The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 14, 1938, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    MONDAY, MARCH 14, 1938.
Warren Richards of Wabash was
a business visitor in Murdoch last
Ed (Jaiuiway was a visitor in Lin
coln over Sunday, being a guest of
bis daughter who resides there.
Mrs. Win. Itrandt and daughter,
Mrs. Clifford Meisinger, of near Ne
hawka, visited friends here during
the past week.
I. G. Ilornbeck has not been feel
ing very well the past few weeks,
but has lain able, to keep up his
work as agent for the Rock Island.
Eddie Craig and wife and Miss
Orlaud Parriott were in Lincoln on
business Monday, securing some sup
plies for the barber shop and beauty
Minton V. Wood of Elmwood was
a visitor in Murdock last Tuesday
and was looking after some business
matters with County Commissioner
Henry C. Backemeyer.
Vernon Rikli and mother, Mrs.
Leo Rikli were in Omaha Monday of
last week, where they looked after
the transaction of business. They
made the trip in their ear.
Mrs. Carl Raumgart ner of Valen
tine has hccii visiting friends a nd
lelatives in Murdock the past week.
being a guest at tlie home of Mr. and!,,, i,r,,j.,t hack home last Mon
Mrs. Conrad Paumgartner. (i.,v Tlu, fi,,ctors hold out encour
The Ladies Aid of the Murdock ,,IIU,I1( ,, i,js ultimate recovery.
hurch met at the home of Mr. and j ,,,,, S;1V ,,,, wiM vo t() ri.main in
Mrs. A. II. Ward last Wednesday, j S(.VtT;l) weeks yet and be very
A very pleasant meting was enjoy- , )ul during the time of his con
ed. Mrs. James Mills was ussistiiiit ViiK-tnni-o.
hostess. J
Mrs. Nelson Twecton ot Weeping
Water was a visitor in Muruoik hist
Saturday and Sunday, being a guest ;
at the home of her son while here.
She was seeking to rent a place to
live in Murdock. but was not able
IU MTIIR' one. I
r : o c..:.., !
upeiuny oeivit-e oiauun !
ciiaiu aim iin ii i I'ifif, ol -v:-u-land.
were in Murdock last Wed
nesday making preparations to in
stall u.ts pumps and open a service
station in the building where E. W.
Thimgnu operated his garage before
he moved to P
at turnout h to become
Grandson Arrives in West
Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Schewe have
been advised ot the arrival ot aj
;on at the home of their son!
and vile. Mr. and Mrs. Marion j
Schewe of Denver. Mother and son
reported doing nicely. This makes!
tln-m two i hibheii, a daughter and:
now the son. j
Attended fleeting at Manley !
M.-sdani'S .Merle ( ; illespi.-. Bryan !
Mi Doi.ael. Laci-v McDonald and'
partv of housewives who drove
Ma r.b'.v last Wednesday in spite of
the rain, and attended a meeting of
tile Royal Neighbors lodge. Follow
ing the regular business session, the
members enjoyed a sociable hour at
cards, i limaxcd with the .serving of!
Will Exhibit Calf at Stock Show I
W. (). S( hewe. who is
brct d'T
and grower of line blooded live stock,
had Dr. Wilson. Elmwood vcterinar-
itn make some tests of a Calf h'1
expects to exhibit at the 1'uu stock
show at Couik il I Muffs in the near
future. Mr. Schewe lias been in the
stock breeding; business for several J
years, is well versed i u judging and
has produced some tine specimens of
the breed he specializes in.
Women Meet at Church
The Woman's -Missionary society
of the Murdock ( hurch met last Wed
nesday at the church to consider
such matters of business that came
before them. The holies sire very ac
tive in the missionary work.
