The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 14, 1938, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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MONDAY, MAUCH 14, 1938.
1 ransachons
of County Board
in February
Edith D. Solomon, service to
Neb. State Employm't Serv
ice. January 40.00
Robert D. Fitch. Jr., office
work and surveys 1S4.70
Grover Cundel. roflman and
i Warren F. Taylor, assisting
n t"-,j Tr,,n Votit ' Weyrich & Iladraba, medic-
Ecciganization Effected as Two fcew,
" -""".- -
Members Take Up Duties
Farlev is Chairman.
F. G. Fricke & Co., mdse. to
court house, jail, poor and
county farm
During February the Hoard was : II. M. Soeiinichsen. mdse. to
Rauer Heating & Plumbing
Co., labor and matl., sewing
room ."0. 85
D. W. Karnopp, medicine to
poor. January 21.15
Beslor & Swatek Co.. mdse.
to commodity clerk, sewing
center, jail and Garnett 0.SS
Arminda J. Graves. February
installment on timber land 100.00
John Iverson, blacksmith vk.
and coal, wood project C.35
Fred Lugseh. cleaning sur
veying instrument cases 3.75
E. A. "Wurl. two brooms to
court house
i . i ......:.,... ,i.. ,,, ...r, ! sev. inir center, jail, count v
. . . , , ..! farm and Edwards 253.97 I Knot -t -s :.c to .? 1 Stoi -e. mdse.
row members being fippointeu to till tI - I to oommoditv building and
ha inn:
1) TI. Reichstadt. renairinir
,ici! in ics. (bo. I,. Farley was named i shoes
chairman. U. ('. l'.ackemeyer. vice ; C;rss Co. Treasury, stamps
and Elmer llallstrom be- expense. January l ....
I ice to poor.' January
A en tract was made for leasing, () i.js,,.,,. M. i,.. same
the first floor of tlie building located j ("lias. E. Tunnoll. congoleum
( U the west half of Lot 5. Rbtel: 33. j to rowing project
i y the county, for one year ending Stewart Cafe, meals to poor.
.';:nu;,rv 1. 1!3;. at $12.5 a niont h. j ' ra v','-rs - -
- Sh ranger Pharmacy, lor mcd-
"i his building is owned by John
05 I county farm
i Rr. E. S. Pucelik. ined. service
of IV,
for Stove Creek precinct to
lt'liio to poor
Ely:.!! of On,aha. I P. A. .lacobson, board and
Walter Plvbon was named Justice) care -1 Renson
Creth Garnett. salary, mile
age. January
Rates Rook Utore. supplies to
r. air.ed as Road Overseer, district No. i court house
'. South Rend precinct, to succeed 1 West in Enioil Teleg. Co..
message to siierin
American Check Writer Co..
bal. on I'avniast-r
s ui as member of Soldiers and Sail-; jii-s. (;,;s Rrakhage. care of
u s K' li f Commission 1'tif t liree-year : Fred Rrown
January 15. 11U1. was "- 1;!ls- sainr. mileage
I and stationery. January
Lost n-Novak Auto Co.. room
Martin Wilson, resigned.
flfi'ieial b"iid of Raymond J. Lar-
t cm ( ne 111
; pnroved.
v O
ni;s of Commission-
rent. Sanitation project
i :-s Fred 11 (birder and E. R. Chap-:n. W. Edwards, mileage,
was terminated effective .Tanu-i livering com mod i t ies
no. 00
0 2.2 0
1 2.5o
0 7.2 S
! est cot 1V1 I v.
X. I. Tabott. M. D.. medical
service to poor. January.. 21.0,i
! Plattsniouth Water Corp. for
oilier ot (oiinty Judge renewing Pr,-Vj,(, to court house
Mother's Pension of Crctchen Sim- ; Glen Vallery. harness to the
mons aoprvo.l. j county farm
i, , ,. C. E. Wcseott's Sons. mdse.
