The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 14, 1938, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Glen Weaver was a business visitor
in Pilger Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fosberg
spent Sunday evening in "Weeping
Miss Edith Vogler spent Wednes
day afternoon with Mrs. George
Mrs. George Braun drove to Alvo
a week ago Wednesday to see her
Mrs. Myrtle Campbell called at
the. Chas. Campbell home Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. V. D. Livers spent
Friday evening of last week at Wil
liam Blum's. . ,
Rev. and Mrs. P. C. Krey called
at the John Kupke home on Tues
day afternoon.
Bill Rosencrans spent the week
end at home, returning to Lincoln
Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Blum and
Allen were Sunday dinner guests at
the Ed Rau home.
Mr. and Mrs. George Braun were
in Alvo Monday evening. They call
ed on Mrs. Yeager.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Blum called
at the P. Johnson home near Alvo
Wednesday of last week,
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Jochim of
near Murdock spent Tuesday even
ing at the George Vogler home.
Miss Margaret Thieman of Om
aha spent the week end at the home
of her mother, Mrs. Ida Thieman.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Frahm and
baby of Ithica were Thursday din
ner guests at the J. L. Carnicle
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Vogel, Loran
jrnd Mrs. Helena Timm spent Mon
day evening at the John Kupke home
where they played pinochle.
Mr. Crawford, the Burlington
agent, went to Omaha to attend the
funeral of an uncle. Mr. Wilson is
relief agent during hi3 absence.
Tuesday evening visitors at the
Chas. Fosberg home were their
daughter, Mrs. T. V. Hansen and
her husband and family of Weep
ing Water.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kitrell went
to Lincoln Wednesday, where Mr.
Kitrell is receiving treatment. He
has shown good improvement the
last week.
Mrs. F. J. Knecht visited her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wunderlich in
Nehawka on Monday and found
them much improved since their re
cent illness.
Mrs. George Vogel received word
of the sudden and serious illness of
her mother in Omaha. Mr. and
Mrs. Vogel drove to Omaha to see
her on Thursday afternoon.
Miss Florence Zaar, who is teach
ing in David City spent the week
end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Martin Zaar. She had attended
teachers' institute in Lincoln.
Mr. and Mrs. George Vogel and
Loran spent Sunday evening of last
week at the Charles Campbell home.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Backemeyer and
Mrs. Sawyer were afternoon callers.
Mrs. 11. Zamzow called on her
sister, Mrs. Helena Timm Monday
afternoon helping her celebrate her
birthday. Knowing her sister's love
for flowers, Mrs. Zamzow brought
two large bouquets 'of chrysanthe-
Don't Neslect TUn f
Jtur deaJfnad tha Udnm to 4m m
Sr-0?? i Their tatk la to kacp tha
flowing blood stream frea of an axcaaa of
toxja Impurities. Tha act of IMnr lift
VU i constantly producing waste
tha kidneys Bust remoY Iron
th!loxl tood health la to endure.
When tha kidneys fall to function as
Nature Intended, there la mention ol
emsta that may eauae body-wide dia
trees. One mey Buffer nantne backache,
persistent headache, attacks It dissineas!
getting up nights, swelling, puffiaaaa
under ti eyea-faH tired, tarvous. aU
wora ouiw
Frequent, scanty or baming I
The recognlred and proper treatment
is a diuretic medicine to help the kidneys
Crt rid of excess poisonous body waste.
aa Do; PU1 They have hljaor,
than forty veara of public approval. Are
endorsed the country over. Inm
Hops'. Sold at all drug stares. ,
..... IlflAMIK A
It stands to reason that Holly
wood stars need sparkling, lus
trous teeth more than anybody
else in the world. And therefore,
it is significant that so many
famous stars use Calox Tooth
Powder. Calox is made specifi
cally to give teeth a real beauty
HZ I I r"McKeon CB. Robbina.
1". 6- I Send me a m-dar trial
I to roe. I will try it.
COUPON Ll'gg."
mums and one of ferns and sweet
peas. Also a delicious birthday cake
Mrs. Elmer Johnson and Norma
Jean came with Mrs. Zamzow.