Had Their Pictures Taken
Members of the Murdock basket
ball team were in Lincoln last week,
where they were able to witness a
number of games in the state tour
nament, and also had their pictures
taken. After a very .successful sea
son of play and the winning of the
Cass county championship, the local
boys were defeated by Greenwood in
the district class C tournament at
that place and did not get to par
ticipate in the state tournament, but
enjoyed watching a number of the
games while in Lincoln. Cars were
provided to take them to the capital
city by Coach Miller, Lacey McDon
ald and John W. Kruger. The play
era who went were Buz Gakemeier,
Lyle Stock, Reuben Stock, Marvin
Weber, Way land Ward. Warren
Rikli, Mossis McDonald, Russell
Goerthy, Dick McDonald and Orville
Home from Hospital
Carl Buck, who was injured in an
Laughing Around the World
In the Nick of Time
y PAIR of Scots who had come over to Nova Scotia to take up the
harmless occupation of reclaiming the land, decided to go fishing
for cod.CThey took along with them a jug of prime liquor and tapped
it with more or less frequency. The fishing was excellent and a good
time was had by all, but on the way home a squall came up stid the
pair, overwhelmed by bad weather, began to despair of reaching .-hore.
In the midst of their difficulties the Presbyterianism in their blood
began to assert itself.
They decided to make a combined effort to test the efficacy of
prayer and to inject a clause which amounted to taking the pledge.
Mr. MacPherson was extending himself in fervor and leading MacTavish
onward. r
"Oh, Lord and Master!" he shouted into the midst. "If you weel
forgive us our indiscretions we r "omise to na' again go forth wi any
stimulating grog in can- pos "
rt "Stav yer voice, MacPherson!" exclaimed MacTavish. "I think 1
see land."
(American News Features. Jr
,.n iH"hu:u- X'n 1 last
i f;, II. and after a period of confine-
L.ent ... his home and Led. was re-
j .,, v,.,j ,,, ., i,j,,colu hospital several
I ... i-s ...... treatment was able I
Work Takes Him Thru West i
I.ouis Ilornbeck. who many years
I ago was operator at the Rock Island
j railroad station here, working with!
! his brother. I. G. Ilornbeck. cave up
j that work to accept a position with!
the Modern Woodman as traveling
auditor, a job that takes him to all
parts of the country. LastWednes
; day he visited his brother and old j
friends here. He is making his home '
! i
in Lincoln at present and has just J
j returned from Colorado Springs, j
! where he audited the books and nc-j
counts of a number of subordinate
This week he is to leave on an Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ilallstrom vis
extended western trip that will takejited at the home of his parents in
him to Denver. Salt Lake and on to
I Seattle, thence down the coast to
Los Angeles and thence eastward to
Texas, coming northward from the
Lone Star state to Omaha. A large
number of lodges will be visited on
this trip and he will be
al months.
one sever- i
Readers' Meeting
The members of the Four Square
Club met with Mrs. A. .1. Tool Mon-
day evening. This special meeting held for the purpose of devot
: ing more time to the optional read
ying which accompanies the regular
j ( lub schedule. Mrs. Paid Amgweit
review the book "Katrina." by Sally
! Salminen. Katrina was the heroine
in this Finnish novel which depict
ed peasant life among farmers and
seafaring folks. "Papa Bouchard" liv
yhty KijoU Scawell was presented
Henry Tool. Tlu
main char-
actcr was Mr. Pouc
i rd, whose ca re- i
life was the result of having
een a parrot escape his cage and
(loom. ,irs. Libert .Miller recaptured
some of the thrills of jungle life in
Martin Johnson's "Congori 11a."
In the discussion which followed
these interesting reviews, the fact
was emphasized that many of the
new books are pioneer stories.
'Katrina" was an example of
this. One may read for fact or for
fun. "Papa Rouchard" was a line
example of reading for fun, and
"Congorilla" was decidedly a book
of facts.
Happy Home Project club
met Tuesday afternoon at the home
of Mrs. Walter Fomoff with Mrs.
Franz Petereit assistant hostess. The
meeting was called to order by Mrs.
Harry Meisinger, acting as president.
Our president taking the place of
our leader, Mrs. Henry Albeit who
was unable to do so.
The eTTttion of officers was voted
on as follows: Mrs. Walter For no ft',
president; Mrs. Will Keil, vice-president;
Mrs. Henry Albert and Mrs.
Harry Meisinger, leaders; Mrs. B.
M. Huhbell. secretary - treasurer;
Mrs. Margaret Kaffenberger. club
reporter and gift committee.
Plans were made to continue our
birthday party for each member as
previously, also a family party to
be held March ISth.
The meeting was then turned over
to the leaders. Mrs. George Schroeder
and Mrs. Rudolph Meisinger. The
lesson on" "Fitting the Dress" was
very interesting.
