The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 10, 1938, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Elmwood News
1 ,-
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Lyon of Ne
aska City v.tre guests last Sunday
their daughter. Mrs. David Enter
ic and family.
Carl Schneider, who is encased in
vvclry business at Lexington,
N.hraska. spent the past two weeks
' as a rtuat of his wife and other
Mr. and Mrs. Stark enter
t;; in :-'d the Mure Intelligent bridge
e:a: of Elmv d at their home last
Tuesday t'Vtnlng. lief re: hmemts fol
lowed the spirited card session.
Miss Yelma Brunkow. the beauty
operator, ws.ted at t!ie Home oi j
; ar-n;;. Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand!
ov on Aew ie;irs nay anu
rcay. re turning to ner o:k ueie
Miss Hazel Ohen was a guest of
: friend. Miss Ruth Fit oh. in Ora-
"V.t u
New Year's d
and Sun-
Ailecn Fiieh was also a
?t. bringing tof
ol fun-loving trio of girls for the
Mr. and Mrs. Milt G. Keedy. of j
:atri."C were in Elm wood one day:
past week. While Mr. Keedy was j
'king a iter business matters. Mrs.!
etv was :
tvrs. they
lrbmds. I
George Blessing. Jr.. the linotype
mat kinist-ope -rator on the Leader-!
;;.!:,!. is i:cw back on the job after
a i wo v. ii k:;' enforc ed layoff caused
hv illness. During his absence. Mrs.
L'.essing handled the machine work.
-oast of the Me-Fall si
ill bc?;ug very close!
Rex Peters made a business trip
to Plattsmouth last Tuesday.
Business called A. H. Ward, the
garage man to Weeping Water Wed
nesday forenoon.
Faul Schewe and his brother, W.
O. Schewe were in Plattsmouth on
Tuesday of last week, where they
transacted business.
The parents of Miss Orland Par
riott, the beautician, were over from
their home near Elmwood to visit
the daughter Tuesday evening of last
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dean and the
kiddies were in Avoca on New Year's
day. v here they visited at the homo
o: Mrs. Dean s parents. Mr. and Mrs.
- j Trinicr Corbin.
pick the parents up and continue on j A jj Jones ard wife of Weep
westward, while Dr. Tyson and wifejn:r Water were New Year's day
are returning to Murray this week. ?U(,5ts at tile home of Postmaster
During his Dr. Tyson's iand Mrs L D. Gorthey, all enjoying
pratti.e in Murray is being looked 1 a vcry pleasant visit and an excel
after by Dr. G. H. Gilmore. I jtnl supper.
While in the west, the elder Ty-j ?;r. alld Mrs. M. G. Keedy, of
sens wil! le guests at the home of j Et.;i t rice were visiting at the home
Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Alton, the latter s of the brother of Mrs. Keedy. A. II.
a brother cf Mrs. Tyson. They hope : vard and wife, while en route home
to eocapo the rugged winter season j frori Elmwood. where they had
cf this part of the country and plan tvc .nsacted business.
j Laughing Around the World
Three Queens and a Joker
A CCOKDING to a much-traveled friend of mine, there used to be an
Irishman who functioned as chief barker for a sight-seeing coach
in Chicago. One of -.he places included in the itenerary of the tours
was a. famous cemetery.
i fcL A V-
jirr r f i
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Moekenhaupt!
were New Year's day guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Rauth. i
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew V. Stander ;
entertained a number of relatives
and friends at their New Year's day,
el inner.
Carl Stander and daughter,!
cf Ashland, were guests at the home
C. E. Moekenhaupt
On a certain morning- as the rubber-neck wagon, heavily laden with
tourists turned in between the gates of the cemetery, the orator, facing
the passengers, proceeded, through his megaphone, to chant his custom
ary explanation:
"To the right you see a shaft erected in mimery av our Heroic
WcrVi War Dead. To the left is a beautiful shaft erected by the rich
M:. Casey in mimory av h:r, wife.
"This shaft is 100 feet high, and at the top 'tis ornamented wid
four female figures."