At the general election held on
Tuesday, the following men were
elected to fill the precinct offices:
Frank Kosiol, road overseer; M. E.
Bushnell, assessor, and "Wm. Blum,
justice of the peace.
The Lutheran Aid Association met
a week ago Monday evening at the
Wm. Blum home. After the busi
ness meeting, the evening was spent
playing pinochle. Lunch "was serv
ed by the hostess at a late hour.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Vogel and
Loran and Mrs. Critchfield motored
to Omaha a week ago Saturday,
where they were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Lee Dolirfsky. Mrs. Critchfield
stayed in Omaha to spend a few
weeks with her daughter.
Pleasant Birthday Surprise
Mrs. Helena Timm was pleasantly
surprised on Monday afternoon when
a number of her friends called to
wish her a happy birthday. The af
ternoon was spent playing pinochle.
Mrs. Wm. Blum received high score
?nd Mrs. Charles Campbell low
score. Mrs. Wm. Blum also received
congratulations as her birthday was
the same day and each received beau
tiful birthday gifts.
A delicious luncheon, consisting
of cake, sandwiches and coffee was
Mrs. Timm had greeting cards
from her son John and family in
California. They are all well and
enjoying their new home.
Friendly Circle Club
The Friendly Circle club held
meeting on Thursday, November 10,
at the home of Mrs. Oscar Dill, with
Mrs. Clyde Haswell and Mrs. Bert
Mooney assistant hostesses. Nearly
all members were present and all
enjoyed the afternoon visiting and
making plans for their bazaar.
A delicious luncheon, consisting
of coffee and red, white and blue
cake was served. Tiny flags for
favors furnished the patriotic color
scheme for Armistice day.
The next meeting will be held at
the home of Mrs. Wm. Blum.
J. 11. F. Ruhge has had a number
of small spruce trees planted to
beautify his home.
Miss Elsie Pumroy of Cozad was
a visitor in Avoca several days dur
ing the past week, returning home
by the end of the week.
The Avoca Missouri Pacific agent,
Mr. Carr who resides at Union, ac
companied by the family, were visit
ing ia Louisville last Sunday.
Earl Freeman and family were
guests last Sunday evening at the
home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Freeman, at Weeping Wat
er. At a football game which was
played at Union last week between
the Avoca and Union high school
teams, Union was the winner by a
score of 24 to 13.
Fred Marquardt and family were
guests last Sunday afternoon and
evening of relatives in Louisville,
visiting at the home of Mrs. Bedella
Stander, mother of Mrs. Marquardt-
John Mohr, whose home is at Ham
let, Nebraska, but who is a student
at the Peru State Normal college
this year, visited over the week end
at the home of his uncle and aunt,
Mr. and Mrs. William Gollner.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Terrell en
tertained the Avoca Garden club last
Monday evening. A large number of
the members were present. At this
meeting the club arranged to have a
valuable and rare. spruce tree plant
ed at the head of Main street near
the town hall.
Misses Elsie Emschoff and Frances
Dreaury were the hostesses and prime
movers at a pleasant stork shower
given in honor of Mrs. W. L. Green
rod. A large number of friends of
the guest of honor were present and
showered the mother and young heir
to come with many very nice gifts.
polish. It contains five cleans
ing and polishing ingredients.
Because trial it so convincing we
offer you a FREE 10-d7 trial. See
coupon. You be the judge. Convince
youretf"that Calox makes teeth shin
. . . shine like the stars'.
Inc.. Fsirfield. Conn. Dtpt.A.NKl
of CALOX TOOTH POWDER at no expense I
,, I
Alvo News
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bennett drove
to Savannah, Missouri, Sunday.
In keeping with American Educa
tion week, Wednesday was set
aside by the school faculty as visi
tors' day.
Mrs. Simon Rehmeier accompanied
by Mrs. Earl Fairfield and Mrs.
Shaeffer called recently at the Carl
Bornemeier home to visit Mrs. Arthur
Bird. They found her feeling quite
Home from Hospital
Mrs. Dick Elliott, who underwent
an operation at the St. Elizabeth
hospital a couple of weeks ago, re
turned home Friday afternoon.
