PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE FIVE THURSDAY. MARCH 17, 1938. City Council Hears Reports on Fire Trucks i Mayor Lushinsky reported that Committees Give ODservation But No'"K1', were no contagious diseases in Particular Truck "Is Approved Other Routine Business. , rrom Tu-sJay-s mny j The city council last evening heard! i a ei v interesting- report ghen bv ! ' ; ice me aim waifr iimniiiiue ot in council a-; well as the numbers (f a fit-nun's ( uiuniittee in regard to a ' t w truck for the lire department! v. inch has been under discussion for! route time. : chairman Si hut z of the committee' reported that suggestions had b.-eu that truck be one of at 1ms: 1 lens wiili mi horsepower, dual tires.! pumping capacity of .".(in gallon:- a! minute, booster tank of -T,o gallons, and also provided VNith .".0 feet of booster tank hose. Mr. Si hutz also presented a rtso-j lution in which the committer of ihe tire 'department was authorized, to send out notices to the various' truck companies to what the city would need and inviting them to sub mit bids to lie opened at the city ball March Jlst at 1 p. r.i. The tity; council would take up the matter at their meeting on Monday, March J S t h . This resolution v. ;o; approved by the council and the variou.; com panies will be conjailed. Couto i'nu'.u Vincent rave hi.; ob servations of tl;-.' v. or I: of the York fire department during his r cent visit. clement W.! r of th. firem.'ti's cern tun tee pres.- d tl'.e 1 o-opera t ion -. e a sho'-t tad; ai-i't'eciat ion of show n bv the a nr. ex t'ne fi li lire de partment. Tlie meeting bt ing the first of the month, there were a huge num ber of reports rtceivfd from the var ious off i, ers. City Officials Report City Treasurer M. 1. I'.r-'iv. 11 re ported that the city financial balance as of March 1 was I'"'. M.ior I.ushinsky expressed a pprei ia t ion at the i:l!ept report a:ul the fine nuiti :ier iti which most of the i ' y funds had been able to show good bah'tn es. City ('If rk Albert Olson reported that for the month of February he had collected the st;;-j of'r. i.r.d bteu turned over to the city treasurer. Ft-1, ice Judge C. I.. O raves showed two arnsts and tlie sum cf $l:'.2e colle rid in fi.vs and ("sis. Communications and Petition A i'etitiin w;.s --iiu-il from resi dents mar 11th and Marble strn's. asking for the installing of an ! trie light and this was referred on motion, of Councilman Conistock to the lighting comin it t v. The 1 oiui'i! leceived a eonimtini eatioii from the Nebraska- I.-' : gin- of Municipalities, n eta rd ing ci'uininer.t for tl:e tertiiiir of cars aiol trucks as iM'oviibd hy th' new law. Mayor Imshirsk-y stat--d that he had been informed the Cas Couu'y Motor Co.. v as pk'iining ti plant ;' tliis V'iud and v l,ii h would care for local nceds wheti given lece-.l statu.: atid approval. . A o'ii!iii!!!ii ;i!i' :i was rec : v 'l from William Swe.-ni". asking thtiti bis be.-r license be 1 1 . n.-fei-:-e,l foni, his present location 10 th" Ka-.!e; : building at Sixth aiol Vine streets. , a STAR OM SKATES! xr. Smooth action makes him a star prrformer on ice! Smooth shavinp makfs Star Single edte Blades star per formers on your face! Famous for keenness since 1888.' Mother-think of it! Nine tenths of all the hospitals im portant in maternity work now give their babies a body rub every day with Mennen Antiseptic Oil! Why? Because this treatment keeps the baby Mnnn At This was it --f erred to the license com- ; J in it tee. j ! It was pointed out that all license! I applications should be made soon. so: J that they tan be acted on here and jalso by the state liquor commission : before the expiration of the licenses. i Hi city at this time and the winter jhad been unusually free from the usual array of sicknesses. Disposed of Property ,. ,,, -. , ... ,, , V , ( "uncilniHU ebb of the tax and , . property coinmitt'e. reported the dis- posal of properties secured by t he would affect nearly 1 ,000,000 member: (ity at tax sale and which were now ; and which have been proposed by Iir in the bauds of parties that expect-: ectors (f the association of American ed to improve them and to carry tut markets. the p;.y;nent .f taxes. The mayor! i.r.d unit :im deed to the properties ti and deliver ime to the purcha.