The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 23, 1938, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 1938.
Weeping Water
Clair Wolfe of the Weeping Water
Republican was looking after busi
ness at both Murray and Platts
mouth Monday of this week.
Alfred Gansemer of Murray was a
business visitor in Weeping Water
Monday, having some matters to look
after at the Farm Rureau office.
The City Market conducted by
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bender have been
having some changes made in their
store in order to obtain more room.
Speaking of the wheat crop E. M.
Marshall, an authority on the grow
ing of wheat, says he thinks the
crop this year will equal or be a lit
tle in excess of that giown last year.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hillman de
parted this week for the east where
they will visit for the coming month
or more at the home of their sons
who make their home at Rochester,
n. v.
Mrs. Sterling Amick was a visitor
with her sister in Omaha for a short jester of Mrs. Karl Oldham ot oep
time last week-end and also stopped in Water, came here last week to
- 1 . I . ... 1 t " T 11 Tit
at Plattsmouth on her return to visit
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl En
gelkemeier. Mrs. Antone Jourgesen has been
rather poorly of late and has been
compelled to remain in her bed most
of the time. Mr. Jourgesen who has
not been employed, is caring for
wife and doing the housework.
Guy Uuchanan and family of south
of Nehawka and Virgil Sudduth of j
southeast of Murray were guests for
the day last Sunday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Askew.
Mesdames Muchanan and Sudduth are
daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Askew.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Newman of
near Murdock were looking a ft er
business matters in Weeping Water
on Tuesday of this week. Mr. New-(of
man has not been in the best of
health for some time past, but man -
ages to get around and look after i
his business and work as much as his
strength will allow. ,
Will Make Homejn East.
A. W. W. Johnson who recently
moved from here to Avoca, had made
Bible School
Sunday, June 26th
"Sharing Service with the Liv
ing Christ"
Mark H5:l-S; 1 t-lfi. 10. 20.
We would kindly ask the student
if the "aim" set at the beginning of
the year has been readied, namely:
"To lead the student to appreciate
how Jesus in his life ami teachings
emphasized service to all men; to
help the student to devote his lifej
to the task of building a new world j
in accordance with the ideals of our
Lord." We conclude our study ofi
Mark's Gospel, with the glorious;
resurrection of Jesus, turning the!
work he began over to his disciples,
giving them the great commission,
saying: "Go ye into all the world!
and preach the gospel . . . lo. I ami
with you alway." Having fed lowed
Jesus in our last lesson to Golgatha
and the burial, we will now rehearse
the resurrection, the conclusion of
the drama. The historical proof is
surely convincing to every sincere,
thinking student, but we must go
farther and follow the command and
(go and tell, so men believe in the
resurrection. We saw Joseph of
Arimathen and Nicodemus, lay the
body of Jesus in the tomb and clos
ed it. The fearful Priests and
Scribes were not satisfied to have
Jesus killed, they would make sure
that he should stay in the sepulchre,
they obtained permission from Pilate
to put i"ho Roman seal on the tomb
and sixteen soldiers (as a guard of
honor for a king) as a guard. Now
they believed Jesus would be pre
vented from rising the third day.
Man proposed and God disposes.
Some strange things happened on
the morning f the third day. An
earthquake that opened graves, an
angel 'appeared in a white robe and
lolled the stone away; the flight of
the guard, their report to the priests
the hush money that was paid to
The busy women in the early
morning hour, their experience, and
then Jesus meets Mary Magdalene
the first who saw the risen Lord,
t lie one whom Jesus sent forth as
the first missionary.
When did the Lord leave the
tomb? Who saw him leave the
tomb? Five appearances are record
ed on the first day and six later
enough witnesses to convince the
world that Jesus lives. These ap
pearances were necessary for his dis
ciples to remove every doubt; we
see later that nothing could shake
their faith they could testify to
what they had "seen and heard."
So w ill Jesus remove from every
person doubt and fear if they will
application for a position in Wash
ington. D. C, being in the civil ser
vice work and was awarded the posi
tion sought and with the family will
depart in a short time to take up his
work in the nation's capital. The
family of Mr. Johnson are to depart
for the east this coming Sunday.