There were eight members pres
ent and two visitors, Mrs. Edgertou
Flat isinout li. group chairman.
Achievement day program is April
1 !" h ft 1
' hurch.
o'clock at Presbyterian
I I niii h u:k si'i'iTil liv the hosteses
which was enjoyed by all.
William Heebner and his mother
had their com shelled last Tuesday.
The grain was delivered to the Mar-
quardt elevator.
Paul Straub and family recently
moved to town from their farm in
the country and will live here for
the present at least.
Oscar Zimmerer and his mother
were guests in Nebraska City last
Sunday, having dinner at the home
of friends who reside there.
C. II. Peck and son were in town
last Tuesday, coming to secure some
lumber to be used in the repair of
their farm home. Among the repairs
under way is a new floor.
! Plattsmouth. while Mr. Ilallstrom
j was looking after the duties of his
office of County Commissioner.
John Kuhge aim wile, ot near
Talmage, visited last Sunday at the
home of John's parents. Mr. and Mrs.
J. II. F. Ruhge. enjoying a very
pleasant day and an excellent din
ner. John Marquardt was in Lincoln
last Tuesday, being accompanied by
his mother. Mrs. IL H. Marquardt,
Mrs. J. W. Rreiidel, Caroline Mar
quardt and Mrs. Hall, wife of the
Congregat ional minister.
Miss Hazel Paier. who is a mem
ber of the editorial staff of the Ne
braska City News-Press, visited at
the home of her parents in Avoca
over Sunday. Saturday night she
was a brief visitor in Plattsmouth.
Dan Suddutli recently moved from
the place owned by the Quinton es
tate, on which he has been living the
past year. The family are locating
in Nehawka. where Mr. Sudduth has
accepted a position selling farm im
plements. Carl Zaiser. the garage man, was
quite poorly for a number of days,
being kept from his work at the
garage. p,y the latter part of the
week he was feeling considerably
belter and was able to be at the
garage a part of the time.
A Missouri Pacific bridge building
crew is in Avoca, being engaged in
the rebuilding of three bridges in
this locality, two south of town and
one north of town. They expect to
be here about six weeks before the
work is completed and they are sent
J. W. Kunz, who makes his home
in the southeastern part of town,
where he and his son conduct an
auto repair shop, lias been seriously
ill during the past week, and while
he is being given expert medical at
tention, he has not shown the de
sired improvement.
Repainting Building '
The store building occupied by the
Morley service station and Bennies
grocery store is being repainted by
Claude Hollenberger. The paint on
this building was blistered when the
Marquardt building across the street
was destroyed by fire some time ago.
Holding Lenten Services
Lenten devotions are being held
each Friday evening at the Congre
gational church in Avoca. conducted
by the minister. Rev. Hall, and
also the secretary of the State As
sociation of Congregational churche3.
Last Friday night the service was
in charge o the minister ot the Con
gregational church at Syracuse.
of Louisville and Mrs. Woest
John, Mary and Jack
Approved by
American Dental Association
and the
United States Public Health
On the night of Jack's seventeen
th birthday. Mrs. Reynolds was giv
en an excellent opportunity to ob
serve the unfortunate effect which
defective teeth may have on a child's
Among the guests at Jack's party
was a young man of Jack's age
George Richmond. George was tall.
dark, slender, and rather good look
ing except that his face was expres
sionless. He rarely smiled and sel
dom spoke. When he did speak. Mrs.
Reynolds, not iced that his hand cov
ered his mouth or his lips were so
tightly drawn that she could scarce
ly hear his words. He did not enter
the games or festivities nor join
the others in song at the piano. Mrs.
Reynolds was not sure whether
George avoided the girls or whether
they avoided him. In any event, he
spent the greater part of the even
ing alone.
Feeling that his shyness ami tim
idity would ruin his entire evening,
she cleverly managed to select him
for her dinner partner. Not until
George began to cat did she realize
the cause of his shyness. He was
suffering from a severe case of den
tal neglect. One of his upper front
teeth was missing and several more
were badly decayed. Instantly, she
recalled Dr. Young's lecture on the
influence of decayed teeth on be
havior. 'Here was a young man
about to enter adulthood, cruelly
handicapped by his dental appear
ance. Mrs. Reynolds made it her busi
ness to become better acquainted
with George's mother. She learned
from Mrs. Reynolds that early in
life George had developed a decided
antipathy towards dentistry. Try as
she would, she could not persuade
her son to take care of his teeth or
to allow a dentist to repair them.
