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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 31, 1938)
MONDAY, JANUARY PAGE TWO Ihe jPlattsmouth Journal PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEEXY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Entered at Postoffice, Plattsmouth, Neb., aa second-clas3 mail matter n MRS. R. A. BATES, Publisher PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOURNAL hi. i SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 A YEAR IN FIRST POSTAL ZONE Subscribers living in Second Postal Zone, $2.50 per year. Beyond 600 miles, $3.00 per year. Rate to Canada and foreign countries, 53.50 per year. All subscriptions are payable strictly in advance. 3 m - - --- miiti Weeping Water CCC Camp Sets a Fine Record Not a Lost Time Accident Registered at the Cass County Camp, Says State Report. LIN'COLX, Jan. 2S (UP) Not a sincle accident occurred amonir Ne braska's 2.000 CCC enrollees enajred in soil conservation in 1937. This is shown by reports of the 13 camps iioinx erosion control work . One camp the Weepinpr Water camp went through the year with out a lost-time accident, l!ilJ14 field hours completed. Other camps had fewer than a half dozen minor accidents. "Enrollees in the camps are en titled to much credit for the safety record they have established." says Miller D. Hay, region:! safety en gineer, soil conservation service. "They have learned how to work safely.' In all f.eM work, be it the rip-rapping1 of a farm pond dam, the build in; of a u!ly check, every possible mechanical safeguard is provided the enroilees. This, together with safety instructions, are jriven much credit for the low number of accidents in 1937. "Weekly safety meetings held in each camp with the entire CCCj company beina: required to attend," Hay explains. The regulations also niake it mandatory that the camp superintendent and his entire super visory staff attend all safety meet ings. Soil conservation service fore men of laborers hold regular on-the-job safetv meetings with each field detail of enrolleess." RESUME PUBLICATION BERLIN, Jan. 2? (UPi-Der Stuermer, newspaper o f Jis'ius Streichc-r, Nureir.bertr anti-jewish ed itor, reappeared Thursday with a front paue banner line in red ink. reading: "Death for race pollution.' The newspaper's last isssue was surpressed and ail copies confiscated. There was r.o explanation. Todays issue contained the names of 138 Jews sentenced to prison dur ing 1931 for violation of the Nur emberg laws. The list was headed: "List of terror." The sentences ranjred from six months to five years, the averatre beint one year. PAD CCC INVOICES WICHITA. Kan., Jan. 23 (UP) The Civilian Conservation Corps Camp at Kinsman, Kan., has a short age in its accounts. Rep. J. M. Hous ton, I).. Kan., said Thursday. Houston said the C. C. C. officials in Washington informed him of the alle ged shortage and then referred the matter to other:; when they learn ed Kinjrnian was not in his ristrlct. lie said the al'.cvtd .shortage was due t- naddinir of invoices. Similar shortages in Kansas C. C. C. camps total nearly .$223,00! I, Houston said. LOYALISTS ARE SILLED IIENDAYE, Frantj-rpanioh Fron tier, Jan. 27 (UP) Nationalist sources reported today that more than 200 loyalists were killed or wounded on the Teruel from Tues day and Wednesday, many in an aerial attack in which 400 planes participated. To dissipate the terrific pressure on the Teruel front the loyalists were reported to have shifted the center of htir action to the north with a strong offensive against the nationalist com munications line from Saragosa to Teruel. Is mm .smu - v f J . 4 Ai iif. t . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 UiUUlCil Cough Drops (Two kinds ... Black or Menthol, 54) give you: Smith Bros. Cough Dropsarethe only drops ccntainfag VlTAf.!lN A This is the vitamin that raises the resistance of the mucous membranes of the nose and throat to cold and cough infections. Administration Would Finance Small Business Securities and Exchange Commission Believe Plan Would Provide Credit for Expansion. WASHINGTON, Jan. 23 (UP) High administration officials were known today to be supporters of a plan that would allow the govern ment to finance small business loans. Chairman William O. Douglas of the securities and exchange commis sion and Chairman Mariner S. Kccles of the fed?ral reserve board believe that such a plan will meet the com plaints of small business men who have complained that banks are re luctant to provide credit for expan sion. This problem will be discussed at next Wednesday's meeting of "little business" with commerce department officials. The "little business men" will travel to Washington at their own expense commerce department offi cials said. Asked whether govern ment funds were available to pay for expenses Secretary of Commerce Daniel C. Roper told his press con ference that he had received no spec ial authorization on appropriations congress." It also appeared that financing of "little business" is a larger part of the new deal's second recovery program now taking place. The new recovery plan does not involve the heavy expenditure of public funds but rather is designated to stimulate private opportunity. The highlights of the administra tion's business aid program are: 1. Creation of permanent facil ities for financing small business. 2. Revision of the undistributed corporate profits and the capital gains-and-lcsses taxes which busi ness claims are burdensome and bar riers to recovery. 3. Creation of the U. S. housing authority to facilitate slum clearance and liberalization of the market poli cies of the federal housing adminis tration to stimulate construction. WPA E0LLS INCREASE WASHINGTON, Jan. 27 (UP) Works Progress relief rolls reached 1.S31.961 lor the week ending Jan uary 22, a new high for the fiscal year and an increase of G 1,524 over the previous week. The increase for the week was the largest since the inception of the cur rent upward trend of relief, started during October with beginning of the business recession. The total ex ceeded last year's high level of 1, 450.101. reached last October 2 by slightly more than 400.000. The relief total at the end of last week was less than 100,000 under the peak predicted by Administrator Harry Hopkins last fall when he is sued orders the 350,000 persons be taken on as soon as possible. Relief officials say that 1.925.0U0 is the approximate raaiinium who can be cared for under existing appropria tions. THUMBS DOWN ON OFFICERS BILL WASHINGTON, Jan. 27 (UP) The house refused late Wednesday, 114 to 82, to consider the Ediaiston l.iil to return 3,13 4 disabled emer gency World war officers to the re tired list with pay totaling $3,C96, 000 a year. The bill introduced by Rep. An drew Edmiston, D., W. Va., was to extend retirement benefits to emer gency officers of all branches of ser vice to whom "congress intended re tirement benefits should be con tinued" in an act passed over Presi dent Coolidgc's veto. 3h lL'7T MARK !E3 Nowhere can a $2 invest ment bring you greater re turns and enjoyment than you will realize from a 12 months subscription to the PLATTSMOUTH Semi-Weekly Journal o0 - U - In the face of rising paper costs and other print ing materials, the Plattsmouth Semi-Weekly Journal remains the same standard price ... $2 per year! You Watching for advertised bargains of Plattsmouth mer chants lead to savings on most any item you wish to buy. Look for them . . . follow them ... buy and save with them. In a short time savings on two or three small items pay what it costs to have your Journal rie livered to your door or mail box. vff 1 1 try -rr r f ZD n -i t. -!! . 11 aw ii nnnn mmm L L III II I 1'' I " " Ml County-wide news coverage regular de partments from twelve of Cass county's 13 incorporated towns together with all your county seat news, a resume of county com missioner proceedings, including complete list of claims allowed. The Journal comes to your home with latest news twice a week at a subscription cost no greater than that charged by weekly papers 2 for an en tire year, 104 issues making it undoubt edly the best newspaper value in southeast ern Nebraska. Mail your subscription now! 3 i 17 mm 11 n'li'j? V- . - i r J