Friends will be happy to know
that Mrs. Elliott is feeling as well
as possible. Mrs. Elliott will go to
Lincoln every other day for nearly
a month for treatment, which she is
most hopeful will result in a com
plete recovery.
Alvo Girl is Married
Miss Florence Roelofsz, the eldest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Roelofsz, became the bride of Mr.
Carl Winget of South Bend, Monday
a: a quiet ceremony held in Lincoln.
The bride is a graduate of the Alvo
consolidated school. After gradua
tion she was employed as clerk at
the Bennett grocery store, but when
her folks went into the restaurant
and creamery business, she assisted
them until her marriage'.
The couple will make their home
near South Bend on a farm.
Friends of these young people
wish them many happy and pros
perous years of married life.
Junior Class Play
-JThe Junior class very ably under
the direction of Miss Smock pre
sented the humorous play entitled
"Auntie Up" Friday evening atthe
school auditorium.
The cast was composed of Bill
Roelofsz, Dick Bornemeier, Dorothea
Skinner, Wayne Keller, James Ganz,
Bob James, Laurene Haertel, Doro
thea Jordan and Cloyd Bucknell.
The stage committee was compos
ed of Howard Collins, Ralph Winn.
Lloyd Althouse and Junior Clark.
The class received many fine com
pliments for their production. '
Prepared Delicious Dinner
Mrs. W. L. Copple and her group
of the Ladies Aid society prepared
a bounteous dinner at the church
basement Thursday, which they
served to the Knife and Fork club
members and their wives, of Lincoln,
and several local people, at 6:30
Those attending appreciated very
much the delicious dinner and ser
vice that this group provided.
P. T. A. Meets
The November P. T. A. meeting
will be held at the school auditor
ium Wednesday evening, Nov. 16.
Dr. Miller from the University
library will be present to give a
talk on libraries. This program was
highly recommended to the program
committee and since libraries serve
as a medium for adult education, no
doubt the program will be most en
lightening and school patrons will
learn ways of securing information
they so often desire to locate. The
time, 7:30 o'clock Wednesday even
ing. Everybody welcome.
Knife and Fork Club Luncheon
The Knife and Fork club members
and wives of Lincoln,' of which Rev.
Hammel is a member, were in Alvo
Thursday evening for a 6:30 o'clock
dinner held at the church basement.
Nearly sixty persons were present to
enjoy a most delicious dinner served
by ladies of the Aid Society.
The tables were decorated with
autumn leaves and bowls of fruit
and nuts, which aided greatly In
creating a seasonal atmosphere.
The Knife and Fork club furnished
a most entertaining program that
was enjoyed by all present. Rev.
Aikens of the St. Paul Methodist
church of Lincoln delivered the ad
dress. Hostess to M-D Council
Mrs. S. C. Hardnock was hostess
to the Mothers'-Daughters' Council
club members Friday afternoon, No
vember 4. Nearly all the members
and several guests were present.
Mrs. Elli3 Mickle, president, pre
sided over the meeting. Mrs. Orville
Buehler had charge of the lesson on
"Famous Women." Enlightening
facts concerning present day ladies
were given by Mrs. W. C. Tlmblin,
Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt; Mrs. Mark
Nickel, Ruth Bryan Owen. Mrs.
Buehler gave a paper oa "Illustrious
Women," and several prominent la-
dies were mentioned during roll call.
Guests were: Mrs. Orval Gerbe
ling, of Murdock; Mrs. Harold Nick
el, Mrs. W. L. Copple, Mrs. Ben
Musnchau and Mrs. Albert Swan
son. The hostess served very delicious
refreshments of sandwiches, cakes,
ceffee and small chocolate turkeys as
Thanksgiving favors.
All present enjoyed a very pleas
ant afternoon.
Mrs. Elsie Smith is employed in
Mrs. Fred Etheridge is improving
at this writing.
Mrs. Fannie Sayles and family
are moving into the Roberts prop
erty. Miss Tessa McDonald, of Chicago.
i3 visiting her sister, Mrs. Trsy Mc
Nurlin. Miss Irene Kelly came home Wed
nesday. She is some better at this
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Jardine visited
at the Wm. Renwanz home last
week end.