C. M. Oldham Dies at 72.
C. M. Oldham, father of Karl Old
ham of Weeping Water, vho made
his home at Fairplay, Mo., was
stricken with paralysis and the son
and wife hastened to the bedside of
the father who after a few days pass
ed away. Mr. and Mrs. Oldham re
mained until after the funeral when
they returned to their home here.
As it was not possible to secure some
one to conduct their business they
were compelled to close -4he business
until they returned.
Visiting With Relatives Here.
Mr. and Mrs. O. tl. Simmons of
Clovis. N. M.. Mrs. Simmons being a
visit .ur. aim -mis. umiuuu. n.vj iw
ped at Hydro, Okla., where the par
ents of the ladies. Mr. and Mrs. K. C.
Griffin, reside and picking them up
went to a number of places in Mis
souri where they formerly resided.
Mr. and Mrs. Griffin are 70 and 74
years old respectively. The men.
Messrs. Earl Oldham. E.
and O. G. Simmons were
in Omaha
Visiting With Parents Here. Linville who was so ser
iously injured in a wreck at Omaha
some time ago was compelled to part
with one of his legs on that account i
arrived in Weeping Water and is
j visiting here for a time at the home
his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Linville
'and other friends in the city. He
: has been employed at the Roddick
Tow or
in Omaha.
Father Dies at Eugene. Oregon.
C. J. Elgaard received the sad
news of the passing of his aged fath
er a few days ago at Eugene. Oregon.
Mr. Elgaard and wife were out there
Lasson Study!
Ey L. Neitzel, Murdock, Neb.
only trust Him. In verse 14 we see
the sin of unbelief upbraided anef
rebuked. It is the1 one cause for
which man will be sent to hell. Men
are saved by Faith, not good deeds
or holy living; they are the fruit
of faith in God a natural conse
quence. The great command, later repeat
ed, is given to the disciples to "Go
ye into all the world and preach the
gospel to the whole creation." They
saw the Lord coming in the near
future, and the whole world was to
them the Roman Empire. Put what
a stupendous work! What a task!
When they heard this, they were
amazed. so Jesus, seeing their trou
bled faces, adds assuringly, "Lo, I
am with you alway." "When Jesus
goes with me. I'll go anywhere."
What about the result? AVe'll leave
that with God. The order is to
"Preach!" The whole counsel "of
God the Gospel ami the Law life
and death. To many preachers con
tine their talk to the Gospel mes
sage, and forget the justice of Gvl
his Holiness. Without Holiness,
no man can see God. God sends no
man to hell, it is unbelief and dis
obedience. This Gospel is not complete. The
apostles were told to wait, stay at
Jerusalem, until they wore endued
with Power from on high. In due
time Jesus made his promise good.
What a change in these men! Geth
saemanc the upper room; before
and after Pentecost. "The Lord work
ing with them." that was the secret
of their success.
Note the growth of the Kingdom:
(a) Jesus; (b) twelve disciples; (c)
one hundred twenty; (d) 3.000; (e)
by the end of the first century the
estimate was 500,000. No other
movement has had such phenomenal
success. The reason? "The Lord
working with them."
We believe that many a campaign
(?) is planned by men withotit con
sulting the Holy Spirit; everything
i considered from the human stand
point: Weather conditions, time
(when not too busy) when can we
have the evangelist, etc? Revivals
are not planned, they are prayed
down not worked up. We do not
hear men anymore cry out: "Sirs,
what must I do to be saved?" Re
pentance is not any" mre required
from the converts. Where there is
no godly sorrow for sin, there can
not be joy in the Holy Ghost, hence
the "still born" children that sel
dom live. When Jesus works with
the church, signs and wonders still
follow. .
a short time ago and visited with
the father, butd id not go out to
attend the funeral as the distance
was great.
Former Resident Here.
II. W. Lehman and wife who have
been making their home in Los An
geles for the past many years, ar
rived in Weeping Water last Satur
day and are spending some time
here, coming to visit Mr. Lehman's
mother, widoTv of the late J. II.
Lehman, who passed away some time
ago. Mr. Lehman reports time very
quiet in the west, much the same as
here and reports from the east show
business very quiet.
Entertained Foresome.