-ers. ';. Parkin? of Trucks Couuci'iuan Vronian atuitu brought up the matter of tru k parking and particularly alonir South 4th street where the street is tilled with old trucks that should be moved. Mayor Lushinsky. speaking on the matter of tier;. parking stated that the trucks must have some place to park anil fi It that the truck (.win is 1 should co-operate by not parking ' longer than necessary along the busy st reets. Councilman Viu en: thought thete should be soifie action by resolution or ordinance to limit the time of pa rk i:t g on t he si n et s. Councilman Tipp'-ns suggested a sign at the approach of Mo- city, "no truck parking allowed iu the city." Approve Projects Mayor I.nsb inK y report. d that lb" icno'ery WFA project had b-eu ap roved and that a.s soon as the blue urints were made availale-' to tlie committee, tiiat the work on Lincoln avenue would be submitted and s'art td. Couin iinian V, lion to the fact are riding: bhy ittain caiieu alien- that many persons oil tile ill e W'a 1 ks wh.ich is a menace and asked that the city ordinance b" col ice w . re ortb red 'o ji forced and look after vio- . e. e ; f the oun- : 1 n ot his ord:n.. finance e 'inn:' ' c- i t! reeommt tided t h ! 1 In 'e tee-row ci f rom t It. "1- the btlsilie.-S tax f:Mi ropa i 1 from col Iec: i' ippi-.oed by the eouu' i!. Mavor Lushi'.isi - asl- sum of ?"' total ;und and to be This was a a U thoritv to have t v laoie .a.'.N o: .rushed rock for Witt -.".et n bill rnd which was approve! bv lie c:.u 11- oil afier a short (!i...-us-i-:: o" toad ! v,,rk w hi. h has I.... ,, curtailed. Un-! t -iiinci! then rdjovrn",;. Th-- following da im v. .! ei d-red ; pa id : Farney cafe, meals to pri-;- t i'.i. rs S Lin. T 1. Co.. phone rent Kay Kriskey. burying 1 dog !ova-N". br. Light .v Fower Co.. light and gas C E. Mark'mni. hauling and sprea ding r k Iowa-N'ehr. Light .V Fower Co.. street lights Rest or .V Swatch, supplies Flatts. Water Corp.. hydrant rental Krochl"!' Hardware, supplies John Kubieka. cleaning sts. I. L. Ramtl. street work and tractor Ivan Tay lot . str.-et work George Taylor, same George Taylor, street work with team 1 ..".! -f.'.'e . '" " 10.1 2 1 il n t . t 4 i'l.'. ' 4.7" 1 1 .7:; :.. 10 !', Oil 1 .'a:' 4.M' Want ads sell all kinds cf odd household goods. rr- vrmi Mt TUU Q ONLY A WIFE? T(TEN because they are men can xjL nt ver understand a three-ipaarter wife a wife who is all love and kindness for three weeks of the month but a hell-cat the fourth. And make up your mind men never will understand. There are certain things a woman has to put up with and le a pood snort. No matter how your back aches no matter how loudly your nerves scream don't take it out on your husband. For three generation:; one woman has told another how to po "smiling through" with Lydia E. Finkham's Vegetable Compound. It helps Nature tone up the system, thus lessening the discomforts from the functional dis orders which women must endure in the three ordeals of. life: 1. Turning Irom girlhood into womanhood. 