MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1938. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI -WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE POUR Your Garden Will Surely Have Color All Year Round If You Plant These Does your garden have "off" months? That needn't happen if you follow the few simple rules and the plant list developed by the well known horticulturist, P. F. Rockwell, and revealed by him in McCall's for February: "If you like color to succeed color in your garden as the months march by here is an easy way to bring it to your beds and borders: ' Choose one group of sure-flowering plants for each blooming season; let these be real dependables, the ones that can be counted on to give bloom and color in spite of weather, bugs or blights. Then plant these in suf ficient numbers to make a show, no matter what happens to the rest of the garden, and nil in with other plants as you like. "Start the parade in spring with orange tulips; next come deep red peonies and then blue iris, Fhlox in the lavender shades herald summer, followed by blue asters, and finally yellow chrysanthemums flaunt their banners until Autumn. You may choose other equally hardy flowers in other shades for your standard bear ers, but you will want to draw on three types of plants bulbs, peren nials and annuals; perennials chiefly, with bulbs and annuals to fill out i the color season. 'Your bulbs, planted last fall, are already in the ground, but put down i:i your notebook for next year, Feb ruary Gold, a charming new hybrid . . t - , sometimes, m sheltered spots, in ruary. And note. too. other new daf- fodils with flaming, orange-red cups. OveHnnninir the late daffodils, and , setting your color for spring, come the tulips. The orange De Wet might be your choice for dependable color; or Grenadier, or the new species hybrid. Red Emperor. "Three flowers to carry on after the tulips have furled their colors are peonies, irises and. Oriental poppies. Of the peonies. I like Singles and Japs better than the big doubles, but all are impressive. Tall Bearded Iris, with an almost inexhaustible color range is. al! things considered, our most satisfactory and dependable hardy border flower. Field-grown clumps from a local nursery, set out in spring will flower the first year. The Oriental poppies in red or flame or in apricot, pink or white might be substituted as your feature flower. "As a color stand-by for mid summer, the hardy phlox (Phlox decussata) stands unequalled. The color range is almost unlimited, and a dozen good sorts will give a long season of bloom. The early white Miss Lingard, repeats in the fall. Miss Yerblom is a new rose-pink form of this old favorite. Consider also for your midsummer color the mod ern lupines and daylilies (Homerocal lis). The hardy lupines grow to 3 or 4 feet, with giant pointed spikes in blue, pink, rose and white. The daylilies are rock hardy. I consider Hyperion the finest I have grown. "The new Dwarf Hardy Asters and the Hybrid Korean Chrysanthe mums end the season in glory. The Korean 'mums, in bright, vivid tones and clean pastel shades, are the great est contribution to the hardy border in a decade. The asters are mostly blues, lavenders and pinks. Aster fri karti is a new blue, flowering from mid-August to mid-October. "Th." above are color leaders. Once you have made your choice from among them, fill in in the spring with creeping Basket of Gold, the hardy Alyssum. in lemon yellow, and with Mountain rink; later with Cali fornia poppies, marigolds, larkspur, cosmos, verbenas and dwarf zin nias; with gallardia and coreopis; and for season's end calendulas the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow." J f) MONEY 1uM SAVING j 3pth i III mw$B&$m I 4 At Your Drug Store f BOWLING NOTES A meeting was held Thursday night and a business men's league was organized. The officers are Chas. Waters president and Rex York, sec retary. There are four teams in the new league. Waters Barber shop, Gamble's store, Plattsmouth Laundry, Sharpnack's Liquor store. They will bowl starting next Thursday night. A very nice league was organized and started their first night Friday night. There are four teams and it is a church league which is composed of four churches, the Presbyterian, Christian, Catholic and the Methodist. The Christians wen all three games from the Methodists and the Catholics won all three games from the Pres byterian. No handicap was used to start, as an average had to be estab lished. But look out next week, someone is going the give someone a real handicap, as averages on some teams went plenty high. There is a lot of interest in these two new leagues and we all look for a time and some real bowling. good Presbyterian 1st 2nd 3rd T . 