Reuuest o! ( itv ot Plattsiuouth !or ,
i t" count v tarm
tuneellation of and 10 3 7 on mx j..ul2y j,,.,,- (v.. medicine to
pieces of laud pun based at tax fore- pour. January
closure sale by the City but (! laved , Mo Fa Ha lid's Studio, pictures
.Inn o court -n-T.e'it wns l'" Miuuno io. Mniii
t( poor. January
Dr. W. V. Ryan, dental serv
ice to poor. January
43.00 i Murray Hardware, tools, sup
plies to WPA projects
4.20 i Philip Uiiz. mdse. to county
C. E. Led -t way. Clerk of Hist.
Court, fees, insane hearing
of K. D. Chirk
Dr. R. P. West over, same
Walter H. Smith, same
II. Sylvester. Sheriff. same
I)r. R. R. Anderson. saine
C. E. Ledgway. Clerk of Dist.
i Court, balance lee bill. Cass
County vs. Sampson,
5 4 - i Kroeliler Hardware, supplies
to wood project
Standard Oil Co.. gas. oil and
Avis Sylvester, work in Sher
iffs office. January
Phi t tsmou t li Journal, print g
and supplies
C. G. Courtrigbt Co.. supplies
to County Court
KIopp Printing Co.. supplies
to County Treasurer
Green's Ring Store, medicine
to poor. January
Tutt A.- I'.rul'aohor. paper
cups to WPA project
Mis. C. M. Calkins, care of
Shropshire children. Febr
service and installation on
WPA project 4.35
G. A. Pope Oil Co.. 30 gallons
oil 19.30
W. W. Wasley, log chain 1.50
Kroehler Hardware, supplies
to WPA project 13.S2
Murray Garage, gas 7.10
Rauer Auto & Supply Co., for
labor and material IS. 50
Ofe Oil Co.. gas. oil and sup
plies SO. SI
Second District
Miller - Hasselbalch Co., for
repairs $ PJ.44
Lincoln Road Equip. Co.. for
Win. Slieelian. Jr.. road worl;
Joe Slieelu:n. sal'y. January.
August Krecklow. mdse
John Gruber, engine man on
1IC. No. 2
v; 1 5 j Keekler Oil Co.. gas
j Louie Allgayor, Jr.. road w k.
1 rr! and expense
Wildlife Week Calls
For United Effort
Waste of Nature's Outdoor. Wealth
Can Only Be Stopped
by Cooperation
lie 00
3.50 1 topsoil. This topsoil together with water and sunlight are necessary t
but thousand:-, and thousands of ap
peals. Back Up Demands.
I said appeals, but wlmi thousar.,.;
n citizens speak thev do not have
; to say "Please" in quite the tone of
voice that a few of us have to use
when we ask for oar rights.
They say, "Hold on there. Mr. Man-
in-Or!icc. Your first du'y is not lo
j a few men who want to make money.
j Your dutv i. to all of U: to Americi.
j Pietec: (il'i: interests, or when oh c-
! tit'i) time comes around, there will be
! bad news for on."
When we speak of the earth from which conies every mouthful of That is what the General Wildlife
food that we eat. we speak of a really thin layer of fertile soil the ; Federation c.-.n !'.
That is whv it r.eods our active
2 2.2S
the green plants that make animal life possible. 'support.
"When the topsoil goes, man goes," said Theodore Reosivclt. the ' National Wildlife Restoration Wee'-:,
hrst president to warn this country that its wealth of wildlife could not M::;ch L"1 to is to r. Uy EYKEY-
bo stunt forever, without thought of the future. RO!Y in America to Wildlife Fcd-
! Clyde W. Fleshman. road wk. lo.Col There probable isn't anyone with;
's o'(, j Third Distri. t
1,0 j Lincoln Road Equip. Co.. ro-
1 j o ! jiairs and supplies
a heai mind who isn't sickened j away i:i dust .--terms. Poor farmer: ) There will !: various ways of rap
by the destruetii n of wildlife. Yet that mortiraged their lards to help pav ' in- m,'r!y for restoration activitie
Keekler Oil Co.. gas
1 1.00
5o. (Ml
tr:ins'-r due to court anneal, was
, ,. , ,. . . 1 .Miles .- 1 salary January.
approve,! anu 1 nun.y e, k uMcaeu (. ndni,ur (, nulse ,
p. cancel said taxes as provided by I S(,wjnc center 110.07
.tatute. ' Green's Drug Store, mdse. to
Claim bill of the Sattl.-r Funeral' I'"'"'- January
Home for 7.5o for ambulanee ser-1
taking L
Cot net to Omaha !
