f PAGE FOUR PLATTSYOUTH SEMI WEEKLY JOUSNAL MONDAY, MAY 2, 1938. Elmwood News Eldon Stark lias taken the con tract to handle Oliver farm equip ment. William Harley, who has been ill for a number of weeks, was able to be up town this week. Cris Sorensen of Palmyra was a Sunday guest of his uncle, James Christensen, at the home. Mesdames Clifford William Flaischman Will Strobel Preston and were visiting friends in Syracuse on Monday of this last week. W. A. Atchison has been in Platts mouth for the past two weeks, act ing as bailiff at the present term of the district court. Miss Josephine Rhoden, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Rhoden, has returned to her work at Lincoln. The Methodist choir, directed by Mrs. Doris Cole Clapp, gave a very interesting and beautiful vesper ser vice Sunday afternoon. Mcsdaines J lurry Linder, Eniil Rosenow and Charles West made a merry party that went to Lincoln on Arbor day to visit friends and do collie shopping. Mr. ilnd Mrs. Fred Pratt and son Eugene were. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Sehroll of Tobias. Mrs. Pratt is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Schroll. James Christensen, who fell and broke his hip si. me months ago. isj improving. lie can take a few steps. ! but still gets around most of the; time in a wheel chair. Charles MelJride. who was taken ill at the post office last week and taken to his home by George Eiden miller, is slowly improving at his home in east Elm wood. County Treasurer John E. Turner, of Plattsmouth. visited relatives here a we.k ago Tuesday evening after attending the funeral of Fred C! or der of Weeping Water that after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Neville Rothwell and daughter Miss June Adair entertain ed last Sunday at their home Coun ty Treasurer and Mrs. John E. Tur ner and Miss Iorothy June, of Plattsmouth. The Victoria kensington met on Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Pearl Capwell. Many members were present, and several visitors. At the close of the meeting, refreshments were served by the hostess. Mrs. Lucy Lyle, chief operator at the Elmwood telephone exchange, and her daughter, Mrs. Floy Puell, were in Lincoln Tuesday of last week, where they visited friends and looked alter business matters. J. 1-1 C.ustin, wife and son, who was home from his studies at the University of Nebraska, were guests last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kmil Kosenow, where all en joyed a tine visit and an excellent dinner. The members of the Elmwood choir on Sunday morning about three o'clock went from house to house and sang several beautiful Easte r songs. They were assisted by the young people of the Epworth League. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Penterman went to Union and Nebraska City to view the apple blossoms last Sun day and found thousands of ears on the highway all bound for the same place. They returned home via Dun bar, Otoe and Avoca. Howard Cook of Colorado was a vi.-itrr at the home of his brother Emmitt Cook and family for the greater part of last week and depart ed during the latter part of the week for Oakland where he will visit for a time at the home of the parents. Miss Phyllis Greene, who has been SEE THE NEW KEROSENE ELECTROLUX REFRIGERATOR . . at the ROSEN-NOVAK AUTO CO. Plattmouth Ph. 230 0-K Garajre IJliPipiiili CLEAN AND WHITEN TEETH with Calox, the Oxygen tooth powder which penetrates to the hidden ere', ices between the teeth. Pleasant, Refresh ing, Protects the gums and is economical to use. TRY CALOX AT OUR EXPENSE What Calox will do for your teeth is easily demonstrated by you in your own home at our expense. Simply fill in the coupon with name and address and mail it to us. You will re ceive absolutely free a test can of CALOXTOOTH POWDER, the powder more and more people are using every day. ,.'Ai -?"6ii. FREE McKesson . Kobbina, Inc., Fairfield, Conn. Dept A N P Send me a 10 dy trial of CALOX TOOTH POWDER at no expense to me. I will try it. A'lma Addnts. in Chicago, where she was employed as a saleslady in a large department sore for the past year, returned to Elmwood last Tuesday and will re main here for the present at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Greene. Mrs. M. E. Shelly, formerly Miss Hazel Olsen, went to South Omaha, where he husband is employed at the stock yards and visited him for a day. He returned home with her and remained until Tuesday, when he went back to resume his work at the stock yards. A number of the Elmwood Re bekah lodge members attended the Rebekah convention at Nebraska City. Among tlmse present were Mrs. Ethel Strobel, Mrs. Laura Souther land. Mrs. Viola Long, Mrs. Tressa Mendenhall. Mrs. Doris Linder, Mrs. Frances Miller and Mrs. Dorothy Miller. At the meeting of the I. O. O. F lodge last Monday night, when the fiftieth anniversary was being cele brated, all joined in singing "Amer ica" at the close of the ritualistic r.ncninsr ceremonies and after this Secretary Chris Packemeyer and son Francis rendered a number of vocal selections. Clyde Hodgins and family, of Ash land were guests last Sunday at the home of the parents of Mrs. Hod gins. Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Thimgan. Returning home in the evening, they were accompanied by Miss Laverna Thimgan. sister of Mrs. Hodgins, who visited at Ashland for a number of days. W. Wabash. Thimgan T. Richards and wife, of were home also guests ut the for the day. Herbert Hulfish. who is teaching school near Wann, and his sister, Mrs. Pelle Mallo who has been en gaged in teaching at Red Oak, Iowa, v.-i 1 1 both terminate their schools on the same day, May 13th. Mrs. Mal lery will leave as soon as school is out for her home in Chicago, where her husband is engaged in business. Uncle William Hulfish. who is just completing thirty-eight years as caretaker of the Elmwood schools, together with Mrs. Hulfish, will en joy a few days' visit with the son and daughter after school is out. .Mrs. m. l iaise hman was a visi tor in Omaha last Sunday, where she was a guest of Mr. and. Mrs. Max Fisher, who have just returned from Santa Monica, Calif., where they spent the winter. They are building a new home in Omaha that is to cost in the neighborhood of thirty thousand dollars and when that is completed they will return to Santa Monica, erecting a home in that city as well. Mrs. Flaischman enjoyed huT visit with her friends very much and was pleased to know of the prosperity that has come to them. Will Have Band Concerts The Elmwood band has been con tracted with to provide weekly band concerts on the street beginning about the middle of May and con tinuing during the summer. This form of entertainment has proven very popular in the past and will bring many visitors to town on concert nights who are not otherwise accustomed to coming to Elmwood to trade. Edward Miller and Wife Entertain Mr. and Mrs. Edward Miller, who formerly resided in Elmwood and vicinity, but for some time past have made their home in Lincoln, enter tained last Sunday in honor of Mr. Miller's birthday as well as that of Mrs. Hattie Kosenow and David Rornemeier, all of which occur at about the same time. This joint cel ebration has been an annual event for some time past. Those who were present were Mr. and Mrs. Kmil Rosenow, Fred Lake and family, son James and his friend David Rornemeier. j All enjoyed a fine visit and the ; splendid dinner which was served. Used cars, livestock, household goods all can be sold through inexpensive Journal Want Ads. TRIAL COUPON WABASH Oscar Oapeu of Plattsmouth was a Wabash visitor last Wednesday, accompanying the Journal field man on his trip over this part of the county. Frank Marshall, the elevator man and trucker, delivered several loads of cattle to the South Omaha mar ket last week from the farm of Cam Klepzer. John Cardwell, who was so ser iously ill for a number of days re cently, has been showing good im provement of late and is so he can be out again. Louis Schmidt and family were in Union and Nebraska City last Sun day, going to see the apple blossoms in the various commercial orchards of that vicinity. The new building which is being erected at the farm of Henry Schlue- ter is now Hearing completion and adds to the general appearance of the other farm buildings. P. II. Clarke has been cutting hedge and burning the brush, get ting ready for the planting of corn the coming week or as soon as the weather and ground are warm enough. He has double-disced the ground and has it in good condi tion. Will Plant Many Trees Miss Myrtle Wood, who has a farm northeast of Wabash, has arranged to have several thousand small trees set out on the place. The work is to be done by the CCC boys and will require about a month to complete. It is one, of several projects of this nature being carried out in Nebras ka to help replenish the timber sup ply, which has been ravaged by drouth and unwanton destruction for fuel the past few years. Changing; Road Somewhat The road running west out of Weeping Water towards Wabash is being graded and made ready for coating of crushed rock. The work lias proven quite uiuicult and re quired a lot of time to complete, due to required changes in the location of the roadbed, eliminating a par ticularly sharp turn near the home of Arthur Wiles, and when complet ed should be much safer than here tofore. Mr. Wiles has also been do ing some grading on his own hook, improving his driveway to make it more convenient to get into and out of his yard since the change in the highway. Recalls Early Days in Wabash Conversing with Herman R. Schmidt of Murdock, father of our townsman, Louis Schmidt, we re ceived considerable information on early days in Wabash, when the elder Mr. Schmidt built a store on the