A woman visitor spoke up:
"What do the four figures repre.-cnt?" s-he asked.
This was the first time the barker had been asked this question and
he he'tnteel a minute before answering. Then inspiration came to him:
"Thim? Whv them, Ma'am, are Faith, Hope and Charitv and
and Mrs. Casey."
(American News Features. Inc.)
of Mr. and Mrs
lust Wednesday.
Miss Emily Leesiey is spending a
!Vtv -A-prl-s with her sister. Mrs. Mike
'Shechan. caring for Mrs. Sheehan ;
and the new son. j
Mrs. Remain Meier of Louisville;
was a New Year day guest at the
homo of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. :
C. E. Moekenhaupt. I
John Stander and family visited in!
Omaha over New Years, being guests
Monte Lum and Henry Maseman
were guests at the home of their
friend. E. II. Norris. last Sunday.
Little Phyllis Hogeniniller, now a
resident of Brock, was a guest of
her friend Jean Pitman last week.
Leo MeCann was in Nebraska City
New Year's eve. where he played
with an orchestra furnishing music
j fcr a dance,
i Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Morley, of
! Nebraska City fpent Sunday at the
' home of Mr. Morley's parents. Mr.
;a:i;l Mis. Ed Morley.
! Carl M. Balfour and wife and Mrs.
Tied Xuizman of near Nehawka were
guests at the home of Rev. and Mrs.
J. M. Kokjer last Sunday.
Frank Dean and family of Mur-d.K-i;
came Saturday and visited at
at the home of Mrs. Slander's broth-!
nk Palicek and wife.
and Mrs. Herman Rauth were i
of trietids in Omaha New!
!ihc home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cor-
. Fr;
t:ul remai
ret urn ir
over the
to remain until abjut April 1st.
Have Joint Installation
Mrs. Julius Reinke has been tin
able to get about on account of a
verv rore foot. As a result of treat-
Visit cd in Plattsmouth
Gfor::e W. Blessing. Sr.. editor of
!. I.-.idvr-Ei ho took time from his
:;.:.;: duties to make a trip to
Plaitsmouth on busines? last Tues
day afternor-u.
The Masonic lodffe and Order of ! ment, the injured member is imrrov
Eastern Star held a joint installation ' ing now. although still a long ways
of officers last Tuesday night. The from being well again.
Star officers are Mrs. R. A. Kuehn. ' George Hite and wife were in
worthy matron: R. A. Kuehn. wor-j Murdock to attend the funeral of his
thy patron: Lillian Muenchau. as-j mother. Mrs. Bessie Hite. and re
sistant matron: John Nukel. assist-i mained to close the affairs of her
ant patron: Helen Sfhn'der. custoJ-' estate, returning home Wednesday
ian: Elide Cook, assistant custodian morning of last week.
Etta James. secr:-tary, and Elizabeth j Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Johansen, who
Box. treasurer. j operate the cafe, closed the eating
The Masonic lodge officers are E. ! house on New Year's day and ac-
Elrnwood Teacher Weds
Mir- Fl'-i'vnct- McNe::. one of the
chers in the Elm wood schools.
..& married to Sylvester Mahoney
Palmyra on December 2Sth. the
l.y taking place at the home
the bride's parents in Giltner.
She will ccr.tiaue teaching the
Sn ke. Worshipful
Master: M. R.
Senior Warden: A. B.
-. Junior Warden: Earl Hor
crctarv and R. G. Eve-land.
trt a surer,
t ive of ice r
will 1 e rep
"his comprises the elec-
repted an invitation to take dinner
with their daughter. Mrs. Leo Rikli
and family, em the farm.
J. Johansen. the cafe man. who is s
also an experienced butcher, has!
nignt. a distance oi ivu mnes. i ne :
following morning they were on the
road again at a o'clock and reached
Flagstaff. Arizona, that night, a dis
tance of 713 miles, partly through;
mountainous country. The third day;
they arrived in Los Angeles early in,
the afternoon, having only 517 miles
to make the 1&30 miles from here
to there, which they covered in 37-,
hours driving time. j
They espect to arrive home the
latter rart of this week.