Swanson Petroleum Co.. for
gas to county farm
Mrs. H. J. Amgwort. fees as
was rejected. ; local registrar
Ra lan. e of time was spent in 00:1-j W. G. Roedeker. same
i i.b-ation and approval of claim bills. . -Minnie Rivndel. same
R. I. Clements, same
;;s l..!bws: r T) ;iur. m. I)., same..
MOTHERS' PEXSIOX FEND j K r Ehrenliard. same
Edna A. Jone. Mother's ' L. C. Marvin, same
Pension. February ? 7. 5" Geo H Olive, same
Mrs. Cleo Capper, same 3 : J M. I'ab'ier. same
.Maggie Herrington. same
':: 1 b ri ne Ea 1 k . sa me
Mrs. Anna IMtman. same
Mrs. Lucille Games, same
Grttcb.'ii Simmons, same
Maggie Hob- imb. same
Mrs. May Hunter, same
Mrs. Mary MeFarland. same.
Marl-- Ri. hards, same
Lea. 1 ha I! Re' ' -'S. s me
Miaui" Fledge, sanu'
is. tot llstella L. Rut hetford. same.! Mrs. Clo O. Sha fTer. same; A. R. StaiuyT. same
1 5.011 j E. H. Stewart. M. I)., same.
20 011 , L. R. Fptor,. same
2 5.oo Darling Transfer, trio king
"o.ihi ' offiee euuipm't to Laase
T.r.o Roy H. Whithao... M. D.. for
15. on prof servho. Frar.k Hialib1.
15. on Panama Carbon Co.. supplies
35.00 to Clerk of I i st . Court
Li Ui. -in Tel. .' Tt bg. Co.. for
. 1 ice to i en it house and
county farm
Dr. G. 1! Gi'.no'e. medical
service to C. Tli yvt r-.i ;
Eee-Lox Mfg. Co.. for carbon
pap"- to C... Treasurer
Henry W. Wallers. M. D . for
professional services
E. P. Chapman, salary and
E. R. Chapman, toll calls
PeWey C. Reed, salary for
Ja una ry .
Lillian G. While, aalary and
expense. January
Georgia White, salary. Jan'y
John JCopp. same
C. E. J.e(lgwa". same
Helen W. Warner, same
J. A. Vapwell. salary, mile-
2.0 0
. 5 o
.2 5
2. on
a. .
. 1 ;
50. till
; Dotty Ann McCarty. clerical
i work for Co. Treas., Jan'y.
I Rryan Mem. Hospital, hos
! p;tal exp.. Frank Hia'd"--:
!i3.ti." Dr. L. S. Pucelik. eye e.xami-
na t ion. K. Tiana n
o.nit .( lost r Taylor, four bus fares
i to Mondamin. Iowa
S.2s Christian Orpha.ns Home,
cure of Landgreii children,
."it. ."ill j November and December--!
Klopii Printing Co.. one No.
4ri.on ' 3 claim register to Co. Clk.
l.r.o ; State Jourtial Printing Co.
J supplies 10 County Clerk
r, j and Renister of Deeds 12 1.11
Weeping Wa'er Republican.
125.21- jirinting board proceedings
S3. 3 1 ; a nd not it s
0O.00, Mrs. John L ddy. care and
1 1'.fi. f7 1 tlotbing. Frank Fidelino
S3. 33 j Immanut 1 Hospital, hosp.
i pense John Ladine 113.75
age and -oampo 1 13.43 ; Cbilt Strviie. oil atid snp-
Mary Jane Ma-k. salary f .r j plies, wood project 3S.2S
Jatiuary 32.7.0; A. H. Duxluiry. salary and
too. R Sayios. salary and j expense. January JS3.7"
expetise. Ja'iuary 17 1.3V Minnie 1MK1. salary, Jau'y iio.oo
P.laiM he Hall, salary. Jan'y. 104.17 j A. U. 1 u x bu ry. Co. Judge.