"You know." explained Mrs. Rich
mond, excusing her sou's behavior,
"even as a child George objected so
strenuously to having his teeth fixed
that I didn't have the heart to insist
on the matter. Poor dear. I don't
know what is going to become of
him. lie is so ashamed of his teeth
that he won't go anywhere or do any
thing. I can scarcely get him to
leave the house. In fact, recently he
was objecting to going to school.
I'm so worried about him. 1 do want
him to finish high school."
After this conversation. Mrs. Rey
nolds was more sorry than ever for
George. Obviously, he was the vic
tim of an overindulgent mother. Had
Mrs. Richmond been less concerned
about George's childish wishes and
more concerned about his future, his
present behavior problems would not
have existed. Young men entering
the business world today must be
physically and mentally equipped to
cope with life's battles. George, be
cause of Ill's extreme dental defects,
is handicapped from the very begin
ning. (Continued )
A very patriotic meeting was held
at the home of Geneva Franke.
Elvera Ilennings led a round table
discussion on patriotism. It brought
out very clearly that loyalty in the
home leads the way for better citi
zens. .Many points were given about
our flag, such as: meaning of the
colors, how to be carried in parades,
how to be saluted, never to be draped
and how to lie placed when used
with other kind of Hags.
Teckla Alexen had a program in
keeping with "1'sed Car Week" which
was very much enjoyed.
Roll call was answered by "An
Embarrassing Moment" which caused
much lnerrinH nt.
Doris Tritsch assislcd the hostess
in serving.
Next month's meeting will be at
Marie Speck's with Margaret Terry
berry assisting. Laura Tritsch and
Lucy Tcrrybcrry will be in (barge of
the program.
Irene Alexen, Dora liuechler and
Eva Gansemer were visitors.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
tj Xebraska.
To all persons interested in the
estate of John Irvin Elwood, tie
teased. No. 329 6:
Take notice that the Executrix of
s.a id estate has filed her final report
and a petition for examination and
allowance of her administration ue
ounts, determination of heirship,
assignment of residue of said estate
and for her discharge; that said pe
tition and report will be heard be
fore said Court on April 8, 193S, at
ten o'clock a. m.
Dated March S.' 193S.
(Seal) ml4-3w County Judge.
k J. Howard Davis
Attorney at Law
b Plattsmoulh t
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Xebraska.
To the creditors of the estate of
Etta May Moore, deceased. No.
Take notice that the time limited
for the filing and presentation of
claims against said estate is July
11, 193S; that a hearing will be
had at the County Court room in
Plattsmouth on July 15, 1938, at
ten o'clock a. m. for the purpose of
examining, hearing, allowing and
adjusting all claims or objections
dulv filed.
Dated March 11, 1938.
(Seal) mll-3w County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty. Xebraska.
To all persons interested in the
estate of George Oberle, Jr., deceas
ed. No. ?,:)2:):
Take notice that a petition has
been filed for the probate of an in
strument purporting to be the last
will and testament of said deceased.
and for the appointment of Ida
Oberle as Administratrix c. t. a.
thereof; that said petition has been
set for hearing before said Court
on the 1st day of April, 1!K1S, at 10
o'clock a. in.
Dated March 2,
( Seal 1 m 7-3 w
1 :;.
County Judge.
State of Xebraska
County of Cass J
By virtue
by C. E.
of an
Order of Sale issued
way. Clerk of the
within and for Cass County, Ne
braska, and to me directed, I will on
the Kith day of April. A. D. 1938,
at 10:00 o'clock a. m. of said day
at the south front door of the court
house in said County, sell at public
auction to the highest bidder for
cash the following real estate to
wit: The North Half of the South
east Quarter of Section Ten
( 1 0 . Township
North Range Nine
Tea (10),
9 ), East of
the Oth P. M., in
Cass County,
Nebraska ;
The same being levied upon and
taken as the property of Minnie
Koelofsz, et al. Defendants to satisfy
a judgment of said Court recovered
by Libbie Wood Curyea, Plaintiff
against said Defendants.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska. March 9th
A. D. 1J3S.
Sheriff Cass County,
mln-ow Nebraska.