Mrs. I. L. Markland was hostess
at her home Wednesday of this week
and had as her guests the other
members of the fore-some. Mesda lues
S. Ray Smith, George OAiive and
Miss Anna Hart. They played con
tract bridge and enjoyed a very de
lightful luncheon as well.
Three Couples Wedded.
They are married and given in
marriage, and so tiie world goes on.
Xone of the parties were married
here but most of them make or have
made their home in Weeping Water.
One couple was married at Ne
braska City, they being Frank Nick
!es. son of Mr. and Mrs. Con Nickles
of west tif Weeping Water, while
the bride1. Miss Gloria Lawther is one
of the very accomplished young wom
en of Weeping Wat 'jr. They slipped
away last Friday, going to Nebras
ka City
ma riago
where they were united injSpr.rer wore visiting in Omaha last
They were accompanied byjundav where they wont to see' and
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Nickles of
Fnion. Mrs. Arthur Nickles is a
sister of the bride', while Arthur is
brother of Frank.
Mr. Harold Elmer Conley. son of
Mr. and Mrs. George Conley of Weep
ing Water who has been employed
with the WPA, was married inij
Louisville last Friday to Awasia Lt
Head. on of the- very fine- young !
women of our ne ighboring city. The j
wedding was solemnized by the- Rev. j
W. E. Goings, pastor of the Louisville ,
Christian church and was attended
by !ose friends. The new ly-woudc d :
counle will make the ir home in Weep-1 word from his wife who is at Fort j
ing Water v. here Mr. Conb y wiil beSmith w h(.lv is in t,r mountain! Injured by Horse Kick.
employed with the WPA and w ill ; lt.V( ,. which sec-ins very difficult to' Last Friday while Wm. F.randt.
fora short time be at the home of lt away from. jjr.. was working with a team of
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Georg" and Mrs. Will S. Smith wore ' horse s. one of the horses kicked, hit -
Conley. agre eably surprked whe l James W. jting -Mr. Prandt on the side of the
At Omaha last Saturday was ce-b- Holmes and wife of Pla t tsmout h J face, breaking in the side- - f his
brated the wedding of Howard Cha p- ;
pell, son of Mrs. Fred Linville. for- !
me-rly of Weeping Water, but of late
re siding in Omaha, w ho was united !
in marriage to Miss Ruth Case" of j
21'24 Hurt stree t. The wedding was j
celebrated at 2 o'clock in the after-j
noon. The young couple goes in- j
Mediately to their nfw furnished i
home, which they had provided be
fore the wedding. .
Richard Keckler Euys Cafe.
Richard Keckler e arly this week j j,., pI)V ;ls tjr;s js
made the purchase of the cafe" audit,, f-o:ne to honor
restaurant which lias been conducted
by Arthur Hurt hold and immediately
took over the business and has been
conducting it since.
Matthais Spader, M, for a number
of years a rosdient of Plattsmouth,
died Monday at Omaha where the
family has resided for the past thirty
two years. The Spader family re
sided at 4:5:',1 Eminett street.
Mr. Spader was a native of Ger
many and came to this country when
a young man and located in Platts
mouth where1 he was engaged in
working in the P.tirlington shops tin
til the family moved to Omaha. While
living here be was married to Mrs.
Catherine Shields.
He P. as been omp'oyed at the1 Ar
mour packing plant as a police officer
for twenty years until retired from
active service- and he has since en
joyed the well deserved rest.
There is surviving bis passing the
widow. Mrs. Catherine Shields Spad
er; daughter, Mrs. J. R. Iirooks.
South Gate, California; step-daughter,
Mrs. James H. Dannehy. Omaha;
brother, Peter of Howard. South Da
kota; step-sons, John P. Shields,
Omaha and William J. of Los Angeles,
Several members ot the Platts
mouth Masonic lodge No. 0 are to be
guests at the reception te lie tender
ed Walter R. Itaeeke, newly elected
grand master for Nebraska.
The reception is tendered by Lone
Tree lodge of Central City, of which
Mr. Raecke is a member and who will
have "as guests many of the leaders of
Masonry and the grand lodge officers.
William A. Robertson, past grand
master, Raymond C. Cook, deputy
grand custodian, William F. Evers,
superintendent of the Masonic Home
and Frank A. Cloidt will be present
from Plattsmouth. Sir. Cloidt will
have a part on the program with a
vocal solo.