131 157 12S 416 . 120 133 93 346 . 151 145 140 436 122 147 74 343 . 104 137 131 372 62S 719 566 1913 1st 2nd 3rd T . 164 136 109 4S9 . 102 169 102 373 . 175 172 179 526 . 1S1 152 114 447 75 172 133 3S0 697 SOI 717 2215 Ofe Keil Shanholtz Wurl Olson Catholic I Kennedy . eD-iitak j nay i0urne Ault Swoboda-Kyan Methodist 1st Bowman 116 2nd 155 9S 200 9 9 175 3rd 133 150 191 66 113 T 404 34S 552 263 400 York 100 I Westover 161 iCapwell 9S i Rhodes 112 597 1st 163 13S 167 134 134 :7 653 1967 Christian B. McClanahan A. McClanahan Ed. Thimgan Clvde Graves Keck 2nd 1S7 153 13S 157 174 3rd 175 106 164 124 23S T 525 457 4 69 415 546 736 S09 S67 2412 ARMS SALES DROP WASHINGTON. Jan. S (UP) American sales of arms, ammunition and implements of war dropped sharply during December from an average of approximately $6,000,000 a month to less than $2,000,000. The figures for licenses granted by the arms control office of the state department for December made public today showed the total value of such licenses in all counties was $1,930,747. Sales to China fell to $290,632, chiefly machine guns, hand grenades and explosives. Japan purchased one military air plane at $250,000. PREPARE TO DEFEND HANKOW HANKOW, China, Jan. S (UP) Chinese women soldiers entered the temporary capital today vowing to fight for their country against the Japanese to the end. The girls, numbering 150 com prised half of a battalion of 300 stu dent soldiers from Kwangsi, the only fighting unit composed entirely of university and middle school stu dents to enter the war so far. The other 150 members are youths. The women were said to have been fully trained for fighting. Whether your printing Job Is large or small, it will receive our prompt attention. Call No. 6. Alvo News Mrs. S. C. Boyles is again on the sick list. Friends hope that she will soon be better. Mrs. Frisbie of Elmwood is help ing at the Boyles home while Mrs. Boyles is ill. Miss Wallace, of Lincoln, sister of Rev. Ben Wallace, spent the week end at the Wallace home. Russell Bornemeier of Lincoln was home over Sunday. Russell had charge of the Men's Sunday school class Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Banning, of Union, spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. John Banning. Mr. W. B. Banning was a speaker at the fann ers' meeting held here that day. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Copple and Lee enjoyed a delightful trip to Kan sas City Thursday. They returned home Saturday. They reported hav ing seen considerable mud on tbeir trip. Mrs. Een Wallace and baby daugh ter returned home Saturday from the Bryan Memorial hospital in Lin coln. Mother and baby are getting along very well and friends are pleased to have Mrs. Wallace back home again. School Re-Opens After a week and a day holiday vacation, the faculty members and students of the Alvo schools resumed their duties again Monday. Plan to Provide Kittenball Field The Aid Society voted to donate $20 toward equipping a kittenball field to provide a place of recreation for the children and young people. The Brotherhood plans to sponsor the project. Ladies Aid Meeting The Ladies Aid society was en tertained at the home of Mrs. A. B. Stroemer Wednesday afternoon, with Mesdames Arthur Skinner and Dick Elliott assisting. Mrs. Ben Muenchau. the presi- dent, bad charge of the business and I devotional part of the meeting. A! large crowd was present to enjoy a very pleasant afternoon. The hostesses served a very de licious lunch at the close of the af ternoon. Farmers Hold Meeting Here Cass county farmers held a meet ing at the park Wednesday for the purpose of discussing pending farm legislation. Before adjournment of the meeting they voted two to one against the incorporation of com pulsory features in the farm pro gram. The meeting was kept very orderly in spite of the long discus sions and arguments. This was one of three meetings held in Cass county, the first at Mur ray on Tuesday, the second here and the third at Weeping Water Thurs day. Hostess to Reading Club Mrs. Banning was hostess to the Alvo Woman's Reading club, when they met at her home for a one o'clock luncheon . Tuesday after noon. A large crowd was present. Mrs. Simon Rehmeier and Mrs. Edgar Edwards and Allen of Lincoln were guests. Mrs. Carl D. Ganz held the in terest of the club ladies with a cleverly given book review. Mrs. A. 1). Stroemer had charge of a picture study which was most interesting. Golden Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Boyles cele brated their golden wedding anni versary at their home in Alvo on Wednesday, December 22. They were married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Skiles, pioneer