Albei t Ofsoti. same f.o.eO , fees in County Court 111.25
John E. Tun. or. : :ine 1 7 ! H. SvJvester. Sheriff, 1 .i;s
Ruth J'alton. sane' 1 u 4. 1 7 i Dora ee C. Main's. saiTie
Henry T. Wosttr. same i 5. S3 Kroehler Hardware, mdse. to
Plat tsmout h Steam Laundry, j county farm
h!y. work to court house.. .G5 ' Plattsniouth Rakery. bread to
Cass Co. Farm Eureau. sal'y county farm
and expense. January 223.75 ;E. J. Rit lo v. lumtier to sew-
lowa-Nelv Light V- Power Co. j ing ct liter and t ommotlit y
se-rviee to court house, jail 1 clerk
and county uarm 137.G2.E. J. Riehey. ' coal t-.t court
I - A I nliricMrt Co 1
motor oil
171 3G i Rouis Schmidt, road wrk and
j snow fence work
- 711 I Louis Si bmitlt. for tlracging
j roads
3i; f.siD'1" Parish, road work and
! expense. January
5 0o!F.t'!t H. Lytle. same
! Fred Rueter. salary ami stor-
jo( ;;(, ! age. January
i Standard Oil Co.. gas. o I anil
3.7,0 ' supplies
j Dens-Oil Lubricant Co.. for
7 7;-; grease
j M. Colien Ct.. tank acety
lene gas
George Small, for salarv and
j s-( storage. January
IS. 11
! the ciestruvtion has continued untii
3.1iS ; manv kinds of animals are gone foi-
eer. and many parts of the country'
H: ring"
Wildlife Wee::, and all th
4 5 . 1'.u
are unfit for life of any l:ind.
Cause of Tragedy
The reason for this terrible v.a.-.;e
.r M
01 l'e is not tnat wicvC-l ncim a ia-se'n 1
0 ' 1
I nandc.i tog'vt.icr to ruin tne co'.mtrv. 1 in ruui
for drainage have hail to niove av.a
from the man-made tie. ait. i rr.m-y that comes in from local aetiv-
The crimes agiinst oar rive:s have! 'ties will be kept in the states where
j changed clear streams, tilled with life.'''- ruUv.l
iinto open sewers, a danger to health. ' eloaev for the suppor; of the Nat-
! Wihilife Fetlevation is being
1 raised bv tb.e sale t.f 1 oler stamps
lowed oar si rin-i (i,'avn ' li -N- M'mgj iuuiing,
i '1'.otls that :-.vee; t" tlestru -t i"U
;.! I property and ua'thl wealth
:1 iiave
Ciiioii! The reason is the i pin-- tu' forests and ravaging tT crass- j f "' : carf":i'st. former chiet :
SI.ihi j the cau-e of s.o muo'.i tratlgedy in ihis iamb. j lfc of Riologi -.d Survey and
Uv, ,,!,! ! A ,i.....i 1, ,.. 1 ;., p-". ideiit of tin National Wil.ili'V
Ameri- 1 was so rich in wildlife thatjous wa-.s to halt these en. ,es. State! Federation. There are eight bir.l por
our pioneers simj-ly c.e.ddn't imagine ' tonscrvat ;on depart men. s. in recent traits and tight mammals, togeth-r
I tl:e time v.! en there cicid be any lack ;. ears, have done wmderfu! wers. re.!- iV'lh " n,i,;;i' "rv "l prr.e-winniT-g
13.50 of fish and game and forests and I era! agencies have also : er oa.pii.thcd ! P'or -Where to Now?" drawn by
2. So
I marshlaml. R is hard for u t.
! wiu.t t
reaii'e: splendid results.
! Raloh C. Parker. Jr.. H2 years old.
io Wilde
32. 1G
1 'LOO
4. a 5
is. 51
lov.a-Ni b. Light A- Power C".
ligbis and gas to commod
ity building .
Iowa Neb. Light .V Power Co.
service t bldg. and
b.ea'td to (oiamotlity l!dg .