In the District Court of Cass
County, Xebraska
Laura Etta Ilendee, ")
Fred McEIvain. et al.
Defendants j
Notice is hereby given that under
and by virtue of a decree of the
District Court of Cass County. Ne
braska, entered in the above entitled
cause on the 2oth day of December.
1937. and an Order of Sale entered
on the 31st day of December. 1937,
the Sole Referee will on the 21st
day of March, at 10:00 o'clock a.
m.. at the south door of the court
house in Plattsmouth. in Cass coun
ty. Nebraska, sell at public auction
to the highest bidder for cash, that
is to say, lor;, on the day of sale,
and the balance when said sale
shall bo continued by the Court, the
following described real estate, to
wit: Lot 3d. in the SW 1 i of the
SE'i of Section 13. Township
12. Range 13. East of the th
P. M., in Cass county, Ne
braska. Sale will be held open for one hour.
Dated this 11th day of February,
1 9 3 S
Sole Referee.
A. L. T1DD.
Attorncv for Plaintiff.
State of Xebraska
County of (ass
P.v virOn
by C. E.
ot an
Order of Sale issued
why. Clerk of tlu
within iiiul for Cass County
biasKa. and to me directed,
t he Hil It day of April. A.
I will on
I . 193S.
at 10:00 o'clock a. in, of said day
al the south front door of (he court
house in Maid County, .sell at public
auction to the hlnhest bidder for
cash the follow inc. real estate lo wit:
Commencing at the South
west (oilier ol the South Half
I l-j I ol the Northwest Quar
ter ( '( of Section Thirty-two
I 32 I, Township Twelve (12.
lialiM" Nine 9. East ol" the
I. Ill P .M., theme East 2f rods.
I hence North SO rods, thence
We.,i iM! rods. 111. nee South SO
rods, lo the place of beginning,
containing Thirteen acres (13
A I more or less; .
The same being levied upon and
taken ns the property of Stella M.
Goinei'dingcr. et al. Defendants, to
satisfy a Judgim nl of said Court re
covered by Emma Sherman, Plaintiff
against said Defend nits.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, March' 9,
A. D. 1938.
Sheriff Cass County,
Attorney for Plaintiff. ml0-5w
Seo thq goods you buy. Catalog
descriptions are alluring 6nough,
but how about the good3 when
you get them?
In the District Court of Cass
County, Xebraska
City of Plattsmouth, Ne
braska, a Municipal Cor
poration, Plaintiff
William J. Streight, sin
gle, et al, Defendants
To the Defendants:
Margaret Jackson, single; Edward
Streicht and wife. Ann Streight, sole:
heirs at law of Elizabeth C. Streight,
deceased; the creditors and all per
sons having any interest in the es
tate of Elizabeth C. Streight, de
ceased; Nora Livingston Scott, Rob
ert Livingston, sole heirs at law of
Theodore P. Livingston, deceased;
the creditors and all persons having
any interest in the estate of Theo
dore P. Livingston, deceased; George
H. Falter and wife, Ella M. Falter;
Emma Smith and husband. Chauney
Smith; Elizabeth Heine and hus
band, Heine, first and real
name unknown, sole heirs at law of
Jacob P. Falter, deceased: the credi
tors and all persons having any in
terest in the estate of Jacob P. Fal
ter, deceased; Martha R. Young and
husband. Young, firsthand
real name unknown; Clara E. God
win and husband. Godwin,
first and real name unknown: Ralph
G. Palmer and wife. Palmer,
first and real name unknown; Wal
ter W. Palmer and wife,
Palmer, first and real name un
known; Matilda Lenhoff and hus
band. Lenhoff. first and real
name unknown; La Vaughn Nordin
and wife. Nordin. first and
real nam unknown; William Ral-
lance and wife. Rallance. first
and real name unknown; Joseph
Buttery and wife. Buttery,
first and real name unknown; Chris
tina Barr and husband. Barr,
first and real name unknown; Chris
tina Barr Hain and husband,
Hain. first and real name unknown;
W. K. Fox. sometimes known as
Kelly Fox. first and real name un
known, and wife. Fox, first
and real name unknown: the credi
tors and all other persons interested
in the estate of W. K. Fox, deceas
ed, first and real name unknown;
Joseph R. Kelly; Genevieve Sanders
and husband, Sanders, first
and real name unknown; Leon a F.