Named Supply Pastor
John, mary and Jack
Approved by
American Dental Association
and the
United States Public Health
Jack looked up from the pamph-
i holiday
i evening.
I . ,
.-UUtrc-w r-iaauer anu lanui;. a a
! James Carper and wife attended a
dance at rJimv.ooa -New t oar s eve.
given by the Altar society of the
Catholic chureh there. -
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Haws spent
" w
Year holiday at Clay Cen-1.
; ter. Kansas, as guests at the home:
of their sou. Virtus Haws and wife.!
i They returned home Sunday even-j
J Mr. and Mrs. raul Mann, aceom-
i panied by Paul's mother. Mrs. Her-!
man Mann and Mrs. Paul Fleming.1
'a tister of Paul, returned last week'
B ; from a visit of several days at the'
i home of Mrs. Emma Mana in Illi-i
Last Tuesday Rev. E. F. Haist and let whk.h he was reading
Bishop Stauffachur of the Evangeli-j
'Say." he said, '"this little
cal church, appointed Earl Weber to ' sure tells a lot.
,.-,-,- v,0 Taii.t!, -.r.ri windnw ' going to see that
churches, a field left vacant by the
recent death of Rev. Williams.
deiesn't it? I'm
every boy in ray
squad gets a copy of this."
"Go ahead and finish reading it."
said Dr. Young. "Maybe you will
The appointive officers ' been butchering for a number of the; On fctUdent Lonlerence .Program
ted this com in z week. ' farmers of this vicinity while hisj Earl Weber, son of Rev. F. C.
j wife looks after business at the cafe. Weber, pastor of the Callahan Evan-
Enforce Traffic Eule ! A 0(i ma::"
.a ;"
t he
'd v,-
.? ti
Elmwood b-.-ir.T
husband on the farm near
arterial hi
I .
! i'i'.VS
t .i( m
,,:.dav -ve ning. having
bi:s: !i ;?s
i tec
I. t!.;
!1 a
Farmers Union fleets
Vvv'.wr"- In ion hold their an
it'itir.c at th-e Woodman hall
c om-
r.d social session at
.si n of whieh an oyster
- rve.l. Henry Volt was
,-siden: ami Alton Miller
U nt for ti:e coming year.
z was naraod as a delegate
e ct,-nventi'n to be held in
the near future.
iocatea en a state
is subject to the
governir sr highways, anions
tb.e lrovisicn no one can
c (';:' the without first
s:oppi::g. The state authorities de
mand enforcement of this regulation
t ;p tiivV -of se-'!iir that it is
violated is put up to the local
rrs. Lester Christian, who has
of the matter, in c-or.jun'.tion
Mar:-hal Sterner. h?ve been ex
.:i."i!!; so!.:e dift:culty ir secur
1 per cent cb.edience of tb.e
W.v.z violators with
re getting their win-' gelital church, went to Chicago last,
butchering done done. i Wednesday to spend a day in sight;
a r c
off k-
Henrv C. Rackemeyer. who lives ; reoir.g before going to Naperville on
a few miles west of Murdoch, one; Friday morning to appear on the;
o' those mentioned for appointment j Evangelical Student Conference pro-!
to the office c;f county commissioner gram held there in the First Evan-j
in the place cf Fred Gorder. who re-jgelical church. Thirty-three colleges;
signed last week, was a business! and universities were represented.'
visitor in Plattsmouth last Tuesday, j He reports a very enj. yable time and,
Mr. and Mrs. I. C. McCrorey, to-'says we are traveling at a very rapid j
gether with a number of others rate of speed these days. Boarding
irom this vicinity who are members' the Burlington Zephyr in Chicago at
of the Masonic lade and the Order ! 6 o'clock Sunday evening, he arrived'
i "i
of Eosf rn Star at Elmwood. went in Lincoln at 2:3" a. m.. in time to
last Tuesday evening. ' get a fair night s rest before goin?