site where the present store stands, some time in the early eigh ties. It was used for a grocery store and after a few years was destroyed by fire and rebuilt. At that time there was a butcher shop just across the street south from where Louis Schmidt now resides. There were two other stores just west of the Wabash hotel and then across the street west there were two more business houses and south on another corner was another store. In fact Wabash was a very lively town at that time, with many business houses, and all doing a thrifty busi ness. Seeking to Make Bridge Safe There is much concern just now regarding the possibility of extend ing the highway improvement on west from the point south of Wabash to which it is now being graded. It was recently reported the road would run north from that point to town, thence west a couple of miles and then jog back south again. This in line with a plan to eliminate the dangerous C-yger bridge that crosses the Weeping Water creek and the Missouri Pacific tracks southwest of Wabash. A delegation visited the county seat this last week in the interest of having something done to make this bridge safe. Some of the county commissioners have also visited the scene and looked over the structure. This is the bridge where a serious auto accident took place last fall, when a car driven by a group of Plattsmouth parties was precipitated to the bottom of a 14 foot ditch. The Wabash rural mail carrier, who has to travel over this bridge every day or detour a distance of some three miles was among those from here who went over to con sult with the commissioners. Some have advocated a WPA project to solve the problem, but so far no definite decision has been made. Subscribe for the Journal. AVOCANEWS Carl O. Zaiser had his dog Queen at the Lincoln field day show, where she was able to win third place award. The Junior class play of the Avoca school was held on April 29, with a large and appreciative audience in attendance. II. M. Lum was a visitor in Om aha last Thursday, where he visited with friends and looked after busi ness matters. E. E. Moore, of Weeping Water, was a visitor in Avoca last Monday morning, coming to see Dr. J. W. Rrendel, his family physician. Miss Dorothy Gollner, who is em ployed in Lincoln, was a visitor over the week end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Goll ner. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Morley of Nebraska City were guests last Sun day at the home of Mr. Morley's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mor ley. Clyde Hollenberger was assisting for a few days at the Marquardt ele vator and later was papering at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 13. C. Mar quardt. Miss Neva Iloback was in Lincoln during the past, two weeks, working and visiting with friends. She is now back and looking after the care of Fred Rartlett. While in Leaver Crossing last week, Fred Marquardt bought some five head of cattle which he had ship ped to Avoca and is petting them on feed for the market. Attorney C. E. Tefft was a busi ness visitor in Avoca, he being ad ministrator of the estate of the late Mrs. Mary S. K. Harmon, who pass ed away a short time since. The Ladies Aid of the Avoca Con gregational church were meeting at the church last Tuesday, celebrating the birthdays of those which occur during the first three months cf the year. Mrs. Coroline Marquardt and son Fred and family were Sunday visi tors at Leaven" Crossing, where they were guests at the home of a daugh ter of Frs. Caroline Marquardt, Mrs. Ted Hile and family. Rev. and Mrs. J. M. Kokjer were dinner guests last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hoffman, where Rev. Kkjer also administer ed the rites of baptism to the three year old daughter of Mr. Hoffman. Mrs. Harry Rucholds was taken with a serious and very sudden at tack of appendicitis and was hurried to the Bryan hospital in Lincoln, where she underwent an emergency operation. She is reported as getting along just fair. Avoca is to have a picture show during the summer montiis, the in itial entertainment to be given on May 17, and each week thereafter. The show is to be free and will be supported by the business men and citizens of the community. Matthew Midkiff and family, Os car -Mullein ami lamny anel iari Freeman made up a merry party of Avoca citizens who spent the clay last Sunday at Union as guests of the parents of the Midkiff boys and Mrs. Freeman, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mid kiff. Fred L. Carsten and his father. Louis Carsten. together with E. J. Hallstrom. attended the I. O. O. F. anniversary celebration at Elmwood last Monday night when the lodge there was celebrating its fiftieth year ot existence, having been orga nized with sixteen charter numbers on April 25. 