2. Pre paring for motherhood. '6. Approach ing "middie age." Don't be a three-quarter wife. Take Lydia E. Tinkham's Vegetable Com pound and go "smiling through." Over a million women have written in re porting benefit. Why not give this world-famous medicine a chance to help YOU? safer from his worst enemy, GERMS helps protect his skin against infection. Give your baby this greater safety. It's so important! Buy a bottle of Mennen Antiseptic Oil at your druggist's today. fc aiiu oil Railway Labor to Resist Plans to Cut Wages Action Proposed bv Directors of As-; George Snyder of tins my: sociation of American Mar- A of friends gathered at the fcets to Meet Rktanre 'L S' Gi'I" ll,,mo (,u ,li:' I'aiutruck KetS to meet Assistance- p., Wednesday of last week to honor 1 Mr. Gapen on the occasion of his WASHINGTON, March II (UDIseth birthday. Those present were Railway labor v ted today to resift'Mr! and Mrs. H. M. Shelve. Mr. and vigorou.'iy wae-e reductions wiiicn (Jeorgx M. H-.irrison, president o! executive:", as-ecia- n W !'.!:; .1 . t-ic ; all nuiroaii ur.i'.ns : ainio'unced cuts as he lie decision to firlit wage' emerged from the execu tive meetine- to at'erni the White ' House meeting c oied i IVcsiticr.t ! Kosevell to coti.-id-' cial ;r 1 ecornc.ilc the critical !:nan pr bicms. rail conference. The o.u-.lei-.t's i;-!K'ihi';'ii for noon w late :n ire' ur.-r y'-t',. r White f,,-, v. w;"- dui. lieu e iii.ide no to - IUV ot Ottlel. ipooin; ment.-. t'on- tiieoiert -is ilH'V en. tcred I : Ro ;se e'.t's cxtcu'. lve office. "There is no j us' ificat ion for a r; liucti ni i'f v.:aee." Harri.-on said, "the ratiroads re-cnt'.y g-.j- increases :n frcig'Sit rate-; which more diati cmu- pensates them for the- wag i"er granted la.-t summer. There h is no change in general conditions would warrant a reduction m vi: va.'i'f been tint IOWA-NEBRASKA NOT FOR SALE LINCOLN'. March K i 11 g. prosiden t 1 f t ! r ll'F) L. R - I'Wi-Nebrak: Light Fewer Co.. Lincoln, released a statement u day d nouncins the tn nounciug me; "persistence'! the public power tlis- trists iu claiming that they intend to niy -i..- nrivate utilities uuestioii." "Thtir persistence." he said, "re- luimi ma oin.'vvh:.! o- l!:e rrt.ltl liov I whistling in The dr.rk to keep up his! con race and the darker it becomes jp... lender h.t ! "S. riousiy, j necessary to W histlee once a; reiterate ain, 1 I'.cl it my statement made on previous oc low -Neiira-:! a cot:! I isiotis that the ny is not for rah to ativoiic. I had honed that we lei.l oe 1 1 . 01: r tm : i ; ' 01 1 1 il'.: r 111 t il is matter, but apparently tne promoters of this either iv so-calied 'mass purchase' use to'read or refuse to bt - lb ve that v-1 t-uuiii ren-iiv wh it we p;t Ve said." CARPENTER TO START CAMPAIGN OMAHA .Matc'i 1.". t TP' Terry ( ' :ii'jn !.t. r r t he :-tc w 1 ::n h:s c.itniiai; pt r-mor: id ar pension 1 I'ii'-n e o.dsy. closes. 1 -Vp 'a. n il he :::.i!!'i;vil !:erei 1 ppi a r 1 the j r wit; 1 !i the campaign le v. 1 : 1 roaucas' 'HI tion WOW. Omaha, from u-ti! : :.",)! in, e. Il :n. iu ( '.irpt rter e:p! esec the plan wiil carrv. Thirty thousand a: lie carry in'-.- on per. until Nnvt'n'livr," lie confidence th; 1 person, wil :al campaigns said. "I iiave ! ec ivc.l tun '. er.c uiraifetiien . for tn pen ie-i p!ar I'd II" o'!" vet ht.s ad- v;,i.-. ;(i a li.-Pi r plan tltun ;: stiles for ay:t.e- the" r LACES CANDY HERE taxi Mr. ; w ho a ! Spring, ircrt :o I M i : ' d . i ' ! Th.;. ! r tu-" o; ! t hat is nut Mrs. ti '. M-whinney. i- 'looking alter the care ! ale l-'a'in. tlie John Larsh re ar t'aion. wire in the city afternoon. havg so'tt'd th- ma unfa c a special brand of candies ; b. in.: loi a I i l v plac-d in th'- .i-i -s in including th" Rates ! r.o, store lore and the candy has a tier jil. (1 hit with those w ho m:ol ! have enjoyed it. j Mr. and M rs.. Me vv 1 i t tu y have b en pit Spri ngda le fa i m f.r some time I since the illness of Mr. Larsh and j a s d.