Dr. A. C. PeO'i'S"1!. deii-al
ca's- poor. Jan :ary
Tnrl: Somervill" ('.. addit
ional p-en.iui'i W-irkmeii's
Coin;), and Liability insar
ance Fioiiie Gli.T.bitz. care of .To"
it ines. .Ta inary
j house 312.00
I E. J. Rit hey. coal to county
1 0.4 7, i la nil
P.ob Ri'.mn.t 11. gas to L. Ilcr-
j rington
r.. ol '.leas F. Warga. noise. i) tb.e
; county farm and court bens"
5. 11 U ; Fot Shoe Co.. shoes to the
j county farm
j J-ss F. Warga. supplies to
i wood prnjfc
1 17.31 John I'lynn. Febr. room rent
i -for -ommodity building
20.00 Mullen's Market, previsions
Louie F. I it n n ings. rd. work.
RD No. 2
Lincoln Road Equip. Co.. re
pairs and supplies. RD S
Plattsniouth City, road and
gas tax monev. RI 17
Carl Oonipton. road work in
RD No. 14
C. Ward. gas. RD 1G
Iowa-Neb. Light Power Co.
service in Pnion patrol. RD
No. 11
Eimwcod Motor Co.. trac'or
storage. RD 15 '.
A A. Schoem:: 11 . road work.
RD No. 3
Win. Kittl. road work. RD
No. G
Martin Wilson, road work in
RD No. 4
S. D Rockwell, road work in
RD No. S
Anton Aiierswaltl. blacksmith
work. RD No. S
Don Parish, road work and
expense. RD 15
Walberg Service Station, gas
and supplies. RD 1 tt
Nebr. Rridge Sup. & Lumber
Co.. sr.ow fence. RD 15
Nebr. Rridge Sup. & Lumber
Co . snow fence. RD 14
Aneloir Oil Co.. oil anil grease
to RD !
Fret! Koehler. road work in
RD No. !i Stoehr. road work,
RD No. 1
S. S. Petersen, blacksmith
work. RD No 7
Mi rray Hardware, tools and
supplies. RD No. lo
Louisville Village, state gas
tax money. RD IS
Louisville Village, proportion
ate road money. RD is
T. A. Wiles, wood to WPA
quarry. RD 1 1
Rasper c. Warren, for black
smith work and repairs. RD
No. 2
Roy Comstoek. mad work and RD No 5
A. O. A.ult. hardware and
kerosene. RD 2 :
Farmers Fnion Co-Op. Oil As
sociation, ras. RD 15
Jaeohsen Welding- Co.. for re
pairs a ltd labor. RD 1 5
I'enn. Consumers Oil Co.. for
gis and supplies. k) 1G
Standard Oil Co.. same. RD
No. 13
Dens till Luliricant Co.. for
grease. RD 7
Frank Hoffman, gas. oil anil
supplies. RD 15
Andy's Garage, labor anil re
pairs. RD 5
4 t.tto
First District
Dewey C. Reed, salarv for
was like, in its; Meanwhile tip and d..v.n the coun.rv : Many organizations will be selling
(;0 I of living cieatures. There ! almost ivory orgaeizat urn, from t be ' stamps for Wildlife Week, a penny
j are old men who still remember when1 Rov Scouts to the Federated Women's j stamp, sheets of one hundered f. r
! herds of buffalo et-teiaieil for miles ! Clubs ; from the Cam;. Fire (ii:!.- to:: dollar. The monev from the stamps
I in j.Jl do-eoiie-is on tbo was! em nlains 'tbe A m.-vb-fn li-mn Ins come i.-H ! Will he di iiled between the orgallb.U-
Ja unary :
wanson Petroleum C gas
to Patrol No. 1
-,S:Ray Campbell, salary. HG
No. 1. January
1S5 00 t Rauer Auto v Supply Co.,
labor and material
;,, ,, i Gamble Store, tools
15.uo !
countless thousand:: of magnificent ' strong' for wibliife
4 o.oo
3. OS
animals that wi re compU talv wined j The National Wihilife I
o-;'. ors.t ion.