Taylor, widow; Andrew Burns Tay
lor and wife. Taylor, first
and real name unknown; John B.
Taylor and wife, Taylor, first
and real name unknown; Carl C.
Taylor and wife. Taylor, first
and real name unknown; the credi
tors and all other persons interested
in the estate of Mary Theodora Tay
lor, sometimes known as Theodoia
Taylor, deceased; William II. Tuey
and wife, Tuey, first and
real name unknown; Jennie Ehler
and husband, Ehler. first
and real name unknown; William
Schwab and wife, Schwab.
first and real name unknown;
Charles Allen and wire. Doris Allen;
Jessie F. Schomaker and husband.
Schomaker, first and real
name unknow n ; Central States Land
Company; Mike Dohnansky and
wife, Dohansky. first and
real name unknown; John Fitzger
ald and wile. Fitzgerald.
first and real name unknown;
Michael E. Bannin and wife,
Bannin, first and real name un
known; Alice E. Hazzard. widow;
John Edward Hazzard and Ann
Parr, sole heirs at law of John E.
Hazzard. deceased; the creditors and
all persons interested in the estate
of John E. Hazzard. deceased; and
all persons having or claiming any
interest in, right or title to. or lien
upon the following described real
estate, to-wit:
Iols ." and
Block ."!;: Iots
Lot S, Block '
. Block a: Lot 4,
11 and 12, Block 1;
7; Lot !. Block 41;
Lot S and all of Lot
the East 'i of
9, Block L"
4. Block 99;
Lot 9, Block 'i2; Lot
Lots 1. 2 and 3, Block
111; Lot 9, Block 122: Lot 10. Block
122; Lots L 2 and 3. Block 123:
Lots 9 and 10. Block 13S; Lois 2
and 3, Block l."2; Lot 4. Block 152;
Lot a. Block 172: Lots 1 and 2.
Block PI, Young & Hays Addition;
Lots S and 9, Block 3, O'Neill's Ad
dition: Lots t; and 7, Block 3,
O'Neill's Addition; Lots 7, S, 9. 10,
11 and 12. Block 2. O'Neill's Addi
tion; Lots 7. S and 9, Block 2, Don
elans Addition; Lots 7, S, 9, 10. 11
and 12. Block 22. Dukes Addition;
Lots 13 and 14, Block 7, Thomp
son's Addition; the North half of
Lot !. Block 1. Stile's Addition; the
West V- of Lots S and 9 and the
South -i f the West Vz of Lot 10,
and the West 2 1 feet of the East y.
of Lots S. ! and 10. Block 31; Lots
a.", and r.c! in the SWVi of the SW 1 i
of Section IS. Township 12, Range
14. East of the lith P. M.. Cass coun
ty. Nebraska; Lot 9. Block 149; Lots
3 and I. Block 41. Young and Hays
Addition, all in the City of Platts
mouth. Nebraska, real names un
known, defendants.
You and each of you are hereby
notified that on the 5th day of No
vember. 1937, the City of Platts
mouth. Nebraska, a Municipal Cor
poration, plaintiff herein, filed its
petition in the District Court of Cass
County. Nebraska, against you and
each of you, which cause appears in
Docket 8, page 219 (9591) of the
Records of the Clerk of the District
Court of Cass County, Nebraska, this
object and prayer of which petition
is in accordance with resolutions
adopted and passed by the City Coun
cil of said City of Plattsmouth. Ne
braska, and which is for the fore
closure of the separate tax liens on
each and all of the following do
scribed real estate, to-wit:
Lots 5 and l'.. Block 5; Lot 4.
Block 3(5: Lots 11 and 12. Block 1 '. ;
Lot S. Block 37: Lot 9. Block 41;
the East V of Lot 8 and all of Lot
9. Block 45: Lot 9. Block t'J: Lot
4. Block 99: Lots 1. 2 and 3. Lilo. k
111; Lot 9. Block 122; Lot 10, Block
122- Lots 1, 2 and 3, Illock 123:
Lots 9 and 10, Block 13 S; Lots 2
and 3. Block 152; Lot 4, Block 152;
Lot 5, Block 172; Lots 1 and 2.