: V .
t xp'.ainir.g whr.t
Herman Penterman Better
j.'; nnan intermcn. who has
. jioorly for some time.
jraet'tred ankle re'tntly.
in ti.w
as v. :i
h! ,K 1 Kill .i'v'Vi I I
of the time, although she
ing now and 1:? 1 c-en able a'e.ut part of the time,
urman was pleased
and hurbard. Mr. and Mrs.
oi!-. .me frrm their home
i to visit her. They spent
he;c. returning heme last
. : 1'.'
S's: er
t v. 1 1 e.
i n -1 n
rural : n t e r s e c t i o n s
iahway patrolmen
are giving touch attention to this
a 11-too-f re c;at at violation of the law.
The step requirement, they say. does
not :r. !!
mt n!a
; v he're they attt'nue
: cf of! crs of the t
I was attended by a program and ban
' quel.
the installation ! to his classes Monday
o lesuges. which
r.eri !v in ai; to slow up.
to a i'':H iu-Jt. and that regard
it" whether a car is coming from
!': ion on the arterial route.
; A gi at many ac ioents have occur- j
i red vheie- drivers have come onto j
the hiahway firm side roads. Let's'
' al! do cur part in obeying the law.
i to th" end that there mav be less;
; uC ae ..t. i
: iot ;
Card of Thanks
We wis!: to thank our neighbors, and all who assisted in any
but to v-a-v ('-irir'S the illness and death of
our mother and grandmother. The
Children and Grandchildren of Mrs.
' O'csie Hite.
V. i.!a.m
TO-; St
-. h
Visitir.p with F.tlatives j
Tic hnitig s.nrt familv. of;
-. Ne'ttr.. arrived here last '
have U"ii guests at the
me (;' his parents. Mr. and Mrs.
P. Debt: ing. While here. Will is
.i.;tiiig Ronald Sohiiehtemeier in
ir."vi!K' of a buil Jinar which Mr.
hlichtemcier purcha-ed from James
rb-.ic:?. n and i? moving to his
:io- ;? be us.-d as a bog hi'if-e.
I:.. li:;i".g was look in? after
:age v. Lilt- the young men were
- the moving.
Annual Eank Jleetin?
.LoKei s .f the American Ex-
livlJ their annual mcet
i:,v. whe-n reTiorta were
Installation end Oyster Supper
The Odd Fellows and R-dekahs of
Elmwood and vicinity enjoyed a most;
pleasant evening together Thursday,!
v. hen they held a joint installation!
and had an oyster supper after-!
ward. J
The officers installed by the Re-!
bekahs were Wilma Nickels. N. G. ; ;
Ethel Strobo V. G.: Frances Miller,
fecrc-iary arid (Jrace Wools, treas
urer. The Odd Fellow officers are
Janus Lytic, N. G. ; Kenneth West.
V. G.; Chris Rackemeyer. secretary,
and Earl Elliott, treasurer.
A fine oyster supper was enjoyed
1 v everyone.
Visited with Friends Here
Rev. J I. It. Knosp. former Murdock i
minister, who is located out in the
state, visited tdd friends here sev
eral days last week and on his re
turn home was accompanied by his
daughter. Mrs. August Wilkin, who
will visit for a time at the home of
the parents.
Eack to School
Irene Gorthey, who was so
ill with a polypus growth in her
throat and who had the same re
moved a fortnight ago. has improved
j rapidly from her operation and was
A Layman's View of His Church
The Callahan church, located justj
west of Murdock. is one of the strong j
rural centers of spiritual uplift andi
social activities. It is one of the
churches where a great number of j
men are just as active as the women.
Thirty men still hold offices in thei
church and teach in the Sunday j
school, and believe it is the greatest)
institution in the world for the bet
terment of society. A men's chorus,
a boys' quartet, a girls' trio and a
fine choir add to the service each
Sunday. The Sunday night attend
ance is around the one hundred mark
and the mid week service has an
average attendance of eighty.