1SSS. Sheriff Sylvester called Fred Mar quardt by telephone, telling him to come to Plattsmouth Monday to serve at a juror in district court. Arriving there, he was dismissed un til Wednesday when he returned to the county seat to perfomr his dut ies as a good citizen by serving on the jury. Mrs. Martha Huge entertained at her home in Avoca on last Sunday and had as her guests for the occa sion Morris Huge and wife. Calvin Carsten and wife and Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Carsten. A splendid dinner was enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Gib Rrazille, who reside in Lincoln, but who lived in Avoca some twenty years ago, were in town last Tuesday and while here Walter H. Smith LAWYER Plattsmouth State Bank Building Plattsmouth, Nebraska J. Howard Davis Attorney at Law Plattsmouth Mr. Rrazille was looking after busi ness matters, Mrs. Rrazille visiting her many friends here in the mean time. Although they have been away more than twenty years, they found many here whom they knew and remembered. Made nine Trip Sunday George Shackley and wife and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Maseman took a trip last Sunday, passing through Weeping Water to Louisville and there on over the Platte river to Gretna, turning west through that part of Sarpy county on into Ash land. From there they turned to ward home, touching Greenwood, South Rend and Murdock and arriv ing home in the evening well pleas ed with their trip. IT HAPPENED ONE DAY WHEN WORKER LOST JOB WARASH, Ind. (UP) lone- Wo esner was the ftr.c:t Wabash citizen to apply for Indiana state unemploy ment compensation. He war; i ', first to receive, also the f:rt to b. it. Weesner was laid off tit the Wah:- 1 cabinet company The next morninc he applied for unemployment benefit payments. His ;ij plieaiieri was un proved the same day. The same nigiit he was called bt.ck to work. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION " tic County Court cf Cf Couu tl. Nelir'iskn. To all persons interested in the estate of Ronald Raker, deceased. No. 3 3 32: Take notice that a petition has been filed praying for administra tion of said estate and appointment oi iJji : i..ii.e; .i t i : i i ; .-m i .i i i m . that said petition has been set iori hearinic before said C"urt on the 27th day of May. 193. at ten o'clock a. m. Dated April 2.',. 193S. A. H. DUXRURY. (Seal) m2-3w County Judge. NOTICE OF PRORATE I the County Court of Cai-.t Coun tj Xclrrsk'.r. To all person1: interested in the estate of John McNurlin. deceased. No. 3331: Take notice that a p been filed for the probati tition has II ''11 111 ctll-int.nt niMTr.i'l !ur t, lio tlio .-.Rt11. lUIII at UIC tUUUI UUUl 111 IIIU will and testament of said deceased, (courthouse in the City of Platts and for the nr.poir.tmenr of Searl S. mouth, in said county and state on Davis, as Executor thereof; that tl:o :nh d:l' f Mi"' 193S ;it 10 said petition has been set for hear- o'clock a. m.. the following lands liiir hetore said c ourt on me join day of May, 193S, at 10 a. m. Dated April (Seal) a2rj-3v 2o, 193 S. A. II. DUXRURY, Countv Judge. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE Notice is hereby given that pur suant to an Order of Sale issued by the Clerk of the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska, under the terms of the decree of said court rendered in an action therein pend ing wherein Vincent VT. Straub. re vived in the names of 11. J. Req uartte and Max Straub. Jr., Admin istrators of the Estate of Vincent YY. Straub. deceased, aiv plaintiffs, ami Ole Olsen. doing business as the Cass County Quarries et al, are defend ants. I will at ten o'clock a. m., on May 2S. 193S. at the south door of the court bouse in Plattsmouth. Cass county, Nebraska, offer and sell at public auction in the order herein after stated, the following described real estate in Cass- county, Nebraska, to-wit: First, that part of Lot 1, also de scribed as Tax Lot 1, in the north west quarter of the northeast quar ter of Section 19, in' Township 10. Range 13. lying south and west of the middle of the Weeping Water river: all that part of Lot 2. also desc ribed as Tax Lot 2. lying cast of the ravine or ditch running north therein in the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 19 in Township 10, Range 13. subject to a road 10 to fiO feet wide run ning east from ledge of rock there in; Lot 11. also described as Tax Lot 11, in the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 19 in Township 10. Range 13. describ ed as follows: Commencing at a point 2 rods north of a stone at the south west corner of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 19, running thence cast la rods, theme north lu degree-s west by magnetic meridian 12 rods, thence north lSi degrees west 12 rods 7 links, thence west 12 rods and 4 links, thence, south 2f rods to the place of beginnine, containing 2.1 acres, more or less. Second, shall be sold Lot 2. also described as Tax Lot 2. except all hind east of the ravine or ditch run ning north therein, in the north west quarter of the northeast quar ter of Section 19 in Township 10. Range 13, together with the ri.qht to a road -lu to 0 feet wide, run ning east from ledge of rock across that portion of said Lot 2 lying east of said ravine. Sale of said last described prem ises lo lie made only in the event that it is necessary so to do in order lo satisfy the lien of plaintiff, all as in said decree provided. Dated April 22. 