Mr. and Mrs. Gentry Vant of Mc
Cook visited Mr. and Mrs. John
Vant Friday night and attended the
football game Saturday.
Mrs. E. C. Hartsook left Monday
for her home in Ashland, Kansas,
after spending three weeks with
her mother, Mrs. Ruth Dyer.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hartsock at
tended a birthday dinner at the Geo.
Trunkenbolz home at Ashland Wed
nesday in observance of Evelyn's
At last Tuesday's election. Dr. N.
D. Talcott was elected Justice of the
Peace; Lawrence Coleman, assessor,
and Roy Comstock was re-elected as
road overseer.
Mrs. C. W. Newkirk and Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Rouse attended the fun
eral services for Mr. McCormick.
father of Mrs. Glen Rouse, In Lin
coln Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Blair Williams and
family of Cleveland, Ohio, came last
week to spend their annual vacation
at the home of their parents. Rev.
end Mrs. Williams.
Word has been received by Mrs.
Nannie Coleman to the effect that
her brother, Charlie Brown, of
Bridgeport was Jnjured by a gun
causing him the loss of an eye.
Father and Son Banquet
There were eighty fathers and
sons present at the Father and Son
banquet at the M. E. church Tues
day night. The dining room was
decorated in hues of autumn. Rev.
Nye Bond was toastmaster. The talks
were enjoyed by all.
Eastern Star Kensington
The Eastern Star Kensington met
with Mrs. .Belle Leesley Wednesday
with Mrs. Mary Fulmer assisting.
A good time was enjoyed by all and
delicious refreshments were served.
The next meeting will be the Christ
mas meeting on December 14 at the
home of Mrs. Leona McDonald.
Dorcas Society
The Dorcas Society met Friday at
the church with Mrs. Carrie Arm
strong and Mrs. Tommy Maher serv
ing. There was a good attendance.
Plans were made for the bazaar.
School district 81 gave a program
which was enjoyed by all.
Plans were completed for the
bazaar and supper.
Deal-a-Deck Club Meets
The Deal-a-Deck club met Thurs
day at the home of Mrs. Lillian
Jardine. Mrs. Brehm and Mrs. Viv
ian Cope were guests. High score
was held by Mrs. Laura Trunken
bolz, second by Mrs. Katherine Luy
mon and guest prize was won by
Mrs. Cope. A delicious lunch was
served by the hostess.
The next meeting will be with
Mrs. Margaret Lever, December 8.
Dockage facilities mafce Platts
mouth an ideal factory site. Wel
come and a splendid opportunity
to expand should be an induce
ment to those contemplating a
change In location from the more
thickly populated centers and
flood areas of tha east.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the
estate of William A. Armstrong, de
ceased. No. 3368:
Take notice that a petition has
been filed for the probate of an in
strument purporting to be the last
will and testament of said deceased,
and for the appointment of Evan H.
Armstrong as Executor thereof; that
said petition has been set for hear
ing before said Court on the 2nd
day of December, 1938. at 10 o'clock
a. m.
Dated November 2, 1938.
(Seal) n7-3w County Judge.
Walter H. Smith
Plattsmouth Stale Bank Building
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
J. Howard Davis
Attorney at Law
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
In the Matter of the Trusteeship of
the Estate of John Klaurens, De
ceased. Trusteeship No. E-1678.
To all persons interested in the
above entitled matter:
You and each of you are hereby
notified that F. II. McCarthy, Trus
tee of the estate of John Klaurens,
deceased, has this date filed a peti
tion in this Court alleging that he
has completed the trust created
under the last will and testament of
s? id deceased and that said trustee
shiD proceedings should be terminat
od, and praying for approval of his
final report filed herein on this date
together with all prior reports here
in filed, and for an order of Court dis
trihutine and pro-rating the re
niainder of the assets now in his pos
session as said trustee, and for his
You are further notified that
hearing will be had upon said peti
tion together with all reports of said
trustee before this Court on Novem
ber 25, 193S, at the hour of ten
o'clock a. m.