Luoean Carper delivered a com
bine over north of Piattsmouth last
Mr. c.nd Mrs. I. M. Davis of Lin
coln were guests of their many
friends in Murray and vicinity last
Mr. and Mrs. Larold Moyer were
jhost and hostess at t heir home last
I O , .1 . l t LI....1 11..,-. i. .,,,.1 i.,itiilvr
.TLIlillil III I Id I if AHtK.l CI II 11 iUUli.j
and Mis. Ronnie1 Smith.
Mrs. Harry MeCulloch was in Om
aha last Monday to consult her fam
ily physician in regard to her health
which has not been very good for
some time past.
Mr. and Mrs. Cuy Davis of Lincoln
accompanied by their son. Tom were
guests for the day last Sunday at
( t he home of their cousin. Mrs. John
A. Davis and two daughters.
Or a Davis and Will S. Smith were
in Lincoln hist Tuesday where they
wire looking after some business
matters. Mr. Smith w;:s also re
ceiving treatment lor his health.
George Troop was
Kearney last Sunday
a visitor at!
a. id Monday j
where lo we nt to visit with the wife
who is receiving treatment there for
tuberculosis and who lias been there
for a number of months.
Mrs. Victor Wchiluin who under
went an operation some time ago and
her sister, Mrs. Wm. G order of Plaits-;
mouth wont to Omaha Saturday to.
consult, the physician who has charge
of the e ase of Mrs. We lu be in.
Charles Snore;- and father. Win.
not the little ;
porer who with
randson of
its mother.
Charles Sporer are doing very nicely,
as they arrived honm yesterday.
Thomas Watson, an enu i tainer on
the radio over KF.Ml, where lie is
issisied by the wife, with her was
:iing last Sunday, Father's day. i
the home of the parents of Mrs. j
VN he'io ;
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Ciney, ;
!1 enjoyed a very line visit. !
i-; ,,-) Troop departed last Sunday
ft,r Lit hfield win re he is accepting
a position as operator on a drag line
i project there. Mr. Ti jop received
drove up to the home' of the Smith's
on Fatlu-r's
ula,,. a --ry
f,,r u, Vrrv
day la:.d
pit nt
staying '
supper which wasjened out th
served in the
Isew Son Arrives.
At the hospital ill Omaha last Sun
day there v. a"; born to Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Sporer a
V"rv line l.ov. The !
mother and little one returned home 'time before he' is well again.
Wednesday, June1 22. The event has!
made Grandfather Wm. Sporer very! Will Make Home in West.
the first grandson!
the Sporer family J
although there are a number of very j
line '-1'a lHiela U gllters.
Home From Visit ill East. i
Wm. Sporer who has been visit-j
ing in Wise-onsin for the past month i
arriveel home last Saturday evening.
j after having enjoyed a very fine1 visit
of about four weeks. While en his
way east Mr. Sporer stopped in Chi
jengo and was a guest at the1 Chicago
board ot trade, where he- had a pass
to tin1 trading floor and observed the
manner of trading.
Children's Day Program.
The annual Children's Day pro
gram will be given at the Murray
United Presbyterian church June 20,
at. S o'cleuk p. in.
The theme of th program will be
"A Dry in the Life of a Happy
The program is under the direc
Mon of Mrs Lois Mead. The public
is cordially invited to aitend.
Worked at Douglas
W. L. St-vholt with the caterpillar
and Frank Mrase k with his large
pumping on' fit wore down te Douglas!
where? they were doing some1 work
for the- state. Mr. Seyholt was (bung
tome grading with, the- caterpillar
and grading out fie, w hile Mr. Mrasek
was pumping water and with the six-ine-h
pump which throws a large1
quantity of water.
Were Successful Anglers.
Messrs. Joe Riehter. J. A. Scot
ten and John Noell, the graudson
of Mr. Scot ten went last Friday to
the Platte river near Cedar Creek,
where they tried their luck in tho
river but without much success, and
forsaking this plan the'y tackled the
sand pits and say they did get some
big fish, being from twenty inches
to two feet in length.
Some Babies Arrive Sunday.
At the home of John Beckninn
near Mynard was born a very fine
little boy which made the family
very happy and also Grandfather Tom
Ruby, the mail carrier of Route 1
out of Plattsmouth. A daughter was
born to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dietl, Jr.,
who make their home a short dis
tance east of Mauley.