-t ing in h i care. I j VISITS LOCAL EXCHANGE j Fn pi Wed ro -sla v's Iai!v Kenneth. Lawsi.m. directory super visor of th" Lincoln Telephone k leW'graph Co.. was here today from Lin.fdn to look after some business i tor the ci.miv.iiv liu'"-. The local i directory and that for Murray and; Union rue being pienared for print-) ing at the Journal. ' ' Don't Neglect Your Child's Cold Common colds often settle in throat and chest; at th first sniffle rub on Children's Musterole. Children's Muste-role is just good old Musterolt, only in milder form. It penetrates with a warming tingle atd gets such marveluus results be cause it's NOT just a salve, but a "counter irritant" helpful ia drawing oat local congestion. Musterole has been used for 30 yers. Recommended by many doc tors a.r.d nurses. Ail druggists'. three strengths: Regular Strength, Children's vid), and Extra Strong. GROUP HONORS J. S. GAPEN The following taken trom the Hisin. Wyoming. Republican-Rustler, nils of the birthday anniversary of J. S. Gapen. of Hyattville, Wyoming, former Cass county man and a! j brother of Oscar Gapen. Sr.. and Mrs. I Mrs. H. C. Avery. Mr. and Mrs. J.:s. A. Albn. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Mya't. Mrs. C. A. Zaring. Mrs. Stella Mercer, Mrs. Lucy Noll. Mis. Maijoriv Smi h. Jchn V.'eintz and A. V. Coon-.. Fol l.o.vinc a delicious buffet luncheon, the afternoon was spent m; a very hai 1 y minsrline: togeiher. v.iiu sum; and story and rt mi 11 is . eio-es of other (iiiys. Mr. Gaptii was the subject iif many gifts from the guests of the day. Air. Gapen had returned just th day before after a visit of veral weeks back at tiie old home iu east ern Nebraska, and came back grate ful that conditions in 1 ae liig Horn llasin are not like iIkkc unfortunate ly exb-ting along the Mi-souri in Ne braska. M v ,..,! Ml--: Olllili -il.l llw.;.- ti,. i -hildren now Mrs. S. C. Hyatt aud : t . t . ... il., ft : I. . . . i lain, call!" 10 iie- iroin: N'.braska in 1 ;::. Tii".v jmn based the land 'i which they have since made their home. Tiny found it just e since: tlie sort of a plac they wan tet a place where they could and did carry on successfully throughout the years, i knowing a security ami a peace that enabled ihein to travei ; long into tlie sweet autumn of life, among friends j 'lividually to comply on his farm b who have appreciated them and en- ! cause the individual bases have not abied them to know that in-ir liv.-s have not been hiIImis meaning and, reward. A.s the years have gone by. they have seen tin- real pioneers of; the Fa in 1 rock ooun'r. who tliiyt :bad known at the height of their, 1 ... I various activities, pass on. and now 1 ithey are among tlie oM' r ones living I Ion the creek. They have th.e esteem ; i-,wi- t!,..n,,-- 1.,,-. . : ot ail : them for th.e simplicity ef the life Ithey have been pleased to live among 1 the people of that !' Utiful valley. and they w ish them well as they j travel down through the golden tiespite Sam's advam-eil years he j a to'. Clark have continued tn attend jthe annual meeting of the Knights i i nf if i the Mystic Shrine. one of their j nils savs that it there were but ! .I.e..,. in . two ot th. tn j uo,,!( he the Capens. Tio y thorough- My njoy the eonir.oicry and good! ienowMiip ine uiui '.i.'tv. M I- till M C '. I T 1 1 11 have made J ' ' ' ' -. , frequent trips to ( !u v haVt. s(..., , ' -t f . 11 i w h i' t snni4. y ears ago . pother friends fro:: Gapen. wit h i the Faint rock.! : spent a winter in t. ida. Life t o t he jGapetis. with the .icef ulnrss of th.e ! vallev and the iov of travel, has been tilled with many bits friends rejoice that i! incs. Their L'' -has been so ; sab with them, for tiny live among a fireat cii" of fri- mis who love them and wish them w.