters of the American Revolution met
Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs.
E. H. Wescott, past ttate regent of
the society. In the business session
the ladies voted to continue the
marking of historical spots and the
dedication oT" the boulders that are
used as the markers. One of the fea
tures of the coming program of the
winter will be a series of public
forum meetings and at which there
will be outside speakers to talk on
public questions along economic and
industrial lines. Tho first will be
December 6th when L. O. Minor will
discuss "Corporations." Others to be
taken up later will be "Co-operation,"
"Labor Unions," and "Isms." At the
conclusion of the evening the hos
tess served much appreciated re
freshments. Music Depart- ,
ment of H. S. to
Give Program
Will Be Held on Friday Evening
at the Auditorium of the
High School Building. N
The music department of the
Plattsmouth high school has an
nounced Friday, November 18, 1938,
as the date for its annual fall pro
gram. This year's program has sev
eral unique features which the de
partment feels will Interest patrons
of the school.
The program will feature the high
school a cappella choir of approxi
mately eighty voices singing entire
ly without accompaniment. Assist
ing from seats in the balcony will be
the Junior High school chorus of sev
enty students. The members of these
organizations are selected not on out
standing vocal ability but upon the
basis of their interest in music and
their cooperation in their respective
organizations. Several small groups
together with a trumpet sextette and
a brass ensemble furnish the remain
ing portions of the program.
The opening processional will be
sung Dy the Junior High school
chorus accompanied by the brass en
semble. Another unusual effect is ob
tained in the chorus work by an
echo group located at a distance
from the choir.
David Fowler, director of the
choir is very enthusiastic about the
progress made by this organization
since the first of the year. With two
added rehearsals this week it Is
hoped that a high standard of mu
sical excellence will be reached. j
Our Plattsmouth Clinic is Being Held
-at the -
Plattsmouth Hotel
Clinic Hours: 10 a. m. to 5 p. m.
If you have any questions concerning your health, we will be glad
to see you during this clinic and will tell you about your condition.
Tell your, friends of this opportunity to obtain a FREE HEALTH
EXAMINATION without obligation to them ... Tuesday, Novi 22
At the Plattsmouth Hotel
Dr. John P Jqfinstosn, D. C.
Bring This Ad with," You!
Ward -High for
Power Director
Cass County Man Tops List Wheel
er Second and Bischof Third
for Regular Terms.
' The Eastern Nebraska Public Pow
er district furnished six candidates
for directors for the regular term,
two for each of three vacancies and
one for the fourth vacancy.
A, warm battle was waged, by op
posing factions, and the result will
be of interest, now tfiat it is defi
nitely established.
' Charles Ward, of Cass county, was
high man for the regular term, with
17,038 votes; T. E. Wheeler off Nem
aha second with 16,232, and Wm.
Bischof, Jr., of Nebraska City, third,
with 15,041.
Boettcher, Grundman and Parmen
ter, who failed of election, trailed the
three winners in the order named.
' For short term vacancies, those
elected were George W. Armbrust,
Guy Jones (of Eagle) and Frank H.
Johnson, as well as Brodd, who was
Mr. and. Mrs. Frank Molak ot
Weston, Nebraska were visiting here
Friday with Dr. and Mrs. Frank
Molak, Jr., and attended the Crcigh
ton Prep football game in Omaha. A
brother of Mr3. Molak, Jr., is a mem
ber of the Creighton Prep team.
Official State
Weaver Safety Lane
Costly registering devices that
show you as well as the licens
ed tester deficiencies in Lights,
Brakes or Wheel Alignment!
250 Testing Fee
0-K Windshield Stickers for
Cars Passing Tests
Do Not be Deceived
by promises of pro
moters or prophets.
We Always Pay
the Highest Prices
for Your
Bring It to
Lower Main St. Phone 94
. 1