Visited Dad on Dad's Day.
Dr. R. W. Tyson. wife and
their little daughter were in Elm
wood last Sunday where they were
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
L. A. Tyson on Father's day, where
they enjoyed a very line visit until
a telephone call came calling the
doctor to this part of the county
where a patient was ill.
Visited at Mynard Sunday Evening.
The playlet which the people of
the church at Mynard pr.t
Sunday aftornon attracted
tention of the young people of thejhcis. many of whom have sons or
Murray Presbyterian church and with 'relatives in the ranks of the Scouts,
the pastor a large group of the voting j E. II. Wescott was the leader and
people went to Mynard. Among t hose : t he recent oaruporee and the Scout
attendance were C. D. Spa ugler
and familv, Mrs. Margaret Todd and
son Dick, the Charles Mead family, ,
and manv of the other members of'
the Presbyterian church and I!ibh
school as well as the young people's
Visited Murray Church Members.
F. A. Ogg. a te acher of a
school in Dundee1. Ohio, accompanied
v one of her school irieiuls, also a
te ache r, who we re .going to Roulder.
Colorado. 10 aiteltd summer school.
; by request of Rev. ("all
forme r
; chure-h
pastor of the
here1, stopped
to tell his
riends that Carl is attendin;
at iow a Cit y
and would graduate this
Visited Government Project.
Mr. and Mrs. George' E. Nb kl.-s
were- visiting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Chester Shrader ;;t South
Omaha hist Sunday, and alter their
ve ry tine dinner there they nrove
to Venice where a government proj-
e ct . where lias been built a number
of units, which include five' acres of
land and large-r units. Mr. Nickb s
speaks very favorably of the excel
lent potato gardens which are grown
I t he-re.
face, fra titling the jaw bone and also
'knocking out a number of his teeth,
the hospital the doctors straight-
face to some extent and
as won set
il set the jaw. wiring the shat -
tered parts
his face' together and
false, c losing the mouth, leaving only!
a small pening in his mouth that h
might take liquid food. He is very
seriously injured and it will be some
n alter Sans and wne of Omaha
were guests for the day last Sunday
at the home of Mrs. Sans' mother.
i"T... I
.uis. wice i leaiuei, w no euiei laineu j
jat a family dinner on the eve of thej
departure ot Mr. and Mrs. Sands lor
California. The entire family were j
present to enjoy the visit with them j
i before they left. There w ere there
, M r nnil Mrs l.etei Vn n it oi-l ii-h Rav!
i ... .
j Creamer and family and Mr. and Mrs.
Wa iter Sans.
Strong Box Goes to Plattsmouth.
Fred Gorder, sr.. more than fifty
years ago was e-ngageel in business
in Plattsmouth in the building where
'the Plattsmouth steam laundry is
now located and where he did busi
ness for a nuinlxM- of years. With
his demise the big iron safe went to
the late Fred 11. Gorder, who was
mayor of Weeping Water for a num
ber of years and also bedel the office
of county commissioner for the third
district. This safe was used by Mr.
Fred 11. Gorder in Ihe course of his
business and since1 his passing has
been given to Wm. Gorder ot" Platts
mouth who will use the same in his
business there. Thus tin- safe has
served three
der family.
one-rations of the Gor-
E ring's Dog Here for Burial.
Some time ago Will Troop gave a
very fine water spaniel dog to Earl
Smith, jr.. of Omaha, whhh the
young lad has prized very much.
As time wont' on the dog which had
become a favorite of the family, be
came ill and was taken to a dog hos-
Walter H. Smith
Plattsmouth State Bank Building
Piattsmouth, Nebraska
J. Howard Davis $
h Attorney at Law
b Plattsmouth S
pital in Omaha where after a time
it grew worse and was taken back
home where the young lad watched
lover it until it died.
The idea of taking his pet to the
dump was very repugnant and the
idea came to take it back to the
troop farm to bury it. So last Friday
during the night tin parents and
young Karl brought the dog to the
Troop home where notwithstanding It
was late at night Tommy Troop arose
and going to a grove dug a grave
and buried the dog.
