The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 27, 1938, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    TKTTBSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1938.
1 1 1 " '.iJii .'.
From Mondays Dally
To Visit Old Friends
Mrs. Samuel TVaugi of Lincoln
and daughters, Mrs. Bochtel of Den
ver and Mrs. Florence Grant of
Ocean Springs, Mississippi will be
guests in Plattsmouth at the homes
of Mras. Henry Herold and Mrs.
Henry Goos. A breakfast will be
given for them on Wednesday by
Misses Barbara and Mia Gering.
Goldenrod Study Club
The Goldenrod Study club opened
its 1938-39 seasonal meetings on
September 8, at the home of the
nefly-elected president, Nellie TVet
enkamp with Marion Minford and
Mildred Livingston as associate hos
tesses. The various vacations enjoyed
by the families proved a very inter
esting topic. Vivian Hild was pre
sented with a lovely baby scrap book.
Then on October 13, the second
meeting was held at the home of Jen
nie Cole with Delia Wooders and
Lillian Nielsen as associate hostesses.
(Political Advertising)
Ask those who know him
The program year book committee
explained the topics for the year.
The birthdays of each member were
recorded and drawn introducing cap
sule friends into the club.
Ellen Spangler was leader, as
sisted by Pearl Cole and Opal Wiles.
The topic chosen was "Rural Young
People." Some of the members ex
changed house plants. Delicious re
freshments were served.
From Tuesday's Daily
Enjoy Steak Fry
Mr. and Mrs. Searl Davis and
family, Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Devoe and
family, Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Minor and
family. Mr. and Mrs. V. W. Perry,
and family, Mr. and Mrs. H. M..
Smith and family of Omaha and
Dr. and Mrs. P. T. Heineman enjoyed'
a steak fry on Sunday.
Attend Ice Carnival
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Pickens. Mr.
and Mrs- Waldemar Soennichsen and
Mary Rosencrans attended the ice
frolic last evening at the Ak-Sar-Ben
coliseum in Omaha.
Birthday Club
The Birthday club was entertained
at a weiner roast near Rock Bluffs
yesterday afternoon by Mrs. M. S.
Kerr. Those attending were Mes
dames Harry White, Frank Barkus,
Ray Larson, J. L. Capps, H. B. Perry,
Florence Coleman, Fred Kaffenber-
ger, J. B. Rishel and M. S. Kerr.
of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rice. Those
Gaines, Mr. and Mrs. L. D. McKinney,
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brown, Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Mkin, Mr. and Mrs. Eu
gene Snod grass, Mr. and Mrs. Ed.
Bayley, Mr- and Mrs. Will Rice and
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tincher.
From Wednesday's Daily
Catholic Daughters Meet
The members of the Catholic
Daughters of America held their so
cial meeting Tuesday evening at the
home of Mrs. W. A. Swatek on west
Main street, who had as associate
hostesses Mrs. Cyril Kalina and Mrs.
Joseph Wooster.
The evening was spent at cards
snd in the bridge contests Mrs- J. C.
Petersen was the winner of high
score, and in pinochle, Mrs. Hermie
Svoboda was the most successful.
Delicious refreshments climaxed
the delightful evening.
Miss Olive Jones, Mrs. Henry Herold,
Mrs. J. A. Donelan.
Hold Hallowe'en Party
A hard-time and Hallowe'en party
was held Friday evening at the home
attending were Mr. and Mrs. Harold
(Political Advertising) (Political Advertising) (Political Advertising)
Democrat First District
A record of four years of
faithful, honect service In behalf
of all the people of the first dis
trict. LUCKEY knows Nebraska's
farm problems from' actual ex
perience as a farmer! "" t
LUCKEY has the knowledge,
ability, courage and sincerity of
purpose to repretert his district.
LUC KEY'S experience as our Congressman makes him more valu
able to his district than any new man could be.
Nebraska's prosperity depends on farm prosperity. Every voter can
count on Congressman Luckey to fight for the farmer his needs, hie
desires. Luckey believes in improving on the present and buildng for
fiture farm protperty.
i -: .. ... ; i " ...
r" (
I ' J
Entertains at Dinner
Mrs. J. A. Donelan was hostess at
a charmingly arranged 6:30 dinner
Tuesday evening at her home in the
Coronado apartments. The appoint
ments of the dinner were in a color
scheme of pink, pink candles and
pink chrysanthemums being used in
the table settings.