The above, written by a layman,
indicates what he thinks of HIS
church and is the kind of encourage
ment and sunnort needed to make;
every church better. If YOUR church
isn't doing all you think it should,
lend your aid, instead of just find
ing fault and you will be surprised
at the change.
aide to resume her studies at
opening of school last Monday.
cf the past year's 1
:-h was
-i! i veu
, iVy pleasing to thr board of tlirec
: s. The- reports were followed by
hi., tlet !t ring of tne usual dividend
HALIFAX. N. S. (UP The Lun
enhorg schooner. Lluci.ose. may be
to defend lur title this year
; ai iiie ' ii''ii - i i.L- tri j l
, ,, ,, . , as oham -.jon c: the North Atlantic
.:v ban!;, all the present oftr-ers be- - -
. fishing fleet, aithough Cant. Angus
r":- 'v-e.ecteel. i hey are j. i. icdj. ,c.u&rtB ,in,, ,a f!ict nsi side-ring the fact that she suffered a
Visited Injured Teacher
During the Christmas vacation,
Miss Mabel Van I'org. one of the
Ua-hc-rs in the Murdock schools,
was in an auto accident, being quite
-. o'-ioasly injured when the car in
which she was riding left ftie high-
iway. Last Tuesday Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Amgwert and Mrs. A. J. Tool
ciii-ove down to the home of Miss
jVan Berg at Hickman to visit the
patient and found her improving as
j rapidly as could be expected, con-
i resident: Guy Clements, c;
: od Mrs. J. P. Cobb and Mrs
ttroetcr Aldrieh. directors.
Wint.r in West
nd Mr.o L.
ho l.aia ace
the 1:
1 . e
' 1-.
u r:
i v i :
L. ivo!i are to
i the v. inter in
nia. They left
son. Dr. R. W.
Murray, on the
y that wiil take
at E-'.-icn. Colcj-
Cars count v folk? exr
t'rw da; ;. he:e another ri
; eve r sho was."
j The owners find it impossible to
Impend the necessary cash to put the
j schooner in nuing shape to meet
the challenge of Capt. Urn Pine's
banker. Gertrude L. Thibaud.
The New England skipper had
suggested a race as a feature cf the
AYo lid's Fair at New York.
'. The pepper" Walters said:
"There's nothing I'd like better
than to fchow thooe lada up in Glou
cester that the Eiuenose can still
; remain ehan.v.ion of International
Picture of the pelvic bone. and w;: i are waiting to tronhv contest."
Thr ee Day Eun to Los Angeles
Meredith Weddell. who has a po
sition in Lincoln, was given a. two
weeks, layoff at the beginning of the
new year, and with his sister. Miss
lone, and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Ed
gar, decided to make a trip to Los
.'ngeles, spending as much of the
vacation time as possible on the west
toast. Leaving at five o'clock in the
rooming, and being delayed by a
fiat tire at Chester. Nebr., they ar
rived at Amarillo, Texas, at six that
Select Henry B. Backemeyer.
The board for appointment of a
member to fill the vacancy occasion
ed by the resignation of Fred Gorder
as commissioner from the third dis
trict, composed of the county clehk,
county treasurer and county attor
ney, have appointed Henry C. Backe
meyer to the position. This is an
excellent choice. Mr. Backemeyer
will make a good commissioner.
BOSTON (UP) Captain Pana
ghis Anghclis of the Greek tramp
steamer Odysseus is one of the great
est bookworms afloat.
"I'd as soon go to sea without a
compass as I would without a set of
Dickens," he says.
A ships master for 23 of his -13
learn something else."
Jack returned to his reading:
Few people know 'now to
brush their teth properly. Im
proper brushing not only fails
to clean the teeth, but it may
actually injure the teeth and
gums. Never brush the teeth
with a side to side motion, as
this method may push the gums
away from the necks of the
teeth and expose the tooth
roots. It is a good plan to brush
the upper teeth and the lower
teeth separately. In brushing
the upper teeth, hold the mouth
slightly open and place the bris
tles of the brush on the gums
above- the necks of the upper
left molar teeth. Sweep the bris
tles cf the brush downward
over tb.e gums and the teeth
toward their chewing surfaces.