Scouting and the individual work
of the Roy Scout was the high spot
of the Rotary luncheon Tuesday at
on lastjthe Stewart cafe and furnished a
the at-Ivory interesting theme for the inem-
j program
general served as the
J. scoutmaster,
talk on the S'-out pro
'basis for
Ra ymond
vp a slier
igram and of the rcc nt camporeo and
iis value to the individual boy that
j is a part i ill" S. out activities, it
jwiis Vi ry interesting and covered
Imauy or tin- things that a Scout must
; a coom pi ish in his woi
to attain ad-
va nc me n t .
Carv Mar-d;
1! James Mattzy.
j Jr.. me mbers of the local troop, were
I present as gues's am! gave ineist en-
; t crt : i n i n e 1 y their
own reactions to
work i:i the troop
v rv groat intcr-
J Scouting anl their
'and it sbo.vcd the
e st that the movement had among the
members of the organization.
! From Tin s lay's- I;eily
j This morning at the office of
'judge A. II. D-ixbury occurred the
I marriage (,r Mah'oni William Fergu-
son and Margare t Lee Kennedy, both
jo;' Omaha. The marriage lines were
j read by Judge Duxbury and the cere-
jnony witnessed by Katherjne and
i Frank Iiuaka. also of Omaha. The
i bridal party re-turned later to their
home in the metropolis.
We enn rurnlsri you wTlh Rub
ber Stamps made to order at a
price considerably bc!ow that you
have been paying. Frompt service,
if you need stamps, see us.
In the Co,-ty Court of Cass Conn
i t ho ' ,.,.;.di,
of the estate of
deceased. No.
.tnel:a Schrceder,
j ; ?, :
l lake le-tne tnai
the time limited
presentation of
r the
filing and
'miipw in.t said rstate is October
. ., i.-nri,,- will be had
at the County Court room in Platts
mouth. e.u October 7, IOCS, at ten
o'clock a. m. for the purpose of ex-
nmining, hearing, allowing and ad
justing all claims or objections duly
Dated June 3. 13S.
(Seal) jtl-3w County Judge.
tic County Court of Cass Conn-
; tj. cbr(t?ka
To all Persons interested in tne
-state of Clara .Miimm Twiss, de
ceased. No. 331'. :
Take notice that the Administra
tor of said estate has filed his final
report and a petition for examina
tion and allowance of his adminis
tration tie-counts, determination of
heirship, assignment of residue of
said estate ami for his discharge;
that said petition and report will
be heard before said Court on July
1 i:t.:s. at in o'ehxk a. m. .
Dated June I. t!'3S.
(Seal) jt'.-3v County Judge.
Stole of Xc lira ska
Comity of Cass 4
liy virtue of an
Execution issued by C. E. Ivodgwa.v,
Clerk of the District Court within
and for Cass County, Nebraska, and
to me directed. I will on the Hth day
of July. A. D. l!.:s. at ten o'clock
n in of said day at the SW'i of
. - 'i- ...I,;,-, 1" nui ..o 1 9
NCI IDil !. lowiirmi'
East of
tho Sixlh P. M., in the said
Cass conntv. Nebraska, sell at pub-
lie auction to the highest bidder for
cash the following personal prop
erty, to-wit:
One endgate seeder. Farmers
Fnion State Exchange;
Two sets of harness;
One Rok Island engine, two
horsepower ;
One farm wagon. Newton;
One four-section harrow, I.
C. Case:
One John Deere disk;
On" grain elevator anel lift:
One 1!'2! Ford Coupe, motor
number AL'.VJSOCS;
One black team. Dan and
Pearl: Pearl age 22 and Dan
age 12
The same being levied upon and
.,,.,,, .iu i lu. j.i-onertv ot .lo in Krae
..' ,,.w.,..i ,n. to SMt'istv a iudgment 1
of sail! Court recovered by The Home
urn lo.niiK - - - - - - - i
Stale Hank, a corporation ot Louis
ville. Nebraska, plaintiff against said
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, June
A. D. 103S.
Sheriff Cass County,
-3 v.-
Notice is hereby given that by
virtue of an Order of Sale issued by
the Clerk of the District Court of
the Second Judicial District of Ne
braska, within and for Cass County,
in an action wherein Thomas W.
