THURSDAY, NOVEMBER. 3, 1938. PLATTSHOTJTH SEM - WEEKLY JQTJESAL PAGE nVE SAMPLE BALLOT -IPOILDTDCAIL PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION Goncra! Election, November 0, 1938 MOM Proposed Amendments to the Constitution Propoied by the Legislature FOR repeal of Section 7, Article XII, Constitution of Nebraska, fixing individual liability of stockhold ers in banking corporations or banking institutions. AGAINST repeal of Section 7, Article XII, Constitu tion of Nebraska, fixing individual liability of stockholders in banking corporations or banking institutions. N FOR an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Nebraska, amending Sections 1, 2, 3, 21 and 28, Article IV, and Section 3. Article XVII, and repealing Section 10, Article IV, to provide that the elective constitutional executive officers of the State of Nebraska shall, after the first Thursday after" the first Tuesday in January, 1 941, be the Governor, Lieutenant Governor and Auditor of Public Accounts; that the offices of Attorney General, Secretary of State and state Treasurer shall not, after the expiration of their terms com mencing in January, 1939, be' elective constitu tional executive state offices and that said offices and the office of Tax Commissioner shall there after be appointive constitutional executive state offices; that said appointive offices shall be filled by appointment by the Governor with the consent of the Legislature and that the terms of said ap pointive offices shall be for four years, respec tively," unless the incumbents thereof are sooner removed for cause by the Governor; to provide for the appointment and removal of other con rstitutional officers not mentioned above in the same manner except as otherwise provided by law; to prohibit election or appointment of such officers by the Legislature; t6 provide that the Governor, Lieutenant Governor and Auditor of Public Accounts shall be elected in November, 1940, each for a term of two years, and in No vember, 1942 and every four years thereafter, each for a term of four years with a prohibition against the same person holding any of said offices for consecutive terms after 1943; to provide that the salaries of appointive constitutional executive state officers shall be as provided by law; that vacancies, in, elective offices shall be filled by the . Governor; to prescribe qualifications for elective executive state officers; and to provide that this amendment shall be self-executing and effective, except as otherwise herein specifically set forth, on the first Thursday after the first Tuesday in January, 1939. AGAINST an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Nebraska, amending Sections I, 2, 3, 21 and 28, Article IV, and Section 3, Article XVII, and repealing Section 10, Article IV, to provide that the elective constitutional executive officers of the State of Nebraska shall, after the first Thursday after the first Tuesday in January, 1941, be the Governor, Lieutenant Governor and Auditor of Public Accounts; that the office of Attorney General, Secretary of State and state' Treasurer shall not, after the expiration of their terms commencing in January, 1939, be elective constitutional executive state offices and that said offices and the office of Tax Commissioner shall thereafter be appointive constitutional executive state offices; that said appointive offices shall be filled by appointment by the Governor with the consent of he Legislature and that the terms of said appointive offices shall be for four years, re spectively, unless the incumbents thereof are sooner removed for cause iy the Governor; to provide for the appointment and removal of other constitutional officers not mentioned above in the same manner except as otherwise provided by law; to prohibit election or appointment of such officers by the Legislature; to provide that the Govorner, Lieutenant Governor and Auditor of Public Ac counts shall be elected in November, 1940, each for a term of two years, and in November, 1942 and every four years thereafter, each for a term of four years with a prohibition against the same person holding any of said offices for consecutive terms after 1943; to provide that the salaries of appointive constitutional executive state officers shall be as provided by law; that vacancies in ' elective offices shall be filled by the Governor; to prescribe qualifications for elective executive state officers ; and to provide that this amendment shall be self-executing and effective, except as other wise herein specifically set forth, on the first v Thursday after the first Tuesday in January, 1.939- FOR an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Nebraska amending Section 1, Article VII, and providing that the Superintendent of Public In struction shall, from the first Thursday after the first Tuesday in January, 1939, be a member of the board of commissioners, commonly known as the Board of Educational liands and Funds. AGAINST an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Nebraska amending Section 1, Article VII. and providing that the Superintendent of Public Instruction shall, from the first Thursday after the first Tuesday in January, 1939, be a member of the board of commissioners, commonly known as the Board of Educational Lands and Funds. FOR an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Nebraska amending Section 13, Article IV, and providing that the Governor, Superintendent of Public Instruction and Auditor of Public Accounts instead of the Governor, Attorney General-and Secretary of State shall constitute the Board of Pardons from the first Thursday after the first Tuesday in January, 194 1. AGAINST an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Nebraska amending Section 13, Article IV, and providing that the Governor, Superinten dent of Public Instruction and Auditor of Public Accounts instead of the Governor, Attorney Gen eral and Secretary of State shall constitute the Board of Pardons from the first Thursday after the first Tuesday in January 1941. FOR an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Nebraska authorizing the recall of elective con stitutional executive state officers by the electors after the year 1943 at general elections held in 1944 and every two years thereafter when such