etiei-at ion
jti ins seiluig them and the Fetlerat
Stamp sales give everyone in the I'u-
j Second District
2 o-iW. (). Martin, engim-man on
j HG No. 5
.", 7, o s '"' Dietrich Machine Works,
j mat liine work
is. 7,0 i
out as the white man moved across ; waa formed to let all organizational iR-d States an opportunity to u m.i
the continent. ; unite in tliei r work for wildlife. ! part, either by buying or selling
Wild pigeons flow north and south! T . , j status,
across the United States each spring! . LlllOll Cf JrOl'CCS j j Ilat.f,muti1 t.s, stamps are
i r n i i o , : farmers, sportsmen, ln-vs g,ils , t .1. v-,v,r- Hartlwire
and fail m such numbers that tnev: 1 . . I'ttg soul a. tne .a Jiaiuwan,
11 i f i i - i - i i everybody in the L nited States v.-no t. . .... t. c . t i Titltl Ca- s
tlarkenetl tne siaes. ( arbtads oi birds , Ja .-.oi .V .--waiei ui l. i ioo. v a. .s
., . , 'beltings to arv sort of club or grouo , : ,.n,..,i ,,r WibJlife I'et'e'--
v. ere caugnt on the nestmcr grountls i - . , ( "unt '.n.aiima.n oi wiuiint. itt.i.
i u- i . i i - f . interested in the outd'tors are in- .,- n-, .-... -onritv Snort men's
ami ihipped to .he market. A few i utitin. 1 ne v ass v ounix no - hh.i .
,;i,-tufTod passenger pig-eons in maseums j !"'u l" " "a,,us "u,: Ulli' Club will also sell the tann.r. and He
tare all that we have left. A few baf-!tht' I' ederat ion. 1 Piattsmoaiii (iarden Club will be as.k-
I'lie Federation's job is to keep all ! ed to participate.
The cheapest food for man is fish t i's intormeu as m v. rau is going ,
11.4a I f:lb in zoos and park
Third District
! Lineoln Tel. & Ti b. g. cn. for
3 G 4 0 service W. V. quarry :
i Checker Oil Co . tii- s.-l tut l.
0 j : David R. Ebersole. salary as
! cruslier ttjierator
-! n. . c iiristenseu. engine-
man. HG No. 1
Ringer Lumber Coal Co..
steel posts and supplies
T. A. Wilson. 1 !7.o cu. yds.
of rock
Penu. Consumers Oil Co.. for
gas and supplies
i August Osseiikt.p. for ha tiling
12.!Mt7, en. vds. rot k
' Dens Oil Luliricant Co.. for
! grease
4 l.oo I .
(-.0.00 !
41.25 ;
2 0. So
! and one of the very b -st. Half a ceo j n throtiglmut the countiy that anc:-i;
turv ago the .-upnlv of f'.sh along our ' " iltllife. To show what the Federa-
G. 15 coasts and in the Great seemed 'tion can tlo. let me tell ou of a typ- rri,!av's Daily-
absolute'v unlimiietl. 1 P-'l'!em. There is a great wild- ij.-eker was aide last eve-
Tt .lay. a great tna.ny of our most j err.ess park, a region for the camper ; Uf ,() ,.onf.,lt ,,(,nit. fn,m ,i.
valuable commercial fish arc almost ; the nature lover, the camera enthu-1 .. ., hon,itai jlis arm being
n.ioigone. The Great Lakes are neariy j siast. the canoe cruiser to enjoy out i pl.!(.(, jn ., aU(1 ho is m,w rt-
empty of v. hiiefish. The salmon of tl;c , and mine an.i tor an m- ,.,.,..,,,- at the family home here.
2 0.41
Pacific Coast arc ;n grave danger.
! tricars of the future
It is possible that h" may later have
Civilised man has committed many; Rut there is- a fortune to be matic,),, iiave tlie arm op'iatttl on. but
crimes against the earth and the wat-; f rom kimbe;-, if only st ream? can bt;at present he will Je at the home
21.fi7 ers that feed him. Let us look at some ; dammed in this wilderness, if only i here.
: of these crimes. ' forests can be slashed down
f , t
'" Drainage Crimes j So plans are made, to use the park
45 Got Lakes and marshlands support for a few instead of saving it fm
j many kinds of life that is valuable i everybody
j COUNTY HIGHWAY FEND to man. including fur-bearing animals. ! People in the state whs-re the park j
'Herman obi'.art ti. salary f- ,,.:oi r,,... nr,.i .. v.wt of in-; te,i o,ett.- nv.,i Thev write
antJ storage. .January j
Frank Read, salary, Jan
.John R. Chrisw isser. same.