All objections to the allowance
of said reports and the granting of
the prayer of said petition should be
filed in this Court on or before said
hour and date of hearing.
Dated this 31st day of October
1 93 S.
(Seal) o31-3w County Judge
State of Nebraska 1
County of Cass J
By virtue of an
Order of Sale issued by C. E. Ledg-
way. Clerk of the District Court
within and for Cass County, Nebras
ka. and to me directed, I will on the
19th day of November, A. D. 1938, at
10:00 o'clock a. m. of said day at the
South front door of the courthouse in
the City of Plattsmouth, Nebraska
in said county, sell at public auc
tion to the highest bidder for cash
the following described real estate
North 20 feet of Lot 10, Block
2, Village of Alvo, Nebraska;
Lots 13, 14 and 15, Block 4,
Village of Alvo, Nebraska;
Lot 5, Block 1, Village of
Alvo, Nebraska ;
Lot 9, Block 2, Village of
Alvo, Nebraska;
Lot 5. Block 2. Village of
Alvo, Nebraska.
Lot 6, Block 2, Village of
Alvo, Nebraska; '
Lots 14 and 15, Block 2, Vil
lage of Alvo, Nebraska;
Lot 8, Block 2, Village of
Alvo, Nebraska;
North 24 feet of Lot 3, Block
4, Village of Alvo, Nebraska;
Lot 14. Block 5, Village of
Alvo, Nebraska;
Lot 15, Block 5, Village of
Alvo, Nebraska;
Lot3 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, Block 5,
Munger's First Addition to the
Village of Alvo, Nebraska
The same being levied upon and
taken as the property of the heirs at
law. the creditors and all other
persons having any Interest in the
estate of either Thomas W. Barry,
deceased, or Carrie J. Barry, deceas
ed, real names unknown, et al, de
fendants, to satisfy a judgment and
decree of said court recovered by
the Village o? Alvo, Nebraska,
Municipal Corporation, plaintiff
aeainst said defendants.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, September
29, A. D. 1938.
' Sheriff Cass County,
ol7-5w Nebraska.
In the District Court of the
County of Cass, Nebraska
Eimer Elliott and
Roxie Elliott, Plaintiffs
Samuel Casey, et al,
To the defendants: Samuel Casey,
Mrs. Samuel Casey, first real name
unknown; the heirs, devisees, lega
tees, personal representatives and
all other persons interested in tne
estates of Samuel Casey, and Mrs
Samuel Casey, first real name un
known, each deceased, real names
unknown; and all persons having or
claiming any interest in and to Lot
seven (7), eight (8), nine (9). ten
(10), eleven (11), and twelve (12),
iu Block twelve (12), in Townsends
Addition, also known as A. H. Town-
sends Addition to the City of Platts
mouth, Cass county, Nebraska, real
names unknown:
You and each of you are hereby
notified that Elmer Elliott and Roxie
Elliott, the plaintiffs, filed a petition
and commenced an action in the Dis
trict Court of Cass County, Nebras
ka, on October 31, 1938, against you
and each of you; the object, purpose
and prayer of which is to obtain a
decree of court quieting the title to
Lots seven (7), eight (8). nine (9),
ten (10), eleven (11), and twelve
(12), in Block twelve (12), in
Townsends Addition, also known as
A. H. Townsends Addition to the
City of Plattsmouth, Cass county,
Nebraska, in the plaintiffs, as joint
tenants, and Tor equitable relief.
You and each of you are further
notified that you are required to
answer said petition on or before
Monday, the 19th day of December,
1938, or the allegations contained in
said petition will be taken as true
and a decree' rendered in favor of
plaintiffs and against you and each
of you according to the prayer of
said petition.
Dated this 31st day of October,
Attorney for Plaintiffs.
Estate No. 3369 of Delia Norval,
deceased, In the County Court of
Cass County, Nebraska.