-ll during tin that lie ahead of then.. years ! OMAHA GRAND JURY MEETS OM AHA. March 1.". il'I'i-A conn- v irni iul jurv 1 cia v tui a invest i- io f governmental affairs of; ,, - I Oouglas count ' lxteen men out o t ! t wen t v-t I':fee ca lied were quicklyi gra nd jurors. Kd- j t su perin t nden t of I station was nanud I i iioseti t.i act in ward T. .Muli-k union nass.r.g r foreman. In his inst ru . ; ions Presiding Ids trict Judge James M. Fitzgerald toldj te. the iurors tlo ir duty was v. form, but viola t ions. no I'. to look for law JUDGES MUSIC CONTEST Mrs. L. S. pevoe. who is one of the talented musicians of the city, was selected as a judge in the liiusi il conn st staged at F.ollevtie. There) were a large number of the students j , pa rt iotpa t in g in the event and much i fine musical tal- nt fulind expression 'iu the stud-nts. PRANCIE CHRISTIAN DIES LONDON. Match 1C tl'Pl Fran cie ( 'I' r i.--.: ia n. S". hist surviving great grandchild of Fietther Christian, leader of the I'.ounty Mutineers, died at Ritcairn Island, according to in formation received here. Whether your printing job is large or small, it will receive our prompt attention. Call No. C. i BEWAKE OF FIKE the stealthy thief who creeps tip behind you. catching yctt unawares-. . . . Take every precaution against five hut carry adequate fire insurance. 1 Searl S. Davis OI KI( l: '- KI.OOIl Plaits. State' Bank Bids- w li A Eight General Farm Meetings Over Country The County ACP Committee Is Hold ing Meetings to Contact All of the Farmers Possible. Eight general farm meetings; throughout the county have been; scheduled by the tor.nty ACT com-; mittee to discuss with farmers lhe I'teS program: j Wednesday. March Kith. 1:20 p. m. ' Nehawka Auditorium. j Wednesilay. Marih lCth. S:00 p. m. court room, riutsmouili. Thursday. March 17th. l::;o p Masonic hall, (ireeiiwood. Thursday. March 17, S:0u p. (2ao school house. Fridav. Mar. h 1Mb.. l:".n p. m. m. :u- I'hilpot hall. Weeping: Water. Friday. March 1Mb, 5:00 p ?d unlock school house. m. Monday. March lst. S:"o Mauley school house. Tuesday. March 2l'nd. S:t'0 p. m.. Heil school. Tile O.IIIII V committee -..lot :i!'li.llt- tura! agent attended the state wide meeting at Crand Island last I ues- day where they heard Claude Wick ard. directoi- of the north central region, discuss the program and ans wer questions regarding it. Although it wil; be impossible to tell each farmer what he can do in- been set as vet the general Pt inciples 1 the program are now in the hands j ;js ,Mli5f tpc iaMv ,,v ,hl. Malhus 1 ' "" ""nittee. ! ,,e( k niano manufacturers. This is -oic. iie,.,... ;l. an n on. . o.t Many prnpu- have an i-ri'oii.Mu niea of h.ow the program works and what the basis of payments are. Ex planation of these points with many others wii! be made at the meetings. Farmers and landlords may attend . 1- , .... .1 ! :lany of these meetings that are con- I v-eiiieiit for them WOULD HOLD SON LONI'ON. Manh IT, il'I'i- The News Chronicle reported today that Kurt S huschiiigg deposed Austrian ..1.., 11 e .. .1 a ... 1 .... i ' '' 11. e n.-.l j-i-vaicu l,. j.., Vienna yesterday but changed his mind at ihe last nionunt when in- formed that ?lthouch he was at lib- ertv to leave, his 11-vear old son winters. andlurlll(I havr "'' I'''""'iil ;l l,Ud- of his father's "discretion. Schuschnigg declined to leave un- those condition. declaring "My nd I prefer to conscience is clear mv at cusers. "" the newspaper HITLER BACK HOME MTWTCH. forma, iv. March IT. t --Adolf Hitler arrived by air plane from Vienna at 7 :." p. m. i"-e. i-oiu-- ,.t.-, uo,.i.,,'.,.,.tu .... it;.'....'. .0 t..- . kfH'I'M I'sCOVt Tilritlf.-; ( 1 Hitler's reception was the most ; triumphant ot the many lie mis been accorded in this city. DENIES REPORT LON'IKtX. Man h 1 i I IT Th.e German embassy today denied a re port from the Spanish embassy which re-'s:l''' iM:lt Sptnih foreign o had definite information that :.