Aut hor Oil Corp., oil. grease
teresting species that add greatly tt I letters, they call on eongr:
the attraction of the out-of-doors.
LINCOLN. March 12 (UP John
M. Thompson. 73. state capitol n-
! porter lor the Lincoln Journal since
psmcn. MS'.il is seriouslv ill at a hospital
: . .. i 1, . ..1 .. I
Neti. Power
i Patrol No. 3
o.. service to
1 1 : 'i
! Rarttui-Warner Co., sup. to
: 3 5. tut
1 5. on
; W. W. quarry
j C. F. Roichart. storage of
I maintainor. January
jSanford Human, salary and
.-. e- Anderson Auto Co., for l!i2ft
j Ford truck
CG "5 i ()- Foiifllierg. gas
j Iowa-Neb. Light i: IVwcr Co.
yil service Nehawi.a patrol
! Sheldon's Store, storage of
Oscar E. Rowier. salary lor
Enion Village, water service
to Enion patrol
Miller Sand Ai- Gravel Co..
(i(,,,Oi tne i 1 1 i Lion in in. en . , -v.. i i,lo, ,:s is iiv..,s uie . o-.. . i;:oii keie
2!. 1 5 I Drainage schemes in many parts of! see the opportunity to snake a lot ofi
i the country have changed lakes and j money don't quit without a struggle.'
I i :,. i. .,!..; C,rn.. I t u ....... i . ..i .
maisacs oeo Mui-!.:;reu i.:-- i ney m. ,io icas.i.i jie,.f,i'- wo. ,
times fire has started in the drv bogs j want to fish and camp and tale pie- j
and burned for months until all the. tu res should stand in their way. To !
5-11,1 fertile soil was gone. Sometimes the j them, the wilderness 's simply raw;
dried lakes and marshes have blown material to La turned into cash. !
So the fight goc
I'. ft 1
3 5. GO i
5S.75 i
ti ',fi
3 3. Go ;
4 2.4 S
la land L. Laase. mileage tor
transferring CCC boys and
for ri 'iof ,ffie
o'acvoe Laase, work in re-
; to county farm
i L. N. Kuukol. M. D.. medical
f-.lo! servile to poor. January
i il. Sylvester, salary, riiile-
!-'ef offi'-e and Appl. Ruieau 2G.tio age. .tailor i-es and hoard-
Gto L. Farley, salary and j ing prisoners
nni age. January .5.25 Jewell Ti a Co.. coffee to the
Aloha C. IVi e son. salary. I county farm
54 . Golding K- Sti'oal. mercnan
' dibe iti jail
Louis Schmidt, road wk. and
win k $ 15.1.
Paxton A.- Vierling Iron Wks..
channel iron
1.13 i Joe Mrasek. tru' k'g ei.n. rete
n:ier tti OmaJia
C. E. truck hire
on dock road
Crane. Curyoa Murtry, for
limber and hard war"
a. 70 , Cecfj Sleel Products Co., for
expansion joint tnat'l.
12. 5(1 Greenslit Lumber Co., lumber
! E J. Rit hey,
G1.10;i: .1. Riehey, erinent
jTid!:ai! Ia:m?"r Co.. bridge
G4.00: material and coke
Cloidt Lumber Co . lumber.
T. V.. Enghs Lumber Co.. for
343. S3 1 lumber, sup. and freight loS.SG
I St aide Ar Cliatun Lumber Co..
0.40: lumber and supplies
Farmers Co-Op. Oil Co., gas.
1 5 4 i ' ' 11 ,u' su ppl it s
j Lincoln Roatl Equip. Co.. re-
3 5S J J,:l'rs JU,d supplies
I Ofe Oil Co.. gas. supplies
' , . -,:, r
7 10 i 'COM. I OI1SII 1 1 1 1 I .-. 1U lOI
gas antl rupphes
Sinclair Refining Co.. diesel
Ray Rouse, salary, storage
antl expense
Trunkenbolz Oil Co.. gas and
E. J. Knecht. gas
Peters Oil Co., gas and oiL
Vance H. Harris, oil. grease
Standard Oil Co.. gas. oil and
Cass County Motor Co.. 1020
Chevrolet truck
65.00 j
5.00 I
2.2 5
5 5.SS
2. GO
4!). SO !