Hawkins, as Administrator De Bonis
Non of the Estate of Sarah Hawkins,
Deceased, is plaintiff, and Fred E.
Manners and Emma A. Manners are
Defendants. I will, at 10:00 o'clock
a. m.. on the 1Mb day of July, A.
D. HK'.S, at the front door of the
court house in the City of Platts
mouth. Cass County. Nebraska, offer
for sale at public auction, the fol
lowing described Lands and Tene
ments, to-wit:
The South one-half (SM:) of
the Northeast Quarter ( N E Vi )
of Section thirty-two (32),
Township ten (10), North,
Range nine !.), East of the
lith P. M., in Cass County, Ne
braska. Given under my hand this 14th day
of June, A. D. KCJS.
W. F. Wehmiller, Attorney
Sidney, Nebraska.
To Prudential Insurance Company
of America. Newark. New Jersey;
Cassius C. Conn; Castle, Roper &
Mnttkows. Lincoln. Nebraska, and
Drs. Thomson and Ferciot. Lincoln.
Nebraska., creditors of the estate of
Edna Conn, deceased; and to all
heirs, devisees, legatees, and others
interested in said (state:
You and each of you are hereby
notified that Cassius C. Conn. Ex
ecutor of the estate of Edna Conn,
deceased, has filed a petition in the
District Court of Cass County. Ne
braska, the object and prayer of
which is to procure authority to
execute a mortgage for the sum o f
. 1 .TijO.oo upon the following de
scribed property:
North Half (N'i) of the South
east. Quarter (SE1' ) of Section
thirty-two n2. and the North
east Quarter (NE,i of the
Southwest Quarter (SW'i) of
Section twenty (20). all in
Township twelve (12). North
Range nine ( ! ) , East, in Cass
county. Nebraska, containing
120 acres
te pay the first mortgage, debts
against the estate, costs of adminis
tration and loan costs. The hearing
will be had on said petition at the
court house in the District Court
rex, m on the 2."ith day of July. 103S,
at ten o'clock a. m.. or as soon
theieafter as the same may be
Executor of th" Estate of
Edna Conn, Deceased
Attorney for Said Estate.
State of Nebraska "1
. ss.
County of Cass J
By virtue of an
Order of Sale issued by C. E. Ledg
way. Clerk of the District Court,
within anel for Cass County. Nebras
ka, and to me directed, I will on the
I 1Mb day of July, A. D. 193S, at
10:00 o'clock a. in. of said day at
the south front door of the court
house. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, in
said County, sell at public auction
te the highest bidder for cash the
following real estate, to-wit:
The West Half of the North
west Quarter of Section Seven
teen (17). also the Northeast
Quarter of Section Eighteen
(IS), all in Township Eleven
(11). North. Range Ten (10)
East or the Sixth Principal
Meridian, containing in all two
hundred forty (210) acres, more
or less
The same being levied upon and
taken as the property of William F.
Heier. Sr., et al, Defendants, to
satisfy a judgment of said Court re
covered by The Equitable Life As
surance Society, Plaintiff against
said Defendants.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, June 11,
A. D. l'JSS.
Sheriff Cass County,
Winfield R. Ross and
W. A. Robertson,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
State of Nebraska 1
County of Cass J
Ry virtue of an
Order of Sale issued by C. E. Ledg
way. Clerk of the District Court,
within and for Cass County, Nebras-
ka, and to me directed, I will on the
ISth day of July, A. I. 19.5 S. at
10:00 o'clock a. in. of said day at
the south front door of the court
house, Plattsmouth, Nebraska, in
said county, sell at public auction to
the highest bidder for cash the fol
lowing real estate, to-wit:
The North Half of the South
west Quarter, also the North
west Quarter, all in Section
Eighteen (18) in Township
Eleven (11) North, Range Ten
(10) East of the Sixth Prin
cipal Meridian, containing in
all two hundred forty (210)
acres, more or less
The same being levied upon an-t
taken as the property of William F.
Heier. Sr.. et al. Defendants, to
satisfy a judgment of said Court re
eovered by The Equitable Life As-
surance Society, Plaintiff against
said Defendants.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, June 14,
A. D. 1938.
Sheriff Cass County,
Winfield R. Ross and
W. A. Robertson,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.