(. utiO German storm troops were en route to Spain to aid nationalist forces. PROTECT DEPOSED PRESIDENT VIENNA. March 1 fi Il'I'i Wil- heim Miklas. deposed pres-ident of Austria, is under protection ol nazi rtorm troops with a guard to pro tect him against molestation, it was learned authoritatively today in po lice fjuarters. TO CELEBRATE ARMY DAY LINCOLN. March 1 r. il'I'i Gov trror Cochran today asked Nebras-, kans to observe April fi as army day j in commemoration (if America's en-j trv into the World war. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY j Iotilil l-'rnrr floimlima n.lily Jill ! 'Cassidy of Bar 20 j nml .lli 11 lilt-l nil 'I Dirk I'tirrrll in 'Missing Witnesses' i Scr vv'.at lir ji.ns to tlirrnt ln Cliap- tr "t "Thr l,onr liiintrr." ''omplt, matino1 l;ovv riatunlav at Hti'l 1 two i ompi tr stiows evu v losl'.t. i Adults 25c Children. . .10C; SUNDAY - MONDAY Jouu rnfrl nml ifni'iT Trni'j In ; 'Mannequin' ; Iitama of a ; liop ait f ! T i sn'k it iimt a million- ; ppnie.-s -tli th- ' wni'1-1 .iin.-t ti?m. Joan 'raw-forii's l.o.-t pi.tri:e in fiv years. Also j mly. Iirvr thr ilr. tV M M.V M VTI-NEB A T U::'.l Matinee, 10-25c Nights, 10-SOc TUESDAY ONLY 1I4b Hnrtnm Oar Shun lanOrttf Collit-rt u'l t horl" Unjfr iu Xovai?icU' Trnr.i t'.e fan-.cus a:g:;t's Our Nis'.:t stage p'av. "To Matinre at ."0. LOCAL LADIES ENJOY PLAY I In spite of the inclement weather: Mrs. Robert Haves and Mrs. Fete Carr ventured to attend the matinee i presentation of Helen Hayes in Vic-1 Itoria Regina at the Paramount the-. tier in Omaha sponsored by the dm- aha drama league Tuesday afternoon and evening. They conid scarcely find words to describe their impres sions of the magnificent period set ting, unique acting; of Helen Hayes who must be seen to have any idea ' successful piece of engineering came of her ability and the large num- when the St. Mary's cutoff of the her 'of ex.elloni actors supporting Missouri river north of this city was Miss Hayes and Werner Ratcmau completed and the new channel who himself was most excellent as dredged out under the direction of the queen's husband. ' . S. engineers, became a reality. There are t ight people on t ur, The engineers cut a channel eighty 1 i ahead of the company getting stage land preliminaries-, ready lor each per- i tornianco. besides an executive staff ''and give added protection from flood jof C.ilbert Miller who pr. sents 1 he nd i t ions in that area in the high ! play. Thirty-six characters appiar water season. on th.e stage in the play proper, each. an artist in bis or lit r part. Scenery p. ni..luas especially made and painted by ' American companies but cost nines v.oro made by the Simmons company of London and the dispatch lcex and the London Times was ohtaimd from' the periods of Vhtoria's reign. Even stationery was London made. Eur-, niture and curtains were very mag ! i i fi iit as well as pictures and bric-a-brac furnished by the Lyon com pany of London. A unique piano, very rich in tone and which brings about a most uii"Xp"itid ilitiiax in a scene between ijueen Victoria and her husband as she sits t' play j IO Mt. 0,)lv with Thiil(. Kv(,s-- . f advert isin- but to show th. th. ; ca re nd ort made to make play true to the times and yet it greatly adds i the powtr of Helen Hayes" ability, she begins as a young queen in 1SM7 and carries through until 1M7 her golden jubilee -never at any time losing the little personal characteristics that mark her as a woman and queen through out. As Ihe curtain fell on the (los ing scene of the third yet which was n reproduction of the Cold- n Jubilee with her family about her. the aud ience recalled them as she stepped forward tach time with her leadinc a. tors until finally' she came for- j ward alone. ?.Iiss Jean Hayes surprised he ' mother at the third act by making it I j known that she was present. Mi.