Block 4 6, Y.oung & Hays Addition;
Lots 8 and 9, Block 3, O'Neill's Ad
dition: Lots 6 and 7, Block 3,
O'Neill's Addition; Lots 7, 8, 9, 10,
11 and 12. Block 2. O'Neill's Addi-
Ition; Lots 7, 8 ana 'J, hiock l, vuu-
elan's Addition; Lots t, 8, 9, 10, n
and 12, Block 22, Duke's Addition;
Lots 13 and 14. I51ock 7. Thomp
son's Addition; the North half of
Lot 0, Block 1, Stile's Addition; the
West i of Lots 8 and 9 and the
South Vz f the West Vz of Lot 10,
ami the West 2 4 feet of the East V
ol Lots S, 9 and 10. Block 31; Lots
and 5; in the SW li of the SW'i
of Section 18, Township 12, Range
14, East of the ith P. M.. Cass coun
ty, Nebraska; Lot 9, Block 149; lots
3 and 4, Block 41, Young and Hays
Addition, all in the City of Platts
mouth. Nebraska.
That alPot'the above real estate
above described was subject to taxa
tion for State, County, City, School
District and Municipal purposes, for
the several years set out in the peti
tion of plaintiff and the Exhibits
thereto attached and by reference
made a part thereof; and that un
less said taxes are paid by you, or
any one of you. on said real estate,
respectively, a decree will be entered
in this court foreclosing and bar
ring you and each of you of any and
all claims upon, interest in. right or
title to. or lien upon or equity of
redemption in and to all of said real
estate described herein; that the
same, or so much thereof as may be
necessary to satisfy plaintiff's lien,
together with interest and costs,
shall be sold in accordance with
law, and fur such other and further
relief in the premises as may seem
just and equitable to the court.
You and each of you are hereby
notified that you are required to
answer said petition on or "before
Monday, the 4th day of April. 193S.
and failing to do so. your default
will be entered and judgment taken
as prayed for in plaintiff's petition.
Nebraska, a Municipal
By Plaintiff.
Plaintiff's Attorney.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty. Xebraska.
To all persons interested in the
estate of John L. Smith, deceased.
No. 3 322:
Take notice that a petition has
been fed for the probate of an in
strument purporting to be the last
will and testament of said deceased,
and for the appointment of Walter
J. Wunderlich. as Executor thereof;
that said petition has been set for
hearing before said Court
25th day of March, 1938,
o'clock a. m.
Dated February 2 8. 193 8.
(Seal) f2S-3w
County Judge.
on Application by Administrators
for Revivor of Action
and Judgment.
In the District Court Cass
County, Xebraska
Vincent W. Straub.
Ole Olsen. Bertha M. Stone
and Carl Stone.
To Carl Stone. Defendant:
You are hereby notified that on
the application of the undersigned
administrators, the following order
has been entered in the above en
titled cause:
"On due consideration of the
suggestion of death of Vincent
W. Straub. plaintiff, on Sep
tember 11, 1937, and of the ap
plication by II. J. Requartte
and Max Straub, Jr.. adminis
trators of his Estate, for revivor
of this action and the judgment
herein rendered in their names
as such administrators, it is
"ORDERED: That this action
be revived in the names of said
administrators as plaintiffs, and
that the judgment rendered
herein in favor of Vincent W.
Straub. plaintiff, January 24,
193 4. for the recovery of the
sum or $3,337.81 and interest
and costs as therein provided, be
revived in their names as such
administrators, as plaintiffs, un
less sufficient cause he shown
herein by the defendants against
said revivor on or before April
11. 93S.
"On further consideration of
the affidavit of the said admin
istrators filed herein, it is
"ORDERED: That notice of
said application be given to the
defendant Carl Stone by publi
cation of a copy of this order in
Plattsmouth Journal for four
consecutive weeks."
That unless cause ho shown to
the contrary, a final order reviving
said action and iudument.
no entered in said cause
11. 193S, or as hoon t h clo
nal d application can be
on April
after aa
aiuiiiiusuiilnrs of the
tale of Vincent -Straub.
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