To all Creditors, Heirs and Per
sons interested in the estate of Delia
Norval, Deceased:
Take Notice that on November
12, 1938, Donald Cramer and Elinor
A. Cramer, owners of the herein
after described real estate, filed their
petition alleging that Delia Norval,
a resident of Cass county, Nebraska,
died intestate therein on or about
May 30, 1885, the owner of an un
divided one-fifth interest in Lot 7,
Block 34, in Plattsmouth, Cass coun
tj, Nebraska, the prayer of said peti
tion is "Wherefore, your petitioner
Drays for a determination of the
time of the death of said Delia Nor
val, and of her heirs, the degree of
kinship and the right of descent of
the real property belonging to said
deceased in the State of Nebraska.
Said petition will be heard in the
County Court of Cass County, Ne
braska, on the 9th day of December
1938, at ten o'clock a. m.
Dated November 14, 1938.
(Seal) nl4-3w County Judge
In the District Court of the
County of Cass, Nebraska
Janet McKercher Clem
ent, Charles E. Waters
and Ida Waters,
Plaintiffs f NOTICE
Wm. O'Neill, et al.
To the defendants: Wm. O'Neill
Mrs. Wm. O'Neill, first real name
unknown; Mary A. Scrantom,
Scrantom, first real name unknown;
I. Shinn, first real name unknown;
Mrs. I. Shinn, first real name un
known: R. M. Worley. first real
name unknown; Worley
first real name unknown; Seth
Johnson. Mrs. Seth Johnson, first
real name unknown; T. B. Gordon
first real . name unknown; Mrs. T,
B. Gordon, first real name unknown;
W. D. Merriam, first real name un
known; Mrs. W. D. Merriam, first
real name unknown; S. N. Merriam
first real name unknown: Mrs. S,
N. Merriam, first real name un
known; G. S. Ruby, first real name
unknown: Mrs. G. S. Ruby, first
real name unknown; the heirs, devi
sees, legatees, personal representa
tives and all other persons interested
in the estates of Wm. O'Neill, Mrs.
Wm. O'Neill, first - real name un
known: Mary A. Scrantom,
Scrantom, first real name unknown;
I. Shinn, first real name unknown;
Mrs. I. Shinn, first real name un
known; R. M. Worley, first real
name unknown; Worley, first
real name unknown; Seth Johnson,
Mrs. Seth Johnson, first real name
unknown; T. B. Gordon, first real
name unknown; Mrs. T. B. Gordon,
first real name unknown; ,W. D.
Merrima, first real name unknown,
Mrs. W. D. Merriam, first real name
unknown; S. N. Merriam, first real
name unknown; Mrs. S. N. Merriam,
first real name unknown; G. S.
Ruby, first real name unknown;
Mrs. G. S. Ruby, first real name un
known; E. C. Lewis, whose true
name was Edgar C. Lewis; Robert
R, Livingston and Anna Maria Liv
ingston, each deceased, real names
unknown, and all persons having or
claiming any interest in and to Lots
four (4), five (5), and six (6), In
Block nineteen (19), in the City of
Plattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska,
real names unknown:
You and each of you are hereby
notified that Janet McKercher Clem
ent, Charles E. Waters and Ida
Waters, the plaintiffs, filed a peti
tion and commenced an action in
the District Court of Cass County,
Nebraska, on October 31, 1938,
against you and each of you; the
object, purpose and prayer of which
is to obtain a decree of court quiet
ing the title to the north half of
Lots four (4), five (5), and six (6),
in Block nineteen (19), in the City
of Plattsmouth, Cass county. Ne
braska, in the plaintiff Janet Mc
Kercher Clement, and to quiet the
title to the south half of Lots four
(4), five (5), and six (6), In Block
nineteen (19), in the City of Platts
mouth, Cass county, Nebraska, in
the plaintiffs Charles E. Waters and
Ida Waters, as joint tenants, and for
equitable relief.
You and each of you are further
notified tnat you are required to
answer said petition on or before
Monday, the 19th day of December.
13J8, or the allegations contained in
said petition will be taken as true
and a decree rendered in favor of
plaintiffs and against you and each
of you according to the prayer of
said petition.
Dated this 5th day of November.
1938, ,
janet mckercher
Attorney for Plaintiffs.
State of Nebraska 1
. 89.. .