settlers of Cass county. Their honeymoon was spent with cousins in Glenwood, Iowa. Mr. Boyles came to Nebraska from Iowa in 1S7S. He has been active in the Farmers and Merchants Bank in Help Them Cleanse the Blood of Harmful Body Waste Your kidneys are constantly filtering1 vaste matter from the blood stream. But kidneys sometimes lag In their work do rot act as Nature Intended fall to re move Impurities that, if retained, may oison the system and upset the whole ody machinery. Symptoms may be nagging backache, persistent headache, attacks of dizziness, getting up nights, swelling, puffineas under the eyes a feeling of nervous anxiety and loss of pep and strength. Other signs of kidney or bladder dis order may be burning, scanty or tow frequent urination. There should be no doubt that prompt treatment is wiser than neglect. Ua Doan't Pill. Voan'a have been winning new friends for more than forty years. They ha-ve a nation-wide reputation. Are recommended by grateful people th country over. Atk your urigkborX Alvo since its organization in 1901. A family dinner was given at the home of . Mr. and Mrs. Carl D. Ganz. Mrs. Ganz is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Boyles. About one hundred and fifty guests called at the Boyles home during the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Boyles, Mr. and Mrs. Carl D. Ganz and sons James and Charles were in the receiving line. Mrs. Dale S. Boyles invited the guests into the dining room, where the table was beautifully decorated with a gold and white wedding cake and gold tapers. Pouring the first hour were Mrs. C. M. Sidles and Mrs. Clyde Boyles and during the second hour, Mrs. C. M. Keefer and Clara Skiles Prouty. Assisting in the serving were Mrs. Roy Cole, Mrs. Godfrey Samuelson and Miss Mar garet Jo Prouty. Miss Ruth Ann Ganz was in charge of the guest book. During the evening Dale Boyles Ganz sang groups of songs, accom panied by Ruth Ann Ganz. Those who attended the wedding fifty years ago and were present at the reception were Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Boyles, Clyde Boyles, Charles M. Skiles. Mrs. M. C. Keifer and Clara Skiles Prouty. Friends attended the reception from Plattsmouth. Elmwood. Eagle, Murdock. Greenwood, Lincoln, Om aha and Glenwood, Iowa. Miss Blanche Rueter Married Relatives and friends have been informed of the marriage of Miss Blanche Rueter an Alvo girl to Mr. William Dewey Moore of Cedar Creek. The wedding took place at Plattsmouth on Wednesday. The couple were attended by Mr. and Mrs. George Schmader. Mr. and Mrs. Moore will live on a farm south of Cedar Creek. This couple has the best wishes of their many friends. COMPLAINT ABOUT WEATHER NOT OF MARK TWAIN ORIGIN ST. LOUIS (UP) But for one reason the remark. 'Everybody com plains about the weather, but no body ever does anything about it," might be considered Mark Twain's most familiar quote he never said it. Cyril Clemens, nephew of the fa mous humorist and president of the International Mark Twain society, said he had done research on the quotation and found that Charles Dudley Warner was its author. Warner, a neighbor of Twain's at Hartford. Conn., and who collabor ated with the humorist in writing "The Gilded Age," was a staff mem ber of the Hartford Press and Cour ant. The line about the weather ap peared in an editorial written by Warner in 1S90, according to Clem ens. TO AID LABORATORIES WASHINGTON, Jan. 8 (UP) Senate and house conferees on the farm bill today adopted, a provision authorizing expenditure of $4,000. 000 for four new laboratories to de velop new uses for agricultural prod ucts. Senator James P. Pope, D. Idaho, said that suggestions of Henry Ford concerning development of new uses for farm products to consume sur pluses were discussed. NOTICE OF REFEREE'S SALE In the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska Carl Sutton, 1 Plaintiff j vs. 1 y Ruth Becbtel. et al, Defendants J Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of a decree of the Dis trict Court of Cass County. Nebras ka, entered in the above entitled cause on the first, day of December. 1037. and an order of sale entered by said Court on the first day of De cember. 1037. the undersigned Ref eree will on the 22nd day of Janu ary, 193S, at 2:00 o'clock p. m. at the front doer of the Farmers and Merchants Bank. Alvo. Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, the following described real estate, to-wit: Southwest quarter of Section 2S, Township 11, North, Range 9 and West half of the northwest quarter of Section 33, Township 11, North, Range 9, all in Cas3 county, Nebraska upon the following terms: Ten per cent of bid in cash on date of sale, balance in cash upon confirma tion of sale and delivery of referee's deed of land free from encumbrance except lease on said lands to Febru ary 2S, 1939, with 193S rentals to be assigned to purchaser. Abstract to be furnished purchaser showing merchantable title. "Said sale will be held open for one hour. Dated this 10th day of December, 1937. W. L. DWYER, Referee. CARL D. GANZ. Attorney. d20-5w ONLY ESKIMO UNDERSTOOD BY PRIZE RABBIT DOG VINEYARD HAVEN, Mass. (UP) When Harty Bodfish wants a rab bit pie, he merely goes for a stroll in the woods with his Eskimo dog. The dog will dart into underbrush emerge a few moments later with a rabbit, and surrender the prize to Bodfish. Bodfish speaks to the dog in Es kimo lingo the only language it understands. Phono news items to IMo. . NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Comity Court of Cass Comi ty, Nebraska. To the creditors of the estate of Henrietta Lawton, deceased. No. . ) - 1 . . Take notice that the time limited for the filing and presentation of claims against said estate is May 9, 1908: that a hearing will be had at the County Court room in Platts mouth on May 13. 193S, at ten o'clock a. m., for the purpose of examining, hearing, allowing and adjusting all claims or objections duly filed. Dated January 7. 1938. A. H. DUXBURY, (Seal) jl0-3w County Judge. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Comity Court of Cass Coun ty, Nebraska. To the creditors of the estate of Henry Greer, deceased. No. 3307: Take notice that the time limited for the tiling and presentation of claims atainst said estate is May 2, 193S; that a hearing will be had at the County Court room in Platts mouth on May 6. 193S, at ten o'clock a. in., for the purpose of examining, hearing, allowing and adjusting all claims or objections duly filed. Dated December 31. if37. A. H. DUXBURY. (Seal) j3-3w County Judge. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT In the Comity Court of Cass Coun tj, Nctirfka. To all persons interested in the estate of Georre P. Meisinger, de ceased. No. 3274: Take notice that the Executrix of said estate has filed her linal report and a petition for examination and allowance of her administration ac counts, determination of heirship, as signment of residue of said estate and for her discharge; that said peti tion an:! report will be heard be fore said Court on January 21, 193S, at ten o'clock a. m. Dated December 20, 1937. A. H. DUXBURY, (Seal) d27-3w County Judge. REFEREE'S SALE In the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska Laura Etta Hendee, Plaintiff, i Fred McEIvain. et al, Defendants. Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of a decree of the Dis trict Court of Cass County. Nebras ka, entered in the above entitled cause on the 20th day of December, 1937, and an order of sale, entered on the 31st day of December, 1937, the Sole Referee will on the 7th day of February, 193S, at 11:00 o'clock a. in., at the South door of the Court House in Plattsmouth. in Cass Coun ty, Nebraska, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, that is to say 10r; on the day of sale and the balance when said sale shall be con finned by the court, the following described real estate, to-wit: Lot 1 in Stadelinan', Out lots in the NW'i of the NEU of Section 30, and also Lot 30, In the SWVi of the SEU of Section 13, all in Township 12. Range 13. East of the Cth P. M.. in Cass County, Nebraska. Sale will be held open for one hour. Dated this 3rd day of January, 1 9 3 S. WALTER H. SMITH, Sole Referee. A. L. TIDD. Attorney for Plaintiff. j3-5W NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT In the Matter of the Trusteeship of the Estate of William H. Newell, deceased. Trusteeship No. S3.r. hi the Comity Court of Cass Comity, Nebraska. To all persons interested in the above entitled matter: You and each of you are hereby notified that W. A. Robertson, Trus tee under the terms of the last will and testament of William 1 1. Newell, deceased, has this date filed a peti tion in this Court alleging that he has completed the trust created under said last will and testament and that said trusteeship proceedings should be terminated, and praying for ap proval of his final report herein filed on December , 1937, together with nil prior reports herein filed, and for an order of Court distributing the remainder of the property now in his possession or under his control as trustee of said last will and testa ment, and for his discharge; You are further notified that a hearing will be had upon said peti tion together with all reports of said trustee before this Court on January 21, 193S, at the hour of ten o'clock a. m. All objections to the allowance of said reports and the granting of the prayer of said petition