officers fail to resign upon the fifing of a petition for their recall signed by electors to the number of twenty-five per cent of the number which voted for Governor at the preceding election. AGAINST an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Nebraska authorizing the recall of elec tive constitutional executive state officers by the electors after the year 1943 at general elections held in 1944 and every two years thereafter when such officers fail to resign upon the filing of a petition for their recall signed by electors to the number of twenty-five per cent of the number which voted for Governor at the preceding election. SAMPLE BALLOT MOKI-POUTOCAL EASTERN NEBRASKA PUBLIC POWER DISTRICT General Election, November 0, 1938 Vote for THREE For Director" CHARLES WARD IZ1 HARRY C. PARMENTER E. H. BOETTCHER t. E. WHEELER i LZl WILLIAM BISCHOF, Jr. H. W. GRUNDMAN , ; ....... : For Director (To Fill Vacancy) Vote for ONE ' t ... - CH GEO. W. ARMBRUST . A , CLARK F. SUSONG ; For Director (To Fill Vacancy) Vote for ONE . GUY JONES O CARL A. BALFOUR For Director (To Fill Vacancy) Vote for ONE 300 YES SAiWLE BALLOT CgON -POLITICAL PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION General Election, Hovember 8, 1930 Constitutional Amendment Proposed by Initiative Petition A proposal to amend Section 24, Article 3 of the Constitution of Nebraska authorizing the legislature, by law, to license and to regulate the operation of slot machines and other coin operated devices and machines of chance, exempting merchandise and service vending machines; to provide that revenue derived from license fees shall go into the state assistance fund, the school district in which the machine is located and for admin istrative expense; to provide a limitation on the amount of an occupation tax any city x or village in the state may levy upon any owner or operator of such machine. SAMPLE BALLOT K(ON -POLITICAL CASS COUNTY, STATE OF NEBRASKA General Election, lovembcr 8, 1938 301 --J , - ' :::: NO n c. h. BRODD For Director (To Fill Vacancy) Vote for ONE LAMQINE BEACHY CH FRANK H. JOHNSON LZJ YES n no Shall an appropriation be made annually from the General Fund of Cass County, Nebraska, for the purpose of Agricultural Extension Work? CASS CO. HISTORICAL SOCIETY The annual meeting of the Cass County Historical society will be held at the district court room in the court house on Satuiday afternoon at 2 o'clock. A very interesting program has been arranged that will furnish a fine treat to the members i and the public, who attend. W. G. Boedeker ol Murray will talk on his vacation in Europe and County Commissioner George L. Far ley will discuss the early history of Cass county. There will be the regu lar business session and the election of officers. From Monday's raily Mrs- Harry Northcutt and son, Richard, of Omaha were visiting here Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Cra bill. Mr. and Mrs. Miles Reaser of Glen wood and Mrs. Alice Andrews, Gene and Mina of Omaha spent the week end here with Mrs..S. E. Kerr. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Dereig and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Royal of Lincoln were here Sunday to visit for a few hours with Judge C. L. Graves, father of the ladies. Mrs. M. S .Kerr and Miss Louise Rishel 6pent the week end in Lin coln visiting at the hospital with Mr. Kerr. They found Mr. Kerr gaining weight and somewhat improved. From Tuesday's Paily Miss Olive Jones spent jesteiday visiting in Omaha. M. E. Martin of Nebraska City was a business visitor in Plattsmouth yesterday. Mi3s Genevieve Cordes of Omaha was visiting In Plattsmouth over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. William Kocian of Omaha spent the week end at the George Olson home. Mrs. Josie Tellas, Mr. and Mrs. Don Murdock and Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Kolancy of Omaha were visiting here over the week end at the Alois Smetana home. Mrs. Sophia Scheel, of near Mur dock. wa3 here today to look after some matters in the county court. While here she w?s a ploasant caller at the Journal. Mrs. Gen Sanders, Mrs. Rose Pum mel and Mrs. George Sanders of Peru, Nebraska were wek end visitors here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bridgewater. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Manners. G. If. Manners and Mr. and Mrs. Ford Man ners of Mount Ayr, Iowa spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Manners. JAMES AULT IMPROVING James Ault, who was Injured re cently in his work on the river proj ect, is reported as getting along fine and is well on his way to recovery. EiOl's remove -tho "BJLIiCES GPOE" om-tho--wt7HHtiE-0POT"! TREE from debt, nuisance taxes and other rach restrictions on business, Nebraska the White Spot has become the envy of the Nation. Bat there is still one blot upon the whiteness of our public policy. We are needlessly penalizing our Stale Banking System and thereby stifling business in many of our small towns. State Banks, in Nebraska, are still subjected to double liability although State Banks can insure deposits, the same as National Banks which hare no double liability. This is an unfair handicap on our State Banks and dis courages the conducting of a State Bank. A Bank is necessary to growth and development of any community. These small towns cannot maintain a National Bank but they easily could maintain a State Bank. Double liability is keeping them from having a Bank. State banking systems of thirty-five 6tates have no such burden. , At this coming election we can repeal this unnecessary and harmful law. Let stop penalizing our State Banking System Let's be fair to our people who need the advantages of a JtjanJc , -..,JSJ'V. This Proposal about State Bants Will Be on a Ti on-Political Bal lot and Will Read as Follows O TOR" repeal of Section 7, Article XII, Constitution of Nebraska, Ej ing individual liability of stock holders in banking corporations er banking institutions, and "AGAINST" repeal of Section 7, Aride XII, Constitution of No bratka. fixing individoal liability of stockholders in banking corpo rations or banking institutions. . BOTH major parties hare en dorsed repeal. y Vote "FOPw- COianTTEB FOB RZPZXZi x13 ct Doutlo LUtOlty . Let's keep the "White Spot white! . YotA'JTEOR" repeal.