- Jean had nlanued to see the play in jT),.g M0ineS on Monday evening but 00,1.0. ,.fi;.. uitt, n K, iio,.l tl I I lllld . "HICI "I' "'Utini v 1. contest made her cancel that date and they gave her permission to at tend the play in Omaha yesterday afternoon. She spi tit a few hours with her family and returned in the evening to her work. CHARGED WITH EMBEZZLEMENT ; OMAHA. Mar-h 10 VP i Harold jO. Gould. 42. for L'u years a trusted j employe of the Fairmont Creamery (company here is under arrest charged I w ith embezzling $12.mi of com jpany funds. Facts in the c ise will ! lie presented to the gland jury J which was called yesterday to iti jvestigaie alleged mismanagement of I countv government. Jano-s l. r.ii--fice ... ' ' 1 is li . county attorney sai-.i. FOUR SISTERS APART 59 YEARS KENT. O. (FRi -Four sistms In .Id i reiiTiion whi.h brought them to- gether for the first time in a'.t years. i Their last tet-together was in lTfi. A brother, who lives in Castle Rock. Wash., was unable to attend. ependable ar nsurance IF you were sued for damages resulting from a car accident . - you would APPRECIATE the value of our depend able Insurance and local agency service. CALL 0E SEE INSURANCE- c Xjjt' Plattsmouth St Mary's Bend Eliminated by Engineering Work . jTiscouri River Is Shortened Three Miles by Cutting; New Chan nel North of City. This morning the climax of a very ' feet w ide and ('.."'Mi feet long to 1 -hoi ten the stream some three miles Captain I. R. Thornton, of the heal engieners rffice. who has been advocate for years of this cut off was among the engineer officeis pres- ent to witness the completion of the work. The work was under the direction (,f Lieutenant Colon 1 William Hoge. in i barge of rivei work in this dis- t riot . and many of the high ranking officers from this seti'-n w re on tlie scene to witness the success of the endeavor. SAYS GERMANS TO SPAIN LONDON'. March 1 .". I IT) Thirty thousand storm troops are en route to s'pain to try to deal a tb ath blow t the loyalist government, the Spanish embassy In re t barged tonight. Filevvhinney's Candies MADE AT SFRINCiDALE FARM ARE NOW SOLD AT Bates Book Store WE ARE THE Authorized Plymouth (and DeSoto) Dealers in Plattsmouth Make Your Next Car a 'PLYMOUTH' TIM". H Til vi sta I I' IIIIST Some Good Buys in Used Cars R. V. Bryant Motor Co. Guy Long, Salesman LAND, FARM and RANCH BARGAINS FOR Mike SALE Lutz. -Wat ba seed potatoes ml 7-2 tw LOST 0E STRAYED Flack Angus yearling hriftr. Find er please notify William F. Halmes, phone r,Mi.1. ml4-2sw WANTED Flowing, gardens, luge or small acreages. Roy C. Cole - Son. phone r.!i'J-V. Flattsmouth. in 1 a-L'ld-1 1 w WANTED - -Used Fat mail. Reg. " j Tractor:-. 2:-:m models. Huy cr trnil". I'hitismotith phone ltiT-t fw FOR SALE Sorrt l liofso. so vi ti years old. ::outi(L woitht 1 '!!. Hf-iian Cak'' unior. I-otiisvill-. nil4-'v F0R SALE OR RENT '1 aire trai t of lo w land. I '.u".l top mih-s south of riattsmoti' h. I n -(jtiiro of J. H. Grave::, I'lattsmouth. Ni In-. ru 1 4 - t v. HAMPSHIRE VAIKH SOW SAL?: TT, lieiul. to farrow from sale day on into May. Also few hoii e fall hoars. Saturday, Match 1!. 1 o'loik, iu Xi hawka. Hai ry M. Knahe. Owner. i liawka. Nohr. nil"-,"sw L-PKCIAL SALE First Orado Timothy Se'd. iutrtty. ; ormiuatioii. 2. Iowa crown, ln.'.l crop. SS.OO per iutshel. Nehr. City. When this lot is sold, no more at this price. Frank A. Lartliiip, Nebraska City. Nebraska. mll'-Csw REAL ESTATE i Farms, ranches. Lincoln property ! Dairy, exchanges anywhere, line acre apo at Arlington. John St howaltc. I Lincoln. Nchr., Kichardo Block, j . lt'.v j FOR SALE Bartlin'3 Pasture Mu lture contains the following giasr:: redtop. timothy, rye grass, blue and orchard, and. the following cloven: red. sweet, alsike. alialta. lesnedej-a and white Dutch. 3G.30 per bu. of 45 lb". Dviiiuesr CEtahlichrcI ti" years. Edward Bartliug Se. d Co.. Nbrasi- Citr. Xebr. nl0-3tw