This movement should be re-peate-d
at least ten times so that
the cheek surfaces of the upper
molar teeth are thoroughly
brushed. Then move the brush
forward and repeat this action
over the bicuspids and cuspid.
Then place the bristles of the
brush on the gums over the
upper front teeth and with a
rolling motion sweep the brush
downward from the gums to the
biting edges. This should be re
peated at least ten times. Next
brush the outside surfaces of
the upper right molars and bi
cuspid teeth just as you brush
ed thcse em. the opposite side.
Brush the inside surfaces of
the teeth as well as their out
side suriaces. In brushing the
inside surfaces ef the upper
back teeth, place the bristles
cf the brush well up on the
palate and sweep them down
ward over the necks of the teeth
to the biting surface. The best
way to brush the inside sur
faces of the upper front teeth
is to place the brush lengthwise
in the mouth and draw the bris
tles downward and forward at
least ten times.
The tepth in the lower jaw
should be brushed in the same
manner r.s those in the upper
jaw except that the bristles ef
the brush should be swept up
ward over the necks of the.teeth
instead ef downward.
DO NOT FAIL to" brush the
chewing surfaces of the teeth.
Place the bristles of the brush
firmly on the chewing surfaces
of the teeth and vigorously
"shimmy" the brush backward,
forward and sidewise. This will
help remove any bits of feiod
that may have been crushed in
to the deep groves.
After brushing the teeth, the
mouth, should be thoroughly
rinsed. Force the rinsing solu
tion (plain water is effective)
back and forth between the
teeih for four or five seconds.
This will remove any remaining
food particles that have been
locsencd by the brush.
(To be Continued)
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew V. Stander
and Mike Sheehan drove to Omaha
last Mcudav and brir.ght Mrs. Shee
han and the baby home with them, j
They had been at St. Joseph hospital .
since the birth of the son. Mrs. She-e- '
ban and the baby have been getting:
along line since their arrival home, j
John Kelly and George Rau went j
at Beatrice for a lew days' visit j
with Rev. Patrick Dane, who was.
'parish priest of the Catholic church
j bin the balance of thaf day and Sun
Miss Bertha TeSelle. a teacher in
the Avoca schools, returned Sunday
c ve-ning from her holiday vacation
:pcr;t with her parents at Firth,
Neb: af ka.
Mis Clara Rohlfsz is assisting with
the care of Mrs. Carl O. Zasier since
her ic-turn from the hospital and
also looking after the housework at
the Zaiser home.
atth.ew Midkiff and family, Oscar
UiiikifT and family and Earl Free
man and family were guests last
j Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
i Ed Midkiff at Union,
j Edward Shackley and daughter,
j Mueller., visited at the home of Mr.
j and Mrs. Charles Pe nterman, at
; Northbora. owa, Sunday. Mri-. Peii
. terman is also a daughter of Mr.
i Shackley.
J Last Thursday evening, following
i the regular choir practice at the
home of Rev. and Mrs. Hall, the
; choir members enjoyed a social hour
i together. Such a go ,d time was had
' that they decided to continue the
!pra'tice in the future.
Charlene- Maseman. daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Maseman, was
a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
George Maseman in Lincoln several
days during the past week. Sunday
of years. They
her brother John accompanied by
! Norman S liultz went to Lincoln and
i . . . . , , i t.rougnt ner nome.
j enjoyed a fine v:sit with Father;
! Harte. and on their return John; D"- J- v'- Landed and Carl O.
Kelly left for Atchison, where he is;ZiJr v'Ilt to Omaha Sunday to
!a student at Duschean college. bring Mrs. Zaiser home from the
hospital after her recent operation.