Those attending were Mr. and
Mrs. Edwin A. Fricke and Mrs. H. A.
WIggenhorn of Ashland. Mr. and
Mrs. Karl Brown of Papillion and
Miss Verna. Leonard.
Honor Old Residents
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Goos enter
tained Tuesday at a noonday lunch
eon at their home, honoring Mrs.
Samuel Waugh, Sr.. of Lincoln and
their house guests, Mr. and Mrs.
Grant Humphries of Ocean Springs,
Missisippi. and Mrs. Florence Waugh
Buchtel of Denver.
The home was very attractive, the
two-one motif in yellow serving as
the decorative plan and fall flowers
used to enhance the beauty of the
During the afternoon and evening
an informal open house wa3 held
by Mr. and Mrs- Goos for the old
friends to meet the visiting party of
former residents.
Give Friends Farewell
Tuesday evening a group of the
friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Tritsch gave them a very
pleasant surprise and farewell party
at their farm home west of the city.
It was a very pleasant event and
testified the high esteem in which
the honored guests are held and the
regret to lose this estimable family.
Mr. and Mrs. Tritsch are moving into
Plattsmouth and where Mr. Tritsch
will be engaged in the Kroehler hard
ware store.
The members of the party came
with well laden baskets of the good
things and later provided a most en
joyed luncheon.
The evening was spent in pinochle
and in which the winners of first
honors were Earl Becker and Mrs.
Russell Stander while the consola
tions were awarded to Mrs. Earl
Becker and Hugh Stander.
In a token of their friendship the
neighbors presented Mr. and Mrs.
Tritsch with a lovely gift.
Those attending the event were
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Stander, Mr.
and Mrs. Hugh Stander, Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Becker and Mary Lou, Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer Tritsch. Mr. and Mrs.
William Kehne, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
BJerl, Mr. and Mrs. II. F. Nolting
and the guests of honor-
Entertain at Breakfast
Misses Mia and Barbara Gering
were hostesses at a breakfast this
morning at their beautiful home on
North Sixth streetT the event being
In honor of Mrs. Samuel Waugh, Sr.,
of Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs. Grant
Humphries of Ocean Springs, Missis
sippi, and Mrs. Florence Waugh
Buchtel of Denver and Washington.
The table was very beautiful with
a large centerpiece of fruits and
pink linen added to the charm of
the settings.
Those attending were Mr. and Mrs.
Russell Harris of Omaha. Mr. and
Mrs. H. F- Goos, Miss Dora Fricke,
Entertains Teachers
Mrs. James G. Mauzy, assisted by
Miss Wilhelmina Henrichsen and Miss
Marie Nolting. were hostesses at two
delightful parties this week honoring
the members of the city teaching
force on Monday and Tuesday eve
nings. These consisted of a 6:30 picnic
supper at the Mauzy home and where
the jolly group found a most charm
ing setting for the repast.
On both evenings the members of
the party enjoyed a "Scavenger
Hunt" and which produced a great
deal of fun and pleasure as the mem
bers were sent over various sections
cf the city on quests that brought
many interesting results. The win
ners of the two parties were Mrs.
Iora Lloyd Kieck and Miss Evelyn
Ripa, Miss Ellen Ubben and Miss
Garnet Clare on Monday and on
Tuesday Mrs. L. S. Devoe, Miss Mar
garet Iterson and B ion off man were
Uie winners. .-
After the hunt the members of the
tarty returned to the Mauzy home
v. here the time was enjoyed at
bridge. On Monday evening Miss
Garnet Clare was the winner of
high score and on Tuesday Miss
PyJTia Korbel and David Fowler were
the winners.
Chas. W. Bryan
Here to Speak
in His Interests
Candidate by Petition Tells of His
' Record and Promise of Future
in State Government.
Rubber Stamps, prompt deliv
ery, lowest prices. Ail sizes at the
Journal office.
(Political Advertising)
(Political Advertising)
(Political Advertising)
(Political AdVertising)
i ( m
- - 1
fCD i
Born in Cass Gounty -:- -:- The Son of a Pioneer Family
The basis of sound government is to see that taxes are never levied upon a people in
amount beyond their ability to pay. Taxes have risen in the past 20 years out of all
proportion to the income of the people of the State of Nebraska. The farmer and
business man MUST have better representation in our legislature if we are to have
economy and efficiency in our state government.