County of Cass ! j
By virtue of an
Order of Sale issued by O. E. Ledg
way. Clerk. of the District Court
within and for Cass County, Ne
braska, and to me directed, I will on
the 5th day of November, A. D.
1938, at 10:00 o'clock a. m. of said
day at the south front door of the
court house, In the City of Platts
mouth, in said county, sell at public
auction to the highest bidder for
cash, the following real estate, to
wit: The east half (E) of the
southeast quarter (SEVi) of
Section twenty-three (23),
Township ten (10), Range thir
teen (13), East of the 6th P.
M., in Cass county, Nebraska
The same being levied upon and
taken as the property of Edward E.
Leach and wife, Jessie D. Leach,
and D. Ray Frans, defendants, to
satisfy judgment of said Court re
covered by L. A. Kropp, plaintiff
against said defendants.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, September
30, A. D., 1938.
Sheriff Cass County,
o3-5w Nebraska.
In the District Court of the
County of Cass, Nebraska
Margaret Albert,
Plattsmouth Ferry Com
pany, et al,
To the defendants: Plattsmouth
Ferry Company; ,W. E. Ellison, first
real name unknown; Mrs. W. E.
Ellison, first real name unknown;
the heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives and all other
persons interested in the estates of
W. E. Ellison, first real name un
known; Mrs. W. E. Ellison, first
real name unknown; H. E. Ellison,
first real name unknown, and Aug
ust Anderson, each deceased, real
names unknown; the successors and
assigns of Plattsmouth Ferry Com
pany, real names unknown, and all
persons having or claiming any in
terest in and to Lot seven (7), in
Block forty-three (43), in the City
of Plattsmouth, Cass county, Ne
braska, real names unknown:
You and each of you are hereby
notified that Margaret Albert filed
a petition and commenced an action
in the District Court of Cass County,
Nebraska, on November 2, 1938,
against you and each of you; the
object, purpose and prayer of which
is to obtain a decree of court quiet
ing the title to Lot seven (7), in
Block forty-three (43), in the City
of Plattsmouth, Cass county, Ne
braska, and for equitable relief.
You and each of you are further
notified that you are required to
answer said petition on or before
Monday, the 19th day of December,
1938, or the allegations contained
in said petition will be taken as true
and a decree rendered in favor of
plaintiff and against you and each
o? you according to the prayer of
said petition.
Dated this 5th day of November,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
n7-4 w
In the District Court of the
County of Cass, Nebraska.
C. A. Rosencrans and
Lucille Rosencrans,
John Moore, et al,
To the defendants: John Moore,
Mrs. John Moore, first real name
unknown; Amanda Newman,
Newman, first real name unknown:
D. Remick, first real name unknown;
Mrs. D. Remick, first real name un
known; the heirs, devisees, legatees,
personal representatives and all other
persons interested in the estates of
John Moore, Mrs. John Moore, first
real name unknown; Amanda New
man, Newman, first real
name unknown; D. Remick, first real
name unknown, and Mrs. D. Remick,
nrst real name unknown, each de
ceased, real names unknown; and all
persons having or claiming any in
terest in and to Lot one (1), in Block
nine (9), in the City of Plattsmouth.
asa county, Nebraska, real names
You and each of you are herehv
notified that C. A. Rosencrans and
Lucille Rosencrans. the nlainHfTa
filed a petition and commenced an
action in the District Court of Cass
touniy, weDraska, on October 31,
1938, against you and each of you'
the object, purpose and prayer of
which is to oM&iz; a decree of court
quieting the title to Lot one (1) i
Block nine (9, in the City of Platts
mouth, Cass county, Nebraska, in
plaintiffs as joint tenants, and for
equitable relief.
mSV.I1 each of you are further
notified that yon are required to an
swer said petition on or before Mon
day, the 19th day of December, 1938
or the allegations contained in said
petition will be taken as true and a
decree rendered in favor of plaintifEs
and against you and each of you ac-
tTon S t0 the Prayer f 8ald pet'
jaDated this 5th day of December,
W. A. ROBERTSON, P,aiDtiffs- '
Attorney for Plaintiffs.