Thev found her feeling much im-
Injured Hand Improving;
Wiliiara La'i. who suffered an in
jury to one of his hands when he
gut it too elese to a revolving buzz
proved and since her return home
she has continued to gain, which
! will be good news to her friends.
the flesh torn from; Ha rry Gobelman. wife and son and
fingers and the bones hIr :- A:!Ea Everett of Union spent
scratched, is getting along verv well i unai'-v as guests at the nome of Mrs.
considering the severitv of his in-Katl-cl Everett, daughter Leona and
juries. Mr. Lau stands a good chance j Fon ilas- Mrs- Everett's sister. Mrs.
now of complete recoverv and hav- Edwin Terrell and husband were also
sa w,
o; his
iu a
ood portion
Kany Attend Hurray Meeting1
There were many of the farmers
from the vicinity of Manley at the
meeting of farmers which was held
in Murray last Tuesday to discuss
pending farm legislation now before
congress. Among those who went
were Jc'nn C. Rauth and son. Her-
nee nan
Roy Stein-
kamp, Walter O'Brien and Harold
Schliefert. While they had hoped to
hear a discussion of the pending
legislation, there was a great deal of
irrelevant talk, and after three hours
spent in listening to tb.e various
speakers. the meeting adjourned
without taking any decided action.
. . i. ii ... i .i
of his hand Still j a enjo-ci me gei
j toge'her occasion at the beginning of
I the Ne w Year.
J Hans Kokjer, a nephew of J. M.
I Kokjer. together with his wife and
I son Ty Kokjer, of Soo' tsblufl. were
, brief visitors at the J. M. Kokjer
, home last Monday, while en route to
I Kansas City, where Hans was to
; resume his work after having been
I home over the holidays. The wife
iand 5-i!i. after a brief visit in Kan
, sas City, have returned to their
:omc in bcottsbluu.
Eoyal Neighbors Install
The members of the Royal Neigh
bors lodge of Manle-y held a covered
dish luncheon at the home of Mrs.
Alice Jenkins and following the din-
Eeceived Severe Injury
Uncle I'eter Jourgeson suffered a
fall during the time the sleet cover
ed the streets and walks, resulting
in the fracture of his right shoulder.
We are glad to report he is recover
ing from the injury.
Entertained Guests
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCann had
:s guests at their New Year's dav
izens of Ml. Vernon last Nov. 2 voted
out 3." beer. But the new law said
nothing about C per cent beer. So
vears he fluently sneaks, Greek, Eng-!Mrs. Ruth Oceanbine kept right on
ne r they wt-nt in a body to the hall. dinne r Alvin Bassett and family and
where they proceded to induct into ; Harvc y Abker and family of Syra
office the various officers who were ''U and Bud Greenrod and family,
elected recently. Visiting members The following day they entertained
from the lodges at Alvo. Louisville ' thc Grt-enrod family and Fr, d Ruhge
and Weeping Water were present.
and family at Sunday dinner.
Enicved Tanpo Partv i r,eu' iears ml' Quests
The ladies of the St. Patrick's Guests at the home of Mr. and
Catholic church sponsored a succe:o- Mrs. H. H. Marquardt c n New Year'3
ful Tango party Tuesday evening at, day included Miss Selma Marcjuardt,
the Manley hall. Refreshments fed-; of Omaha; Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Bren the playing of this fascinat - el el, and Fred Marcpiardt. wife and
ing gamo. Special awards went to. little daughter. Miss Selma wa
Theodore Harms and Mrs. John A. taken back to Omaha by Dr. J. W.
Brendel and wife.
!ish, French, Italian, Spanish end
selling beer 6 per cent. Villagers
were irked. So they held a special
election. The second time, not only
PASSES EONE DEY LAW i were ruled out
j Mrs. Oceanbine
MT. VERNON, O. (UP) The cit-jbeer.
but all terras of intoxicants
stopped selling
Pinochb Club Heeis i
The F. I). R. pinochle club met at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Bergman lust Sunday. High score
prizes went to Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Moekenhaupt. consolation prizes to
Harry Hans and Mrs. John C". Rauth.1
Besides the regular members of the
club. Mrs. Davis and Miss Teresa
Rauth were present as guests. De-'
licious refreshments were served at)
the close cf the evening. I
Subscribe for the journal. 1
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