should be filed in this Court on or before said hour and date of hearing. Dated this 30th day of December, 193 7 A. H. DUXBURY. (Seal) j3-3w County Judge. SHERIFF'S SALE State of Nebraska Count 1 of Cass 8. P.y virtue of an Order of Rale Issued by C. E. Ledg wy, Clerk of the District Court with- ! in and for Cass County, Nebraska, and to me directed, I will on the 22nd day of January A. D. 1938, at 10 o'clock a. in. of said day at the South front door of the Courthouse, at Plattsmouth, Nebraska In said County, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the follow ing real estate to-wlt: Lots 12, 16 and 17 except the West 50 feet in a parallelogram of Lot 17 and a strip of land 13 feet wide along the south side of Lot 17, all in the South west Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 31. Town ship 12 North, Range 9, East of the 6th P. M., in Cass County, Nebraska and Lots 25, 26, 27, 28, 37, 38. 39 and 40, situated in Jones' Second Addition to the Village of Greenwood, Cass County, Nebraska; The same being levied upon and taken as the property of Fanny Sayles, a widow, et al, Defendants, to satisfy a judgment of said Court recovertil by Carrie M. Armstrong, Plaintiff against said Defendants. Plattsmouth. Nebraska, December 13, A. 1). 1937. H. SYLVESTER. Sheriff Cass County, dl6-5w Nebraska. NOTICE OF SUIT TO QUIET TITLE In the District Court of the County of Cass, Nebraska Carrie J. Kalasek, Plaintiff I vs. Joseph Harper, et al. Defendants NOTICE To the Defendants: Joseph Harper, Jane A. Harper, John W. Young. Mrs. John W. Young, first real name unknown; John W. Marshall, Mrs. John W. Marshall, first real name unknown; W. R. Cranney. first real name un known; Mrs. W. R. Cranney. first real name unknown; Margaret M. Marshall. Marshall, first real name unknown, husband of Margaret M. Marshall; William II. Harper. Mrs. William H. Harper, first real name unknown; Robert T. Maxwell, Mrs. Robert T. Maxwell, first real name unknown; William Stadel mann. Mrs. William , Stadelmann. first real name unknown; Samuel U. Hitt. Mrs. Samuel Y. Hitt, first real name unknown; William H. Martin. Mrs. William II. Martin, first real name unknown; Sallie Wright, Nellie Wright, Emma Wright. Allie Wright, John Wright, Alice S. Lauhead, John Lauhead, Alice S. Lawhead. John Lawhead, Lewelly Moore, Mrs. Lewelly Moore, first real name unknown; A. W. Osborn. first real name unknown, Anna Osborn; the heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the estates of Joseph Harper, Jane A. Harper. John W. Young. Mrs. John W. Young, first real name un known: John W. Marshall. Mrs. John W. Marshall, first real name unknown: W. R. Cranney. fust real name unknown. Mrs. W. R. Cranney. first real name unknown; Margaret M. Marshall. Marshall, first real name unknown, husband of Margaret M. Marshall. William II. Harper. Mrs. William II. Harper, first real name unknown; Robert T. Maxwell. Mrs. Robert T. Maxwell, first real name unknown; William Stadelmann, Mrs. William Stadel mann. first real name unknown; Samuel U. Hitt; Mrs. Samuel U. Hitt, first real name unknown; Wil liam H. Martin. Mrs. William II. Martin, first real name unknown. Sallie Wright, Nellie Wright. Emma Wright. Allie Wright. John Wright, Alice S. Lauhead. John Lauhead, Alice S. Lawhead, John Lawhead, Lewelly Moore, Mrs. Lewelly Moore, first real name unknown; A. W. Osborn. first real name unknown, Anna Osborn. John D. Tutt, Maggie Tut t . and Sabina Wright, each de ceased, real names unknown, and all persons having or claiming any in terest in and to Lots seven (7), (7). eight (S mid sixty-seven (G7), in the northeast quarter (NEU ) of the northwest quarter (.WV'i) of Section thirteen (13), Township twelve (12), north. Range thirteen (13), east of the 6th P. M., in the City of Plattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska, real names unknown: You and each of you are hereby notified that Carrie J. Kalasek, the plaintiff, filed a petition and com menced an action in the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska, on December 31, 1937. against you and each of you; the object, purpose and prayer of which is to obtain a decree of court quieting the title to Lots seven (7), eight (8), and sixty seven (67), in the northeast quar ter (NE'i) f the northwest quar ter (NW'i) of Section thirteen (13). Township twelve (12), north, Range thirteen (13), cast of the 0th P. M.. in the City of Platts mouth. Cass county, Nebraska, and for equitable relief. You and each of you are further notified that you are required to answer said petition on or before Monday, the 21st day of February, 1938. or the allegations contained in raid petition will bo taken as true and a decree rendered in favor of plaintiff and against you and each of you according to the prayer of said petition. Dated this 4th day of January, 193S. CARRIE J. KALASEK, Plaintiff. J. HOWARD DAVIS and W. A. ROBERTSON, Attorneys lor Plaintiff. jlO-lw Daily Journal,, 15c per week. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION In the County Court of Cass Coun ty, Nebraska. To all persons interested in the estate of Clara Mumra Twiss, de ceased. No, 3 317: Take notice that a petition has been filed praying for administration of said estate and appointment of George It. Mumm as Administrator; that said petition has been set for hearing before said Court on the 2Sth day of January, 1938, at ten o'clock a. m. Dated December 30. 1937. A. II. DUXBURY, (Seal) J3-3w County Judge. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Board of Educational Lands and Funds or its authorized representa tive will offer for lease at public auc tion nn the 2Sth day of January, 1938. at 2:00 o'clock p. rn., at the office of the County Treasurer of Cass county, in Plattsmouth, Nebras ka, the following educational land3 within Cass county, upon which the contract of sale or lease has been forfeited or canceled. At the same I time and place, all movable improve ments on such lands will be sold at public auction. Said public auction is to be held open one hour. The. right to redeem the within described lands ceases to exist upon the com pletion of this advertisement. Descript ion -ee. Twp. Rge. NW'iNEU 36 10 10 LEO N. SWANSON. Commissioner of Public Lands and Buildings. d2 7-3w NOTICE OF HEARING In the County Court of Cass Coun ty, Nc?raska. To all persons interested in the matter of the Trusteeship of the Estate of Caroline Williams, deceas ed: You and each of you are hereby notified that a hearing will be had before the County Court of Cass County, Nebraska, in the court house at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, on all re ports filed in this court by C. H. Longacre and Augusta Longacre, trustees under the last will and tes tament of Caroline Williams, de ceased, on January 22, 193S, at the hour of ten o'clock a. m., al which time the Court will examine all re ports of said trustees, covering 'the period of time from January 7, 1935, to and including the date of the filing of the sixth annual report herein, namely December 20. 1937, with a view of passing upon the cor rectness of the same. All objections, if any, to said reports must be made on or before the day and hour of said hearing. Dated this 20th day of December, A. D. 1937. By the Court. A. H. DUXBURY. (Seal) d27-3w County Judge. SHERIFF'S SALE State of Nebraska j- ss. Cass County J By virtue of an execution issued by C E. Ledgway, Clerk of the District Court within and for Cass County, Nebraska, and to me directed, I will on the 29th day of January A. D. 193S, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day at the South Front Door of the Court House in the City of Plattsmouth in said County, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the following real estate, to-wit: South y2 of Southeast U of Sec. 15, Township 11 North, Range 13, East of the 6th P. M. in Cass county, Nebraska, except 3 910 acres deeded to David J. Pitman; The same being levied upon and taken as the property of Albert A. Young, et al., Defendants, to satisfy a judgment of said Court recovered by Fred T. Ramge, Trustee, Plaintiff against said Defendants. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, Dec. 22, A. D. 1937. II. SYLVESTER, Sheriff Cass County, d23-5w Nebraska NOTICE OF REFEREE S SALE In the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska John Bond, et al, Plaintiffs, vs. NOTICE John Bond in his Capacity as Guardian, et al, Defendants Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of a decree of the Dis trict Court of Cass County. Nebraska, entered in the above entitled cause on the 17th day of November. 1937. and an order of sale entered by said Court on the 14th day of December, 1937, the undersigned solo referee will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, on the 4th day of February, 193S, at 10:00 a. m., at ttie south front door ot the court house, in the Citv of Platts mouth. Cass county, Nebraska, the lollowing described real estate, to wit: The west half of the north east quarter, and the west half of the southeast quarter of Sec tion 33, Township lo. North of Range 12, East of the 6th P. M., Cass county. Nebraska. Abstract will be furnished and prs session of said real estate given Maxell 1. 193S; 10 per cent of the amount of the bid to be paid at the time of sale and balance on con firmation. Dated this 3rd day of January, 19 3 S. W. A. ROBERTSON, Sole Referee. J. A. CAPWELL. Attorney. j3-3w