4G.4S j
4 2.2S !
r 1 o o !
1 .
i t pair cash regist or
Louisville Courier, for report
books and tickets
John II. Riisohc. salary toll
man. January
G f 'I
Cloidt Lumber Co.
eoal to
Rut think what happens whin tin :
00 (tn j National Wihilife Federation takes a!
hand. The Federation speaks for mil-;
7( " 1 it-jis. It can bring to the desk of a
j eongreesinan rot nierelv a fe-v do -;
COO, '
'' ! jierate letters and telegrams, "pleas-t ;
10.21 1 don't let our v. iblerncss be dest royid," j
Authorized Plymouth
(and DeSoto) Dealers
in Plattsmouth
Make Your Next Car a
'I in: - tc tiht
SUM). I l HI-T
Some Gocd Euys in Used Cars
R. y. Bryant Motor Co.
Guy Long, Salesman
Platters On Track Team
12. 2t
j :
. G r.
raii'-agc- an-i t xo . .January,
atari'- F.atitnian-i. aalaiy and
uub-ag-e. .laaaarv GO. So : Fred H. (birder, salary
1 eru.a Scnmidtmann. read'g I Fred 1 1, ('.order, telephone
sth grade exam, papers 2.02 fails and stamps
Lth.l Stiver, same 2.04 Ii. R. Anderson. M. D.. med-
Murie Katirmann. same 2.02! ical .service to poor. Jan
Tit el ma Olson, same 1.7S.G. (',. Douglas. M. D.. same.-
Wubv l.estt r. same 1 1 4 '. Cass L. fylvestr. salary and
Harry Niels n. salary. Jan'y 100.00' mileage. January 172. IS Frank Read, salary. Jan'y
II C. I-'ackenieyer. salary and j Anton Kani Horpital. hosp. Louie F. Hennings. bridge
rg'.iease. Jairnry '. ICS So ' service. Mrs H. Reed Sc. 00 Miller Sand : Gravei Co . ior
K C. Bat kevgeyer, tel. calls. j Mrs. Mae Hunter, care Asa road gravel and haul's rock
stationery and stamps 61.21 ' Fellows, January 31.00 Lincoln Tel. & Teleg. Co., for
10.00 First District
i Miller - IlacFclhaleh Co.. for
2. SO, repairs $ 05.70
Crant Hackenhrrg, garage
GG.25 ; rent for patrol
3S.25 ' Floyd Fulton, salary, help
! and
6 3.00
Leland L Laase. mileage for
Assistance Director ? :
Faul Vandervoort, II. salary
and mileage. January
Lillian Sedlak. clerical work
for Assist. Director. .Jan
Rita Liltershal. same
Creth Carnett. mileage. Jan.
Mrs. Fdlon Suiidstrom, salary
and mi!age. January
Sullivan Transfer Co.. truck
ing office furniture. N'ERA. 2.3S
Plattsniouth Journal, print's
to Assistance Director 12.25
2. SO
' - - -- -
f M
1 i , s
i Z
s f , 1 4
.. - r-
louisville state aid
erid(;e fund
Lincoln Tel. & Teleg. Co., for
service to bridge i 4. 5 4
Nebraska Power Co.. same S.06
R. A. McCormick, Sales Agt,
Three P. II. S. athletes are rand HOG and was runnerup last :
expected to play a prominent part injuring. Missouri sports writers dope;
, ithe Owl team to win the title again
the coming Hack season at Taikio.
I in May.
College. They are: Cant. Geo. Adam. Capt Afam ... a li;i,f n)ikl. aud
Stuart Porter and Don Corner.: on tfce Yeay team. Porter is the
Wayne Falk. freshman io aiso a mem- j conterenee shot put champion and
her ot" the squad. ;Cotner holds the conference broad
These three veterans are among i jump t hampionship.
eight letter-winners and thirty can-j Taikio will compete in the Ilast
didatcc who are reporting for the , ings Relays, the Kansas Relays and
(0vi ciuder squad. Tarkio won the. will meet Peru Teathevs and Ne-
j conference championship in I934braska Wesleyan in dual meets. j
IF you were sued for
damages resulting from
a car accident . . you
the value of our depend
able Insurance and local
cgency service.
Phone- 16