193S. II. SYLVESTER, Sheriff of Cass County, Nebraska. By CASS L. SYLVESTER, Deputy. Wm. II. Pitzer and Marshall Pitzer, Attorneys for Plaintiff. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION In the Comity Court cf Cass Coun ty, Nebraska. To all persons interested in the estate of Arthur M. Copenhaver, de ceased. No. 3320: Take notice that a petition has been filed praying for administra tion of said estate and appoint ment of Guy Stokes as Administra tor; that said petition has been set for hearing before said Court on the l?th day of May, 1938, at ten o'clock a. m. Dated April 13, 193S. A. II. DUXRURY, (Seal) alS-3w County Judge. NOTICE OP FINAL SETTLEMENT In tic Comity Court of Cass Coun- L A braskn. To all persons interested in the estate of Sarah Campbell, deceased. No. 32 SO: "Take notice that the Executrix of said estate has tiled her final report and a in tit ion for examination and allowance of her administration ac counts, determination of heirship, assignment of r sidue of said estate and for her discharge; that said petition and report will lie heard be fore said Court on May 0, 193S, at ten o'clock a. m. Dated April S. 193S. A. H. DUXRURY, (Seal) all-3v County Judge. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT In the Cix-nty Court of Cass Co mi ll To all persons interested in the estate of Joseph A. Everett, deceas ed. No. 3 30: Till... 7i,.iio ili-.t i . ; .. - ,nr ,if s:li(l ,,, , ,a report and a petition for examina tion and allowance of his i dm i lus tration accounts, determination of heirship, assignnunt of rt sidue of jsaid estate and for his discharge; j that said petition and report will he ! beard before said Court on May 13, j - (( .( at ten o'clock a. m. Dated April 1.". 193 s. A. H. DUXRURY, (Seal) alS-3w County Judge. C'(iii trie lit, Siilii-r. Jft- V C.ii ml .!-. ii, . t i'rii-j x, I 'rrmoiiS. rclir. SHERIFF'S SALE NOTICE Ry virtue of an order of sale issued out of the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska on a decree of foreclosure in the case wherein Ne braska State Ruilding and Loan As isociation is plaintiff and Sue Davis, et are defendants, I will sell at 'TMlliT.i- niidtiMi i r ill.. lMnli..i't iMilrlf.t p'c.inv.. uv iivii iv; nigiit 3i uiuu. i i ""- - ...t .v.- nieiits and costs in said action: Lot two. block five, Fleming and Race's Addition to Weep ing Water, Nebraska, excepting a tract of ground forty feet square out of the southeast cor ner of said lot two. bounded and described as follows: Com mencing at the southeast corner of said Lot two running thence north along the east boundary line of said lot a distance of forty feet: thence at right angles west forty feet, thence at right angles south forty feet, thence at right angles east forty feet to the place of besrinning, all in Cass County, Nebraska. Dated April 1th. 193S. II. SYLVESTER. a7-5w Sheriff. NOTICE of Hearing on Petition for De termination of Heirship In the County Court of Cass Coun ty, Ni !rska. Estate of Mrs. M. E. Hendricks, Deceased. Estate No. 332S: The State of Nebraska: To all per sons interested in said estate, credi tors and heirs take notice,' that Har old W. Richards has filed his peti tion alleging that Mrs. M. E. Hen dricks died intestate in Cass County. Nebraska, on or about March 20, IS SI, being a resident and inhabi tant of said County and-dieil seized of the following described real es tate, to-wit: The southeast quarter of the southwest quarter (SHU ('f SW; ) and the southwest quar ter of the southeast quarter (SWH of Si-Pi) of Section twenty (2D), Towmhip twelve (12) North of Range ten (10) East of the Oth P. M., in said Cass county. Nebraska, com prising eighty acres leaving as his sole and only heirs at law the following named persons, to-wit : Charles H. Hendricks. George W. Hendricks. Loyd W. Hen dricks. Gilbert. D. Hendricks and Otis M. Hendricks (and that sometimes the name Hen dricks was spelled Hcndrix, but regardless of the spelling of the last name, each was a child of deceased Mrs. M. E. Hen dricks); That the interest of tin petitioner in the above described real estate is that lie is a subsequent purchaser, not being an heir of said Mrs. M. 11 Hendricks, and praying for a de termination of the time of the death of said Mrs. M. E. Hendricks and of her heirs, the degree of kinship and the right of descent of the real property belonging to the said de ceased, in the State of Nebraska. . It is ordered that the same stand for hearing on the 13th day of May. 193S, before the County Court of Cass County in the court house at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. in. Daied at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this 12th day of April. A. D. 193S. A. H. DUXRURY, (Seal) alS-3v County Judge. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION" In the County Court of Cass Coun ty, Xcliraska. To all persons interested in tlm estate of John McNurlin, deceased No. 3 321: Take notice that a petition lias been filed praying for administration of said estate and appointment of A. L. Tidd as Administrator; that said petition has been set for bear ing before said Court on the 29th day of April, 193S, at ten o'( lot k a. m. Dated March 29, 193S. A. H. DUXRURY. (Seal) al-3w County Judge. SHERIFF'S SALE State of Xebruska ss. Cuss County J Ry virtue of an Order of Sale issued by C. H. Ledu way, Clerk of the District Court with in and for Cass County, Nebraska, and to me directed. I will on the 7th day of May A. I). at lu o'ib.ck a. m. of said day at the South front door cf the Courthouse, in Plattsmouth. Nebraska in said Coun ty, sell at public: auction to the high est bidder for cash the following real estate to-wit: South Half of the Northwest Quarter ed' Section Thirty-six (31) Township Tea (19) North, Range Ten (1U) East of the 0th 1'. M., Cass County, Nebraska; The same being levied upon an 1 taken as the property of John T. Stokes, et al. Defendants, to tatisfy a judgment of said Court recovered by John 'Hancock Mutual Life In surance Company, a e-orpoiatior, Plaiiililf ac.ainst said Defendants. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, April 2, A. D. 19 3 S. H. SYLVESTER Sheriff Cass County, a-l-5w Nebraska. SHERIFF'S SALE State of Xcbraska ) J- ?s. Comity of Cass J Ry virtue of an Order of Sale issued Tiy C. E. Ledg way. Clerk of the District Court, within and for Cass County, Ne braska, and to me directed, I will on the 7th day ut May A. D. 193S, at lo o'clock a. in. of said day at the South front door of the Courthouse in Plattsmouth, Nebraska in said County, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the follow ing real estate to-wit: East Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 27, and the Northeast Quarter of the South east Quarter and the West Half of the Southeast Quarter of Sec tion 2 7, Township 10, Range 13, East of the Oth P. M., Cass County, Nebraska; The same being levied upon and taken as the property of Joseph V. Rrandt, et al, Defendants, to satisfy a judgment of said Court recovered by John Hancock Mutual Life Insur ance Company, a corporation, Plain tiff against said Defendants. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, April 2, A. D. 193S. II. SYLVESTER, Sheriff Cass County, a4-3w Nebraska. SHERIFF'S SALE State of Xcl.raska ) ss. County of Cass J Ry virtue of an Order of Sale issued by C. E. Ledg way, Clerk of the District Court within and for Cass County. Nebras ka, and to me directed, I will on the 7th day of May, A. 1). 193S, at 10 o'clock a. in", of said day at the South front door of the Courthouse in Plattsmouth, Nebraska in said Coun ty, sell at public auction to the high est bidder for cash the following real estate to-wit: The Southeast Quarter of Sec tion Seven (7), and the North east Quarter of Section Eighteen (IS), all in Township Eleven (11) , North, Range Twelve (12) , East of the Otli P. M. in Cass County, Nebraska; The same being levied upon and taken as the property of Frank J. Spangler, et a!. Defendants, to satisfy a judgement of said Court recovered by John Hancock .Mutual Life In surance Company, a corporation, Plaintiff against said Defendants. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, April 2, A. D. 193S. H. SYLVESTER, Sheriff Cass County, a4-aw Nebraska. SHERIFF'S SALE State of Nebraska 1 ss. Comity of Cass j Ry virtue of an C. E. Ledg- Order of Sale issued by way. Clerk of the District Court within and for Cass County, Nebras ka, and to me directed. I will on the 7th day of May, A. D. 193S, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day at the South front door of the Courthouse in Plattsmouth. Nebraska in said County, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the follow ing real estate to-wit: The North Half of the South west Quarter and the South east Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 22, Town ship 12, North. Range 12, East of the Oth 1'. M., in Cass County, Nebraska ; The same being levied upon and taken as the property of Walter Heil, et al, Defendants, to satisfy a judg ment of said Court recovered by Metropolitan Life Insurance Com pany, a corporation. Plaintiff against said Defendants. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, April 2, A. D. 1933. II. SYLVESTER, Sheriff Cass County, a4-5w Nebraska. i