Pledged To All People - - The FaiMil . Discharge
. m A Public : Trust
i . . . ; .
Charles W. Bryan, wlio was for
three terms governor of Nebraska,
now a candidate by petition for the
position, made a visit to Plattsmouth
and Cass county Monday afternoon
to bring his message and the issues
as he has presented them. -
Mr. Bryan has lost none of his
vigor in the years that he has been
in private life and gave a very able
presentation of his position and the
issues. The advent of Mr. Bryan into
the campaign has brought out force
fully the fact that he has made the
issue that the other candidates have
had to -contend that of the f 30 old
age assistance and the $5,000 home
stead exemption.
Mr. Bryan spoke at an open air
meeting at 5th and Main streets and
in his remarks criticized the present
administration for the large num
ber of persons on the public payroll,
boards and patrols that had been
created in the years since Mr. Bryan
had left office. Mr. Bryan stated that
he expected if elected to eliminate
many of these to cut the state 'ex
pense and reduce it to a figure that
would permit the lowering of the
taxes to the residents of the state.
By economies and the placing of
less of the fund3 In the highway
material and machinery the former
governor would find funds to match
that of the federal government so
that $30 could be paid to the aged
in the state.
The homestead exemption plan
would make it possible for the farm
ers and home owners of the state to
again own and carry on their own
From here Governor Bryan re
turned to Omaha and la.ter to Ne
braska City where he spoke
(Political Advertising) (Political Advertising) (Political Advertitinj)
enss go. surveyor
Eegistered C. of E, U. S. A. Kansas City Area Office
Ten years Survey and Construction Experience
I Stand on My Past Eecord Election Tuesday, Nov. 8th
National Recognition for
From NEWSWEEK Oct. 17. (Black Star)
vending machines. But the State Attorney General (Richard C.
standing National Maja
zinc said on Oct. 17:
"Behind the Old Age
Tax Association, a mys
terious group won 80,000
signers to a petition for
an amendment to legalize
slot machines, licensing
them at $1,000 so as to
provide funds for raising
the pensions of 26,000
citizens now getting $16
a month. Many ministers
signed the petition, be
leving the 'coin-operated
devices' mentioned were
simple gum and candy
Hunter) smoked out the real design of the promoters and re
phrased the petition to read 'machines of chance, thus noiamg
the fight to the issue of 'one-armed bandits. "
has a record of outstanding first-term accomplishment and fearless
law enforcement that should appeal to every citizen of this state.
We wSU quit deSinately Sat. niglit, Oct. 29
Everything must go regardless of cost. Your chance to get that Coat,
Dress, Suit or Hat for a fraction of its actual value. We quote a few of
the many Bargains offered for the last time. You must hurry to profit
by these prices. Our doors close Saturday night, October 29th.
Only 12 Knitted Toppers & Summer Suits
in flKarr1in rmrlr Skin and IJnpn. 5?Jtm 12 to 4(1.
Values to $5.00. They must go at only. jj l
Just a Few Party and Danquet Dresses
in Nets, Taffetas and Crepes. Popular Pastel shades.
Sizes 12 to 20. Values to $6.95. Going at.
Only 12 Winter Sport Coats vate to $12.95
Warmly lined and inter-lined a few with fur trim. Sizes
14 to 40. While they last
$ ;.C
Final Close Out of Fall Felt Hats
AU colors. Only 35 left Values to $1.95. While
they last, you can buy at the unbelievably low price of.
A Clean Sweep of Cotton Frocks
Values to $1.95 in both Ladies and Children's Sizes.
Note the sensationally low price come, see, buy at.
About 35 Pr. Shirley Temple Hose and Hose r)f3
Regular 35c Values. Colors Brown and TpoTlr )
Navy. Wonderful opportunity now, at.
Save $ $ $ On These
SEiaai?tt IFaflll
Only 25
in this group, including Crepes
and Wools in Fall color combi
nations. Not all sizes, but truly
wonderful values!
to $4.95
Gtore Uiiituves
At a Fraction of Their Value!
Large Mirrors
Wall Mirrors
8-foot Glass Floor Case
15-foot Wall Case
10-foot Wall Case
Revolving Dress Racks
Large Coat nd Dress Racks
Small Coat Hacks
Counters, Tables, Reed Settee
and Chairs and Numerous
other articles all to be sold.
Remember! Our "Going Out of Business Sale' Ends Saturday Night